
  • Ever wondered what it takes to scale your startup from seed to Series C? Beth Nevins from Developa.io joins us to reveal her proven strategies for building a world-class founding team and crafting a unique value proposition. Beth shares the crucial mindset shifts founders need as they transition from hands-on roles to full-time leadership, along with insights on managing multiple teams and hiring the right leaders. She also dives into the post-COVID strategic decisions surrounding remote versus in-office work, emphasizing sustainable growth and profitability as key goals.

    Creating a high-performance culture in a resource-constrained startup can seem daunting, but Beth has some actionable advice. We discuss practical ways to empower and upskill your team while avoiding burnout, stressing the importance of conscious leadership and continuous recognition. Founders play an essential role as cultural custodians, and we explore how they can model and maintain a motivational work environment. Outdated performance measurement methods are examined, with an emphasis on evolving how performance is evaluated and nurtured to keep the team aligned and driven.

    Navigating organizational design in a fast-growing startup comes with its own set of complexities. Beth highlights the delicate balance between internal promotions and external hires and the necessity of establishing a management training playbook early on. We delve into the differences between managerial skills and leadership qualities, stressing that both are needed for scalability. The conversation also touches on the transition of founders to full-time leadership roles and the significance of strategic recruiting in fostering a high-performance culture, especially in today's post-COVID landscape. Join us for this enriching discussion and gain valuable insights to help your startup thrive.

  • Ever wondered how to prevent entrepreneurial burnout before it derails your dreams? Join us as we welcome Kenneth Berger, an executive coach with rich experience in the tech and startup worlds, who shares invaluable insights on maintaining mental health and well-being in high-pressure environments. Kenneth’s journey from founding a startup to a transformative role at Slack, and ultimately to his calling in coaching, reveals how to balance high performance with essential self-care and supportive team dynamics. His personal anecdotes and expert guidance shine a light on how integrating mental health into entrepreneurial culture is not just beneficial but crucial for long-term success.

    Facing the fear of rejection and overcoming people-pleasing tendencies can be monumental challenges for any entrepreneur. Kenneth delves into the importance of articulating personal goals with integrity and how openly expressing desires can lead to unexpected opportunities and stronger relationships. We also dive into the transformative power of somatic interventions like mindfulness and meditation. Learn how simple practices such as deep breathing or taking mindful walks can significantly boost your performance and emotional resilience in high-stakes scenarios like meetings and public speaking. Tune in for practical strategies that will leave you grounded and more connected with your entrepreneurial journey.

  • What if the key to sustainable business growth lies in effective goal setting and team alignment? Join us as we sit down with Donna Dubé to explore how getting the right people in the right seats and investing in one-on-one time with team members can make all the difference. Donna offers invaluable insights on setting realistic, data-driven revenue goals and translating them into actionable steps, ensuring every team member is engaged and aligned.

    The pressure to meet launch deadlines in a startup environment can be overwhelming, but aligning your team's capacity with organizational goals can significantly ease that burden. We'll guide you through assessing your team's readiness, reallocating tasks, and breaking down annual objectives into manageable 90-day segments. This approach not only keeps the team motivated but also links their daily tasks to the company's overarching goals, making every contribution count.

    Effective communication is the cornerstone of strong team leadership. By involving higher-level team members like fractional CFOs in strategic planning, you can create an inclusive environment rich with diverse perspectives. We'll highlight the importance of consistent and varied communication methods to ensure everyone is on the same page. Learn how reconnecting with individual contributors and providing regular updates can foster a collaborative and motivated workplace. Tune in and discover practical tips you can apply in your own work environment today!

  • Unlock the secrets to mastering leadership, culture, and conflict resolution in today's dynamic organizations. I'm Gwenevere Crary, founder and CEO of Guide to HR, and join me as I engage with Dan Tocchini, co-founder of Take New Ground, for an insightful conversation on why organizational culture often resists change, especially during critical phases like scaling startups or mergers. Learn how candid communication and self-management can transform leadership effectiveness and help build a coherent and robust culture.

