Diane made a life-changing decision—she was done with suburban living and yearned to return to the energy of the city. She initially considered condos and co-ops in New York City, where her three adult children lived, but quickly realized the Big Apple was out of her financial reach. Declaring that she had “broken up with New York City,” Diane expanded her search to cities within a two-hour train ride of New York.
Her journey led her to Philadelphia, where she found herself drawn to the charm of Old City—a neighborhood renowned for its rich history, vibrant arts scene, and affordable living. Diane purchased a one-bedroom condo in a renovated factory building for $306,000.
To hear more about why Diane fell in love with the City of Brotherly Love, tune in to Episode 206 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Additionally, if you’re interested in publishing a book, check out Diane’s company, Rebel Books Press at https://rebelbookspress.com/
Diane has authored fiction and non-fiction books, including The Last Invention: The Day Death Died and How to Stop Project 2025
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Karen Espig took early retirement from her government job in Ottawa, Canada, to dedicate more time to her passion for art. Concerned that her pension wouldn’t provide a comfortable lifestyle in Canada, she explored more affordable options in Europe. She initially settled in the small town of Pogradec, Albania, which met her financial criteria but ultimately felt isolating and unfulfilling. After two years, Karen discovered a far better fit in Arles, a charming town in the south of France renowned for its rich artistic heritage. It seems she has truly found her place in Arles! To hear more about Karen’s journey from Albania to France, tune in to Episode 205 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Learn more about Karen’s art and travels go to Karen’s website, KarenEspig.com. Karen has written two books on Albania. They are Albania: A First-Timer’s Guide for Visitors & Expats and Pogradec, Albania: Tips for Tourists, Slow Travellers, & Digital Nomads. She has also published a number of date and birthday books.
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Eksik bölüm mü var?
Greg Kitzmiller and his wife, Jen, dreamed of retiring early after years of hard work and enduring chilly Michigan winters. However, since they were still in their 50s, they faced the challenge of securing affordable health insurance, as their jobs would no longer cover it once they retired. In their search for a warm, budget-friendly destination with excellent healthcare, they found Coronado, Panama. This charming beach town offered stunning condos, a relaxing atmosphere, and a lower cost of living. The couple found their perfect spot in a condo community with a country club, and they couldn't be happier with their decision. Tune in to Episode 204 of Retire There with Gil & Gene to explore the ins and outs of condo living in Coronado, Panama!
Greg’s website about living in Panama is 2RetireInPanama.com. His book on the subject is Retired in Panama: A Comprehensive Guide for Retiring and Adventuring in Panama. Murder in Eagle Cove is Greg’s first mystery novel.
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Carol Fahy had always dreamed of living in the tropics, and after talking to expats, she decided to stay in the U.S. She and her husband, Gene, moved to Oahu, Hawaii, but Gene, a car enthusiast, missed long drives. To satisfy this, they bought a second home in Prescott, Arizona, which is a unique rammed earth home. You can learn more about their experience of splitting time between Hawaii and Arizona in Episode 203 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
For more about rammed earth homes, check out the website of Aerecura Sustainable Builders or https://www.aerecura.ca/.
Carol recommends two books on Hawaii: (1) Big Happiness: The Life and Death of a Modern Hawaiin Warrior, by Mark Panek and (2) Plague Doctors: How Hawaii Battled the Pandemic, by Jonathan Dworkin, MD.
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A murder in Philadelphia set Theresa Conroy on an unexpected path to discovering her love for France. But the story behind this revelation is likely not what you think. Over the years, she returned to the country multiple times with her husband, and it wasn’t long before the idea of living there took root. During a trip to Rennes, France, the couple instantly felt it was the place they were meant to be. To learn more about their journey and what drew them to France, tune in to Episode 202 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Theresa and her husband, Don Russell, write about their transition to life in France on their blog called “Yo France,” found here: https://yofrance.substack.com/
Theresa’s website on yoga for people with Parkinson's disease is YogaForParkinsons.com.
