
  • Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.

    Steve Jobs

    Bill Spohn welcomes RESNET staff member Clara Hedrick to discuss the upcoming RESNET 2025 conference. Clara, the lead events coordinator for RESNET, shares her excitement about the event and details her responsibilities. The conference is scheduled for January 27-30, 2025, in Tempe, Arizona, a location praised for its accessibility, nightlife, and natural beauty. Clara highlights the venue, Tempe Mission Palms, chosen for its amenities and feedback from previous events. With a goal of 500 attendees, Clara anticipates a sellout crowd and emphasizes the importance of early registration. She stresses that early registration is crucial to secure accommodation and participation, as the event is expected to be in high demand.

    The conference theme celebrates 30 years of RESNET and 4 million homes rated. Clara outlines the general schedule, starting with an opening reception sponsored by NAIMA on January 26. The following days will feature general sessions, panel discussions, and breakout sessions focusing on various themes, including building science, energy codes, and EPA programs. New session tracks like RESNET 101 and separate business and workforce development sessions aim to provide comprehensive insights for both newcomers and seasoned professionals. Special events, such as offsite tours and training sessions, will take place later in the week, providing educational and networking opportunities.

    Clara also discusses the exhibit hall, which will be adjacent to the general session room, offering booth spaces and tabletops for exhibitors. The conference aims to balance formal sessions with ample networking time, ensuring attendees can connect with peers and industry leaders. This is a unique opportunity to forge new connections and strengthen existing ones. Clara encourages listeners to stay informed through the RESNET mailing list and highlights the importance of feedback in shaping future events. The episode concludes with Clara expressing her passion for the event and her commitment to making it a success, thanking the RESNET community for their continued support and engagement.

    Link to the conference RSVP form: https://www.resnet.us/2025-resnet-conference-rsvp/

    Contact the conference team at: [email protected]

    RESNET Newsletter sign up (the KEY to so much info): https://signup.e2ma.net/signup/1878040/1889360/

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us.

    Or for more info on this topic, contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • "In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught." — Baba Dioum

    In the latest episode of RESTalk podcast, Bill Spohn hosts Paulette McGhie and Ryan Meres to discuss RESNET®'s innovative approaches to water, carbon, and building codes. Paulette McGhie, who recently joined RESNET, shares her extensive background in energy compliance and her passion for energy transparency, driven by a personal experience involving her mother's high utility bills. She now focuses on outreach, education, and advocacy, aiming to promote net-zero energy homes by 2040.

    The discussion highlights RESNET®'s recent activities, including a significant meeting with Utah's water conservation board to address water reduction goals. Paulette emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts among key stakeholders to create incentives and recognition programs for builders adopting water-efficient practices. Ryan Meres discusses RESNET®'s recent policy forum in Washington, D.C., where they advocated for a federal tax credit for water efficiency, similar to the existing 45L tax credit for energy-efficient homes.

    The podcast also covers the challenges in promoting water efficiency and adopting advanced building codes. Paulette and Ryan acknowledge the difficulties builders face, particularly in regions with strict outdoor water use regulations. They stress the need for continuous education and advocacy to overcome these obstacles. Both guests are optimistic about increasing builder participation in RESNET® programs and establishing a robust energy code compliance program, aiming for significant progress in the next year.

    Paueltte’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulette-mcghie-b4675516/

    Ryan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-meres-58977110/

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us.

    Or for more info on this topic, contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • "Build-to-rent isn't just about providing a place to live; it's about crafting communities where flexibility and convenience meet modern living standards."

    In this episode of the RESTalk podcast, host Bill Spohn welcomed returning guest Laurel Elam and new participant Thomas Cochran. The discussion primarily centered on the burgeoning trend of build-to-rent (BTR) housing. Thomas, who serves as the Senior Vice President of National Business Development and Marketing at ARCXIS, shared insights on his role which involves strategic partnerships and initiatives that span regional to national scales, focusing lately on sustainability and energy efficiency in building projects.

    The conversation delved into the specifics of the build-to-rent sector, which Thomas described as detached multifamily housing projects or "horizontal apartments." These developments are typically managed by property management firms after being constructed by home builders. Laurel, who has been actively presenting with Thomas on this topic, mentioned RESNET's involvement through a newly formed advisory group aimed at aligning the rating industry with the build-to-rent movement. This initiative reflects a significant opportunity for energy rating companies to contribute to this growing sector.