    Discover the art of building trust in high-pressure environments. We break down how openness and understanding differing viewpoints, especially during conflicts, can foster deeper respect and team cohesion. Listen to us explore the importance of leaders being willing to follow and consider all perspectives, ensuring everyone feels heard. Additionally, we address the pitfalls of unilateral decision-making and the necessity of timely communication to prepare and align teams for upcoming changes.

    Balancing creativity and business expectations is a tightrope walk for tech startups, and we delve into this critical tension. Hear how maintaining a culture of creativity while meeting investor demands requires effective communication and the willingness to ask the right questions. We discuss the value of feedback and being open to new ideas, even those that seem initially threatening. We also offer strategies for fostering a proactive and accountable culture, emphasizing the power of clear requests and promises to achieve leadership growth. Join us as we share actionable insights and strategies to help you navigate the complexities of organizational leadership.

  • Unlock the secrets to successful startup growth as talent optimization expert Matt Peopsel joins us to reveal key insights into the dynamics of early founding teams. Discover how diverse behavioral styles among co-founders impact communication and decision-making, and learn why a shared vision and values are crucial for harmony and success. Matt sheds light on the Predictive Index, a powerful tool that can help founders understand team personalities and navigate the tumultuous waters of rapid expansion.

    As your company scales, maintaining direct communication and enthusiasm becomes increasingly challenging. Matt discusses the hurdles of managing multiple tiers of managers and the importance of transparency in attracting top talent. Embrace flexibility in leadership and organizational practices to balance technological advancements with a human-centric approach. With practical advice from Matt, you’ll gain valuable strategies to enhance team collaboration, foster a sense of belonging, and drive your startup toward sustained success.

  • Prepare to unlock the secrets of revolutionizing your engineering and product development teams with the uncanny insights of Talila, the tech oracle with a wealth of knowledge spanning two thrilling decades. This enlightening conversation promises to equip you with the tools to identify when your processes need a shake-up and how to spearhead a transformation that empowers your organization to scale with agility and precision. Our dynamic dialogue demystifies the true essence of processes in the tech world, revealing that they are not the nemesis of innovation, but rather the bedrock upon which scalable success is built.

    Venture beyond the conventional with us as we share the compelling tale of how a startup skirted the brink of a total codebase overhaul and discovered the power of strategic modularization. This episode is brimming with wisdom on how to synchronize your team with the heartbeat of your company's objectives, embracing a 'commander's intent' mindset to foster adaptability and a crystal-clear direction. We also delve into the transformative realm of employee engagement, highlighting how non-monetary rewards can significantly outshine financial incentives. Join us for this masterclass in nurturing a culture that celebrates the right hires, seamlessly welcomes fresh faces into the fold, and ensures a synergy that sustains your company's exponential growth.

  • When family and business intertwine, the results can be as complex as they are compelling. That's the tapestry we explore with Amit and Kumar Ramal from Chintan Project in a conversation that cuts to the heart of how personal bonds shape the professional realm. From the echo of familial opinions in financial decisions to the undercurrents of emotion steering the ship of business, we uncover the silent yet powerful influence of our closest relationships. Our discussion ventures into the territory of human capital, underscoring its weight over financial assets, and advocating for a strategic approach to resources and partnerships in family-led ventures.

    The delicate dance of business partnerships is much like nurturing a marriage, requiring a finely tuned balance and clear role expectations. I reveal the transition of a personal friendship into a business alliance, navigating the need to safeguard both the relationship and the entrepreneurial spirit. Amit and Kumar offer their sage advice, prompting listeners to ponder the foundation and evolution of their partnerships. We all agree: the construction of a business relationship, like any meaningful connection, is perpetual and requires conscious effort. Join us as we share stories, strategies, and heartfelt guidance on fostering lasting harmony in the interplay of our personal and professional worlds, with insights that resonate long after the conversation ends.

  • Ever felt anchored down by administrative tasks when you should be steering the ship of your business into new waters? Our latest chat with Hilani Ellis, founder of Exceptional Admins, promises to equip you with the insights to recognize when it's time to bring on administrative support. We dissect the common trepidations entrepreneurs face, from the daunting prospect of training new team members to concerns about maintaining accessibility. Hilani breaks down the transformative impact a strategic executive assistant can have, not just on productivity, but on propelling your company's growth and keeping executive burnout at bay.

