
  • Last week, I explained dad jokes and gave some examples; today, let's continue learning new jokes and practice speaking with a funny mini-story.

    Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently.

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    Before we start, get the transcript. Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Okay, let's start!

    I'm on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it!

    This joke is a play on words.

    Usually, when people say they're on a diet, they try to eat less or eat specific kinds of food to become healthier.

    But in this joke, the person says they're on a 'seafood diet,' which sounds like they only eat seafood.

    However, the punchline reveals the joke: 'I see food, and I eat it!' This means they eat any food they see, not just seafood.

    So, it's a clever way of saying they love to eat all kinds of food, and it's a play on the words 'seafood' and 'see food.

    I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!

    Usually, when people say a book is 'impossible to put down,' they mean that it's so interesting or exciting that you can't stop reading it, as if the book has a strong pull on you.

    So, in this joke, the person is reading this book about 'anti-gravity,' which is like the opposite of gravity that makes stuff fall down. So, when they say, 'It's impossible to put down,' they really mean it. Because with anti-gravity, the book won't drop. You can't physically set it down.

    Why did the math book look sad? Because it had too many problems.

    This joke is about a sad math book. Books can't have feelings. It's "sad" because it has "too many problems," which means many math questions. It's funny because it makes us imagine the book can feel sad, like a person, but it refers to the math questions.

    I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.

    This joke is about how someone used to play the piano without using their hands, just by listening to the music (playing by ear).

    When someone says they "play by ear," it means they can play music just by listening to it and don't need sheet music or notes to follow. It doesn't mean they are not using their hands to play.

    But now, they use their hands like most people do. It's funny because playing the piano without using your hands is unusual.

    How do you organize a space party? You "planet"!

    This joke is a play on words. Usually, when we talk about organizing a party, we mean arranging and planning it.

    But this joke plays with the word 'planet,' which sounds like 'plan it.' So, it's saying that to organize a space party, you should 'planet,' meaning you should plan it.

    It's funny because it uses two meanings of the word 'planet' to create humor.

  • Today, we're diving into the world of dad jokes and how they can help you improve your English skills. Dad jokes are funny and a great way to have fun while learning.

    Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :)

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript at: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    It's completely free!

    Ok, let's start!

    The Essence of Dad Jokes

    These jokes are short and funny. Dads use them to make their kids laugh. They are simple, with clever twists on words we use every day.

    What is a pun?

    A pun is a kind of joke that plays with words that sound the same or have multiple meanings. It's like a riddle made of words.

    For example, imagine a joke that says, 'I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough.' In this joke, 'dough' means the stuff we use to make bread but also, the money we earn.

    So, it's funny because it means the person couldn't make enough bread dough and also couldn't make enough money.

    Puns are a fun way to use words differently to make people laugh or think.

    Expression "No pun intended:"

    When someone says, 'No pun intended,' they're telling you they made a little joke but didn't mean to. It's like saying, 'I didn't try to be funny, but it turned out that way.'

    For example, if someone says, 'I'm feeling a bit down today, no pun intended,' they mean they feel sad, since the word 'down' can also mean 'lower.'

    So, it's a joke, but they want to make sure you know they didn't mean to be funny.

    Let's get to the fun part and learn some Dad Jokes:

    What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese!

    The humor in this joke comes from a pun, where 'nacho' sounds like 'not your.' So, when it says 'nacho cheese,' it's making a funny connection that cheese that doesn't belong to you is called 'nacho cheese.'

    Before we continue with the next section, visit my website: SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/courses and get my premium courses. There are several levels. If you can't decide which one is for you, just send me a message by using my website contact form.

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  • Hello, everyone!

    Today is a special day because it's our seventh year together!!! This week, we have reached 300 episodes and more than 30 million downloads!

    Thanks to all of you, we've created a huge family of learners from all around the world.

    Thank you so much for your support and for sharing the podcast with your friends and family. I appreciate every one of you listening and learning with this podcast and my premium courses.

    As we celebrate, I promise to keep bringing you fun and helpful episodes.

    More Great News: I will also launch a new premium course!

    Let me recommend to you my most listened-to episodes:

    #003 - The Importance Of Repeated Listening

    In this episode, I explain how many times you have to listen to a material in English.

    #018 - Benefits of Listening in English when Exercising

    In episode #018, I discuss the importance of exercising and studying English.

    #200 - Difficult words to Pronounce in English

    In episode #200, I look at some English words very difficult to pronounce.

    So, let me know if you enjoyed these recommendations. And tell me your favorite episode (out of all 300.)

    Here are some comments from students:

    Carlos Silva

    Hi, Georgiana, I'm gonna be very honest with you: You are the best teacher IN THE WORLD, I love your teaching method. I have listened to almost all your episodes, and your method is awesome!

    Manuel Ruiz

    This method is great. I've studied English for a long time with many textbooks about grammar, writing, etc., without successful results, but this is the best method for speaking English fluently. I recommend it!!

    You can find more comments like these on my website: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com

  • Today, we're diving into an exciting part of history called the Gold Rush. Ever thought about hunting for treasure? Lots of people did back then!

    What was the Gold Rush?

    During the Gold Rush people traveled to places where they thought they could find gold. For example, in 1849, many went to California because they had heard they could find gold there. This event is called the California Gold Rush. Imagine: people from all over the world came to California, hoping to become rich.

    Why did people go there?

