
  • Hello everyone and welcome to the season 1 finale of Talk Burnout! At this
    point I've talked to 11 guests and learned many different ways to avoid or
    overcome burnout. Thank you so much for joining me along the way.

    For this episode, I’m doing a recap to cover some of the most important
    tips we learned in this first season. Check out the tips in this episode
    and read the notes at talkburnout.com/podcast/12.

    I would love to hear your feedback on the first season! I set up a quick
    survey at talkburnout.com/survey. This was my first podcast so your
    feedback will be very helpful to let me know what to improve.

  • What is Justin's definition of burnout?

    Burnout is when you say "UUUGGGGHH". It's when sometimes that normally
    takes 10 minutes takes 30 minutes.

    You’ll learn:

    * What living your life On 10 means

    * How to find the behaviors that help you live your best life

    * Why it's so important to live with consistency

    About Justin:

    Justin Jones-Fosu, MBA, CSP is a full-time husband and daddy who also
    happens to be a highly sought after business speaker, social entrepreneur,
    and meaningful work researcher. He is the founder and CEO of Work.
    Meaningful. where he speaks 60-70 times per year to companies,
    organizations, and associations in the US and internationally on meaningful
    work and workplace engagement. He is passionate about helping organizations
    and individuals take action to achieve amazing meaningful results. His
    latest book “Your WHY Matters NOW: How Some Achieve More and Others Don’t”
    challenges the reader to merge their purpose and productivity to get more
    out of work and life. He is all about turning events into memorable
    experiences with his humorous and engaging delivery as well as with his
    research-based content!

    You can find show notes and resources for this episode at

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  • What is Chelsea's definition of burnout?

    Burnout is when you feel like you're on a hamster wheel and you're never
    able to get off. You're working too much and you're not feeling fulfilled.

    You’ll learn:

    * How Chelsea helps people handle burnout

    * How to set up routines based on your energy

    * Why Chelsea started her Burnout-Proof Your Biz podcast

    About Chelsea:

    It’s Chelsea's mission to empower creatives, bloggers, and coaches break
    the cycle of overwhelm and burnout, and scale beyond their dreams so they
    can step into that lifestyle of freedom they actually want and truly
    deserve--and they can do it right now.

    You can find show notes and resources for this episode at

  • What is Anese's definition of burnout?

    Burnout is when we've reached the point in our life when we're no longer
    excited or energized by what we're up to.

    You'll learn:

    * Why working long hours doesn't necessarily mean you'll burn out

    * How to find purpose no matter what job you're in

    * A quick way to feel less isolated

    About Anese:

    Anese Cavanaugh is devoted to helping people show up and bring their best
    selves to the table in order to create significant positive impact in their
    lives. She is the creator of the IEP Method® (Intentional Energetic
    Presence®), an advisor and thinking partner to leaders and organizations
    around the world, and author of CONTAGIOUS CULTURE: Show Up, Set the Tone,
    and Intentionally Create an Organization That Thrives (McGraw Hill, 11/15).
    As a leading voice on intention, energy, and presence in leadership and
    culture, she helps people unlock greater leadership potential, collaborate
    more inspiringly, create more openly, intuit more bravely, and lead more
    joyfully and effectively. Top innovators and executives in companies like
    IDEO, Zingerman’s, Cooper, GM Financial, Vistaprint, 15Five, Fitbit, Nike,
    Vivayic, Kaiser Permanente, and others have engaged with Anese to
    strengthen team health, maximize leadership impact, and optimize company
    culture. In addition to appearing in publications like Harvard Business
    Review, The Huffington Post, CEO.com, and the NY Times, Anese writes for
    Inc.com in her column “Showing Up”. She has just published her most recent
    book THE LEADER YOU WILL BE: An Invitation (a leadership storybook), and is
    currently working on her next book, CONTAGIOUS YOU: Unlock Your Power to
    Influence, Lead, and Create the Impact You Want (McGraw-Hill, November

    You can find show notes and resources for this episode at

  • What is Charlotte's definition of burnout?

