The question of inequality haunts the global north and south as economic, racial and other forms of inequality appear to grow deeper and to more devastating effects. But although this is a global problem, it is not an inevitable or homogeneous one, and local actors can have a role in responding to this dynamic. That is why in today’s episode we ask: ‘Why are some cities more equal than others?”. To answer this question, Flavia Leite and Isabel Peñaranda talk to Ben Bradlow, an associate research scholar and lecturer at Princeton. Through a south-south comparison of Sao Paulo and Johanseburg, Ben argues that some cities are better at reducing inequality than others because of their degree of embeddedness and cohesion.
Bradlow's book, Urban Power (forthcoming with Princeton University Press) asks “Why are some cities more effective than others at reducing inequality?” To answer this question, he compares the divergent politics of distributing urban public goods — housing, sanitation, and transportation — in two mega-cities after transitions to democracy: Johannesburg, South Africa, and São Paulo, Brazil.
Because the book isn’t out yet, we based our interview on two papers: a 2022 paper in Theory and Society – Embeddedness and cohesion: regimes of urban public goods distribution – and a 2021 paper in City & Community –Weapons of the Strong: Elite Resistance and the Neo-Apartheid City
Ben Bradlow is an Associate Research Scholar in the Department of Sociology at Princeton University and a Lecturer in Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs. He is trained as both a sociologist and city planner, and holds a PhD in Sociology from Brown University (2020), and a Masters in City Planning from MIT (2013).
Flavia Leite is a PhD student in City & Regional Planning at UC Berkeley. Her research interest revolves around the relationship between formal and informal housing markets, with a specific focus on housing financialization, access to credit, and housing policy in Latin America.
Este es un episodio atípico, y un poquito improvisado. Enél, entrevisto a tres puertoriqueños – Juan Arroyo, Coral Murphy y Ashely Ortiz, quienes son periodistas de música y estudiantes de doctorado en temas afines – para que nos ayuden a entender el album en su contexto. Descubríademás que Sebastián Duque, mi editor y colaborador esencial en este podcast, es un erudito del reggaeton, entonces también lo invite a participar. Juntos analizamos algunas de nuestras canciones favoritas desde la perspectiva musical, política y territorial.
Vamos perfilando la crisis existencial en la que se encuentra Puerto Rico, afligido por la herencia del colonialismo y en unaentrecrucijada entre convertirse un estado más de los Estados Unidos, o un movimiento cada más poderoso que busca la independencia. Es, como ha dicho Bad Bunny, su album más Puertoriqueño, pero también más universal. Lo que ha presenciado Sebastián en Cartagena, o yo en Washingon Heights en Nueva York, o los Puerto Riqueños en su isla, es un proceso de despojo de su derecho a la ciudad, a su territorio. Y realmente en este momento, cuantos no sentimos – estemosen Estados Unidos, América Latina, o demás –que los intereses de Sillicon Valley y el gran capital no nos está convertiendo, en cierto sentido, en extraños en nuestra propia tierra? Que el mundo se está forjando para interesas incompatibles con el bienestar de nuestras comunidades?
Arrancamos con una conversación con Juan Arroyo, periodista de medios y sobre todo de música que ha escrito para publicaciones como Rolling Stone, Pitchfork y demás.
Me acompaña como cohost y partícipe Coral Murphy,colega de doctorado de UC Berkelye, y también periodista para medios como el Guardian y the New York times.
Segundo acto, con Sebastián Duque, Cartagenero exiliado aBogotá y editor del podcast.
Para finalizar, hablo con Ashley Ortiz Chico, estudiante de Doctorado en Estudios Latinoamericanos en la Universidad de Tulane quien trabaja temas de justicia Ambiental y decolonialidad en Puerto Rico. El trabajo de Ashley centrael trabajo de organizaciones comunitarias que combinan la proteccion de la memoria historica y y cultural con la proteccion ecológica.