    People joined the Gold Rush for different reasons. The main one was to find gold and make money. They thought this would make their lives better and help their families. Some were looking for adventure and wanted to explore new places.

    What was life like during this time?

    Life during the Gold Rush was tough. Those seeking gold traveled a long way and lived in camps. They used simple tools like pans and shovels to search for gold in rivers and dirt. It was very exciting when someone found gold, but many didn't find much and were discouraged.

    Who were the people involved?

    Imagine leaving your home and traveling to a completely new place, not knowing what you would find. That's exactly what thousands did during this period. They were called "forty-niners" because so many arrived in 1849. Men, women, and families all took the risk, dreaming of striking it rich.

    Lots of these adventurers sailed on ships, while others walked or rode horses along dusty trails to reach California. The journey was not easy; there were dangers like bad weather and tough roads. But the hope of finding gold kept them going.

    When they arrived, finding gold was harder than most thought. They spent long days in cold rivers or under the hot sun, looking through mud and stones. Some lucky ones found big nuggets, while many others found only small flakes or nothing at all.

    What was the impact of the Gold Rush?

    It changed many places. For example, San Francisco grew quickly in the USA. People built new shops, houses, and roads. However, it also caused problems like damage to the land and unfair treatment of local people.

    The Gold Rush was a very important time. It shows us how the dream of finding wealth can make many people move and change places. Learning about this era helps us understand how history is full of big changes and adventures.

    So, that's a little about this fascinating period. It was a time of hope, hard work, and big changes.

    Get the transcript on my website: speakenglishpodcast.com/299-the-gold-rush-1849/

  • Understanding "Do" and "Make"

    Today, we're going to talk about something that confuses many students: when to use "do" and when to use "make."

    When to Use "Do"

    Let's start with "do." We use "do" when we talk about general tasks or activities that don't create something new. It's like saying you're doing something that's part of your routine. Let's hear some examples:

    Do homework: "After school, I always do my homework." Do the dishes: "In our house, we do the dishes right after dinner." Do exercises: "My friend does exercises every morning to stay healthy."

    So remember, when you're talking about doing a job or something you need to finish, "do" is the word to use!

    When to Use "Make"

    Now, let's talk about "make." We use "make" when we create something or when there's a result from what we do. It's like making something new or making a choice.

    Here are some examples with "Make:"

    Make a cake: "Why don't you make a delicious cake?" Make a decision: "It can be tough, but everyone needs to make decisions sometimes." Make a phone call: "I make a phone call to check on my friend every week."

    Remember that when something new is created from what you do, like a cake or a decision, you should use "make."

    Let's hear more examples:

    Do your best: "In every competition, it's important to do your best." Do your hair: "Every morning, I do my hair before going to school." Do the laundry: "We usually do the laundry on Saturdays." Do a favor: "Could you do me a favor and pass the salt?" Do business: "His company does business with clients worldwide." Do a dance: "At the party, everyone was doing a fun dance." Do damage: "The storm did a lot of damage to the town."

    More Examples Using "Make:"

    Make friends: "When you go to a new school, it's important to make friends." Make a list: "Before we go shopping, let's make a list of everything we need." Make a joke: "He likes to make jokes to make everyone laugh." Make peace: "After arguing, they made peace and were friends again." Make money: "She has a wonderful job that helps her make a lot of money." Make a plan: "Let's make a plan for the trip." Make a choice: "You need to make a choice; even if you don't like it."

    Great! Let's continue practicing "do" and "make" with a on point-of-view lesson."

    Get the transcript on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/differences-between-do-and-make/

  • Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently.

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    Before we start, get the transcript. Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Today, we will learn more internet words and practice speaking with a mini-story.

    Ok, let's start!

    Online Forum:

    An online forum is similar to a discussion group at the library. People gather on a website to discuss various topics, sharing their thoughts in posts and replies.


    A blog is like a personal journal or a collection of articles online. Individuals or organizations regularly update them to share information and opinions.


    Podcasts are like radio shows on the Internet. You can listen to them online or download them to your device.


    A webinar is an online seminar or presentation where you can watch and interact with the presenter through live video and other features.


    E-commerce is like an online marketplace. It involves buying and selling products or services on the Internet.


    Be cautious! Phishing is when someone tricks you into sharing private stuff like your passwords or credit card details by pretending to be someone you trust.

    Username and Password:

    Your username and password are like keys to your online accounts. They protect your information from unauthorized access.

    Get the transcript at: speakenglishpodcast.com/297-internet-vocabulary-in-english-part-2/

  • Hi! I’m Georgiana, and I’m back with a new episode. I’m here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. 🙂

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript at: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    It’s completely free!

    Ok, let’s start!

    Today, we’re talking about the Internet – something we use daily. Knowing internet words is super important whether you’re checking websites, chatting with friends, or shopping online. You will learn different internet words to help you feel more comfortable online.

    Website Navigation:

    The Internet is like a vast library with countless books. Each website is a different book; to read them, you need to know how to navigate. Think of website navigation as finding your way around the library. You use a website’s menus, links, and buttons to move from one page to another.


    Imagine a book with a cover. The homepage is like the cover of a website. It’s the first page you see when you visit a website. It tells you what the website is about.


    You might want to read multiple books at once when you go to a library. Tabs in a web browser are like having different books open on different pages. You can click on a tab to switch between different web pages.


    Cookies are like bookmarks in the library. Websites use them to remember your preferences and what you do on their site, making your online experience more convenient.

