
  • If you own a business or want to start one, this episode will inspire you to pull the trigger. Ellie shares with us her incredible journey from education to taking a chance to own her own business.

    She walks us through the courage it took to overcome the messages telling her she wouldn't be successful. Ellie remained curious and asked really great questions. From there, she received great answers and ideas and became wildly successful. Her true accomplishment was when she decided to try to duplicate her process with a whole new idea. She has such brilliant insight into business, what it needs to be successful, and how to spot the true magic you have to offer.

    Hearing her share this incredible journey inspires us to think about the magic we offer the world. This conversation will help you look at yourself and get curious about what lights you up. Even if you don't want to turn that into a business, you can shine a brighter light and share your uniqueness with the world.

    We have been honored to work with and learn from Ellie! She has taken the time to show us where we shine and helped sprinkle magic in our life! If you are interested in learning more, consider these links.

    Ellie also hosts an incredibly educational podcast.

    "The Business Conservatory Podcast" https://www.elliemcmakin.com/podcast

    Work with Ellie 1-hour intensives: https://www.elliemcmakin.com/1-hour-intensives

    The foundation's program (her membership program): https://www.elliemcmakin.com/foundations-program

    Her podcast: https://www.elliemcmakin.com/podcast

    Her Instagram (@elliemcmakin): https://instagram.com/elliemcmakin

    Her TikTok (@elliemcmakin): https://www.tiktok.com/@elliemcmakin

    As always, remember to check out https://www.theartofjoy.com

  • We are back with a conversation about women, and the highs and lows that come with Mother's Day. We talk about finding our own inspiration and joy that hides in the cracks and can feel elusive. We are thinking about every woman out there who struggles on this day. There are so many hard stories and unfortunate circumstances that can cast a huge shadow.

    So many of us have to hold sadness, anger, frustration, and a million moments of unfairness. What we have learned is that there is a beautiful connection and divine feminine energy that we can connect to. We can hold the joyful moments and still mourn whatever may be weighing us down.

    On this holiday, we celebrate the very energy that women bring into the everyday world. We honor those of you who keep going and those who sit with difficult emotions. We honor the Divine Feminine that is crying out to be remembered. We honor you. Try to find a little joy that is hiding in those shadows. Take really good care of yourself and remember. YOU are perfect just as you are!

    Way big Love!

    Tresa + Ashlee

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • We are so excited to be back after a bit of a break. We've been busy working on our course, Divine Woman the art of Unbecoming. It has been in the works for a long time now. It was born from you our community and all of the questions, conversations, and interactions we've had with you over the years. We compiled all of our tools, education, and real-life moments of healing, to help you do the same.

    In this episode, Tresa shares a vulnerable healing process that came to her in the form of a dream. She shares her insight and how moving into her mid-life has been challenging, and some of her biggest work yet!

    We believe that life is one big journey, that we arrive and meet new versions of ourselves over and over again. Who we were in our 20s is not who we become in our 30s. We want to continue sharing how we unbecome the old versions of ourselves and step into the alignment of who we are becoming, as we get closer to who we've been all along!

    We are so thankful for all of you who continue to support the work we are called to do! For sharing your beautiful hearts and souls with us, and allowing us to witness the beautiful healing powers that we all have! Women who come together are limitless and powerful and we see you!

    Love Tresa + Ashlee



  • In today's episode, we have a conversation with Clayne Edward Wayman. He was a former member of the FLDS polygamist group referred to as "The Work." His new book Echos of Resounding love, A true story of a polygamist kid's journey to spiritual awakening" Is a gripping tale of Survival, abuse, faith, suppression, adultery, polygamy, enlightenment, and hope. Clayne has undergone a complete transformation from the lifestyle and beliefs he was raised with. He found the courage to challenge what the Divine means to him and discovered the sacredness of women and the role of men as we evolve. Hearing a man's perspective on this topic is incredibly powerful. The foundation of the polygamist culture is rooted in Patriarchy. Women are treated as currency as they multiply the congregation from within. It also speaks to the early days of the LDS church when members openly practiced polygamy. Clayne tells a visual story of the challenges he faced in his culture. Some of these moments are hard to hear, but the honesty in his approach is validating, and the reader is cheering him on as they move through the pages. Speaking his truth and telling his story is intended to reach others who are struggling and share his message of love. In our interview with Clayne, he shares how he put his church's prophecy to the test and how in that process, he discovered the divinity that makes up a woman and, in return, a man as well. We were fascinated by his story and encourage you to purchase his book. It's available for pre-order and immediately for kindle. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=echos+of+resounding+love&crid=3PR4S5ND8BHLR&sprefix=echos+of+resounding+%2Caps%2C150&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_20



