In an era where masculinity often faces misunderstandings and stereotypes, 'The Army of Great Men' emerges as a sanctuary for open dialogue and genuine self-discovery. Hosted by Adam Derges, this podcast is a rallying call for men who seek to embrace their true selves, beyond societal labels.
The Army of Great Men is not just about fortifying your strengths; it's about recognizing and owning your vulnerabilities. Each episode is an invitation to explore the depths of masculinity – discussing the tough issues, sharing struggles, and celebrating the courage to be vulnerable. We delve into topics that matter, from mental health and emotional resilience to overcoming life's obstacles with integrity and grace.
Join Adam and a diverse array of guests – thinkers, doers, and change-makers – as they share their journeys of triumphs and tribulations. Discover how embracing vulnerability isn't a weakness, but the cornerstone of true strength and authenticity.
Subscribe to 'The Army of Great Men' and be part of a community where honest conversations ignite personal growth and redefine what it means to be a strong, masculine man in today's world.