
  • Robb's host approaches the Twins in the rain. Robb rides at the head with Catelyn, Edmure beside him, and Ser Raynald bearing his banner. Catelyn cautions Robb again about offending Lord Walder Frey, and advises him to ask for food and wine as soon as they arrive to secure the guest right. They are met by a contingent headed by Ser Ryman Frey, Lord Frey's grandson, and three of Ryman's sons: Edwyn, Black Walder, and Petyr Pimple. When they come near, Grey Wind begins to growl and leaps forward, causing Petyr's horse to throw him. Ser Ryman is angered that Queen Jeyne is not among them and Catelyn offers her apologies, but Black Walder says that Lord Walder will be displeased. The Freys tell them they have rooms prepared for Robb, Catelyn, and Edmure, and their bannermen at the Water Tower, but Robb's army is to cross the bridge to the far end and join the men of Lord Frey and Lord Roose Bolton beneath pavilions erected for the wedding.

    When they reach the gatehouse, Grey Wind refuses to continue and howls. Lame Lothar comes up, saying he must fear the water and offering to give him over to the master of hounds, but Robb has Ser Raynald stay with Grey Windinstead. Robb enters the great hall, where Lord Walder and his eighth wife, Joyeuse, await. Lord Walder is relentless in his veiled insults against Robb, making it clear that the king betrayed him by breaking his solemn oath. Robb apologizes, and then Roslin is brought out. She is by far the most beautiful of Walder's get. After Edmure meets his soon-to-be-bride, Catelyn asks the Lord of the Crossing for some food and he says, "bread and salt ... of course", and the old man welcomes them as guests to his table.

    When Lord Bolton joins them, Robb finds out more of what happened at Winterfell. His bannerman tells him that Ramsay rescued many of the women and has been fighting the ironmen. Lord Bolton again states that his bastard son’s blood is tainted, but maybe his deeds will atone for the crimes he committed. He tells them that Ramsay is holding Theon Greyjoy hostage, and he shows them a piece of Theon's skin, his son having been flaying the captive Greyjoy. Roose explains that as Balon Greyjoy's sole surviving son, Theon's uncles (Euron, Victarion, and Aeron) will want him dead as his claim to the Seastone Chairis greater than theirs, and that they can demand concessions from the ironborn as the price of Theon's execution; Robb reluctantly agrees for Theon to remain imprisoned at the Dreadfort. Roose lost men crossing the Trident when Gregor Clegane's army attacked at the ruby ford. Roose has brought mostly his own Bolton men as well as Karstarks, leaving Kyle Condon and Ronnel Stout to guard the Trident against Gregor.

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  • Gared, Will, and Ser Waymar Royce, three rangers from the Night's Watch, are tracking a band of wildling raiders in the haunted forest. Will has reported on wildlings that he found, claiming they are all dead. Gared, an older man who has been in the Night's Watch for decades, is uneasy, and insists that they turn back to the Wall; they have eight or nine days of travel ahead of them, which can turn into a fortnight if it snows. Waymar, a noble-born youth of eighteen, however, has the command, and after making light of Gared's fears he asks Will again for the details of what he saw.

    Will explains that he saw the wildlings' encampment. Their lean-to was covered by snow, they had no fire, and none of the wildlings moved the entire time he was watching. They were lying on the ground as if dead, but no blood was visible. Waymar suggests they might have been sleeping, but Will insists they are dead. There was also a woman up in a tree, but she did not move either. Gared suggests the wildlings must have been killed by the cold, but Waymar points out that the weather has not been cold enough to freeze men like that. He asks Will to lead them to the dead wildlings.

    With night falling, the rangers ride back to the wildling camp. Both Will and Gared sense something is wrong, but Waymar mocks them again and commands Gared to stay behind to guard the horses. When Gared suggests starting a fire, Waymar sardonically orders him not to. Will fears that Waymar's insolence will provoke Gared into drawing his sword, but Gared eventually acquiesces and no fire is lit.