  • Are you consciously living for yourself? We've been raised in a society that has taught us as women that our service to others is paramount and the ultimate priority. We tend to sacrifice our needs for those around us and frequently settle for the leftovers. We are in changing times that are asking us to emerge from the heaviness of the invisible expectations. We are being challenged to discover joy, pleasure, and connection.

    New moms are easily overwhelmed during the postpartum phase of life.
    As we age, we collide with our middle life and feel empty-handed and hearted in the lonely moments of completing the most monumental work in our lifetime. It becomes critical that, as young women, we learn to find moments of consciousness and peace, love and joy. This empowers us with tools as we face our middle life when kids grow up and move on.

    There is an uprising, and it's calling on all of us to explore the margins, expand our ability to dip into our joyful power, make time for our precious souls and create community with other women. Find times for connection with other women. Have dance parties, feel your emotions, and capture the joy we offer each other as we explore our wild nature.

    BOOK: Pussy a Reclamation


  • Today we look at the new year through a different lens. What if instead. of setting a bunch of resolutions, we allow ourselves to be in sync with the seasons. We talk about turning inward during the long dark days of winter. Exploring that inner landscape and learning what our body mind and soul need most. Maybe those gym memberships can wait until spring. Most importantly we want to thank you for another year in the books. Your support and love mean the world to us. We cant wait to see what 2022 brings all of us.

    We met Heather Speth. She sent us her new book Own your Rhythm. She has so much information that will help you get really clear about what you are calling in. Check her out



  • Expectations, seem to dwell under the foundation of everything we do in life. We are held to their impossible standards and unconsciously hold those we love to ours. Expectations we place on ourselves can become great benchmarks to achieve goals and find success, but when we project them onto others we become disappointed or dissatisfied in relationships.

    We share our own experiences that show how expecting more from someone than they can actually give can harm connections. But when we learn to loosen and release these expectations we can find freedom and extract deeper meaning from smaller moments.

    The holidays are full of pressures more than we can even count. So for those of you who struggle, feel anxiety, and are not sure how you will get through know that you are not alone.

    The holidays come and go just like every other day. Remember to put your own mental health first and think about boundaries that will help you navigate. Reach out to a trusted ally and share what's going on. The act of speaking your truth keeps you from spiraling. Allowing another to witness you and hold space for you is one of the greatest gifts you will give yourself!

    We wish you all of the magic this season and hold you all in such high regard. We are so thankful for this community of support! We are so excited to see The Art of Joy continue into 2022!


  • Our conversation with Becca Piastrelli brought us the grounding and connection we didn't even know we needed. Her new book Root and Ritual drops November 16th. She breaks it into four chapters that focus on the following:

    Reconnect with the land

    Reclaim the gifts of your ancestors

    Connecting to community

    Returning to yourself

    As a culture we are all connected online, yet find ourselves moving further away from belonging, to ourselves, the land and each-other.

    She quotes, that "women as healers and leaders lives in our DNA. Our maternal ancestors held the gifts of healing and spiritual leadership."

    We learn about ceremony and ritual and why it's more important than ever to re engage our energy towards these deeper connections.

    We speak about honoring the birth and death cycle and really lean into grief. It's important that we learn to lean in to these moments and provide a listening ear to those around us who are struggling.

    We cant recommend this book enough. You can order it now and receive it before Christmas.

