What an honor to have Melissa Gilbo, Co-founder of Women's Business League (WBL) and CEO of Melissa Gilbo Consulting, on the podcast this week! This was such a fun conversation about the power of connection, authentic relationships, and raising one another UP as women! When ambitious women cheer each other on and build one another up, powerful things happen and this conversation is an example of that!
If you'd like to learn more about WBL (which I HIGHLY recommend you do!) or ways to interact with and follow Melissa and all of the true goodness she is about, links below!
Find out more about WBL HERE
Find out more about Melissa Gilbo Consulting HERE
Follow Melissa on IG @melissagilbo
Who couldn't use a little more JOY in their life? Am I right?! In this week's episode, I break down 5 ways to use style to bring out the JOY and authenticity of who you are!! This podcast was inspired by a conversation I had with Carrie Penna, Executive Director for Soul Models. Soul Models is a program for middle school aged girls, using hands on experiential activities that focus on the practice of mindfulness, creative expression, service and leadership! You can learn more about them HERE.
Enjoy the episode!
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Every woman deserves to have a closet that brings her JOY and peace! In this week's episode, I walk you through my 5 step process to create the closet of your dreams! One that is full of intention and includes curated pieces that all work together to bring out the very best in YOU! And friend - this is not a pipe dream! It's all VERY possible -- it just takes time, intention, and a commitment! Are you IN??
In the episode, there are several tools that I mention, including:
1) My FREE Define Your Shine Worksheet
2) My FREE Color Code Quiz
3) My FREE Style Personality Quiz
and of course, if you'd like to inquire about ways to work with me, please e-mail me directly at tammy@mstammyhickey.com
In today's episode, I introduce you to my fabulous friend and fellow entrepreneur, Nadine Hill. Nadine is one of those people that everyone needs in their corner. She's fun, fierce, honest and REAL. In this episode, Nadine shares a bit about her own journey with style, how she refound her swagger, and her love for responsible and recycled fashion! SO fun! I know you will love her as much as I do!
Below are some links to where you can find more about Nadine and also some of the key resources she shares on responsible fashion and thrifting:
Social Media:Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/nadine.hillhayesInstagram: @ndh.akajoeLinked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadine-hill-81ab262ab
Passion for thrifting:The Clothing Library Nov-Dec 2023 / Jan 2024https://clothinglibrary.org/Stellah McShea – First Degrowth Masters Program
Thrift Store FAVES:http://www.thefabulousfind.org/https://stores.savers.com/nh/newington/savers-thrift-store-1164.htmlSalvation Army- 2458 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801Good Will; Portsmouth & Dover NH
Curated Thrift Store:https://wearhouseportsmouth.com/
Vintage Consignment:Hello Again: https://www.facebook.com/HelloAgainWny/
This week's topic is a DOOZY and one that I've been thinking a LOT about!! The condition of your closet is literally a reflection of what's going on in your life. If it's a mess, disorganized and bursting at the seams -- chances are you feeling the same way in your life!! In this week's episode I break down 5 ways that the approach to your closet is likely a mirror to how you are approaching the goals & dreams in your life. I'd love to know -- what does your closet represent??!!!
In this episode, I mention my online color analysis tool which you can find HERE. I also mention that I'm available for closet audits which you can inquire about HERE.
Happy closet cleaning!!! ;-)
Y'all - having a personal brand is KEY regardless of whether you are in a corporate environment, have a side hustle, or are going ALL IN as an entrepreneur. A personal brand is what sets us APART and in this week's episode we spill all the deets on what a personal brand is, why it matters, and what you can do to create your very own!
And I would LOVE to help you with the style component of your brand so that you can show UP as the powerhouse woman that you are!! You can find out more about the services that I offer here on my website: Ms Tammy Hickey
Y'all - we've been talking a lot about the style sweet spot this month, and this week I set the context for what the style sweet spot is truly all about: allowing your inner beauty to shine through!! We talk through practical ways in which you can build, develop & strengthen your inner beauty so that it shines through!! THIS is what it's all about!!