    URL Bar/Address Bar:

    The address bar is like a search box in the library. You can type the web address of a website, and your browser will take you there. It’s also where you can see the website’s address.


    Imagine if the library had a storage room to keep some books handy. That’s what the cache is. It stores web data temporarily on your device to make websites load faster when you visit them again.


    Streaming is like watching a movie online without having to download it first. You can also stream music and other media content over the Internet.


    When you stream a video or music, sometimes it needs to load a little bit before you can start watching or listening. So, buffering prevents interruptions.

    Download Manager:

    A download manager is like a librarian who helps you organize and track the books (or files) you download from the Internet.


    Think of a firewall as a protective shield around your computer. It keeps out any unwanted or harmful visitors from the Internet.


    A router is like a postman delivering letters to different houses. It connects multiple devices in your home or office to the Internet.

    Let’s continue with a surprising point-of-view story:

  • Ever wondered if native English speakers make mistakes? Well, here's the truth: Native English speakers make mistakes, too! This can be comforting for English learners.

    Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently.

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website, you can find the 5 Secrets to Speaking English and my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript. Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    It's completely free!

    Ok, let's start!

    Native speakers of any language make mistakes, just like learners do. This is a natural part of language use and communication.

    Let's learn the mistakes native English speakers make and why they happen.

    Pronunciation Mistakes: It's common to mispronounce hard words. For example, some people say "Pacific" instead of "specific."

    Spelling Mistakes: Even people who have spoken English from birth can spell words wrongly. It's like writing "definately" when it should be "definitely."

    Misusing Words: Sometimes, people mix up words that sound the same, like "their" and "there." Or, they might use the wrong preposition. These are often just small mistakes.

    Why Mistakes Happen:

    Informal Language: In everyday talk, people use short forms like "gonna" instead of "going to." These are okay when speaking but not in formal writing. Speaking Fast: Often, people talk quickly and don't think about grammar rules. Not Paying Attention: Everyone makes more mistakes when they are tired or not focused.

    Learning from Mistakes:

    When kids learn to speak, they make many errors. As someone learning English, you should see mistakes as a chance to get better. Most of the time, when people correct their mistakes, kids don't get embarrassed. They might even laugh about it.

    Attitude Toward Mistakes:

    Most people understand that mistakes happen, and they don't usually stop us from understanding each other. Remember, making mistakes doesn't mean you're bad at English. It means you are learning and getting better. So, if you make a mistake, just smile and try again. Even people who have spoken English their whole life are still learning!

    Great! I hope you're enjoying this episode!

    And now, let's continue with a mini-story.

  • Have you ever seen a huge mountain with presidents’ faces? Today, we learn about Mount Rushmore. What’s special about it? Let’s find out!

    Hi! I’m Georgiana, and I’m back with a new episode. I’m here to help you speak English fluently.

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website, you can find the 5 Secrets to Speaking English and my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript. Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    It’s completely free!

    Ok, let’s start!

    Mount Rushmore is a giant and famous place in the United States. It’s located in South Dakota, inside the Black Hills. On this big mountain are huge carvings of the faces of four American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. These presidents are very important because they did great things for America.

    The carvings of Mount Rushmore are huge. Each president’s face is as large as a tall building! People made this long ago, starting in 1927 and finishing in 1941. So, it took 14 years to complete. They did not have modern machines, so it was very tough work.

    Mount Rushmore is special for a few reasons:

    George Washington was the first president to help start the country. Thomas Jefferson made America bigger by buying a large area of land from France, known as the Louisiana Purchase. Theodore Roosevelt protected nature and made sure businesses treated people fairly. Abraham Lincoln kept the country together during the Civil War, which was a very difficult time.

    Mount Rushmore is also meaningful because of its location. Before it became a monument, Native American tribes, saw the Black Hills as a sacred place. The story of Mount Rushmore includes these tribes and their connection to the land.

    When people visit Mount Rushmore, they can explore the Avenue of Flags. This path has flags from all 50 states in the USA. It makes people feel connected to everyone in the country. It is a reminder that, even though we are different, we are all part of one big nation.

    Mount Rushmore is not only beautiful because of the nature around it. It also makes us think about the leaders who shaped America, and reflect on how we can all help make the country better.

    Making Mount Rushmore changed the mountain forever. It turned a natural place into a symbol of America’s history. This means different things to different people. Some see it as a celebration of freedom and great leaders. Others remember the land and the first people who lived there.

    Great! I hope you’re enjoying this episode!

    And now, let’s continue with a mini-story!

  • Transcript:

    Hi! I’m Georgiana, and I’m back with a new episode. I’m here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. 🙂

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English, and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    It’s completely free!

    Ok, let’s start!

    Learning English is exciting because we get to know how people actually speak. Today, we will look at a common phrase in the US: “Good for you!” It’s a friendly way to talk, but there’s more to learn about it.

    What Does “Good for you!” Mean?

    When people say “Good for you!” they show they are glad for someone else. Imagine giving a friend a thumbs-up. For example, if your friend tells you they did well on a test, saying “Good for you!” is like saying, “I’m happy for you!”

    When You Are Really Glad:

    Imagine your friend telling you, “I got first place!” You can respond with a smile, “Good for you!” to show your happiness for their success.

    How You Say It Is Key:

    Your tone of voice can change the meaning. Use a cheerful tone to make sure your friend feels your sincerity.

    When to Say “Good for you!”