    Link here for Root and Ritual


    To learn more about Becca visit:



    Visit us at:


  • "By journeying through the Good Girl Myths and becoming more you, you will naturally case a ripple, a riot, a revolution within. You will come alive. You will create the radically new. You will bring about what the world needs instead of the good girl the world thinks it wants. And if that feels overwhelming, remember that you're not alone. You're weaving one vital thread in a larger tapestry of millions. We need all hands on deck."
    Majo Molfino
    Today's episode is one of the most influential and important conversations we've had regarding systematic, cultural, and religious patriarchy, and how as women and men, we unconsciously perpetuate it. Breaking down the five myths and understanding how we all embody aspects of the good girl brings such a critical awareness to the suppression we have all learned to live with in varying degrees. Majo has created this beautiful body of work that should be required reading. Her book is full of tools and questionnaires that will help you discover your blind spots and bring awareness to the aspects of healing that will be the most beneficial for you and those in your life.

    Myth of Rules
    Myth of perfection
    Myth of logic
    Myth of Harmony
    Myth of sacrifice

    Tune in as we share our thoughts on how we are shifting this in our own lives, the breakthroughs we've both had, and the healing that feels so possible! Majo includes a test in her book to help you identify the myths that run the deepest in your unconscious. Once you know, you can begin the work of reprogramming how you respond and show up in life.

    You can find Majo + her book break the good girl myth here

    Here is our website

  • We are so excited to bring back Doug Cartwright to talk about his new bestselling book "Holy Sh!t We're Alive." Sometimes Life asks us to traverse the shadow side of the mountain. It can feel treacherous and scary. But when you summit and find the sun shining on your face after a journey like that, you evolve and find your true power. You realize that the Sherpa has been in you all along. That home is wherever you are; you are never alone. Doug graciously takes us on his pilgrimage of struggle, leaving a religion, overcoming self-doubt, and truly seeing the magic hiding in the depth of the dark night.

    Doug pulls you into his story as if you are riding shotgun through every step he takes, seeking for healing, growth, and true meaning. You soon discover that your own work lives in your bones and can be transformed once witnessed and made conscious. He offers so many tools to assist your journey and insights to help you see the world with new eyes. Carl Jung says, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your entire life, and you'll call it fate." So let's get conscious and LIVE!

    At the end of the day, we all have more in common through our stories and struggles. If we take the time to nurture a safe place for sharing, we will realize that we are all connected in more profound ways than we realize. It truly is a miracle that we are all ALIVE and here in this moment. Doug's book helps us see how critical it is to make the most out of our moments. Say yes to the fears, and experience the opportunities that land in your life. Let us know how this episode inspires you! Go to Amazon and purchase his book, "Holy Sh!t We're Alive" It's available in kindle, hard, and paperback.

    Buy his book here!



  • In this episode, we tackle the foreboding cultural identity of being a "Good Girl" and how that label can hold back our ability to tune in. We, as women, are intuitive beings and creative forces. Many of us are taught that we need to cover our bodies from a young age not to tempt men. We are also asked to be "good wives, daughters, sisters." We get scolded for using our voice and speaking our truth. Our bigger questions are volleyed back at us with "you must have faith, or I said so." There is deep shame attached to truth-telling when it goes against the culture. We have learned that we have more in common at the birthplace of our struggles and traumas than in any other place. We curate content that shows our good side, our perfectness, our success. And that's honestly fine as long as we allow ourselves a platform, to tell the truth and share the stories of our struggle and growth.

    We share our personal struggle to maintain the good girl image and how we each found our power when we let our wild, unapologetic voices be heard. It's terrifying to throw caution to the wind, to shout truth into a wind storm that drowns our voices. We have both found freedom that elevates us at the level of our soul. It was the gift that being courageous gave back to us in perpetuity. Honesty and storytelling are the foundation for healing and growth. We realized that healing is as simple as shifting a perspective. You can do that by questioning everything. When you ask better questions, your soul starts churning, and it spits out new ideas and ways to perceive the world. We will leave you with some of the questions we ask ourselves when we are stuck in a limiting belief.
    Is this true?
    Who am I without being influenced?
    What do I get to claim as my own?
    How can I heal through this?
    What are the gifts hiding inside this trauma?
    What do I want my future to look like?
    What do I dream for myself?
    How can I see this situation differently?
    What are the gifts I offer the world?

    We are working on our own, deprogramming from a culture that has held us back from speaking our truth. We would love to hear about your journey and insights if this is something you are working on.