    Imagine having more hours in your day to focus on what truly matters for your business growth. That's the heart of our discussion on choosing the right business support. Whether it's contemplating a virtual assistant for those pesky tasks eating away at your time or engaging a full-fledged executive partner to synergize with your vision, we uncover the nuances of each option. Resources like Squared Away emerge as lighthouses, guiding us through the tailored approach needed to find that perfect fit for your unique leadership style and business needs.

    The real game-changer, however, could be right at your fingertips. I open up about my own search for an executive assistant, sharing the critical questions that helped me find a strategic partner aligned with my workflow and ethos. We revel in the potential synergy between executive and virtual assistants, a collaborative force that can refine your operations to near-perfection. Tune in for an episode that doesn't just shine a light on the benefits of hiring a business partner—it blazes a trail for leaders ready to embrace support and soar to new heights of success, with special nods to Hilani for her invaluable guidance along the way.

  • Ever wondered how the combination of blue and white-collar expertise can redefine success in today's workforce? Adam Hurd and Tom Marino of Atomic Business Coaching join us to illuminate the world of Purple Collar Workers, the hybrid visionaries excelling in both hands-on trades and managerial tasks. In a candid exchange, we uncover the unique hurdles they face, particularly when balancing their multifaceted skills with the demands of business management. Our guests articulate their dual-focused coaching philosophy that promises not only to elevate your business but also to refine your personal approach to leadership and growth.

    Unlock the secret to working smarter, not harder, as we dissect the 80-20 rule and its potential to revolutionize your efforts. Say goodbye to the glorification of busywork and hello to strategic action that aligns with your passions, driving substantial outcomes with less burnout. This episode isn't just about strategies; it's a holistic call to infuse positivity and self-care into our professional lives, a trend that's rapidly becoming a top priority as we navigate the complexities of the modern work environment.

    Wrapping up this thought-provoking session, we challenge the traditional view of employment costs, urging founders and CEOs to see their teams as investments with rich returns. Sharing my own journey, I vouch for the profound impact of nurturing quality talent, an ethos that transcends industries and is especially resonant with those leading Purple Collar Workers. Join us for a transformative conversation that's not just about enhancing your business but about enriching the lives of those who help build it.

  • Unlock the transformative power of dialogue in tech and avoid the rabbit hole of unnecessary complexity with insights from Douglas Squirrel. On our latest Scaling with People podcast episode, we're joined by the tech conversationalist extraordinaire for a masterclass on steering your engineering teams toward success. With Squirrel's quarter-century of wisdom, we traverse the terrain of tech pitfalls, shining a light on how founders can employ effective communication to align complex technology with true customer needs. His strategies are not just theories—they're practical tools for any founder looking to scale up without losing sight of what their customers really want.

    Ever wondered how to elegantly slice massive projects into success stories? Listen in as we introduce the 'elephant carpaccio' strategy—a game-changer for dealing with intimidating endeavors in tech and beyond. We discuss how this method brings products and customer needs into harmony, starting with minimal viable features and expanding through direct feedback. This episode isn't just about improving products; it's an education on choosing the right customers who are open to evolution and growth, fueling both customer satisfaction and your competitive edge.

    This podcast isn't just about the tech; it's about the people behind it. We delve into the sensitive topic of managing underperformers during critical growth spurts, offering actionable strategies for startups to foster skill development and set clear expectations. Discover the importance of hiring individuals aligned with the startup mindset and the art of 'back briefing' to keep projects on track and teams in sync. Douglas Squirrel brings his trademark insights to bear on these challenges, and by the end of our conversation, you'll be equipped with a toolkit for ensuring your startup thrives with the right tech and talent. Join us for this enlightening discussion that's as much about human conversations as it is about technological innovation.

  • Unlock the full potential of your team as you tune in to our conversation with the dynamic duo, Dan Haakenson and Emily from Haakenson Consulting. In a world where teamwork is the lifeblood of every successful enterprise, we dissect the key elements of leadership that drive high-performance cultures. We dive deep into strategies for taking a team's pulse with tools like the Team Assessment Report and reflect on the past year's evolution in team dynamics, preparing you to navigate the leadership landscape of 2024 with confidence.