    This phrase fits well in many situations. Here are some moments to use it:

    Celebrating Achievements:

    When someone achieves something from hard work, like scoring high on a test, “Good for you!” is a great response.

    Sharing in Good News:

    Hearing about a friend’s good news, like getting a new pet, and saying “Good for you!” shows you share their happiness.

    Let’s Practice:

    Imagine a time when someone shared something joyful with you. How would you reply? Simple, “Good for you!” Just remember, saying it with a smile and warmth in your voice can really make a difference.

    The Different Meanings of “Good for you!”

    Sometimes, “Good for you!” is not only about being happy for someone. It can also be used for jokes or in not-so-nice ways, known as sarcasm.

    When It’s Just a Joke:

    Friends might use it playfully when someone says something funny or not so-important. It’s their way of being friendly.

    When It Might Not Be Kind:

    However, if someone’s tone sounds unhappy or their expression appears unfriendly, they might not be saying it kindly. For example, if you say, “I can tie my shoes,” and someone responds with, “Good for you!” without a friendly tone, they might not be being nice. They could be mocking you because tying shoes is something most people can do.

    Understanding the Difference:

    Listen to their voice: Is it light, happy, or flat and unkind?

    Look at their expression: Is there a real smile, or do they seem insincere?

    Consider what you said: Was it something impressive or ordinary? This helps you figure out if they’re joking or not.

    Some Examples:

    Happy: You: “I aced my test!” Friend: “Good for you!” (They’re genuinely pleased.)

    Joking: You: “I spent the whole day watching TV.” Friend: “Good for you!” (They’re playfully teasing because it’s not a big deal.)

    Not Nice: You: “I cleaned up my room today.” Friend: “Well, good for you.” (If their tone is sarcastic, they may not think it’s important.)

    That’s why, it’s crucial to pay attention to how people say things, not just the words. This helps you know if they’re truly happy for you, making a joke, or being unkind.

    Let’s continue with a surprising point-of-view story:

  • Today, we will learn how Easter is celebrated in the United States and Australia. We will hear Tom and Sarah's conversation about their plans for Easter this year. And with a point-of-view story, you will learn grammar in context without memorizing boring rules.

    Hi! Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. I'm Georgiana and my mission is to help you improve your fluency.

    If you want to support me, please share the podcast with your friends and family. It would mean a great deal to me. Thank you!

    Remember that you can get the text of this episode on my website SpeakEnglishPodcast.com

    Okay! Let’s start!

    Tom, from the United States, and Sarah, from Australia, were catching up on a video call before the Easter holiday. As they started chatting, they quickly realized they had different traditions and plans for celebrating the holiday.

    Let's listen to their conversation:

    Tom: Hey, Sarah! Happy Easter!

    Sarah: Happy Easter to you too, Tom! I hope you're doing well.

    Tom: Yes, I'm doing great. So, what are your plans for Easter this year?

    Sarah: I plan to attend church and celebrate Easter with my family. We usually have a big Easter dinner and spend time together.

    Tom: That sounds lovely. I'm also planning to celebrate Easter with my family. We usually have an Easter egg hunt and decorate Easter eggs.

    Sarah: Oh, that's a great tradition. We also decorate Easter eggs but don't have an egg hunt.

    Tom: That's interesting. Every family has their own traditions.

    Sarah: Definitely. What other traditions do you have for Easter?

    Tom: We usually go to church and have a big Easter brunch. We also exchange Easter baskets filled with candy and small gifts.

    Sarah: That sounds like so much fun. We don't exchange Easter baskets but give each other Easter cards.

    Tom: That's sweet. Do you have any special Easter foods that you eat?

    Sarah: Yes, we usually have ham, deviled eggs, and hot cross buns.

    Tom: That sounds delicious. My family has roasted lamb, mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

    Sarah: That sounds amazing. It's interesting to see how different cultures celebrate the same holiday.

    Tom: Yes, I agree. Speaking of cultures, I heard Easter is celebrated differently in Australia. Can you tell me more about that?

    Sarah: Sure! In Australia, Easter is also a Christian holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, since it's celebrated in the fall season there, it's more of a harvest festival. We also have a lot of outdoor activities like camping and hiking.

    Tom: That's so cool. I didn't know Easter was celebrated as a harvest festival in Australia. Do you have any special Easter foods that you eat?

    Sarah: Yes, we have hot cross buns and chocolate eggs, just like in the US. But we also have meat pies, seafood, and others.

    Tom: That sounds amazing. I'll have to try them sometime.

    Sarah: Definitely. Maybe we can exchange some Easter foods and try each other's traditions.

    Tom: That's a great idea, Sarah!

    Sarah: Ok! I'll see you later. Happy Easter!

    Tom: Happy Easter!

  • Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :)

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    Get the transcript here: speakenglishpodcast.com/291-what-is-minimalism/

    In our previous episode, we talked about Diogenes syndrome. It's when people collect too many things.

    Today, I will talk about practically the opposite: minimalism.

    A few years ago, this lifestyle became popular.

    The concept of minimalism is about removing unnecessary things and focusing on what's important. Seems logical, right? Well... Sometimes, attempting to live a minimalist lifestyle can actually be more stressful than just accepting a little bit of clutter. Finally, it's about finding a balance that works for you.

    Here are some principles of minimalism:

    - Simplicity: Enjoy the simple and the necessary.

    - Utility: Have only things you use that are useful to you.

    - Quality: Prefer fewer things, but of better quality.

