
  • Hey there. I wanna thank you for being such a loyal listener to The Real Teacher Talk podcast. We're going on a brief hiatus, but I'd still love to connect with you.

    The best way to do that is over on Instagram at Easy Teaching Tools, our website, EasyTeachingTools.com, or by Email.

    And the bonus of that is when you sign up, you'll get tips to get organized with your lesson planning by going to EasyTeachingTools.com/LessonPlanningPod

    I can't wait to continue collaborating on those three different platforms.

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

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  • Are you ready to get your life back?

    As we look forward to all things 2023, This week we decided to drop back to our very first interview on Real Teacher Talk, I sat down with Sabrena Brooks, a busy teacher and mama to talk about how she balances school with her life and the tools she uses to make it happen.

    Sabrena Brooks is a mom of two active boys with a baby girl on the way. She is a lover of camping and music, and wife to a special education para-educator by day and chef by night. Her teaching career includes kindergarten for one year, 1st grade for five years, and kindergarten ESL for one year. She has a master's degree in Teaching and Learning and was the distance learning teacher for 1st grade during the 2020-2021 school year.

    Sabrena realized she needed help when she was staying at school every night until 6:30 and showing back up by 7 in the morning. She had no semblance of balance in her life. That’s when she joined my program Easy Organization Tools where I show teachers how to consistently leave school prepared at contract time so that they can be more fully present in their life.

    Topics We Cover in This Episode:

    What Sabrena’s life looked like before the programSabrena's experience in the Easy Organization Tools programHow her life changed after she implemented what she learnedHow the program alleviated the teacher/mom guiltHow Sabrena uses the tools in the program in her home as well

    The organization tools Sabrena learned made all of the difference. She went from being a stressed-out, overworked teacher with no work-life balance to being a happy mom and teacher. She’s now able to be there for her kids and be fully present in her home life.

    If you are ready to have a better year than you had last year and finally get your life back the way Sabrena did, make sure to join the 3 PM Teacher Training. You’ll learn how to consistently leave school prepared and on time without bringing work home!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Follow Sabrena on Instagram

    Join the 3 PM Teacher Training

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    Are you following my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss any future episodes! Click here to follow on Apple Podcasts

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

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  • Some people call them the Sunday blues. Some people call them the Sunday Scaries. Others just flat-out say, “I am dreading going to work tomorrow.”

    Whatever you call it, if you’ve had this experience, you aren’t alone! All sorts of people, teachers included, can feel this way on Sunday evenings.

    Although this feeling is normal, I am passionate about helping teachers enjoy their lives both inside and outside of the classroom! In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I’m chatting about three simple things you can do this week to alleviate the Sunday blues.

    Resources Mentioned:
    My blog post about the Sunday night blues

    Additional Resources:
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    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • If the thought of student loan debt makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide, this episode is for you!

    Student loan debt is overwhelming for anyone, but especially for chronically-underpaid teachers. If you’re in the boat of feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I sat down with student loan expert, Meagan Landress McGuire to discuss how to get started tackling this daunting topic. We chat about how to navigate between your different loan forgiveness options, what the new forgiveness program could mean for you, and how to possibly get a refund on loans you’ve already repaid. She also mentions how to get more support if you’d rather just hand things over to someone else!

    Teaching is hard enough without having to add a whole other burden to your plate. My hope for this episode is that you feel supported and less alone when it comes to thinking through student loan debt and forgiveness options! I’m always cheering you on!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Where to connect with student loan experts like Meagan
    Student Loan Planner Youtube channel
    Student Loan Planner podcast
    Blog category about student loans for teachers

    Additional Resources:
    Follow the Podcast
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    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Last week we chatted about how to handle it when you’re struggling with one specific coworker or team member.

    Today, we’re going to go a little bit deeper and discuss what to do if the environment you’re in becomes too toxic. Maybe it’s too much negativity, or maybe your environment is swinging the other way to toxic positivity!

    Cattiness, bullying, gossiping, and retaliation are the kinds of things I’m referring to in this episode.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I’m sharing five tips for how to handle it when you’re in the thick of it, and some advice for how to move forward. As difficult as it can seem, when you’re in a toxic working environment, you’re in the perfect position to really think about what you want your next steps to be.

