Imago Gei is a play on the term Imago Dei, which means made in the Image of God. Imago Gay is a gay podcast production affirming that we are all deserving of dignity. Gay church anyone? Spectrum Magazine, SDA Kinship along with Kendra Arsenault M.Div. have come together to bring you the latest on queer theology and a minority perspective on faith.
Imago Gay is the affirmation of our humanity and shared value in the eyes of God. This dignity and affirmation of human value, which is the birthright of every living and breathing human being is one that is often forgotten when affirming the dignity of LGBTQ lives. LGBTQ youth are four times as likely to commit suicide. LGBTQ youth also make up 40% of the homeless youth in America. Unfortunately, much of their suicidality and housing insecurity is caused by bad theology. Whether it’s parents who kick their children out of the home for coming out, or the depression that comes with believing that being queer means there is no future possibility of love, family and happiness and you’ve once dreamed. Bad theology is one that does not treat the other as Imago Dei, made in the image of God. So as a statement both to ourselves and to others, Imago Gei is a podcast that affirms that we are all made in the image of God, even the gays…. -
We investigate all things ritual through conversations with some of the most interesting individuals engaging with ritual today. Join host Tova Leibovic-Douglas on her mission to demystify ritual for the everyday person. Life moves fast. Ritual slows us down. You'll learn how this practice can help you mark moments in your life, big and small, while allowing you to connect more deeply to answers buried within us as human beings. Let's bring ritual into our lives for the way we live and work now. Together we can keep this meaningful practice alive.
Life is FUN! These are my explorations of the wonders of imagination.
We discuss the biggest questions: "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?" with scientists, celebrities, activists, writers and philosophers.The Sentientism worldview is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings." It's a simple, yet radical, philosophy that's grounded in reality (naturalistic epistemology) and has compassion for all sentient beings (mostly human and non-human animals). Naturalism & sentiocentrism combined.Find out more at or join a group: Also on YouTube!
Reformātu Pārdaugavas draudzes svētdienas dievkalpojumu svētrunu ieraksti
Welcome to The Science of Philosophy where we evaluate philosophic ideas scientifically. Nearly every philosopher throughout history makes claims about the world which trespass overtly into the realm of science. But we know that if we want to arrive at the truth, just thinking about it or scraping together a few biased anecdotes is utterly inadequate in getting there. Therefore, if philosophy is ever going to be more than the mere asking of questions, which art often does better anyway, it has to integrate science into itself. That is the spirit with which this podcast will embark. Each episode we'll go through the philosophy of an idea or a particular thinker and see what the relevant scientific research has to say about it. Some ideas will be proven correct, some will remain ambiguous, and some will be flat out wrong. If this sounds like something that could be valuable to you, feel free to listen and subscribe. Tarek Zaher is a PhD student studying political philosophy. You can find him on twitter @Zaher_Tarek.
Josiah Venture is a non-profit mission organization that equips young leaders in Central and Eastern Europe to fulfill Christ's commission through the local church. We want to see passionate followers of Jesus Christ with a vision to reach and disciple their generation for him. This podcast is about sharing life-changing stories from on-the-ground missionaries and the local people they work with to inspire and fuel the movement of God in Central and Eastern Europe.
We are a church for the city that exists to cultivate missional followers of Jesus. We do this as a group of ordinary, flawed people who are deeply committed to truth, creativity, and justice, and missional community. Our core value of truth requires us to talk about hard issues that actually affect the people of charlotte on a daily basis. Our weekly talk series is based on real experiences, real people, and real truth. Go ahead, ask us. We'll probably give you an answer you didn't expect.
Ja negribi, lai Jēzus ir tikai garīgās labsajūtas patēriņa produkts, bet dzīves centrs, kas veido tavu identitāti un dzīves misiju, tad domāsim un meklēsim ceļu kopā. Dzimumam, vecumam un sociālajam stāvoklim nav nozīmes. Visu izsaka sirds plašums! Pievienojies!
Tev varētu būt pa ceļam ar BGI MISSIO podkāstu, ja arī tevi saista kāds no mūsu 3 stūrakmeņiem.
1. Tendences pasaulē. Mēs runājam ar zinošiem cilvēkiem par notikumiem pasaulē, to kopsakarībām un tendencēm. Par to, kā tas ietekmē evaņģēlija darbu dažādās zemēs.