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Since his inauguration just over a week ago, President Donald Trump has signed 8 executive orders and taken over 21 actions linked to immigration, evoking the notion of an “invasion” to justify a harsh military approach and promising “mass deportations”. Three days ago, his administration’s decision to use military airplanes to deport migrants – often handcuffed and treated like criminals – set off a diplomatic crisis with Colombia. Our president Gustavo Petro refused to accept two military flights with deported Colombians; Trump’s response was a disproportionate and vindictive weaponization of tariffs, which he threatened to raise 50%, and a repeal of all government official visas. Even though Petro ultimately accepted the fights, the fallout continues. Colombia was made an example of, to send the message that anyone that responds to Trump with anything other than complete submission – both inside and outside the US - will be aggressively punished.
And yet in perhaps the most racist and overtly imperialistexpression of the Republican party, Trump won with a significant increase of the Latino vote. The inspiration for this episode of Sur-Urbano was the shift towards the right in predominantly latino cities in the US. Miami-Dade county, which is 70% latino, swung republican for the first time since 1988. In counties all over the US-Mexico border - which tend to be majority or have large latino populations - the Trump vote grew by 10 to 25%, even in cases where Trump lost.This even happened in blue states and cities; in California, the largely latino Central Valley supported trump, and even in Queens and the Bronx in New York, the Trump vote increased by around 20%.
It is more important than ever to understand the uniquepower of the multi-racial right.
And for this, I joined forces with cohost and political theorist Will Callinson to interview Prof. Daniel HoSang, professor of American studies at Yale University. Daniel is an interdisciplinary scholar of racial formation and racism in politics, and coeditor of a forthcoming book titled The Politics of the Multiracial Right. I learned so much from this conversation, and am convinced that any hope of resistance must stem from a reckoning within the left, which includes better understanding of what drives voters – particularly the working class and of color – to the right.
Will Callison (williamcallison.bsky.social) is a political theorist and a Lecturer in Social Studies at Harvard University.
Todos los domingos en Bogotá, algo medio mágico pasa. Lascalles que durante la semana se la pasan atestadas de carros – esas que unocomo peatón se arriesga la vida cruzando – de repente se convierten en paraísos ciclistas. Niños, viejitos, señoras en spandex, adolescentes en manadas, todos se toman las calles en ciclas, patines, aeróbicos y más. Este fenómeno – que llamamos la Ciclovía – hace poco cumplió 50 años.
En este episodio inaugural de nuestra sexta temporada,hablamos con Paola Castañeda, Profesora Asistente en el departamento deHistoria y Geografía de la Universidad de los Andes, y ciclista apsionada.. Eneste episodio, hablamos sobre su trabajo sobre el activismo de ciclismo y elderecho a la ciudad móvil, la historia y futuro de la ciclovía, y cómo el género cruza la movilidad en diversas maneras.
Discutimos los siguientes textos:
From the Right to Mobility to the Right to the Mobile City: Playfulness andMobilities in Bogotá's Cycling Activism. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/anti.12581
Gender and mobility: engaging women’s mobile lives. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384962658_Gender_and_mobility_engaging_womens_mobile_lives
10 motivos para celebrar medio siglo de la Ciclovía. https://www.lasillavacia.com/red-de-expertos/red-cachaca/10-motivos-para-celebrar-medio-siglo-de-la-ciclovia/
In the early 2000s, a new market emerged in Brazil: the market for large-scale social housing. Through the Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) program, the Brazilian state promoted and financed large-scale housing for low-income families for the first time. This was only possible by aligning the incentives of state and private actors. In a 2019 article entitled 'An unprecedented alignment: state, finance, construction and housing production in Brazil since the 2000s', Professor Lucia Shimbo describes this process, and in this episode she tells us more about it. We discuss Brazil in the early 2000s, the changes in real estate dynamics, and the positive and negative consequences of the emergence of this new market for low-income homeownership in the country.
¡Feliz diciembre!
