
  • You’ve said the word concussion. You might even have had one. But do you really understand them? Did you know a concussion is a minor traumatic brain injury? Dr. Patrick Neary and his team got a grant from the NFL to study if cannabis can help prevent or treat concussions! Dr. Neary explains, you don’t have to actually bang your head to get a concussion. We’ve often said you don’t have to like cannabis to enjoy this podcast. But, if you listen to this episode while rhythmically shaking your mullet forwards and back, we think you’ll elevate your knowledge about both.

    Patrick Neary




    The Team of NFL Funded Research Collaborators - Google Doc

    Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT5) - Website

    Music by:

    Rod Stewart - Maggie May -YouTube

    (Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Kirk catches up with Ted Smith from the Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club and his organization’s ill-defined existence within a country of legalized cannabis. We hear how Ted’s dreams, for this timeworn cannabis compassion club, are close to fruition yet there lingers potential for a new set of fines and a visit from the Public Health Authority impeding the full potential of this caring organization. In this episode we learn how the clouds preventing Ted from flying high are not simply from his new smoking lounge but rather the various levels of bureaucracy he must manage when putting compassion into action.

    The Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club - website

    To Support the People of Jasper after the Fire - website

    Music by:

    Dead Bob - Just Breathe -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Most certainly, we have learned Cannabis has benefits but it is not benign. With all medications it is important to understand the risk and benefits. In this episode Trevor and Kirk discuss the cardiovascular effects of chronic cannabis inhalation with an accomplished student of medicine, Dr. Venkat Subramaniam. Although, he admits limited studies are available, his literature review suggests those who start smoking cannabis at a young age, making it a daily indulgence, are at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. He makes it easy by comparing cannabis to donuts; reminding us we must consume in moderation.

    Dr. Venkat Subramaniam’s Paper -Website

    Cannanaskis -Website

    Music by:

    OneRepublic - Counting Stars -YouTube

    (Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • You’ve got a PhD with lots of lab and testing experience. It should be easy to start a cannabis testing lab, right? Well, not really. Aldwin Anterola found cannabis growers weren’t always interested in finding the accurate amount of cannabinoids like THC in their products, among other problems. So, Aldwin went back to school. The NIH (National Institutes of Health) have an entrepreneurship program to help scientists learn how to bring their skills and products to market. Along the way, Aldwin learned a lot about Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) and even interviewed our co-host Trevor as part of his NIH entrepreneurship program project.

    Aldwin Anterola - LinkedIn

    Music by:

    Chicago - Feelin’ Stronger Every Day -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Ross Rebagliati, Michael Phelps, and Sha’Carri Richardson. Different athletes, different sports, and different eras. Tremendous athletic ability and years of arduous training aren’t all they have in common. Their sporting careers have all been touched by cannabis. Dr. Mark Ware and his colleagues examined cannabis and elite athletes. What they found was captivating and thought provoking. Join Kirk and Trevor in the discussion ranging from WADA to Lausanne, Switzerland to the para-Olympic movement and how cannabis can and should fit into athletics.

    Mark Ware - LinkedIn

    Music by:

    Bob Marley and the Wailers - Coming in From the Cold -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Brent Alarie is informed he has COPD, then it was multiple sclerosis. No wait, he receives another diagnosis of blood cancer. These were just a few of the catastrophic verdicts given to describe how his body was betraying him. He needed to create change and prepare for his enviable death. With a new bucket list he started living his best life under the circumstances. A six-year painful journey, of the most insane symptoms and being bounced from one diagnosis to another, finally comes to an end. Brent is told he has chronic Lyme Disease. A new journey begins with learning to live with the on-going symptoms of Lyme and regular pharmaceuticals do not help with the chronic nerve-pain. He was never a drug-guy, but after a friend gave him Cannabis, he finds therapeutic relief. Brent shares how he now balances his life with nutrition and Cannabis. Kirk and Trevor bring their second story on how Cannabis brings relief to people suffering from this Monster sickness in which we call Lyme Disease.

    Human Cannabinoid Pharmacokinetics: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2689518/pdf/nihms-118643.pdf

    The Monster Inside Me - Lyme Disease Documentary - https://www.themonsterinsideme.com/

    Music by:

    Wreckin So - https://www.wreckinso.com/

    Still Smokin


    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. That is what we learned in high school biology. But what if it is more? What if the mitochondria has receptors on it for cannabinoids? What if mitochondria move around the cell? What if mitochondria help produce chemical signals for the cell? What if mitochondria are involved in such diverse processes as epilepsy, mental health and aging itself?

