This Sunday, Pastor Candace shared her talk entitled, "The Dwelling Place".
There are callings that we long to step into, people we long to be, and things that we’ve been praying for, to come to pass. A key part of us growing into all of this is being full of the Spirit of God, growing our understanding of God’s heart for us, and learning to walk with Him.
From the garden to the grave, God’s heart was always to be with us, and it’s important for us to understand the context for Him putting His Spirit in us. In the new testament Jesus steps on the human scene and is the fulfillment of what was prophesied. He paid the ultimate price of giving His life to reconcile us to God. INCREDIBLE!
In all His extravagant love, He didn’t stop by just coming to be with us (Immanuel), but He also came to dwell in us!
Where we choose to live is a big thing. We get to choose what our favorite location is for our house (if we love living by the ocean or in the mountains). We all have ideas of what our dream home looks like.
The most lovely and humbling thing is that the God of all the universe who can make His home anywhere, loves us so much that He chooses us to reside and dwell in us. This love and desire is the foundation of us having His Spirit inside of us.
Jesus speaks of this in John 14:15-17 NIV
“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
We were God’s dream dwelling place and where He wants His Spirit to reside
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
It was Heart and Vision Sunday here at STUDIO. Pastor Eric and Candace shared their heart and vision for 2025 and the three overarching goals for the year. Then the water pipes in our building burst, so we had to shut all the water off and cancel the second gathering. Shout out to everyone that came and for those that came to the 2nd gathering, only to find out we had to cancel. You are amazing.
We are so excited and expectant for what’s ahead in 2025. We would LOVE it if you took some time to watch the video or listen to the podcast to hear where we are headed.
Get ready for the beginning of a new teaching series starting this Sunday titled, SPIRIT: Gifts, Lifestyle, Character and Humanity. Get ready to learn, grow, and to be activated in the gifts.
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
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On our 3rd Birthday, we had our friend Pastor Lyle Phillips from Legacy Nashville share at Studio., He encouraged us and challenged us to "expect, expect, expect" and to posture ourselves as a church "that fruit is coming".
His word to us as we enter into year 4 is to go back to the battlefields in our lives and remember what he has done because he is taking us into more victory. With this comes the reality that we are in a battle and there is a place of breakthrough waiting for us.
He also shared God is calling us to be a place on the east coast for people to come that our thirsty and need refreshing. There is a gift on this house to be a place of comfort for the weary hearted.
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
In this episode reissue, Candace shared the final part in our series, “Strong Faith, Contagious Hope, and Enduring Love”. She spoke to the role that we all play in elevating those around us and contributing into the spaces where we live. God never meant for blessings to stop with us, but that we are to be salt and light wherever we go. In Proverbs 11:10-11 it says,
When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices; when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy. Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.
As we think about and pray for our city, let’s ask ourselves:
1. What do I have to GIVE?
2. What can CONTRIBUTE?
3. What can I SACRIFICE?
We live in an incredible area that is in the middle of it’s story right now. Let’s love our city well by being people who are willing to take responsibility, contribute, and are willing to sacrifice for those around them.
We pray for our city, the people who live here, the land, and for wisdom and guidance as leaders establish vision, culture and values here.
May you be blessed and prosper so that those around you experience the blessing and are lifted up!
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
On Sunday, Pastor Eric set the tone and posture as we step into this New Year with his talk entitled,“All we do is Win”. Romans 15:13 says,"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Joy, Peace, and Hope are the beautiful words in this passage. Paul makes a strong connection showing that they come from the power of the Holy Spirit. Have you noticed these three words are often so difficult to keep and sustain in your life? He encouraged us to take a look within to see if the joy, peace, and hope is made by us or did it come from the Holy Spirit.