    Will and Waymar climb up the ridge, Waymar much noisier than Will. When Will reaches his previous vantage point, he sees that the bodies are gone. Waymar, walking upright, reaches the top of the ridge and stands in plain sight. Will warns Waymar to get down, but Waymar just laughs. Determined to find the wildlings and make his first ranging a success, Waymar orders Will to climb a tree and look for a fire.

    Will reluctantly climbs a nearby sentinel tree. Below him, Waymar challenges an unseen foe. Will thinks he sees a white shadow moving below, but is not sure. He is about to call down a warning, but stops, unsure. Waymar calls to Will with unease in his voice as he turns in a circle with his sword drawn, and he asks about the sudden cold, which Will also feels.

    Waymar Royce faces off against an Other, by Jon Neimeister © Fantasy Flight Games

    An Other emerges from the woods: tall, gaunt, and white, dappled with a gray-green shimmer. Waymar nervously commands it to come no further and prepares himself for battle, challenging the Other to "dance" with him. Will notes that Waymar, in that moment, is no longer a boy, but truly a man of the Night's Watch. When more Others appear among the trees, Will considers calling out a warning, but decides not to do so, as it would require him to reveal his position. The sword of the first Other is made of inhumanly-sharp translucent crystal. Waymar is able to check the oncoming blows until his parry comes a bit too late and the Other's sword cuts through the mail under his arm. Waymar screams "For Robert!" and charges, but as his blade strikes the Other's sword, it shatters. One of the shards hits Waymar's left eye and he falls to his knees, blinded. All of the Others move in and slash at him mercilessly.

    Will turns his head away for a long time before looking back to see that the Others are gone. When he finally dares, Will climbs down, examines Waymar's body, then picks up the knight's twisted and broken sword. He decides to bring it back to show to their commanders, hoping Gared is still with the horses. When Will stands up again, Waymar has risen and is standing over him. His remaining eye has turned blue. With an icy cold touch, Waymar's hands go around Will's throat.

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  • Jon Snow reaches Mole's Town and warns the populace to evacuate. At Castle Black, Jon learns that Jarman Buckwell and his men have returned with tidings of Mance Rayder’s army. He discovers that the wildlings have been feinting all along the Wall, and groups of black brothers have been dispersed to counter them. Maester Aemon also tells him that Jeor Mormont was betrayed and killed, and that only twelve men made it back from Craster's Keep, including Giant, Grenn, Dywen, Sweet Donnel Hill and Dolorous Edd. Aemon cleans and wraps Jon’s wound, and Grenn tells him that Winterfell has been burned to the ground and that Bran and Rickon Stark are dead at the hands of Theon Greyjoy. Jon tells them that there is some kind of mistake, for he saw a grey direwolf at Queenscrown. Jon wonders if Bran lives on through his direwolf.

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  • Arya attempts to kill the Hound at night while the man is asleep, but he awakens and takes the rock from her hands. They reach Lord Harroway's Town, but find it flooded. Sandor promises to pay some ferrymen to take them across the Trident, but gives them only the parchment Lord Beric had given him promising reimbursement after the war. Arya tells Sandor that she had once been captured by his brother, and the Hound finds it amusing that Gregor never knew who he had caught. Clegane says, "I’ll be sure and tell him that, before I cut his heart out." She asks why he would kill his brother and the Hound asks didn't she ever want to kill a brother or sister? He realizes from Arya’s expression that the "wolf bitch" hates the "pretty bird"--Arya and her sister don't get along. Sandor admits that maybe he is a monster for killing so many but also tells her that he saved Sansa’s life when the mob tried to kill her. The Hound informs her that he is taking her to the Twins, and will ransom her to Robb and perhaps join the Young Wolf’s service, because "even a dog gets tired of being kicked."