    - Consciousness: Think and choose what really matters.

    - Order: A clean, organized space helps you think and live better.

    - Peace: Seek tranquility in your environment.

    - Autonomy: Live with the essentials and take care of your resources.

    - Experiences: You value moments and friendships more than material possessions.

    Marie Kondo is famous in the world of keeping things tidy. She's from Japan and has taught many of us to ask if our belongings make us happy. She's had a big influence, and for some time, we all followed her advice on folding clothes neatly and getting rid of things we don't need.

    But now, she mentioned that after having three kids she can't be as strict anymore. If Marie Kondo has found a balance, we don't have to be perfect either.

    A while ago, I was inspired by ideas of living simply, so I tried to make my life more minimalist. I planned it well in my mind, but it was hard to do. To be honest, it lasted only two weeks. :) Now, I try to be sensible. I keep only what I need, and I don't worry if things are a bit messy.

    So, I believe it's not about keeping your space perfectly clean and tidy all the time. It's more about creating a home where you feel cozy and calm. Sometimes, things are a little messy, like the shoes not being in the right place. But it’s okay!

    I hope you found this episode interesting, and that it helped you practice your English a bit too.

    What do you think about minimalism? Is it just a fad, or... Does it have value?

    Get the transcript here: speakenglishpodcast.com/291-what-is-minimalism/

  • Transcript:

    This week is a bit special because it is Spring Offer, and all my premium courses have a 60% discount.

    I've received several messages with questions about the courses. I will try to answer some frequently asked questions in this short episode.

    By the way, you can get the offer at:


    Hurry up because the offer is only available until this Sunday at midnight.

    Let's start with the most frequently asked question:

    1) What is the difference between the podcast and the premium courses?

    That's a great question! In the podcast, I talk about very diverse topics to improve your vocabulary. It's a great listening practice.

    I also give a small example of a lesson in each podcast episode. It can be a mini-story of questions and answers or a point of view. Because of time limitations, I can barely develop these lessons, yet they allow you to test the method that I use in my premium courses in an easy and fun way.

    Instead, the premium courses are complete programs designed to improve your spoken English dramatically. These are conversation courses.

    You start speaking from DAY ONE with the conversation simulator.

    They are audio lessons that "simulate" conversations. I call them Q&A mini-stories.

    Unlike the podcast, the premium courses contain hours and hours of questions and answers. Imagine for a moment a podcast episode multiplied by 100.

    Also, the courses allow you to work much better on grammar aspects such as the plural, singular, all kinds of verb tenses, and certain common expressions of English. All of this unfolds in an interactive way, following one or more stories that provide a rich and entertaining context.

    For example, the Fluency Course (level II) contains more than 8 hours of audio, thousands of questions and answers (mini-stories), and almost 200 pages of transcription text.

    Of course, there are also many point-of-view lessons that allow you to work very intensely on aspects of grammar.

    One rule I always follow is to create lessons with complex characters and funny stories with unexpected endings. That way, you'll never forget what you learn best and, of course, it's a lot more fun.

    Another question:

    2) Can I use the premium courses on the iPhone, iPad, Android, and so on?

    Yes, of course. You can use them without problems. It is important to keep in mind that the courses are not apps. That is, you don't install them. It's much more flexible. The courses consist of mp3 audio and text (PDF). This is much simpler and prevents technical problems.

    Transferring the content to any device is quite easy. However, when you buy one of the courses, I send you detailed steps to know what to do. In any case, you can contact me by e-mail with any questions.

    3) Is there a monthly payment for the premium courses?

    No, there is no such thing. They are yours for personal use and forever when you buy the courses.

    4) How many premium courses are there, and what is the difference?

    There are currently four courses. I will describe them briefly:

    1) 30-Day Crash Course (level 1): This course is for beginners with no knowledge of English. It is a course that works very well, and I am happy with the result because it helps a lot to start with English. In your case, I don't recommend it because if you are a follower of this podcast, you are no longer a beginner.

    2) The Fluency Course (level 2): The level of this course is a bit easier than this podcast, but there is almost no difference. This program will help you automate the most common structures when speaking. It consists of 20 units with 20 unique and fun stories. I recommend this course if you're trying to stop mentally translating when you speak English, even with relatively easy expressions.

    3) The Magic Course (level 3): This course is very ambitious because it goes one step beyond the Fluency Course. The aim is to practice all the verb tenses in the context of a long and well-developed story. There is plenty of vocabulary, and grammar points are very useful. When you finish this course, you will have an advanced level of English.

    4) The Business Course (Job Interview Course) With this course, you will master the 30 most common questions asked at a job interview, learn specific vocabulary, and when to use it. You will get examples of how to answer the questions. And the exclusive mini-stories will help you speak English more confidently at a job interview.

    5) Georgiana, what if I don't like them, or I don't adapt to the courses?

    That's all right. If, during the first 30 days, you are not convinced by the program, you can request a refund without any problem.

    6) Are there any free samples of the courses?

    Yes, of course. You can get some samples at:


    Very well, I think I have answered the most frequently asked questions. I hope you found this helpful. Remember that you can benefit from the Spring offer promotion at:


    If your goal is to improve your fluency, my courses can really help you. I repeat for the last time:


    Only until this Sunday at midnight.

    All right. That's all for today. I will see you next week!

    Bye! Bye!

  • Hi, everyone! I am Georgiana, your English teacher and founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    Today, we are going to talk about idioms and specific vocabulary related to movies in English.

