
  • I am well and truly into the third trimester and now it’s only a matter of weeks until baby girl arrives. This season has been truly incredible and today I wanted to share an update on how things are going both on the business front and behind the scenes on the personal side.

    Contrary to many stories you hear about the third trimester being challenging, my experience has been largely positive. Up until the last few days, I haven't faced significant slowdowns or energy loss but I have a general awareness that things are going to change a lot relatively soon.

    Supporting Purpose-Led Clients

    One of the biggest business triumphs this trimester has been supporting our incredible clients. I truly work with the smartest, kindest, most go-getter women out there and supporting them has been deeply rewarding. So many of these women have hit major milestones like their first million in revenue and their biggest launches yet. I feel so grateful to be part of their journey, knowing that they are purpose-led in their work.

    Kicking Revenue Goals

    We've also hit our revenue goals for the year, even surpassing them! We aimed for half a million dollars but have now contracted closer to $700,000. This financial security means I can take maternity leave without worrying about reducing contracts or negotiating special deals with suppliers, which is something I have been adamant about. I’m really proud to know my business is robust enough to support our team and operations during my absence.

    Preparing for Maternity Leave

    The biggest hurdle has been preparing the business for my absence. From setting up client support to strategising for 2025, the workload has been intense. I've had to juggle a lot of responsibilities, ensuring that everything runs smoothly while I'm away.

    With so much to think about, I realised that I was placing a lot of pressure on myself to achieve some pretty unrealistic goals, like setting up a brand new evergreen funnel. So, I’ve taken the pressure down, which is a beautiful reminder for this next season heading into motherhood.

    Baby Girl is in Breech Position

    My baby is currently breech, despite my best efforts to get her to turn. Even though it’s not my preferred birth method, I have made the decision to have a planned cesarean section if she doesn’t turn around. I can honestly say that I've come to a place of surrender and acceptance about this and trust that she is choosing her birth path, which brings me a lot of comfort.

    Overcoming the Urge to Control

    A significant personal realisation has been acknowledging my tendency to control situations when I’m faced with uncertainty. As we get closer to my due date, I've found myself wanting to control whatever I can, which my husband lovingly pointed out recently. I’m learning to trust the process, both for the business and for my personal life.


    So, whether you are navigating pregnancy, preparing for extended leave, or planning your next big business move, I hope my experiences serve as inspiration and support in your journey. Here’s to celebrating triumphs, overcoming challenges, and trusting the journey.


    Connect with Ellie:

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • I am thrilled to be taking you behind the scenes today to share the 5 biggest takeaways from my recent $111k launch. Launching is such a huge aspect of any online service-based business, so today I’m sharing a little about this launch experience and what it looked like for me to launch a mid-tier program in the current sales environment.

    We’re seeing high-ticket and low-ticket items sell really well in this climate but a lot of people are saying that this is a challenging time for selling mid-tier offers. Despite this, I knew it was the right move for my business. Through this launch, I not only hit my exact sales target, but also gained some powerful insights into the sales process that I’m excited to share with you.

    Specificity Over Generalisation:

    More than ever, I had to be very specific on my messaging for this launch. Messaging shifts and changes constantly, so if you are selling something that you’ve previously sold before, your launch theme will likely need to be different. It’s so important to understand the exact problem your client needs to solve and this is where market research plays a crucial role. By asking a few specific questions of my audience, I found out that the majority of people had the same pain point which was generating leads. Armed with this knowledge, I tailored my messaging to address this issue directly.

    Personalisation Over Automation:

    In a world driven by automation, the human touch of personalisation stands out as a powerful tool for building trust and connection with your audience. By engaging in personalised conversations, DMs, responding to individual questions, and offering tailored solutions, you will reap the benefits not only in relationships but in sales. For a lot of business owners, this idea sounds incredibly time-consuming, but I encourage you to think of personalisation as an important part of your business that can be prioritised over other things.

    Data-Driven Decisions:

    The best way to move through your launch is to track your data. By closely monitoring and analysing data insights, we were able to make informed decisions and adjust the launch strategies where needed. This agile approach allowed us to optimise ads, and change our messaging and sales processes in real time, leading to an increase in sales after what looked like a lull.

    Storytelling and Case Studies:

    Gone are the days of a cart open email sequence. That is a really old school way of marketing and it just doesn't work anymore. Authentic narratives and client success stories are what will really grab someone’s attention. By showcasing real client experiences and outcomes, I was able to build credibility, trust, and connection with my audience, which naturally leads to sales.

    What stories can you tell about your clients? Those are the things that are going to really cut through.

    The Power of Your Signature Framework:

    Your signature framework is the unique process you have in your business that gets your clients from A to B. When you have a clear roadmap to show people how you can solve their specific problems, you instil in them a sense of trust and confidence. During cart open, I did an open house where I took people inside our Kajabi portal to show them everything they would get in the program.

    I really hope this episode is supportive for you, no matter where you're at in your sales cycle in your business at the moment. Enjoy!


    Connect with Ellie:

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

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  • You may not know this yet about me, but something that’s really important to me is knowing the numbers. Now, I know what you might be thinking: talking numbers is boring! But before you press the skip button, I promise you - you’re going to get so much out of this episode as we dive into some really interesting facts on the power of data in business.

    Today, I’m joined by the amazing Lacey Sites. Lacey is not only my incredible business coach, but co-CEO of Datable, a company that helps business owners get this invaluable information of their data in a real-time, automated way.

