Whether you like games, movies, TV, or some other obscure corner of geekdom, we're your source for news, reviews, and opinions.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast Fandom is the official podcast of Project Fandom. We discuss the subjects covered by, including: TV, film, comic books, video games, and more.
Critics and teachers Jonathan R. Lack and Sean Chapman host this monthly variety series where we talk about our favorite video games, movies, anime, and much more, having fun and maybe even learning something along the way. From the creators of The Weekly Stuff Podcast and Japanimation Station. Visit for more!
横跨中国的两位社畜在一起的日常闲聊与胡说八道(●°u°●) 」
Old friends reflect on their history with gaming and try to keep up while they grow up - games, movies, shows, and more.
Hi! We're Adam & Joe, two very old friends who meet every Sunday at 7:30 PM CST to talk the latest games we've played and movies / shows we've watched, the latest gaming and pop culture news, and so much more! Be sure to tune in, share, and rate the podcast five stars! Thanks, and have a great rest of your day!
Mondryx (Ole) und angryMaddin (Martin) schnacken über ihre liebsten Hobbies. Es dreht sich hauptsächlich um die wunderbare Welt der Videospiele. Aber auch Serien und Filme finden immer wieder Platz in unserem kleinen Plausch. Der ein oder andere Off-Topic Schnack wird bestimmt trotzdem seine Minuten bekommen.
机核网出品的Gadio Pro专题节目。这里有所有你可能喜欢和感兴趣的知识和故事,愿与你一起探索你的热爱。 欢迎访问官方网站
A bi-weekly breakdown of all the things to love in the world of gaming. Hosted by Adam Flint, Michael Carden-Edwards, and Producer Jon Moles. With a rotating roster of reviews, news, features, and interviews.
上古人、神、兽、妖共存,仁爱天下的炎帝、英勇智慧的黄帝、功修盖世的赤松子、痴情一人的南阳、古灵精怪的女桑、爱上伏羲的九天玄女、超然物外的陆压道君,还有古怪神秘的东海龙神、离奇的南海鲛人族,无敌大BOSS盘古犼神,共同演绎一部东方玄幻大作《山海经新说》。 此书由草堂散人原创的大型玄幻仙侠小说,在华丽迷幻的氛围中,有攻防战争、洪水异兽、道法仙术、迷离幻境、爱恨情仇,在生动曲折的离奇描写中,寄托了中华民族的人文情怀。 郑重公告:在亲爱的粉丝们的热情支...
FM福岡で「BUTCH COUNTDOWN RADIO」のパーソナリティを勤めてます☆よろしくお願いいたします!《毎週金曜日 お昼1:30~20:00までOA!その中で1:30~17:00まで担当します》 ☆その他のレギュラー番組☆ NIB長崎国際テレビ「ひるじげドン!」(毎週土曜日 お昼11:35~13:00 OA!)」 NIB長崎国際テレビ「ながさきエンタメ最前線!」(毎月最終金曜日 午前9:30~9:55 OA!)」
《新游评测室》每天为你推荐最新最好玩的手机游戏,让你先人一步体验游戏乐趣,付费购买更加值得。请从播客 app 或 iTunes Store 里查找我们的播客。