
  • This episode delves into the challenges faced by Fortune 100 companies in understanding consumers and how TARTLE provides a solution. Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby discuss the limitations of traditional data collection methods, the rise of zero-party and first-party data, and the importance of ethical data practices. They highlight how TARTLE's platform enables brands to gain valuable consumer insights, build direct relationships, and expand into new markets.

    Key Takeaways:

    Challenges of Big Data:

    Privacy Concerns: Consumers are increasingly wary of how their data is collected and used. Data Quality: Traditional data collection methods often lead to inaccurate or incomplete data. Data Fragmentation: Data is scattered across various platforms and sources, making it difficult to create a unified view of the customer.

    TARTLE's Solution:

    Ethical Data Collection: TARTLE allows users to self-aggregate their data and share it directly with brands, ensuring transparency and control. Whole Person Profile: TARTLE enables the creation of comprehensive consumer profiles, offering deep insights into preferences, behaviors, and demographics. Direct Engagement: Brands can communicate directly with consumers through TARTLE's platform, fostering authentic relationships and gathering valuable zero-party data. Global Reach: TARTLE's presence in every country enables brands to expand into new markets and understand diverse consumer segments. Data Integration: TARTLE seamlessly integrates with existing CRM and CDP systems, streamlining data management and analysis. Actionable Insights: TARTLE provides AI-powered analysis and actionable recommendations to help brands make data-driven decisions.

    Call to Action:

    Visit https://tartle.co/consumer/ to learn more about TARTLE's consumer data solutions. Contact TARTLE to discuss how their platform can help your brand achieve its goals.
  • In this episode of Tartlecast, Alexander McCaig (CEO of Tartle) and Jason Rigby (Chief Conscious Marketing Officer) delve into the challenges of the healthcare industry when it comes to data collection and patient engagement. They discuss how Tartle's innovative platform offers a solution by enabling ethical data collection, empowering patients, and providing valuable insights to healthcare providers.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Problem: Healthcare providers struggle to collect comprehensive patient data, relying heavily on information from billing departments and hospital visits. This lack of data limits their ability to provide proactive and personalized care. The TARTLE Solution: Tartle acts as a bridge between patients and healthcare providers, facilitating ethical data collection and exchange. The platform allows patients to share their data willingly and get compensated for it, while healthcare providers gain access to valuable insights. Benefits for Healthcare Providers: Enhanced Patient Engagement: Tartle helps healthcare providers engage with their members more effectively, leading to better outcomes and reduced costs. Targeted Data Capture: The platform enables the collection of specific data points, such as social determinants of health, that are crucial for understanding patient needs and risks. Member Incentives: Patients are incentivized to share their data through compensation or reduced insurance premiums, creating a win-win situation. Vast Member Insights: Tartle provides a comprehensive view of patient data, going beyond traditional surveys and enabling a deeper understanding of patient stories. Zero and First-Party Data: The platform focuses on ethically sourced data directly from patients, ensuring transparency and reducing liability for healthcare providers. Enhanced Patient Profiles: Tartle helps build rich patient profiles that include not only medical information but also social needs and lifestyle data, leading to more personalized care. Educational Opportunities: The platform allows healthcare providers to educate patients and track their progress, further improving health outcomes. Reduced Risk: By collecting and analyzing comprehensive patient data, healthcare providers can identify risk factors early on and take preventive measures, reducing costs and improving patient well-being.

    Call to Action:

    Visit https://tartle.co/healthcare to learn more about the TARTLE healthcare product and how it can revolutionize your relationship with your members. Schedule a meeting with the TARTLE team to discuss your specific needs and explore how their platform can benefit your organization.

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

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  • In this episode of TARTLEcast, the hosts delve into the importance of data ownership and ethical data practices. They discuss the flaws in the current data landscape, where companies like Palantir amass user data without consent, and how TARTLE offers a solution by putting control back in the hands of individuals. The conversation also touches on the value of data, particularly in the healthcare industry, and how TARTLE empowers users to monetize their information while maintaining privacy.

    Key Takeaways:

    TARTLE's Unique Approach: TARTLE's platform allows users to self-aggregate their data, creating a "whole person profile" that they control and can permission to others.

    Privacy and Control: TARTLE emphasizes user privacy and control, ensuring that individuals have the final say in how their data is used and shared.

    The Value of Data: The hosts highlight the inherent value of data, especially in the context of healthcare and AI development.

    Data Monetization: TARTLE enables users to monetize their data by sharing it with interested parties, creating a new revenue stream for individuals.

