On this episode we are joined by Dr Iwar ( The Waking Human) We discuss the impact of mental health on physical and emotional wellbeing. We also discussed the impact of toxic masculinity traits on the Mental health of men in black and African communities worldwide. The impact of stress on physical and mental health cannot be overemphasised and the importance of having relationships which create a safe space for us should not be ignored. Dr Iwar shares practical tips on how men and women can support each other through healthier and more conscious relationships while managing and unpacking our trauma.
You can find Dr Iwar on instagram https://www.instagram.com/thewakinghuman/?hl=en
On this episode of Taboo doctor, we are joined by Dr Francis Okoroh, who discusses the use of vasectomies as a contraceptive method. We explore the fears around the vasectomy procedure and vasectomy reversal and recovery.
He discussed the risks of cancer associated with vasectomy, especially the concerns around links to prostate cancer. We discuss the current facts which show no evidence of prostate cancer linked to vasectomy as a means of contraception. Male vasectomy is a walk-in day procedure which is done without general anaesthetic. We also explore the side effects of men having vasectomies and how soon after the procedure men can engage in sexual activity when seme becomes virtually free of sperm.
Dr Francis also discusses the failure rate of vasectomies and ho a vasectomy as a sterilization procedure for contraception has a higher success rate and lower failure rate.
Although we do not sing the family guy vasectomy song, we explore how men and women can support each other by sharing the burden of contraception.
The taboo doctor and Dr Francis explore why men should discuss vasectomies with their partners, urologists and doctors. We also discuss why communities would also be more open to talking about vasectomies in their communities to debunk the myths associated with it, especially those surrounding erectile function and prostate cancer.
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On this episode we discuss miscarriage and abortion with Tito Idakula.
We explore the statistics around missed abortion, and missed miscarriage.
We also explore how and why miscarriages happen and how to support family and friends who have gone through early pregnancy loss, abortion, or infant loss Tito curates the healing cradle which caters to women who have suffered miscarriage, abortion or pregnancy loss at any time during their pregnancy
On this episode we are joined by Michelle Nyasa. Michelle was diagnosed with psoriasis as a child.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition which causes skin cells to reproduce at a faster rate.
Michelle shares her journey to her diagnosis and how psoriasis affects her on a daily basis and how she is helping empower black women who are living with a diagnosis of psoriasis.
Don't forget to subscribe You can find Michelle online instagram | https://www.instagram.com/lordmich/
You can reach out to Taboo doctor and send us questions comments and suggestions
Email | hello@taboodoctor.com
Website | http://taboodoctor.com/
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/taboodoctor
Taboo Doctor is an information sharing and educational platform only. The information on this site should not serve as medical advice. If you need one to one medical advice please see your doctor.
On this episode we are joined by Dr Doug Pepple.
On today's episode Dr Peppel talks to us about sexual health and safe sex for millenial men. We explore how we can navigate conversations about condoms, sexual health, consent, and sexaul health screening for sexually transmitted infections.
Please don't forget to subscribe
You can find him online Twitter | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE_Ky0Tuo_Zn4iobQ0v3GlQ
instagram | https://www.instagram.com/drpepple/?hl=en
You can reach out to
Taboo doctor
Email | hello@taboodoctor.com
Website | http://taboodoctor.com/
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/taboodoctor
Taboo Doctor is an information sharing and educational platform only. The information on this site should not serve as medical advice. If you need one to one medical advice please see your doctor.
On this episode we are joined by Dr Wumi Fagunwa of Shake Africa. Shake Africa is an organisation committed to changing the narrative about sexual wellness in Africa. They do this via advocacy and education.
On today's episode Dr Wumi talks to us about accessibility to contraception in Nigeria how we can navigate conversations about Female genital mutilation and hopefully with advocacy bring an end to this practice.
You can find Shake Africa online website | https://www.shakeafrica.org/ instagram | https://www.instagram.com/shake_africa/ You can reach out to Taboo doctor Email | hello@taboodoctor.com Website | http://taboodoctor.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/taboodoctor
On this episode we are joined by Dr Nadine Thornhill.