    I can’t wait to connect with you over on Instagram after you listen to the episode!

    Additional Resources:
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    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Do you have a coworker at your school that just really irritates or bothers you? I’m not talking about the coworkers that are outright mean or offensive, but the sort of coworker that just gets under your skin.

    I bet you have at least one person coming to your mind! We all have them. It can definitely be a challenge working with someone who you struggle to get along with, but many times we have to!

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I’m sharing six things you can do to help you deal with those difficult team members. I talk about things I’ve tried that have worked for me, what to do if the work environment becomes too toxic, and ways to recenter if you’re feeling challenged or triggered by a coworker’s behavior.

    Resources Mentioned:

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    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • I’m doing things a bit differently this episode, and I’m opening up about the hardest teaching year I’ve had so far in my career.

    I explain the different factors that worked together to make it a perfect storm, and why I want to go back to the classroom with a refreshed and new perspective.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I get vulnerable and share things that went on my last year of teaching (so far) both in my personal life and my professional life that contributed to it being a terrible year. I talk about some things I would have done differently, and share what I’ve learned since taking my leave of absence. A lot has changed in my life since that year!

    While difficult years are simply a reality for anyone, I want to remind my listeners that these challenges are temporary and it won’t always be this hard.

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    *Content warning relating to infertility/pregnancy loss.

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • We aaaaaaaall have them in our classes. THOSE parents. You know exactly which parents I’m talking about.

    The ones who email you at all hours of the day and night, the ones who question every single decision you make, the ones displeased with every paper sent home. Dealing with sassy parents and guardians can be super stressful. But, it doesn’t have to be!

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I dive into this topic and discuss where this behavior might be coming from, how to see these parents and guardians through a different lens, and how to navigate tricky conversations. I also chat about simple ways to adapt what you’re already doing to clear up potential misunderstandings, and how to build trust.

    While sassy parents and guardians can be a challenge, the families of our students are a critical piece of the puzzle for student success! When we can successfully navigate these relationships, we help set our students up for a positive school experience.

    Resources Mentioned:
    What Teachers Wish Parents Knew blog post

    Additional Resources:
    Follow the Podcast
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    Follow Along on Instagram

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed by parents or caregivers offering to volunteer in your classroom?

    I know that lots of schools don’t have parent volunteers, but for those that do, it can become a lot of work to prepare for them! If you don’t know where to start, this is the perfect episode for you.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I chat about how to make parent volunteers work for you! I discuss how to utilize parent volunteers, how to include parents who want to volunteer but can’t come into the classroom, how to create systems so volunteers don’t have to interrupt to get started, and even what to do if you don’t have parent or caregiver volunteers!

    Everything I mention I learned from experience. I’ve worked in a school with no parent volunteers, a school with an overwhelming amount of parent volunteers, and a school in between. Whatever your situation, this episode is packed full of ideas to help you streamline the process, so that volunteers work for you, not make more work for you!

    Resources Mentioned:
    Parent Volunteer Editable Forms
    Conference Form

    Additional Resources:
    Follow the Podcast
    Follow Along on Facebook
    Follow Along on Instagram

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • As a teacher, have you ever asked (or been tempted to ask) WHY are we doing this?!

    If so, you aren’t alone. Collecting and analyzing data in the classroom can give us answers to why we’re doing certain things and give us a road map for what to do next.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I sat down with Dr. Matthew Courtney to discuss all things data! We chat about how to use data to solve problems in our classrooms, how to use the data you’re already collecting, and the mindset shift that needs to happen around data collection in education as a whole. We also discuss realistic ways for classroom teachers to get involved in policy change!

    Dr. Matthew Courtney specializes in using data and research to support schools and teachers as they work to improve teaching and learning. As an educator, researcher, and policy maker, he focuses his efforts on building capacity in teachers and leaders to perform deep analyses of learning. When educators are faced with persistent problems of practice, he shows them how to tap into the existing research literature to solve their problems and to apply research methodologies to rigorously test their solutions. Dr. Courtney is dedicated to helping the education profession fully self-actualize into an evidence-based profession that relies on deep thinking, collaboration, and a joint commitment towards advancing scientific knowledge of teaching and learning in the field.