    Further, both speakers discussed the practical applications and implications of the build-to-rent model. They emphasized the importance of energy ratings not only for individual homeowners but also for institutional investors and property managers, highlighting the broad appeal and utility of the HERS (Home Energy Rating System) index in these projects. The podcast touched on the geographic expansion of build-to-rent projects, particularly noting active markets in Texas, Arizona, Florida, and Georgia, and how these projects cater to a diverse demographic, including younger generations and retirees looking for flexibility and convenience in housing.

    Thomas’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-c-549bab41/

    Laurel’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurel-elam-5404817/

    Related articles:



    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us.

    Or for more info on this topic, contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • "Advocacy is the mirror reflecting the voices of the community into the corridors of power."

    - Unknown

    In today’s podcast we cover the topic of advocacy and public policy in the context of the residential energy sector learning from our guests Robert Pegues, General Manager of Technical Delivery at US Ecologic, and RESNET board member, and Carl Chidlow, a lobbyist representing RESNET. Robert shares his background in the sector, highlighting his experience at last year’s policy forum and his involvement with regional and national energy councils. Carl provides insights into RESNET's efforts to engage with policymakers through the RESNET Policy Forum, emphasizing the importance of practitioner involvement in legislative processes and the positive outcomes from bipartisan support on issues like the 45L tax credit and VA home loans.

    Our main discussion revolves around the upcoming 2024 RESNET Policy Forum, where industry professionals will convene to advocate for energy efficiency and housing policies. Carl explains the event's objectives and the practical aspects of participating, such as scheduled meetings with Congress members and the importance of constituency in policy advocacy, a truly turnkey process for the participant. Our narrative underlines the significance of direct engagement in shaping policies that affect the residential energy sector.

    The conversation also touches on the practical and personal aspects of participating in such an event, with Robert sharing his initial apprehensions and eventual satisfaction from influencing policy and advocating for industry concerns. Both Carl and Robert encourage listeners to participate in the policy forum, highlighting the opportunity to affect change and the foundational American right to petition the government. The episode concludes with a call to action for listeners to consider attending the policy forum and engaging in the democratic process to advocate for their industry and interests.

    Robert’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-pegues-785622a7/

    Carl’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carl-chidlow-7816ba37/

    Link to the 2024 Policy Forum: https://www.resnet.us/2024-policy-forum/

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us.

    Or for more info on this topic, contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • "I never dreamed about success. I worked for it."

    - Estée Lauder

    We welcome Sharla Riead, Lead Instructor at Energy Smart Institute and Emelie Cuppernell Glitch, VP Programs at Performance Systems Development to focusing on the recognition of women in the HERS (Home Energy Rating System) rating industry. Sharla shares her extensive background, beginning with founding an energy auditing company in 1979, which evolved into a HERS rating company, and subsequently into roles in quality assurance and training within the industry. She emphasizes her company's impact and the shift she has observed towards greater female involvement in the sector.

    Emelie details her journey in the industry, from her initial interest in science and residential energy to her current role as vice president of Performance Systems Development. She discusses the challenges she faced as a woman in the field, including overcoming assumed biases and the importance of establishing credibility. She reflects on the changing landscape for women in the industry, noting improvements and sharing a personal anecdote illustrating past gender assumptions.

    The conversation concludes with advice for women entering the industry, highlighting the importance of continuous learning, self-trust, and getting outside one’s comfort zone. Both guests underline the evolving nature of the industry, noting an increase in female participation, the growing list of role models and encouraging more women to join. They stress the value of diversity and the need for different perspectives in building science and energy efficiency, illustrating the industry’s ongoing transformation and the significant contributions of women.

    Links To Sharla and Emelie on LinkedIn are below along with a Press Release from the RESNET’s Inaugural Class Recognizing Women Pioneers in the HERS Industry during the 2023 conference held in San Diego, CA.




    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us.

    Or for more info on this topic, contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • The best way to predict your future is to create it.

    - Abraham Lincoln

    Data is king, they say. How can the RESNET Quality Assurance (QA) app's data insights revolutionize how we rate energy-efficient homes?

    Imagine a world where getting your home energy rating was made easier by using a smartphone app. Is that the future the RESNET QA app promises?

