
  • Do you struggle in the dating world? To be the best version of yourself, you must not only change your mindset about money, but also who you choose to get involved with romantically. In today’s episode of Buff & Paid, host Bri Morrison explains the importance of attracting high quality men.

    According to Bri, the belief systems we have around money and our bodies are the same belief systems we have about men, too. If you have a negative relationship with yourself, you will likely have a negative relationship with men. To find the right relationship, you must believe that you are valuable and worth committing to. At the end of the day, a high quality relationship is built from two people who trust and believe in themselves.

    The man you choose to be can make or break your success in life. That’s why it is so important to choose wisely. Tune in to learn more about Bri’s experience with dating, the importance of shifting your mindset, and how to attract the right partner so that you can be the best version of yourself in all aspects of your life.


    • “The version of you that makes $10,000 a month, she has to rewire all of these belief systems. And the belief systems you have around money is the exact same belief system you have around men, and your body. All that stuff is super, super connected.” (03:46-04:01 | Bri)

    • “I would rather spend time making money or on my purpose impacting women than wasting a second sleeping with someone that is not my husband.” (05:27-05:37 | Bri)

    • “I had to get to these points where God kept allowing me to be broken and kept allowing me to hit that place where I'm like, ‘Why do I feel so awful?’ Until I took my power back. I broke that victim mindset. And I decided, I am a wife. I am someone who is valuable and worth commitment.” (05:58-06:15 | Bri)

    • “It's not what you do. It's why are you doing it?” (07:37-07:40 | Bri)

    • “The man you have in your life will make or break your business and your purpose.” (14:05-14:09 | Bri)


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  • Do you feel like you’re stuck and not getting the results that you want? In today’s episode of Buff & Paid, host Bri Morrison shares her number one tip on how to triple your income fast.

    It was only a few years ago that Bri was in over $30,000 in credit card debt. But over the last couple of years, she has paved the path for financial freedom. And her secret to doing this? Hiring a mentor or coach. For every $10,000 Bri has spent on a mentor, she has seen over $100,000 in return. No matter what you’re interested in, you can find someone who is getting the results that you want. And by hiring them to teach you their strategies, you will surely reach your financial goals.

    Investing in coaching is investing in yourself and your future. Don’t wait any longer! Find your passion, hire a coach, and see your life change physically, mentally, and spiritually.


    • “Every time I’ve invested in a mentor, let's say the mentor is $10,000, the things I’ve learned from the mentor and the actions that I've taken, have made me $100,000.” (02:04-02:13 | Bri)

    • “Find somebody that has the results that you want, pay them well, and follow what they say, and you will get to the next level.” (02:18-02:28 | Bri)

    • “Everything in life is possible. It's all about your faith, beliefs, and your decisions. And when you invest financially in a mentor, it will change you spiritually.” (04:12-04:22 | Bri)


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  • After graduating college with a degree in exercise science, Emily knew she wanted to pursue a career in fitness coaching. However, her first job experiences left her wanting so much more. It wasn’t until she accidentally stumbled upon Bri’s ads, that Emily even learned about the option of online coaching. Despite her initial hesitation, Emily decided to invest in herself and join Bri’s Buff & Paid Training Program, which in her opinion, was the best decision she ever made.

    After coming to an all time low in her career, Emily knew in her heart that she needed to make a change she just didn’t know what direction to take. But realizing that she could make way more money doing what she loves online gave her all the drive she needed to transition her coaching career. While it can be intimidating to take new risks, Emily says that trusting the process, setting attainable goals, and pursuing your passion relentlessly will always provide you with the growth you need to truly find success.

    Overcoming a scarcity mindset and betting on yourself isn’t the easiest thing to do, but it is certainly worth it. Learn more about Bri’s 90-day program and how taking a leap of faith can open the doors for you to live financially free and build a career doing what you love to do.


