
  • Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz on Healthcare Simulation, AI in translation, and Human Factors.

    Season 2. Episode 3

    Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz is an experienced healthcare simulation educator, leader and researcher with expertise in AI applications for clinical education. Dr Jabeen Fayyaz serves as the SimKIDS Medical Director at Sick Kids Hospital in Canada and holds the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Additionally, she contributes as a PEM Staff Physician at The Hospital for Sick Children and functions as a Sim Educator and Resuscitation Lead within the Division of Emergency Medicine. Dr Fayyaz has an interest in the use of AI tools like Google Translation and human factors video recording in healthcare simulation to enhance learning and patient safety.

    Episode Summary:

    Join us on Sim Nurse NZ as Alison, Erin and Marie interview Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz, an expert in healthcare simulation and artificial intelligence (AI). Dr. Fayyaz shares insights into her career journey in clinical simulation, her work in AI applications for clinical settings, including Google Translation, and the use of AI in human factors video recording and reporting.

    Career in Simulation: Dr. Fayyaz discusses her background in healthcare simulation, highlighting key milestones and experiences that shaped her career.

    AI in Google Translation for Clinical Settings: Exploring the integration of AI, particularly Google Translation, in healthcare simulation to enhance communication and patient care.

    Human Factors in Simulation: The role of AI in human factors video recording and reporting, improving debriefing processes and patient safety outcomes.

    Challenges and Innovations: Addressing challenges in implementing AI technologies in healthcare simulation and opportunities for future advancements.

    Impact on Healthcare: How AI applications in simulation contribute to improved healthcare delivery, patient outcomes, and professional development.

    Links and Resources:

    - Learn more about Sim Kids: https://www.sickkids.ca/en/learning/our-programs/simulation-program/

    - Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz's Publications and Research: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jabeen-Fayyaz-2

    Join us for an insightful conversation with Dr. Jabeen Fayyaz as we delve into her pioneering work in simulation and AI, exploring its transformative impact on nursing education and patient outcomes. Don't miss this enlightening episode of Sim Nurse

    Connect with us on Twitter! @Starshipsimprog or email: [email protected]

    This podcast was funded and made possible by the Douglas Charitable Trust and The Starship Foundation. We give many thanks for their generosity in making this happen.

    This podcast was produced by Denish Kumar.

    Want to come on our podcast in future seasons? Hit us up! Like, share, subscribe & review us to enable us to continue if you have enjoyed this podcast.

    Intro/Outro Music: Fridaze - Lauren Duski

  • Dr Jessica Stokes-Parish on Moulage and Simulated Participants in Healthcare Simulation

    Guest Speaker: Dr Jessica Stokes-Parish

    Season 2. Episode 2

    Dr Jessica Stokes-Parish is an Associate Dean and Translational Simulation researcher at Bond University, specialising in healthcare simulation, moulage techniques, and the use of simulated participants. With a background in nursing and education, Jessica brings a wealth of knowledge on enhancing simulation realism and effectiveness.

    Jess is a practicing intensive care nurse and health professions educator, with post graduate degrees in education, nursing practice and science communication. In addition to 15+ years of bedside nursing, areas of work include health professions workforce development, such as policy, education, and science communication.

    In 2022 Jess published a signature CRABS framework for publication and research credibility. This framework is designed to help sift through online content to determine what is credible (and what’s not). She is now referred as the “CRABS Lady”!

    Jess has extensive experience in leadership and service roles in the higher education sector, including project management and curriculum design. She has her own private business as well as her university role and also has a highly subscribed Instagram account which challenges misinformation on the internet and how to be a good influencer. Jess is a sought after speaker for conferences both in person and in the virtual space.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of Sim Nurse NZ: Erin, Marie and Alison sit down with Jessica Stokes-Parish, a leading expert from Bond University, to explore the fascinating world of moulage and simulated participants in healthcare simulation.

    Moulage: Jessica describes her PHD topic which is the art of moulage in healthcare simulation and when and why to use moulage to create realistic scenarios.

    Simulated Participants: Exploring the use of simulated participants (SPs) in simulations and their contribution to immersive learning experiences.

    Educational Benefits: How moulage and SPs enhance clinical skills, decision-making, and teamwork among healthcare professionals.

    Challenges and Innovations: Discussing challenges in implementing moulage and SPs, along with innovative approaches to overcome them.

    Research and Future Directions: Insights into current research trends and the future of moulage and SPs in advancing healthcare simulation.