    Our trio of guests, Quality Assurance Designees (QADs) Cassandra Wright from Strand Systems and Leo Jansen from Energy Efficient Homes Midwest, and RESNET Quality Assurance Field Specialist Billy Giblin, help us to understand the development and application of the new RESNET QA app, a tool designed to improve the quality and consistency of home energy ratings. Here are some key points:


    The QA checklist was created to address concerns about inconsistencies in quality assurance (QA) reviews.

    The checklist evolved through several versions and became a mandatory provider requirement.

    The need for better data access and tracking led to development of the QA app.

    The App:

    Available on the Apple Store, Google Play, and as a web app.

    Streamlines the QA process by pulling data from the RESNET Buildings Registry.

    Saves time and reduces manual entries.

    Allows providers to control access for their QADs.

    Future Plans:

    Integrate with other energy efficiency programs like Energy Star Indoor airPlus and Zero Energy Ready Homes.

    Create a forum for QADs to ask questions and share best practices.

    Develop dashboards for providers and QADs to track their QA and performance.

    Implement an API for providers who want to use their own tools for QA.


    Improves transparency and consistency in QA reviews.

    Provides valuable data for tracking and improving performance.

    Reduces the workload for QADs and providers.


    Providers who use a retroactive QA model may need to adjust their process.

    Learning curve for using the new app and API.

    Overall, the RESNET QA app is a positive step towards improving the quality and consistency of home energy ratings. Everyone will need time to adjust to the new system, but the potential benefits are significant.

    Link to RESNET site with info on the QA app: www.resnet.us/about/qa/resnet-qa-app/

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us.

    Or for more info on this topic, contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • Time is neutral and does not change things.

    With courage and initiative, leaders change things.

    - Jesse Jackson

    The advent of a new year naturally brings broader thinking, more introspection, and the creation of future goals.

    What future goal has RESNET’s board recently adopted?

    What near-term initiatives create the path to that goal?

    How confident is RESNET in meeting that goal?

    What is “embodied passion index?”

    In 2024’s inaugural episode of RESTALK, Steve Baden and Mark Johnson discuss RESNET’s ambitious goal of achieving one million ratings by the end of 2028. This goal represents a significant shift towards a goal-driven budget, breaking away from traditional year-to-year budgeting. The board's decision to set such an audacious goal is based on several factors, including the increasing demand for housing, the need for energy efficiency in homes, and the availability of new tools and initiatives.

    One key initiative is the collaboration between RESNET and the International Code Council (ICC) to improve compliance with energy codes. This involves training and certifying RESNET HERS (Home Energy Rating System) raters who can play a crucial role in ensuring compliance. The extension and amendment of the 45L tax credit also provides incentives for builders to focus on energy efficiency in homes. Additionally, the use of HERS index scores as a matrix for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting by production builders and the growth of green bond programs by finance organizations further demonstrate the industry's commitment to sustainability.

    The interview also highlights RESNET’s efforts in developing a water efficiency index, a carbon index for homes, and the promising build-to-rent movement, which addresses the housing shortage while promoting energy-efficient homes. The conversation concludes with both Steve and Mark expressing confidence in RESNET’s ability to achieve its ambitious goal, driven by the passion and commitment of the industry and the growing demand for energy-efficient and sustainable homes.

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • That’s the funny thing about time. It is only in looking back that it’s easy to connect the dots.

    To see exactly why everything needed to happen the way that it did.

    - Rebecca Serle

    11 episodes, 11 topics, 17 different guests and over 5 hours of RES-Talking in 2023!

    We covered a lot of ground in the RESTalk podcast in 2023, now going into our 6th year of episodes.

    We hope we stimulated your thinking and moved you into action in this ever-evolving world of home energy ratings and peripheral topics.

    Listen in to this fast-paced recap of the year in RESTalk, maybe you missed a detail or two in these nuggets we have mined.

    If you’d like to dig a little deeper into the topics covered in these episodes, see the list mentioned in each section below.

    PART A: Organization. Systems & Affiliates






    Steve Baden John Hensley

    2023 RESNET Mission, Goals and Priorities



    Mark Johnson and Cy Kilbourn

    Meet the new RESNET board leaders



    Clara Hedrick and Emma Bennett

    Back Together and Stronger, the RESNET 2023 Conference


    PART B: Buildings and Building Data






    Ryan Meres

    RESNET Data Sheds Light on Energy Efficient Home Trends



    James Rodriguez & Ned Munoz

    Learn about the HERS Index and Texas House Bill 3215



    Robert Broad

    Energy Efficient Homebuilding at Scale with Robert Broad of AMH Development



    Michael Lee

    Best Practices in Construction Technology Education


    PART C: Carbon, ESG and HERS Zero






    Phililp Fairey David Goldstein

    Update on RESNET Carbon Index



    Chris Magwood

    The New RESNET Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee



    Rob Lochner & David Best

    Santa Fe's Habitat for Humanity building homes with HERS-ZERO scores



    Matthew Cooper

    RESNET® Appoints New ESG Advisory Group


    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • Whatever good things we build end up building us.

