This podcast is me sharing stories as I search for balance in an imbalanced world. I discuss topics such as fatherhood, masculinity, and religion through stories of myself and interviews.
A podcast that travels the USA interviewing uniquely inspiring people, uncovering big stories and ideas that inherently celebrate our differences
In My Big Story with Christopher Swan, Christopher is literally on a plane, train, or automobile, traveling the USA, uncovering stories from the voices often not heard, crossing boundaries of diversity, differentness, and beliefs. These thought-provoking conversations are with people that have taken chances and carved out uncommon paths. Through these interviews and stories Christopher discovers dreams, ideas, and truths — and in turn, his big story unfolds — to create a world where everyone belongs. -
Improve your life 1% a day through your goals, mindset, habits, energy, and relationships.
Interviews of influential and inspiring female role models.
Podcast to increase the awareness of Codependency. To look at the behavior and journey to healing.
*Special thanks to DS Productions for audio assistance and Quadrius Salters for my music. -
Αυτό είναι ένα podcast για εσάς! Εδώ μοιράζομαι μαζί σας τρόπους για να εμπνευστείτε, να παρακινηθείτε, να βελτιώσετε τον εαυτό σας. Πάνω από όλα είναι ένα podcast που θα σας δώσει ιδέες και εργαλεία σχετικά με τη πρακτική της ενσυνείδησης (Mindfulness) . Για να έχετε ευεξία, καλή ενέργεια και να ζείτε μια ουσιαστική και γεμάτη νόημα ζωή. Καλώς ήρθατε!- Μπορείτε να βρείτε περισσότερο περιεχόμενο και στο κανάλι μου στο YouTube: και στο blog στο site μου:
This podcast brings valuable tips and tools to single men and women who are pursuing relationships for the purpose of marriage.
More about your host:
Aleeza Ben Shalom is a professional dating coach, in-demand speaker, expert, and author of Get Real, Get Married, the guide to “get over hurdles and under the chuppah.”
The founder of Marriage Minded Mentor, which connects singles from around the world with dating coaches, Aleeza has been called the “Jewish Dating Guru” for her successful career guiding singles through the steps to become engaged—regardless of age, affiliation, or stage in life. A regularly featured expert in the media, Aleeza’s relationship advice has appeared everywhere from BBC World News, to NPR to You may also recognize Aleeza from her appearance in the web series Soon By You or Eli Talks.
Men and women worldwide work with Aleeza to break through patterns and cultivate relationships that lead to marriage. She trains dating coaches and matchmakers and has helped over 200 singles manifest their soulmate.
Aleeza is a dedicated wife and loving mother of 5 children and one adorable puppy. -
Dr. Auður H. Ingólfsdóttur stýrir hlaðvarpi um hvernig hægt er að bæta eigin lífsgæði á sama tíma og tekin eru skref til góðs fyrir umhverfi og samfélag.
Í Transformia hlaðvarpinu fáum við til okkar viðmælendur sem hafa velt fyrir sér samfélagslegum áskorunum, kynnumst bakgrunni þeirra og hvernig þeir finna leiðir til að rækta eigin garð á sama tíma og þeir leggja sitt af mörkum til betra og sjálfbærara samfélags. -
Ritch In Life is a lifestyle podcast based on experiences in the fashion, retail world of designers and the luxury consumers who love them.
It’s a how-to discussion. How-to modernize your wardrobe, recycle what you already own. How to get back at your husband or boyfriend for being a dick.
Making peace with yourself. From how much money you make to how you look.
After years of experience in psychology; aka shoe salesman stylist and designer, I learned a lot by partially listening to my clients and their angry counterparts, always trying to help out and pretend if there was anything I can do for them. It was a huge help and support for them.
I want to bring it to a wider audience to talk about fashion style, shopping in your closet and putting your best foot forward.
It’s a podcast for Anyone that wants to be entertained while picking up great ideas and tips to live in this freak show we call life. -
Listen to Stories - Listen to stories with Rubberfashion. Do you want to listen to stories for free because you don't have the time or inclination to read them? You are longing for relaxation, for a break from everyday life and you just want to get wet? You want to experience an erotic quickie during your lunch break or at the bus stop, a dirty pleasure for your ears?
A podcast, where Stories Change Lives! KORE Women provides a unique idea of ”home” for the hearts and souls of women. KORE Women is a company that strategically empowers women to promote strength and wisdom. KORE Women is a woman-owned business founded by Dr. Summer Watson, PhD, who is an Evaluation and Success Coach, Dr of Psychology, Author, Documentary Film Producer, and Producer of Virtual and In-Person Seminars. Join Dr. Summer Watson and her guests as they share stories of growth, resiliency, intention, transformation and inspiration.
