Can you think of a time where you try to solve a complex problem and your thoughts were like a mouse running on a wheel?
We are so well trained in problem solving and our desire to rush into the solutions may hold us back in noticing how we are solving the problem. We are often caught up with what we think and less aware of how we think.
In this episode, Teng Teng shared a simple, practical approach in how we can coach ourselves to increase our thinking capacity where we can learn how to think in a more systematic, interconnected way.
With the changes happening around us recently, many of us could be dealing with the feeling of being overwhelmed. It can be personal or work situations such as organisation restructuring, increase in workload or just working from home managing multiple priorities.
Stress is how our body and mind respond to external events. If we are feeling too overwhelmed, it is a sign to us to look after our body or our mind or both. Looking after our mind means to be aware of our habitual thinking and response towards situations that aren’t meeting our desires.
In this episode, leadership coach, Teng Teng introduced the equation "Expectations-Outcomes = Response" as a reflection on our relationships with expectations, outcomes so that we can have a deeper reflection on where our stress is coming from.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with work or life, tune in to this episode for some suggested steps to help you regain some ease. -
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Listening is an underdeveloped skills. Sounds simple but not many realise listening as a powerful attribute to deepen relationships.
In this solo episode by Teng Teng, she shared how she has committed to work on her listening and 2 simple but impactful approaches on how we can deepen our listening and presence with people. -
Gratitude is what gives us stamina to go through tough challenges It helps to build our abundance mindset so that we practice looking at what we already have. Did you notice the beautiful people and things around you while you are pursuing your new goals and aspirations for the year?
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you pressed pause on life? What happens when you sit in stillness when everything seems urgent and important and the monkey mind is running wild? In this episode, DJ shares with us her experience on the gift of pause and extends an important invitation for you to just experience being and not doing.
Have you been trying new things, working harder recently and starting to feel a sense of helplessness and tiredness? Or are you losing confidence in what you are doing? In this episode, Teng Teng shares her experience in how she tamed her inner critic, especially when it come whispering to her when she cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Teng Teng shares how the practice of self-compassion can be our own source of motivation in moving forward, or when we are struck with challenges and losing momentum.
In fact, we tend to comfort our close friends more than comforting ourselves when things do not go the way we want. To have a kinder, gentler world, we first have to practice gentleness on ourselves. -
This bonus episode captures the key insights and highlights from the four interviews we had with Yong Hong, Ava, Zach, and Nat. They are people like you and me, but they have instilled a discipline in bringing consciousness into their work, family and their daily conversations with others.
You may ask why bringing consciousness to our lives is so important? Well, we believe consciousness empowers us, and allows us to make choices that are aligned to our core being. In cultivating consciousness, you will gain the inner confidence as you will be less disturbed with what the world ask from you but instead, getting clear on what life asks from you. -
Have you experienced a difficult situation where you wished you could speak your mind and let the person know how you really feel? What's holding you back? And have you experienced an uplifting conversation that has given you hope to move forward? A large part of the joy we experience in our lives is from the relationships we have with the people around us, and that boils down to the everyday conversations we have with them. In this episode, we are so privileged to speak to Natasha Dalmia, author of the book "Practice of Satsang: Conscious Living - Celebrating the Truth of Who You Are.
Written as ‘Letters to my Grandchildren’, the book shares personal short stories, quotes from the real-life protagonists of the stories, provocative questions and practices for your experimentation and play. The purpose is to deepen relationships with oneself and with one’s family, friends, fellow - travellers, colleagues, clients and the communities one belongs to.
Tune in to listen to Nat's sharing on how we can choose to speak our truth, hold our views with a touch of lightness, consciousness and to have what she passionately called as life-giving conversations to deepen our relationships with people around us.
https://www.amazon.com/Practice-Satsang-Conscious-Living-Celebrating/dp/1482824418 -
In this episode, we interviewed Zachary, a modern dad who has two young children. He is an active volunteer with the Center For Fathering (Singapore) and has been very passionately been sharing how fathers can play an active role in parenting.
Here in this episode, Zach shared his perspective on conscious parenting as a father, and how he is putting conscious parenting into actions in his family. He shared insights on adopting a values-driven parenting and how we can instill grit in our children. -
In exploring conscious living, we are pleased to have Ava with us in this episode to share with us an area where she deeply cares about, i.e. conscious parenting. We believe conscious living starts at home, and it is a mental habit where we can start to cultivate with our own children.
Ava has started a community dedicated to share resources and tips on how mothers can bring in authenticity and curiosity in their motherhood journey. When mothers are conscious on their thoughts, emotions, truly connected to who they really are, living with purpose and joy, they are likely to raise children who will have the emotional agility to navigate challenging emotions. Parents are the first teachers for the child.
"If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations, there must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors, there must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart."
~ Lao Tze
Curious Momma: https://www.instagram.com/thecuriousmomma/. -
In exploring conscious living and how different people find and live their purpose, we are honored to have Yong Hong, the Group CEO of Greendot, a Singapore meat-free dining chain in our show.
Greendot started in 2011 as a small stall in a school, and they have since grown to 10 outlets located at major shopping malls. In this interview, Yong Hong, a down-to-earth inspiring young entrepreneur shared how his values and purpose has anchored him, especially during tough times.
Yong Hong reminded us one important thing about finding joy and meaning in our lives "focus on who you are becoming, and not just what you are accumulating". -
Living consciously means that we are ALIVE - fully engaged with what we are doing in our daily lives. And that requires us to find meaning and purpose in what we are doing. Is purpose the "one big thing" that we need to search for? And is it possible to actually have a full clarity on our purpose? Tune in to our conversation on "purpose"!
In this new season of “Exploring Conscious Living”, we shared why we feel the world needs us to live in a more conscious way. We believe if we could cultivate conscious living as a way of life, we could collectively make our world a kinder, gentler place. So, what does "Conscious Living" mean for us? How can we practice it in our daily lives? Tune in!
In this last episode of the series "Easing into the new normal", we explore how we can plant the seed of courage in our exploration into the "new normal". It is normal to have emotions such as fears, anxiety, anger and we learn how we can re-frame our thinking so that we do not dismiss such emotions but to "befriend" them.
As we moved into the new normal, how can we experience more ease during the process? In this episode, both hosts DJ and Teng Teng shared their experiences in navigating uncertainty and insights on how we can support ourselves in achieving the ease we desire.
As we prepare ourselves to ease into the new normal, it is helpful to take some time to check-in with ourselves on our emotions and thoughts.
Crisis brings emergence of new possibilities and purpose and if we could take a moment to connect our seeds of wisdom from the pandemic, this crisis can provide us valuable life lessons.
In this episode, we share 3 questions for inner inquiry and a practice as a possible guide for you to plant your inner seeds of wisdom.
DJ and Teng Teng -
Hi everyone! Welcome to the Seeds Podcast.
We are leadership and career coaches for the last decade, working with leaders and professionals globally. We believe there is so much inner wisdom and goodness in human beings that is untapped as we are constantly trapped in our thinking habits that made us feel fearful, anxious, stressed and helpless. Through this podcast, we aspire to support your inner inquiry and help you re-frame some of the common beliefs that limits our potential.
We sincerely hope you will enjoy our conversations as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. May we all continue to plant seeds of inner wisdom and love for ourselves and others.
DJ and Teng Teng
Diana Jean (DJ) is the founder of Light Paths Academy (formerly Positive Keystone) and Teng Teng founded Grow Consultancy since 2009. Both of them are currently based in Singapore.