    -Jim Rohn

    In today’s episode we chat with Michael Lee coordinator of the Construction Technology Program at Texarkana College in Texarkana, TX.

    We learn of his back story which led him to this role. He thoughtfully describes the approach he has taken to build the construction technology department at Texarkana College.

    Michael describes the students that come through the program, where they come from, what they’re taught, and where they end up working.

    He spends extra effort in enriching his instruction by getting the students out into the field at events, (like the recent RESNET Texas Home Builders Association event), into factories or by bringing in guest instructors.

    We also discuss how he includes the principles of energy efficient construction including the house as a system approach, HERS scoring and using the latest techniques and materials.

    Details on the construction program in the following links:



    Degree plan: https://catalog.texarkanacollege.edu/article/construction-technology-associate-applied-science/

    The Construction Technology program making the news:


    A couple of Mike’s favorite learning resources:




    You can reach Michael via the Texarkana college website at: https://www.texarkanacollege.edu/faculty-and-staff-resources/?

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress; working together is success.

    -Edward Everett Hale

    On today’s podcast we welcome Clara Hedrick and Emma Bennett to give us up to date and inside information about the Upcoming RESNET conference: Nov 15-17, 2023 in San Diego, CA.

    Since the last face to face conference was in 2020, and after virtual conferences in 2021 and 2022, Emma shares what will be the same and what will be different as compared to past conferences.

    We also over a few of the specific events that attendees can look forward to as well as recommend activities outside of the conference.

    Breakout session topics include Carbon/ESG, Water Efficiency & HERSH2O®, HERS® as the Gold Standard, California – Here We Come, New Opportunities for the Rating Industry, Energy Codes, Tapping the Existing Homes Market, Latest Developments in Building Science, Workforce Development, and Financing Improving the Energy Efficiency of Homes

    We close by sharing what we are each most looking forward to about the conference.

    Links Mentioned in the episode:

    View the schedule, find travel details and learn more about the conference at: https://www.resnet.us/conference-2023/

    Find details on the KB Homes Microgrid home tour: https://www.resnet.us/conference-2023/kb-homes-microgrid-tour/

    Learn more about the RESNET Emerging Leadership council at:

    The RESTALK Podcast EP 115 with Chris Magwood on the Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee: https://restalk.libsyn.com/ep115-the-new-resnet-embodied-carbon-advisory-committee-with-chris-magwood-from-rmi

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.

    -Jochen Zeitz

    In this episode of the RESTalk podcast we are joined by Robert Broad, Senior Vice President of Development at AMH (NYSE: AMH), where he oversees new home and community development operations - including land acquisition, land development, purchasing, product development, and construction.

    Robert shares with us AMH’s focus on a desire to create more energy efficient homes using scalable techniques and measurable goals. During this conversation we learn of some new and innovative approaches by AMH.

    Robert also shares with us why AMH chooses to have its homes HERS® Rated and what he feels are the special aspects of a HERS® Rated home.

    We hear that in 2022, AMH built 2,183 homes with an average HERS® score of 61.9 or 0.9 better than 2021.

    Robert tells us how RESNET offers builders a quantifiable program where you can excel with a wide range of markers that’s compatible across multiple regions and climate zones.

    With AMH investing in being long-term owner-operator, durability is key operating metric in their new builds. RESNET helps AMH establish their baseline in sustainability efforts to create a strong foundation they can use to track progress year over year.

    Robert’s LinkedIn profile:




    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It is a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.

    -Ban Ki-moon

    ESG has become an integral factor in the financial world. The Structured Finance Association estimates that $11.6 trillion, or $1 of every $4 invested in the United States, was invested under ESG investment strategies.

    RESNET® HERS® Ratings are increasingly becoming the metric for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting on the energy performance of homes.

    How will RESNET keep track of the needs and opportunities presented by this movement in the industry?