    Hunter Land, PhD walks us through mitochondria and cannabinoids and so much more. Our preconceived notions about the powerhouse of the cell were blown out of the water. Let's see if yours are too!

    Biopharmaceutical Research Company - Website

    Hunter Land, PhD - LinkedIn

    Music by:

    Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me with Science - YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • In this episode we explore a series of unfortunate events started when a Registered Nurse decided to illegally grow cannabis as medicine. Society may consider nurses one of our most trustworthy groups however, employers and professional colleges have policies and procedures suggesting otherwise because the profession is plagued with addiction issues. This episode explores what happens when a nurse self-medicates using cannabis and is seen as having an addiction issue. There is a mismatch in understanding needs and medicine. Kirk and Trevor wonder if this is one of those stories where Cannabis is misunderstood and due to this lack of understanding, we are left with one less nurse.

    Music by:

    Music by: The Doors - Peace Frog -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Do you know anyone with dementia? If you don’t, you will. We humans are living longer and healthier lives. There are more healthy 75 year old people alive now than there ever have been. However, the number of people with dementia is sky rocketing as well. Enter Dr. Mechtler…

    Dr. Lazslo Mechtler is the Medical Director of Dent Neurologic Institute, the Chief of Neuro-Oncology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute and is also the Director of the DENT Headache Center, Neuro-Oncology Center, and Cannabis Clinic.

    Dr. Mechtler gives us a fantastic review of dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Then he talks about the work they are doing at the DENT Institute to treat dementia with cannabinoids.

    DENT Neurologic Institute - Cannabis Clinic - Website

    Lazlo Mechtler - LinkedIn

    Lazlo Mechtler - DENT-website profile

    Music by:

    Christopher Cros - Sailing -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • In this episode, Kirk and Trevor bring forward the importance of Cannabis advocacy. With the legalization of recreational cannabis, some may see the need for Cannabis Advocacy as being dispensable. Stephen Stairs, a medical cannabis consumer is a leader within the Winnipeg green culture. He explains how the many interpretations of regulations, from all level of governments, requires his continuous attention. Self described as Manitoba’s Loud Advocate, Stairs shares his back story, passion for the cannabis industry, and confronts the controversy he faced as the leader of Winnipeg 420 movement. The My Cannabis Story for this episode is from Neil Linton at the Calgary Cannabis Club adding further insights to the need for Cannabis advocacy.

    Steven Stairs - Instagram

    - Facebook

    Calgary Cannabis Club - Facebook


    Music by:

    Music by: Damian Marley - Medication -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • One sunny evening in the summer of 2020, Kirk and Trevor had a meeting on Kirk's driveway. Even though all indoor meetings were taboo, they met someone bursting with excitement. Eric Greening's face lit up as he described the cannabis growing facility he envisioned building north east of Dauphin.

    Four years, a pandemic, spiraling inflation and all the other unknown unknowns of building a facility and starting a business are now behind the persistent Mr. Greening. As proud Dauphinites, we are excited to say Greencraft Cannabis is now selling product! And.... after much pestering, we got a peek inside!

    Come with us on an audio tour of the facility. There is a cannabis "tree" whose trunk Trevor can't wrap his hand around, a sunset room with alien-looking golden light, the secrets of how you control tiny invaders when you can't use any pesticides, and so much more!

    Greencraft Cannabis - website

    Music by:

    Reggae Cowboys - Tell the Truth -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Trevor and Kirk continue their CBD exploration with a Canadian Icon. Bif Naked, one of Canada’s best selling musicians shares her “my Cannabis story” sharing how she watched CBD help various members of her family, peer group, and eventually how she too benefited from daily dosing. Bif Naked discusses her formative years in Dauphin, her experiences with cancer, volunteerism, and how she hopes to change the world with her new ethically centred CBD business called Mona Lisa Healing. Settle back and enjoy this wonderful women’s exploits and wait for the surprise ending to this epic episode.

    Mona Lisa Healing - Webpage

    Music by:

    Music by: Bif Naked- Jim -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • So many amazing Canna-people, so little time. CannMed 24 was sublime! Here are the another batch of clips we got!