    This episode is a treasure trove of insights on the subtle art of nurturing trust and the profound impact it has on fostering open, meaningful dialogue within organizations. As we grapple with the challenges of talent acquisition and the critical need to support new managers, you'll learn why investing in the growth of your people is not just good practice but an essential strategy for organizational resilience. Dan and Emily highlight the transformative power of creating an environment that not only supports but celebrates development, ensuring your team is well-equipped for the challenges that lie ahead.

    Finally, we zoom in on the tactics that maximize team success and the development of individual members, including the innovative 'feed forward' approach. Discover how to understand your team's current state, the importance of alignment with business goals, and the necessity of clear communication in fast-paced environments. Dan and Emily share their expertise on predictive tools and strategies that can optimize team dynamics and reinforce the importance of trust and empathy. With these valuable takeaways, you'll be ready to steer your team toward a future of sustainable success and development.

    Connect with Dan: http://linkedin.com/company/haakenson-consulting

  • Unlock the transformative power of lean processes and join us as we explore their impact on business growth and customer satisfaction. Lean expert Catherine and Fabrice, CTO of Theodore, share their insights on human communication, team engagement, and the disciplined approaches that propel companies forward. Discover how the legendary Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos wove lean thinking into their corporate tapestries, and get an inside look at how these methodologies can revolutionize your business from the ground up.

    This episode is a treasure trove of strategic wisdom, where we dissect the evolution from Lean to Agile within the tech industry. Catherine's mastery of Lean tools like Kanban and Andon, and Fabrice's decade of experience incorporating these principles, provide practical examples of driving efficiency and nurturing a supportive work environment. By examining our own organization, we reveal the substantial benefits of adopting Lean, including revenue boosts and high employee morale—proving that success and well-being can indeed go hand in hand.

    Ever wonder how to sustain long-term growth in your business? It's not just genius and luck—it's about cultivating every team member's creativity. We delve into the heart of lean thinking and continuous improvement, emphasizing the importance of staying close to the 'Gemba' and nurturing craftsmanship. For those ready to embark on their own journey, Fabrice's candid reflections offer a roadmap for adopting lean principles and fostering innovation within your team. Tune in for a conversation packed with actionable insights and resources to guide your organizational evolution.

    Connect with Catherine: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherine-chabiron-43ba6b16/

  • When one Marine Corps infantry officer's journey intersects with the cutting-edge world of medical technology, the result is nothing short of extraordinary. Bryan Stewart, a man who traded his military fatigues for the role of healthcare entrepreneur, graces us with his presence to recount the pivotal moments of co-founding HDO Health in partnership with Ohio State University. His narrative is a testament to the power of strategic team building and the surprising doors that open when rekindling ties with an alma mater.

    Navigating the labyrinth of technology licensing is no small feat, yet Bryan Stewart makes it seem like an art form. He generously shares the wisdom gleaned from his experience—the meticulous planning, the investment in authentic co-founder relationships, and the cultural pillars that fortify a company's foundation. Even more, he sheds light on the significance of constructing a fiduciary board early in the game, an invaluable safeguard for the company's vision and interests, alongside an advisory board that can steer the ship through uncharted waters.

    As we bid farewell, the discussion has left an indelible mark, rich with insights into leadership development and the transformative potential of executive coaching. With a nod to the Accelerating Leadership Academy and the ever-evolving impact of AI on coaching practices, Bryan Stewart stands as a champion of humility and continuous learning. This episode is more than just a conversation; it's a roadmap for those aspiring to lead with integrity and cultivate loyalty and engagement within their teams. Join us on this illuminating adventure that promises to fuel your aspirations and ignite your passion for innovation and leadership.

    Connect with Bryan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bjstewart/

  • Have you ever wondered how leaders transform adversity into a stepping stone for success? Join me for an enlightening conversation with Kyle from Blue Shirt Coaching as he shares his evolution from an orange farm to a seasoned business coach. Our discussion takes you through the eye of the storm, from trademark disputes to the birth of a new company identity, and the profound impact such challenges can have on one's leadership approach. Kyle's candid experiences underscore the resilience necessary to steer a business through legal hurdles and the due diligence that can save you from them, reminding us all that perception often dictates our reality.

