
  • In our final episode of this season, we discuss a broad range of topics from succeeding on Twitter, understanding how experience impacts our careers and how to leverage instinct.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Podcast https://thats-the-job.captivate.fm/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoobSPKTPGviy41A6vBc6w

  • This week Rich and Craig talk about trends and how they both serve and hinder the design industry.

    Inevitably, they finally mention coronavirus (with a design twist).


    0:01 - Trends.

    6:19 - 10% new.

    8:42 - The desperate need to be original.

    12:49 - It's good enough and learning when to stop.

    15:02 - Branding is now iterative.

    19:14 - Where we finally talk about coronavirus (in a design context).

    24:08 - The design and culture of a crisis.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Podcast https://thats-the-job.captivate.fm/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoobSPKTPGviy41A6vBc6w

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  • We decided to go off-script this week and covered a variety of subjects such as promotion, how to find the next thing, design secrets and selling and talking about design.

    0:16 - A British sense of promotion.

    5:51 - Becoming known for being known.

    9:19 - What’s the next thing?

    12:36 - Spend time to improve your craft before you promote yourself

    18:55 - There are no secrets.

    30:12 - How we sell and talk about design.


    Web: https://getdoingthings.com/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    Podcast: https://getdoingthings.com/podcast

    Buy Extreme Production: https://getdoingthings.com/extreme-production-book

  • A few weeks ago we covered how to get started as a freelancer. This week we’re returning to the topic.

    00:11 - Qualifying a lead

    02:06 - Explain what they’re getting.

    04:55 - Saying no to things (red flags).

    10:01 - Setting expectations with clients.

    14:23 - Red flags. Part Two.

    16:43 - Writing proposals and winning work.

    24:31 - Explain your design work to a client.

    27:09 - Getting things wrong.

    30:34 - Red flags. Part three.

    31:11 - Do you get nervous when you present work?

    37:34 - Don't send angry emails.

    44:30 - Stepping away from projects.

    49:57 - The one piece of advice for getting started as a freelancer.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Podcast https://thats-the-job.captivate.fm/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoobSPKTPGviy41A6vBc6w

  • This week Rich and Craig are joined by Adam Sandler (no, not that one) to discuss creative process.

    Where to find Adam Sandler online

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotTheFamous0ne

    Web: http://asgd.co/

    0:54 - Intro to Adam Sandler (no, not THAT one).

    1:50 - The pressure to productise.

    6:05 - Designing for fun or for money?

    9:33 - Providing your design work for free to promote yourself. 

    12:26 - Making design for in your style for clients.

    14:10 - To Adam: what's the aspiration for your work?

    16:46 - How close to getting Tame Impala are you?

    18:01 - How much does nostalgia feature in your work?

    21:12 - The line between design and art

    25:41 - How restraint boosts ideas.

    27:12 - How to improve your creative process.

    31:13 - Helping other designers

    33:29 - Becoming an "authority".

    36:33 - Do follower numbers matter?

    41:37 - Social is easier to achieve than getting featured in magazines.

    44:54 - Can you be an artist and a designer?

    50:37 - Creating a challenge to help you improve as a designer.

    52:15 - Adam Sandler creates a piece of 180 second art. Live.

  • Richard and Craig discuss how to start out as a freelancer.


    0:43 - The fundamentals of starting out as a freelancer

    1:50 - Craig's experience of starting out as a freelancer

    3:33 - The freelancer business basics.

    6:10 - Feast or famine: how to deal with it as a freelancer

    8:14 - Build a recurring income as soon as you can.

    10:14 - How can you provide a retainer?

    12:47 - Keep in touch with previous clients.

    13:18 - Maintain the quality of your product with retainers.

    16:04 - Producing passive income.

    18:10 - Producing passive income by selling assets.

    22:25 - Legitimate alternatives to Adobe Creative Cloud.

    23:02 - Say yes more.

    31:32 - Before you start: network and build connections where you can.

    33:38 - How Richard got started with promotion.

    35:00 - Likes don't mean clients.

    38:33 - Deposits. Deposits. Deposits.

    43:54 - Setting up contracts and terms of business.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Podcast https://thats-the-job.captivate.fm/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoobSPKTPGviy41A6vBc6w

  • Richard and Craig dig deeper into promotion as a designer. And: does having 150,000 subscribers on Instagram make you money?

    0:33 - Profile vs Capital.

    2:56 - Promoting yourself in 2020 is hard.

    5:48 - People who have built profiles might not be making money.

    6:45 - Promotion. It’s got to be about the work.

    11:54 - Can you teach ideas?