    In my business, we use Datable’s free tools for all of our launches, to extract all the data and help us continue to up level. Knowing our numbers helps us make smarter decisions, save time and increase our profitability.

    In this conversation, we’re exploring the biggest mindset hack that supports me and my business strategy. Lacey will also share some epic client examples of how analysing data and tweaking things accordingly can help boost numbers and leverage sales in a fast, efficient way.

    Conversion Rates vs Traffic

    We’re told again and again that increasing traffic is the key to success. However, Lacey assures us that traffic is not the most impactful factor in a business's success. Instead, she suggests focusing on conversion rates and ensuring that potential customers are converting at a decent percentage. By analysing the data and identifying areas for improvement, entrepreneurs can optimise their sales processes and increase their profitability without solely relying on increasing traffic.

    Data as an Antidote to a Negative Mindset

    While it can sound rather dry, data can actually provide us with a powerful tool to combat negative mindset patterns. By having access to accurate and up-to-date data, business owners can make decisions based on facts rather than emotions or any limiting beliefs they might have. Lacey shares a powerful story about one of her clients who broke through her self-doubt simply by understanding and working with her numbers.

    Using Data to Guide Your Decisions

    As business owners, it’s important that we’re strongly connected to our intuition. Lacey and I discuss how intuition can often be tied to logic, and how recognising this can support us to make the right decisions in our businesses. Lacey emphasises that knowing all the information - which includes the data - is where our power lies, and a place we can make good, logical choices from.

    The process Lacey and her team have created to track and analyse data has completely revolutionised the way I run my business, and I encourage you to click the links below so that you can get on your way to scaling your business and in turn, creating the most time and financial freedom possible.




    Datable Workshop Slides

    Connect with Lacey:

    Instagram: @getdatable

    Website: https://getdatable.com/

    Connect with Ellie:

    Join the 3 Day Free challenge to Create Your 6 Figure Mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • Today, I’m bringing you this episode from the launch of The Mastermind Model! It’s perfect timing, as I’ve been having so many conversations with my community on the different beliefs around masterminds.

    You may have been told certain things about masterminds or heard them online, and unfortunately a lot of ideas that get around aren’t necessarily true. So, today I’m going to debunk some common myths surrounding masterminds.

    Myth #1: A Mastermind is All About the Peer Experience with No Curriculum or Learning

    Contrary to popular belief, a best practice mastermind incorporates both a peer experience and a curriculum or learning component. We’ll explore why relying solely on the peer experience is risky, and why they make our clients’ ROI’s hard to track. I also talk through just how crucial it is to be crystal clear about your ideal clients’ outcome and offer a hybrid experience, where your role is as facilitator AND coach or mentor.

    Myth #2: A Mastermind Can Only Be Business-to-Business (B2B)

    While there is a blurred line between what constitutes a mastermind and a group program, it is possible to have a business-to-consumer (B2C) mastermind. The key distinction lies in the focus and structure of the program. I talk through the differences between the two, and explain how to define your program to align with the expectations of your target audience.

    Myth #3: A Mastermind Can’t Provide the Same Level of Service or Results as One-to-One Coaching

    I truly used to believe that one of the reasons I couldn't transition from one-to-one to a mastermind was that I couldn't possibly help my clients get as good results. However, I quickly found that to be completely untrue. Not only did the mastermind actually reduce the amount of time I spent providing information to clients, I actually saw my clients achieve better results than in the one-to-one coaching setting. I give you the insights on how you can reach more people without spending more time or sacrificing the quality of your service through masterminds.

    Myth #4: Holding Space for More People in a Mastermind Means More Work

    Now, I have a real-life example for you to debunk this prevalent myth. While brainstorming with my husband on ideas for this episode, he immediately said, “People need to know that you can work with more people, but it's less work.” How was he so sure of this? Well, he saw it happen for me! When you have this container that is set for scale, you have the opportunity to utilise the power of the group and the systems that you create - something we teach you all about throughout The Mastermind Model.

    Myth #5: It's Hard to Sell a Mastermind in 2024

    Given the current economic and market conditions, so many people believe that selling a mastermind in 2024 is challenging. While it’s true that the landscape is evolving, it is still possible to sell and thrive with a mastermind. The key lies in having an exceptional offer that addresses your ideal clients' specific challenges and desires. We’ll explore different strategies you can implement to ensure that you have clearly identified the problem you are solving for your ideal clients and that your offer aligns with their needs.

    A mastermind is an amazing way to support and scale your business, and I encourage you to explore how you can incorporate this model to not only get better results for your clients, but to achieve more time and freedom in your every day!

    Note: If you’re listening to this episode on release day, it’s your last day to join The Mastermind Model, so click the link below and join us today. Or, if you’re tuning in after today during May 2024, make sure to send me a DM on Instagram and I will let you in late!

    Happy listening!


    The Mastermind Model

    Connect with Ellie:

    Join the 3 Day Free challenge to Create Your 6 Figure Mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • I’m so excited to be joined today by Jen Dalton, a dance business coach and mentor, who has recently achieved $90K in sales in the first quarter of the year. With more than 30 years of experience in dance, during which she has founded, acquired, and sold multiple studios, Jen has developed a wealth of knowledge and a strong passion for her industry. She’s going to share how she built her mastermind, and why she made the shift in the first place.