    • “I came across your ad on Facebook and I had no idea that online coaching existed. I had literally never heard of it before. And never thought there was an industry for it.” (03:43-03:50 | Emily)

    • “When you go out in the real world and look at how many people there are, you will realize that so many people need a fitness coach.” (04:47-04:53 | Bri)

    • “I'm the kind of person that just puts my full effort into things. If I commit to something, I'm going to follow through with it. And if it doesn't work out in the end then so be it.” (08:52-09:00 | Emily)

    • “I just followed whatever you guys told me to do and I just trusted the process. And I hit my first five $5,000 in the first two weeks of the program.” (11:27-11:36 | Emily)

    • “Shifting my mindset allowed me to  focus a lot more on what I was doing for my clients. It truly allowed me to just show up and do what I love to do.” (14:17-14:29 | Emily)

    • “The worst thing that can happen from trying something new is ending up exactly where you are. You're not going to end up worse off. You're going to either stay the same or you're going to grow. So why not at least take the chance to find growth?” (19:35-19:45 | Emily)


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  • While it may seem unimaginable to live a financially free life, on today’s episode of Buff & Paid, Bri says that how much money you make is completely up to you. In fact, just changing your mindset about it could change your life forever.

    Just like with your family, friends, or significant other, you have a relationship with money. To get to the bottom of your financial hurdles, Bri explains that you must first ask yourself what your thoughts about money are. Once you have a better understanding of why you feel bad about money, you can begin to create action plans that will help you reprogram the way you think. And once you fill your mind with thoughts of abundance, there is no reason why your money shouldn’t begin to flow.

    Most times, the only thing holding us back is ourselves. That’s why it’s important to invest in coaching and mentorship programs. In this episode, Bri shares how she designed her program to help other women shift their mindsets and begin investing in themselves so they can go out and change the world.


    • “We're all here to make the world better, and sales is service.” (04:07-04:11 | Bri)

    • “Just like your relationship with your parents, boyfriend, husband, or your friends, you have a relationship with money.” (04:28-04:34 | Bri)

    • “If you have shitty beliefs about money, you're going to have a bad relationship with money.” (05:43-05:49 | Bri)

    • “Start viewing investing in knowledge, coaching, and mentorship as a return.” (09:29-09:35 | Bri)


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  • “When did you forget who you are?” asks Bri on this episode of Buff & Paid. When you are out of alignment with your true self, you can’t fully show up in your role both personally and professionally. What we often confuse with laziness or procrastination are actually feelings of overwhelm due to overthinking our strategy.

    If you’re feeling disconnected, take the time to reflect on who you were as a child, at your most authentic, and think about what you are going through in your life that might be keeping you from your full potential. Then find out what brings you joy and lean into those activities.

    Often our alignment is off because we have internalized a negative and limiting belief. It was actually a negative belief from her childhood that dictated Bri’s personal and professional course, and led her to found Buff & Paid. She shares that story here.


    •“When you fully show up with energy and your mind, thoughts, and feeling are right, the energy is what creates the results and the strategy.” (2:04-2:15 | Bri)

    •“I get to be the person who God made me with the gifts I was given. And the same for you.” (12:20-12:25 | Bri)


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  • “Her name is Sarah,” Bri says, introducing us to an example of the dream client that every business should have in mind so that they can create specific, targeted, niche content. Ask ‘Sarah’ (or whomever) what her specific goals and pain points are, what she likes, where she hangs out on social media. The more you know about your dream client, the more effective your content. Put it in the right locations, and ultimately you will gain clients and give them the results they want.

    Once you’ve got your content, you’ll want to create a high-ticket premium offer that is marketed to that client’s niche. Finally, you should develop a clear framework of steps for a sales conversation over the phone or through messaging.

    If you follow the advice found in this episode, you should be booking no fewer than four to eight clients a week. Listen to the end of the episode for offers from Bri about where to find an offer for a free strategy call.


    • “If your niche is weight loss for corporate women who want to eat food that they love and still enjoy happy hour, you’re not going to create content for moms with babies. You’re not going to create content for broke college kids. You’re going to create content that speaks specifically to Sarah, who just got off her 9-5 banking job, who’s going to happy hour, wants to socialize with her friends, but still reach her fitness goals and look hot in her clothes.” (2:22-2:50 | Bri)

    • “What makes you stand out from other coaches is you need to create an offer that literally speaks in your marketing. Your offer is just an extension of your marketing.” (3:02-3:13 | Bri)

    • “Always go back to the drawing board.” (7:38-7:40 | Bri)


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  • “What do you see yourself having? What do you see yourself accomplishing?” Bri asks on the latest episode of Buff & Paid. Seeing these goals and desires come to fruition is a combination of breaking down your goals into manageable daily actions, and then letting go and letting them happen. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t happen right away, and let go of the “how” it comes to you.

