
  • Confidence Hack #101: The majority of people think ‘connecting’ is about the initial connection. Most people are wrong.
    Ask yourself the question – how many people have you met that you didn’t end up staying connected to? You forgot to follow up or you just didn’t know how to cultivate the relationship? 
    In today’s episode, I am going to share with you the three fail-proof ways to cultivate a connection and turn the connection into a lifelong relationship!
    1. Set a rhythm for reaching out.
    2. How can you serve this person?
    3. Creating connecting opportunities for the person you connected with.
    Check out today’s to gain confidence in knowing that you are able to cultivate every new connection from here on out! And where most people drop the ball, you score a connection touchdown!
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  • Confidence Hack #100: Email can work at scale!
    Have you heard ‘email is dead?’ Well, that’s partially true. It’s dead if you don’t know how to correctly write an email. But if you do know how, then it’s an asset you can utilize when others are swinging and missing.
    Here is how not to write a connecting email.
     1. Make it a novel. Shorter and to the point is better.
    2. Run-on sentences and bad grammar. Whether you like it or not, you are being judged by the recipient of the email
    3. Making an ask in the first email.
    4. Insinuating that you want the recipient's time. Asking ‘can I pick your brain’ is a surefire way to not receive an email reply.
    Here is how to write the perfect connecting email:
    1. Edify the person you are writing the email to. Why do you admire them? Point out something specific they do that is impactful to you.
    2. Keep the email no longer than 3 small sections (a section is 2 sentences). Always make sure there is a space after each section. Also, make sure the spacing is equal, the font is the same, and the font size is the same.
    3. Briefly state what you do but in a very humble, grateful way.
    4. Finish the email by letting the recipient know that you are there to serve them if there is anything you can ever do to help. Not ask, an offer for free service.
    Gain confidence today knowing that you are an extension of the email you write! And through the perfect email, you can connect with anyone!
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  • Confidence Hack #99: Have you ever wondered about the actual average time the most successful people in the world wake up?
    Rise and Grind. I’m sure you have heard it before. But have you ever wondered about the actual average time the most successful people in the world wake up?
    Look at some of the most successful people in the world’s morning rise time.
    Warren Buffet: 6:45am
    Jeff Bezos: 5:00am
    Mark Zuckerberg: 8:00am
    Elon Musk: 7:00am 
    Oprah Winfrey: 6:00am
    Of the 21 most successful people in the world surveyed (all billionaires), the average amount of sleep was just shy of 6 ½ hours. And the average time they woke up was… 6:01am.
    Gain confidence today knowing that 6:01am can be the time you wake up to take on the world, but also gain confidence knowing that all the uber-successful people that you and I look up to have the same amount of time in the day as you do.
    🔥 Ready to unleash your inner confidence and leadership potential? Share this show with your loved ones! It’s the ultimate way to spread knowledge and empower others to grow into the most CONFIDENT LEADERS imaginable! Don’t forget to leave us a glowing 5-star review—it fuels our mission to uplift and inspire!
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  • Confidence Hack #98: We are often told, ‘negative thoughts are a bad thing. Don’t think negative thoughts.’
    That’s precisely the opposite of what you want to do. If you don’t allow yourself to think negative thoughts, your body will suppress the thoughts, and ultimately, it will lead to a downhill spiral of increased stress, anxiety, and depression.
    Research has shown that our brain is hardwired for negative thinking. 
    Here are 3 ways you can embrace your negative thoughts today and live a more positive, fulfilling life tomorrow. 

    Write out how you are feeling—write out on a piece of paper or in your journal all of your current negative thoughts, your thoughts about others and yourself. This is a subconscious way of ‘throwing out the trash.’ 

    Talk to someone about your negative thoughts—a good friend, a parent, your spouse, someone who will not judge you. 

    After you have written and talked about your negative thoughts, replace them with a positive one. What is the ‘swap’ you can make? Ex: You work with a narcissist in your job and then suck the energy out of your day. Swap the time you give to the narcissist to the people who you do love being around. No one can steal your mental energy unless you open the door and allow them to. 

    Gain confidence today, knowing that embracing negative thoughts is actually a good thing! Acknowledging your negative thoughts will only lead to a much more positive life!
