Centralia Church of the Nazarene - Sermon Archive
A show for people who are ready to radically transform their lives through the use of Stoicism, the Enneagram, and other personal growth resources. Mindset and momentum coach Sarah Mikutel shares actionable exercises, interviews and stories to help you feel more peaceful, enjoy happier relationships, and live a more smoothly flowing life. If you’re stuck in a transition point — you know WHAT you want to change and can’t figure out WHY you can’t move forward — this show is the roadmap you’ve been looking for.
A fairy tale that takes you from philosophy to political theory from first principles.Start from the beginning to follow along with the story. -
Point of Convergence is a weekly podcast addressing inter-related topics such as UFOs, the Phenomenon, alien abductions, remote viewing, near death experiences, out of body experiences, interdimensionality, and high strangeness. In addition to discussing these and related topics, host ExoAcademian will discuss their apparent connection as contact modalities within the bedrock of entangled Consciousness.
Це подкаст про те, як ми памʼятаємо нашу історію. Він розповідає, які проєкти українці створюють, щоб зберігати памʼять про своє минуле і краще розуміти себе.
Ведучі подкасту Ігор Кромф і Вікторія Скуба у кожен випуск запрошують людей, чий досвід роботи з історією і памʼяттю може бути корисним.
Подкаст є проєктом Українського інституту національної памʼяті за підтримки Медіацентру Україна. Технічним партнером подкасту є агенція RMA. -
How does Christian humanism express itself on the ground? Join Anne Snyder as she learns from a wide range of leaders who are embodying Comment’s way of thought, translating theory into practice.
This podcast is all about the journey. The journey of self-discovery, the journey to reach our highest potential and the journey to understand the nature of reality.
Podcast host Garett Renon is currently studying shipibo style plant medicine and is an apprentice under world renown shipibo curandero and ayahuasquero Ricardo Amaringo. Garett brings a unique perspective and insight into the world of shipibo style plant medicine documenting his year long sama with the powerful master tree ayahuma.
Join Garett on his journey as he discusses: The power and potential of Plant medicine, Human potential, The power of the mind, The nature of consciousness, Supernatural phenomena and much more. -
The Faith & Work Podcast explores our everyday work in God's world, and is produced and hosted by Denver Institute for Faith and Work.
Conversations about consciousness, culture, and how we might live in the 21st century
Spirit Talks is a podcast hosted by Lorraine, also known as The Hermit Tarot and is a place where spiritual concepts are discussed openly, with guests and Lorraine's psychic resources. Lorraine is a professional tarot reader and uses her connection with her Spiritual Team to channel messages and opinions through this podcast. No topic is off limits! The aim is to create a safe place for listeners to hear and voice opinions.
Susispietimai - apie nepaprastai nepaprastai paprastus klausimus. Filosofas Rasius Makselis, psichologas Viktoras Keturakis ir vadovų konsultantas Saulius Jovaišas per pokalbį bando suprasti ir padėti žiūrovams pamatyti iš skirtingų pusių žmogaus gyvenimo realybę.
Кто такой современный еврей и какую роль в его жизни играет иудаизм? В каких пропорциях нужно совмещать еврейские традиции и светский образ жизни? Что будет, если не соблюдать кашрут и работать в субботу? Можно ли придумать новую этику, в которое религиозные и светские евреи будут уживаться вместе? Как встроить в свою жизнь Тору и не скатиться в фанатизм. Сложно ли совмещать жизнь в мегаполисе и древние традиции? А главное — нужно ли?
Разбираемся, что делает евреев евреями? Знание Торы или память о Холокосте? Кашрут или фамилия в паспорте? Как почувствовать в себе еврея и признать корни. Как нести еврейские ценности не соблюдая заповеди.
Вместе с гостями, раввин Йосеф Херсонский и Павел Кац пытаются разобраться в этих вопросах. Обсуждают, спорят, ищут правильные формы для новой этики и переводят заповеди на язык 21-го века. А ещё приглашают евреев, которые ведут светский образ жизни, чтобы спросить у них про самоидентичность, традиции, ценности и задать главный вопрос — что значит быть евреем?
Наш телеграм:
Главный редактор — Александра Стародубцева
Монтажёр — Ира Федечкина
Автор оболожки — Муся Кудрявцева
Композитор — Иван Калашников
Истории из жизни, прикладная психология, диванная философия, лайф-стайл!
I’M SO POPULAR is an audio program from the end of the world by American drag queen in Japan, Zach Langley Chi Chi. Scream into the abyss, find another way: discussing with anyone and everyone homosexual beauty, art, culture, Madonna, Marxism, J-Pop, James Joyce, drag, death, all of it, none of it. What can be salvaged.
„Vykėliai“ – tai dviejų draugų, Arūno Sakalausko ir Elijo Martynenko kūrinys. Pokalbis be cenzūros, tačiau nebūtinai necenzūrinis.
Tai procesas kurio metu svarbiausia užduoti tinkamus klausimus. Ir tada nerti stačia galva į gelmę arba savo pačių kvailybę.
Žodis „vykėliai“ prašyte prašosi priešdėlio ir abu vedėjai nuolat ieško kuo galima virsti – pavykėliais, nevykėliais, išvykėliais ir t.t. Draugai kalbasi apie didingus ir vulgarius dalykus tikėdamiesi, kad šis pokalbis bus malonus ne vien dalyviams, bet ir visiems klausytojams. -
„Tarpinės sąvokos“ – beveik reguliari, pastovaus formato neturinti, namų sąlygomis kurta laida skirta filosofiniam apetitui sužadinti.
Man Catholic speaks to men about living as a Christian man in our current day and age. Send us topic ideas at [email protected].
Struggle to weave together all of the seemingly un-connectable parts of yourself? Tired of feeling like you can only ever be one thing? Or, sick of being told there’s only one “right” way to be, so you feel like you have to cut off pieces of yourself in order to belong? This podcast is for you. This Plus That is a show about connecting the seemingly un-connectable and why it matters—everything from Neuroscience + Dance, to Fractals + Free Will, to Love + Death. Join host Brandi Stanley as she interviews people creating lives at the intersections of all their interests and complexities—even and especially if those interests are paradoxical.
If you’re looking for #truecrime #honestopinions #opendiscussion #conspiracy #hollywierd look no more cause it’s US . Lemme Talk Podcast is hosted by myself KekeSoHood and my cohost Banda ! Come listen to us #wrapitup
A show where we will be asking questions everyone else is too afraid to ask and have professionals of many different fields that are professionally able to answer the questions answer them for you! You (the audience) can be a part of the show by calling, emailing, video chatting, or messaging us as the episode starts as we will be checking for your inputs just as much as you will be checking for our guest speaker's inputs!