    A big part of “‘masterminding” is surrounding yourself with people who are doing what you want to do and beyond. Being in the company of successful people allows you to keep expanding your goals as you reach each new milestone. You can find mentorship and community at Bri’s website.

    You never know quite how or when your dreams will show up in your life. Just trust it, feel it and know it’s going to happen.


    • “Know that it might come in a way you don’t expect.” (3:21-3:23 | Bri) 

    • “I would say the Universe works in the final hour.” (3:28-3:30 | Bri)


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  • “Your ideal client is someone who’s just a few steps behind you,” Bri explains to those listeners who may be hesitant to pursue their ambition to become personal trainers because they haven’t yet gained the right certifications. Though she lets those who want to get certified know (she recommends ACE and the National Academy of Sports Medicine) what really matters to clients is that you have a track record of results.

    What clients really need to learn is how to change their habits through hard work and consistency. This is why she recommends the books “The Atomic Habit” by James Clear and “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson, which explain how small daily changes ultimately lead to the big shifts in your life.

    At the end of the day, your passion and attitude count for a lot to the clients you are hoping to onboard as you grow your business, and education comes in many forms. So, don’t let your current lack of official qualifications hold you back. Take your first step toward your goal.


    • “Am I qualified enough? Do I need to get more certifications? Do I need to go to school for this?” (1:30-1:36 | Bri)

    • “You can’t be a coach and lead somebody in something that you’ve never done or something that you don’t have results in.” (2:28-2:33 | Bri)

    • “The biggest thing that gets people results as a client is compliance and how consistent they are. People don’t need crazy macros and meal plans. They need to learn and how to change what they do every single day.” (5:09-5:27 | Bri)

    • “Your ideal client is someone who’s just a few steps behind you.” (7:05-7:08 | Bri)


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  • “I want to remind you guys that there’s nothing wrong with what you’re feeling, and you don’t have to be spot on all the time,” Bri says about the negative thoughts that we all, including herself, experience from time to time. The best way to deal with them is to acknowledge them and reflect upon where they come from. After all, thoughts create emotions and emotions create beliefs, so it’s important not to ignore them.

    After you’ve processed these emotions, the quickest way to move forward is to practice gratitude. Be sure to take stock of all the good things in your life with presence and awareness and shift your focus to the positive.

    As always, to get what you want from the universe, you must feel your feelings, shift them to the positive, and experience the life you want as if it’s already happening.


    • “I’ve had moments in the last month that I haven’t really felt since I started my business of, ‘What’s the point?’ Overwhelm, sadness, grief, just kind of blah about things.”  (1:21-1:33 | Bri)

    • “Tough times don't last, but tough people do.” (4:18-4:23 | Bri)

    • “Gratitude is God’s favorite.” (8:01-8:03 | Bri)


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  • “It’s a dream life,” says Bri as she takes us through a typical day in her life as a 7 Figure CEO, the type of day that she once creatively visualized for herself. She starts with a long, relaxed morning of physical and spiritual nourishment. Having achieved time freedom, she works a few hours a day, mostly in the middle of the week, outsourcing any task that doesn’t make her money.

    She uses a color-coded Google calendar to stay organized and feel satisfied at seeing the achievement and momentum gained with each completed task. She emphasizes the importance of investing in health and wellness, which she does for herself with things like MDWTR in place of coffee, lifting and yoga, and a variety of supplements.

    Bri was able to achieve this schedule because she first put in the work years before, not only envisioning everything beforehand, but working 80+ hour weeks and building the right team around her. In this episode, she offers advice on how you can get started toward building your ideal life.