    Starting a Mastermind

    Jen has been very successful running dance studios so the decision to leave and start a mastermind business was not made lightly. As Jen says, it was just a natural evolution. When she began her career she was fueled by a desire to nurture and guide the children she taught. As she transitioned to management, she found a passion for helping other teachers achieve their goals.

    Eventually, she found other dance studio managers would approach her for advice or support and realised she wanted to serve them. So she made the shift and now works to help dance studio owners simplify and scale their businesses through her signature framework, the studio scaled method.

    Building a Profitable Mastermind

    Jen chose to launch her new business with the mastermind as her primary offer. It can be a difficult move to make but she’s been super successful with $70,000 in revenue in her first year and $90,000 in revenue from Q1.

    She shares the things that helped her most on this journey, including her experience working with me in the Mastermind Model Program. She credits the program’s clarity, simplicity, and actionable steps for empowering her to create, market, and deliver her mastermind successfully.

    Selling with Authenticity:

    We discuss Jen's approach to sales, which prioritises authentic and genuine connection. She views the sales process as an opportunity to listen, understand her clients' needs deeply, and build relationships based on trust. This lets her identify potential clients that are a good match early on so she can focus on nurturing those relationships. This strategy is how Jen achieved an 80-90% conversion rate on sales calls and built a loyal community.

    Jen’s story is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and strategic growth. I hope it will inspire you to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams with courage and determination.

    If it does make sure you remember Jen’s simple advice: Just get started, and enjoy the process.

    Connect with Jen Dalton

    Website: jendalton.com.au

    Instagram: @_JenDalton_

    Facebook: Jen Dalton Dance Business Coach

    Connect with Ellie:

    Join the 3 Day Free challenge to Create Your 6 Figure Mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • We’re back with an amazing guest episode today! My aim for these episodes is to bring people on the show who can provide insights that support you to build out your masterminds and group programs.

    In this episode, I’m joined by Chloe and Vickie from The Movement Perspective, who are incredible examples of what it looks like to create a mastermind or a group program when you have a smaller audience. We also hear about how to prioritise building a larger one really quickly.

    After eight epic years in business together, Chloe and Vickie not only transformed their Perth-based Breathe Pilates into a seven-figure success, they did so without losing their sense of self. Through a few tears, plenty of champagne and an espresso martini or two, they've honed the art of work-life balance.

    In this conversation, they share their approach to finding success, which helps bring clarity to their business strategy, empower their clients to prioritise the things they love, and allows them to have fun whilst doing it!

    The Decision to Start a Mastermind

    Initially, Chloe and Vicki were focused on instructor professional development, but soon realised they had more to offer - as well as a desire to make a bigger impact. Through participating in my Mastermind Model program, they were inspired to launch their own mastermind. Within three months, they achieved a five-figure launch. We hear about their strategies and mindset that saw a 155% increase in revenue for their second mastermind round.

    The Importance of Clarity and Self-Belief

    One of the key factors that contributed to Chloe and Vickie's success was their clarity on who they wanted to help and what problem they wanted to solve. They were unwavering in their belief that their offer could make a significant impact on the lives of studio owners. They share how this clarity allowed them to attract their ideal clients, and we discuss the importance of having a clear framework to follow that will fast-track your launch.

    A Well-Defined Sales Process

    Chloe and Vickie's belief in their offer and commitment to helping their clients achieve results were evident in their sales process. They approached sales conversations with the mindset of opening the door to allow people to come through and receive the support they needed. We talk about the need to build trust and understand the needs of our potential clients, rather than using a pushy or ‘salesy’ approach.

    Whether you're an instructor, business owner or entrepreneur, this conversation is packed with amazing insights and inspiration on smashing self-imposed limits, challenging the norm and finding success on your own terms.

    So, let's dive in and discover the secrets to these powerful women’s incredible transformation and success!


    Connect with The Movement Perspective:

    Instagram: @the.movement.perspective

    Website: https://www.themovementperspective.com.au/

    Connect with Ellie:

    Join the 3 Day Free challenge to Create Your 6 Figure Mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • In this episode, we sit down with Katy Almstrom, a seasoned entrepreneur and the founder of MoneyWise, to delve into the world of mastermind models. With years of experience in coaching and entrepreneurship, Katy brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the discussion.


    Katy and I have been working together for about 12 months now. In that time, she’s transitioned her business to a mastermind model and that’s what we’ll be discussing today. She provides insights into her sales process secrets, the key elements of delivering a kick-ass mastermind, and how the mastermind model has transformed her business.

    Transitioning to the Mastermind Model

    Before embracing the mastermind model, Katy’s business operated in a one-on-one coaching model. She enjoyed this work greatly but eventually realised the group setting of a mastermind would be better aligned with her mission of normalising conversations around money with women.

    The mastermind model can offer far greater scalability and ease than individual coaching can, but it does come with some different things to consider. For one, the longer sales process gives you more time to nurture leads and build strong client relationships. We share our sales process secrets so that you can take full advantage of the mastermind model.

    Delivering a Kick-Ass Mastermind

    Moving on to the delivery of masterminds, Katy shares insights into refining the process for optimal client experience. Initially, she believed she needed things to be drastically different but wasn’t able to enjoy working that way. Eventually, she found the perfect fit by embracing a more personalised approach, emphasising clear communication, one-on-one onboarding, and goal setting with clients.