    Burnout is when you've become a short-circuited machine. You're trying to
    use the same hard work that has led to results and it instead leads to

    Here are a few of the things you'll learn in this episode:

    * How to use self-compassion as an antidote to self-criticism

    * How to improve yourself through self-acceptance

    * The problem with most wellness programs today

    About Charlotte:

    Charlotte is a New York-based journalist who writes about evolutionary and
    behavioral psychology, mental health, and the confusing journey of
    self-acceptance. Her articles have been featured in The New York Times,
    The Harvard Business Review, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Guernica,
    Elle.com, and BOMB among other publications, and Her poems have appeared in
    The Boston Review, The Colorado Review, The Harvard Advocate, Free Verse,
    Nat.Brut, and The Denver Quarterly. She received my bachelor's degree from
    Harvard, where she majored in English and lived in a vegetarian co-op. She
    now calls Brooklyn her home.

    You can find show notes and resources for this episode at

  • What is Diana's definition of burnout?

    Burnout really just means you're not happy anymore. You've become
    disengaged, exhausted, and just can't do it anymore.

    Here are a few of the things you'll learn in this episode:

    * How to get off the treadmill of self-sacrifice

    * A tip that finally got me to start journaling

    * How to design your personal user's manual

    About Diana:

    Diana Wu David is a board director, strategist and storyteller with a focus
    on helping companies and executives to be more entrepreneurial, resilient
    and successful in the face of constant change. She's the author of Future
    Proof: Reinventing Work in the Age of Acceleration, a book about how to
    adopt more agile mindsets and practices to prepare yourself for success in
    a fast-changing world, across a 100-year life. Diana is an adjunct
    professor of leadership at Columbia Business School's EMBA Global Asia and
    for the Financial Times Non-Executive Director Diploma. A former Financial
    Times executive, Diana now works with CEOs and board directors to enhance
    their leadership agility, influence, collaboration and resilience. Her
    clients have included the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, the World Bank,
    Expedia, Asia Development Bank and Credit Suisse.

    You can find show notes and resources for this episode at

  • What is Shola's definition of burnout?

    Burnout is when you get to the point where stress and emotional exhaustion
    become unmanageable and it's overwhelming to even get out of bed in the

    Here are a few of the things you'll learn in this episode:

    * How Shola started his positivity movement

    * The difference between being kind vs being nice

    * Why it's so important to handle complainers at work

    About Shola:

    Shola Richards is a dynamic keynote speaker, the best-selling author of
    Making Work Work, the author of the newly-released book—Go Together, he’s
    an in-demand workplace civility expert, and he is a positivity writer with
    a passionate worldwide following. His articles and wildly-popular Monday
    morning “Positivity Solution” email series have been read by readers in
    over 160 countries, and his work has been featured in the Huffington Post,
    Forbes, Black Enterprise, Complete Wellbeing India, Business Insider
    Australia, and in numerous other publications all over the world who
    recognize him as an authority on workplace happiness and engagement.

    As a speaker, Shola has shared his transformative message with top
    universities, Silicon Valley, leading healthcare organizations, the motion
    picture industry, and in his greatest honor to date, as a keynote speaker
    for the Department of Homeland Security three days before the 15th
    Anniversary of 9/11, under the Obama Administration.

    Last, but certainly not least, Shola is a father, husband, identical twin,
    and a self-professed “kindness extremist” who will not rest until bullying
    and incivility is extinct from the American workplace.

    You can find show notes and resources for this episode at

  • What is Monique's definition of burnout?

    Burnout is an occupational stress syndrome comprised of exhaustion,
    cynicism, and reduced personal efficacy.

    Here are a few of the things you'll learn in this episode:

    * How Monique handled her own personal burnout

    * Why it's so important to handle burnout among leaders

    * How connections at work can reduce burnout

    About Monique:

    Monique Valcour, PhD is an executive coach and management professor. A
    faculty affiliate of the United Nations System Staff College, Monique helps
    leaders deepen their self-awareness and agility, engage and energize their
    teams, and increase their capacity to learn and perform at work while
    thriving in all domains of life. She also works with people at risk of or
    recovering from burnout, and with organizations to create healthy, engaging
    workplaces. She is a regular contributor to Harvard Business Review.

    You can find show notes and resources for this episode at

  • What is Elizabeth's definition of burnout?

    Burnout is about being depleted, feeling negative about your job, and
    feeling like you don't have choices.

    Here are a few of the things you'll learn in this episode:

    * Ways to manage two forms of time management overload - working too
    much or working too little.

    * Why there's no one time management system that works for everyone.

    * The six areas in the work-life model of burnout

    About Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth Grace Saunders is the founder and CEO of Real Life E® a time
    coaching company that empowers individuals who feel guilty, overwhelmed and
    frustrated to feel peaceful, confident and accomplished. She was named one
    of the World's Top 30 Time Management Professionals. The Christian division
    of her company focuses on a God-centered approach to time management
    through Divine Time Management Group Coaching.

