This week we discuss the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, a battle in the First Age where elves, men, and dwarves fought against Morgoth.
This week, we discuss Hobbits! Where they came from, their way of life, and some notable hobbitses!
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This week we discuss the rise and fall of Numenor!
We discuss the hardy and often badass race in Middle Earth, The Dwarves, specifically on their origins and the different Dwarvish clans. We speak about the Dwarves of the First Age, and the Dwarves of the Second and Third Age, including Thorin and Gimli.
The Rings of Power - their origins, tales, and fates.
We walk through many of the elven strongholds, cities, and havens this episode, finding that they didn't all live in forest realms! Many lived mariner lives, or lived like stereotypical dwarves underground.
The origin, history, and actions of the Ents in Middle Earth. Including the controversy behind the Entwives!
The Dagor Dagorath, or Final Battle on Middle Earth.
This episode is all about Aragorn's life before the events of The War of the Ring. This includes his childhood, his time as Chieftain of the Dunedain, when he served in the armies of Rohan and Gondor, and of his efforts before joining the Fellowship.
Ever wondered about the "Lost Realm of Arnor" you see on maps of Middle Earth? This episode will explain it all!
The founding of Arnor (and Gondor)The separation of Arnor and GondorThe fall of Arnor into Petty KingdomsArthedainCardolanRhudaurThe Reunited Kingdom of Arnor and Gondorincluding details on
The NumenoreansThe war against the Witch King of AngmarThe Dunedain RangersAragornThe Barrow Wights -
Morgoth, the first Dark Lord in Middle Earth.
First known as Melkor, he was the one who introduced evil into existence and directly caused many of the wars during Middle Earth's history.
This episode covers Morgoth's origins and history, as well as the prophecy surrounding him and the End Times of Middle Earth.
The debut episode of Second Breakfast: Discussing Middle Earth!
This episode is on the 5 Wizards. I cover their origins, their purpose on Middle Earth, and go through the stories and fates of each of the 5.
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This is a short intro episode to explain the podcast as well as set up the feed properly on the major platforms like iTunes, Spotify, etc.
See you all January 14th for the very first episode!