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  • Sam and Gilly have reached what appears to be Whitetree. When Sam studies the carved face of the Heart Tree for a moment, he admits to himself that it is not the face he and his brothers saw when they started out on the ranging. Nor does he remember its red eyes weeping blood (sap). Sam prays earnestly to the old godsto protect them. He and Gilly camp in one of the wildling huts for the night, but Sam is woken by shapes moving within. The corpse of Small Paul comes after Sam, and he tries to stab it with the obsidian dagger, but it shatters upon contact with Paul’s chainmail. Despairing, Sam thrusts a burning stick from the campfire in the wight’s mouth, setting it on fire. Outside the hut, the wights begin to surround Gilly and her infant son after killing their horse. Thinking all is lost, a raven lands on Sam’s shoulder, and suddenly thousands of ravens fly from the branches of the weirwood tree to tear the wights to pieces. The raven perching on Sam's shoulder speaks, telling him to go, and he and Gilly begin to run south, but without their horse they fear they'll be overtaken by wights. Suddenly a voice calls out, "Brother! Here." From the falling snow appears a man dressed all in black astride a great elk. When Sam reaches up for the man’s bare hand, Sam notices his hand is black and cold as ice.

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  • Traveling in the rain to the Twins for the wedding of Lord Edmure Tully and Roslin Frey, Catelyn recalls Robb sending Ser Rolph Spicer to deliver Martyn Lannister to the Golden Tooth in an exchange of captives, with Robett Glover put on a ship at Duskendale as part of the agreement. Robb left his wife Jeyne at Riverrun, and only Ser Raynald Westerling travels with them. Robb has brought 3,500 men with him, those who have been with him since the battle in the Whispering Wood, and who will follow him to Moat Cailin after the wedding. While passing through the site of the battle, Catelyn thinks of Theon Greyjoy boasting he had almost crossed swords with Ser Jaime and how much ill would have been undone if Theon had died in place of Lord Karstark's sons.

    When they reach Oldstones, Cat recalls that the ruins were once a great castle of the Kings of the Rivers and the Hillsduring the Mudd dynasty. The Mudds were First Men, but during the time of King Tristifer IV, the kingdoms of the First Men were falling during the coming of the Andals. Tristifer IV died when seven Andal kings joined forces against him.

    Robb tells his mother that he plans to legitimize his brother Jon and name him heir should he and Jeyne not have a child. Catelyn is stunned by this proclamation, and pleads with him not to make the mistake the Targaryens made when King Aegon IV Targaryen legitimized all his bastards on his deathbed. The Blackfyre Pretenders plagued the Targaryens for five generations until Ser Barristan Selmy slew Maelys Blackfyre on the Stepstones. They both fear that Sansa will give the Imp a son and thus control of Winterfell and agree that must be prevented. She pleads that Robb consider naming his sister Arya as heir, but Robb insists that no one has seen Arya since his father Eddard's death and that his sister is likely also dead. Catelyn tells Robb that she cannot support his choice of Jon but Robb reminds her that he does not have to ask for her support, stating his reason as, "I'm the king."

    Lord Jason Mallister soon joins Robb's force at Hag's Mire, bringing with him the captain of the Myraham. The captain tells them that King Balon Greyjoy fell to his death when a wind blew him off one of the bridges between the towers of Pyke, and no sooner was he dead than Euron Crow's Eyereturned to claim the Seastone Chair. Lord Botley was drowned when he objected to Euron.

    Knowing Victarion and Asha will not stand for Euron's actions, Robb commands Maege Mormont and Galbart Glover to sail through the marshes of the Neck on Mallister longships to seek out Howland Reed at Greywater Watch. After he is joined by Roose Bolton at the Twins and Edmure's wedding is done, Robb plans to march on Moat Cailin with 12,000 men. Howland's crannogmen will guide a small force under Robb's command across the swamps in order to reach Moat Cailin from the north. When Galbart warns him what should happen if the crannogmen were to fail him, Robb replies, "They will not fail. My father knew the worth of Howland Reed." Robb then announces that Catelyn will be taken to Seagard under the protection of Jason after the wedding. King Robb then calls his bannermen to fix their seals as witnesses to the decree naming his heir.