    RESNET® Executive Director Steve Baden has recently appointed a RESNET ESG Advisory Group to better track these emerging opportunities and to develop recommendations on how RESNET® should position itself to take advantage of them. The group is composed of a select group of rating companies and builder representatives that are active in this area of the industry.

    We are joined on this podcast by Matthew Cooper of PEG chair of the advisory group.

    Matthew shares with us his insights and details on the initial efforts of the task group which will be targeted on increasing the presence of RESNET® and HERS® Ratings to financers investing in this economic activity.

    Other members of the group are:

    Jacob Atalla, KB Home

    Erin Bordelon, D.R. Horton

    Thomas Cochran, ARCXIS

    Ian Hughes, Meritage Homes

    Eric Johnson, US Eco-Logic

    Nathan Kahre, EnergyLogic

    Chris Urbanus, Burgess Construction Consultants, Inc.

    Matthew’s LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-cooper-peg/




    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • “Example is not the main thing in influencing others.

    It is the only thing.”

    -Albert Schweitzer

    Habitat for Humanity’s mission is to help families build and improve places to call home. In the process developing strong and stable communities with affordable housing.

    Often household utility costs make affordability a challenge.

    What factors need to fall into place to address this challenge of affordability?

    How are cozy, comfortable, attractive homes that use no net energy being built in the Habit for Humanity model?

    Join us as Rob Lochner, Construction Director at Habit for Humanity, Santa Fe and David Best, HERS Rater with Evergreen Building Solutions (www.evergreenbuildingsolutions.com/) share with us the fascinating story of how 15 NetZero / HERS-ZERO homes have been built in the Habitat for Humanity program in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

    David describes some of the straightforward technical practices and measures that have been used as the program has evolved since 2020.

    While these homes are attracting interest and providing influence, Rob shares insights into what seems to be preventing more widespread adoption of these practices in more projects.

    To learn more or contact our guests, refer to the links below.

    Links for our guests:

    David Best: [email protected]
    David’s LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-best-30359a33/

    Rob Lochner: [email protected]

    Video with Rob: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/build-block-building-systems_video-icfs-and-habitat-for-humanity-activity-6947958189782958080-Uh5d?

    Santa Fe Habitat for Humanity Website: https://santafehabitat.org/habitat-homes/

    Albuquerque Journal Story:


    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • “The trend is your friend.”

    -Mark Zweig

    With Texas as the leading state in new home starts, we can expect some housing trends first to arise there.

    Why was House Bill 3215 developed and enacted in Texas?

    What entities and organizations participated in developing the language in the bill?

    How will this impact the HERS industry in Texas and elsewhere?

    Joining us on today’s podcast is Ned Munoz, V.P. of Regulatory Affairs and General Counsel at Texas Association of Builders, and James Rodriguez, Executive Vice President at Fox Energy Specialists.

    James shares with us the desire to set up a hybrid approach- that is, to introduce a second universal pathway of state energy compliance that is performance-based.

    Which means Texas now recognizes the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index scores as a standalone compliance pathway which untangles it from the current ICC/IRC versions of the energy rating index (ERI) pathway.

    Ned explains how the Texas Association of Builders recognizes the impact that mandated energy codes have on housing affordability while still encouraging energy-efficient home building and how these concepts influenced the wording of the bill.

    It's important to note that the State of Texas overlay energy code for single-family new construction was not updated or changed by the bill.

    Below are the HERS Index pathway thresholds remaining in effect for 10 years.

    TIMELINE Climate Zone 2 HERS Index Climate Zone 3 HERS Index

    09/1/19 to 08/31/22 63 63

    09/1/22 to 08/31/25 59 59

    09/1/25 to 08/31/28 57 57

    09/1/28 to 09/01/31 55 55

    Note: 2018 IECC mandatory items and building envelope thresholds must be upheld as part of these HERS scores.


    2 articles on the topic:


    James Rodriguez on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-rodriguez-0523001/

    Ned Munoz on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ned-mu%C3%B1oz-13a5606/

    FAQs on TX HB: 3125:

    The actual TX HB 3215:

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • “Data is the most valuable asset in the world.”

    - Brittany Kaiser

    Housing trends have significant importance to the RESNET community.

    In addition to tracking progress with RESNET HERS Ratings, the hundreds of data points collected on each home provide insights into the trends in energy efficiency, component selection and electrification.

    What are some of the latest trends in HERS Rated homes?

    What value can this data provide to all the stakeholders in RESNET?