    Leveraging the Mastermind Model

    Then we talk about how Katy uses the mastermind model to create exceptional offers and experiences. She stresses the importance of intentional offer creation and obsession with details for client success. Learning from experts and using all the resources available to her has ensured Katy gets maximum results from the mastermind model.

    Katy has so much experience and wisdom to share in this episode! I know it’ll leave you feeling confident and informed about the mastermind model. So, sit back and enjoy!

    Connect with Katy

    Instagram @katy_almstrom

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/networthwoman

    Messy to Magnetic Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/messy-to-magnetic-money-mindset-and-money-management/id1594671912

    Connect with Ellie:

    Join the 3 Day Free challenge to Create Your 6 Figure Mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • “Is a mastermind right for my business?” Today’s episode is inspired by the fact that this is a question I get asked a lot by my clients. They’re often unsure as to whether this model will work for them if they’re not fully booked yet, don’t have a big list or aren’t participating in a mastermind themselves.

    In my opinion, you don’t need to wait for any of these factors before you start. You may have heard me say before that when I started my mastermind, I had never seen or experienced one that I wanted to be in personally. So I went ahead and created the experience that I had been searching for, for other people.

    In this episode, I’m taking you through 5 specific ways to know whether a mastermind is right for your business. It doesn't need to be that you tick all of them off, but if you resonate with any of these 5, you're going to recognise whether a mastermind is for you or not.

    1. You Work One-on-One with Clients and Have a Proven Methodology

    If you are currently working one-on-one with clients and have a proven methodology or process, a mastermind could be a great addition to your business. Instead of repeating the same information on individual calls, you can teach it once to the entire group, allowing them to learn from each other's experiences.

    2. You Have Enough Community to Convert into a Mastermind

    Despite what you might think, you don't need a large email list or to be fully booked with one-on-one clients to start a mastermind. I personally had less than 1,000 people on my email list when I ran my first mastermind, with 20 sign-ups. The key is to focus on building relationships and mastering the art of sales, rather than solely relying on the size of your list.

    3. You Believe in the Power of Groups

    Holding space for a group can be intimidating, especially if you haven't done it before. However, you don't need to be a Jedi-level expert in group facilitation from the start. As you run your mastermind, you will learn and grow in your ability to hold space for the group. What matters most is having the confidence to kick off the process and a genuine belief in the power of groups to support and uplift each other.

    4. A Mastermind Fits Your Model

    If you currently run a membership or low-ticket offers, or if you exclusively offer premium one-on-one services, incorporating a mastermind into your business model can be a really great, strategic move. For those working one-on-one, a mastermind can be a prerequisite for clients before they enter into individual coaching.

    5. You Want to Make Recurring Revenue while Spending Less of Your Time

    Many entrepreneurs rely on one-on-one services for their monthly recurring revenue, which can lead to burnout and limited scalability. A mastermind offers a way to generate monthly recurring revenue without solely depending on your time. By leveraging the power of groups, you can serve multiple clients simultaneously, without it taking up all your focus and energy!

    I hope this episode serves as a helpful guide for you to discover whether or not it’s the right time to venture into the world of masterminds. Remember, at the end of the day, it’s your business and therefore 100% your choice as to how you run it!

    Connect with Ellie:

    Join the 3 Day Free challenge to Create Your 6 Figure Mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • As coaches, creatives and consultants, it’s no secret that we are experiencing more market saturation than ever before. With a huge fluctuation in the online space over the last few years, organic content rates are dropping while ad spend is increasing, leaving a lot of online business owners discouraged about their offers and programs not selling.

    But these changes in the market don’t necessarily mean it’s harder to sell. This is where it’s so important to have a CEO mindset to look at things through an empowering lens and not buy into negative stories.

    Although I’m seeing a lot of conversation right now around programs not selling, three different offers are working really well right now. All of these offers focus on delivering high-value content in a way that truly supports people and businesses where they’re at.

    The Power of Done-With-You Services

    One of the most successful offer types gaining traction in the online space is the concept of "done-with-you" services. This approach involves providing clients with a hands-on experience, guiding them through the process and fully supporting them through the next steps.

    By offering more bespoke support, you can build a deeper connection with your audience and tailor your offerings to meet their specific needs and preferences.

    Harnessing the Impact of Audits

    Audits have emerged as another powerful tool for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and attract more customers. Whether it be a website audit, Instagram audit, or looking at a potential client’s funnel, audits are a fantastic way to showcase your expertise and build trust, making it a great mid-tier sales option to lead into higher ticket items such as a mastermind.

    Elevating the Experience with High-Ticket Support

    People are becoming more and more resistant to buying self-paced programs where there is no additional support. Gone are the days of people purchasing a mastermind just because they want a peer-to-peer experience - they want to know that you are in the trenches with them. This means going back over your offerings and considering how you can include a greater level of support to your clients to make them feel guided and held while working with you.

    While it can feel daunting with so much market saturation, the entrepreneurs who make it long term and build sustainable businesses are the ones who ebb and flow with the changes happening around them. I hope this episode is helpful to you in seeing what offers are working right now and how you can shift your mindset to make the market work for you, not against you.

    Connect with Ellie:

    Join the 3 Day Free challenge to Create Your 6 Figure Mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • A key point of focus in business is your customer lifetime value and considering how you can continue to work with your existing clients over a longer period. As online business owners, we spend a lot of time and money on marketing and sales processes to generate new leads, but a smart business strategy is making your courses and programs so incredible that your existing clients want to keep working with you.