En el último año, nos escucharon casi 9,000 veces, y se sumaron casi 700 seguidores más en Spotify. Por eso, quería compartirles un episodio de temporadas pasadas que estuvo entre los episodios más escuchados: la entrevista que Santiago Echarri y yo le hicimos al Profesor Victor Delgadillo, professor de la UNAM e intelectual público que defiende el derecho a la ciudad.
Hablamos de dos artículos el primero titulado: "Ciudad de México: Quince Años de Desarrollo Urbano Intensivo: La Gentrificación Percibida" y el segundo escrito para El País para un público más amplio que se titula "Ciudad de México: ¿Para la gente o para el mercado?". Discutimos temas que siguen siendo muy pertinentes: la gentrificación en Ciudad de México, las políticas de Desarrollo urbano y la creación de lo que el Prof. denomina un “casino inmobiliario”.
Quería compartirles este episodio de nuevo porque siento que el Profesor Delgadillo combina una pasión y lucha por la defensa del derecho ala ciudad con un conocimiento enciclopédico de su historia. En este sentido, creo que es un modelo a seguir para quienes estudiamos y luchamos por las ciudades latinaomericanas más justas e incluyentes.
Victor Delgadillo es Profesor investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México. Doctor en Urbanismo de la UNAM, y sus líneas de investigación incluyen: Centros Históricos Latinoamericanos, Gentrificación; Derecho a la Ciudad y más.
Santiago Echarri es Arquitecto por la UNAM, y actualmente está estudiando una maestría en urbanismo en la ETSAB. Estudia financiarización de la ciudad, los procesos de segregación urbana y las posibilidades estéticas del paisaje construido y tiene su propia práctica de arquitectura
"A global pandemic has brought renewed attention to anold question: what do we owe each other? " The crisis of the COVID-19 brought this question to a head, and with it, calls for rethinking a “new social contract” that would outlast the emergency measures, a social contract rooted in mutual aid, yes, but also a stronger, more active, welfare state. It also made painfully urgent to consider the process by which these measures were operationalized; that is, by which the intentions of the state to reach the most marginalized groups of urban residents were put into practice, given that these resdents and workers were also the least visible, often informal, and therefore illegible to the state.
Gautam Bhan's article "Operationalising Social Protection: Reflections from Urban India" addresses this very question. Drawing from empirical cases at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bhan explores how the social contract plays out through social protection systems, arguing that how we deliver both existing and new entitlements is as important as deciding what entitlements urban residents should be entitled to.
We discuss four challenges:
(a) residence as an operational barrier;
(b) workplaces (thru informal worker orgs) as sites of delivery;
(c) working w worker orgs as delivery infrastructures; and
(d) building systems of recognition and registration of informal workers.
Bhan also points out how the different trajectories of Brazil and India changed inequality, finding that the ecosystem of social protections (in education, housing, cash transfers and the right to the city) backed by social movements rose the conditions for the bottom 30% of Brazilians.
For Bhan, “operational knowledge is essential to imagine what Simone and Pieterse (2017) describe as ‘grounded and speculative alternatives’” - and in this text, he reveals operationalization to be a profound reflection on putting solidarity in action.
Gautam Bhan is an urbanist whose work focuses on urbanpoverty, inequality, social protection and housing. He is currently Associate Dean of the School of Human Development, at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements School, and the Senior Lead in Academics and Researhcat this same institution. He holds a PhD in urban studies and planning from the University of California, Berkeley.
Pranav Kuttaiah is a researcher and writer from Bengaluru, India currently pursuing a PhD in City and Regional Planning (with designated emphases in Political Economy and Science and Technology Studies) at UC Berkeley.
Neste episódio discutimos com a urbanista CamilaMaleronka as Operações Urbanas Consorciadas, instrumentos responsáveis por grandes transformações em cidades brasileiras. Em São Paulo, por exemplo, onde o instrumento nasceu e foi mais implementado, as operações urbanas foram responsáveis por intensificar e direcionar a atividade imobiliária e investimentos públicos para certos bairros. Ao mesmo tempo, muitos argumentam que são elas as responsáveis por agravar ou mesmo causar processos de gentrificação e exclusão de famílias mais vulneráveis desses mesmos locais. Vamos discutir essas e outras questões!
