Did you know that over 10,000 children and youth are a part of the Foster Care system in Michigan and at least 200 are in need of a forever home. Do you have room in your heart and home and thought about being a foster, adoptive or respite parent? If so, listen in as Laura connects with Shereen Youngblood and Nashae Nelson who are subject matter experts on the initial application process and licensing. To find out more about becoming a foster parent you can connect with either of these episodes guest at 313-831-5535 or by submitting an inquiry through our website at The Children's Center.
Did you know that Schizophrenia affects approximately 24 million people or 1 in 300 people (0.32%) worldwide?-World Health Organization January, 2022 Join Real Talk host Laura Le Fever as she sits down with Author Bethany Boik who shares some of her world as an individual living with a serious mental illness. Bethany's goal is to inspire hope, encourage empathy and reduce the stigma around mental illness. This is an open and honest conversation that highlights the journey of one person's experience and her continued determination to help others. Bethany Boik's book, Diary of a Schizophrenic can be found on Amazon
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Listen in as Laura connects with Tiffany Devon and Bianca Miles of Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN)around the new mental health app that you will want to download and have as a resource. Also, find out what's going on with Youth United and their 20th anniversary. Laura is back with new monthly episodes of Real Talk and we can't wait for you to listen in.
Welcome back Real Talk listeners! We are up and recording once again. Stay tuned in for a whole new schedule of mental health topics, subject matter expects event information and community resources with a focus on children, families and the stakeholders. Listen in as Laura connects with Tiffany Devon and Bianca Miles of Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN) around the new mental health app that you will want to download and have as a resource. Also, find out what's going on with Youth United and their 20th anniversary. For more information on Detroit Wayne Integrated Health and the myDWIHN app please go to www.dwihn.org or reach out by calling the 24-hour helpline at 1-800-241-4949 We are excited to be back and look forward to listening in.
Listen in as @TCC_Laura talks with Dr. Athena Kheibari, Assistant Professor in the Wayne State University School of Social Work about "Suicide Loss Survivors."
Athena Kheibari (K-Berry) is an Assistant Professor in the Wayne State University School of Social Work. She received her PhD in social work from the University of Kentucky, her Masters in social psychology from Ball State University, and her Bachelors in psychology from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Her research focuses on suicide and the impact of suicide on attempt and loss survivors. Dr. Kheibari draws from both the scientific literature on suicide and her own personal experiences with suicide bereavement. She is currently working on a study to understand the perspective of individuals who use social media to talk about their struggles with mental health and suicide ideation.
#Suicide Prevention #Together4MH #Detroit #TCCRealTalk Please Share
To learn more, call The Children's Center at 313.379.0998. If you or someone you know is experiencing thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Line 800.273.8255 24/7. -
Listen in as @TCC_Laura talks with Kelvin Brown, Program Manager-Community Partnerships and Projects and Aubrey Gilliland, Project Coordinator at The Children’s Center about "Demystifying Suicide" during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month in September.
To learn more, call The Children's Center at 313.379.0998.
If you or someone you know is experiencing thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Line 800.273.8255 anytime, 24/7.
#Suicide Prevention #Together4MH #Detroit #TCCRealTalk Please Share -
Listen in as @TCC_Laura talks with Shereen Allen-Youngblood, Community Outreach/Recruiter at The Children’s Center about Foster Care Awareness Month in May AND the dire need for more foster parents and independent living providers! #beafosterparent #Detroit #TCCRealTalk Please Share
To learn more about becoming a foster parent or an independent living provider for our older youth (age 16-21) who are aging out of foster care, please contact Shereen Allen-Youngblood at 313.262.1119 or syoungblood@thechildrenscenter.com.
#beafosterparent #Detroit #TCCRealTalk -
Listen in as @TCC_Laura talks with Marletta Boyd II, Director of Individual Philanthropy at The Children’s Center about our 17th Annual Power of Possibilities Breakfast taking place on May 11, 2021.