  • The Art of Joy turns three on Mother's Day. We want to extend our deepest gratitude for all of the love and support along the way. We have had so many good conversations and discovered how resilient we all are. Today we want to honor ALL women. We are the creators and courageous women, who have the capacity for so much love. For those of you who find today a challenge, we hope that you will find some time to honor the way you show up in the world. We hold space for your longings and struggles and are here to cheer you on as you continue to rise over and over again. Today we celebrate the sisterhood of women who come together and make room for each other and lift up the broken around us. To all of you, we wish you the best!


  • In this episode, we open up about the struggles we are both currently navigating and how vital self-compassion becomes during challenging days. We need to give ourselves grace because it's not always easy to find outside of ourselves. We are living in such a comparative world, and having access to everyone's curated lives can take us down if we aren't
    paying attention.

    We all face struggles, some hit harder than others, and sometimes we feel more equipped to handle those struggles. Other times we are exhausted and feel like we are stuck in the weeds with no tools at all to navigate our way out. We've learned that being gentle with these tender soul moments is the only outreach we need to provide ourselves. To tap into the idea that we are perfect just as we are often gives enough breathing room to figure out the next step towards healing. We are often in dialogue with younger wounded versions of who we are. It can feel confusing to move forward when the 8-year-old version of our psyche is having a tantrum. Stepping back and becoming the observer often allows us time to gather our thoughts and find just the right tools to navigate our way into joy.

    We have both been dealing with growing pains and healing aspects of old wounds that have lived In the shadows for too long. Addressing our truth, speaking it out loud, and sharing with others who have earned the right to hear our story will go a long way in our ability and confidence to rise over and over again. In this episode, we share some of the issues we have been dealing with, share exciting news with our family, and work on making our work more expansive.

    Thank you for your support and love. Thank you for your DM's and reviews on the podcast app. All of this feedback lets us know that we are on the right track and sharing relevant content that feels helpful! Life gets complicated for all of us, but together we can help each other along the lonely road. Lots of love to all of you!

    Join us on Instagram:


    Visit us at:


  • Women. We are strong, powerful, intuitive, and creative beings. We have the capacity to hold each other up or tear each other down. As we come to the end of international women month, we want to celebrate all of you who are making the world go round! This episode speaks to all of the gifts, both hidden and visible, that we all share. We discuss how we can turn our passions and deeper feelings into movements, and side hustles, even full-blown enterprises. Sometimes a friendship is born, and it changes the course of your life. In a world where life can seem so hard to manage, finding your tribe can be one of the most important investments you will ever make. Women need to come together and encourage each other. It's easy to compare ourselves against one another and find all of the ways we don't measure up. But if we could help each other recognize our gifts and support that growth, we all win. The truth is, there is room for all of us—we aren't competing for anything but acceptance and community. And above all, love.

    Our conversation with Monica takes you on the journey of a lifelong friendship that had endured the test of time. Monica is such a powerful example of converting your passions, ideas, and thoughts into so much more. She shares how she has turned her desires into movements and how they have evolved into public service. Her courage to unapologetically move through life has put her in a powerful position. If elected, she will become the first Mayor in her city. Her capacity to see, hear, and feel the needs of those around her is her superpower. To become a voice for those who struggle is something we can all do.

    What lights you up? How can you become a witness to another human? The truth is, we all have more in common with our struggles than we do with any curated life. If we can find those who have earned the right to hear our stories and share the good, the bad, and the ugly, we change the world. We hope this episode inspires you to search deeper for your passions and make conscious efforts to be a witness to those you love most. To be seen and heard is one of the most powerful gifts we can offer.

    To follow Monica:






  • In this episode we invite our dear friend Diana Anderson to talk to us about her gifts as a channel and medium. "A channel is a passageway, a means of access for a thing, a communication, or an idea." So many of us have varying degrees of this gift and don't realize it. If you get downloads of information and ideas during prayer or meditation, that's a form of the divine working through you. Some people are channeled writers, and when they sit down to transcribe, the information flows from them effortlessly. Most artists will have a deeper connection and inspiration that comes when they are creating. Symphonies have been channeled from the greats of our time. All of these are aspects of our higher self communicating with the divine element in all of us.

    Developing a spiritual practice requires commitment and patience. It's shifting your daily life to make room for the growth and practices that resonate with you. Regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs, we can all take it a step further by committing to expand our awareness. It really becomes a way of life, and each step we take brings us closer to that alignment with our true nature and divine spirit.

