В этом выпуске я говорю о том, почему Олимпийские игры такие дорогие и как они влияют на экономику городов. И ещё немного о том, кто отличился на этих играх.
In this episode, I talk about why the Olympic Games are so expensive and how they impact the economies of host cities. And a little bit about who stood out in these games.
Let me know what you think about this riveting topic
Workbook 18 days to boost your vocabulary
Video podcast
The interview I mentioned
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Я рассказываю о том, как мои чемоданы не вернулись домой после поездки. Что происходит с багажом, когда он теряется?
Вы выучите много новых слов, которые вы 100% должны знать.
I talk about how my suitcases didn't make it home after a trip. What happens to luggage when it gets lost?
You will learn a lot of new words that you 100% should know.
Transcript + translation !https://patreon.com/russianconnection
Check out 🗣️Speaking club!
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Слушайте мой новый подкаст об историях из аэропортов! Вы посмеётесь над историями из поездок и узнаете супер полезные слова для путешествий. Хотите запомнить слова из подкаста и начать использовать их? → Работайте с транскрипцией. Приглашаю вас на борт! Work with the transcript and the worksheet if you actually want to learn!https://patreon.com/russianconnectionCheck out my new podcast about stories from the airports! I'll share funny travel stories and you’ll hear extremely useful words for your trips. Want to learn new vocabulary faster? → download a transcript!
I launched a 🗣️Speaking club! Find out!
If you want to support my work https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rusconnection
Join my Telegram channel to see updates:
Last episode I started to tell you a legend (half legend, half truth) about how Kefir became such a popular drink.
Listen to this part to find out how the story ends!
Work with the transcript and the worksheet if you actually want to learn!
I launched Speaking club!
If you want to support my work https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rusconnection
Join my Telegram channel to see updates:
В прошлом выпуске я начала рассказывать легенду (полулегенду - полуправду) о том, как кефир стал таким популярным напитком.
Слушайте этот выпуск, чтобы узнать, как закончилась эта история!
Have you ever tried kefir? Some people love it, some hate it. It's a very healthy drink and one of the most typical beverages in the Post-Soviet countries. But when did people start drinking it? It has a very interesting story behind!
Tune in to the episode to discover the legend of kefir!
Work with the transcript and the worksheet if you actually want to learn! https://www.patreon.com/russianconnection
I launched Speaking club!
If you want to support my work https://www.buymeacoffee.com/rusconnection
Join my Telegram channel to see updates:
Вы пробовали кефир?
Некоторые обожают его, некоторые ненавидят. Это супер полезный напиток для здоровья и один из самых типичных напитков в странах СНГ. А когда его начали пить? У него очень интересная история!
Слушайте выпуск, чтобы узнать легенду о кефире!
This episode is about my trip to Iceland! It's entirely in Russian and good for levels A2 - B1+.
You'll hear so many useful words and phrases that you can use to talk about your trips!
I highly recommend that you work with the transcript and the worksheet. It will increase your results twice (as minimum).
If you want to support my work and give me more time to create podcasts, buy me a coffee or a book!
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
This episode is for people who are curious about the etymology of the name of the main Thanksgiving dish! It's entirely in Russian, in moderate pace, and is good for levels A2 -B1.
If you want to contribute and give me more time to create podcasts, you can buy me a coffee... or a book;)
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
This episode is about dogs' names! It's entirely in Russian and good for level B1.
You'll find out about some common expressions that people use a lot!
If you want to support my work and give me more time to create podcasts, buy me a coffee or a book, and get a transcript+ translation!
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
This episode is about dogs' names! It's entirely in Russian and good for levels A2+.
You'll find out about some famous dogs' names and maybe even get inspired to name your future dog!
If you want to support my work and give me more time to create podcasts, buy me a coffee or a book, and get a transcript+ translation!
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
This episode is about dogs! It's completely in Russian and good for levels A2+.
You'll find out about some famous dogs and some references to movies with dogs. You'll learn some very useful vocab like "pup", "breed", "mixed breed dog", "dog people" and so on. Listen in!
If you want to support my work and give me more time to create podcasts, buy me a coffee or a book, and get a transcript+ translation!
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
You MUST know these Russian expressions with the names of animals!
People use them a lot!
If my podcast helps you and you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Thank you!
Who brought coffee to Russia, and when? When did it become popular? 🤔 Listen to find out!
If my podcast helps you and you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Thank you!
Join my telegram channel and participate in conversations! (I'll be publishing announcements about live events there)
Когда начали пить чай в России и почему он стал таким популярным?
Об этом в этом подкасте!
Join our telegram channel for podcast lovers if you don't want to miss out on future events!
If my podcast helps you and you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Thank you!
📲 Join my brand new community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
Is vodka originally from Russia? Listen to this episode to find out!
**If my podcast helps you and you want to support me so that I can produce more episodes, you can purchase transcripts + English translations => buy transcripts.**
If my podcast helps you and you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Thank you!
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
In this episode, I advise how to use chat GPT to help you learn Russian.
If my podcast helps you and you want to support me so that I can produce more episodes, you can purchase transcripts + English translations => buy transcripts.
Learning frequent expressions through parallel English translation is a helpful technique. Otherwise, how do you know where to pay your attention to?
Until June 30th, seize the opportunity to practice with episodes 61-70 by using the exclusive promo code PODCAST40. Enjoy a generous 40% discount on your purchase, which includes transcription, translation, and bonus Quizlet sets!
Learning new vocabulary through space repetition with Quizlet sets is a MUST to progress fast. Quizlet sets are ready to use and come as a BONUS!
In this episode, I talk about my trip to South Korea. There is a lot of helpful vocabulary in this episode!
If my podcast helps you and you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Thank you!
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection.
In this episode, I review some common mistakes English speakers make due to the similarity of some phrases. They are similar but different!
If my podcast helps you and you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Thank you!
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection.
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
In this episode, I explain five of my favorite Russian expressions.
The episode is 100% in Russian. It is created for students of A2 level (pre-intermediate) and upper levels. If you understand at least 50% of the podcast without too much effort, keep on listening!
**If my podcast helps you and you want to support me so that I can produce more episodes, you can purchase transcripts + English translations => buy transcripts.**
Learning frequent expressions through parallel English translation is a helpful technique. Otherwise, how do you know where to pay attention to?
If my podcast helps you and you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Thank you!
Subscribe to my newsletter to stay in the loop⬇️
Join my community on Telegram https://t.me/podcastrussianconnection
In this episode, I discuss the movement "Slow life": what it is and its approaches.
The episode is 100% in Russian. It is created for students of A2 level (pre-intermediate) and upper levels. If you understand at least 50% of the podcast without too much effort, keep on listening!
**If my podcast helps you and you want to support me so that I can produce more episodes, you can purchase transcripts + English translations => buy transcripts.**
Learning frequent expressions through parallel English translation is a helpful technique. Otherwise, how do you know where to pay attention to?
If my podcast helps you and you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee! Thank you!
Subscribe to my newsletter to stay in the loop⬇️
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