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Doreen Hall Vann is a native Hawaiian who has always loved the state and thought she would never leave. That all changed when one of her daughters relocated to the mainland. Doreen pulled up her stakes, along with her husband and young son, and moved to North Las Vegas, Nevada to be closer to her daughter who was starting a family. However, her daughter later returned (!!!) to Hawaii but Doreen decided to remain in Nevada. Hear why Doreen stayed in North Las Vegas on Episode 201 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
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Celebrate the New Year with Gil & Gene! Tune in as we reflect on the remarkable growth and transformation of the Retire There Podcast throughout 2024. We share behind-the-scenes happenings, revisit standout episodes, and offer a sneak peek into the exciting plans for 2025. If you value the Retire There podcasts, consider supporting Gil & Gene by making a $5 donation at https://buymeacoffee.com/retiretherepod. Each contribution goes towards production expenses.
Retire There was spotlighted in the March/April 2024 issue of Connect to Northern Westchester Magazine: The Next Chapter: A comprehensive guide to empty nesting, downsizing and retiring in Westchester and beyond and Retire There appears near the end of the article: https://connecttomag.com/the-next-chapter/
Retire There was ranked number one in the list of the “10 Best New York Travel Podcasts” by FeedSpot, and in https://blog.feedspot.com/travel_podcasts/
As noted in the episode, IHOP has a special $6 menu ($7 in some locations) available Monday through Friday from 7am to 10pm. The special menu is IHOP House Faves or https://www.ihop.com/en/specials/house-faves.
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Marsha Scarbrough worked in Hollywood for 20 years as an Assistant Director on major feature films and prime-time television shows. In 2006, she retired and moved to Sante Fe, New Mexico, a place she thought would be her “forever home.” In Sante Fe, she used her small nest egg to purchase two houses as investments. Unfortunately the Great Recession of 2007-2009 rendered her real estate near worthless. By 2010, she was bankrupt, in foreclosure, and owed money to a friend. Marsha believed she could not live comfortably in the U.S. but might be able to do it overseas. She desired a large European city but didn’t think it was affordable. A visit to a friend in Madrid, Spain changed her mind. She soon learned that life on a budget in Madrid was possible. In 2017, at the age of 70, Marsha left Santa Fe for Madrid and hasn’t looked back. Learn more about Marsha’s journey to the large cosmopolitan city of Madrid, Spain on Episode 199 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Learn more about Marsha on her website, MarshaScarbrough.com. Marsha’s two award winning memoirs are Medicine Dance: One Woman's Healing Journey into the World of Native American Sweatlodges, Drumming Meditations and Dance Fasts and Honey in the River: Shadow, Sex and West African Spirituality.
For Marsha’s interview with Vince Gilligan and his staff about the creation and writing process of Breaking Bad. Available on Amazon as a Kindle ebook. Get the inside story! Click here to download Inside Breaking Bad available on Amazon as a Kindle ebook
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Jennifer Oliver O’Connell and Lynn O’Connell were living in southern California and were hit hard by the Great Recession of 2007-2009. They had thought long and hard about relocating to a less expensive part of the United States. After doing extensive research, in 2023 they finally made the big move to a small town in Alabama: Muscle Shoals. It may be rural there but it is known around the world for the music made there. It is home to two famous recording studios and is known as “The Hit Recording Capital of the World.” Find out why the O’Connell’s left the glitz and glamor of southern Cal for the beautiful and friendly little town of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, on Episode 198 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Check out Jennifer’s inspiring website: AsTheGirlTurns.com.
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Maxwell Lee and Kelly Lei were living in Florida but believed it was important for their school-age children to experience other cultures. This prompted their decision to move to Asia and selected Taipei, Taiwan due to its relative ease of accessing a visa and comparative low cost of living. Viewing the move as a practical task rather than an idealistic dream made their transition smoother. In Taipei, their children are acclimating to public school, Maxwell is rekindling his desire to become a musician, and Kelly is running a gym. Learn and laugh about Maxwell and Kelly’s exciting lives in Taipei on Episode 197 of Retire There with Gilen and Gene.