    Ethical Data Practices: The episode emphasizes the importance of ethical data collection and usage, contrasting TARTLE's approach with that of companies like Palantir.

    Healthcare Data Portability: TARTLE's platform can facilitate the seamless transfer of medical records between healthcare providers, empowering patients and improving efficiency.

    Decentralization and Empowerment: The hosts advocate for decentralizing data control and empowering individuals to own and manage their information.

    The Future of Data: The episode concludes by highlighting the growing importance of data and how TARTLE is at the forefront of a data revolution that puts individuals in control.

    Call to Action:

    Join the TARTLE community and take control of your data.

    Share the podcast with others who are interested in data ownership and privacy.

    Visit TARTLE's website to learn more about their platform and philosophy.

    Additional Notes:

    The episode features a lively discussion between the hosts, with personal anecdotes and insights into the data industry.

    The hosts express a strong commitment to ethical data practices and empowering individuals.

    The episode provides a clear overview of TARTLE's platform and its potential to transform the way we think about data.

    Remember: Your data is valuable. Take control of it with TARTLE.

  • This episode delves into how TARTLE is revolutionizing the data landscape by empowering individuals and businesses through ethical data practices. We explore the power of zero-party data, its real-world applications, and TARTLE's unique platform for data collection and sharing.

    Key Points:

    Defining Zero-Party Data (ZPD) and First-Party Data (FPD):

    ZPD: Data intentionally and proactively shared by consumers

    FPD: Data collected directly from consumer interactions with a brand

    TARTLE's Unique Approach:

    Users can vault and share their data, including FPD from various brands, on TARTLE's secure platform.

    This creates a win-win: consumers have control and compensation, businesses get high-quality, consented data.

    Benefits for Brands and Consumers:

    Brands gain access to accurate, self-reported data directly from their target audience.

    Consumers are empowered to control their data and receive compensation for sharing it.

    Ethical Data Practices:

    TARTLE prioritizes consent-based sharing and uses blockchain technology for transparency and verification.

    Whole Person Profile and Segmentation:

    TARTLE enables granular segmentation, allowing businesses to precisely target their ideal customers.

    Real-World Applications:

    Healthcare: Enhanced patient engagement and improved outcomes.

    Finance: Improved risk assessment and financial inclusion.

    Marketing: Optimized ad spend and personalized campaigns.

    E-commerce: An alternative data provider for enhanced customer experiences.

    Integration Capabilities:

    TARTLE seamlessly integrates with AI tools and CRMs for versatile data utilization.

    Comparison with Traditional Methods:

    TARTLE offers a transparent and ethical alternative to traditional advertising platforms and data providers.


    ZPD empowers consumers to share their data intentionally.

    FPD provides valuable insights into brand interactions.

    TARTLE's data vault ensures secure and controlled data sharing.

    Unmatched data quality due to direct and consensual collection.

    Blockchain verification ensures transparency and trust.

    Granular segmentation enables precise targeting.

    Healthcare, finance, marketing, and e-commerce all benefit from TARTLE's approach.

    Call to Action:

    For more information or to partner with TARTLE:

    Visit: tartle.co/buyers

    Click: "Buy Data"

    Call: 833-243-3282

    About TARTLEcast:

    TARTLEcast is a tech and data podcast hosted by Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby. They discuss the latest trends in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Humanity, exploring the developments in digital transformation and innovation. They also interview experts in the field.

    Find out what your data is worth at https://tartle.co/

    Connect with TARTLE:

    Share our Facebook Page: https://go.tartle.co/fb

    Watch our Instagram: https://go.tartle.co/ig

    Hear us Tweet: https://go.tartle.co/tweet

  • In this episode of TARTLE University, special guest Travis Kellerman guides us through the essential skill of effective communication and understanding. Discover the power of dialogue as a tool for connection, growth, and collaboration.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Importance of Dialogue: Learn why genuine dialogue is crucial for building meaningful relationships, fostering understanding, and navigating complex issues.

    Active Listening: Uncover the art of active listening, including techniques for truly hearing and understanding others, beyond just waiting for your turn to speak.

    Empathy and Curiosity: Explore the role of empathy and curiosity in effective communication, and how these qualities can bridge gaps and create a safe space for open conversation.

    Overcoming Communication Barriers: Identify common communication barriers and gain practical tips for overcoming them, leading to more productive and fulfilling interactions.

    Tools for Effective Dialogue: Discover specific tools and techniques for facilitating meaningful conversations, resolving conflicts, and building stronger connections.