PS - the Discover Your Brand of Shine is coming UP on April 4th and I would LOVE to see you there! Click HERE to pre-register and reserve your seat!
All month long we are talking about the foundation of the Style Sweet Spot and this week I share a story about a little girl.... Perhaps you can relate to her and what she believed for a looong time. Yet now she is rewriting her story, and creating her own brand of SHINE, thanks to the Style Sweet Spot! Have a listen and shoot me a DM on ID - I'd love to hear how you relate!!
DATE CHANGE: The date has been rescheduled for the FREE Style Sweet Spot Workshop! It's now on Thursday, April 4th at 7:00 pm EST! Be sure to pre-register HERE and bring a friend!!
Yay for episode 50!! In this milestone episode, I walk you through my absolutely FAV topic and that is my 3 step process to discovering your brand of SHINE!! I believe beauty is truly an inside out job, which is why doing the inner work is so critical! This simple 3 step journey is pivotal to discovering a style that is all your own - your unique Style Sweet Spot!!
If you are interested in joining us for the FREE 'Discovering Your Brand of Shine' workshop, join our waitlist HERE! and bring a friend!! It's going to be life changing!!
Cheering you ON!
Hey hey powerhouse friend - As busy, professional women we are always on the lookout for tools and resources to make our lives simpler and easier, without sacrificing quality or distracting from what we are called to do. Well this week I'm introducing you to your new BFF: the Capsule Wardrobe! I share how this has become so powerful in my life and share my top 10 reasons why it can be YOUR secret weapon too!
If you want to learn more about the Closet Outfit Planner tool, the capsule wardrobe resource created by Style by Color, you can find out more and subscribe HERE.
If you want to learn more about the Signature Style Statement process, listen to this episode HERE, and then download the FREE worksheet HERE.
Spring is in the AIR (did you hear that Punxsutawney Phil did NOT see his shadow??) and we are spilling all the DEETS on Style Trends for Spring!! I cover all the key trends for patterns, textures, shoes, bags, accessories, style & denim - SO fun!!
If you want to take the FREE Style Personality Quiz referenced in this episode, you can find that HERE.
If you want to purchase this year's subscription to the NEW & IMPROVED Closet Outfit Planner, you can find that HERE.
Happy Almost Spring!!
Y'all - this conversation with Tedx Portsmouth Producer and the owner of The Hired Pens, Anna Goldsmith, was a highlight for me! Anna walks us through the Tedx audition process: from submitting your initial BIG IDEA, to the auditions, and finally preparing for the big stage and why stage presence and STYLE is key to delivering your message effectively. SO fun!
You can learn more about Anna and The Hired Pens HERE.
You can learn more about her Big Idea Workshop HERE.
If you are interested in her 1:1 Speech Writing Services, you can find that HERE.
And don't forget to save the date of March 8th in order to get your tickets for this year's Tedx Portsmouth event! They will sell out FAST! See you there!
Helloo my friend! We are continuing our conversation this week on the power of Authenticity by talking through ways we can use STYLE as a tool to stand out authentically! THIS is the key for why I do what I do and truly believe this is how we, as powerful female leaders in our field - whether it's in the corporate world, as a business owner, as a leader in your church or community, or in your home - were designed to stand OUT and not fit in. We all were created ON purpose and FOR a purpose, and it's OUR time to step out boldly and LIVE that and style can help!!
In the episode, I refer to my Style & Shine experience which you can find out more about HERE.
Don't forget about my FREE Color Code Quiz that you can find HERE; and also my FREE Style Personality Quiz that you can find HERE. These are great fun tools to get you started!!
xoxo - here's to stepping out authentically!!