    Leadership is more than strategy; it's an emotional odyssey that demands self-awareness and the courage to let go of self-doubt. In this heart-to-heart with Kyle, we reveal the potency of emotional intelligence in fostering clear, confident decision-making. Discover the transformative effects of simple practices like journaling and understanding emotional triggers, and how mastering the art of emotional leadership is key to nurturing professional relationships and guiding a team to triumph. This episode is a trove of actionable advice for anyone looking to lead with both head and heart.

    Empowerment is the secret ingredient to a thriving workplace. We share the story of a New York businesswoman who unlocked the potential of her employees by encouraging them to think independently. As we dissect the brain's selective attention and the need for tailored communication, we celebrate the changes that can arise in the blink of an eye—both in ourselves and in those we lead. Kyle imparts final wisdom on the liberation found in releasing emotional burdens, leaving you inspired to embrace change and equipped to navigate the highs and lows of business leadership with newfound clarity.

    Connect with Kyle: https://blueshirtcoaching.ck.page/profile

  • Theresia, an entrepreneur who's seen the zenith of success and the nadirs of struggle, joins the conversation, spilling the secrets that transformed her business journey. Boots strapped and hands on the wheel, she navigated the treacherous roads of scaling a business, and now she's here to guide you through the same paths—minus the pitfalls. Our candid talk peels back the layers of leadership evolution and strategic delegation, as Theresia recounts her personal saga of balancing the tightrope between business growth and family life. Discover how the art of hiring the right roles, like an Executive Assistant and Operations personnel, can not only amplify your company's growth but also refine your team's synergy.

    We weave through the emotional fabric that stitches together the life of a CEO, understanding that personal relationships and a compassionate work culture are as crucial as any business strategy. The narrative unfolds to reveal the often unspoken emotional rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, from battling burnout to managing time with finesse. Theresia and I dissect the importance of support systems, ranging from mentoring to therapy, which aid in weathering the isolation that comes with the CEO territory. Tune in for a heart-to-heart exchange that promises to enrich your entrepreneurial mindset and challenge the conventional blueprint of business success.

    Connect with Theresia: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tag4hr

  • Have you ever grappled with the challenge of building trust in your team or wondered how the nuances of feedback can shape your leadership style? Join us as we sit with Limor Bergman Gross, delving into the intricate ballet of coaching and communication that can make or break the dynamics of a team. Our candid conversation uncovers how misalignments in communication can lead to conflict, and we bring to light the transformative power of aligning team goals with individual values. Discover the underestimated value of personality assessments, not as mere corporate tools but as the keys to understanding and navigating the complexities of your team's interpersonal relationships.

    Navigating the transition from a technical expert to a leader is akin to changing gears mid-drive—smooth for some, jarring for others. We address this head-on, sharing personal stories and insights on the real-world implications of leadership without adequate training. From the subtleties of feedback to setting clear expectations, we dissect what it really takes to create a safe space where feedback fuels growth. Reflect with us on the pivotal role of effective communication in shaping the trajectory of both individual careers and entire teams, and learn strategies to help technically-minded individuals steer towards successful leadership roles.

    As the workplace continues to evolve, understanding cultural perspectives in a remote setting becomes a cornerstone of effective collaboration. We wrap up our enriching discussion with Amar, whose experiences offer a deep dive into the importance of patience and the deliberate effort required to build bridges across cultural divides in remote work environments. Whether you're a seasoned manager or an emerging leader, this episode is packed with actionable insights that will equip you to better understand your team, foster a culture of growth and communication, and lead with confidence in today's global marketplace.

    Connect with Limor:

    https://www.linkedin.com/in/limorbergman/ https://www.instagram.com/limorbergman

  • Discover the transformative power of purpose with our special guest, James M Rink, as we uncover the secret sauce to both explosive business growth and personal fulfillment. This episode isn't just another business strategy session; it's a profound exploration into the heart of what drives success and satisfaction in all aspects of life. We delve into the essence of purposeful living with James, drawing on his vast experience in television and entertainment to reveal how a strong foundational purpose can spark commitment and reduce risks for startups. Get ready to be inspired by stories like Walt Disney's and learn why having a 'Purpose of you' could be the game-changer you're looking for in your career.