Camila Maleronka é urbanista e consultora em habitação, planejamento e instrumentos de financiamento urbano. Colaboradora do Instituto Lincoln em programas sobre gestão fundiária, recuperação da valorização da terra e instrumentos de financiamento. Desde 2020, é professora da disciplina de Instrumentos de Financiamento e Política Fundiária do curso de pós-graduação em Urbanismo Social do Insper. É doutora em Urbanismo pela Universidadede São Paulo.
Esto es un desafío al orden establecido, una invitación a transgredir, a romper el cerco. Son historias ordinarias y cotidianas, de amores y desamores, del prójimo y del próximo, de muertos y vivos, de locos y cuerdos, de desacuerdos, de un país en cantos y del desencanto, de las visitas al baño y de la oveja negra que perdió el rebaño, del macharrán y del sacristán, del bien y el mal, de los excesos, y del poco seso, de mis desvelos y de un poco de eso.
Hoy en Sur-Urbano, tenemos un episodio un poco diferente. Entrevistamos al cronista puertoriqueño Rafaél Pabón, quien acaba de lanzar un nuevo libro lamado “Surviving a lo Bori”. Como las crónicas del libro, en este episodio hablamos de todo un poquito: de la historia familiar de Rafael en San Juan, de las nostalgias de un boricua en Nueva York, de la música, política y por supuesto, de los mundos urbanos que nos inspiran.
What is a fair transportation system? What does it mean to say that a particular place is a transportation desert? Are measure of transportation poverty and equity absolute or relative? How do you define a poverty line in terms of accessibility? In this episode, co-host Gregorio Luz and host Flávia Leite speak with Brazilian researcher Rafael Pereira of the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA), a reference in urban analytics, spatial data science and transportation studies. Based on a recent paper by him and professors Alex Karner and Steven Farber, "Advances and pitfalls in measuring transportation equity," our interviewee answers these and other questions, and also delves into more philosophical questions about what fairness and equity are in urban studies.
En el episodio de hoy, hablamos de lo que pasa cuando la planeación se reduce a contratos, el título de un artículo escrito por mi buen amigo, Samuel Nossa Agüero. Hablo con Samuel sobre su estudio etnográfico de Ciudad Bolívar, en Bogotá, donde ejerció como asesor de planeación en la alcaldía local. Samuel fue testigo y partícipe de la manera en la cual la planeación se ha ido reduciendo a la formulación y ejecución de contratos por operadores privados. Nos habla de cómo llegamos a esto, por qué presenta tantos problemas, y qué podemos hacer para superar este parálisis tan terrible en el que estamos. Samuel Aguero tiene un Phd en desarrollo Local del CIDER, de la Universidad de los Andes. Su tesis conecta los estudios sociolegales con los debates de la planeación con una investigación en Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá. Además de trabajar en la alcaldía local, ha sido activista defensor del derecho a la Ciudad.
No último episódio desta temporada mergulhamos numa história pouco conhecida pela maioria: a da trajetória dos Soldados da Borracha na Amazônia Brasileira! Nessa conversa com o cineasta Wolney Oliveira e o historiador Marcos Vinicius Neves falamos sobre a vida dos Soldados da Borracha, seringueiros na Amazônia Brasileira durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Discutimos a migração e ocupação territorial no Norte do país, a influência Norte-Americana na política e economia nacional, e como que a história dos Soldados se relaciona com as desigualdades sociais e regionais no país. Vem com a gente!
