
  • Competitor opening nearby?

    Cue spiking stress, nagging worries and the heavy weight of dread.

    But, my friend, let’s adopt a healthier approach. Competitors are a given, so get a go-to game plan to keep your studio – and your mindset – thriving. Trust someone who’s been there, as Coach Catherine shares top tips in Episode 627, How to Deal with Competitors Opening.

    How to go on offense:

    Flip the script: instead of a threat, consider competitors an opportunity to grow

    Do your homework: research your competitors' positioning, pricing and promotions

    Bypass the price war: know your worth and refuse to undercut your value

    Brag better: revisit marketing strategies and reinforce your unique selling points

    Nurture your peeps: seek feedback, enhance client service and love on your team

    Keep in mind that competition is healthy and can make your studio even stronger. Replace the “what-ifs” with an optimistic outlook in Episode 627.

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Think about Nike, Skechers and OOFOS. What comes to mind for each? They’re all shoes, but their brands are recognizably distinct.

    That, y’all, is brand positioning. And you need it to differentiate your studio in a crowded market and in the minds of your clients and prospects. Coach Elle breaks the process down in Episode 626, The 3 Pillars of Brand Positioning.

    Here’s a sneak peek:

    Dive deep: research and really get to know your audience and ideal client avatar

    Learn the landscape: analyze your competitors' client journeys, strengths and weaknesses

    Define and differentiate: communicate consistently what sets your studio apart

    Cultivate creativity: seek inspiration from other brands and unleash your imagination

    Execute effectively: intentionally incorporate your brand positioning into everything

    Your brand positioning must make it clear why a person should choose you. This influences buying decisions more than anything else. Uncover how to craft your competitive edge in Episode 626.

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Juggling endless responsibilities, boutique fitness studio owners have taken multitasking to Herculean levels to maximize productivity. Sound familiar?

    Want to automate more tasks to win back some time? Tune in to Episode 625, Boosting Studio Growth with Momence, to get the scoop from Coach Caroline and Vojta Dramota, the CEO of Momence, an all-in-one software platform that helps you stress less.

    Some need-to-knows:

    Comprehensive consolidation: CRM, booking, communications, reporting and more

    Marketing magic: sequences, automations, customizable templates, email and SMS

    Legit lead management: synced to sequences, ads and web chat conversations

    Client journeys captured: visual data and reports from initial contact to member

    Better bookkeeping: revenue categorization, income statements and easy integrations

    We get it – transitioning to new software is a big undertaking. With Momence, get a Studio Grow discount and no downtime. Find out more in Episode 625 and at www.momence.com.

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Your brand is your essence. Your differentiator. Your image.

    More than your name, logo or colors, your brand defines your studio and compels an emotional connection.

    So whether you’re opening a studio or need a refresh, be intentional about crafting your brand. Coach Elle (who also happens to be a designer!) guides you through the practical process in Episode 624, Building Your Brand on a Budget.

    Top takeaways:

    Do your homework: research brands and brainstorm keywords for your target market

    Color your world: know the 101 on color psychology and physiology

    Enjoy free play: capitalize on Pinterest, Canva, Coolers and stock images

    Go pro: hire a designer and share specific directions and details for best results

    Define the rules: outline colors, fonts, tone of voice and more in a brand guidelines kit

    Abandon any apprehension and unleash your creativity as you literally transform your vision into reality! Jumpstart your branding journey in Episode 624.

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Ever wonder if core values are actually more than just ambitious words on paper? Does your studio really need them?

    You’re in luck, because in Episode 623, Cultivating Your Core Values as a Business, Coach Catherine and Coach Peter consider the role and worth of core values.

    Some need-to-knows:

    Rules to live by: core values set clear expectations for your team

    Brand identity: these principles differentiate your studio and define your uniqueness

    Code of honor: standards that guide your team, set boundaries and inspire behavior

    Personal pledge: core values should reflect your non-negotiables and commitment

    Coaching compass: priorities to reinforce compliance and call out performance issues

    Common core values include integrity, collaboration, timeliness, accountability, honesty, respect and more. Outlining and reinforcing your studio’s core values fosters teamwork and steers progress in the same direction.

    Cultivating your core values doesn’t have to be an overwhelming undertaking. Learn the quick play-by-play in Episode 623!

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!

  • Despite working longer and harder, do you feel like you’re on a treadmill that keeps accelerating but doesn’t let you get anywhere?

    Oh, friend, I feel you. I was you. And I can help you!