    At the end of this episode, Diana gives us a channeled reading. It's a beautiful message, and we hope that this episode leaves you reflecting on your own gifts. We hope you will get curious about how your unique blueprint has so many gifts to share with the world. We all have access to the holy nature of who we are.

    To follow Diana and her work:





    Follow us on Instagram:


  • Today we have Sean Patrick McPeak back on our show. He is a powerful healer, therapist, Psychotherapist, Depth Psychologist, and Shaman. He has a gift for acting as a mirror and reflecting back the most delicate parts of your soul that need healing. He holds the space you need to heal old wounds and find the insights that will assist you as you heal. We are excited to share this insightful conversation with you.

    Shifting your perspective is a hidden superpower. So often, we respond from those unconscious parts of the wounds we carry. We tend to get stuck in the loop of the stories we tell, like a hamster wheel. Breaking this pattern and old beliefs can be as simple as shifting the way we perceive it. If you find yourself in the middle of an ending in life, you may feel like you are being swallowed whole by the anxiety of the darkness that surrounds you. If you can make room for the possibility of a beginning, this little shift can act as a flicker of light in the impossible times that you have to contend with. It's always a good practice to understand how your physical body reacts to trauma. When bad things happen, where do you feel it in your body? Sean explains that understanding these pings are actually messengers trying to inform you. If you allow yourself to get curious about these messengers who show up in the way of feelings, you can ask more profound questions and move towards healing. Shifting your perspective is the first step in re-programming a new neural network of beliefs and responses to anxiety and trauma. To learn more, you can follow Sean;





  • We are so excited to introduce you to the Art of Joy in its truest form. We've put so much life into AOJ and we are excited to announce our expansion. We will be offering training, courses, and gatherings to offer support love, and connection on your journey. Our new website is a flow of free resources, conversations, insights, and community. Coming soon, we will be offering gatherings and more profound teachings for those of you seeking more.

    The Art of Joy is the journey to wholeness. When life serves us struggle and sorrow, we are pulled away from the familiar and put on a new path, a new journey. Taking those baby steps to continue moving forward is an art form. It requires us to think outside of the box and reach deep into our souls for the courage to navigate the unknown. Wholeness is the sense of arriving after these dark nights. It's when we step fully into who we are becoming. Wholeness is an evolution, a process of growth that visits us over and over again, testing our ability to rise. Together as a community, we can share our harrowing stories, encourage others to keep going, and learn from each other when we feel like we've dropped into the rabbit hole.

    Take a moment and visit www.theartofjoy.com. We are opening up our waitlist for our awakened training and our monthly gatherings. Also make sure to subscribe to our email list so that you will be the first to know about new courses, blog posts, and resources.

    Thank you for your continued support. We are excited to grow our community and connect as we all figure out how to move forward in life with grace, courage, and joy!

    Joy can overcome anything in this world if it is chosen! The Art of Joy is the journey to wholeness.




  • Katie Jo brings us her insight and wisdom for sound healing, energy vibrations, and connection. We are beings made of energy, water, vibration, and frequency. When life hands us hell in a handbasket, we can become paralyzed. Fear, pain, grief, loneliness, and worry that things will never get better can bring our entire life to a halt. Sound therapy is a proven tool to help our brain relax into theta states of relaxation. The drum's sound is our first introduction to the rhythm when we hear our mother's heartbeat in the womb. Katie Jo reminds us that as we comfort our babies with pats on the back and their ears held tightly to our chest, we are creating this most basic form of sound that soothes a restless infant. As we grow and gain independence, we move away from the powerful healing sounds that have been a part of every human's beginning. The drum's sound is the heart's sound, a steady beat that can calm the storm when it's raging inside. In general, music has the power to lift our mood, calm our mind, make us spontaneously break into dance and movement, and form human connection and healing.