    13:59 - Read widely to help you have better conversations.

    20:22 - There's levels to promotion.

    21:36 - There's no rush.

    25:13 - Try lots of different stuff.

    27:39 - Putting yourself out in public is a hard first step.

    32:45 - Your work is still valuable with no likes

    33:48 - Use other designers as a catalyst

    35:04 - Is there money in having a big social following?

    41:28 - Having a blog as a designer

    42:40 - Catalogue your interests

    44:06 - Try new things.

    46:30 - Promotion is now a necessity.

    51:22 - Create your own TV channel.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Podcast https://thats-the-job.captivate.fm/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoobSPKTPGviy41A6vBc6w

  • How do you promote yourself as a designer? There's lots of ways.

    This week we talk about promotion. Richard discusses his experiences with BP&O and Logo Archive, and Craig talks about his experience with lots of side projects.


    1:04 - Getting comfortable with promoting yourself. Or not.

    3:55 - Different parts of your personality aren’t exclusive.

    6:38 - Design is an opportunity to learn.

    7:15 - Finding your niche as a designer. Or not.

    8:42 - Making that 10% difference.

    10:09 - Becoming known for being a specialist.

    12:13 - Self-promotion.

    13:54 - The Design Press.

    15:10 - Finding your own way with marketing.

    19:35 - Promotion: you’re competing with everybody, not just designers.

    21:00 - Cut through the noise.

    21:46 - Clients want to know who you are, not just your results.

    27:17 - A better way to promote yourself.

    28:35 - Interaction is networking.

    33:50 - How to outreach to design studios.

    34:48 - A tip on self-promotion.

    35:36 - Don't make it about you.

    36:19 - Side projects can help build your career.

    37:56 - Look to your own style to promote yourself.

    40:18 - There's always value to a side project.

    43:53 - Take on lots of side projects and try stuff out.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Podcast https://thats-the-job.captivate.fm/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

  • Rich Baird and Craig Burgess discuss the realities and practicalities of working as a designer.

    Our first two episodes are dedicated to pricing, money, and finding your way as a freelancer and an agency.


    1:22 - Winning awards. 

    7:02 - Survival is more important than anything. Part two. 

    8:34 - The reality of graphic design. 

    16:37 - To make money, you’ll need to speed up. 

    20:08 - An employed designer needs to understand this. 

    23:31 - Has Fiverr lowered the value of design? 

    27:35 - We’re all in it together. 

    28:36 - How can you elevate your value as a designer? 

    30:52 - The inflation of job titles. 

    33:35 - It takes 15 years to design simple stuff. 

    35:50 - The uncomfortable relationship with “value”. 

    38:13 - When do you decide to raise your prices? 

    39:54 - Time and money. 

    41:35 - Do you charge different clients the same amount of money for the same job? 

    46:12 - The morals of pricing. 

    48:50 - Think for yourself. 

    49:29 - How much should I charge for my work? 

    54:44 - You don’t need to conform. 

    59:26 - Algorithmic governance. 

    1:00:40 - It’s all about doing what you like and love.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoobSPKTPGviy41A6vBc6w

  • Rich Baird and Craig Burgess discuss the realities and practicalities of working as a designer.

    Our first two episodes are dedicated to pricing, money, and finding your way as a freelancer and an agency.

    This is part 1 of 2.


    1:09 - What is That's The Job?

    8:56 - Dealing with external freelancers.

    13:10 - Marking up on freelancers as an agency.

    19:03 - Running an agency in Barnsley.

    23:59 - Developing (and finding) staff in an agency.

    27:07 - When to hire staff.

    28:50 - Hire somebody to help.

    30:47 - Making the jump.

    34:36 - Occasions of neccesity.

    36:38 - Survival is more important than anything.

    38:44 - It's always an accident.

    40:02 - Don't look at success as unreachable.

    41:26 - Followers does not equal credibility.

    44:30 - Winning awards.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoobSPKTPGviy41A6vBc6w

  • Rich Baird and Craig Burgess discuss the realities and practicalities of working as a designer.


    That's The Job

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thats_the_job_/

    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/thats_the_job_/

    Rich Baird

    Web: https://bpando.org/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/RichBaird

    BP&O Twitter: https://twitter.com/bpandopinion

    BP&O Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bpandopinion/

    Logo Archive Twitter: https://twitter.com/logoarchive

    Logo Archive Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/logoarchive/

    Buy Logo Archive issues: https://logoarchive.bigcartel.com/

    Craig Burgess

    Web: https://getdoingthings.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/craigburgess

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craigburgess

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBoobSPKTPGviy41A6vBc6w