2. Evaņģēlija būtība. Mēs sarunājamies ar garīgajiem līderiem par Jēzus evaņģēlija saturu un dabu. Kāpēc 21. gs. joprojām evaņģēlijs ir būtisks un ar iespaidu mūsdienu cilvēka pieredzē!
3. Mācekļa sūtība. Mēs dzīvojam patēriņa un labklājības kultūrā. Kā piedzīvot un īstenot Jēzus mācekļa sūtību, kas sevī ietver daudz lielāku fokusu uz Jēzus misiju.
Kāpēc tāds nosaukums podkāstam?
MISSIO[ lat. missio - 'sūtīt']
Kā Tēvs mani ir sūtījis, tā arī es jūs sūtu! Tie bija vieni no pirmajiem Jēzus vārdiem macekļiem pēc viņa augšāmcelšanās
Kas ir BGI?
Es, Pēteris Eisāns, esmu 2014. gadā dibinātās biedrības "Baltijas Globālā Iniciatīva" (BGI) vadītājs. Kopš 2014. gada labdarības akcijā kara bēgļu un krīzēs nonākušajiem pasaules bērniem esam sarūpējuši vairāk nekā 22 000 dāvaniņas. Esam organizējuši trīs vasaras pēc kārtas vasaras nometnes bērniem un pusaudžiem Gruzijas bēgļu nometnēs. Vairāk nekā 100 brīvprātīgos esam sūtījuši dažādos starptautiskos projektos. Mēs koordinējām kājas protēžu projektu Sīrijas pilsoņu kara bēgļiem Jordānijā. Mēs esam atbalstījuši pārtikas projektus Libānā, Indijā, Nigērā. Mēs atbalstījām ūdens projektu koptu martīru ciemos Ēģiptē. Mēs arī mobilizējām palīdzību Afganistānas kristiešiem pagrīdes draudzēs. Mēs nerunājam par plašāku dzīves un ticības apvārsni vien. Mēs rīkojamies. Mēs tajā dzīvojam. -
This message was recorded live at chooselife CHURCH in Hobbs, NM. For more information about Pastor Charity Kalstrup and the ministries of Pastors Dean & Kathy Shropshire, visit
chooselife CHURCH App: -
Svētrunas Rīgas Mateja baptistu draudzē.
Mācītāji: Ainars Baštiks, Matīss Babrovskis -
Es runāšu par Tavām liecībām ķēniņu priekšā un nepalikšu kaunā
AMEN is a rich time of Bible study and fellowship that equips men to be the husbands, fathers, and leaders they are meant to be.
In the vicious cycle of self-help, self-righteousness, and self-loathing, we become a slave to the pursuit of perfection. Through Christ’s own perfection, he has set us free. This is a podcast about the freedom that comes through dependence in Christ, and understanding the depth of his love.
The Practical Prophetic is a podcast to learn how to apply biblical, prophetic principles in everyday life with host, Beth Wingate. Episodes include current events, the prophetic in history, interviews and prophetic teaching.
Please consider supporting this podcast with as little as your spare change through Patreon.
All proceeds will fund the podcast.
Thank you. -
TELOS ir intelektuālas ievirzes polemiski izglītojošs tīmekļa žurnāls, kurš apvieno Latvijas konservatīvos domātājus. Šajā “Sarunu” aplādē mēs pētīsim dažādus jautājumus, izšķirsim un definēsim svarīgus jēdzienus, mēģināsim atdalīt patiesus spriedumus no maldiem un atgādināsim par Rietumu intelektuālo mantojumu.
Saziņai: [email protected] -
👍🏻Ответы на вопросы и духовная помощь на простом языке.
☦️ Священник Антоний Русакевич
⏰Онлайн общение ВТ, СР, ВС 20:00 во всех соцсетях. -
Richland WA’s TOP church is so excited that you can join in on our church services! Our schedule is Sunday morning preachings and Wednesday night bible studies. We pray that you are blessed and encouraged by the messages.
Sometimes, we just need to breathe. To let go of the turmoil in our souls and reconnect with the Source of life—Jesus. The Breathing God Podcast is a place where you can do just that. It's a safe place for you to slow down and breathe so that you can encounter the presence of God.
Join best-selling devotional author, Gretchen Rodriguez, each week as she shares encouragement from the heart of God that will help you grow in your intimacy with Jesus so that you can live in the peace and joy that defies circumstances. -
Revīzija prātā un sirdī. Sarunas par dzīvi, vērtībām, ģimeni, ticību un Dievu.