    Call to Action:

    Apply these valuable insights to your own communication practices and experience the transformative power of dialogue in your personal and professional life.

    Share this episode with friends, family, and colleagues who want to improve their communication skills.

    Additional Notes:

    This episode is part of the TARTLE University series, offering insights into the skills and technologies driving human progress.

    Travis Kellerman shares his expertise on the art of dialogue, providing valuable guidance for enhancing your communication skills.

    About TARTLEcast:

    Hosted by Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, TARTLEcast explores the intersection of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Humanity.

    The podcast features interviews with data scientists, thought leaders, and industry experts, offering a fearless examination of digital transformation and innovation.

    Find out what your data is worth at https://tartle.co/

    Connect with TARTLE:

    Share our Facebook Page: https://go.tartle.co/fb

    Watch our Instagram: https://go.tartle.co/ig

    Hear us Tweet: https://go.tartle.co/tweet

  • In this episode of TARTLE University, Travis Kellerman delves into the essential skill of listening in the context of meaningful dialogue.

    Key Takeaways:

    True Listening vs. Waiting to Speak: Discover how genuine listening involves a conscious intention to understand others, free from the urge to attack or respond prematurely. Listening as a Gift: Explore how listening serves both the speaker and the listener, fostering connection and deeper understanding. Creating Space for Expression: Learn the importance of allowing others to express themselves fully without interruption or judgment. Listening Challenges: Uncover the difficulties of listening in charged political environments and how it impacts decision-making. The Dangers of Extremes: Examine the pitfalls of both dismissive listening (Western neo-imperialism) and excessive empathy. Finding the Balance: Master the art of understanding without becoming overly attached to the emotions or experiences of others. Biological and Psychological Barriers: Understand the biological and psychological factors, such as the fight-or-flight response, that can hinder effective listening. Listening's Role in Evolution: Discover how listening has been crucial for learning, adaptation, and policy-making throughout human history.

    Why This Matters for TARTLE:

    Effective listening is the cornerstone of meaningful data exchange and interpretation in TARTLE's marketplace. By understanding the nuances of listening, users can better engage with and analyze the data they access, fostering richer dialogues and insights.

    Take Action:

    Ready to enhance your communication skills and become a more effective data interpreter? Visit tartle.co to learn more about the global personal data marketplace and how you can contribute to meaningful conversations through data.

    Join the Dialogue:

    What are your biggest challenges when it comes to listening? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below! https://tartle.co/university/

  • In this episode of Tartlecast, Dr. Christine Cassel, a physician specializing in geriatric medicine and bioethics, discusses the ethical considerations surrounding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. She emphasizes the importance of applying the fundamental principles of bioethics—respect, beneficence, and justice—to the development and implementation of AI systems. Dr. Cassel and her research partner, Dr. Ida Sim, recently published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine on this topic.

    Key Takeaways:

    The rapid advancement of AI in healthcare necessitates a proactive approach to ethical oversight.

    A national network of health AI ethics centers should be established to develop guidelines, coordinate implementation strategies, and monitor ethical practices.

    Real-time ethical oversight is crucial to address the evolving challenges posed by AI.

    Collaboration between healthcare organizations, tech companies, and government agencies is essential to ensure ethical AI practices.

    Patients and clinicians should be actively involved in the decision-making process to address individual needs and preferences.

    Chapter Summaries:

    00:00 Introduction and Background: Introduction of Dr. Christine Cassel and her background in geriatric medicine and bioethics. Discussion of her recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine on the ethics of AI in healthcare.

    06:36 The Importance of Ethics in AI: Explanation of bioethics and its relevance to healthcare decision-making. Discussion of ethical dilemmas in medicine and the need for ethical frameworks in AI development.

    14:19 The Ethics of Relational AI: Introduction of Dr. Ida Sim and her expertise in computer science and health AI. Discussion of the Belmont Report and its three principles: respect, beneficence, and justice.

    23:46 Establishing Ethical Calculus in AI: Exploration of the challenges in implementing ethical principles in AI, particularly in the context of large language models and generative AI. Discussion of the need for real-time ethical oversight and accountability frameworks.

    30:01 Moral Injury and Burnout in Healthcare: Definition of moral injury and its impact on healthcare professionals. Discussion of the potential for AI to contribute to moral injury and burnout. Emphasis on the importance of clinician well-being and trust in AI systems.

    44:02 Call to Action: Proactive Health AI Ethics Centers: Dr. Cassel's call for the creation of a national network of proactive health AI ethics centers. Discussion of the role of these centers in developing guidelines, coordinating implementation strategies, and monitoring ethical practices.