Oftentimes, we create controlled environments thinking this is how we experience peace, joy, and hope in our lives. Yet despite our best efforts, it can’t be sustained. However, there is a peace, joy, and hope that comes from God. It can enable you to sleep in storms, feed thousands, where you can be in the thick of chaos, lack, confusion and still have peace, joy, and hope. This kind, comes directly from Him, and because He won….All we do is Win. Listen to this talk to hear more about what God has for us this year.
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
This week, Pastor Shayna moved us deeply with a talk that centered around the gift of Jesus coming to humanity to restore and redeem what was lost. In light of this, she shared with us the power of grace and gratitude. One of them depends on me and the other is a gift. Grace, we know, is a gift from God. Gratitude is a choice we get to make. It is a posture that life owes me nothing.
As we celebrate Christmas and the birth of Jesus, let’s be people who walk in deep gratitude regardless of what is happening around us. This is the way for followers of Jesus to continually draw our attention to the story of Jesus’ birth and to place our attention on who He is to us.
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
This past Sunday, Pastor Eric did a talk titled "To Submit or Not to Submit". The talk was designed to create a conversation and invite people into looking deeper at this passage of scripture, Ephesians 5:15-33. More specifically, the usage of the word “submit”, in relationships between people and between husband and wife.
What’s important to note is by the time we read Ephesians 5, Paul has laid a foundation for a new identity where we are loved, accepted, and we are His sons and daughters. This new identity moves us closer to how God views and interacts with humanity and relationships. The driving narrative of this new identity is God’s Love. This is vital to grasp as it sets the stage for what Paul's and God's intent is for what “submission” looks like in our lives.
So the question now emerges, what is Paul’s intent with the word “submit”? What does it mean for submission to happen in a marriage? Make sure you listen to this week’s talk to learn more about this. You might be pleasantly surprised.
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
On Sunday, Pastor Eric continued the series of Live Above the Noise with a talk titled “Imitating Greatness”. Paul makes this statement in Eph. 5:1 Imitate God as dear children. Take a moment and think about the gravity of this command. In one of Paul’s other letters he says “Imitate me as I imitate God”. However in this letter he raises the bar.
One thing children are great at is imitation. Imitation is one of the quickest ways to develop, learn social skills, and grow in confidence. It is normal and natural to imitate someone you admire. In this letter Paul is drawing the attention of the readers to choose to imitate God. Let’s remember following God is not only for the purposes of admiration and observation, it’s a decision to move in the direction of God. When we imitate Him we are choosing to learn who He is, how He thinks and what is pleasing to Him. This is the essence of spiritual formation.
So this week, take a moment and dwell on this idea of Imitating God and seek to find out what is acceptable and pleasing to him. Let’s make it our goal to be a people who Imitate Greatness.
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
On Sunday, Pastor Eric shared with us out of Ephesians 4 and the call Paul lays out to the readers of his letter. By the time we get to chapter 4, we learn the world around them told them, they were of no value. God said “You’re chosen”. While the culture around them rejected Christianity, God said “You are my sons and daughters”. While the society around them cut off all access and ability to become a citizen, God said “You are citizens of my Kingdom”. God is bigger than our story.
Then Paul drops a challenge to the Ephesians, “Stop acting like you used to be”. He is essentially teaching us now that you're accepted, loved, and belong to God’s family. You no longer need to act like you used to. He is pulling us out of our old identity and showing us our new identity. When you embrace your new identity from God, it changes the way you think, live, and act. Listen to this talk to learn that the one of the keys to moving into your new identity can be found in the feedback from the people around you.
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
As we continued our series, “Live Above the Noise”, Pastor Rheva took us through the first part of Ephesians 4 and encouraged us to mature as believers in her talk, “Let’s Grow Up”. There is a lot of noise in our culture right now that is trying to divide us as the body of Christ. But Paul encourages us as followers of Jesus to, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” (Eph 4:2 NLT) This is a time for us to come together, to be united in the spirit and to be held together by peace. (Eph 4:3).
This talk challenges us to be a multidimensional community that finds beauty in our differences, commits to maturity for the sake of unity, and postures our hearts with humility to listen to one another.
