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    Something new for me this week. A bold venture into uncharted territory.

    The graphic novel!!

    As is proper, I’ve started with one of the best. Emil Ferris joins me to talk through the creation of her landmark epic, My Favourite Thing is Monsters. Volume 1 came out in 2017 to rapturous acclaim, and now, Volume 2 picks up exactly where that story of cute werewolves and cherished monsters let off. This is an EVENT!!

    Emil talks me through this alternative form of storytelling. She tells me about the laborious process behind the books, and how it saved her life (literally). Most of all though, we talk creativity, and how art and monsters are the things that will preserve humanity.


    My Favourite Thing is Monsters is released May 28thth from Fantagraphics

    Other books mentioned:

    Maus (1986), by Art Spiegelman

    The Talisman (1984), by Stephen King and Peter Straub

    The Shape of Water (2018), by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus

    Whalefall (2023), by Daniel Kraus

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    Believe it or not, there is more to life than just books. Very little, granted… but there is more.

    Talking Scared: Off Book is a chance for this show to spread its wings a little. To fly further, wider, deeper into the world of horror and come back carrying different kinds of guests in our bloody beak!

    (ok, I may have stretched that metaphor too far).

    Basically, I’ll be talking, now and then, to other kinds of horror creatives. Filmmakers, actors, musicians, podcasters, designers, comic book artists, whoever the hell takes my fancy. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

    This first episode features Phil Nobile Jr. Editor-in-Chief of Fangoria, and a man with his finger on the bloody pulse of the genre. We talk about films, journalism, how to market horror and, yes, of course, a few books.

    This is a good episode for the hopeful journalist.


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    We return to Australia for the second time in a month, to find that (once again), home invasion isn’t the worst thing to happen on a typical day.

    Alan Baxter’s Blood Covenant is a violent, thrilling story of a threeway battle between an innocent family, a nasty criminal gang of bogans (see, I’m learning!) and an otherworldly force that is even worse! Think, what if The Strangers took place in the Overlook Hotel.

    It’s a hugely enjoyable book that prompts a conversation about the influence of 70s and 80s paperback classics, the overlap of horror and crime in Australian fiction, some extreme horror movies and a whole long celebration of unpretentious storytelling.


    Blood Covenant is released May 24th from Cemetary Dance

    Other books mentioned:

    The Gulp (2021), by Alan Baxter

    Hidden City (2018), by Alan Baxter

    The Fatal Shore: The Epic of Australia’s Founding (1986), by Robert Hughes

    “Devil” by Glen Hirshberg, in Screams From the Dark: 29 Tales of Monsters and the Monstrous (2022), edited by Ellen Datlow

    The Fog (1975), by James Herbert

    The Hunted (2021), by Gabriel Bergmoser

    Terra Nullius (2017), by Claire G. Coleman

    Dirty Heads (2021), by Aaron Dries

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    A charming man approaches. With dark secrets to tell you.

    Yeah, that L.P. Hernandez. Author of the novella In the Valley of the Headless Men and the forthcoming collection, No Gods, Only Chaos. Both are great; both are entirely different. One of them will expand your horizons. One of them will shrink you in horror.

    I’ll let you find out which.

    We talk about both books in this episode, digging into the real historical mystery behind the novella (it’s fascinating) and the craft and commitment that went into the collection. How to write emotion and character concisely, using action within metaphor, the presence (or lack of) military vets in horror, and when, exactly, LP knew he was becoming a better writer.

    If you are starting out as a storyteller, I think you’ll find this episode enlightening and inspirational. I did. Kudos to L.P. for that!


    In the Valley of the Headless Men was published on January 29th by Cemetery Games

    No Gods, Only Chaos is published on June 4th, by DarkLit Press

    Other books mentioned:

    Stargazers (2022), by L.P. Hernandez

    The Militia House (2023), by John Milas

    Mr Shivers (2010), by Robert Jackson Bennett

    Bound Feet (2022), by Kelsea Yu

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    Opinions are like assholes, they say. Everybody has one.

    The subtext of that, is that you shouldn’t show them to people.

    Well my guest and I don’t hold back on ours this week. Robert Ottone joins me for a conversation about his debut novel for adults, The Vile Thing We Created, which is almost exactly one year old.

    I loved it, which is more than either of us can say for the one-year old little boy that it is about. This novel skewers the impulse to procreation – presenting a horror story of parenthood that will make the child-free sweat and the happily en-familied nod sagely (though hopefully your child isn’t a cosmic-horror menace.