    48:49 Closing Remarks: Dr. Cassel's closing thoughts on the importance of bridging the divide between technology and ethics in healthcare. Emphasis on the need for collaboration and proactive measures to ensure ethical AI practices.

  • Topic: Dialogue and TARTLE University

    Guest: Travis Kellerman - Futurist, Impact Advisor, and TARTLE Advisor

    Key Points:

    Definition of Dialogue: A free exchange of ideas with the intention to solve a problem or reach a goal. Importance of Trust: Dialogue requires a state of trust and psychological safety. Freedom in Exchange: Respect and understanding are crucial for a free exchange of ideas. Removing Biases: Participants must strive to remove personal biases to engage in true dialogue. Meeting People Where They Are: Understanding the other person's context and experiences is essential. Dialogue as a Process: It's an ongoing journey that may take multiple conversations to establish trust. Internal Dialogue: Self-reflection and preparation are important before engaging in dialogue with others. Creating Sacred Space: Acknowledging the importance of dialogue and preparing mentally for it.


    Dialogue is distinct from debate or argument, focusing on discovery and problem-solving. True dialogue requires participants to see each other as human beings first, regardless of differences. Establishing trust and understanding is often the first goal in a dialogue process. Internal reflection and self-awareness are crucial precursors to effective dialogue with others. Even incomplete dialogue can be valuable in moving towards better understanding and problem-solving.

    Relevance to TARTLE: This episode explores the concept of dialogue, which is fundamental to TARTLE's mission of facilitating meaningful exchanges of information and ideas through its data marketplace. Understanding the principles of effective dialogue can help users of the TARTLE platform engage more productively with data and each other.

    Call-to-Action: Explore more about dialogue and its importance in data exchange by checking out other sections of TARTLE University. Visit tartle.co to learn how you can participate in the global personal data marketplace. https://tartle.co/university/

  • In this thought-provoking episode of TCAST, hosts Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby dissect the White House's recently published "Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights." They offer a critical analysis of the document's implications for data privacy, individual freedoms, and the future of AI regulation.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    Introduction to the AI Bill of Rights (0:00 - 5:00) Overview of the White House's 73-page document Initial reactions and concerns from the hosts Safe and Effective Systems (5:00 - 15:00) Critique of the government's approach to protecting citizens Discussion on who determines what is "safe" and "effective" Concerns about potential overreach and control Algorithmic Discrimination Protection (15:00 - 25:00) Analysis of the proposed protections against algorithmic bias Debate on whether top-down approaches truly serve diverse communities Exploration of unintended consequences in AI regulation Data Privacy and Individual Agency (25:00 - 35:00) Examination of proposed data privacy protections Discussion on the importance of individual choice and consent Critique of current data collection practices by both government and corporations TARTLE as an Alternative Solution (35:00 - 45:00) Introduction to TARTLE's user-centric approach to data ownership Explanation of how TARTLE's marketplace allows individuals to control and monetize their data Comparison of TARTLE's transparent system to proposed government regulations The Need for a Global Data Movement (45:00 - 55:00) Call for individuals to take control of their digital identities Discussion on the potential impact of widespread data ownership Exploration of how TARTLE could reshape the data economy Conclusion and Call-to-Action (55:00 - 60:00) Recap of key points and concerns about the AI Bill of Rights Encouragement for listeners to join TARTLE and participate in data ownership Final thoughts on the future of AI regulation and individual privacy

    Notable Quotes:

    "Who's protecting me? What if I choose, I should have the right to choose to have data that harms me." - Jason Rigby "The way this AI bill should read is that the systems need to be built from the bottom up." - Alexander McCaig "If you want something that actually does what it says, can you walk the walk and talk the talk, it's over here at TARTLE." - Alexander McCaig

    Resources Mentioned:

    White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights TARTLE.co website
  • In this episode of TCAST, a tech and data podcast hosted by Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby, the duo dives into the challenges faced by the healthcare industry in data collection and member engagement. They discuss how TARTLE's innovative platform can help hospitals, insurance companies, and research institutions overcome these hurdles, leading to improved patient outcomes and significant cost savings.