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  • Roose Bolton has left Harrenhal to the Goat, but before marching for the Twins he told Jaime to give his warm regards to his father. Jaime responds, "So long as you give mine to Robb Stark."

    Jaime is now traveling for King's Landing under the protection of Steelshanks Walton and a host of Dreadfort men. Qyburn tells him that Lord Selwyn has promised Vargo Hoat 300 gold dragons for the safe return of his daughter, but the goat wants more as he still believes there are sapphires in Evenfall Hall.

    One night, Jaime has a bizarre fever dream that he and Brienne are trapped in the dank caverns beneath Casterly Rock. He sees the shades of the other knights of the Kingsguard as well as Prince Rhaegar, come to judge him for killing Aerys. After the fire of his sword goes out, Brienne’s continues to burn, defending him from the shades.

    When Jaime awakens, he commands Walton to return to Harrenhal saying that he "forgot something". Back at Harrenhal, the goat’s men open the gates, and Jaime finds that Brienne has been tossed into the bear pit with only a tourney sword.

    Vargo Hoat, with a bandage around his face from where Brienne bit off his ear, will not pull the woman up. Jaime jumps into the pit to save Brienne, and holds off the bear long enough for Walton’s men to fill it with quarrels. The Mummers are unable to stop them because Steelshanks' escort of 200 men outnumbers them two to one.

    Vargo asks Jaime to tell his father that he had been merciful, and the Kingslayer promises that the goat will receive his ransom. When Brienne asks him why he came back, Jaime responds that he had dreamed of her.

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  • Gendry mentions that Master Mottconsidered Thoros a false priest, and Thoros agrees. He was sent to the Seven Kingdoms to bring word of R'hllor, but he spent his time eating and whoring. King Robert was fond of him, and many enjoyed the sight of his flaming sword in melees. Lord Bericsilences Thoros by saying, "Fire consumes. It consumes, and when it is done there is nothing left. Nothing." The outlaws reach High Heart again, and the ancient dwarf woman calls Beric the Lord of Corpses, for the stink of the grave is fresh on him. The ghost of High Heart tells them her dreams: the kraken king is dead, and Lord Hoster too; the goat sits alone in the hall of kings in a fever "as the great dog descends on him"; she dreamt of drums and pipes and screams making a great clangor; and "of a maid at a feast with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow." Suddenly, she spots Arya, and calls her "blood child" and "dark heart", bidding her to leave. When Beric explains to the old dwarf woman that Arya is being brought to Riverrun, she tells them to seek her mother at the Twins, for there is to be a wedding. She then demands a song as payment for her dreams, the same song she always requests from Tom; Jenny of Oldstones.

    Later, Arya speaks with Edric Dayne, who is called Ned like her father. Edric tells her that he saw her father during the Hand's tourney while he squired for Lord Beric. He reveals that Beric was promised to his aunt, “but that was before he died”, Arya thinks to herself. Ned tells her of Wylla, his wet nurse, who he says is the mother of Jon Snow. She has been in the service of the Daynes for years, and Ned is surprised that Arya’s father never spoke of her nor of Ashara, Ned’s aunt. He tells Arya that her father and Ashara fell in love during the tourney at Harrenhal, and that she killed herself after the war because her heart was broken. Arya does not believe the young Lord of Starfall, believing her father only loved her mother. She asks Harwin about it, and he confirms that Eddard and Ashara may have fallen in love at Harrenhal, but at that time his brother Brandon was betrothed to Catelyn. He claims that Ashara killed herself over grief for her brother, and tells Arya "Let it lie, my lady. They’re dead, all of them."