    McGraw Hill published her first book The 3 Secrets to Effective Time
    Investment: How to Achieve More Success with Less Stress. Harvard Business
    Review published her second book How to Invest Your Time Like Money.
    FaithWords published her third book Divine Time Management. Elizabeth
    contributes to blogs like Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and Fast Company
    and has appeared on CBS, ABC, NBC, and Fox.

    You can find the full show notes with links to resources mentioned at

  • What is Rich's definition of burnout?

    Burnout is where you're there, but you're not there. You're at work in body
    but not in mind.

    Here are a few of the things you'll hear about in this episode:

    * How a company that focuses on joy works

    * How to avoid the cycle of overwork that leads to burnout

    * Why you should look at systems rather than people when things go

    About Rich:

    Menlo Innovations CEO Richard Sheridan became disillusioned in the middle
    of his career in the chaotic technology industry. He had an all-consuming
    thought: things can be better. Much better. He had to find a way. Why
    couldn't a workplace be filled with camaraderie, human energy, creativity,
    and productivity?

    Ultimately, Rich co-founded Menlo Innovations in 2001 to end human
    suffering in the workplace. Menlo's unique approach to custom software
    creation is so surprisingly different that 3,000 people a year travel from
    around the world just to see how they do it.

    You can find the full show notes with links to resources mentioned at

  • What is Dan's definition of burnout?

    Burnout means someone has got to the point where they are so tired or
    intellectually disengaged that they can't work.

    Here are a few of the things you'll hear about in this episode:

    * What dehumanization is and how it leads to burnout

    * Why some start-ups are happy to have high turnover

    * What "closing-the-gap" is and how it boosts employee happiness

    About Dan:

    Dan Lyons is a humorist, journalist, and screenwriter. He has been called
    “the Mark Twain of Silicon Valley,” and “Jonathan Swift for our own digital
    age.” He’s a sharp-eyed, cynical humorist in the spirit of Dave Barry, Jon
    Stewart and Bill Maher. But instead of politics, Dan aims his laser-sharp
    wit at the world of business, and especially Silicon Valley. Over the past
    decade Dan has given dozens of keynotes, entertaining audiences with his
    smart-funny takes on tech and the modern workplace. Dan is “the expert on
    the culture of work, and how it’s changing business and lives,” says Dave
    Ramsay, who runs the “Ramsay Talks” series in Toronto.

    Dan’s career as a satirist began when he created the Fake Steve Jobs blog
    where he spoofed the persona of Apple’s legendary founder and established
    his reputation as a gifted humorist and savvy critic of how technology
    shapes our culture. He wrote for HBO’s hit series Silicon Valley, and
    published Disrupted: My Misadventure in the Startup Bubble, a rollicking 
    New York Times best-selling memoir about his time working inside a
    cult-like tech startup run by Millennials. Dan has written for the New York
    Times, Fortune, Forbes, Newsweek, and many others. He’s quick on his feet,
    loves doing Q&A, and will have your audience in stitches with his
    laugh-out-loud stories and self-deprecating wit. He aims to entertain but
    also to inform, leaving your audience with new ideas and a fresh

    You can find the full show notes with links to resources mentioned at

  • What is burnout according to Jenny? Burnout is always feeling tapped out.

    Here are a few of the things you'll learn about in this episode:

    * The philosophy of "Let it be easy, let it be fun."

    * The importance of taking time to recharge.

    * How to use small experiments to set boundaries

    About Jenny:

    Jenny Blake is an author, career and business strategist and international
    speaker who helps people move beyond burnout to build sustainable, dynamic
    careers they love. She is the author of Pivot: The Only Move That Matters
    is Your Next One, which won the Axiom Best Business Books award in the
    careers category. Jenny also hosts the popular Pivot Podcast, which CNBC
    listed among 6 podcasts to make you smarter about your career, and
    Entrepreneur selected as one of the top 20 female-hosted business podcasts

    After two years at a technology start-up in Silicon Valley followed by five
    years at Google in Training and Career Development, Jenny moved to New York
    City in 2011 where she has been running her own consulting business in the
    years since, helping clients like Google, Microsoft, and Chanel incorporate
    the Pivot Method into their career development programs. Her motto: if
    change is the only constant, let's get better at it.

    Today you can find her at PivotMethod.com and on her Pivot Podcast.

    You can find the full show notes with links to resources mentioned at