    Ben Cameransi – Mingowood Pharmacal, LLC - Dr. Benjamin Cameransi, MD, DABA is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist, with a extensive background in pain management. He has started four Biotech Companies. He was involved in the development of Ryanodex™, a treatment for Malignant Hyperthermia. But wait, there’s more… Acidic cannabinoids aren’t very stable when they are extracted and purified. Dr. Camersani’s team at Mingowood Pharmacal has a way to fix that.

    Taz Turner -CordovaCann Corp - Taz has the top three attributes we look for in a guest. He knows where Manitoba is located. He’s a finance guy who spoke intelligently during his Capital Markets Panel. He is fun to chat to at a breakfast information session. Taz tells us how it is surprisingly difficult to get investment into the cannabis space in 2024. But, numbers and valuation guys like him (who also speak cannabis) are slowly convincing others that opportunities abound.

    Melissa Moore - Professor, Cannabis Horticulture & Biology, SUNY Niagara Community College. Melissa Moore developed some of her horticultural chops in Northern California, but now passes on her knowledge in Buffalo, NY. She was very helpful getting pics of Trevor during his Capital Markets Panel and then she sparked some intense Aspergillus discussions. Professor Moore tells us why cleanliness is next to godliness in your grow room and, hear why Kirk is frothing at the mouth to pick her brain about how to grow plants better.

    Ben Cameransi - LinkedIn

    Mingowood Pharmacal, LLC - Website

    Taz Turner -LinkedIn

    CordovaCann Corp. - website

    Melissa Moore - LinkedIn

    SUNY Niagara Horticultural Cannabis Classes - website

    Music by:

    Stills-Young Band - Midnight on the Bay -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Our co-host, Trevor has an unhealthy obsession with suppositories. You know that guy you never ask, “Hey, what is an NFT?” lest he talk your ear off? Well never ask Trevor, “Hey, what is a Rectal Rocket?” With that background, imagine our delight when we stumbled across Sarah Roberts and her company Cicatrix Labs. They make vaginal and rectal suppositories with cannabinoids in them! People have used these products to treat endometriosis, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids, pain during sex, and more. Even if you think suppositories are icky, after this conversation, you will find them obsession worthy too. Our My Cannabis Story is Dave Dormer of Cannanaskis, a cannabis tourism company.

    Cicatrix Labs - Web Site

    Sarah Roberts - LinkedIn

    Cannanaskis - Web Site

    Music by:

    Light - Up We Go YouTube

    (Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • So many fantastic Canna-people to meet and talk to at CannMed 24! Here are the first batch of clips we got!

    Ariane Williams & Megan Mbengue – Trusted Canna Nurse - There were so many nurses at CannMed 24! Our slightly biased co-host Kirk was ecstatic. He thinks more nurses makes every conference and everything else better! Ariane is the Director of Patient Services and “The Kind Nurse”. She’ll listen to your needs as a patient and guide you to personalized care. Megan is the Founder and CEO. She is a Social Media Content Queen with all things cannabis and runs the back end of Trusted Canna Nurse.

    Jeff Smith -Professor, Strategic Partnership and Outreach Specialist at the Institute of Cannabis Research- Colorado State University Pueblo. The ICR is like the NIH (National Institutes of Health) of cannabis research in Colorado. The ICR funds research related to cannabis such as clinical research, biotechnologies, and economic development associated with cannabis in Colorado. Once the research is done, they publicly disseminate the results.

    Clay W. Moore - Drug Discovery Scientist at Rare Earth Genomics. We first met Clay at CannMed 23. He now a PhD student at Texas A&M. Clay needs bigger goals in life, because he is only trying to cure cancer with hemp extracts. He is also a part of Rare Earth Genomics (REG). REG wants to be your Swiss Army knife of hemp research projects. We talk to Clay about how REG could help Kirk with his potential Hemp-Crete dreams

    Ariane Williams - LinkedIn

    Megan Mbengue - LinkedIn

    Trusted Canna Nurse - Website

    Jeff Smith - LinkedIn

    Institute of Cannabis Research Colorado State University Pueblo - website

    Clayton Moore -LinkedIn

    Rare Earth Genomics - website

    Music by: Stills-Young Band & NASH - Fontainebleau -YouTube

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Ian Mitchell is an emergency physician, the Site Scholar for the Kamloops Family Medicine Residency Program and is occasionally photographed teaching whole rooms full of people to stick their fingers in their ears while opening their mouths really wide like they are in a silent scream. He caught our interest with an article and talk he did about gabapentin vs cannabis. Gabapentin was originally developed as a seizure medication, but it wasn’t really good at that. Now it is routinely used for migraines, back pain, diabetic nerve pain and a variety of other conditions. There isn’t great evidence for gabapentin and all its uses. Cannabis is just gaining the evidence it needs to show it is good for all different types of pain and other conditions. But it is still shunned by mainly clinicians. Is it fair the gabapentin is commonly used and cannabis is not? Plus we go down a cool rabbit hole into some novel uses of ketamine.