    And with a mini-story, you are going to improve your fluency. I’ll tell you a story while asking you many questions that you have to answer right away. It’s like talking to another person in English.

    Please visit SpeakEnglishPodcast.com to get the transcript of today’s episode. And follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.

    Let’s get started!

    As I said today, we will look at some specific words and idioms related to movies in English.

    Let’s start!

    1. Get the show on the road

    When someone tells you to get the show on the road, they urge you to start doing something. They want you to start, even if there are some mistakes and things that hinder your progress.


    “Let’s get the show on the road, or we’ll be late.”

    “We’re finally ready to get the show on the road.”

    “It’s about time we got the show on the road!”

    “Come on, the fans are waiting outside, and we must get the show on the road!”

    2. To kick off a show or kickoff

    In show business, to kick off a show means to start a performance. We also use this expression to refer to the first performance among many.

    A kickoff celebration is a party that celebrates the beginning of something. You can simply call this party a kickoff.


    “The advertising campaign is ready to kick off the show.”

    “Kickoff will be at 10 o’clock prompt.”

    “Tom is coming to the kickoff tonight.”

    3. Popcorn movie

    Do you enjoy eating popcorn?

    But what’s a popcorn movie?

    When you want to watch a movie just for entertainment, you will usually watch a popcorn movie. Although they are called popcorn movies, you don’t necessarily need to eat popcorn while watching them.

    Let’s say that this kind of movie will not give you a new perspective on life. Many of the summer blockbusters are popcorn movies, and the great thing is that you can watch them with friends or family.

    A blockbuster is a very successful product like a movie or a book that makes a lot of money.

    For instance, a Hollywood studio releases many movies in search of a blockbuster.

    Here are some popular popcorn movies you have already watched:

    Transformers (2007), Spider-Man (2002), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), Mission: Impossible (1996), Forrest Gump (1994), Batman Begins (2005), The Fast and the Furious (2001), etc.

    4. Live up to the hype

    If a movie or a show is up to the hype, it means there is enough interest in it. Movie critics and bloggers become excited about something by generating a lot of buzz or hype.

    Generally speaking, it’s hard to live up to the hype, but the best movies can generate many expectations before they are released.


    “I watched that movie you recommended last week, and it definitely lived up to the hype. I loved it!

    “I am happy to say that your performance lived up to the hype.”

    5. Sell out

    We can use the expression to sell out in several ways.

    But if tickets are sold out, it means that all available tickets for a movie, concert, etc., have been sold.

    And also when we want to buy something in a store or on the Internet. If they are sold out, they are no longer available.


    “We sold out all the movie tickets in the first couple of hours.”

    “My favorite T-shirt sold out everywhere.”

    Before we continue, I want to give you a useful tip on how to understand movies in English.

    First of all, you should keep in mind that movies are meant for native speakers and are full of expressions and phrasal verbs. And yes, actors usually talk fast. And the reason they speak so fast is that they have memorized their lines.

    I believe that the biggest problem English students have is that they don’t listen enough. First, you have to build a good foundation by listening to many hours of content with clear audio and good pronunciation. Over time, understanding movies will become easier.

    Before I move on to the next section, go and get the transcript of this episode at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Do you know how you can help me? You can share the podcast with your friends and family. And tell them to go to SpeakEnglishPodcast.com to get my free mini-course. That would mean a lot to me. Thanks.

  • Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :)

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript at SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    It's completely free!

    Ok, let's start!

    Today, I want to talk about something called Diogenes syndrome. It might not be something you're familiar with, but it's a big deal in society. This syndrome is about people accumulating too much stuff in their homes.

    My friend shared a story with me last week about her dear 80-year-old neighbor who recently passed away. Her children came to clear out the house so they could sell it. It turns out that the poor woman had collected a lot of stuff over the years—furniture, boxes, and more. It seems like she had a habit of collecting things.

    You might have seen cases like this in the news, or maybe you know someone who just can't seem to throw things away. It's like they have a habit of hoarding stuff. Many people can relate to this—I sometimes have to remind myself to get rid of things I don't need anymore because they start piling up at home.

    But what I'm talking about here is more extreme. It's a condition where people hoard so much stuff that their homes become overwhelmed with clutter. Ironically, it's named after Diogenes of Sinope, an ancient Greek philosopher who believed in living with very little. People with this syndrome, however, collect things indiscriminately, thinking they might need them one day.

    While it's not officially classified as a mental illness, it often goes hand in hand with other mental health issues, and it tends to affect older people more. Some experts think it might stem from difficult experiences in the past, like living through a war, where holding onto things was a matter of survival.

    In the US, when someone has Diogenes syndrome, people try to help them in different ways. Here's what they do:

    Doctors or nurses might visit their homes to see if they are physically and mentally okay.

    Mental health experts can talk to them and try to help them feel better.

    Support from Social Workers: These are people who help others with their problems. They can arrange for someone to clean their house, talk to them about keeping it tidy, and connect them with other helpful services like food or counseling.

    Keeping in Touch: It's essential to check on them to ensure they get the help they need.

    Sometimes, the Law Gets Involved: If the person is in danger or putting others in danger, some legal steps might need to be taken to make sure they get the proper care.

    The goal is always to make sure the person is safe and healthy. It's also essential for more people to learn about Diogenes syndrome so that those who need help can get it sooner.