    Robert and I wade into the controversy over not having children? We ask, how people summoj the courage to do it in such a frightening world, and we also hold forth on other topics, such as why most colleagues are boring and some ill-advised movie opinions. I blame Robert, I’m usually so shy and retiring.

    Seriously though, this is a great conversation. More disorganised and discursive than usual. Though for once, that is no bad thing.


    The Vile Thing We Created was published on April 18th 2023, by Hydra.

    Other books mentioned:

    The Triangle (2022), by Robert Ottone

    Less Than Zero (1985), by Bret Easton Ellis

    Lunar Park (2005), by Bret Easton Ellis

    Imperial Bedrooms (2010), by Bret Easton Ellis

    Sefira and Other Betrayals (2019), by John Langan

    Watchmen (1987), by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

    Filthy Creation (2023), by Caroline Hagood

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    Ah the madhouse. The loony bin. The ASYLUM!!

    A classic horror location. One of my favourites, but problematic as hell in the wrong hands.

    Thankfully, I have the right author for the topic. Christ Panatier has the talent and the sensitivity to ensure that his novel, The Redemption of Morgan Bright can engage with the tropes without perpetuating them. He brings something as old-as-time but very new to asylum horror, and the results are dizzying, terrifying, awful.

    We talk about the perils of research for an empathetic horror writer, we discuss some hideous medical practices from the past, and we look hard at the desecration of rights that we all grew up assuming were here to stay.

    Plus, the way to make friends in the horror community...


    The Redemption of Morgan Bright was published on April 23rd by Angry Robot Books

    Other books mentioned:

    The Phlebotomist (2020), by Chris PanatierStringer (2022), by Chris PanatierAnnihilation (2014), by Jeff VanderMeerThe Haunting of Hill House (1959), by Shirley JacksonNever Let Me Go (2005), by Kazuo IshiguroMad Wives: Schizophrenic Women in the 1950s (1988), by Carol A. B. WarrenFull Immersion (2022), by Gemma AmorThe Grip of It (2017), by Jac JemcThe House at the End of Lacelean Street (2024), by Catherine McCarthyThe Spite House (2023), by Johnny ComptonThe Day of the Door (2024), by Laurel Hightower

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    We all love a good spooky house. And most of us enjoy a terrifying home-invasion ordeal (or at least, I know I do).

    What happens when you put them together? Kaaron Warren’s The Underhistory is the answer, but it’s nothing at all like what you’d expect.

    This new novel by the award-winning Australian writer is a story of memory, of rooms and architecture, of violence and misogyny, and of a very unusual old lady. We talk about all of that and more. It’s a great conversation, one in which we go hunting for the secrets of her book together.


    The Underhistory was published on April 11th by Viper

    Other books mentioned:

    Slights (2009), by Kaaron WarrenThe Grief Hole (2016), by Kaaron WarrenAny Human Heart (2002), by William BoydThe Measure of Sorrow (2023), by J. Ashley-Smith

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    I bite off a lot this week, in a five-way conversation with editors and contributors to the ever-so-of-the-moment anthology The Black Girl Survives in This One. That’s a promise right there on the title page, but as you will find out, survival is not always the same thing as living happily ever after.

    Saraciea J. Fennell, Desiree S. Evans, Monica Brashears & Eden Royce talk to me about the vision (and necessity) of the project and where their stories came from? We discuss the role of urban and family legend, authentic dialogue, writing for younger readers and how horror’s treatment of Black writers and characters has changed.


    The Black Girl Survives in This One was published on April 2nd by Flatiron Books

    Other books mentioned:

    Beloved (1987), by Toni Morrison60 Black Women in Horror Fiction (2014), by Sumiko SaulsonOf One Blood (1903), by Pauline HopkinsOut There Screaming: An Anthology of New Black Horror (2023), ed, by Jordan Peele and John Joseph AdamsThe Vampire Huntress Legends Series (2003-2009), by L.A. Banks

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    I’m in literary hero territory again … at least this time it’s sunny!

    My guest is Scarlett Thomas, the groundbreaking writer of PopCo, Oligarchy, The Seed Collectors and the (post)modern speculative classic, The End of Mr Y. She’s one of my favourite writers, who has never seen five or six separate genres she can’t mash together.

    This time around we are talking “Hot Gothic” in The Sleepwalkers, a darkly playful tale of a vacation–and a marriage–gone horribly wrong.