Wenn du dir mehr Nähe, Wahrhaftigkeit, erfüllenden S*x & Leichtigkeit in deiner Beziehung wünscht, bist du hier genau richtig.
Bei uns geht`s um alle Themen, die einem als Paar in einer Partnerschaft begegnen:
- Ehrlichkeit und Wertschätzung
- Streit- und Konflikt-Lösung
- erfüllende körperliche Intimität
- Leidenschaft und Romantik
- gesunde Beziehungsdynamiken
- emotionale Nähe
- Umgang mit Enttäuschung & Misstrauen
und vieles mehr
Wir sind Susanne und Felix, 37 und 40 Jahre alt und seit 10 Jahren ein Paar. Wir unterstützen Paare dabei, mehr Frieden, Wahrhaftigkeit und Freude in ihre Beziehung zu bringen. Unser Ziel ist, durch ganzheitliches Wissen, praktische Tipps, ehrliche Erfahrungsberichte, Selbstreflexion und Amore, einen Beitrag zu mehr Liebe zu erschaffen.
Link zu unserer Website:
2024 -
Welcome to Attractive Relationships, the podcast dedicated to helping you understand how relationships REALLY work so you can confidently and effectively communicate with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Join Rico Armstrong, your personal coach for choosing and strengthening the relationships that help you get what you want in life need. No one does anything great on their own which is why good communication is the key to unlocking the next level in your relationships, and it can be simple if you know the path.
Welcome to the Beyond Divorce: Embracing Change podcast! We are actual therapists helping clients who sit on our couches every day through their difficulties of divorce. Whether you're contemplating separation, in a divorce, or looking for support post-divorce, our episodes provide expert guidance, stories, and strategies to help you through every step of the process.
Eva Matta og Sylvía Briem Friðjóns, þjálfarar og athafnakonur, taka hrátt plebbaspjall um mannlegheit og skoða leiðir til þess að gera lífið skemmtilegra.
BBR Investigations - Sharing personal accounts from the BBR Investigation case files on the British Bigfoot, Man-Ape creatures, Werewolves & Dogmen, Paranormal Entities, Haunted homes, Haunted people and many UFO’ experiencers here in the UK and worldwide.
Deborah Hatswell is the UK’s leading British Bigfoot researcher and investigator. A horrible experience with an unexplained creature in 1982 has shaped and forged Deborah's research into a ‘one stop shop’ for all things Cryptid, Paranormal, Supernatural or Unexplained. Shunned by many sources and outlets Deborah made her own reporting site that has been in operation for over 40 years.
Deborah has worked with, interviewed and counselled many witnesses to the other worldly events that happen to people on a daily basis. Deborah interviews the witness about their initial experience and then takes them over several weeks back to their childhoods in the hopes of understanding why so many people have interactions with several different phenomena during their lifespan. Many of the people Deborah helps have had ongoing activity since their very early life, often in their own rooms at home.
Those cases are investigated by Deborah and her team of researchers who check out the witnesses' family lines to see if the activity is a generational thing. Deborah's theory on ‘Paranormal bloodlines’ will take you down the rabbit hole of haunted homes, woodlands and impossible creatures seen and witnessed on Military Of Defence land in the UK.
In the cases she covers you will hear from people who have seen Man-Ape creatures, Werewolves & Dogmen, Paranormal Entities and many UFO’ experiencers several with missing time events, strange object placed within them and some extreme cases the signs of childbirth in females who have never carried a human child. Deborah releases her thoughts on the experiences of others and her interviews with them in her show BBR Investigations (Being Believed Investigations)
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
Intimate Femdom Hypnosis & Training
My goal with this podcast is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually achieve your goals.
You will learn how to level up your mindset, develop leadership skills in business and in your personal life, and learn how to live to your full potential.
Hosted By Eldin Hasa, 🌟 Neuroscientist | Mind Architect | #1 Expert on Human Behaviour | Corporate Training | 🎙 SPEAKER | Workshops | Retreats | 18 years Experience | Entrepreneur| Finance | Realestate | E-Learning | Author | 🎙 Podcaster -
We believe that success with ADHD is possible... with a little translation. Hosts Asher Collins and Dusty Chipura, both ADHD coaches who have plenty of insight to share navigating their own ADHD experiences, discuss how to live more authentically as an adult with ADHD and how to create real, sustained change to achieve greater success. If you are an adult with ADHD who wants more out of their business, career, and life, this is the podcast for you!