    RESTALK welcomes back RESNET’s Program Director, Ryan Meres, to share with us some insights he has gathered from the 2023 report: Trends in HERS Rated Homes, a statistical abstract.

    Ryan shares with us the impetus of this report, as well as the latest trends in its third year of publication.

    Some of the big picture trends he notes are:

    129% increase in annual Ratings from 2013 to 2022

    Just shy of 338,000 Ratings last year (80% single family/20% multifamily)

    Have seen year-over-year increases for a decade

    Massachusetts is number one again with 82% of new homes receiving a Rating

    Indiana comes in second with 68%

    8 states achieved 50% or more of new homes rated

    When looking only at the number of total ratings, Texas comes out on top with over 81,000 ratings.

    Note: in the upcoming RESTALK Episode 117 we will learn about the HERS Index and Texas House Bill 3215.

    We also cover other topics in the report including efficiency, component types and usage and trends toward electrification.

    A link to the 2021 report:


    A link to the 2022 Report:


    A link to the 2023 report will be available in the RESNET Newsletter. If you are not a subscriber, please subscribe here:


    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • “Doing your best in this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”

    -Oprah Winfrey

    A critical element in the decarbonization of homes is the embodied carbon produced in the construction of homes.

    As the current RESNET Carbon Index® only covers the carbon produced due to energy used in a home, what do we do next?

    What type of standards exists to perform this assessment?

    What are the challenges and roadmap ahead?

    Recently, the RESNET Board of Directors formally authorized the creation of an effort to explore the development of a residential embodied carbon standard.

    The first step in this process is the creation of an advisory committee that will review the development of the standard, provide suggestions on how to proceed, and vet drafts of the guidelines.

    Our guest today is Chris Magwood, Chair of the RESNET Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee. Chris’ full-time role is the Manager of Carbon-Free Buildings at RMI.

    I found this topic fascinating as we explored the data and the impact on people, businesses, and the environment.

    My big takeaway was that the stacked benefits are wins all the way around, and pursuing these efforts is not likely to be cost-prohibitive, perhaps cost-beneficial.


    Chris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-magwood-8a8a9738/

    RESNET blog post on The RESNET Embodied Carbon Advisory Committee:


    RESTalk EP113 on the Carbon Index update:


    Info on the RESNET Carbon Index: https://www.resnet.us/about/resnet-carbon-rating-index/

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

    -Warren Bennis

    What are some of the qualities embodied in outstanding board leaders?

    Someone who has experience in business leadership roles.

    A person that has a proven track record in developing and executing strategy.

    Someone who demonstrates a forward-thinking mentality.

    In today’s podcast, we are joined by two outstanding board leaders, Mark Johnson, Executive VP and Director of Business Development at the International Code Council, and Cy Kilbourn, Vice President of Engineering at Ekotrope.

    We learn of their backgrounds and growing involvement with RESNET over the years and how fitting they are to take on these roles: Mark as Board President and Cy as Board Vice President.

    Mark describes his plans to continue to ensure that RESNET is the gold standard within the industry which includes the growing interest in and use of the Carbon Index.

    Cy notes how he will help encourage and support the opportunities offered in field code compliance work, ESG reporting, and the extension of the 45L tax credit.

    Mark and Cy are focusing on the realization and execution of these and other initiatives.


    RESNET’s 2023 Mission, Goals, and Priorities:


    RESNET Board Page: https://www.resnet.us/about/resnet-board-of-directors-members/

    Mark Johnson on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-johnson-79b71a7/

    Cy Kilbourn on LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/cy-kilbourn-038bb019/

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • “The big picture doesn’t just come from distance; it also comes from time.”

    -Simon Sinek

    Climate change is becoming an increasing concern.

    The private sector, individuals as well as state, local and federal governments are seeking to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    As the energy used in all buildings, including homes, is cited as a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, how do these entities get an accurate metric on emissions?

    Is there a way to use this info to address when energy is used in a home?

    As well as how much home energy consumption can be reduced?

    Philip Fairey, Deputy Director at Florida Solar Energy Center, and David Goldstein, Energy Efficiency Advisor at the National Resources Defense Council, join us to provide an update on the RESNET Carbon Index.

    The RESNET Carbon Index is the first-of-its-kind carbon rating index which addresses the critical issue of greenhouse gas emissions stemming from energy use in a home. The index can help with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting and as a basis for green bonds.