    We have recently celebrated a very successful launch of the Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind, not only selling out the mastermind but also generating a 93% retention rate. There are a number of things that I believe contributed to this so today I’m sharing the exact steps I took to retain so many existing clients in my latest mastermind launch.

    Being Unattached to the Outcome

    I believe one of the reasons why I attract people into my programs is because I’m not attached to the outcome. One of my core beliefs is that I'm always working with the clients who are most aligned with my highest good, therefore whoever is not aligned will not continue with me, which is more than okay. This level of trust and unattached energy is magnetising to my ideal clients.

    Strategic Sales Process and Clear Communication

    For this specific launch, I re-invited my clients midway through the program and clearly outlined the offerings for the next round, making the transition seamless for people who were interested. The timing of this was around the same time that I had announced my pregnancy, so it was really important that I was clear on how clients would be supported in the next round.

    Creating an Ongoing Conversation

    Most clients got back to me quickly about whether they would be continuing on or not, but for those who hadn’t, I made sure I continued the conversation in the months following. I sent personal voice messages making sure I was clear on the fact that I would love to continue working with them, and also leaving it with them to make the right decision for their situation.

    Iterating to Provide Ongoing Support

    Another important aspect of customer lifetime value is making sure that you continue to add value to your clients as their businesses grow. For this reason, my mastermind is always evolving to stay relevant. It’s also vital that we deliver on our promises, making sure that the experience of the mastermind meets, and even exceeds my clients’ expectations.

    There is No Substitute for Value

    While I’m a big believer in sales and marketing strategies, the biggest factor that leads to high retention rates is having a standout program with incredible value. The reason why my clients want to keep working with me is because this mastermind provides them with incredible support every single day. There really is no substitute for a high quality program.

    High retention rates in masterminds aren’t very common in this industry. But when you have an exceptional program and focus on building trust, delivering value and prioritising client relationships to create a truly remarkable experience for your participants, it is absolutely possible.

    Connect with Ellie:

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • I’ve got an up close and personal episode for you today, sharing an update on life and business as I approach my third trimester of pregnancy. If you’re on the cusp of a transition in your life, you’re levelling up in some way or facing discomfort at the moment, I hope this episode serves as inspiration for you in how to navigate those big changes approaching, whatever they might be.

    Sold Out Mastermind

    On the business front, we have hit some major milestones which I’m so proud of. One of my big goals was to sell out my Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind before going on maternity leave to secure that recurring revenue and I’m so proud of all the work we have done behind the scenes to achieve this. With this safety in the business, I know things will be running smoothly while I’m spending time with bubba.

    Second Trimester Challenges

    Of course, it hasn't all been smooth sailing. Our virtual assistant handed in her resignation recently and I’m very excited for her as she steps into her own business, but it certainly threw a spanner in the works. There is a part of me that wants to hold on tight to control every outcome, but life and business don’t work like that! This has been a beautiful reminder to flow with the seasons, let go and trust that everything will fall into place, even when it feels uncertain.

    Preparing for a Big Change

    It’s been exciting to prepare for bubba’s arrival, getting everything organised on the home front and also being really intentional about preparing the business for my maternity leave. I made a really purposeful decision last year to cut down my income and scale back, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to continue in the same capacity. This decision has felt really great, but my challenge now is to stay present in what is required of me now and not go into the future tripping.

    The big transition I’m facing in my life is bringing my first baby into the world, but maybe you’re feeling a quantum leap in another area of life or business. No matter what challenge or uplevel you’re facing, I hope you feel encouraged to lean into the duality of embracing the unknown and doing everything you need to feel supported in the way you need right now.

    Connect with Ellie:

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • A conversation that I see happening a lot right now, particularly in the online space, is around the topic of the coaching and consultancy space becoming over-saturated. Although some people in the industry see this as a challenge, I don’t see this as a problem at all. The key here is to focus on excellence in your business.

    If you want to be known for being excellent at what you do and be fully booked because of that, there are two very specific things that you need to focus on.

    Focus on solving the problem

    The first thing is to make sure you are creating exceptional offers that serve and support your ideal client in helping them solve their unique problem.

    It’s all well and good to create an offer that feels inspiring for you, but if it doesn’t actually help solve your client’s problem, it’s not worth your time. The sweet spot is when you create something that serves your client and creatively lights you up at the same time.

    Prioritise marketing

    Once you have an exceptional offer that both serves your client and inspires you, you need to market your offer effectively. It’s not enough to be the best in your field - you need to market yourself as that and share your unique selling proposition with the world.

    The 6 Figure Mastermind Toolkit

    The combination of meeting your client's needs and marketing yourself as an exceptional person in your field is how you become someone who is fully booked up, sought after and raved about. To help you achieve this, I created the 6 Figure Mastermind Toolkit, a FREE resource to help you create more incredible, scalable freedom for yourself in your business.

    The toolkit includes:

    Video: A video guide on the fundamentals of a six-figure mastermind. I share insights and tips on how to create and nurture a successful program.Checklist: A step-by-step checklist to assist you in crafting a standout mastermind experience. Explore key considerations and actions to enhance your program's unique value proposition and client experience.Marketing Prompts: Unlock strategic prompts to effectively promote and sell your mastermind. Discover techniques to showcase your expertise, attract ideal clients, and maximise the impact of your program.

    If you're someone who has a mastermind or a group program already, or you're considering creating one in 2024, this toolkit is going to be incredibly beneficial for you.