    When the outlaws come upon a ruined village, Arya thinks the Lannisters destroyed it, but she is told that the village was destroyed years before by Hoster Tully, because Lord Goodbrook, the lord of the village, had fought for the Targaryens during Robert's Rebellion. Later, Thoros sees in his flames that Riverrun will soon come under attack by the Lannisters again, and he believes the ghost’s dream that Catelyn and Robb are at the Twins. That night, Arya sneaks off while everyone else is asleep, feeling that the outlaws cannot be her pack if they want to ransom her off to her brother, mother, or uncle Brynden. However, she is captured by the Hound while racing through the woods.

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  • Daenerys and her army of Unsullied reach Yunkai, to find the city guarded by a huge force including two sellsword companies. She knows that open battle will cost her many lives, even though her commanders feel she will win easily. Daenerys tells her men to invite the two sellsword Captains, as well as the Yunkish leader. The first to arrive are the three Captains of the Stormcrows, who spurn her offer to join her, although she notices Daario Naharis smile at her as they leave. The Captain of the Second Sons also laughs at her offer, but does accept a wagonload of wine to bring to his men. The master slaver brings Daenerys chests full of gold hoping she will leave Yunkai alone, but she sends him off with his gold and a warning that she will attack in three days time.

    After he leaves, Daenerys tells her commanders that they will attack that night, since none of Yunkai’s defenders will be expecting it. Soon after, Daario returns with the heads of the other two Stormcrow Captains, and swears the service of his company. Jorah warns her not to trust the Tyroshi, yet she commands the battle to commence as planned. During the fight, she asks Arstanto tell her more of her brother Rhaegar. Whitebeard explains that the Prince was always melancholy, and a sense of doom hung over him. "He was born in grief, and that shadow hung over him all his days." Daenerys knows that it was the shadow of Summerhall that Arstan was referring to. Word arrives that her army won the battle easily during the night, with the help of the Stormcrows, and all the Second Sons too drunk to fight. Daenerys commands her men to spare any who threw down their swords, and promised to free any slaves. Once again, Daenerys’ army swells to even greater size. Daenerys rides on her white mare past all the newly freed people who call out to her as "Mother!"

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  • Jon is with the Magnar’s men nearing a village alongside a lake. He realizes that he must somehow escape and reach Castle Black before the raiders do, in order to warn them. The Thenns captured an old man camped in one of the ruined houses, and Styr commands Jon to kill the man. Jon balks, but Ygritte slits the man’s throat with her dagger. As Styr begins to command his men in the Old Tongue, a crash of thunder sounds, and suddenly a direwolf is attacking the Thenns. Jon mistakes the wolf for Ghost or Grey Wind for a moment, wondering if Robb returned to the North, but he never realizes that it is Summer. The direwolf slaughters several wildlings, and in the confusion, Jon mounts the old man’s horse and begins to flee. He is hit with an arrow in the calf, believing the shot was fired by Ygritte. Jon gets away, forcing the horse to gallop for hours without rest, heading for Castle Black.

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  • Bran and the others reach a small, deserted village on a lake. There is a holdfast tower on an island in the middle of the lake, and Bran tells them that Good Queen Alysanne once stayed there. Brandon's Gift is a strip of land south of the Wall to a distance of 25 leagues which was once given to the Night's Watch to support them. The New Gift, given to the Watch by Queen Alysanne and her husband King Jaehaerys I, doubled that distance. Bran tells them there is a secret walkway just beneath the lake’s surface that will allow them to reach the tower.

    They stay in the tower that night during a terrible thunderstorm, and Bran tells them that all the gates through the Wall were sealed when each of the castles had to be abandoned, leaving only three gates open at each of the manned castles. When Hodor starts to scream in fear of the thunder, Bran reaches out to him the way he does to Summer, and calms the big man. Jojen spots men on the shore in the village, and Bran enters Summer to investigate.

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  • Arya Stark watches as Lord Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr seem to be everywhere at once, both with flaming swords in hand. After the battle, the brotherhood hang several Mummers, including Septon Utt, for their crimes. Arya is upset that Beric let Sandor Clegane free after taking all his gold.