    • “A lot of women really value time freedom. Money is so fun–it’s fun to buy the things and do the things–but money is just a symbol of freedom: doing what you want, with whom you want, where you want, when you want. That’s what it’s really about.” (2:30-2:43 | Bri)

    • “I really don’t work more than 20-25 hours a week. I set those boundaries strong. I work 24/7 with my mindset. But as far as actually sitting down and creating, about 20-25 hours a week.”(10:20-10:37 | Bri)

    • “Build a life of freedom, like I have.” (14:37-14:39 | Bri)


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  • Trust, Bri explains, is a muscle—you have to consistently work it in order for it to grow. Lack of trust in people, like many things, stems from bad childhood experiences that overtime, embed negative beliefs in you. Trust requires and inspires vulnerability, which is essential to creating the kind of energy flow that attracts the best romantic partners and business clients.

    The most important person to trust however, is yourself, including your future and past selves. You will inevitably make mistakes, but knowing now what you want to be in the future and knowing with certainty that you will arrive at that version of yourself, is the most important thing. Then, when you tap into a feeling of what you want and where you want to go, you can reverse engineer back to what you need to focus on.

    Bri shares practical steps you can take like journaling, taking a break from your electronics, and being mindful. But above all else, she encourages listeners to trust the process.


    • “I want you to ask yourself, ‘Do I trust myself?’ If you do, why? But if you don’t, why not?” (1:53-2:03 | Bri)

    • “It’s this inner peace, this inner knowing, a belief system that says, ‘Everything is working out for me. Everything is happening for my good. Everything is my perception and I choose to feel grateful for what is and excited for what’s to come. And I trust beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will make the best decisions for me.”  (5:35-5:57 | Bri)

    • “There are always going to be experts outside of you, there are always going to be coaches. But nobody is a greater mentor than God, and your higher self.” (7:33-7:42 | Bri)


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  • “It all comes down to the pillars,” Bri says on this episode of Buff & Paid, where she explains how to use a spreadsheet, like the kind she offers to her clients, to track your efforts and achievements. Those pillars are marketing, sales, fulfillment, and mindset. Today, she goes into detail about what to include under each category, giving examples from her own metrics.

    According to Bri, this shouldn’t just be a rote exercise, they should be mindful and intentional. Filling in spreadsheets faithfully and tracking metrics regularly will result in rapid growth, much like the kind Bri herself has experienced.

    Trackable input ranges from the broader aspects of self-improvement such as meditation and spending time in nature, to the specifics of marketing like how many TikTok videos you should post per week to experience growth. And at the end of the day, whatever you track and measure, will improve.


    • “I spend three solid hours a day on my mindset, my spiritual walk, and my emotions. I love it.” (6:00-6:06 | Bri)

    • “Why am I gaining weight, or why am I not sleeping well, why am I stressed and anxious. Well, have you spent time with God in the last five days? Have you quieted your mind and turned off your phone in the last five days? Have you gotten out in nature in the last five days?” (6:47-7:01 | Bri)

    • “You Don't have to journal, meditate, or read every single day like a freaking robot. You just have to understand your intentions behind the things that you do.” (7:15-7:26 | Bri)


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  • “Learning to tap into your feminine energy, and feel, connect and receive, is 1000% imperative,” explains Bri. By contrast, masculine energy is about pursuing and thinking. All women, especially entrepreneurs, have varying levels of masculine energy inside of us, and it’s important not only to balance the two, but to know when and where to use each one. This will help you both in attracting the right clients and running a successful business, but also attracting the right man and having a successful relationship.

    She discusses the wounded feminine, who is clingy, needy, and dramatic. Whereas, the wounded masculine is toxic and abusive. By contrast, the whole feminine is nurturing and loving, while the whole masculine is safe and protective.

    Bri encourages you to ask yourself: Am I leaning more into my masculine or feminine energy at this moment? Am I applying my masculine and feminine energy in the right contexts? Because in the end, feeling your feelings is at the heart of manifesting.