Dr Thornhill is sex educator and Doctor of Education specializing in child and adolescent sexuality. She helps families teach kids in their life about their bodies, building positive relationships, and feeling good about who they are!
She offers regular media commentary on issues related to sex education. as featured on networks including CBC, CTV, and CITY TV and in publications such as Today’s Parent, Huffington Post, and Oprah Magazine.
You can find her online website | https://www.nadinethornhill.com/aboutme
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6MYMbnuAy/
YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJqQvHjzDtjLEu9IjpUh68Q
You can reach out to Taboo doctor Email | hello@taboodoctor.com
Website | http://taboodoctor.com/
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/taboodoctor/
On the 20th of October 2020 armed men, in military garb opened fire, shooting peaceful protesters who were sat singing their national anthem at the Lekki Tollgate in Lagos. This was an abrupt end to the two-week-long peaceful protest seeking for an end to police brutality in the nation of Nigeria.
That night hundreds of thousands of people worldwide watched the carnage ensue on an Instagram live feed provided by @djswitch who was broadcasting from the scene of the incident. Several people watched as people were shot injured, bleeding and one gentleman receiving a failed attempt at CPR.
So many have been heartbroken and dealing with trauma.
On this episode we are joined by Aanu Jide Ojo to discuss managing personal and inter generational trauma
You can follow her on Instagram https://instagram.com/helloaanu?igshid=xpvo9dqvdkfb
Say hello to us on Instagram https://instagram.com/taboodoctor?igshid=manclva8dg3r
Say hello to us via email | hello@taboodoctor.com
On this episode we are joined by Tamara https://www.instagram.com/taihie/ of the Yellow Wall. She shares her journey to sexuality and how she has become a voice and advocate for liberation for African women worldwide. We discuss sexual censorship of African Women, we explore sexual freedom, preferences, safety and the imposition society places the bodies of women. Please be aware that this episode may be triggering as we do discuss rape and sexual assault If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or topics you would like us to discuss please share them with us vial email - hello@taboodoctor.com Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/taboodoctor/Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/Taboo-Doctor... For information and Support for survivors of sexual assault Lagos https://mirabelcentre.org/contact-us/UK https://www.supportline.org.uk/proble... Disclaimer: Taboo Doctor is an information sharing and educational platform only. The information on this site should not serve as medical advice. If you need one to one medical advice please see your doctor.SHOW LESS
On this episode, we are joined by Yeside Olayinka-Agbola, also known as Olori coitus. She is a certified Sexual Health Educator, and intimacy & Pleasure Expert.
We explore sexual pleasure, intimacy and how couples and women can maximise physical intimacy within long term relationships. We explore why there have been barriers to fulfilling sexual relationships and how we can all break down these barriers.
You can find her on Instagram @oloricoitus
Instagram @taboodoctor
YouTube Taboodoctor
On today's episode, we are joined by a fantastic midwife, Tomi Ayanlare as we discuss Labour and Childbirth. We explore the myths in our society and culture, which prevent women from accepting help during the delivery process. We attempt to demystify how these perceptions can sometimes lead to poorer health outcomes. We aim to answer the question, 'Is a cesarean section a normal delivery too?"
Send us suggestions and comments at hello@taboodoctor.com
Instagram @taboodoctor
YouTube Taboodoctor
Angela Saini, author of Superior is an award-winning science journalist, author and broadcaster.
She presents radio and television programmes for the BBC, and her writing has been featured worldwide including in New Scientist, Wired, and National Geographic.
Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong, was published in 2017, winning the Physics World Book of the Year.
In 2020 Angela was named one of the world's top 50 thinkers by Prospect magazine, and in 2018 she was voted one of the most respected journalists in the UK.
Angela started her career with ITN on its news trainee scheme, before joining the BBC as a reporter, and becoming the recipient of numerous awards.
In 2019 she was made an Honorary Fellow of the British Science Association.
Please follow us on social media:
The new hashtag for the podcast is #taboodoctor
Instagram: @taboodcotor
YouTube : TabooDoctor
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions or discuss podcast sponsorship, email us at hello@taboodoctor.com
On this episode, we are joined by the fantastic Tomi Makanjuola who shares her journey to veganism. We explore how this works on a Nigerian diet which is often accompanied by animal-based products. We explore how she has created an incredible movement that has overcome cultural barriers and how she has mobilised an entire generation to eat healthier and cook in more varied ways.
