This is an episode on Astral Travel, Lucid & Visitation Dreams & Out of Body Experiences, and what these might feel like, my experience with them and how they differ from each other! An interesting insight into different spiritual experiences you can have whilst embarking on your spiritual journey 💫 Happy listening!
This is an episode all about Timelines and the current timeline shift. I channel messages from my Spirit Team about the crumbling of old timelines, what this may look like and the presentation of a new timeline.
There is a need to follow your intuition and the signs to support in integrating into a new timeline, HOWEVER, you have freewill and your choices & energy determine what timeline you continue on right now.
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Are you feeling the pull of your divine feminine or masculine counterpart?
Twin Flame meetings are occurring in order to support a collective group with their Spiritual awakening & spiritual discovery journey. This year there will be dramatic endings, so that you can commence a really big and beautiful new beginning.
This is a conversation about Soulmate, Karmic and Twin Flame relationships, with a strong focus on the purpose of a Twin Flame relationship.
P.s This is episode number 11. In numerology the number 11/1111 is strongly linked to a Twin Flame relationship 🔥 How's that for synchronicities!
This is a channelled episode based around the current Ascension Symptoms being felt by so many right now. Guidance on how to support yourself during these times and how it's so important to come back to your Spiritual Practices to support with the collective Mass Awakening that is occurring. The Schumann Resonance, Full Moons and Solar Flares are all contributing to support in "getting the job done" to raise the vibrations of the current Earth souls 💖
In this episode, I explain a little bit about how my Mediumship works within a Reading. Spirit also drop in to talk about some reading insights to bring more awareness around how it works and when is a 'good' time to have a reading 💖
Trigger Warning: there is a very brief mention of miscarriage/pregnancy termination in regard to 'healing layers to a situation.'
This is a chaotic episode as I channel through messages my listeners may be needing at which ever point they find themselves here!
Included in the episode is a big discussion around emotions, healing, past life healing, The Akashic Records and I also tell a little story about how I was introduced to a new Spirit Guide over the Full Moon period ✨ So, if any of this interests you, then you're in the right place!
I pulled three cards from The Ancient Stones Oracle deck from Rebecca Campbell as well, to round out the end of the episode with some messages that may resonate for you 💖
Happy listening 🌻
Have a little listen to some collective themes showing up in January, February and March (Quarter One) of 2025 ✨
One of the messages that has come through from Spirit is that in November 2024, you need to be connecting with your Higher Self to help you make positive decisions and choices, especially if you're being face with a new direction (as many of you will be!) New directions in work, home, friendships, family ... you might find yourself looking down the barrel of a brand new beginning ... but which way should you turn?
Connecting in with your Higher Self and embodying "what they would do..." can be super supportive this month to keep you in alignment and on the right path!
Set yourself up in your spiritual space and get connected with your Higher Self through this channelled guided meditation (approx. 15 mins). Good luck & let me know how you go! 💖✨
TRIGGER WARNING: Please listen at your own discretion, there is mention of pregnancy loss/miscarriage in this episode. If you think this may be triggering for you, please skip this one or return to listen at another time when you feel ready.
Spirit have been asking me to talk about Spirit Babies, as there is a collective group following me at the moment who are currently trying to conceive or are in what's called: a pre-conception stage. (ie. preparing to bring Spirit babies earth side.)
In this episode, I talk about:
What a Spirit baby is, my own Spirit Babies & how I connect with them. There are also channelled messages weaved throughout this episode for some specific listeners 💖 Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't 💫
This is a big conversation and there is so much more to Spirit Babies than what I've touched on today, but hopefully this is a good starting point for you to start connecting with your Spirit Baby/Babies. I'm sure I will continue the topic of Spirit Babies as time goes on 👼🏻
A discussion about my current lessons on power and a clarification on what I mean when I say "collective energy." We can move through lessons as a collective energy group ... so, are you also moving through a lesson on reclaiming your power? Maybe this is a taste tester to prepare you for a lesson yet to come ✨
Do you need a Soul Fragment Retrieval? ✨
When we experience trauma and difficult events we can have fragments of our soul detach from our energy system to protect us from feeling the full effect of the event and trauma, so that we can continue through life with some normality. The trouble with this is, it can lead to feelings of loneliness, feeling like a part of us is missing, feeling the need to constantly search for something... when really it's something missing within ourselves and our soul system.
I've been doing a lot of Soul Fragment Retrievals lately, a process that is 100% Spirit-guided and I wanted to give you a bit of extra information about this process, which is usually combined within my energy therapy sessions. With a lot of us stepping into new and higher timelines, we are needing to reclaim parts of our soul that have been missing, so that we can fully embody our next phase of life with a sense of 'wholeness.'
There is so much purging happening around this August Full Moon - with more purging yet to come over the next few months. I've channelled through messages on finding community and stepping into your 'Next Level Self. '
As timelines collapse and we shed an old layer of ourselves, we are stepping into a new timeline. You can connect with the energy of your 'Next Level Self,' so that you can align your actions successfully to the life of your new timeline.