    That night at the septry's brewhouse, Beric speaks with Arya and asks Thoros, "How many times have you brought me back now?" Thoros claims it is R'hllor who has restored his life six times, but the seventh may be the end of both of them. Beric reveals that he has trouble remembering his past, and would be unable to even find his ancestral home. Thoros believes that the Lord of Light is not done with Beric yet, and that is why the red god has raised him from the dead so many times. The outlaws plan to ransom Arya back to her mother or brother.

    Later, Gendry joins the outlaws as a blacksmith and is knighted by Lord Beric. Soon after, Sandor returns, claiming he killed the sentries. He demands his gold back, but is rebuffed by Thoros and commanded to leave. The Hound leaves realizing he cannot do anything, and they then discover that the sentries were only asleep. When some complain that the Hound will follow and murder them in their sleep, Beric states, "Sandor Clegane would kill us all gladly, but not in our sleep."

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  • Tyrion has been sent to greet the three hundred Dornishmen with a small retinue. However, he is shocked when he finds that the Dornishmen are being led by Prince Oberyn Martell and not his brother, Prince Doran. The Red Viper of Dorne has an infamous reputation for using poisoned weapons in battle. The man fought in the Free Cities and even formed his own sellsword company, he studied at the Citadel for a time, and most importantly, he crippled Willas Tyrell in a tourney. Though this was years ago, it has never been forgotten by the Tyrells, who will not be happy that this man is attending the marriage of one of them.

    The Red Viper tells Tyrion the story of how he and Elia traveled to Casterly Rock when Tyrion was an infant. It was just after the death of Joanna Lannister. Tywin Lannister was in mourning and ignored the Martells. Oberyn and Elia were disappointed to find out that Tyrion was only a dwarf, after the stories they had heard about him being Tywin’s monster son. The Red Viper then gets down to the point, asking Tyrion, "when will justice be served?" He warns Tyrion that he does not mean to stop after killing Gregor Clegane: "Before he dies, the Enormity that Rides will tell me whence came his orders, please assure your lord father of that." But Tyrion has a more subtle warning: The Lannisters have tens of thousands of Tyrell men present as allies. And the Tyrells hate the Dornish, and especially Prince Oberyn for what he did to Willas.

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  • Jaime and Brienne are in the bathhouse in Harrenhal, washing themselves before meeting Roose Bolton. Jaime feels dizzy in the hot bath, and begins to tell Brienne his story despite his own misgivings about revealing the tale. Jaime says, "Aerys would have bathed in wildfire if he’d dared. The Targaryens were all mad for fire." After the Battle of the Bells, Aerys realized that Robert Baratheon was no mere outlaw, and that the Targaryens faced their greatest threat since the Blackfyre Pretenders. He began to disperse his Kingsguard to take command of the army, recalled Rhaegar from the south, and sent letters to Casterly Rock. But when Tywin Lannister never responded, Aerys commanded his pyromancers Rossart, Garigus and Belis “to place caches of wildfire throughout King's Landing.” Lord Chelsted, the current Hand, found out what was going on and tried to stop Aerys from continuing along his mad course, but Aerys had him killed and named the pyromancer Rossart, the man who had burned Rickard Stark alive, his Hand.

    All this time, Jaime remained in the throne room guarding the king and his secrets. After the Trident, Aerys sent his wife and Prince Viserys to Dragonstone, but kept Elia and her children in the Red Keep because he thought that Prince Lewyn Martell had betrayed Rhaegar during the battle, and thus needed Elia and the children as hostages to ensure Dorne's loyalty. With the wildfire in place, Aerys told Rossart, "The traitors want my city, but I’ll give them naught but ashes. Let Robert be king over charred bones and cooked meat." Aerys may have thought that the great fire would kill everyone, but transform him into a dragon, much as Aerion Brightflame had thought. When the Lannisters appeared before King's Landing Varys advised to keep the gates closed. But on the advice of Pycelle, Aerys let in the Lannisters, who proceeded to sack King's Landing.