Trailer do filme Soldados da Borracha que estreou no Festival É Tudo Verdade de 2019, e recebeu 15 premiações, aqui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChWUijmw0Ts
Exposição “Braceros e Soldados da Borracha, trabalho e poder nas Américas.”:https://sites.google.com/berkeley.edu/latin-american-cities/exhibitions?authuser=0
Livro "Soldados da Borracha os Herois Esquecidos": https://www.amazon.com.br/Soldados-Borracha-Os-Her%C3%B3is-Esquecidos/dp/8575316451
One of the central nodes of capitalist circulation in Latin America is a city you may have never heard of. It is also, by some accounts, the largest illicit economy in the hemisphere – raising the question of how central transgression is to the circulation and globalization of capitalism. The city in question is Ciudad del Este, a Paraguayan city at the border with Brazil and it is the subject of Jennifer Tucker's new book "Outlaw Capital, Everyday Illegalities and the Making of Uneven Development". Tucker explores the city's history, beginning with her connection to Paraguay as a Peace Corps volunteer, and delves into the complexities of street vending, the intertwining of legal and illegal economic activities, and the racialized and class-based disparities within these practices. She weaves personal stories of street vendors with the spatial and economic transformation of Ciudad del Este through malls and informal trade, and the state's role in shaping and sustaining these practices. The episode critically examines how contraband and informal economies are legitimized and contested, offering insights into broader themes of globalization, urban development, andsocial justice.
00:00 Introduction to Sur Urbano and Guest Jennifer Tucker
00:15 Exploring Street Vendor Life in Ciudad del Este
02:12 Unveiling 'Outlaw Capital': The Book on Ciudad del Este
02:34 Jennifer Tucker's Connection to Paraguay and Research Journey
03:53 The Dynamics of Ciudad del Este's Border Economy
08:18 Theoretical Insights: Outlaw Capital and Accumulationof Transgression
29:29 Contraband Urbanism and the Struggle for Space
44:25 Methodology and Ethnographic Challenges
48:15 Recent Changes and Ongoing Struggles in Ciudad delEste
51:50 Concluding Thoughts on Outlaw Economics and UrbanFutures
Neste primeiro episódio do Sur_Urbano em português falamos com o professor Nabil Bonduki! Discutimos diversas fases da sua produção acadêmica. Começamos com o livro Origens da Habitação Social no Brasil: Arquitetura Moderna, Lei do Inquilinato e Difusão da casa própria (link abaixo). Em seguida passamos para temas mais contemporâneos, como a reforma do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida e o papel dos municípios na questão da habitação. Nabil conclui compartilhando como a sua experiência na política e na gestão pública impacta sua produção acadêmica.
A co-host Laryssa Krueger é professora e coordenadora adjunta da pós-graduação em Urbanismo Social no Insper, com graduação em gestão de políticas públicas, mestrado em avaliação de políticas públicas pela FAU-USP, e especialista em habitação social.
Materiais discutidos no episódio:
Livro- Origens da habitação social no Brasil: Arquitetura moderna, Lei do Inquilinato e difusão da casa própria
Seminário de 10 anos do Minha Casa, Minha Vida:
Welcome to Sur-Urbano! Our guest today, Raquel Rolnik, may be known to many of you for her critical scholarship and prominent defense of the right to house and the city: Raquel Rolnick. Based out of Sao Paulo, Raquel is professor at the Architecture and Urbanism Department at the University of São Paulo. She has held various government positions including Director of the Planning Department of São Paulo and National Secretary for Urban Programs of the Brazilian Ministry of Cities, and between 2008 and 2014, she was the UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing.
On this episode, we discussed one of her papers which we translated to rent-seeking landscapes, and landscapes for life: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/indisciplinar/article/view/32741
She described how new financial instruments and technologies have transformed the way we produce or relate to housing.
We discussed her views about land value capture instruments
And she ended by talking about how creativity, and resistance, rather than planning, can create new possibilities and change reality
En 2022 la convención constituyente de Chile presentó la propuesta para una nueva constitución que declaraba, entre otras cosas, el derecho a la vivienda digna y adecuada, al amparo del Estado.
Esto iba en contra de décadas de lo que se conoce como el modelo Chileno de vivienda, que fue creado durante la dictadura militar de Pinochet, y fue el primer programa del mundo en subsidiar la demanda para comprar viviendas.