    Start with Episode 622: The Ins and Outs of Working with a Virtual Assistant. Coach Cara and Coach Lindsey get real on how hiring a VA can save your sanity and free you up to focus on the bigger picture.

    Captured in the convo:

    Ditch the delusions: lose your cape – even superheroes have the same 24 hours/ day

    Intentionally offload: maximize your VA’s productivity to minimize your overwhelm

    Invest wisely: thoroughly train (and sometimes hand-hold) to equip your VA to succeed

    Cash in on your freedom: use newfound time to strategize and build the business

    Check out: get a haircut, take a day off or actually enjoy a real vacation

    As Lindsey points out, “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything!” A VA gives you more mental space and time to work on the business, rather than in the business. Discover how to capitalize on this game-changer in Episode 622!

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Ever feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall when it comes to marketing? And that your leads pile up in a tangled jumble across your CRM, Google spreadsheets and sticky notes?

    Not exactly strategic. There is a better way.

    Join Coach Peter and Coach Elle as they lay out key learnings about leads In Episode 621: Clueless About Leads? And go from guessing to grasping. Frustrated to focused.

    On the agenda:

    Mastering Meta ads: lead forms versus landing pages. plus AB testing

    Tracking and categorizing: not all leads are the same, so sort into different buckets

    Prioritizing hot prospects: high-value leads and those most likely to convert

    The art and science of nurturing: strategic follow-up and consistent touchpoints

    Conquering conversion rates: target ranges for each lead source

    Plus, catch insights on the value of walk-ins, email marketing and one-on-one conversations.

    Y’all, leads don’t have to be a puzzle, but you need a process (and a clue!). Find them in Episode 621!

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Lots of us open studios because we’re incredibly passionate about fitness and helping others. Where we may need some help ourselves, however, is managing finances for our business.

    We got you! Y’all can learn what you don’t know. A great way to start is with Episode 620, Building Financial Strength with Billy Hofacker. Coach Caroline walks through some basics with this expert fitness money coach, who keeps it real and simple.

    Among the top-line takeaways:

    Key metrics to track: entire sales, gross sales, total revenue and cash flow

    Your root beliefs about money: overcoming a negative or fearful mindset

    Reducing expenses thoughtfully: without compromising the client experience

    Paying yourself: a non-negotiable necessity and valuing your worth

    Opening a second location: using a decision-making matrix and managing debt

    Plus, catch Billy’s inspiring backstory, which includes a “big, muscular dude with piercings everywhere and tattoos all over his face.” And embrace his no-nonsense philosophy that can prevent bad decisions. Learn more about Billy at yourfitnessmoneycoach.com.

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Opening a boutique fitness studio is exciting. Expectant. And (honestly) exhausting.

    Friend, we’ve been where you are – and learned so much along the way. So we’re sharing our expertise in my latest podcast, Episode 619, How to Open a Studio Profitably. Coach Alina breaks it down into 10 practical steps that empower you to transform your vision into reality.

    Here’s just a few::

    Crafting a robust business plan as your foundation

    Conducting market research and defining your audience

    Determining funding sources and developing your financial model

    Building a compelling brand strategy and marketing plan

    Recruiting and training a skilled team that models your values

    And that’s only half of the goodness we’re serving up in Episode 619. Tune in to get the complete roadmap – and set yourself up for sustainable success!

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • More industry intel and insights coming your way! We’re back this week with my latest podcast, Episode 617, The State of the Studio, Part 2.

    Get the skinny on kicking a 9% rolling 13-month retention rate to the curb, how to accommodate the Class Pass crowd and why you want people like my parents as your clients.

    Plus, Episode 617 is loaded with key learnings like:

    Why 6- or 12-month memberships are going to become the gold standard

    The enormous value of a robust referral program

    Marketing to GenZ via mobile, search engines and YouTube

    Your new dream client – Baby Boomers!

    What must happen in the first 8 weeks of the member journey

    Take a few minutes to expand your knowledge and reimagine what’s next for your studio. Tune in today!

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Y’all, opportunity is everywhere for boutique fitness studios. It’s such an exciting time!

    Let’s peek at the bigger picture to recognize what’s available, pursue areas of improvement and embrace what could be your best year yet.

    In my latest podcast episode, The State of the Studio, Part 1, you’ll discover:

    Industry growth projections that will make you smile

    The impact of surging interest in wellness and longevity

    How recovery services can add premium ancillary revenue

    The critical importance of the first-time visitor experience

    Why your conversion rate has to be 50% or higher this year

    Grab your headphones and listen up.