    The existing RESNET HERS Index already looks at patterns of energy use by the hour of the year. It is a straightforward task to translate the energy profile into an emissions profile using the hourly CO2e emission rates and electricity generation emission projections as published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). All joking aside, it’s about time.

    David and Philip explain how it is now a straightforward process to calculate the comparative emissions of two houses. For example, the emissions from a new house with, or without, efficiency and solar can be examined to see how much electrification and clean energy can help. Or one can compare a house as-is with how it would look with a deep decarbonization retrofit.

    Philip Fairey on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/philip-fairey-89867773/

    David Goldstein on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-b-goldstein-4700a58/

    Details on the Carbon Rating Index from RESNET:


    RESNET’s Infographic: https://www.resnet.us/wp-content/uploads/RESNET_CO2eIndex_infographic_11-15-2022.pdf

    NRDC Article: https://www.nrdc.org/experts/david-b-goldstein/new-tool-measuring-decarbonization

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • “The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.

    -Vince Lombardi

    Strong organizations fulfill their mission by periodically reflecting on their goals and priorities.

    RESNET is no exception having adopted their 2023 Mission, Goals and Priorities by vote of the Board of Directors on October 7, 2022.

    How are the goals crafted that align with and fulfill the mission?

    How are priorities and budgets set so these goals are achieved?

    How is 2023 looking to shape up?

    John Hensley, President of the RESNET Board of Directors, and Steve Baden, RESNET Executive Director join us to describe the priorities for RESNET’s activities in 2023

    Steve describes the process of setting the priorities and how they lead to the goals that have been set by the Board to achieve the mission.

    John describes the RESNET mission and details out the goals while Steve describes how the goals and priorities shape the budget that has been adopted by the RESNET board.

    John recaps the challenges and achievements for RESNET in 2022 and Steve outlines the challenges and opportunities for RESNET and the HERS Industry in 2023.

    It’s the combined efforts of the board, the staff and the RESNET community that lead to the organization’s achievements, year after year.

    LINK TO 2023 mission and goals: https://t.co/34gH0HLUXy

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]

  • Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.

    - Margaret J. Wheatley

    23 episodes, 23 topics and 34 different guests.

    We covered a lot of ground in the RESTalk podcast in 2022, now going into our 5th year of episodes.

    (Over 12 hours of conversations about the world of RESNET!)

    We hope we stimulated your thinking and moved you into action in this often-complex world of home energy ratings.

    If you’d like to dig a little deeper into the topics covered in these episodes, see the list mentioned in each section below.

    PART A: Organization. Systems & Affiliates





    Steve, John

    Steve Baden describes the opportunities and threats for RESNET going into 2022


    Dominic Sims, Mark Johnson

    Broader consensus in code development


    Joshua Anderson

    Breaking into the industry as a HERS modeler


    Simone Beaty

    Factors influencing the outlook for green mortgage-backed securities


    David Choo

    CALCERTS David Choo's Motivations for entering the Home Energy Industry


    Billy Giblin

    An overview of onsite field visits and their impact

    PART B: Buildings and Building Data





    Ryan Meres

    Who are the buyers of HERS Rated Homes and what is driving their decisions


    Sara Gutterman

    Net Zero everything?


    Ryan Meres

    Data on new homes getting to Net Zero


    Spencer Frye

    Athens GA Ground Zero for the affordable homes’ crisis


    Emily Mottram

    How did the Pretty Good House concept get started

    PART C: The RESNET Community





    Emma Bennett

    What do people get out of the RESNET Building Performance Conferences


    Elizabeth Sanfelippo

    Artistic Perspectives in Home Performance


    Jacob Kamen

    Mentorship in RESNET


    John Godden

    CRESNET / RESNET Cross Border Challenge, new technologies and water


    Jared Kain-Woods

    Detective work and complexity in energy efficient designs


    Stefan Orenda

    Unique ways to market energy efficient homes with consumers

    PART D: Codes & Standards





    Andy Buccino & Sara DeVico

    Embodied carbon tools & engaging builders


    Jacob Atalla

    The water & energy nexus


    David Goldstein

    What is the genesis of the RESNET CO2e Index


    Alex Meaney

    What does a load calculation tell you and more


    Steve Rogers

    Why is duct leakage testing so important? An example.


    Jim Bergmann

    Importance of proper design installation of a blower/air handler & cost of ownership

    RESTalk: To the RESNET community, we hear you and want to engage.

    Learn more at www.RESNET.us

    Or for more info on this topic contact RESNET at [email protected]