    Sometimes, people don't want help, and professionals must respect their choice to live as they please. Research shows that the causes of Diogenes syndrome are complicated—it could be genetic, psychological, or tied to traumatic events.

    As society ages, we might see more of this syndrome cropping up. It's something policymakers need to think about and take action on.

    Is it the same where you live? If you have any insights, feel free to share.

  • Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :)

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Ok, let's start!

    This episode is for my English students who work in finance. But don't worry if you don't! I'll explain marketing and accounting in a way that's easy for everyone to understand.

    Understanding Marketing

    Marketing is how businesses tell people about their products or services. Imagine it as a four-letter word: 'P-P-P-P.'

    'Product' is what businesses want people to buy. It could be a smartphone, a pizza, or anything they sell.

    'Price' is how much money you need to buy the product. It can attract or discourage customers.

    'Place' is where you get the product. It can be in a store, online, or at a market.

    'Promotion' is how companies advertise their products, like TV ads or online banners.

    Marketing Vocabulary

    Let's explore some common marketing terms.

    'Advertising' is the commercials you see on TV or the banners you click online.

    'Branding' is a company's personality. Think of a famous fast-food restaurant and its logo.

    'Market research' is understanding what people like and want so companies can meet their needs.

    Introduction to Accounting

    Now, let's talk about accounting. It's like a financial diary for businesses.

    There are two key things in accounting: 'income' and 'expenses.'

    'Income' is the money a company earns, like from sales or services.

    'Expenses' are a business's costs, like paying employees or buying materials.

    Basic Accounting Terms

    Some essential accounting terms:

    'Revenue' is the total sales or money a company makes.

    'Expenses' are the costs to run a business.

    'Profit' is what's left when you subtract expenses from revenue. A positive number means making money.

    A 'balance sheet' is like a financial snapshot of a company's assets and debts.

    The Connection Between Marketing and Accounting

    Marketing and accounting are partners in business success. Marketing attracts customers, increasing revenue. Accounting measures this success, ensuring a company is profitable and healthy.

    Now, let's look at the vital connection between marketing and accounting. Think of a business as a ship sailing toward success. Marketing acts like the wind in its sails, driving it forward, while accounting is like the compass that keeps it on the right path.

    Marketing efforts, such as advertising and promotions, bring in customers. More customers mean higher sales or revenue, which is excellent for a business. Think of marketing as a way to gather a crowd around the ship.

    However, it's not sufficient to gather a crowd; you must also ensure the ship stays afloat and profitable. This is where accounting comes into play. Accounting checks the ship's financial health.

    It helps you determine if you're making a profit (when more money comes in than goes out) or if adjustments are necessary. Picture accounting as examining the ship's supplies, making sure it has enough fuel, and ensuring the crew gets paid.

    So, marketing and accounting cooperate to help businesses succeed. Marketing attracts customers, while accounting closely watches over the ship's finances, ensuring it remains on the correct course toward success.

    Remember, understanding this connection is crucial for getting the full picture of how businesses operate. Marketing brings people in, and accounting evaluates and guarantees long-term success.

    Recap and Tips

    Let's summarize:

    Marketing spreads the word about products (P-P-P-P Product, Price, Place, Promotion).

    Accounting tracks money (Income, Expenses, Profit, Balance Sheet).

    They work together for business success.

    Practice your new vocabulary by listening to this episode several times during the week.

    I hope this easy explanation of marketing and accounting helps you on your learning journey.

  • If you want to save money, listen to this new episode.

    Last week, we discussed different strategies to save money; now, let's continue learning new tricks. And with a funny mini-story, you will practice your English speaking.

    Hi! I'm Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. My mission is to help you improve your fluency.

    And if you want to get the transcript, then visit my website: SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/podcast

    It's completely free!

    Ok, let's start!

    Automate Your Savings

    Make saving money a habit by setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account. This ensures that a portion of your income is saved automatically each month, reducing the temptation to spend it.

    Keep Track of Your Expenses

    Maintain a record of all your expenses to understand where your money goes. You can use a notebook or a smartphone app to record every purchase. This practice helps you identify areas where you might be overspending and where you can cut back.

    Shop Wisely

    When shopping, look for sales, discounts, and coupons to save money on everyday items. Consider purchasing generic or store-brand products, often more affordable than brand-name items. Plan your shopping trips and stick to your shopping list to avoid impulse buying.

    Reduce Utility Costs

    Save money on utility bills by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and addressing drafts in your home. These small changes can lead to noticeable savings over time.

    Pay Off High-Interest Debt

    If you have debt with high-interest rates, such as credit card debt, make it a priority to pay it off. High interest rates can eat into your savings. Allocate extra funds to paying down your high-interest debts and avoid accumulating more.

    Build an Emergency Fund

    This is essential for financial security. Do your best to save a few months' living expenses in a separate account. This fund acts as a safety net in case unexpected expenses arise, preventing you from going into debt.

  • Hi! I'm Georgiana, your English teacher, and my mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript on my website. It's completely free.

    Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Ok, let's start!

    Do you want to save money? Today, we will explore some simple money-saving tips that are easy to understand and apply. And with a fun story, you will improve your English grammar in context.

    Learn Basic Money Vocabulary

    Before we start talking about ways to save money, let's get to know some important financial terms in English. Knowing these words will help you better understand and handle your finances:

    Income: This is the money you earn.

    Expenses: These are the costs or money you spend.

    Budget: A budget is a plan for managing your money.