    Episode 616 is just Part 1. There’s so much more! Stay tuned for Part 2 and Part 3 in the coming weeks.

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Boundaries are back!

    We addressed the topic of boundaries recently on the podcast.

    Here we’re taking a deeper dive. Because boundaries are important, y’all.

    Get into the weeds in my latest podcast episode, A Balancing Act with Coach Cat and Peter.

    In Episode 615, Coach Cat and Coach Peter consider acknowledging and articulating your boundaries and recognizing cues that they’ve been crossed. Learn to foster a culture that embodies your boundaries and helps keep your life in balance.

    Details of the discussion:

    Learn Your Limits: Boundaries are critical for healthy relationships. Get introspective to get to know yours. Tune In: Know the signs that your boundaries have been crossed. Are you overwhelmed, resentful or indecisive? Get Comfortable with Confrontation: When a boundary is broken, address it immediately to promote understanding. Honor Your Time: Every studio owner breaks the boundary of time. Set up SOPs and org charts so you’re not on call 24/7. Communicate Your Culture: More than just some values hanging up somewhere, your code of honor should be alive and evident.

    Take home bonus tips as well in Episode 615: practice explaining your boundaries, listen to your gut instincts, get good at saying no, delegate more and prioritize your wellbeing.

    Catch you there.

    With grit and gratitude,





  • Cancer affects everyone.

    Although we may not have a diagnosis, we know people that do.

    As prevalent as cancer is, it still feels uncomfortable to discuss.

    And yet, boutique fitness studios can play a significant role in coping with cancer.

    So we’re having that important conversation in my latest podcast episode, Exercise and Cancer: Science and Guidance for Fitness Professionals.

    Sit down with Coach Cara In Episode 614 as she talks with Tom Christensen, a certified exercise physiologist and research assistant at the Physical Activity and Cancer Lab at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Come away with important insights into how cancer changes lives and how exercise can help.

    At the core of the conversation:

    Immense Impact: In the U.S., 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. For men, it’s 1 in 2. Health Hijacker: Cancer (and its treatment) makes you sick, tired and weak. Plus, it can trigger stress, depression and anxiety. Treatment Triad: We’re pretty much limited to cutting it out, nuking it or poisoning it. All of these are super hard on the body. Concern for Caregivers: Patients get all the attention, but the lives of millions of caregivers also are negatively affected. Potent Prescription: Exercise has been shown to boost energy, strengthen the immune system, ease depression and much more.

    Take a moment in Episode 614 to recognize the power – and responsibility – fitness professionals have to enhance the lives of people navigating cancer and their caregivers. As we come alongside them, we should be sure to embody empathy, flexibility and positivity.

    Catch you there.

    With grit and gratitude,





  • What’s critical to making, managing and multiplying money?

    Not your financial savvy.

    Not your accountant.

    It all starts with your beliefs.

    So take inventory of your thoughts in my latest podcast episode, Mindset Matters: The Beliefs That Are Erasing Your Profits, One Thought at a Time.

    In Episode 613, Coach Alina walks you through the importance of evaluating your beliefs about money and adopting a positive money mindset to boost your outlook and profitability.

    The self-audit includes:

    Know Your Numbers: Create detailed budgets and understand your P & L to make informed business decisions. Reframe Sales: Sales doesn’t need to be pushy. Instead, be a solution provider passionate about helping people. Bigger ≠ Burnout: Growth is rewarding – and busy. But it’s behavior, not a bigger business, that leads to burnout. Price Right: Low prices mean less profitability. Use a value-based pricing model for smart sustainability. Flip the Script: Shift your money mindset by internalizing positive affirmations and envisioning success.

    The bottom line: Every day, you have the power to make decisions that move you forward financially or set you back. Rewrite your limiting beliefs, realize opportunities and reimagine your financial future in Episode 613.

    Catch you there.

    With grit and gratitude,





  • Expectations are powerful.

    Exceed them and soar high.

    Miss the mark, and endure the weight of shame or failure.

    Y’all, don’t get saddled with these momentum-killers.

    Grab a coffee and your headphones for my latest podcast episode, Mindset Matters: Shame, Leaving the Past Behind and Stepping into the Future. Get insights on managing expectations and reframing perspective to leave shame and failure in the rearview mirror.