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  • Confidence Hack #97: Is there anything worse than making a cold call?
    You know it will be painful, and you have been putting it off for months. Today is the day. 
    When the mind is able to release something that it has been holding onto—a strained relationship, a tedious task that needs to be taken care of, or even a cold call that needs to be made—the release will free the mind of ‘what-if’ thinking and ultimately lower stress and anxiety levels.
    The confidence comes from the peace of knowing that the burden is off your chest and you can free yourself of the stress build-up.
    Who is someone that you’ve been putting off calling? 
    Is there someone you need to ask for forgiveness?
    Have you not made any sales because you are trying to avoid making a cold call? 
    Today’s confidence boost comes from picking up the phone and making a tough call. Trust me, you will be thankful you did!
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  • Confidence Hack # 96: Most people let life happen to them.
    Life without a plan for success is planning a life void of success. Do you go to the island without a map and just ‘wing it?’ No, of course not.
    Gain confidence today, knowing that if you are tired of letting life ‘happen to you,’ you can take control of your future. Create your ‘strategic action plan’ today and start creating your life by design!
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  • Confidence Hack #95: Comparison is the thief in the night who robs you of your joy for tomorrow.
    Facts: there is someone you wish you could be more like. Someone you see on social media who appears to have it all together, success comes easy for them, they have the best marriage, their kids never misbehave, and they are living the ‘dream life.’
    Facts: You have no idea what is going on behind the curtains in that person’s life. The edited highlight of a tiny snapshot of a moment in their life, likely ‘based on true events,’ is what you see, but it is far from the truth. There is the strained marriage, the kids who rebel, the family member who is sick, the stress and anxiety of maintaining an image, and many more.
    But there is someone you should compare yourself to—you from yesterday. Research shows that when people focus on their own personal improvement, they experience a greater sense of intrinsic motivation, which leads to increased success. This approach also helps people develop a long-term growth mindset.
    The confidence boost today comes from comparing yourself to your best comparison partner, you from yesterday. Of course, you don’t have to see drastic improvement every day, but if you continue to take steps forward with a growth mindset, you will see great personal growth.
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  • Confidence Hack #94: But what if I also told you, according to a BBC study, 40% of self-made millionaires are dyslexic?
    Dyslexia is a learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Children who possess this quote-on-quote’ flaw’ often will be ridiculed throughout their childhood.
    People with dyslexia score far higher on people skills aptitude tests than those who are not dyslexic.
    Is dyslexia actually a learning disability? I would attest it isn’t. 
    Richard Branson, Tom Cruise, Muhammad Ali, Albert Einstein, and Pablo Piccaso probably would attest it isn’t as well. Dyslexia is often ostracized through the word disability and can lower confidence through a ruling the public school system haphazardly put into place in the 1970s based on a discrepancy in standardized testing.
    Gain confidence today knowing that if you are dyslexic, or if you have an impairment of any kind (most of us do), it doesn’t have to be seen as a societal or learning detriment, it can actually be a superpower!
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  • Confidence Hack #93: What if we already use 100% of our brains?
    Humans only use 10% of their brains. Have you heard that before? Sure you have. What if we could tap into the unused 90%?
    This concept is portrayed in the movie Limitless, where Bradley Cooper takes a pill that allows him to access all 100% of his brain.
    So, how can we access the 90% of unaccessed neurons and glial cells? Well, spoiler alert: We already are.
    Neurologists have found that humans use virtually every part of the brain and that (most of) the brain is active almost all the time. Instead of telling yourself the story that you aren’t smart enough and that only if you could access all of your brain would you reach your full potential.
    Know that you can live to your full potential right now!
    Gain confidence today knowing that you are using all of your beautiful brain and can accelerate it when you need to!
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  • Confidence Hack #92: No evidence supports that listening to classical music as a baby makes you smarter.
    A paper published in Nature in 1993 introduced the “Mozart Effect” to the masses. Psychologist Frances Rauscher performed a study involving 36 college kids. They listened to either 10 minutes of a Mozart sonata in D-major (a very relaxing track) or silence before performing several spatial reasoning tasks. 