    We cover accidentally arriving at a structure, the many ways to build characters from scratch, the dark consequences of sex and desire taken too far – and we agree on how hotels are just inherently creepy.

    Great book. Great guest.


    The Sleepwalkers was published on April 9th by Simon and Schuster

    Other books mentioned:

    The End of Mr Y (2006), by Scarlett ThomasThe Seed Collectors (2015), by Scarlett ThomasOligarchy (2019), by Scarlett ThomasOpen: An Autobiography (2009), by Andre AgassiThe Woman in White (1860), by Wilkie CollinsThe Moonstone (1868), by Wilkie CollinsGone Girl (2012), by Gillian FlynnThe Talented Mr Ripley (1955), by Patricia HighsmithHangsaman (1951), by Shirley Jackson

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    Carrie White turns 50 years old today!

    April 5th, 1974 – the day King’s debut came out, and the world of horror we know live in changed forever.

    To celebrate such an auspicious anniversary, there are only two people I could invite to this party. Step up Nat Cassidy and Ally Malinenko – writers who understand King and that bitter, brutal world between childhood and adulthood.

    We talk about empathy and monsters, about the horror of high school, the abject and the menstruation taboo and about how we are all living in Margaret White’s America now…

    Raise a glass to the prom queen of horror. She can light her own candles.


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    Alas, we come to the end!

    Stephen Graham Jones’s The Angel of Indian Lake brings the most important horror trilogy of the century to its conclusion. For one last time we return to Proofrock, Idaho – to watch Jade Daniels do battle with monsters in the wood and the demons in her head.

    SGJ also comes back to Talking Scared to finish our adjacent trilogy of conversations about these books. We talk about slashers and final girls for sure, but as ever with Stephen, these are windows onto something more profound – and he gives us his insight into how horror, justice, violence and luck operate in fiction.

    This all sounds very profound. It is. But in the coolest way possible. The man is a rock star….

    … but I STILL manage to freak him out with a ghost story.

    Enjoy – it’s been a ride!

    The Angel of Indian Lake was published on March 26thth by Saga Press and Titan Books

    Other books mentioned:

    Where the Red Fern Grows (1961), by Wilson RawlsMarvel Superheroes Secret Wars #10 (1984), by Jim ShooterIn Cold Blood (1965), by Truman CapoteMorphology of the Folktale (1928), by Vladimir ProppThe Red Badge of Courage (1895), by Stephen CraneThe Gulf War Did Not Take Place (1991), by Jean BaudrillardThe Name of the Rose (1980), by Umberto EcoThe Hollow Kind (2022), by Andy DavidsonPiranesi (2021), by Susannah ClarkeA Tale of Two Cities (1859), by Charles DickensThe Art of the Ridiculous Sublime: On David Lynch’s ‘Lost Highway’ (2000), by Slavoj ŽižekThe Warm Hands of Ghosts (2024), by Katherine ArdenThe Bear and the Nightingale (2017), by Katherine ArdenThe Others of Edenwell (2023), by Verity Holloway“A Fish Story” (2002), by Gene Wolfe

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    We’re heading to the midwestern metropolis this week, for a conversation with Cina Pelayo – all about murder, mystery, history and strange things in the water.

    Her new novel, Forgotten Sisters is a heady, dreamlike concoction of Chicago lore and much older horrors. It features a pair of very wyrd sisters and a house by a river that holds nothing good.

    As well as all of that, we talk about Cina’s personal journey with the paranormal, mermaid sightings, writing law enforcement, and wrestling with weird voices in fiction.

    Oh, and the abject horror of social media!!


    Forgotten Sisters was published on March 19th by Thomas & Mercer

    Other books mentioned:

    Children of Chicago (2021), by Cynthia PelayoThe Shoemaker’s Magician (2023), by Cynthia PelayoLoteria (2023), by Cynthia PelayoInto the Forest and All the Way Through (2020), by Cynthia PelayoThe Reformatory (2023), by Tananarive Due

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    Never mind the floor is lava. This week the ground has teeth.

    Joshua Hull is our guest, to talk about his obsession with dangerous, weird holes. He wrote one into his hilarious, grisly horror movie, Glorious (on Shudder) and now he’s given a hole a whole personality in his debut novella, Mouth.

    It’s a grindhouse, b-movie celebrations, with larger than life characters, grisly death, and the most lovable monster of the year.

    We talk about writing endearing creature features, about forgotten American serial killers, about the difference between writing for books and writing screenplays and, yes, about HOLES!