    In the wake of COVID-19, the conversation turns to the challenges of workforce engagement and mental health, areas where a sense of purpose proves to be more crucial than ever. We discuss the unique needs of younger workers and the power of HR strategies that cater to the emotional drivers of employees, ensuring a thriving company culture. As our chat with James draws to a close, we reflect on the invaluable insights shared and extend a warm thank you to him and you, our dedicated listeners. This episode is a must-listen for anyone eager to infuse their company or personal life with a renewed sense of purpose and direction.

    Connect with James: PurposeOfYou.com

  • Embark on a journey through the labyrinth of marketing and technology with Vivek, a tech wizard whose insights into digital solution snafus are nothing short of transformative. Discover the strategies that will equip you with the savvy to pick the perfect tech partner, ensuring your website, app, or digital project not only matches but exceeds your visionary expectations. We wade into the merits of platforms like Clutch for sourcing vetted expertise and underscore the triumph of clear communication in steering your development team toward success. Vivek's expertise shines as we unravel the art of not going at it alone while tackling the intertwined worlds of tech and marketing.

    Crack the code of startup culture where trust and strategic hiring are the bedrock of burgeoning businesses. In conversation with Vivek, we illuminate the power of a team in tune with your vision: a force capable of managing clients and operational tasks, freeing you to zero in on the horizon of long-term achievements. As your startup scales, understand the delicate dance of melding the loyalty of your core team with the fresh perspectives of new talent, especially post-Series C funding. We explore the evolving dynamics of relationship building and expectation management through each phase of growth, all the way to post-IPO pressures, painting a roadmap for founders ready to lead their ventures to new heights.

    Connect with Vivek: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivek-raina15/

  • Unlock the potential of fintech payments and revenue strategies that can redefine your business model with the guidance of industry veteran Ashley Isenberg, who joins us to impart her twenty years of wisdom. As we navigate the transformation of payment processing, we're not only unearthing how to enhance customer experiences but also converting financial operations from cost burdens to profitable assets. Every entrepreneur, whether you're at the helm of a cozy cafe or an expansive online marketplace, will discover actionable insights on embedding payment systems that work seamlessly with your business's heartbeat.

    Together with Ashley, we dissect the essential factors to consider when choosing and implementing payment solutions, from customer onboarding synchronization to strategic vendor partnerships. We tackle the tough questions that business leaders face, like when to evolve in-house payment capabilities, and the sometimes daunting regulatory maze. I also get personal, sharing my journey as a founder and the critical lessons of embracing expertise rather than going it alone—because let's face it, juggling every aspect of a growing business is a Herculean task. For those looking to navigate the complex yet lucrative world of payment integration, this episode is your roadmap to success.

    Connect with Ashley: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-isenberg/

  • Embark on a transformative journey with Dan Fantasia, CEO of Treeline Incorporated, as we uncover the secrets to evolving a sales organization into a dynamic engine of growth. Get ready to grasp the art of perfect timing and strategy for assembling a sales team that's destined to excel. Dan brings to the table a treasure trove of insights on transitioning from solo sales efforts to a formidable sales force, while also throwing light on the crucial role of a specialized recruiting firm in fishing out the crème de la crème of sales talent. Avoid the common snares that trip up so many in the hiring process and learn how to lure in candidates who resonate with your company's core value proposition, setting the stage for mutual triumph.

    This episode is a deep dive into what it takes to scale a business from the tens to the hundreds of millions, with a focus on the vital shift from CEO-led sales to a more intricate and scalable team structure. Discover how hiring the right leaders, like a VP or CRO, can redefine your strategy and anchor your company's sales ship as you navigate the waters from mid-market to enterprise sales. Dan and I also explore the underestimated power of contingency recruitment services, showing how a professional team can expedite the hunt for top-tier talent, saving precious time and driving revenue at breakneck speed. Join us for an insightful session brimming with strategies and actionable takeaways to construct a sales organization that's not just poised for present-day challenges but is also geared up for future conquests.

    Connect with Dan:

    Website: www.treelineinc.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danfantasia/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanFantasia
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TreelineInc