Now is a time to connect with your Higher Self to see what changes might be coming your way 💖
I hope it brings clarity and guidance to your current experiences ✨
RIP to "The Mind, Soul & Spirit Podcast" and Welcome to the World "Seriously Psychic" (DOB 10/8/24)
I've been going through a personal transformative journey over the past three months and was feeling disconnected from my podcast, realising it was because this girl was having a major growth spurt. There's something so powerful about a rebirth and I am heavily in my JOY rn. JOY = ALIGNMENT. So, here we are!
The podcast has had a facelift and I am bloody buzzing over it. New energy called for a new vibe!! So, this is me answering the call and following the nudges of my Spirit Team ✨
I can't wait to bring through well-needed messages and a heap of high vibe guidance to help you on your own spiritual and life journey. Sending so much love to my soul fam, thanks for being here and I can't wait to chat with you again soon!!
A lot of us are experiencing physical symptoms which are contributing to the clearing of old karmic energy. Physical symptoms may be migraines, excessive hunger, cold and flus, exhaustion... I promise it won't last forever!
In this episode, I've channelled messages for our healers needing to shield from the collective right now. I also talk a lot about letting go and closing the portals between you and your karmic relationships. It's time to let go and cleanse. We are in a period of 'closure' and we are getting ready to step into a new beginning with full clarity on what we want from life.
I am bringing a new series to The Mind, Soul & Spirit Podcast.
Introducing ~ SOUL SESSIONS: A series on The Mind, Soul & Spirit Podcast with meaningful stories, real-life experiences and soulful connections shared over a cup of tea.
I am going to be bringing you deep and meaningful conversations with other beautiful people who are doing amazing work out in the world, sharing their light and helping others to reach the best versions of themselves possible!
In my first Soul Session, I am chatting with Cayce Anderson - Confidence and Mindset Coach. Cayce is passionate about helping anxious girlies feel delusional confident in themselves and their decisions.
You can find her on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cayceanders/
TikTok: @cayceandcoach2
Email: [email protected]
Cayce also has her own Podcast on Apple & Spotify called: The Next Small Thing
I hope you love this episode! We are talking all about Relationships, Alignment, Trust & Timing. We squeeze a lot into this episode. Spirit even popped in to bring Cayce a few different messages to help her gain clarity and confirmation that she is on the right path. All in all, a beautiful conversation had over a lovely cup of tea.
If you know someone or are someone who is in the spiritual realm of business or life, then I'd love to hear from you as a possible candidate for the next Soul Session episode. These episodes are more of a conversation, than an interview, so if that sounds right up your alley ~ then send me a message!
Instagram: marnijayne_theintuitivehealer
Facebook: Marni Jayne The Intuitive Healer
Website: www.marnijaynetheintuitivehealer.com
This episode includes a little life update for my soul fam, where I talk about my current health issues and some soul biz updates!
Spirit then comes in to deliver some messages on manifestation, including the initial feelings that come in to motivate you to manifest new things, the importance on getting clear on what you want and some actions you could take to help attract in your desires ✨ Honestly, there are so many other things I could've talked about in this episode and definitely some things I missed, but I know there will be other episodes to chat more about this topic 💖
Please let me know if you resonated with any of the messages today or just enjoyed the episode in general & go check out my new website on www.marnijaynetheintuitivehealer.com 💫
Facebook - Marni Jayne The Intuitive Healer
Instagram - marnijayne_theintuitivehealer
Are you currently in a 'space between' two stages in your life? Maybe you're preparing to let go of an old pathway, getting ready to embark on a new pathway! 💖
Here is your reminder that 'the space between' is a positive sign that you're moving into something big - so let go, surrender and try not to be so impatient!
Let me know if you resonate with this episode today ~ and trust that your 'canoe' is moving you closer towards your next 'steppingstone' in your life 🛶 It's okay to not have all the answers right now!
Instagram ~ thehealinghaven_mindsoulspirit
Facebook ~ The Healing Haven - Mind, Soul and Spirit
I'm so glad to see the end of April, and I'm already loving the calmness that May is bringing us. This month is about respite ~ a time to rest and reset. Honour yourself this month, and take it easy✨
May is also a good month to clear up smaller finances & re-spark the flame between you and your significant other 💸🥰
Read more about the May Energy on my Instagram or Facebook page ~ see my latest post 💫
Spirit tells me a karmic cycle connected to our past life personas is ending in April. It's time to assess whether what you're feeling is past life related. Past life emotions, traumas and energies are being forced to the forefront this month, so that it can be cleared, and you can move forward on this next phase of your healing journey towards your highest potential.
In this episode, I touch on the April Energy and the Higher Self. I explain what the Higher Self is, and how it's important to connect with our Higher Self right now to help guide us through this month. I also talk quite a lot about how I use my clair-senses to connect with Spirit to receive my own guidance, to help my clients and to do my readings online💖
www.thehealinghavenmindsoulspirit.com.au/education - check out my Spirit Support Classes being held next week to learn about your Spirit Support Team & how you can deepen your connection with them. A class that goes through all the must-dos when embarking on your Spiritual Journey ~ including connecting to your Higher Self ✨
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