    Mouth was published on March 15th by Tenebrous Press

    Other books mentioned:

    The Day of the Door (2024), by Laurel Hightower

    Frankenstein (1818), by Mary Shelley

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    Time to get liminal and haunted.

    Gwendolyn Kiste comes back to Talking Scared for another high-concept twist on the Gothic. In The Haunting of Velkwood, and entire street turns ghostly overnight. Yeah, I can’t explain that any more clearly, we’ll leave it to Gwendolyn.

    Despite this being a book centered on trauma and angst, we do a whole lot of laughing. Amongst the chuckles we also sneak in conversation about the many meanings of the word haunted, child-free horror fiction televisual references, and just what makes the American suburbs so damn creepy!


    The Haunting of Velkwood was published on March 5th by Saga Press

    Other books mentioned:

    Reluctant Immortals (2022), by Gwendolyn KisteSuburbia (1973), by Bill OwensTwilight: Photographs (2002), by Gregory CrewdsonThe Daughters of Block Island (2023), by Christa Carmen

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    Sometimes you meet someone who just gets you.

    Like Tim Lebbon. A man who writes riotously good adventure-horror novels, and also likes running outrageous distances up big hills. What a pleasure it was to speak to him.

    The main topic of conversation is his new novel eco-horror novel, Among the Living. A story of ancient buried history and ‘intelligent’ infection, it blends the paranoia of The Thing with the ragtag group heroism and intensity of Aliens. In short, it’s good!

    Tim and I talk about eco-horror, about the biological menaces facing mankind in the future, we discuss how writing action helps with writing character, and I tell him why this book freaked me out so much.

    Oh, and we do spend some time talking about running up big hills. But we try and keep it relevant to the horror and the writing… Give me a break, how often do I meet a soul-brother like this?


    Among the Living was published on February 6th by Titan Books

    Other books mentioned:

    Eden (2020), by Tim LebbonThe Last Storm (2022), by Tim LebbonThe Hunt (2015), by Tim LebbonCome Closer (2003), by Sara GranThe Bang Bang Sisters (2024), by Rio Yoeurs

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    Back from a too-short break, but ready to delve into the greatest haunted house of them all! Shirley Jackson’s Hill House. The place where the scary things walk alone.

    Thankfully, I am not alone. I’m joined by my own group of creepy ghost-hunters: Paul Tremblay (A Head Full of Ghosts, Cabin at the End of the World), Johnny Compton (The Spite House) and Catriona Ward (Last House on Needless Street, Looking Glass Sound). I can think of no better collective to explore the corridors of this book and house.

    We get INTO it. The crafted magic of that infamous opening paragraph, the long legacy of creepy houses in American fiction, the choice between the haunted void and hideous, mundane reality. Plus, a raft of film recommendations, and a few brief forays into our favourite real haunted places.

    This one was necessary. Hope you enjoy it.

    Other books mentioned:

    House of Leaves (2000), by Mark Z. Danielewski

    Carrie (1974), by Stephen King

    ‘Salem’s Lot (1975), by Stephen King

    The Shining (1977), by Stephen King

    The Spite House (2023), by Johnny Compton

    The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers (1983), by John Gardner

    The Letters of Shirley Jackson (2021), edited by Laurence Jackson Hyman

    When Things Get Dark: Stories Inspired by Shirley Jackson (2021), ed. by Ellen Datlow

    “Oh, Whistle, and I’ll Come to You, My Lad” (1904), by M.R. James

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    Yes I put sex in the title to make you download it. Did it work?

    It shouldn’t be necessary, ‘cos this week’s guest is an absolute literary icon. Chuck Palahniuk, author of Fight Club, Haunted, Lullaby, Choke, and last year’s Not Forever, But For Now – a writer who helped shape the nihilism and extremity of 90s and noughties fiction. The man who makes people faint with his short stories.

    He’s here, talking to us!

    In this conversation Chuck and I roam all over the blasted map of his fiction. We talk about transgression and provocation, about extremity in life and story, about bad reviews, toxic interviews and toxic masculinity. And yes, we talk about “Guts.”

    This was a privilege. I hope you are shocked and appalled.