    Jaime felt he had to act after the Mad King commanded him to bring him his father’s head. He killed Rossart, then returned to the Throne room and killed King Aerys. Days later he hunted down and killed the remaining two of Aerys’ pyromancers, Garigus and Belis, so that their secret would die with them. When Brienne asks why no one else knows this tale, Jaime tells her that the Kingsguard are sworn to protect the king’s secrets, and that Eddard would never have believed his tale. Jaime then nearly passes out from the heat, and Brienne calls out for Qyburn.

    They are brought before Roose Bolton, who tells them he chose to wed Walda Frey because Lord Walder Frey offered him his bride’s weight in silver. When Brienne inquires after Arya, Bolton mysteriously states that she was lost for a time, but she has been found and is to be returned safely to the north. Bolton tells them he awarded Harrenhal to Vargo Hoat because the goat was a stranger to the Seven Kingdoms and did not know ‘the prize was poisoned’. He means the curse of Lord Tywin, for Hoat was not aware of what Tywin does to traitors such as the Tarbecks and the Reynes. Bolton explains that he has a small problem, because the goat wishes to return Jaime to Rickard Karstark to claim the Lord’s reward of his daughter’s hand in marriage. Vargo had Jaime’s hand chopped off to send as a grisly token to Lord Tywin, feeling he would be well safe in Karhold. What he doesn’t know is that Robb has beheaded Lord Karstark, and the goat is now doomed. But since Vargo is in Bolton’s employ, Tywin might feel that Bolton was responsible for the maiming as well. Jaime agrees to carry word to his father absolving Bolton of all blame. But as for Brienne, Bolton tells her, "It would be unconscionable of me to deprive Lord Vargo of both his prizes."

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  • Axell Florent brings Davos Seaworth before King Stannis Baratheon, taking the torch with him to leave his brother Alester alone in the darkness of the cells. Axell tells Davos in private that he has seen Stannis's victory in the flames, and if Davos does not help him become Hand, he will see the Onion Knight killed. Stannis proclaims that Alester will die for treason, and he has Axell tell Davos of his plan to invade Claw Isle. Davos calls the plan a folly, and Stannis dismisses the enraged Axell. Stannis mentions that Barristan Selmy once told him that "the rot in King Aerys's reign began with Varys", and that Robert should have killed the eunuch, and sent Jaime Lannister to the Wall as Lord Eddard Starkhad suggested, but Robert listened to Jon Arryn instead.

    Stannis then raises Davos to Lord of the Rainwood, Admiral of the Narrow Sea, and his new Hand of the King. When Stannis mentions battle, Davos mistakes him to mean the continuance of the war, but Melisandre has entered the room and calls it "the great battle… Soon comes the cold, and the night that never ends". Stannis has also seen a vision in the flames, of men in black with torches on a high hill in the forest during snow, while all around them shapes were moving. Melisandre proclaims that Westeros must unite under King Stannis in order to defeat the one whose name must not be spoken. Stannis takes three leeches fat with the blood of Edric Storm. Melisandre tells him that this is not the best way, for it both will and will not work. The better way is to sacrifice Edric to the flames, for there is power in a king's blood: Melisandre believes that his death will wake the stone dragon, as prophesied, and the sacrifice of one life to save thousands of others is warranted, but Stannis will not hear of it. Stannis tosses the leeches one at a time into a brazier, naming each of the false kings: Joffrey Baratheon, Balon Greyjoy, and Robb Stark.

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  • Hoster Tully has finally passed away, and his family and bannermen are gathered for the funeral. Lame Lothar Frey and Walder Rivers have come to Riverrun to negotiate a meeting between Robb and Lord Walder Frey that will hopefully restore the alliance. The Lord of Riverrun is placed on a funeral pyre boat launched by Robb, Tytos Blackwood, Jonos Bracken, Jason Mallister, Marq Piper, Karyl Vance and Lothar Frey. Lothar is invited to take the place that would be Desmond Grell's as a gesture of goodwill towards House Frey, as an effort from Robb to apologize for his failure to keep his vow of marrying a Frey. Edmure tries to launch a fire arrow at the ship to light it but he misses three times. He gives the bow to Brynden Tully, who hits the boat, causing it to catch fire.