    Having a mastermind in your business is an incredible way to not only support your clients at a higher level and help them achieve amazing results but also a way that you can create the freedom that you most want in your life and business.

    For your FREE copy of the 6 Figure Mastermind Toolkit, DM me “Toolkit” on Instagram.

    Connect with Ellie:

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • It’s launch season again! If you’re like 99% of my clients, you’re likely in the thick of a launch or or a scale in some way right now. We tend to find that February to May is a busy season in business each year, and so I wanted to address something that every business owner should know more about: making abundant decisions when business isn’t going so well.

    Every entrepreneur faces challenging seasons at some stage in business. There are failed launches, low sales and generally just difficult moments in their business journey. And while it’s easy to sink down into the fear, I believe experiencing so-called failures is often the thing that propels you forward most in your business so you can course-correct to your biggest months, growth and biggest scale.

    Today, I share with you the step-by-step process I use to help navigate these situations and make decisions that support growth, abundance and long-term success.

    Sitting in the Shit

    Give yourself the space to sit in the negative feelings for a moment. It's okay to acknowledge and feel the disappointment, frustration or fear that comes with a challenging situation. Toxic positivity would tell us to override those emotions in our body, however that doesn't help us move forward. We need to embrace and process our feelings to make room for growth and abundance.

    Coming back to Gratitude

    Once we've sat with our emotions, it's time to recalibrate back to the frequency of gratitude. Gratitude is the highest frequency we can be in when it comes to decision making and creating abundance. By shifting our focus to gratitude, we tap into our power and gain a fresh perspective that supports making decisions from a place of abundance.

    Recommit to Your Goals

    It’s now time to re-anchor ourselves to our goals. Sometimes, a disappointing situation can make us doubt our capabilities or question the viability of our goals. But by staying focused on our goals and recommitting to them, we reaffirm that we're still in the game. We must remind ourselves of our power and take the necessary steps to show up for what we want to achieve.

    Taking Aligned Action

    Finally, we need to take action based on our goals and the frequency we've recalibrated to, rather than being driven by the negative stories we tell ourselves. Making decisions rooted in scarcity or protection only hinders our growth and expansion. Instead, we need to trust ourselves, take risks and move forward despite the discomfort.

    I encourage you to bookmark this episode for the next time you're going through any kind of challenge and need something to come back to that feels grounding and stabilising.

    Remember, when times get tough, stay anchored to your vision and keep going despite the fear - I promise you’ll come out the other side stronger and more capable of growing your business than ever!

    Connect with Ellie:

    Be the first to know when doors open to the Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind (the ONLY chance to be coached by me in 2024): https://ellieswift.com/mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • This episode is inspired by a conversation I was having with someone in my DMs who wanted to know how my clients generate multi five figure months. So, today I’m sharing with you the top three strategies my clients are currently using that have proven to be highly effective in attracting leads, converting them into paying customers and ultimately increasing revenue.

    There is so much advice out there on how to level up in the online space, however I believe if you implement these three practical strategies in your business, you’ll start to see the growth you really want:

    1. A Clear Sales Funnel

    The first strategy that my successful clients implement is having a clear sales funnel. What do I mean by that? Firstly, they not only know how to generate leads, but they understand where those leads come from. They’re brilliant at using multiple traffic sources, including their own platforms like email and social media, as well as paid advertising and borrowed traffic. I talk about how to warm up those leads, such as building relationships, delivering value through a signature framework and creating the Know Like Trust factor that will continue to draw in your ideal clients.

    2. Organic & Paid Marketing Combination

    While organic reach has been declining, my clients understand the power of paid marketing and its ability to save time and effectively reach new audiences. Running paid ads through platforms like Facebook and Instagram have proven to be amazing for my clients to amplify their brand presence and attract quality leads. The good news is that you absolutely can still create incredible organic success by sharing valuable content consistently and engaging with your audience authentically - the key is to strike a balance and find the right mix that works for your specific target audience


    3. Running Conversion Events

    Conversion events include challenges, masterclasses and webinars, which give you the ability to engage with your audience, share valuable insights and pitch your offers. To make these conversion events successful, my clients follow a few key principles. First, they choose topics that offer a unique perspective or present information in a new and exciting way. Second, they focus on delivering high-quality value during these events, ensuring that attendees walk away with actionable takeaways. Finally, they seamlessly transition from delivering value to offering their products or services as the next step.

    While I highly recommend incorporating these three strategies into your business, I also encourage you to take time to understand your ideal clients and customise the steps to fit your unique brand and audience. I hope this episode gives you the clarity you need so you can go into Q2 focused and ready to have your best quarter yet!

    Connect with Ellie:

    Be the first to know when doors open to the Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind (the ONLY chance to be coached by me in 2024): https://ellieswift.com/mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • Money mindset is a topic that has been coming up a lot in discussion with my clients lately so I thought it would be valuable to share my personal money story with you today. Over the years I have learned so many valuable lessons and have uplevelled in ways that I never thought were possible. I can honestly say from this place of abundance and freedom, that I know this level of expansion is possible for you too.

    Scarcity and Lack

    Growing up, my parents were small business owners, and, as is the way with us all, their experiences shaped my earliest lessons about money. While I attribute a lot of entrepreneurial mindset to my dad in particular, I remember there being a lot of scarcity and stress around not having enough money.