    Links and Resources:

    - Bond University: https://bond.edu.au/profile/jessica-stokes-parish

    - Jessica Stokes-Parish Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/j_stokesparish?igsh=MXVjbml1cHBucDNqbg==

    -Jessica Stokes-Parish Website: https://www.jessicastokesparish.com/

    - Jessica Stokes-Parish Publications: https://research.bond.edu.au/en/persons/jessica-stokes-parish

    Join us for an insightful conversation on moulage and simulated participants in healthcare simulation, as we uncover strategies to elevate nursing education and patient outcomes. Stay tuned for the Sim Nurse NZ podcast with Jessica Stokes-Parish!

    Connect with us on Twitter! @Starshipsimprog or email: [email protected]

    This podcast was funded and made possible by the Douglas Charitable Trust and The Starship Foundation. We give many thanks for their generosity in making this happen.

    This podcast was produced by Denish Kumar.

    Want to come on our podcast in future seasons? Hit us up! Like, share, subscribe & review us to enable us to continue if you have enjoyed this podcast.

    Intro/Outro Music: Fridaze - Lauren Duski

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  • Dr. Todd Chang, Virtual Reality in Healthcare Simulation Research.

    Season 2. Episode 1

    Dr. Todd Chang is based at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). Todd is the Medical Director at Las Madrinas Simulation Center at CHLA and is a Children’s Emergency Senior Physician. Todd is also an Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of Southern California. He has stood past and present on a number of international and local boards in regards to simulation and education. We are incredibly thrilled to have Todd as a guest on SimNurseNZ in this episode and hope you will enjoy the time spent with him as much as we did.

    Todd has a passion for advancing healthcare education and innovation. He specialises in the field of virtual reality (VR) healthcare simulation. Todd is a world leading expert in this field of education and he has made significant contributions to development and implementation of VR technology in healthcare staff training, patient care and research related to VR.

    Alison, Marie and Erin are absolutely thrilled to interview Todd on this SimNurseNZ podcast episode about research in healthcare VR simulation. Today we discuss virtual reality and Todd’s experiences with both this and research on this subject. He is incredibly kind, funny and fun in this interview. We are incredibly grateful to Todd for sharing such wonderful resources with us to encourage us all to venture into the world of VR healthcare simulation.

    Some video links are included below about Todd’s work in Virtual Reality in the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Emergency Department.


    Todd is happy to be contacted via email regarding any enquiries from this SimNurseNZ podcast episode:

    [email protected]

    Connect with us on Twitter! @Starshipsimprog or email: [email protected]

    This podcast was funded and made possible by the Douglas Charitable Trust and The Starship Foundation. We give many thanks for their generosity in making this happen.

    This podcast was produced by Denish Kumar.

    Want to come on our podcast in future seasons? Hit us up! Like, share, subscribe & review us to enable us to continue if you have enjoyed this podcast.

    Intro/Outro Music: Fridaze - Lauren Duski

  • In this episode Erin Carn-Bennett, Alison Cartwright & Marie Collinson interview Dr Khang Hee Gan.

    Episode 5

    Khang tells us about his career journey to becoming a Paediatric Emergency Consultant in Starship Children’s Hospital and also his journey into simulation. He talks about his experience of being the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme fellow in 2019 and then the Simulation fellow at Sick Kids, Toronto, Canada in 2020. After getting to know Khang a little better we talk with him about the online education tool “virtual resus room” which was created in Canada by Sarah Foohey. Khang showed our DSSP team VRR on his return from Canada and it has become a part of our programme in New Zealand. We explore tele-health as a learning platform and Khang also gives advice to anyone starting out in their simulation journey.







    Connect with us on Twitter! @Starshipsimprog or email: [email protected]

    This podcast was funded and made possible by the Douglas Charitable Trust and The Starship Foundation. We give many thanks for their generosity in making this happen.

    This podcast was produced by Blue Ginge creative.

    Want to come on our podcast in future seasons? Hit us up! Like, share, subscribe & review us to enable us to continue if you have enjoyed this podcast.

    Intro/Outro Music: Fridaze - Lauren Duski

  • G+T Who is DSSP and how did we get to where we are now?

    Episode 4

    This episode of Sim Nurse NZ focuses on the history of and current status of the clinical simulation team that is the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme. (DSSP)Erin Carn-Bennett, Marie Collinson & Alison Cartwright interview Trish Wood (Operations Manager of DSSP) & Dr Nuthall (Starship PICU intensivist & DSSP programme Lead for Outreach) who are hugely respected and valued within our organisation, nationally &within the global simulation networks.

    We discuss the humble beginnings of the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme and the growth to what it is today.

    We explore the foundations, principles and pillars of our simulation programme.

    What is required when building a programme?

    What would they do differently?

    We look into our clinical simulation programme discussing how we ensure that it is psychologically safe and where to prioritise investments.

    Discussions include what education does our simulation programme cover?

    Concluding this episode is why do we do this? We discuss how as clinicians we can create a positive impact to improving safe care to patients through simulation.