Help Detroit Children See Better Days Ahead
On Tuesday, May 11th, 2021, we are holding our annual Power of Possibilities breakfast. Since 2004 the event has raised more than $5.4M in unrestricted contributions to help give Detroit children better days ahead.
Your contributions ensure children can live their dreams.
The event, presented by Ford Motor Company, is free to attend. It’s an inspiring one-hour program with a free-will donation opportunity at the end. RSVPs are required.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021. Informal virtual networking begins at 7:30 a.m. The full program is 8-9 a.m.
This is a virtual event.
#powerofpossibilities #Detroit #TCCRealTalk Please Share -
Listen in as our @TCC_Laura talks with Mychele Tennille, Director-BHS/IDD at The Children’s Center about Autism. #AutismAwarenessMonth #Detroit #TCCRealTalk Please Share this episode with others to help spread the word.
Listen in as our host @TCC_Laura talks with Waymond Hayes, Director of Early Learning and Youth Development at Focus: HOPE about the importance of early childhood, mental health and the connection of serving families in the community.
Focus: HOPE Mission
Recognizing the dignity and beauty of every person, we pledge intelligent and practical action to overcome racism, poverty, and injustice. And to build a metropolitan community where all people may live in freedom, harmony, trust and affection.
Black and white, yellow, brown and red from Detroit and its suburbs of every economic status, national origin and religious persuasion we join in this covenant.
To learn more about Focus: HOPE, call 313.494.4400. You can also visit https://www.focushope.edu/.
Follow Focus: HOPE on social media:
Twitter: @focus_hope
Facebook: @focushope
Instagram: @focushope -
Listen in as our host TCC_Laura talks with our very own Tyanna McClain talk about youth voice and leadership opportunities for young people receiving mental health, child welfare and juvenile justice services. @wcyouthunited
If you’re interested in joining Youth Move Detroit or learning more about Youth United, contact Tyanna McClain at tmcclain@thechildrenscenter.com. You can also visit Facebook: @Youthmovedetroit on Facebook and @Youthmove_detroit on Instagram. #TCCRealTalk
Social Media Handles
Twitter: @wcyouthunited
Facebook: @Youthmovedetroit
Instagram: @Youthmove_detroit -
Listen in as our host @TCC_Laura talks with our community partner, Calvin Mann, Founder & President of EMIY — Encourage Me I’m Young — talk about about their life-changing work with our young boys and fathers in the community. To more about the amazing work Calvin and his organization are doing, visit: https://emiyworld.com/ #TCCRealTalk
Our host @TCC_Laura talks with Robin Floyd and Kelvin Brown – Program Managers of Community Partnerships at The Children’s Center (TCC) – about the 7th Annual Faces of Trauma Event hosted virtually by TCC on 2.25.21. #TCCRealTalk #facesoftrauma
Listen to Kelila Anstett, Clinical Manager, Family Assessment & Intervention Services at The Children’s Center talk with @TCC_Laura about behavioral health and how to access services at The Children's Services.
Listen in as Tammy Zonker, our Chief Philanthropy Officer at The Children’s Center shares with podcast host Laura Lefever about how you can change a child’s life through holiday giving by donating gifts to the #HolidayShop at The Children's Center in Midtown Detroit! #TCCRealTalk
In this episode, @TCC_Laura talks with Kevin Fischer, Executive Director at @namiofmiAND Paris Simpson, President of @NAMIMetro – about the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI). https://bit.ly/1234567 #TCCRealTalk #Detroit #podcast Don’t forget to subscribe! PLS Share
Listen to @TCC_Laura talk with John Miles (@TCC_John), Wayne County Fatherhood Initiative AND George Winn, Chief Operations Officer at The Children’s Center talk about the Importance of Fatherhood Involvement. https://bit.ly/1234567 #TCCRealTalk #Detroit #podcast PLS Share
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