    If you loved Dr. Courtney’s tips and want to learn more, make sure to head to his website!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Dr. Matthew Courtney’s Website

    Follow Dr. Matthew Courtney on Twitter

    Watch Dr. Matthew Courtney on YouTube

    Additional Resources:

    Follow the Podcast

    Follow Along on Facebook

    Follow Along on Instagram

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Data collection is a super important part of teaching, but so many teachers dread it! I promise you don’t have to.

    There are ways to make the process simple, effective, and meaningful. I sat down with Rebekah Poe to chat about how to streamline the data collection process.

    Rebekah Poe is an award-winning special education teacher and national teaching conference presenter. She has over a decade of experience in special education. As an educator, Rebekah believes all behavior is communication and all feelings are valid, and she focuses on providing equitable education and establishing connections to students of all ability levels in an inclusive setting.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, we discuss tips and tricks for how to streamline the data collection process, suggestions for collaborating with other team members to best support students, and ways to differentiate between academic and behavioral data collection.

    Resources Mentioned:





    Rebekah’s quick reference guide

    Rebekah’s Instagram

    Rebekah’s website

    Additional Resources:

    Follow the Podcast

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    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • If the thought of parent or caregiver conferences makes you feel a little sweaty, you’re not alone! What is it about talking to other adults that can be so scary?

    I learned a lot during my time in the classroom, mostly from making my own mistakes.

    So, in this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I am sharing my favorite simple tips and tricks to make your conferences run smoothly and be a little less stressful.

    I share how to make sure caregivers know you’re on the same team, ways to ensure equitable and meaningful conferences for all families, and how to help make sure families stay focused on the goals. Preparing for conferences doesn’t have to keep you up at night worrying - I promise!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Parent Conference Forms

    Free Conference Form for Parent Feedback

    Additional Resources:

    Follow the Podcast

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    Follow Along on Instagram

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Have you heard the phrase “quiet quitting” and wondered how it related to teaching?

    Quiet quitting is a hot topic right now. It’s the idea that people are “giving up” or “quitting” on their jobs without actually resigning.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I tackle this topic and whether or not I think it actually relates to teachers! I discuss what quiet quitting is, how to do more than the bare minimum and only work your contract hours, and how to set up systems to set yourself up for success!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Gallup Article about Quiet Quitting

    Parent / Guardian Volunteer Resource

    Episode About Dealing with Teacher Guilt

    Episode about Saying No

    Additional Resources:

    Follow the Podcast

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    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Do you ever wonder how you can create a positive classroom environment and still get everything done that needs to get done?

    If so, you’re in good company. But trust me, it’s possible!

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I sat down with Mr. Johnny Tiersma, a fellow San Diego area teacher, to talk about how to create a classroom environment where all students can thrive! We discuss what stops teachers from having fun, how to use humor to create a positive classroom environment, and why this type of environment is so important!

    Johnny Tiersma has been involved in education for over 16 years, primarily as a classroom teacher in grades 6 to 8. He has also been a middle school interim principal, an instructional designer for higher education, and an adjunct professor of educational technology. Currently, he is teaching sixth grade in the Cardiff School District in San Diego. Johnny has a passion for students and has spent his career pursuing a classroom environment where students are able to flourish. His goal is to use his connection with students to help them feel safe, valuable, and ready to learn.

    If you loved Johnny’s tips and want to support him by purchasing his book, make sure to head to his website for more!

    Resources Mentioned:

    If I Were the Teacher book

    If I Were the Teacher on Amazon

    Follow Johnny on Twitter

    Grab your ticket for Refresh and Recharge

    Additional Resources:

    Follow the Podcast

    Follow Along on Facebook

    Follow Along on Instagram

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Does the mere thought of preparing to have a substitute in your classroom make you feel sick to your stomach?

    If so, you aren’t alone!

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I sat down with Kelsey Sorenson of Wife, Teacher, Mommy to talk about how to successfully prepare for a sub day! We discuss what stops teachers from planning ahead for inevitable sub days, how to realistically take the time to plan ahead, and what exactly needs to be included to make your day away a success.