We pray that this message equips us all to walk in maturity with one another. Take a listen!
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
On Sunday, Pastor Eric shared pt. 3 of our Live Above the Noise series, entitled "Love & Mystery". The top 2 genres in literature are Romance and Mystery. This should not surprise us as these are indicative of some of the deepest longings of the human soul. We desire to be loved and accepted. We also are curious creatures and we long to know what is beyond what we know and experience.
Paul says in Ephesians 1:9 “He made known to us the mystery of his will…”
In this letter, Paul unpacks what the mystery was: It is that all of humanity, regardless of ethnicity, culture, and background would be chosen and loved by God. It was not only for a certain ethnicity or culture, but covenant with God was now meant for all of humanity. This was a game changer then and continues to be for us today.
We all have a story about ourselves and sometimes we use our story to decide if God can or should love us. What Paul is pointing out is that there is nothing, including our own stories, that can keep us from the love of God. Our desire is that each of us would move into this reality: The greatest mystery is that God’s love surpasses and overrides anything and everything. Listen to pt. 3 to learn more.
For more info, you can go to our website, check us out on Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube. If you would like to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here.
Have a great week!
Throughout our lives we are always moving in a direction. No matter what road that we find ourselves on, we are always heading in direction and the path we are on leads to somewhere.
Every thought, behavior, decision, and every step moves us further in a direction. Ephesians 2 highlights how we were going in one direction, but how dramatically it shifts when Jesus enters the human story. It reveals the great contrast and opposition of death and life.
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. - Epesians 2:4-5
Jesus is the great pivot and when He shows up it all changes. This past Sunday pastor Candace shared part II of our Live Above The Noise series and focused on the centrality of Jesus in the story of humanity moving from dead to alive.
For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
This week at STUDIO, we had the honor of hearing from one of New Spring Church's Pastor, Hykeng Paul. He shared with us the importance of understanding God's heart for humanity and standing in the middle of what's separated and divided and saying "enough is enough". We are designed to be people of reconciliation.
In 2 Corinthinans 5, Paul talks about reconciliation as to understand what is spiritually dead and what is spiritually alive. As we follow Jesus, our desire is to find ourselves in spaces and places to help bring reconciliation to what is dead and bring life to them. Listen to this week's talk to learn more.
For more info about STUDIO, you can go to our website, check us out on instagram, Facebook, and on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially, you can do so here. Have a great week!
This week, Pastor Eric kicked off the series "Live Above the Noise". This message is about the fundamental key in being someone that can live above the noise: Embracing and accepting that you have been CHOSEN by God.
“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight,”Ephesians 1:4
When a culture or a people believe they are chosen, they have a higher chance of succeeding than a culture that doesn’t believe they are chosen. It is no accident that in the first part of Ephesians, Paul emphasizes this truth: "We are Chosen". When we move our whole existence into this truth, we are ushered into all the promises, blessings, and inheritance that awaits us in following Jesus.
For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
In response to Hurricane Helene hitting our region and it affecting so many. Pastor Eric shared how our Faith is Dynamic. We read in the scriptures:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourself are comforted by God.
II Cor. 1:3-4
You have turned my mourning into dancing, you have put off my sackcloth and clothing me with gladness,
Psalms 30:11-12
Our Faith is Dynamic.
Our faith is designed to enable you to be resilient, steadfast and comforting.
It is also designed to experience healing for yourself and not just others.
We should never reduce it down to one attribute or characteristic.
But rather expect ourselves to be dynamic in how we respond in moments like this.
In its best it brings healing to self and healing to others.
It brings courage to you and courage to others.
It is Dynamic.
It is our faith that will help us get through this.