Hey powerful friend! AUTHENTICITY is what we all crave and what we all aspire to be as powerful, ambitious woman who want to make a difference in our communities and in our world! In this week's episode, we talk about what true authenticity is and what it looks like in ACTION! I'd love to know which one appeals to you on a SOUL level the most??
I'd love to know too: what does true authenticity look like to YOU? Let's talk about it on the socials! Come and join the conversation over on IG!
Let's BUST some myths, shall we? I hear from women all the time, 'I'd love to use your services' yet there are some misconceptions holding them back. Let's lay them on the table and disprove them one by one! Color & Image Consulting is for ALL women. ALL women deserve to FEEL beautiful and in alignment with who they ARE. THAT is my mission & purpose for doing what I do!
PS - the discount code COLOR20 is still available for the month of January! This will give you 20% off your very own customized Color Code Report and digital color swatches to download to your phone! This is a FAB opportunity to establish a foundation to build on!
Order your Color Code Report HERE.
Hey my powerful friend! This week, we talk about the POWER of color and why it's a game changer for us as women, to help us step out boldly & authentically in who we were created to BE! I can't WAIT for you to listen in on this one! I think it's my FAV one yet!
In this episode, I share 2 key DEALS for you!!
1) The opportunity to find out your Signature Color Code for FREE using my quiz link you can find HERE 💥
2) If you want access to your very own Color Code Report (inclusive of my Digital Color Collection for your color code!!), you can purchase that HERE, at 20% off using the code COLOR20 for the month of January, 2024!
Y'all - I can't say it enough....2024 is our YEAR so let's step fully into your power, starting with COLOR!!
Cheering you on!
Hey beautiful friend - while I know there is nothing magical to a new year yet I just LOVE to use a blank yearly calendar to intentionally reflect and set a vision for my life each year. I've been doing this practice for 10+ years - before it was trendy - to come up with a word or theme for the year that helps to set the 'foundation' for the type of year I want to create. It has been exceptionally helpful to help to reset myself when distractions or the twists and turns of daily life happen. I hope it blesses you and hey - would you shoot me a DM on FB or IG with what you came up with?!
Love & many blessings to you in 2024!!
We continue our Healthy for the Holidays series with this final episode on 5 simple strategies to pause, ponder & reflect this holiday season!! These are simple things that literally only take a few minutes that will help you to recenter and keep the main thing the main thing this holiday season! It is my prayer that you remain present and at peace as you celebrate the birth of our Jesus, with those you love the most!
I will see YOU here in 2024!!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Hey Hey Momma! We continue our Healthy for the Holidays series and this week I talk about how we are killing our nervous systems, the damage it is doing to our bodies and then 10 practical things we can put into place to help to bring it back into balance! A lot of what I share is from a book called 'The Rushing Womens Syndrome' by Dr. Libby Weaver which I HIGHLY recommend and also the "Menopausal Reset' by Dr. Mindy Pelz which is much more of a deep dive into menopause and hormones but SO good and eye opening too. It's time for us to take charge of our health, friends and I don't just mean watching what we eat and how many steps we track a day. Our health is so much more involved and truly starts with how we think and how we care for ourselves from the inside out.
I'd love to hear what your FAV tips are that you'll try over the holiday season!
Here's to a healthy holiday season and 2024!
Well hey momma - are you excited for the holidays or do they bring a sense of dread or overwhelm? As momma's we tend to take so much on over the holidays: we shop, we cook, we organize, we decorate, we host and then we wonder why this festive season leaves us feeling tired and weary. How about if we approached the holidays in a different way? What if we focused on inner peace just as much as we focused on 'checking things off' our holiday TO-DO list?
To kick off a discussion on how to be 'Healthy' for the Holidays, I've invited Inside Out Health Coach Elisa Woollacott to the podcast. In this conversation, she shares her top 5 tips for how to keep a healthy balance for us momma's over the holidays!
If you want to learn more about how to work with Elisa, you can visit her website at www.elisa-knapic.systeme.io
Here's to inner peace this holiday season!
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