Check out Maxwell's music YouTube channel, Project Maximus, and his lifestyle YouTube channel, Firewalking Journey. His website is FirewalkingJourney.com.
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Retire in Frankfort, Michigan!
Mike Andersen had lived in Chicago for many years but he loved exploring small-towns. Whenever he had a chance, he would take short car-trips staying at hamlets along the way. Those excursions led him to an eighteen-month trek across the United States visiting villages. Those towns and more are featured on Mike’s website, BestSmallTownsInAmerica.com. When the opportunity to move to a small-town arose, he jumped at the chance to settle in Frankfort, Michigan. For more about Frankfort, and other quaint small-towns, check out Episode 196 of Retire There with Gil and Gene.
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Retire in Valencia, Spain - EP195
Christopher Wells enjoys experiencing new cultures and meeting new people, so it was no surprise when he moved to Valencia, Spain. However, an attractive job opportunity brought him back to the US. When the chance to return to Valencia arose, he jumped on it. The city seamlessly combines old world charm with new styles and technology. Hear Christopher share his story on Episode 195 of Retire There with GIl & Gene.
Christopher’s website is CleverExpat.com and his blog is ValenciaAtLast.com.
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Retire in Istanbul, Turkey!
Lisa Morrow is a travel writer whose work has appeared in The New York Times, CNN Travel, The Guardian, and BBC Travel to name a few. She grew up in a quiet leafy suburb of Sydney, Australia but caught the travel bug at a young age. With a world to choose from, Lisa, and her husband Kim, fell in love with Istanbul, Turkey, the land of grand empires, monumental mosques, breathtaking churches, stately palaces, and where fortune tellers use live rabbits to foretell futures. Find out what attracted Lisa and Kim to Istanbul on Episode 194 of Retire There with Gil & Gene - Link in bio.
Lisa’s website is https://www.insideoutinistanbul.com/.
She has authored a guide book titled Istanbul 50 Unsung Places and her memoir is Istanbul Dreams: Waiting for the Tulips to Bloom. Go to Amazon for a list of all of Lisa Morrow’s books on Turkey.
Lisa also created and produced an audio self-guided walking tour called Stepping Back Though Chalcedon: Kadikoy Walk.
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Retire in Portsmouth, New Hampshire - EP 193
When Cathy Donnally moved from New Jersey to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, it was primarily to be near her son and his family. She was thrilled to learn that Portsmouth had small town charm and big city amenities. She was further surprised that dance lessons taken for her son’s wedding would lead to ballroom dance competitions around the world. Learn more about how Cathy’s move to a classic New England coastal city led to the world of ballroom dancing on Episode 193 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
#retirethere #retiretherepodcast #retirewhere #retireabroad #retirehere #wheretoretire #retireearly #bestplacetoretire #retirement #retirementplanning #babyboomers #genxers #portsmouth #portsmouthnh #portsmouthnewhampshire #newhampshire #rockinghamcounty #17magazine #ballroomdancing #competitiveballroomdancing
Retire in San Antonio Tlayacapan, Lake Chapala, Mexico - EP 192
When we first interviewed writer Janet Blaser about living in Mazatlan, Mexico in June of 2021, we were convinced she had found her forever place. There, she had a large apartment a stone's throw from the beach for under $500 per month. Needless to say, we were surprised to learn that Janet had moved to San Antonio Tlayacapan, a small Mexican town on Lake Chapala. It turns out that Mazatlan is not the sleepy little city it once was when Janet first moved there. Hear what triggered Janet’s move on Episode 192 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Check out Janet’s website: https://janetblaser.com/
Why We Left An Anthology of American Women Expats: Collected Essays of 27 Women Happily Living in Mexico is her book
To learn about moving to Mexico, contact Janet at [email protected]
Working on your memoir? Writing a novel? Want a fresh set of eyes? With 30+ years of journalism experience, Janet is now available for Content & Copy Editing, Proofreading Reader Services at [email protected]
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Retire in Dublin, Ireland & Celebration, Florida - EP 191
Powerhouse Gail Clifford is a doctor, podcaster, writer, blogger, coach, foster parent, tremendous Disney fan … the list goes on. Naturally, she’s not one to retire, or stay at one venue too long. But she loves life, down time and having fun. Her chosen long-term destination homes are in Dublin, Ireland, Celebration, Florida and Guanacaste, Costa Rica. She spends 9 months in Celebration (sort of), summers in Dublin, and having a condo built in Costa Rica. If all that isn't dizzying enough, Gail’s job as a physician is in Goodyear, Arizon - she commutes from Florida to Arizona regularly. Check out Episode 191 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Gail’s podcast is Single Mom MD and websites are www.SingleMomMD.org and AbleTravelPhoto.com.