    In one test (emphasis on one test), students who listened to Mozart significantly improved their performance (by about eight to nine IQ points).
    The rest is history. 
    Word spread that listening to Mozart’s music would increase one’s IQ, and the “Mozart Effect” phenomenon was born. Literally, from birth, parents played sonatas with their babies in hopes they would gain brain power through the effect. 
    As the myth grew, so did a 100-plus-million-dollar industry centered around Mozart’s music for babies. But it turns out that it is a fallacy. 
    There is no IQ increase by listening to Mozart.
    You can gain confidence today knowing that if you missed out on the Mozart tracks while sleeping in your crib, don’t worry; it didn’t affect your knowledge. 
    And a double gain of confidence today knowing that most ‘hot movements’ are just that. When something seems too good to be true, it usually is. 
    And why don’t we keep going- a triple gain of confidence today in picking up an instrument and playing it!
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  • Confidence Hack #91: Humans fear what they don’t know.
    “Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.”
    Dumbledore (of Harry Potter)
    The brain constantly tries to predict what will happen next to prepare the body and mind as effectively as possible. Uncertain situations are fearful, as the brain doesn’t have the opportunity to prepare.
    Like in the famed movie Harry Potter, not saying Voldemort’s name gave him more power over Harry. The fear of the name itself increases the fear.
    But when we name our giants (the things that hold us back in debilitating fear), we humanize the unknown and lessen our anxiety.
    What is a giant in your life currently? An addiction? A narcissistic coworker? A health situation that won’t seem to pass? A fear that the bills won’t get paid?
    Give all of these ‘giants’ names:
    Addiction - I’ll name you ‘No Longer.’
    A narcissistic coworker - I’ll name you ‘Goofball.’
    A health situation that won’t seem to pass- I’ll name you ‘Healer.’
    A fear that the bills won’t get paid - I’ll name you ‘Grand Future.’
    Fear, in general, takes place through the mechanism of unconscious thought. Therefore, the solution is to bring conscious awareness into the equation.
    Gain confidence today, knowing that when you name your giants (your fears), they aren’t as scary as you once thought.
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  • Confidence Hack #90: There are only three levels of life: Momentum, Plateau, and Avalanche.
    Ask yourself, ‘Do you feel excited when you wake up to take on the day and what it has ahead?’
    If your answer is yes, then you are in the momentum phase. That’s great; keep going! If your answer is no, then ask yourself the question: Does it feel like you are stuck or like you literally can’t get out of bed?
    If your answer is stuck, you are at the plateau level. If your answer was ‘I can’t get out of bed,’ then you are in the avalanche phase.
    Gain confidence today in understanding the three levels of life and how to proceed in each of the three. 
    Momentum - keep building and keep stacking
    Plateau - where can you evenly swap out bad for good
    Avalanche - one thing, just one thing to hold on for solid ground
    You will be at each one of these levels throughout your life, more than likely you will be at each more than once. Know that they will all pass, the good and the bad. But enjoy the ride, even when it feels bleak.
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  • Confidence Hack #89: A Story of love and confidence.
    In this captivating episode, discover the stark difference between shopping for men and women, where one sees it as a necessity and the other as a luxury. Follow the heartwarming journey of a man determined to uplift his wife’s spirits despite financial struggles. With bills mounting and diapers aplenty, he gives his wife something special, igniting a transformation in their lives.
    Join us as we delve into the poignant tale of a husband’s unwavering love and his wife’s newfound confidence. From a modest shopping trip to an extravagant purchase that defied their budget, witness how a simple gesture of elegance transcended materiality.
    Learn how this act of kindness not only adorned his wife with a dazzling jacket but also instilled within her a lasting sense of self-worth and beauty. As their story unfolds, explore the profound impact of believing in oneself and investing in moments that signify inner worth.
    Tune in to uncover the inspiring narrative of love, sacrifice, and the enduring power of confidence. Discover how a single act of generosity paved the way for a brighter future and a billion-dollar legacy. Join us as we celebrate the beauty within, one heartfelt gift at a time.
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  • Confidence Hack #88: Here’s why tipping 21% can change your life...
