In this episode we are gonna talk about the most common pathologies of the upper GI tract.
In this episode we are gonna cover 2 important topics: Hypertensión and Gestational Diabetes, we have to be able to identify both problems and also that it is different from a pre existing condition and when they have gestational Hypertension and gestationa Diabetes.
Hope you like this episode and as always thank you for your support!
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Our new section! We are gonna cover OB/GYN topics
An awsome topic explainded in a simple way, hope you like it!
This is short episode, hopelfully it may help in your study and your practice!
Hello guys!! Sorry for my absesnce, but itś been a very difficult last year and a half. But Iḿ back, and ready to upload more episodes!
In this Episode we are talking about Inflammatory bowel disease.
See you on the next episode!
Welcome to my 4th episode.
In this episode, we are going to cover two important topics that can be similar, but they are completely different.
So stay tuned to this episode!
In this episode, we are gonna cover the topic of Diabetes Mellitus.
In this podcast, we talk about Hypertension. A topic that is high yield on the exam.
If you have some questions or comments please feel free to write me back at aleph.adel@gmail.com it will be great to read your emails!
This is my first episode!!!
You will know more about me, what are the steps to be a licensed medical physician in Canada, and much more.