The show's parent organization, Ground Game Texas, is at the forefront of marijuana decriminalization efforts in Austin. On that topic, we've tapped two of the issue's most knowledgeable and prominent activists in the Texas Legislature: Senator Roland Gutierrez and Houston's own Representative Penny Shaw. What are the moral, legal and fiscal benefits of legalizing marijuana in Texas, and why has our state been so slow in following states like Colorado, California and dozens more in correcting a grave injustice and harnessing billions in tax revenue? Great insight - and reason for hope - on this week's show.
Mike and Julie receive an official statement from presumptive Democratic candidate for Texas Governor Beto O'Rourke on his vision for advancing healthcare in the Lone Star State, and we're proud to welcome Senator Nathan Johnson of Dallas, who has spearheaded the progressive effort towards common sense healthcare policy in the Lege.
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Julie Oliver has an in-depth conversation with former Texas State Senator and U.S. Congressional candidate and reproductive rights icon Wendy Davis on her time as an active fighter for abortion rights, the impact of SB8, and what the future might hold. And Mike talks with his dear mom Anne Butterfield Weills, a longtime civil rights and equality activist in her own right, on her own abortion experience and valuable perspective.
Texas - especially the Houston area - is ground zero for the petrochemical industry, and Harris County is also the epicenter of the early impacts of climate change upon our state. What can and should be done to mitigate the incoming impacts of climate change as well as ongoing efforts to minimize those effects? We speak with Zenen Jaimes Perez of MOVE Texas and Dr. Michael Webber, one of our state's foremost environmental minds. Enjoy, thanks for listening, and thanks for your support!
Welcome to the debut episode of Texas From The Ground Up! Two true Texas progressive powerhouse players do us the honor of getting our new show started: Representative Jasmine Crockett of Dallas relates the surprisingly crazy environment she had to navigate as a freshman lawmaker, including the bolting to D.C. by the Democratic delegation. Mimi Marziani sheds light on exactly how dangerous new voting access restrictions in Texas are, and why we must all continue to resist. And, former Harris County Clerk Chris Collins, who helped engineer one of the biggest voter turnouts ever in the Houston area last year. Enjoy, thanks for listening, and thanks for your support!