Para muchos, es el neoliberalismo encarnado, porque está basado en la idea de que el paper del estado es solo como facilitador para que el mercado responda a las necesidades habitacionales del país.
A pesar de ello, el modelo ha sido celebrado como un éxito - redujo los asentamiento informales, permitió a miles de personas acceder a la casa propia y finalmente, transformó la ciudad de Santiago. Y por eso, ha sido exportado y replicado por todo el mundo.
Pero, como veremos hoy, este modelo tiene sus límites. Junto con Catalina Vásquez-Marchant, entrevistamos al antropólogo Miguel Pérez, quien estudia cómo se ha ido profundizando la crisis de vivienda en Santiago desde la perspectiva de las personas migrantes.
Leímos su artículo de NACLA, “A Home for All in Chile’s New Housing Occupations".
Miguel argumenta que la experiencia de los y las migrantes muestra los problemas estructurales del tal modelo chileno, pero que también abre oportunidades para nuevas soluciones y formas de ciudadanía en Chile.
Miguel Pérez es Director de la Escuela de Antropología en la Universidad Diego Portales. Es también Doctor en Antropología Social por la Universidad de California, Berkeley.
Catalina Vásquez-Marchant es licenciada y maestra en Historia por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Actualmente es estudiante doctoral en University of Connecticut. Su investigación se enfoca en las dinámicas de urbanización en Santiago, Chile durante los años 1970s, 80s y 90s, con énfasis en la vivienda social, los cursos de agua urbanos y las relaciones socio ambientales entre el agua y la ciudad.
Este es nuestro segundo episodio hecho en colaboración con NACLA, el North American Congress on Latin America. NACLA fue fundada en 1966 para examinar y criticar el imperialismo estadounidense y su intervención política, económica y militar en el hemisferio occidental. Es una poderosa fuente de investigación y análisis sobre América Latina.
When we think of the Amazon region, I think its fair to say that most of us think of the vast expanses of virgin rainforests, crossed by the largest river who gives the area its name. We don’t usually think of cities. And yet, Amazonia is home to 40 million people, 80% of which live in cities. IN other words, from the perspective of the human population, Amazonia is urban. To discuss this, I talk to Adrián Lerner Patrón about two articles. The first, published in NACLA, is titled “The Amazon’s Forgotten Cities’, and the second titled “The Ruins of a Steel Mill: Planetary Urbanization in the Brazilian Amazon”, linked in the show notes.
We talk about the history of urbanization in Amazonia, focusing on Iquitos in Peru and Manaos in Brazil, including the particularities of cities formed in extractive frontiers, the militarized logic to secure them, and the rise and fall of developmentalist hubris.
We delve into the histoyr of the SIDERAMA (Companhia Siderúrgica da Amazônia Sociedade Anônima) steel mill - created in 1961 and liquidated in 1997 - through the lens of planetary urbanization. Overall, Adrián invites us to think about what is unique about Amazonia cities, but also to understand the global reach of urbanization during the 2nd half of the twentieth century and the need to rethink the role of Amazonia during the Anthropocene.
Adrián Lerner Patrón is a Philomathia Fellow in the Consortium for the Global South at the University of Cambridge, with a focus on “Ecologies in Place,” and a lecturer and research associate in Global History at the Free University of Berlin.
I also want to add that this episode is our first in collaboration with NACLA - the North American Congress on Latin America. (NACLA) is an independent, nonprofit organization founded in 1966 to examine and critique U.S. imperialism and political, economic, and military intervention in the Western hemisphere.
You can find the two articles here: "The Amazon's Forgotten Cities" in NACLA
"The Ruins of a Steel Mill: Planetary Urbanization in the Brazilian Amazon” in the Journal of Urban History
This episode is about stolen cars, the relationships between illegal and legal markets, and public security in Brazil. We talk to Prof. Gabriel Feltran from Sciences Po about his new book Stolen Cars: A Journey Through São Paulo's Urban Conflict. Stolen Cars is an ethnography of urban inequalities and violence in São Paulo, told by Gabriel and ten other contributors.