Gail’s best selling children’s book, co-written by her daughter Jackie Mullen, is Mommy Magic: Anatomy and Sex Ed for Pre-Schoolers. She also wrote a chapter on combatting physician depression and suicide for the best selling book, The Experts Cure: How Entrepreneurs are Changing the World.
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EP 190 Retire in Rosarito, Mexico!
How would you like to live on the ocean and enjoy the near perfect weather of San Diego, California? Most of us would, but not many of us could afford its beachfront living. Jym and Renee Varnadore found a way to live such a lifestyle on a budget. The couple moved to Playas de Rosarito, Mexico, a small city located on the ocean only 10 miles south of the US/Mexico border. Due to its proximity to San Diego, Rosarito enjoys a similar climate. And get this, the couple purchased an oceanfront condo in Rosarito for a fraction of what they would have paid in San Diego. Find out more about the Varnadore’s budget conscious move to paradise on Episode 190 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
Check out The Guardian article about Jym and Renee at https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/11/americans-retire-mexico-affordability-peace.
Renee’s astrology Facebook group is Soul Portal Journeys Sisterhood.
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Retire in Traverse City, Michigan!
Fred Anderson has lived most of his life in Michigan. He considers himself vintage, not old. When retirement rolled around, Fred and his wife decided to move from Lansing, Michigan to Traverse City, Michigan. Sadly, Fred’s wife passed while the couple was preparing their Lansing home sale. Fred carried on, moved to Traverse City and has kept himself busy with the area’s numerous shops, cultural centers and natural surroundings. The small city includes two independent bookstores, two movie theaters, numerous eateries, a great library, an opera house, and three whisky distillery tasting rooms. And there are over 50 wineries nearby and the amazing Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Hear Fred thriving in Traverse City on Episode 189 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
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@retirethere_email: [email protected]
Selena Medlen, an attorney, and Jason Luban, an acupuncturist, had successful careers in Oakland, California, but they were stressed out. After taking a trip to Spain, they fell in love with Ronda, a small mountain top city in the southern part of the country. The next thing you know, Jason was selling his practice, Selena was quitting her job and the couple was moving to Ronda for a change of pace. These Gen Xers intended to stay a year and then reevaluate their situation. It has been over 5 years, not only did they not leave, they recently purchased an apartment! Learn what’s keeping Selena and Jason in Ronda, Spain on Episode 188 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.
For information about Jason Luban's forthcoming book, Moving: One Man's Attempt to Rebuild His Life by Leaving It, go to his website, JasonLuban.com. By the way, he is seeking a publisher.Jason’s business website is: https://www.sellingapractice.com.
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Imagine being a college student for the rest of your life. Enjoying a college town with lifelong learning while living on campus, what could be better? No exams! Former university president Jessica Kozloff and her husband Steve Kozloff, a former physician, chose this lifestyle and couldn’t be giddier. The active couple retired to Mirabella at ASU, on the campus of Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Residents don’t just live on campus, they are interwoven into the fabric of university life. They take part in numerous activities including taking classes, mentoring students, playing in the university band, volunteering on campus, and serving as adjunct faculty. Learn more about living on ASU’s campus on Episode 187 of Retire There with Gil & Gene!
Curious about living on a college campus? Check out https://retirement.org/mirabella-asu
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