    Shifting Mindsets and Chasing Income Goals

    As I grew older, my mindset around money gradually shifted. I set income goals for myself and worked my way up in corporate to reach my ultimate goal of $100k a year. But deep down, I didn't believe that an abundance of money was possible for someone like me.

    Discovering the World of Coaching

    One of the biggest money mindset shifts I experienced was when I discovered the world of coaching. Seeing other women earn money by helping others create exceptional lives inspired me so much. For me, it wasn’t about the money itself, but knowing that I could make a difference in people's lives got me hooked.

    Feeling unfulfilled in my corporate job, I moved into the coaching space with the initial goal to replace my six-figure corporate income. This is when I started educating myself about money management and investing, and Chay has also played a big role in challenging my mindset in this space.

    As my business grew and I earned more and more money, I had to shift my mindset to embrace abundance and learn how to hold that level of income. I’ve taken calculated risks but I also prioritise safety, aligning my financial decisions with the things that are most important to me.

    I really hope this episode is of value to you. I always appreciate it when other business owners talk openly about their money stories and hope that my story inspires and empowers you to upgrade your own money mindset.

    Connect with Ellie:

    Be the first to know when doors open to the Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind (the ONLY chance to be coached by me in 2024): https://ellieswift.com/mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • In today's episode, we are going to dive deep into the sales strategy that’s generating us three times more leads in 90 percent less time right now. Yes, you heard it right! This is not an exaggeration; it's the truth. So without further ado, let's jump right in!

    What is the key to this powerful strategy? Chatbots!

    They are a complete game-changer, especially on Instagram! Chatbots can boost your reach and visibility, tapping into the algorithm's preferences to capture leads and guide them through a chat-based funnel.

    How It Works:

    Imagine you're scrolling through Instagram, and you come across a reel that asks you to comment with a keyword or DM the creator to access a valuable resource. This is the first step of the chatbot-powered sales strategy.

    When you take action and engage with the post, you receive an automated DM that starts a chat process. This chat not only grants you immediate access to the freebie or resource but also adds you to the creator's email list for future communication.

    This strategy bypasses Instagram's link restrictions which gives us faster and more efficient lead generation. And the best part? Setting up these chatbots is a breeze compared to manual methods, saving you approximately 90 percent of your time.

    Getting Started with Chatbots:

    Implementing this strategy is simpler than you might think. I’ll give you an overview of my experience and my top tips for tailoring this strategy to your business. Once you have a solid understanding of your ideal client's journey and the conversation flow you want to create, it's time to build your chatbot.

    Considerations for Success:

    As with any marketing strategy, there are a few key considerations to ensure the success of your chatbot-powered sales strategy. First, carefully consider the language and tone you use in setting up your chat sequences. Your messaging should align with your target audience and create a connection that feels authentic to them.

    Additionally, keep your overall strategy in mind as you integrate chatbots. This approach should serve as a tool to amplify your existing marketing efforts, enhancing their effectiveness rather than creating entirely separate funnels.

    This strategy is not only an excellent way to boost your leads and save time but also an opportunity to embrace the power of AI and automation in business growth. As technology advances, integrating these tools will become increasingly crucial for success. I hope this episode will give you the tools you need to embrace the power of chatbots in your business!

    Connect with Ellie:

    Be the first to know when doors open to the Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind (the ONLY chance to be coached by me in 2024): https://ellieswift.com/mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • If you’re new here or missed the update, I’m having my first baby due in June of this year. And as I’ve been getting so many questions about my birth plan and my approach to maternity leave, I recently took to Instagram to do a Q&A. Today, I’m answering the questions I received to give you a behind-the-scenes of my plans, and to help you feel empowered to navigate your season of life on your own terms.

    The questions I’m addressing include:

    Q: What are you manifesting for your birth?

    While I have preferences for birth and have made very considered decisions around it, I also have a mindset of co-creation and trust in the universe. I take you through the medical team I’ve chosen, my thoughts on being flexible and why I’m going private.

    Q: Do you wish you could just surrender into motherhood and not work?

    Though it appears simple, this question is actually somewhat complex. Every person is unique, and there is no one right way to approach motherhood. For me, what I believe will enhance my ability to be present and provide support to my child will be different for someone else. I discuss my intentions for motherhood and work and how it aligns with who I am as an individual.

    Q: What are your plans for maternity leave and for the business?

    I’ve definitely made plans for the length of my maternity leave and how the business will run after baby’s arrival, which I share all about with you. I talk about how I imagine I’ll use my personal time and the projects I may feel inspired to work on, while acknowledging that as someone who is not yet a mother, I cannot precisely predict how I’m going to feel from one day to the next!

    Q: Will it be harder to work with you once you have a baby?

    Over the last couple of years, I’ve been intentional about structuring the business so that the model won’t change when I step into motherhood. I take you through the plans I’ve put in place to ensure the same spaces in my programs are available, however am honest about the possibility of things shifting in relation to my client load should my situation call for it.

    I share everything about my plans through the lens of this being my decision. Every woman should feel really empowered to go through this season of life in the way that they want to.

    I hope this episode helps give you permission to make the choices that support you the most and not how anyone else tells you it should be.

    Happy listening!