    Kelsey Sorenson is a former third-grade teacher and substitute teacher. She is now a homeschool mom to 3 kids and owner of Wife Teacher Mommy, where she and her team serve Pre-K through 6th-grade teachers. Wife Teacher Mommy has been featured on We are Teachers, Teachers pay Teachers, Jane, Etsy, Food Network, CBC, Fox, and NBC. Kelsey and her team have helped hundreds of thousands of educators cut down planning time and balance the many roles in their lives with her time-saving resources, blogs, teacher life coaching program, Educate & Rejuvenate events, and Wife Teacher Mommy: The Podcast. Kelsey is addicted to Coke Zero and loves reading and listening to audiobooks.

    If you loved Kelsey’s tips and want to learn more from her, make sure to head to her website for more! You can also follow her on Instagram to stay up to date with all of her tips and tricks!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Check out Kelsey’s website

    Grab Kelsey’s FREE Sub Planning Starter Kit

    Listen to Kelsey’s podcast

    Follow Kelsey on Instagram

    Join the Classroom Purge

    Additional Resources:

    Follow the Podcast

    Follow Along on Facebook

    Follow Along on Instagram

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Do you ever feel like it’s impossible to have fun in the classroom anymore? There are often so many “other” things to care about, that fun can be the last thing on our minds.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I sat down with Matt Halpern to talk about why it’s a challenge to have fun in the classroom, why fun in the classroom is important, and how to bring fun back!

    Matt is a joyful educator who draws on almost two decades of experience as a classroom teacher and literacy coach. He is passionate about making classrooms child-centered and putting the effort and work of students at the forefront. His love for teaching social-emotional skills and literacy often combines as he is always looking for new ways to help others become the best versions of themselves. A fierce advocate for social justice and equity in classrooms, Matt leverages the power of literacy and community to empower children. Matt is the author of the forthcoming A Teacher's Guide to Interactive Writing.

    If you loved Matt’s tips and want to learn more from him, make sure to head to his website for more! You can also follow him on Instagram to stay up to date with all of his tips and tricks!

    Resources Mentioned:

    Check out Matt’s website

    Follow Matt on Instagram

    Follow Matt on Twitter

    Join the Classroom Purge

    Additional Resources:

    Follow the Podcast

    Follow Along on Facebook

    Follow Along on Instagram

    Are you following my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today so you don’t miss any future episodes! Click here to follow on Apple Podcasts

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and Spotify! I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast! Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Have you ever felt like your centers are a little overwhelming?

    Sometimes the systems in our classroom are way more complicated than they need to be, and we need to take a step back and simplify so that we can do our jobs more efficiently.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I sat down with Farrah Henley to talk about the number one mistake that teachers make when it comes to their centers and the steps they can take to start simplifying.

    Farrah is a veteran preschool and elementary educator with a love for simple systems that make teaching easier for educators. Farrah has been in the education field since 1997 and has served as a classroom teacher, homeschooling mom, teacher mentor, and coach and has even taught online classes for students.

    Currently, she helps K-5 teachers master their math and literacy centers with her Easy Centers Framework™ and Learning Centers Made Easy™ system.

    Tune in to hear the common struggles that teachers have with their centers and Farrah’s top three tips for simplifying your centers today.

    I would love to connect on Facebook: facebook.com/EasyTeachingTools & Instagram: instagram.com/easyteachingtools!

    Show notes available at easyteachingtools.com/episode21

    Resources Mentioned:

    Three Steps To Organized Centers freebie: https://learn.farrahhenley.com/organizeyourcenters-blog

    Follow Farrah on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farrahhenleyeducation/

    Check out Farrah’s website: https://farrahhenley.com/

    Join the Classroom Purge: https://courses.easyteachingtools.com/classroom-purge-summer-22-EOT

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Do you have any specific tools that you use in the classroom to help you stay organized?

    As teachers, there’s so much to get done each day. It can get overwhelming fast if you don’t have a good classroom system in place that will help you stay organized and on task.

    Today on Real Teacher Talk, I am sharing one of my favorite tools that I used in the classroom that really helped me get things done.

    If you’re in Easy Organization Tools or you took my 3 P.M. Teacher training, you probably already know what I’m talking about- the Time Timer! I know we have access to timers already on our phones and things, but this one is my absolute favorite to use in the classroom.