    Key points discussed:

    The importance of understanding the social determinants of health and the patient's story before they end up in the hospital

    The current inefficiencies in member engagement and data collection by healthcare organizations

    How TARTLE's platform can increase member engagement rates to 75-94%, potentially saving billions of dollars

    The benefits of ethically sourced, first-party data in gaining valuable member insights

    TARTLE as a "data health supplement" for healthcare organizations, cleaning up and categorizing their data

    The power of a bespoke, evolving data collection process tailored to each organization's needs

    Cost savings and incentives for both healthcare organizations and members through the TARTLE marketplace

    The wide reach of TARTLE across all 50 states and the potential for comprehensive data collection

    Key benefits of working with TARTLE, including record of exchange, first-party sourced data, comprehensive SDOH narrative, lifetime cohorts and retargeting, and more

    The importance of conscious capitalism in healthcare and how TARTLE enables organizations to prioritize human value and build long-term relationships with their members

    Alexander and Jason emphasize the transformative potential of TARTLE's platform in the healthcare industry, enabling organizations to collect valuable data ethically, engage with their members effectively, and ultimately drive better health outcomes while reducing costs.

    TCAST is a tech and data podcast, hosted by Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby. Together, they discuss the most exciting trends in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Humanity. It’s a fearless examination of the latest developments in digital transformation and innovation. The pair also interview data scientists, thought leaders, and industry experts. Pioneers in the skills and technologies we need for human progress. Explore our extensive TCAST selection at your pace, on your channel of choice. What's your data worth? Find out at ( https://tartle.co/ ) Share our Facebook Page | https://go.tartle.co/fb Watch our Instagram | https://go.tartle.co/ig Hear us Tweet | https://go.tartle.co/tweet

  • In the bustling world of technology and data, where the realms of artificial intelligence and humanity often intersect, there's a conversation that needs our immediate attention. It’s the story of Curtis Shuck, the founder of the Well Done Foundation, and his relentless mission to cap orphan wells across the United States. This enlightening tale was shared in an episode of TCAST, hosted by Alexander McCaig, CEO of TARTLE, highlighting the intersection of technology, data, and human progress.

    The Birth of a Mission

    Curtis' journey begins with an awakening—a stark realization amid Montana's breathtaking landscapes. Discovering abandoned orphan wells polluting the environment, Curtis saw a call to action. The Well Done Foundation's inception was fueled by a drive home filled with determination and a newfound purpose. For over 30 years, Curtis has dedicated his career to oil and energy-related project development, bringing a wealth of experience from both public service and the private sector to this vital cause.

    A Deep Dive into the Oil Business

    Understanding the oil business's intricacies is crucial to grasping this problem's magnitude. Curtis’ background, from working as a roustabout in Alaska to navigating oil production and distribution's complexities, provided the necessary insight to tackle this issue head-on. The industry's structure illustrates the journey of oil from ground to gas tank and the potential environmental impact at every turn.

    The Shift to Environmental Stewardship

    Transitioning from an oil industry veteran to an environmental steward was not just a career change; it was a personal evolution. Faced with the reality of orphan wells' environmental threats, Curtis saw an opportunity to right the wrongs of the past. By adopting wells and taking on the responsibility to cap them, the Well Done Foundation began its quest to heal the land.

    Embracing the Challenge

    Tackling the orphan well issue is no small feat. With over three million orphan wells in the U.S., each well presents its own unique challenges and stories. Curtis recognizes the importance of each well's history and its impact on the environment.

    The Power of Data and Community

    In the fight against orphan wells, data plays a crucial role. By measuring methane emissions before and after capping wells, the foundation not only proves the effectiveness of its efforts but also sheds light on the severity of the issue. This data-driven approach underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in environmental stewardship.

    Moreover, the foundation's work is a testament to the power of community and collective action. Through partnerships, donations, and the engagement of volunteers, each capped well represents a victory for the environment and humanity's capacity to come together for the greater good.

    A Call to Action

    The Well Done Foundation's journey from an eye-opening encounter in Montana to a nationwide crusade against orphan wells is a call to action. It reminds us that change starts with awareness, that each of us holds the power to make a difference, and that together, we can build a cleaner, more sustainable future.

    Visit the Well Done Foundation's website at https://welldonefoundation.org/ to learn more about their mission and how you can contribute to capping orphan wells. Your support can pave the way for a cleaner, safer environment for generations to come.

  • Welcome to Episode 386 of TCAST: Data Consent - Empowering Individuals with TARTLE

    In this insightful episode of TCAST, hosts Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby delve deep into the essence of data consent and its pivotal role in the modern digital landscape. Join us as we explore how TARTLE is pioneering the path towards a more ethical, transparent, and user-centric approach to data management.

    Episode Highlights:

    Understanding Data Consent: What does it mean for individuals in today's data-driven world? We break down the concept of informed consent and its significance.