Please follow us on social media:
The hashtag for the podcast is #asohpodcast
Instagram: @asliceofhealth
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions or discuss podcast sponsorship, email us at asliceofhealthclub@gmail.com
As promised, here is the link to Banoffee Pie recipe
Find her online
you can buy her book here
On this episode we are joined by the remarkable author Yejide Kilanko.
Shes is also a trained social worker who works in children's mental health with sexual abuse victims.
We explore her journey to writing the deeply moving book Daughters who walk this path. On this episode we explore mental health in childhood and how parents and carers can spot areas of concern. We also explore the importance of parents and carers caring well for themselves so they can provide optimal care to their children.
You can find her on instagram ; @yejidekilanko
You can buy her book here
For details on the giveaway of a brand new copy of daughters who walk this path visit our instagram page here - @asliceofhealth
Please follow us on social media:
The hashtag for the podcast is #asohpodcast
Instagram: @asliceofhealth
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions or discuss podcast sponsorship, email us at asliceofhealthclub@gmail.com
On this episode we are joined by Dr Debbie Odukoya.
She is clinical psychologist and a Pastor.
On this episode we explore the nature of anxiety and depression. We explore how faith can support mental health. We explore the role therapy and how creating a safe space at the right time enables us to begin the journey to healing.
You can find her on instagram ; @psych.tips and @drdebso
Please follow us on social media:
The hashtag for the podcast is #asohpodcast
Instagram: @asliceofhealth
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions or discuss podcast sponsorship, email us at asliceofhealthclub@gmail.com
On this episode we are joined by Tosin Daranijo who shares the experience of her traumatic labour and the postpartum depression she experienced as a result of that trauma.
She encourages us on how to make support available to those around us who face similar adversity. I hope you are encouraged and empowered by tis episode.
Please follow us on social media:
The hashtag for the podcast is #asohpodcast
Instagram: @asliceofhealth
On this episode we are joined by the phenomenal Dr Nitu Bajekal. She is an obstetrician and gynaecologist, a lifestyle medicine doctor, and maintains a plant based diet.
She is also the founder of women for women's health and she is committed to empowering you to make better lifestyle choices for healthy living.
On this episode she shares information on endometriosis and how a plant based diet can support a healthy lifestyle and have significant impact on health outcomes.
You can find her on instagram ; @drnitubajekal
Her website is; nitubajekal.com
Please follow us on social media:
The hashtag for the podcast is #asohpodcast
Instagram: @asliceofhealth
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions or discuss podcast sponsorship, email us at asliceofhealthclub@gmail.com
On this episode we are joined by Oyinkansola Oladitan as she shares her incredible weight loss journey with us. She emphasises the importance of self control, accountability, honesty, supportive friends and mental health.
We explore how important destroying the culture of silence around mental health is, as well as the crucial need for us to pay attention to the signs our bodies send to us.
You can find Oyinkansola on instagram @oyinkansola_
Please follow us on social media:
The hashtag for the podcast is #asohpodcast
Instagram: @asliceofhealth
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions or discuss podcast sponsorship, email us at asliceofhealthclub@gmail.com
On this episode we have Dr Tosin join us to discuss prostate cancer in Black men. He is a Heath coach, Podcaster and GP registrar.
We explore the symptoms, signs and screening process of prostate cancer. We also address the culture of silence that often impacts members of the black health community from accessing health care.
You can find Dr Tosin on instagram @@dioscuri2
Please follow us on social media:
The hashtag for the podcast is #asohpodcast
Instagram: @asliceofhealth
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions or discuss podcast sponsorship, email us at asliceofhealthclub@gmail.com
On this episode we are joined by Dr Dami of Dermcorner, we explore dietary implications in acne and appropriate management of acne prone skin.
Please follow us on social media:
The hashtag for the podcast is #asohpodcast
Instagram: @asliceofhealth
If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions or discuss podcast sponsorship, email us at asliceofhealthclub@gmail.com
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