    A Tale of Two Therapies - Ian Mitchell on Medium

    Ian Mitchell’s Talk - YouTube

    Music by:

    The Ramones - Pinhead (Gabba Gabba Hey) YouTube

    (Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Do you have a favourite craft cannabis flower? Are you getting what you think you ordered? Think again. While attending the Calgary Hempfest, Kirk and Trevor gathered five Micro Cultivation License holders (plus a surprise cameo contributor!) to discuss the recreational cannabis retail space. The conversation revealed a complicated system of regulations, policies, and red tape which affect their ability to build brand loyalty. Although these passionate growers produce excellent weed, it is surprisingly difficult for their high quality, small batch, hand trimmed product to reach you, the consumer. Packaging, sale by lottery, and ambiguously named SKU’s are some of the many convoluted rules of the game. Kirk and Trevor ponder whether the current recreational cannabis system actually prevents us from properly understanding the cannabis product we are purchasing, and how small cannabis producers might eventually break even.

    Mark Corrigan, President of Distinkt Cannabis - distinktcannabis.com - @DistinktC on Twitter

    Tim Mallett CEO of Alberta Bud - www.albertabud.com - @alberta.bud.official on Instagram

    Rob Wilcox President of Indigro Organics - www.indigro.ca

    Devon Davidson President of Canalief - www.canalief.ca

    Kieley Beaudry CEO Parkland Flower - parklandflower.com - @Kieley_ on Twitter

    Cameo by - Jacqui Childs - @JacquiChilds on Twitter and @Childs.jacqui on Instagram

    Music by:

    Bon Iver - Calgary- YouTube

    (Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • Let us start by saying, we encourage pregnant women toward balanced diets, proper exercise, and we discourage unnecessary drug and alcohol use. But, what if a mother consumes cannabis during pregnancy? In this episode Kirk and Trevor begin to explore prenatal cannabis exposure and are joined by Dr. Ciara Torres, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Columbia University. This neuroscientists near six-year meta-analysis found prenatal use of cannabis does not lead to cognitive impairment of children. Dr. Torres discusses how her study, published May 2020, offers policy makers a better understanding of how cannabis affects newborns. Often babies are removed from a family when it is discovered a mother used cannabis during the pregnancy; this action may actually be more harmful than the exposure. Proper prenatal care is paramount when predicting the future success of an unborn child. This episode is designed to start the debate, so have a listen and offer your feedback by sending us a note to [email protected]


    Dr. Ciara Torres Vargas - Columbia University Link

    Totality of the Evidence Suggests Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Does Not Lead to Cognitive Impairments: A Systematic and Critical Review - paper

    Music by:

    Hector Lavoe - YouTube


    (Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • It’s like having a trial lawyer try to explain how cannabinoids interact with endogenous cannabinoid receptors! You know what that is like? It’s, it’s, it’s… actually pretty great. Come hear how a trial lawyer got into the cannabis space, how he thinks the acidic versions of cannabinoids are bursting with medical promise and just come listen to one of our new favorite characters!

    Robert “Bob” Hill - LinkedIn

    Life Research Co

    Sign up for his newsletter and email notices: Here

    Cab Calloway-Reefer Man -YouTube

    (Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook

    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca

  • The Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club (VCBC) is no stranger to defending the services that a compassion club can deliver. For decades, the VCBC has supported individuals with chronic and or life-threatening diseases by providing aid not available from government health systems. Kirk once again visits this west coast healing community. He examines how this celebrated organization is now fighting a $6.4 million fine levied against them as an unlicensed dispensary. Founder Ted Smith, a tenacious defender of human rights, explains this current challenge, the club’s relationships with growers, and the help his staff provides the medical cannabis community.

    Victoria Cannabis Buyers Club Website is currently down - Article

    VCBC Twitter - @VCBCtweets

    Music by: Bob Marley - Satisfy My Soul

    (Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

    Additional Music:

    Desiree Dorion desireedorion.com

    Marc Clement - Facebook


    Transcripts, papers and so much more at: reefermed.ca