    TARTLE’s Vision: Dive into how TARTLE champions the right of individuals to control their personal data, ensuring a foundation of privacy, autonomy, and human dignity.

    Transparent and User-Friendly Processes: Learn about the mechanisms TARTLE employs to make consent processes as transparent and understandable as possible, enabling individuals to make informed choices about their data.

    The Ongoing Process of Consent: Discover why consent is not a one-time action but a continuous dialogue between individuals and data collectors.

    Building a Trustworthy Data Ecosystem: A discussion on how respecting data consent can lead to a more responsible and beneficial data ecosystem for all stakeholders.

    Special Interviews: Hear from leading data scientists, thought leaders, and industry experts on the forefront of advocating for data consent and ethical data management practices.

    Your Data, Your Control: Find out how you can take control of your personal data with TARTLE and why understanding your data's worth is the first step towards a more secure and empowered digital identity.

    Engage with Us: We invite our listeners to share their thoughts and experiences with data consent. How do you feel about the control you have over your personal data? Let us know in the comments!

    Learn More and Take Action: Curious about your data's worth and how you can have a say in its use? Visit TARTLE to discover more and take control of your digital footprint.

    Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to TCAST for more episodes on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Humanity, and the technologies shaping our future.

    #DataConsent #TARTLE #DigitalPrivacy #DataProtection #InformedConsent #BigData #AI #Humanity #TechPodcast

  • Is Big Tech hoarding your data like Scrooge with his gold? Are algorithms playing puppet master with your life? Buckle up, because the TARTLE Data Commitment is CRASHING the scene with a radical plan to put YOU back in control of YOUR data!

    ** Consent, Ethics, Equality, Inclusion - these ain't just buzzwords, folks. TARTLE's got a four-pronged attack on tech's data dragon:**

    ** Take Back Your Power:** No more shady data deals! TARTLE gives you crystal-clear control over how your information is used. ⚖️ Justice for All: Ditch the biased algorithms! TARTLE champions data equality, ensuring everyone's voices are heard, not just the tech giants' chosen few. ** Everyone In:** No more data deserts! TARTLE bridges the digital divide, making sure everyone has access to the benefits of the data age. ️ Ethics Before Profits: Forget creepy surveillance! TARTLE prioritizes data privacy and ethical use, so your info stays safe and sound.

    But can TARTLE REALLY walk the walk? Is this just another Silicon Valley pipe dream? Dive into this video and decide for yourself! We'll dissect TARTLE's promises, expose the dark side of Big Tech's data game, and chart a course for a fairer, more ethical digital future.

    Join the data revolution! Share this video, smash that subscribe button, and let's make TARTLE's vision a reality!

    TCAST is a tech and data podcast, hosted by Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby. Together, they discuss the most exciting trends in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Humanity. It’s a fearless examination of the latest developments in digital transformation and innovation. The pair also interview data scientists, thought leaders, and industry experts. Pioneers in the skills and technologies we need for human progress. Explore our extensive TCAST selection at your pace, on your channel of choice.

    What's your data worth? Find out at ( https://tartle.co/ ) Share our Facebook Page | https://go.tartle.co/fb Watch our Instagram | https://go.tartle.co/ig Hear us Tweet | https://go.tartle.co/tweet

  • In this episode, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby delve into the TARTLE AI & Data Science Student Research Program, a venture designed to propel the tech frontier in data science and AI. They unravel how TARTLE, a global data sharing platform, is setting a new paradigm in data ownership and ethical practices. With insights from the program participants and a closer look at the TARTLE Ascend Initiative, they explore how the blend of theoretical and practical knowledge is fostering a synergy between academia and innovative data sharing technologies. Discover the eligibility, application process, and the transformative impact this program aims to achieve.

    To submit your application click here

    Connect with TCAST:

    Follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and wherever you get your podcasts. Stay updated with the latest trends in big data, AI, and humanity. Dive deep with TCAST.
  • In this eye-opening episode of TCAST, Alexander McCaig and Jason Rigby dive deep—literally—into the consequences of our insatiable thirst for groundwater. Can human activity really impact the tilt of the Earth's axis? The revelation that rampant groundwater pumping has led to measurable shifts in the planet's rotation is more than just groundbreaking—it's a testament to the scale of human influence on our planet. Join us as we explore how and why this is happening and what it means for our future.

    Show Notes:


    A quick recap of the article from Scientific American by Davide Castelvecchi. The astonishing fact: Earth has lost over 2 trillion tons of groundwater between 1993 and 2010.

