
  • In this episode Jon from Storyclub.ai, presents the synopsis of the upcoming 25 chapter sci-fi novel. "Playground" answers a challenge posed by inventor Alan Kay about taking a "cosmic intuition jump" into the future. Jon took on this challenge and spent years imagining a future world where meaning must be reinvented. The result is a story set in 2050, involving artificial intelligence, and a group of teenagers named after Greek gods.

    The central technology introduced is an augmented reality engine that reads the story of a normal human to the teenagers in the Nest of Intelligence. This technology partially succeeds in diverting their attention from smartphone games to the story, but a love triangle among three of the teenagers complicates matters. To address this, a new technology called Artificial Reality Game is introduced. The teenagers use special contact lenses to play a game set in Casablanca 1940, gaining skills they lack in real life.

    The love triangle becomes more intense, leading to a situation where one of the teenagers, Dita, decides to escape the Nest of Intelligence. She collaborates with an AI, Siri, to devise a plan. The story ends with her disappearance on a cliff in Norway. Jon invites the audience to follow the upcoming chapters in the narrative.

  • Check in video format at: https://storyclub.ai/blog/status-quo/

    In this podcast, Jon from Storyclub.ai discusses the current status of artificial intelligence and its impact on individuals. He emphasizes the relevance of AI to everyone, encouraging viewers to stay informed and prepared. Jon shares his background as a software developer and his ongoing research into AI.

    Reflecting on the progress made, he mentions attending conferences like NeurIPS to gauge the industry’s advancements. Jon delves into the challenges of achieving human-level intelligence and the limitations of current hardware. He discusses the role of models like GPT and their predictive abilities. Addressing potential fears, Jon explores how entrepreneurs can ensure people embrace AI as a tool rather than fearing it.

    He touches on the importance of sharing knowledge and the ethical considerations surrounding AI. The video ends with Jon introducing his upcoming series titled “The Playground,” a Sci-Fi novel set in the year 2050. He invites viewers to follow along as he explores futuristic technologies and hopes to inspire others to contribute to a positive and abundant future.

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