    Other books mentioned:

    Fight Club (1996) by Chuck PalahniukHaunted (2005), by Chuck PalahniukLullaby (2002), by Chuck PalahniukDiary (2003), by Chuck PalahniukRant: The Oral Biography of Buster Casey (2005), by Chuck PalahniukAdjustment Day (2018), by Chuck PalahniukCold Comfort Farm (1932), by Stella GibbonsRosemary’s Baby (1967), by Ira Levin“The Lottery” (1948), by Shirley JacksonInterview with the Vampire (1976), by Anne RiceGeek Love (1989), by Katherine DunnMost Delicious Poison: From Spice to Vices – The Story of Nature’s Toxins (2023), by Noah WhitemanThings Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke (2021), by Eric LaRocca

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    Are you hungry?

    If so we have a chewy, salty, deeply flavoured feast for you this week. Ally Wilkes returns to Talking Scared to discuss the icebound horrors of her new novel, Where the Dead Wait. It’s a tale of Arctic exploration gone very wrong, complete with haunting, human suffering and the morbid fascination of cannibalism!

    Don’t pretend that hasn’t whet your appetite.

    Ally and I get into the raw details of consuming human meat, we talk about queerness in historical horror fiction, we discuss the nature of haunting and how a historical horror novel can have links to a sci-fi horror classic, and we talk reminisce about the time Ally nearly died on a Himalaya in an appalling coat.

    Jolly good fun wot wot!


    Other books mentioned:

    All the White Spaces (2022), by Ally Wilke

    The Shining (1977), by Stephen King

    What Cares the Sea (1960), by Kenneth Cooke

    The Secret Sharer (1910), by Joseph Conrad

    Frankenstein (1818), by Mary Shelley

    Ice Blink: The Tragic Fate of Sir John Franklin's Lost Polar Expedition (2000), by Scott Cookman

    Sundial (2022), by Catriona Ward

    Dead Silence (2022), by S.A. Barnes

    Ghost Station (2024), by S.A. Barnes

    Indianapolis: The True Story of the Greatest Naval Disaster in US History (2018), by Lynn Vincent and Sarah Vladic

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    The first new book coverage of 2024 – and it starts us off on suitably horrific footing.

    Jenny Kiefer’s debut novel, This Wretched Valley, has been getting a huge amount of early buzz in horror circles. It’s the story of four unlucky adventurers, who head into the Kentucky woods and meet all manner of nasty sh*t.

    It’s a tightly wound tale of misadventure, that takes at least some inspiration from the Dyatlov Pass mystery. And if you don’t know what that is… boy have you got a wiki hole to disappear down.

    Jenny and I talk about writing and selling a brutal debut, arthouse horror influences, the terror of climbing and research serendipity… plus, what she thinks happened to those poor Russian hikers over 60 years ago.


    Other books mentioned:

    The Ruins (2006), by Scott SmithThe Laws of the Skies (2019), by Grégoire CourtoisDead Mountain: The Untold True Story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident (2013), by Donnie EicharThe Marigold (2023), by Andre F. Sullivan

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    To kick off a new year of Talking Scared, I’ve gone and hooked us a big guest, with a whopper of a story.

    John Langan is the author of The Fisherman. It’s one of the great works of supernatural fiction written this century, but its story doesn’t end at its back-cover. The strange mythology of The Fisherman extends beyond, swimming further downstream, to pop its monstrous head above the surface in John’s wider universe of short stories and novellas.

    In this special episode, we talk at length about The Fisherman – about the classic books, real-world legends and cultural beliefs that inspired it, and about the process of building a whole new mythos.

    John is the poet-scholar of horror. This is the class you wish you’d taken in college.


    Other books mentioned:

    House of Windows (2009), by John Langan

    “Mother of Stone”, in The Wide Carnivorous Sky and Other Monstrous Geographies (2013), by John Langan

    “Bor Urus”, in Sefira and Other Betrayals (2019), by John Langan

    Our Share of Night (2023), by Mariana Enriquez

    The Croning (2012), by Laird Barron

    The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All (2013), by Laird Barron

    Pet Sematary (1983), by Stephen King

    “The Monkey’s Paw” (1902), by W. W. Jacobs

    Absolom, Absolom (1951), by William Faulkner

    “The Call of Cthulhu” (1928), by H.P. Lovecraft

    The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony (1988), by Roberto Calasso

    “Development” (1889), by Robert Browning

    Ironweed (1983), by William Kennedy

    Come Closer (2003), by Sara Gran

    Motherless Child (2012), by Glen Hirshberg

    Screams From the Dark: 29 Tales of Monsters and the Monstrous (2022), edited by Ellen Datlow (contains “Glen Hirshberg’s “Devil” and John Langan’s “Bludzuger”)

    Furnace (2016), by Livia Llewelyn

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