    Let me know if you have felt this before—you walk into a bakery and purchase a donut. It’s not a significant action, and there’s not much labor on the part of the donut provider. It’s simple. Now, you go to swipe your credit card, and the options read to read a tip: 20%, 25%, or more.
    It’s a scam. 
    Maybe. By the credit card provider or the transaction company, probably so. But not by the donut provider.
    In a 2023 survey done by Bankrate, 66% of Americans admitted to having a negative view of tipping. Because they don’t want to part with the money?
    I don’t think so.
    The average tip is 20%. 44% of Americans who were surveyed who dine at sit-down restaurants tip 20%. 
    Now, let’s assume the waiter or waitress does a fantastic job. Tip them 21%.
    Here’s why: It will boost their confidence that they are doing a great job and make them feel more valued and worthy. 
    It will also boost your confidence. The power of giving in a more significant amount than one would typically give has been shown to boost self-esteem and confidence. 
    Double win: it also boosts your confidence that you are not beholden to money as your controller.
    It might feel a little uncomfortable at first to give above and beyond, even just 1%. But that 1% can be the difference between your confidence and the confidence of the server beyond that meal they are serving to you that evening.
    Hey! If you love this show, share it with family and friends! It’s the best way to help get this info into the hands of people who want to grow and become the most CONFIDENT LEADERS they can be! And please throw us a 5-star review!
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  • Confidence Hack #87: You have a choice to make—you can either be a bystander or an upstander.
    Recent studies have shown that 46% of kids aged 12-18 have experienced bullying. 31% of adults have felt bullied in their adult life. An upstander is someone who stands up for others when they are witnessing them being bullied.
    If you are being bullied or know of someone who is, the first step is to create your team of Avengers. And don’t wait to see if the bullying stops on its own. Once the power control is given up, it’s hard to regain it, and it usually only worsens.
    I’m not saying you have to fight crime in Gotham like Batman, but if you see someone yelling at the clerk behind the grocery checkout just because they have had a bad day and need to take it out on someone, stand up for them.
    You don’t have to seek out fighting bullies but stand up when they come into your life. Today’s confidence boost comes from finding your Avengers team to take on the bigger bullies and taking a stance for the small bullying you see happening to others daily.
    Hey! If you love this show, share it with family and friends! It’s the best way to help get this info into the hands of people who want to grow and become the most CONFIDENT LEADERS they can be! And please throw us a 5-star review!
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  • Confidence Hack #86: A healthy dose of each is the proper frame of reference.
    Being an optimist doesn’t mean you’re not a pessimist, and being a pessimist doesn’t mean you’re not an optimist. The sweet spot is in the middle, trending towards the optimistic side. Let’s be self-aware optimists.
    What do the smartest financial investors do? They save like pessimists and invest like optimists. They look at the future like optimists, but they are aware of the short term like pessimists. Pessimism and optimism are never separate entities; instead, they complement outlooks that help plan for the future while keeping the present intact.
    Today’s confidence boost comes from understanding and accepting that you are neither a pessimist nor an optimist. Find your ideal balance and see if you can adopt a similar mentality as the ‘self-aware optimist.’
    Hey! If you love this show, share it with family and friends! It’s the best way to help get this info into the hands of people who want to grow and become the most CONFIDENT LEADERS they can be! And please throw us a 5-star review!
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  • Confidence Hack #85: YOU have the power of first-hand persuasiveness!
    Ok—would you rather take restaurant recommendations from someone who has been to the restaurant they proclaim is delectable, or would you rather take advice on where to eat from someone who has heard someone else talk about how good it was? The answer is easy.
    One of the most powerful relationship-building aspects is being the ‘connector.’ This is a person who matches people together based on like-minded vision, drive, purpose, and social and economic stature.
    A major flaw I see in proclaimed ‘connectors’ is when they don’t know one of the sides of the connection as well as they claim they do. These connections rarely work and usually leave a bad taste in the mouth of the person they actually know.
    When you go through an experience—either good or bad—you have gained validation that you can speak about, just like I can’t tell someone about climbing Mt. Everest and how they should prepare mentally.
    Your word is your character. And if you become the person who connects people with the wrong people or gives advice when it isn’t yours to offer, your word will quickly lose its weight. 