For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
This past Sunday, Pastor Candace shared with us about continuing being vigilant in uprooting those thoughts that have taken root and have caused bitterness and resentment. Throughout our lives we are constantly growing and changing. Sometimes along the journey we experience things that shut us down, stunt our growth or even trap us.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
She shared with us there are keys to move out of these places and into places of freedom and being fully alive. Our minds are much like a garden, they need tending to and there are thoughts that need to be uprooted. Listen to this week’s talk to be Fully Free.
For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
On Sunday, Pastor Eric completed the Trilogy of “Living Unoffended” with a talk titled “I’m sorry and I forgive you?!” The average human experiences 400 emotional experiences every day. That is 25 an hour for 16 hours and that equates to 2 ½ emotional experiences a minute. We are meaning making machines and we are constantly attaching meaning to each of these experiences. It’s our way of concluding the experience and filing it away. This internal process also affects our ability and how we say “I’m sorry” or “I forgive you”.
He also talked about the two forbidden words “Shame and Guilt”. We use these words to help people see their need for Jesus but we ban them from our vernacular and “you’re not allowed to talk about these words again”.
These are tricky little emotions, however if looked at you will realize they reveal a lot of great information that can help understand the internal workings of your soul. And this can help you move past offense and into a place of truly being sorry and to be able to authentically forgive others.
Listen to this talk for some steps in reconciling, apologizing and walking in forgiveness. Let us continue our journey of following Jesus and dealing with the matters of the heart so we can be fully alive.
For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
This is a sequel to the talk "Living Unoffended".
There is a field of study that takes a granular look at how sound affects matter. It’s remarkable to see how sound frequency can form a pile of sand and create shapes out of it. We see this dynamic first when God in Genesis 1:3 says “Let there be light”. This sound was the first act of our creator, his words gave matter a purpose, design and intent. His words created the future. Everything was sound activated.
We also know through our life experience how words affect us. Our days are usually measured by how we navigated what was said to us and our ability to deflect or process what was said. We all have experienced life and death is in the power of the tongue. It is part of being human and doing life with others.
In this talk, Pastor Eric emphasized the power of our conversations and what we are talking about with other people. In our pursuit of living a life of not living in offense, we must ask ourselves, am I having conversations that spread offense, pain and bitterness? Or am I having conversations that are bringing life, healing and restoration? Listen to hear more about practical steps in moving into a life of not living offended.
For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
As we begin this new season we are calling Studio to a week of prayer and fasting (Sept 9 - 15). This is intentional, strategic and timely. We will bring ourselves before the Lord, seek His face together, hear His heart, and pray into what He has for us.
Fasting is an important biblical and spiritual practice. It is a way that we draw near to God, offer ourselves to Him, and seek His help in times of special need.
Fasting is an act of humility and consecration. (Ex 19:10-11)Fasting helps us become sensitive to His Spirit. (Act 13:1-2)Fasting brings breakthrough, deliverance, and revival. (2 Chron 20)Jesus fasted. (Mtt 4:1-2)We invite you to join us as we prepare to fast, pray and seek God in this strategic time. In the bible fasting was going without food for a time and turning to God. We are asking you to take time to pray about how you can participate in this fast, whether it be going without food, social media, movies/shows etc…
For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
This past Sunday Pastor Eric did a talk on Living Unoffended. He took us on a journey of calling us higher, deeper and farther into who we are designed to be as humans. Oftentimes we have life experiences or moments with people that cause us to be offended.
Jesus said in Luke 17:1 “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to happen…”. The reality is we all are going to be offended so it’s not about not being offended but rather it’s about what we do with the offense.
Offense is one thing in our life that can cause us to not be who we are designed to be. Offense opens up the door for bitterness and resentment to take root in us. It is vital for us to understand that when you take the bait of offense you step into a trap. John Bevere says “An offended heart is the breeding ground of deception”.
This talk is to inspire us to choose to be a people who will move towards forgiveness, keeping short accounts and to learn how to work through offense. Go listen to the whole talk to learn how offense can take root and what are the pathways to health and freedom.
For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
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