    Sim zones article:




    Connect with us on Twitter! @Starshipsimprog or email: [email protected]

    This podcast was funded and made possible by the Douglas Charitable Trust and The Starship Foundation. We give many thanks for their generosity in making this happen.

    This podcast was produced by Blue Ginge creative.

    Want to come on our podcast in future seasons? Hit us up! Like, share, subscribe & review us to enable us to continue if you have enjoyed this podcast.

    Intro/Outro Music: Fridaze - Lauren Duski

  • The pivot of simulation based education.

    Episode 3

    In this episode we take some time to share stories and reflect on how we all had to pivot in our clinical simulation based education roles in 2021. How and why did we do this? It is still relevant today as we all struggle to continue to prioritise education in the current healthcare climate. We talk about work imagined vs. work done in policy writing and how simulation can be a tool to explore this.

    Connect with us on Twitter! @Starshipsimprog or email: [email protected]

    This podcast was funded and made possible by the Douglas Charitable Trust and The Starship Foundation. We give many thanks for their generosity in making this happen.

    This podcast was produced by Blue Ginge creative.

    Want to come on our podcast in future seasons? Hit us up! Like, share, subscribe & review us to enable us to continue if you have enjoyed this podcast.

    Intro/Outro Music: Fridaze - Lauren Duski

  • In this episode we are incredibly lucky to interview one of the international “gurus of simulation” Dr Peter Weinstock.

    Episode 2

    Dr Weinstock is the Executive Program Director, Immersive Design Systems (formally SIMPeds); Anesthesia Endowed Chair in Pediatric Simulation; Senior Associate, Critical Care Medicine & Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School. Peter has been a pivotal international link for the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme and has been key in growing our team to what it is today. In this episode we explore healthcare simulation with Peter and hear stories from his experience of how clinical simulation has evolved over time.

    We discuss his foundational article “Sim Zones” which we discussed in episode one.

    Linked below.


    This episode also explores how to stay up to date with current developments in healthcare simulation and also predictions of innovations and where the future of simulation is heading.

    We talk about effect driving the technology and also how to utilise design thinking. This episode also explores how clinical simulation staff are incredibly skilled at debriefing and have true assets in emotional intelligence especially empathy. Peter also discusses adjacencies that healthcare simulation has to other professions such as behavioural psychology and biometrics. The future of healthcare simulation should be to align and connect with these specialities to cross pollinate expertise and deepen learning.

    Connect with us on Twitter! @Starshipsimprog or email: [email protected]

    This podcast was funded and made possible by the Douglas Charitable Trust and The Starship Foundation. We give many thanks for their generosity in making this happen.

    This podcast was produced by Carl Thompson from Blue Ginge creative.

    Want to come on our podcast in future seasons? Hit us up! Like, share, subscribe & review us to enable us to continue if you have enjoyed this podcast.

    Intro/Outro Music: Fridaze - Lauren Duski

  • SimZones by Roussin & Weinstock (2017) Journal club & who are is SimNurseNZ?

    Episode 1

    In this episode you will get to know the “ultimate tripod” of healthcare simulation nurse educators from the Douglas Starship Simulation Programme.

    They are: Erin Carn-Bennett, Marie Collinson & Alison Cartwright. What are our backgrounds?

    Who used to be a volunteer firefighter?

    Who was just jealous of setting up the simulations behind the scenes and so badgered till they could join in?

    Who was it that has a background in hatching to dispatching nursing and what does that even mean?

    This is a multidisciplinary podcast and although through the nursing lens all clinicians are welcome and there is something for everyone to take away. We also have Doctors as guests.

    Once you have got to know us a little better we will talk to you about the Sim Zones article by Roussin and Weinstock (2017) and the impact it has had on our programme when us 3 started in our roles in 2019. You can find the article here: https://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2017/08000/SimZones__An_Organizational_Innovation_for.29.aspx

    We talk about the three sim zones and break each down into how we utilize it within our clinical simulation programmes as well as what debriefing methodology we use for each.We talk about debriefing real life events and here is the link to the ACE (after critical event) review we use in our organisation which is freely available.


    Please email us at [email protected] or DM us on Twitter to get your copy of our zone 1 and zone 2 debriefing card.

    Connect with us on Twitter! @Starshipsimprog

    This podcast was funded and made possible by the Douglas Charitable Trust and The Starship Foundation. We give many thanks for their generosity in making this happen.

    This podcast was produced by Carl Thompson from Blue Ginge creative.

    Want to come on our podcast in future seasons? Hit us up! Like, share, subscribe & review us to enable us to continue if you have enjoyed this podcast.

    Intro/Outro Music: Fridaze - Lauren Duski