    Gain confidence today knowing that the experiences you go through, even when challenging, are only helping you become a better and more confident leader to others.
    Hey! If you love this show, share it with family and friends! It’s the best way to help get this info into the hands of people who want to grow and become the most CONFIDENT LEADERS they can be! And please throw us a 5-star review!
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  • Confidence Hack #84: Happiness is fleeting. Happiness is circumstantial.
    The number one answer when people are asked, ‘What do you want out of life?’ Happiness. Now, I won’t go on one of those rants that tells you to live with joy instead of happiness. Potato, pototo.
    But here is the truth that I am going to hit you with: You will never fully 100% love what you do. There will always be something in your job that irks you—a coworker, your boss, the project you are currently working on, not being appreciated as much as you think you should be, the hours you work, a red-eye flight that you swore you would stop taking once you turned 40.
    Let me introduce you to Miguel. You will probably never meet the Miguel I’m talking about, and to be quite honest, I don’t even know his last name. He is a janitor at an apartment complex in Marina del Rey, California. He cleans, sweeps, takes out other people’s trash every morning, and cleans up dog droppings. Not your ideal dream job, is it?
    But every morning, Miguel is whistling a tune with a giant smile on his face.
    I asked Miguel one day, ‘Do you love being a janitor?’ He paused, smiled, and said, ‘No, I don’t. But I love serving others and this is the platform God has given me to do so.’
    Gain confidence today, knowing that if you are in the ‘pursuit of happiness’ to love every moment of your job, you should stop. It’s a mirage that you won’t be able to obtain. 
    Even if you aren’t happy at your job, or a portion of it, ask yourself today, ‘How can I embrace my inner Miguel?’
    Hey! If you love this show, share it with family and friends! It’s the best way to help get this info into the hands of people who want to grow and become the most CONFIDENT LEADERS they can be! And please throw us a 5-star review!
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  • Confidence Hack #83: Life without stress is not a life you want to live.
    According to the American Psychological Association, as of 2022, 76% of Americans admit to being overly stressed out. If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, ‘I can’t wait until I am able to retire…’ 
    Yeah, and do what? Go sit on a beach in Florida and die 8.6 years sooner than you would if you were stimulating your brain?
    Let me introduce you to what will become your new favorite term: healthy stress. New research from UC Berkeley has uncovered exactly how acute stress—short-lived, not chronic—primes the brain for improved performance. Intermittent stress has been shown to increase neurons in the hippocampus, which are responsible for improved memory, adaptability, increased focus, and overall higher performance.
    If you have too much of it on the left side (let’s call this side the bad stress), it will dominate your life, and you will be in constant fight or flight mode.  If you do have not enough of it on the left side and the right side skyrockets to the top (let’s call this side the ‘sitting on the beach doing nothing in Florida' side), your brain will become unstimulated, and you will be more likely to fall into the category of ‘death by retirement.’
    The confidence boost today comes from understanding that stress is not necessarily a bad thing, and when used correctly, it can actually be a net gain.
    Hey! If you love this show, share it with family and friends! It’s the best way to help get this info into the hands of people who want to grow and become the most CONFIDENT LEADERS they can be! And please throw us a 5-star review!
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  • Confidence Hack #82: The ability to self-educate has never been easier!
    Sorry scholars who took years and years to develop those books, the new go-to is pursing a doctorate in the education of YouTube. The question you should be asking right now is not, ‘What can you learn on YouTube?’ The question you need to be asking yourself is instead, ‘What can’t you learn on YouTube?’
    A 2018 Pew Research Study found that 85% of Generation Z prefer YouTube as an education over reading books. The same study found that 51% of those viewers were actually on YouTube to learn.
    One of the highest-paid YouTubers is Jeffree Star. Star is a YouTuber who focuses on beauty, makeup, and cosmetics. In 2019, Star made $17 million from YouTube alone, making him the fifth highest-paid YouTuber of that year. 
    Do you know where Star crafted and sharpened his ability? Through watching YouTube videos. There is no longer any excuse for ‘not being educated.’
    Gain confidence today knowing that a high-level education and potentially a career making $17 million a year as a YouTube expert are yours for the taking!
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