
  • In this new episode of Super Health Podcast with @dr-samuelsantokh and @Amandabanayot we will delve into the concepts of Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, and Metainflammation, and explore how they are interconnected in the context of health. We will explore how Insulin Resistance can lead to the development of Metabolic Syndrome and how Metabolic Syndrome, in turn, can trigger processes of metainflammation in the body. We will discuss the implications of these conditions on overall health and strategies to prevent and manage them. Join us on this informative journey and discover how these concepts are closely related and can impact our quality of life.

    #InsulinResistance #MetabolicSyndrome #Metainflammation #HealthResearch #ChronicDisease #Inflammation #Diabetes #HealthAwareness #Wellness #LifestyleFactors #InsulinSensitivity #MetabolicHealth #InflammatoryResponse #HealthyLiving #PreventionIsKey #MedicalResearch #PublicHealth #DietAndHealth #WeightManagement #diseaseprevention

  • In this new episode, we delve into the profound benefits of Medicinal Yoga and its incredible potential to enhance your overall well-being. In this episode, we explore how the practice of Medicinal Yoga can revolutionize your health, leaving you feeling revitalized, balanced, and empowered.

    Join us as we embark on an enlightening journey, unraveling the deep-rooted connections between ancient yogic principles and modern medicine. Our expert seasoned yogis, and medical professionals will share their wisdom, revealing the unique therapeutic qualities that Medicinal Yoga offers for a wide range of health conditions.

    Discover how this integrative approach combines the ancient wisdom of yoga with evidence-based medical knowledge, fostering a holistic healing experience. Through a series of gentle postures, mindful breathwork, and meditation techniques, Medicinal Yoga helps alleviate stress, reduce inflammation, promote circulation, enhance flexibility, and strengthen the body-mind connection.

    With our captivating discussions, we shed light on the specific ways Medicinal Yoga can assist in managing chronic pain, improving respiratory health, supporting cardiovascular wellness, boosting immunity, and fostering mental clarity. Whether you're seeking relief from a specific ailment or simply aiming to optimize your health, this podcast will empower you with invaluable insights and practical tools.

    Join us on this captivating episode and embrace the power of Medicinal Yoga as a gateway to a healthier, happier, and more harmonious life. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your well-being and embark on a transformative path towards optimal health!

    Subscribe to our channel, hit the notification bell, and stay tuned for more episodes that will empower you on your holistic wellness journey

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  • In today episode, we delve into the world of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) - a condition in which an abnormal amount of bacteria grows in the small intestine, leading to a range of symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. We discuss the risk factors and causes of SIBO, and explore its potential consequences if left untreated. We also explain how SIBO is diagnosed using breath tests and other methods, and discuss the medical and natural treatment options available, including antibiotics, probiotics, dietary changes, and natural remedies. Whether you're struggling with SIBO yourself or just curious to learn more about this common digestive issue, this episode has something for everyone.

    #SIBO #SmallIntestinalBacterialOvergrowth #guthealth #digestivehealth #medicaltreatment #naturaltreatment #breathtest #probiotics #antibiotics #SCD #digestiveenzymes #herbalremedies #bloating #abdominalpain #diarrhea #malabsorption #nutrientdeficiency #IBS #diabetes #podcast #healthandwellness

  • In this new episode on our Super Health Podcast PNI Living we will be delving into the Leaky Gut Syndrome, Intestinal Permeability, how a leaky gut is something that affects many people and how it can have a significant impact on our overall health.During this episode we will look into what the Leaky Gut Syndrome is, the physiology of Intestinal Permeability, how a Leaky Gut is developed and what the symptoms are.We will be discussing the risk factors and underlying causes, as well as available treatment options.We will also be talking about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet, and how it can help improve gut health as well as intestinal permeability. We will mention which foods should be avoided and included in our diets to maintain a healthy gut microbiota and reduce inflammation in the gut.Additionally, we will analyse the importance of stress management, physical activity and adequate sleep, as these all impact gut health and permeability.This episode is designed for those who want to learn more about Leaky Gut Syndrome and Intestinal Permeability, and what it is they can do to improve their gut health.We hope you find this episode informative and helpful.Thanks for tuning in to our podcast! Don’t forget to subscribe to be notified of our latest episodes.#LeakyGutSyndrome #IntestinalPermeability #GutHealth #Microbiome #Nutrition #Wellness #HealthyLiving #HealthyDiet #MindfulEating #Stress #StressManagement #MentalHealth #PhysicalActivity #HealthySleep #HealthPodcast #WellnessPodcast #HolisticHealth #IntegrativeMedicine #NaturalTherapies #NaturalMedicine

  • Are you experiencing unexplained health issues like bloating, fatigue, or skin problems?😒 The culprit may be lurking in your fridge or pantry. In this eye-opening video from our Super Health Podcast PNI Living, we explore the link between your diet and your health, and how the foods you eat could be making you sick. Antinutrients are compounds found in certain foods that interfere with the body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients. Toxins in our food can have harmful effects on our health, ranging from minor symptoms, like headaches and fatigue, to more serious conditions, like organ damage and cancer. Toxins can come from a variety of sources, such as environmental pollution, pesticide residues, and food additives.Join Dr. Samuel Santokh and Amanda Banayot and discover how you can take control of your health by changing what's on your plate.#healthcoaching #PNILiving #SuperHealthPodcast #antinutrients #toxins #saponins #lectins #liver #Chronicinflammation #nutrientabsorption #healthyeating #plantbaseddiet #mineraldeficiency #kidneystones #digestivehealth #varieddiet #balanceddiet #fermenting #cooking #healthylifestyle #nutritioneducation #healthandwellness

  • 😃Welcome to Episode 1 of the Super Health Podcast - PNI Living. In this first episode with our experts Dr. Samuel Santokh and Amanda Banayot, we will be explaining life according to psychoneuroimmunology (PNI); we call this PNI living. In this episode, we introduce psychoneuroimmunology and explore how this discipline can help us better understand the connection between the mind, brain, and body.Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of how the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems interact and affect each other. It is based on the premise that the mind and body are interconnected, and that psychological and emotional events can have a significant impact on the functioning of the immune system.In this episode, we discuss some of the key findings from research in psychoneuroimmunology, including the role of stress in regulating the immune system and how meditation and other mindfulness practices can help reduce stress levels and improve health.We also explore the role of nutrition in immune system health and how certain nutrients and foods can help strengthen immunity.Finally, we talk about Chronic inflammation or Low grade Inflammation (LGI). LGI is a condition where the immune system becomes overactive and triggers a constant low-grade inflammatory response. This can contribute to a wide range of health issues, including autoimmune diseases, heart disease, and even depression.In our next episode, we will delve deeper into the relationship between stress and the immune system and discuss some practical strategies for better managing stress in everyday life. Don't miss it!#psychoneuroimmunology #PNIliving #superhealthpodcast #mindbodyconnection #chronicinflammation #healthylifestyle #stressmanagement #meditation #yoga #autoimmunedisease #healthresearch #mindfulness #podcastepisode1