Through the journey of 5 stolen cars in the city, they tell us how stories of everyday life in São Paulo are intertwined with global capitalism, they discuss which social actors are involved in the journey of a stolen car, and how the theft of a car is associated not only with violence, but also with socioeconomic, racial, gender, and spatial inequalities.
Gabriel is an urban ethnographer and Director of Research at CNRS (National Scientific Research Centre – France) and a full Professor of Sociology at Sciences Po. Currently, researches criminal groups and illegal markets in Brazil, based on previous work on everyday social/political dynamics in urban outskirts, focusing on collective action, marginalized groups and "the criminal world" in São Paulo.
Marcos Campos is an urban ethnographer and a postdoctoral researcher in the International Postdoctoral Program at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (Cebrap). He is also a researcher affiliated with the CASA Group and MTTM. Marcos holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro.
Book: https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Stolen+Cars%3A+A+Journey+Through+S%26atilde%3Bo+Paulo%27s+Urban+Conflict-p-9781119686163
CEBRAP article by Feltran (mentioned during the episode): https://novosestudos.com.br/formas-elementares-da-vida-politica-sobre-o-movimento-totalitario-no-brasil-2013/#gsc.tab=0
¡Bienvenides a nuestra cuarta temporada de Sur-Urbano!
Arrancamos con un estallido. El 28 de Abril de 2021, se declaró un paro nacional en Colombia como reacción en contra de una controversial reforma fiscal impulsada por el gobierno de Iván Duque en medio de la pandemia. En todo el país, las calles se llenaron de manifestantes, se escuchaba el eco de los cacerolazos, y durante meses fuimos testigos de una impresionante experimentación política de resistencia. Aunque su importancia trascendió lo electoral, tuvo mucho que ver con la elección de Gustavo Petro y Francia Marquez, el primer gobierno de izquierda en la historia de Colombia.
Alejandra Azuero Quijano, nuestra invitada de hoy, es doctora en derecho y antropología y actualmente es profesora en Swarthmore College, Filadelfia. En su libro El Paro como Teoría, nos propone pensar al paro como un “estallido epistémico”, un acontecimiento que tiene la capacidad de cambiarlo todo: la política, las condiciones sensibles y los modos del saber.
Junto con Ana Marrugo Gómez, hablamos con ella sobre qué significa eso de entender al paro como teoría, sobre las temporalidades y espacialidades y sentidos nuevos que el mismo creó y sigue creando, y sobre cómo repensar el pasado para entender y actualizar el presente.
This episode is about planning in Palestine, and especially Gaza. As you all know, this is a podcast about Latin American Cities. However, right now it seems difficult to talk or think about anything other than the genocide unfolding in Palestine. Many of those of us who think critically about Latin American cities find so many connections between our histories and struggles and the settler-colonial project of Israel and its occupation of Palestine. This is particularly true when we reflect on the role of planning and architecture in cementing the occupation, dispossession and violence upon Palestinian people, and particularly Gazans. This is the focus of today’s episode.
To discuss this, it is truly my privilege to host cohost, Mekarem Eljamal and our two guests, Dana Erekat and Eyal Weizman.
Dana is a Palestinian architect and planner, with a BA in architecture from UC Berkeley and an Masters in City Planing from MIT. The list of positions she has held is as impressive at it is long. Among these, she has worked with the UNDP, with the World Bank, the Kenyon Institute, and more. From 2013-2012, she was Head of Aid Management and Coordination Directorate/ Special Advisor to the Minister at the Palestinian Ministry of Planning and Administrative Development, during which she led the technical committee for the 2014 Gaza Reconstruction plan. She is currently the CEO of the data analytic company Whyise.
Eyal Weizman is Professor of Spatial and Visual Cultures and founding director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London. He is perhaps most known as the founder and director of Forensic Architecture, a multidisciplinary research group based at Goldsmiths, University of London that uses architectural techniques and technologies to investigate cases of state violence and violations of human rights around the world.
- Daha fazla göster