    This timer is a fabulous visual for you and your students because it counts backward. You can set it up for a certain amount of time and it helps you and your students stay on task and get things done.

    Tune in to this episode to learn more about why this timer is perfect for teachers and the four ways to use it with your students so that you can stay on task and start checking things off of your to-do list.

    I would love to connect on Facebook: facebook.com/EasyTeachingTools & Instagram: instagram.com/easyteachingtools!

    Show notes available at easyteachingtools.com/episode20

    Resources Mentioned:

    Join the Classroom Purge: https://courses.easyteachingtools.com/classroom-purge-summer-22-EOT

    Get the Time Timer: https://amzn.to/2TT0KwV

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Are you worried about classroom management this year?

    I have heard from a lot of teachers that they are a bit worried about heading back to the classroom because of how rough the last couple of years were with all of the classroom behavior issues.

    There have been a lot of questions about how to manage behavior using the latest best practices so I invited my friend Allie Szczecinski from Miss Behavior onto the show to share some of her best tips for effectively managing behavior in your classroom.

    Allie is a wife, mom, special educator, children's book author, and social-emotional learning coach. She creates resources with social-emotional learning and behavior focus on Teachers Pay Teachers and runs The Social Script Library, a monthly membership. With a master's degree and over 12 years of professional experience, she is a go-to resource for educators everywhere!

    We all know that clip charts aren’t really recommended anymore, but there are things that you can do with your students to steer them away from behavior issues and encourage them to make the right decisions with positive reinforcement.

    Tune in to hear Allie’s advice on what to expect with behavior this year, classroom management strategies, making time for social-emotional learning, and so much more.

    I would love to connect on Facebook: facebook.com/EasyTeachingTools & Instagram: instagram.com/easyteachingtools!

    Show notes available at easyteachingtools.com/episode19

    Resources Mentioned:

    Free Emotional and Behavioral resources: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5f04ae5eba80b7002607331a

    Check out Allie’s website: https://www.missbehaviorblog.com/

    Follow Allie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_missbehavior/

    Check out Allie’s TpT store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Allie-Szczecinski-With-Miss-Behavior

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

    I would also appreciate it if you would leave me a review on Apple and a rating on Spotify!

    I read each of them, and they help me make sure I am providing the content that you love to hear! Plus, you get to pay it forward because it will allow other teachers like you to find the podcast!

    Click here to review, then select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review”.

  • Are you feeling stressed out at the thought of heading back to school?

    Many teachers are feeling even more overwhelmed about heading back to the classroom than normal this year. There is just so much to do and they are already tired. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone.

    In this episode of Real Teacher Talk, I sat down with my friend Michelle Emerson from Pocketful of Primary to talk about five easy tips that you can use to start the new school year off organized.

    Michelle Emerson taught 2nd grade and 4th grade for seven years and now supports teachers around the world by creating digital teacher resources, producing educational videos for teachers on her YouTube channel, Pocketful of Primary, and sharing productivity tips on her podcast, Teaching to the TOP.

    She believes all teachers should feel empowered by their profession instead of overwhelmed and seeks to help educators create a work-life balance through her tips and strategies.

    Michelle has so many amazing ideas for getting organized and making things much easier on yourself when you head back to the classroom. Make sure to tune in to hear her five tips including why checklists are so important, low-prep activities to have on hand, why less is more, the benefits of planning ahead, and so much more!

    I would love to connect on Facebook: facebook.com/EasyTeachingTools & Instagram: instagram.com/easyteachingtools!

    Show notes available at easyteachingtools.com/episode18

    Resources Mentioned:

    Follow Michelle on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pocketfulofprimary/

    Check out Michelle’s website: https://www.pocketfulofprimary.com/

    Get Michelle’s Back to School Freebies: https://www.pocketfulofprimary.com/back-to-school-read-aloud-activities-freebies

    Subscribe to Pocketful of Primary on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/pocketfulofprimary

    Listen to the Teaching to the Top podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/teaching-to-the-top/id1493099649

    Register for the 3 PM Teacher Training at www.easyteachingtools.com/3pmteacher!

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