    Connect with Ellie:

    Be the first to know when doors open to the Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind (the ONLY chance to be coached by me in 2024): https://ellieswift.com/mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • In today’s episode, I want to share with you my 2024 strategy and marketing recommendations for coaches, consultants, and creatives. I'll speak about my personal experience in the market and also the conversations that I’m having with clients at the moment.
    1. A Shift Towards Authentic Connections
    Showing up genuinely and organically resonates with audiences, creating meaningful engagements. Real-life situations make us relatable. Let your audience see parts of your life; share your lifestyle, your experiences, your highs, and lows.
    2. Long-Form Content and Engaging Storytelling
    Interestingly, we are moving back towards long-form content. Rather than snappy soundbites, audiences are seeking depth, wanting to read more about others' unique perspectives. The more AI-produced content we see in the world, the more people crave the human element. Making space for unique storytelling in your content will make you and your brand stand out.
    3. People who follow the process, get the results.
    Last year came with an economic downturn that caused stress for all business owners. The ones I saw succeeding were the people who kept a clear head and stuck to their business foundations. It can be tempting to use shortcuts for a quick win, but the real success comes when you consistently follow the process, proving its credibility over time.
    4. Creative Brand Strategy Trends
    Visual appeal and aesthetics matter tremendously in today's digital world. Keeping up with trends, exploring new aesthetics, and leveraging them in your outreach or campaigning strategy can help you better connect with your audience. I’ll discuss current trends, and how to keep yourself up to date.
    5. Importance of Building Relationships
    Relationship marketing is making a comeback, be it sales calls, website interactions, or face-to-face client dealings. Building meaningful relationships also creates essential touchpoints to revisit later. Businesses prioritizing relationships within sales and marketing strategies are expected to thrive in the coming years.
    6. Excellence in Delivery and Specificity
    Lastly, but most importantly, businesses need to aim to deliver excellence. Possessing a specific, unique value proposition is essential but so is being able to deliver it exceptionally well. Nurturing relationships, delivering high-quality services, boasting unique selling points, and sharing successes will help you stand out in a crowded marketplace. Make delivering an exceptional service your priority to ensure a successful 2024.

    Here's to a year filled with business success, phenomenal growth, and exciting trends!

  • A few changes are happening around here and I’m so excited to bring you the next iteration of the podcast, Scalable Freedom. My mission is to support you to get off the hamster wheel of time and stress by building a scalable business that generates results for your clients AND creates the freedom you desire. You truly can have both.

    In each weekly episode, I'll be sharing proven strategies, tools, and stories from my own business and the businesses of my clients plus inspirational stories from other multi-six and seven-figure coaches, creatives, and consultants about how they’ve created their own success.

    To really hone in on the practicalities of how to create scalable results, I'll also be sprinkling in some shorter episodes that provide tangible strategies which you can implement in your business right away. If you want to scale your business to multi six or seven figures and do it in a way that supports the lifestyle you want, this is the podcast for you.

    In this episode, I share some backstory of how I got to be where I am today and the unique way I teach my clients to grow and scale their businesses through profitable and scalable masterminds.

    The entire reason this podcast exists is to support you in breaking free from the constant stress and time constraints that often come with running a business. It’s absolutely possible to create a profitable and scalable business that not only delivers results for your clients but also gives you the freedom you desire. I can't wait to share what I have in store for you. Stay tuned for the next episode.

    Connect with Ellie:

    Be the first to know when doors open to the Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind (the ONLY chance to be coached by me in 2024): https://ellieswift.com/mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/

  • Today's episode is a special one, being the very first of the newly rebranded podcast. I’m so excited to dive a little deeper into the purpose of rebranding to Scalable Freedom, and share a bit of a personal update for where I’m at in 2024. In line with the new direction of the show, I’m also taking you through the REAL way to create freedom as a coach, creative or consultant.

    The biggest problem I hear from people is that while they want to scale their business, they also want to create the freedom to spend time enjoying life. As a business owner, I’m sure you can relate. So, what do you want your next five or ten years to look like? And how do you find the balance to have both growth and freedom? In this episode, I’ll take you through the three key lenses you can use to create scalable, sustainable freedom:

    1. Mindset

    Asking yourself good questions about what you actually want is so useful. Freedom is a personal and unique thing, and it can look different for everyone. It could involve travelling first class, feeling financially secure or buying that Chanel bag you’ve been dreaming of. Whatever it is, take the time to identify and define what freedom means to you. I promise it will be so much easier to create a business that supports your specific desires once you know what the dream looks like.

    2. Strategy

    Do you have the business model right now that truly supports the freedom you want to create? Every business is unique, as are its requirements to deliver exceptional services to your clients. For example, a mastermind model may require a balance between delivery and marketing, while with a consultancy, you’ll spend more time on operations and building out a team. I encourage you to sit down and consider how you could switch gears if necessary, to ensure your everyday actions align with the type of business you want to create.

    3. Marketing

    Where people tend to go wrong with marketing is buying heavily into trends and not thinking enough about how to create systems that work for them on repeat. Think of your marketing as an engine in your business, where you focus on repurposing content, establishing good processes and delegating tasks to help save you time and energy. Is your marketing taking up more of your time than it should? How could things improve so that not only are you supported, but you’re consistently attracting clients to your business?

    Remember, the decisions you make today are going to support that long term freedom in your business for years to come. So join me today and learn all about how you can create a business that builds a reputation, builds a brand and scales itself!

    Connect with Ellie:

    Be the first to know when doors open to the Swiftmind Scaled Mastermind (the ONLY chance to be coached by me in 2024): https://ellieswift.com/mastermind

    Website: https://www.ellieswift.com/

    Instagram: @elliehswift

    Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/shineonsocialellieswift/