    Later, Robb is devastated by the news from Duskendale, shocked that Robett Glover and Helman Tallhart took it upon themselves to attack such an insignificant castle, losing nearly a third of Robb’s infantry; he later states his intention to exchange Robett for their captive Martyn Lannister. The king tells Catelyn of Sansa’s marriage to the Imp. Catelyn begs him to bend the knee and make peace with the Lannisters, but Robb will not hear it. At dinner, Lothar tells them that his father received word from Little Walder and Big Walder at the Dreadfort, that Winterfell had been burned and Rodrik Cassel killed. Lothar remarks that the Bastard of Bolton rescued the survivors from Winterfell, to Catelyn’s disbelief. Lothar brings his father’s terms that Robb appear in person to offer apology, and that Edmure marry Roslin Frey immediately. Robb dismisses Lothar and Bastard Walder, and when Edmure balks at not being able to choose his wife, the Blackfish reminds him that he must make amends for his blunder with the Battle of the Fords.

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  • Arya and Gendry are blindfolded until they reach the hollow hill, the secret base of the forgotten fellowship. Sandor Clegane is brought bound before Thoros of Myr, and Arya cannot believe how different the red priest looks. The Hound is to be judged by Beric Dondarrion and hanged if found guilty. Thoros is a changed man, no longer a fat priest with a fake flaming sword, saying, "I am not the false priest you knew. The Lord of Light has woken in my soul. Many powers long asleep are waking, and there are forces moving in the land."

    When Dondarrion appears, Arya is appalled by his appearance. Once handsome, the man is now stick thin, missing an eye, with part of his skull crushed in, a noose scar around his neck, and a terrible wound through his chest. Dondarrion asks for charges to be made against Sandor, but the Hound spits at the accusations, laying them at the feet of his brother and others. But Arya accuses him of killing Mycah, and the Hound does not refute that. The Lightning Lord sentences him to trial by battle, and it will be Dondarrion he faces. Before the fight, Thoros says a prayer to R'hllor, and then Dondarrion cuts open his palm with his sword, causing the blade to take fire.

    The fight ends with Clegane’s shield destroyed and his left arm in flames, but the Hound cuts Dondarrion from shoulder to breastbone. Sandor is screaming in pain and fear from the hideous burn to his arm. When Arya confronts him about Mycah, Clegane admits killing the boy, and suddenly Dondarrion appears, alive and leaning against Thoros, to tell Sandor he has gone to hell.

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  • Forty-four survivors have reached Craster's Keep, of the 300 men the Watch had at the Fist. Some of the men are becoming ornery because there is so little food, and Craster seems to be hiding a larder. Mormont speaks with Sam about dragonglass, noting in disgust that the Watch once knew the purpose of obsidian weapons. Their true enemies are the Others, but they had forgotten.

    Craster soon makes it clear he wants the crows gone, and several members start to accuse him of not sharing all his food. The argument worsens, until finally Craster attacks Clubfoot Karl, beginning the mutiny at Craster's Keep. Dirk slits Craster's throat, and when Mormont screams at them that there is no crime worse than murder at a host's dinner table, Ollo Lophand stabs the Lord Commander. Sam watches in horror as the deserters begin to rape Craster's wives, and sees the few men still loyal to the Watch flee because they are outnumbered. Grenn, Giant, Dolorous Edd, and a few others get away. Mormont, dying, commands Sam to return to the Wall with all haste and tell everyone what has happened. He also asks Sam to tell his son Jorah that Mormont's dying wish is for Jorah to take the black. His last words to Sam are, "Tell Jorah. Forgive him. My son. Please. Go." Sam is approached by Gilly, who has recently given birth to a son, and two of Craster's other, older, wives. Gilly asks Sam to take her with him, to flee on horseback someplace warm.

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