    In Episode 612, join Coach Heather and Coach Allison to explore how expectations should be adjusted during different life seasons and how failure is a fantastic learning opportunity.

    The inside story:

    Balance Parallel Priorities: Being a studio owner doesn’t make you a bad parent. Just a busier one. Just Keep Juggling: Keep the glass balls in the air from crashing, and delegate the plastic ones. Embrace Flexibility: Expect changes, adapt and pivot continually and sometimes, just let it go. Accept Mistakes: Lose the perfectionism. You’re human. Mistakes happen. Learn from them. Fail Forward: Try new things – while managing risk – to grow your business. If they don't work, you’re still ahead.

    Plus, discover why you shouldn’t expect a fish to climb a tree and the “failure” that created potato chips! Quit comparing, be more realistic and give yourself grace – all in Episode 612.

    Catch you there.

    With grit and gratitude,





  • Boundaries can get a bad rap.

    Like they’re selfish. Or prohibitive.

    But really, they're freeing.

    And fundamental.

    In my latest podcast episode, Mindset Matters: Building Boundaries Without Guilt, Coach Heather walks us through why boundaries matter, how to set them and how to hold them.

    In Episode 611, you’ll get 10 tips on establishing and enforcing boundaries. They’re your practical playbook.

    More of what we’ll explore:

    Classification Counts: Boundaries come in different types? Discover how healthy boundaries trump rigid and porous ones.

    Self-care Strategy: Manage stress, reduce overwhelm, seek balance and avoid burnout by outlining your limits.

    Assumptions Banished: Set specific expectations and improve communication with your team.

    Resistance Ready: Boundaries often mean change. Change is hard. Expect some pushback.

    Guilt Begone: You’re not doing anything wrong, so don’t apologize. Boundaries aren’t about controlling others.

    A lack of boundaries means a lack of structure and order. Get empowered to draw some lines and set standards for you and your business in Episode 611.

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • AI is your most reliable, versatile team member.

    It shows up on time. Everyday.

    And does what you ask. Immediately.

    Plus, it saves you time and money.

    Y’all, what’s not to love?

    Let’s take a hot second to explore what’s possible in my latest podcast episode, Preparing for the Age of AI.

    In Episode 610, Rory Flynn, a foremost AI marketing expert, shows how your business can benefit from AI.

    Here’s what we uncover:

    Inbox Intrigue: Use the most underrated marketing channel as a problem-solver and a direct line to the heartbeat of your customers.

    Master Analyst: Get data that humans don’t look for to make your marketing more nimble and effective.

    Junior Wordsmith: Sidestep some cringey cliches of Chat GPT copy by feeding it smartly and specifically.

    Outsourced Imagination: Create realistic images and tell visual stories with no photo shoots or big expenses required!

    Meeting Monitor: Level up your note-taking big-time in meetings and transfer key information to your CRM in seconds.

    Top Tools: Get 90% of what you need done with 3 proven and affordable platforms. Shave off about 15 hours of work each week!

    Strap on your seatbelt as we speed into the powerful and fast-evolving AI world in Episode 610.

    Catch you there,


    PS: Join 2,000+ studio owners who’ve decided to take control of their studio business and build their freedom empire. Subscribe HERE and join the party!



  • Hosting studio events is part art, part science.

    The science is your plan.

    Don’t underestimate its power.

    Hone your skills by tuning into the next segment in our series: Building a brand: The ABCs of Boutique Fitness Marketing: E is for Events.

    In Episode 609, Coach Laurial shares the recipe for running successful events that drive people through your doors and keep them coming back.

    The ingredients you’ll need:

    Compelling Goal: Identify why you’re hosting the event and what you want out of it. Is it to build community among members, drive new traffic or score some winbacks? Basic Budget: Not trying to be a buzzkill, but money matters. Run the numbers and figure out what you can spend. Then stick to it! Guest List: Your event goal and budget dictate who gets invited (and how many). Existing members, guests, leads, former members or trials? Engaging Experience: Will you host a special session? Or share a sampler class? A workshop for existing members? Or a group hike? Staff Stints: Assign team members specific tasks to help plan and run the event. Make sure they’re ready to answer questions, handle signups and mingle. Master Plan: Think through and write down everything that needs to happen before, during and after the event. Create a detailed checklist. And then adjust the playbook as necessary along the way.

    The payback of a plan and process like this? You can use it for every future event. Plug and play, people!

    Ready to whip up something special? Pull out your cookbook with Episode 609.

    Catch you there.

    With grit and gratitude,