    The Earth Wobbles

    Explanation of how the tilt of Earth's axis is generally stable. How significant shifts can occur when large masses relocate within and on the surface of the planet.

    A Deeper Dive with Ki-Weon Seo's Insights

    Discussing Seo's findings and his journey to understand the changes in Earth's water content. Unraveling the mystery: how groundwater was the missing piece in explaining the tilt.

    Gravitational Surveys & Their Revelations

    The link between irrigation practices, particularly in northwestern India and western North America, and depletion of underground reservoirs. How this depletion has contributed to global sea-level rise.

    Consequences & Future Implications

    Delving into the potential outcomes of the shift in Earth's axis. The direction of the shift: towards Russia’s Novaya Zemlya islands. Allegra LeGrande from NASA's take on the impact of this research.

    Closing Thoughts

    The broader theme: the undeniable impact of human activities on Earth. How data and technology can help us become more aware and perhaps find solutions.

    Upcoming on TCAST

    A sneak peek into future episodes and exciting guests.

    Recommendations & References:

    Rampant Groundwater Pumping Has Changed the Tilt of Earth’s Axis - Scientific American Research by Ki-Weon Seo, geophysicist at Seoul National University. Insights from Allegra LeGrande, a climate scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

    Connect with TCAST:

    Follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and wherever you get your podcasts. Stay updated with the latest trends in big data, AI, and humanity. Dive deep with TCAST.
  • In this enlightening episode of the Fat Pitch Podcast, hosts Clint Sorenson and Paul Barausky are joined by Alexander McCaig, the CEO of TARTLE. Alexander shares insightful perspectives about the transformative power of data, especially in the context of Artificial Intelligence and societal growth.

    The conversation revolves around the evolution of data and its role in today's digital age. Alexander highlights the shift from a coercive-based model where data was used to manipulate and control individuals, to a needs-based model where data serves as a medium for individuals to articulate their intentions, and for markets to cater to those needs.

    Through TARTLE's innovative technology, individuals can participate in a marketplace where their data can be leveraged as a form of payment, granting them access to various financial products and services. The discussion also touches upon the broader implications of data ownership, its potential to drive decentralization and democratization, and the role of data in addressing major societal issues like homelessness and mental health.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of data, AI, and how these elements are reshaping our world. Dive in now to learn more!

    Listen to the full episode here: https://bit.ly/3Oc8vre

  • In this insightful episode, we are honored to have Mel McShane, the Executive Director of Strategy at Siegel+Gale. With her strong leadership and rich experience of over two decades in Brand Strategy, Mel is passionate about how brands can be catalysts for significant economic and societal change. She enjoys working at the intersection of experience, business, and technology, and has been at the forefront of multiple global projects for key clients at Siegel+Gale.

    Throughout this engaging discussion, we delve deep into global brand strategies, gaining valuable insights from Mel's vast expertise and knowledge. We explore the complex dynamics of how global brands navigate the challenges of different markets and cultures, and how they harness technology to create powerful brand experiences that resonate with diverse audiences.

    Moreover, we examine the emerging trends and future directions of brand strategy in a world increasingly shaped by digital transformation and data-driven insights. From understanding consumer behavior to predicting market trends, we discuss how brands can effectively use data and technology to drive their strategy and create meaningful impact.

    This is an episode not to be missed if you're interested in learning more about global brand strategy, the power of brands, and the exciting potential of technology and data in shaping the future of branding.

    Join us for this enriching conversation on TCAST, your trusted source for fearless examinations of the latest developments in data, technology, and digital innovation. www.TARTLE.co

  • Exploring TARTLE, a global real-time human intelligence and analysis platform
    Discussing the importance of ethically sourced, encrypted first-party data for AI

    TARTLE: A Secure Global Marketplace for Data

    Offering tools for sourcing initial training sets and targeted real-person model feedback
    Providing visualization and analysis tools for intelligence-driven decisions in AI
    Understanding the peer-to-peer approach for unlocking zero and first-party data

    Comprehensive Consumer Profile Datasets for Machine Learning and AI

    Specializing in model training sets and feedback tailored to specific needs
    Harnessing a diverse range of datasets from globally distributed members
    Ensuring top-notch data harvesting and evaluation by humans
    Seamless API Integration for Quality Real-time Data

    Discussing TARTLE's D2C Infrastructure and Strategy for model training sets
    Exploring the availability of unique and newly created data sets, including photos, audio, video recordings, and texts

    State-of-the-art Data Encryption and Marketplace Technologies
    Ensuring ethical creation and extraction of bespoke training data for AI systems
    Protecting data integrity and privacy

    The Importance of Clean Data for Data Scientists

    Acknowledging the potential consequences of bad data, such as project shutdowns and AI bias
    Defining clean data as unbiased, error-free, and representative of the population
    Emphasizing the need for ethical data collection methods and best practices


    Reiterating the value of TARTLE's data-driven solutions for AI
    Encouraging the use of ethically sourced, secure, and comprehensive data for successful AI implementation

    For More Information Click Here

    TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.