    Katie Jo is the owner of Sage Canvas, a beautiful space in Lehi, Utah. She offers drum circles, sound therapies, drum-making workshops, guided meditations, shamanic healing, and so many other soul supporting services. Our world seems to have gone mad. We are more divided now than ever. Our ability to connect with the entire planet of 7 billion humans through social media has opened pandora's box. We need to come together and work on the collective shadow that has become a raging storm. We feel bombarded with noise, confusion, and interference that lives within our unconscious being. We need to slow down and look around for those who are disconnected and suffering. We would benefit by sitting around the metaphoric campfire and beat our drums together as a tool to soothe so many wounded souls. Rhythm and sound are a universal language, and the earth that holds us so sweetly has a pulse and vibration, an ebb and flow that mirrors us. If we can find this deeper connection, plug it into the deeper syncopation surrounding us and slow down enough to feel it, we might just set foot on a healing journey. Katie Jo offers us such a grounded space and so many offerings that become a bridge for healing and connection. You can find her on Instagram;







  • This Christmas comes with a little extra sparkle. We have been graced with a planetary conjunction that falls on the winter solstice, our darkest night of the year. 2020 has been rougher than expected for all of us. Our collective grief and struggle are palpable. It feels like we've been holding our breath for 12 months, waiting for the sky to fall, picking up the pieces when it does, and wondering what our tomorrows might look like. The natural world has a beautiful way of showing us her cycles and how to navigate them. As dark as times get, the potential for light always lives under the shadows. Sometimes it can take a long time to find that flicker, and sometimes it comes flooding in like a wave. But the universal truth is that it exists. Whether we can discover it or not, becomes our work. It requires us to be patient and sit in the uncomfortable feelings that ride shotgun with heavy emotions. We have to get curious about how we feel and the circumstances that life drops on us from out of nowhere. Our ability to rise is in direct proportion to our ability to sit with and feel our pain. There are such beautiful lessons that live in these middle spaces. The Art of Joy is truly a process. The Art is the journey, and Joy is finding wholeness. It's a slow and patient embarking into places that make us uncomfortable. Just as we have moved through the darkest night of the year, we are now returning to brighter days. The cycle is consistent and reminds us that the days get more hopeful after being dark for so long. It's also a beautiful metaphor to have a conjunction light up the sky like a smoke signal that assures us that we can indeed rise. As we wrap up another year as a podcasting duo, we are blessed by all of you who support our work. With a new year upon us, we are excited to watch The Art of Joy unfold and grow even more. We wish all of you little flickers of light and insane courage to navigate the dark moments. We love you dearly and pray that peace will find you in small moments of stillness. Take good care of yourselves as you are serving others. And remember that The Art of Joy is the journey to wholeness.




  • Human Design. It’s a logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, chakra system, and quantum physics. Your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design. It's like a combination of your astrology chart and Meyers Briggs, but way more specific and detailed for you.

    Erin Claire Jones created our design and we were so curious to see what would show up. With just our birthdate, time, and place of birth, she was able to generate a profiled and distinct design that matched our personalities and behaviors with astounding accuracy. It's nice to know in detail how we each respond to life and situations. Erin has the loveliest way of breaking down each profile and then sharing strengths, weaknesses, and how we can best show up for each other. She works with businesses, couples, and individuals. She also offered a 30-page design that dives deep into the aspects that make you uniquely you!

    There are 5 basic personality types, and within that based on the specifics of your birth, it gets really detailed.



    Manifesting Generator



    There are energy centers that align with your chakra system that transform our life force energy. This aspect shows what energy centers are strong and those that we need to be more gentle with.

    There are Authority types that add dimension to your profile






    Lunar cycle

    Ego authority

    Once you break these all down into a specific design for you, there is a detailed discovery of how you show up, respond to, and process life. We loved our journey with Erin, and hope you will find helpful information as you explore your own human design.

    Erin has been featured in been featured in publications like Forbes, Nylon, mindbodygreen and more, and has been on over 80 podcasts, like Sahara Rose's Highest Self, Mark Groves, That's So Retrograde, Almost30, Chatty Broads, One Part, Let It Out , Organic Olivia, Femails, Your Own Magic, We Met At Acme.

    Erin is offering our listeners a 10% discount on a 30-page human design profile. Enter code ARTOFJOY.

    To look up your design a personalized guide to your unique design or order a copy visit:



    To look up your design type visit:


    To visit Erins website:


    Follow Erin on Instagram where she is always sharing updates and information about each type and answering questions.