    Savings: Savings are the money you keep for the future.

    Debt: Debt is money you owe.

    Understanding these words is a great starting point for improving your financial knowledge.

    Create a Simple Budget

    Creating a budget is the first step toward financial control. Start by listing your sources of income, such as your salary or any money you receive. Then, list your regular expenses, like rent or mortgage, groceries, transportation, and bills. A budget helps you see how much money you have left after covering your expenses, which you can allocate to savings.

    Prioritize Your Spending

    It's important to distinguish between essential needs and non-essential wants. Needs are things like housing, food, and utilities—necessities for daily life. Wants are things like dining out, entertainment, or shopping for items that are not essential. Focus on covering your needs first, and allocate any remaining funds to your wants or savings.

    Set Clear Savings Goals

    Identify specific financial goals that matter to you. Perhaps you want to save for unexpected expenses, education, a home, or retirement. Having clear goals provides motivation and direction for your savings efforts.

    Great! In a future episode, we will continue learning more about how to save money.

  • Emily: Would you like to come over for a cuppa?

    Raquel: Is that like a cupcake or something sweet?

    Emily: Oh no, a cuppa is just a cup of tea. But I can offer you some cake if you like.

    Raquel: Sure, I'd love a cuppa and some cake.

    Get the full transcript on my website: speakenglishpodcast.com/285-how-to-make-a-cup-of-tea/

    As you already noticed, I love drinking tea, and last week I talked about the history of tea in the UK. But if you're not sure about tea or think you might not like it, don't worry. I'm here to introduce you to different types of tea. I'm sure we can find one you'll really enjoy. And, of course, I'll show you how to make a British cuppa.

    By the way, you can say 'a cuppa' instead of 'a cup of tea.' People in some places use it a lot. For example, someone might say, 'When I'm tired, I enjoy having a cuppa to relax.'

    Hi, everyone! I'm Georgiana, your English teacher, and my mission is to help you speak English fluently.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript on my website. It's completely free.

    Visit: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com/podcast

    Ok, let's start!

    In the UK, people enjoy drinking many different kinds of tea. However, the most popular tea in the UK is black tea.

    Black Tea: People often put milk and sometimes sugar in it. Some famous black teas are English Breakfast Tea, Earl Grey, Lady Grey, Assam, and Darjeeling.

    Green Tea: is not as popular as black tea in the UK, but some people like it. It's healthy and comes from Japan and China.

    Herbal teas, such as peppermint and chamomile, are caffeine-free and come in various flavors. People enjoy them because they can have a calming effect. Fruit Chai Chai tea has spices like cinnamon and ginger. Trust me, it's delicious when you add milk and sugar.

    White Tea: isn't as standard, but some people enjoy it. It's light and has a subtle taste.

    Oolong Tea: is like black and green tea. And it comes in different flavors.

    Rooibos Tea: is a caffeine-free tea from South Africa. It has a gentle, sweet, and earthy taste, often with hints of vanilla or honey.

    In the UK, you can also find specialty blends; teas with unique flavors like flowers, spices, and much more.

    Get the full transcript on my website: speakenglishpodcast.com/285-how-to-make-a-cup-of-tea/

  • Do you like tea? I love trying different kinds, especially on cold days. Today, we’ll talk about the British love for tea. And in a future episode, I’ll show you how to make a British-style cup of tea.

    Hi! I’m Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. My mission is to help you improve your fluency.

    And if you want to get the transcript, then visit my website: SpeakEnglishpodcast.com/podcast

    It’s completely free!

    Ok, let’s start!

    Once Upon a Time:

    Long ago, in the 1600s, tea debuted in the UK. This fancy beverage didn’t magically appear; it came from Portugal. Catherine of Braganza, married to King Charles II, really liked tea and introduced this interesting new habit to the UK.

    Tea for the Elite:

    In the early days, tea was rare and expensive, like treasure! People kept their tea in special locked boxes called tea caddies. Back then, only people like the king and queen enjoyed it.

    Afternoon Tea Parties:

    In the 1700s, tea became more popular, but it was still costly. Then, Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, had a brilliant idea: afternoon tea parties! She invited her friends for tea and snacks in the afternoon, which became a stylish tradition.

    The Tea Trade:

    The British East India Company played a huge part in making tea famous in the UK. They established trade relations with China and brought boatloads of tea back. There were even big arguments and fights, like the Opium Wars, over tea and other trading.

    Tea for Everyone:

    In the 1800s, tea became more affordable, and people from all walks of life started drinking it. Tea became a daily treat for everyone, including workers and those with a refined taste.

    A Solution to a Big Problem:

    In the 1800s, in the UK, many people drank too much alcohol. And it caused a lot of problems. Luckily, some smart people thought tea was a better choice than alcohol. Here’s why:

    Tea was cheaper: Tea cost less than alcohol, so more people could buy it. Easy to find: You could find tea in many places. It was easy to buy. No harmful effects: Tea didn’t make you sick or misbehave, like alcohol. Good for friends: People liked to meet and drink tea together. It was fun and didn’t make you drunk. Calming: Tea helped people feel calm and relaxed without alcohol.

    While tea did not solve all alcohol problems, it was healthier and cheaper for many.

    It went from being an exclusive drink to something everyone loves. And that’s the short story of tea time in the UK! Enjoy your next cup of tea!

    In a future episode, I’ll talk about the different types of tea. And I will teach you how

    to make a proper cup of tea.