    The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.

    TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO

  • In today's rapidly changing world, the importance of being a learning leader cannot be overstated. On a recent episode "How to be a Learning Leader" on the TCAST podcast, host Jason Rigby sat down with leadership expert Ryan Hawk to discuss the qualities and strategies necessary for becoming a successful learning leader.

    Ryan Hawk, the host of "The Learning Leader Show," began the conversation by sharing his definition of a learning leader. According to Hawk, a learning leader is someone who is committed to their own personal growth and development, and who encourages and enables others to do the same. This requires a deep sense of humility and vulnerability, as well as a willingness to take risks and learn from failure.

    So, how can leaders become better learners? Hawk shared several strategies, including building a personal board of advisors, seeking feedback regularly, and embracing failure as a necessary part of the learning process. He emphasized the importance of developing a growth mindset and a willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone in order to try new things and take risks.

    Hawk and Rigby also discussed the role of leadership in creating a learning culture within an organization. According to Hawk, this requires setting clear goals, providing ongoing feedback, and creating a safe space for experimentation and innovation. He shared examples of companies that have successfully implemented learning cultures, and the benefits they have seen as a result.

    Of course, creating a learning culture is not without its challenges. Resistance to change is a common obstacle that leaders may face when trying to introduce new ways of working and thinking. Hawk emphasized the importance of leading by example and being transparent about the reasons behind the changes, in order to build trust and gain buy-in from team members.

    In conclusion, being a learning leader is essential in today's fast-paced, ever-changing business landscape. By embracing a growth mindset, cultivating humility and vulnerability, and creating a learning culture within their organization, leaders can not only benefit their own personal growth, but also the growth and success of their team and organization as a whole.

    To learn more about Ryan Hawk and his work as a leadership expert and podcast host, check out "The Learning Leader Show" and his website, LearningLeader.com.

    TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.

    The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.

    TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO

  • In a world where industries are constantly being disrupted and new technologies are emerging at an unprecedented rate, it can be challenging for leaders to navigate their organizations through these changes. On a recent episode of the TCAST podcast, host Jason Rigby sat down with guest Michael Cirillo, a business consultant and host of "The Dealer Playbook" podcast, to discuss how leaders can navigate disruption and remain competitive in a rapidly changing industry.

    Cirillo began by sharing his personal experience navigating disruption as an entrepreneur in his personal life and also in the automotive industry. He emphasized the importance of staying on top of industry trends and being willing to pivot and adapt in response to new challenges and opportunities. This requires a willingness to experiment and take risks, and a deep commitment to ongoing learning and professional development.

    Rigby and Cirillo also discussed the role of leadership in creating a culture of innovation within an organization. According to Cirillo, this requires empowering team members to think creatively and take ownership of their work, as well as creating a safe space for experimentation and collaboration. He emphasized the importance of building a diverse team with a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, in order to encourage creativity and new ways of thinking.

    Of course, navigating disruption is not without its challenges. Cirillo shared his experience of facing resistance to change from team members who were resistant to new technologies and ways of working. He emphasized the importance of building trust and transparency with team members, and being willing to communicate openly and honestly about the reasons behind the changes.

    In conclusion, navigating disruption requires a deep commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, as well as a willingness to experiment and take risks. By empowering team members to think creatively and take ownership of their work, and by creating a culture of innovation and collaboration, leaders can help their organizations remain competitive in an ever-changing industry.

    To learn more about Michael Cirillo and his work as a business consultant and podcast host, check out "The Dealer Playbook". And for more great insights on leadership and personal growth, be sure to tune in to TCAST with host Jason Rigby.

    TCAST Live is an education, business, and technology video podcast that informs listeners and viewers on the best practices, theory, and technical functions of the TARTLE exchange system and how it is designed to serve society with the highest and best intentions.

    The show is hosted by Co-Founder & Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Co-Host CMO Jason Rigby.

    TARTLE is free to join, forever and can be accessed at WWW.TARTLE.CO