    • “Simply put feminine energy is allowing, surrendering, receiving and feeling.” (3:24-3:32 | Bri)

    • “The key to applying this in your life is to create masculine structure within your schedule where you structure feminine flow. (4:53-5:03 | Bri)

    • “Really, the more you ‘be’ something, then you do it, then you are going to have it.” (7:19-7:24 | Bri)

    “Your feminine energy is so, so powerful.” (11:03-11:06 | Bri)


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  • “Objection is not rejection,” Bri explains on this latest episode of Buff & Paid, “it’s an opportunity.” When a potential client objects at the end of the sales call, it offers a chance to ask them more questions, probe deeper into what they’re thinking, and usually what you will find is that their objection is fear-based. But before you even get to the end, you have to frame the call correctly from the beginning, and today, Bri walks you through those steps. Above all, energy is everything. Sales is just a transfer of your energy, she explains, and you should maintain that energy by staying nourished, well-rested, and hydrated.

    The initial objection is usually not the real one. Bri walks listeners through potential objection scenarios and reminds everyone of the importance of “getting clients into their feels.” She also breaks down the process of “circling the objection.”

    Join Bri to learn why we all are a little boy at heart, and why you need to know when to shut up, and when too much belief is actually a bad thing.


    • “Sales calls and learning sales in the DMs and on the phone and how to write sales copy–that is going to change your life.” (5:45-5:54 | Bri)

    • “Especially nowadays, there are more women doing these businesses, and women are so good at business because we feel and we connect and it’s all about the heart it’s all about connection.” (13:04-13:14 | Bri)

    • “How you set it up is how the energy and the temperature and the experience of the whole program will be, you’re setting the expectation and that shift psychologically from the jump.” (13:54-14:06 | Bri)

    • “Do not pull your tools out of the toolbox until absolutely necessary.” (15:22-15:26 | Bri)


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  • On this episode of Buff & Paid, Bri dives into the sometimes scary topic of making yourself vulnerable online. Whenever we put ourselves out there in a position of leadership, our fear of judgment, whether real or imagined, from strangers and loved ones alike, is going to pop up. It’s only natural, since we’re built to find belonging and validation from others. Here, Bri explains how we can turn these fears into tools of awareness and empowerment.

    According to Bri, shifting our fear requires a shift in perspective. The whole point of this business and of life is to put yourself out there so that you can better understand yourself and allow others to better understand themselves.

    At the end of the day, every human wants to be accepted by others. Tune into this week’s episode of Buff & Paid to learn more about how to recognize and let go of your fears, so that you can embrace your true self.


    • “I’m also afraid to be seen, I’m also afraid to not be perfect, I’m also afraid of judgement.” (4:59-5:05 | Bri)

    • “Every human has a need to feel connected, has a need to be validated, and has a need to belong and fit in.”(5:24-5:32 | Bri)

    • “All God, all Universe, all Source cares about is our growth.” (9:23-9:28 | Bri)


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  • “It all comes down to an immediate hook,” Bri explains in this latest episode of Buff & Paid, where she explains how to use DMs to foster relationships with potential clients. This means getting personal, using names, and asking pointed questions in order to build a rapport and gain trust. Relationships are at the heart of everything, including business, so fostering them from the beginning is crucial, and Bri shares how to initiate them.

    Details matter. Spell people’s names right– many people fail to do this–  and make the conversation about them. Match and mirror their approach. If they write a short message or a long message, respond in similar lengths.

    In this episode, learn how this tactic to business is similar to dating, don’t be afraid to switch up your approach, and as long as you’re warm and friendly, you can DM as many times as you want until you get an answer.


    • “The secret to life is reprogramming your subconscious mind, what you put in your body nutrition-wise, and getting outside in nature.”(1:20-1:30 | Bri)

    • “People are the greatest currency, and relationships are the most important thing you can build in your life.” (4:02-4:08 | Bri)

    • “The two motivations for humans are to avoid pain and to gain pleasure.”(4:37-4:41 | Bri)

    • “Everyone loves their favorite radio station, WIIFM: What’s In It For Me?” (9:05-9:11 | Bri)


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  • Today’s episode of Buff & Paid takes off from the previous discussion about burnout, but more than avoiding pain, embracing joy is proactive. Here, Bri encourages you to make a list of what brings you joy, and engage in those activities that fill your cup. This changes your mindset from negative to positive, helps you to better identify your problems and limited beliefs, and therefore makes you a more effective business leader.

    It’s important, though, to do these activities actively and consciously, and not just go through the motions. Once you’ve begun the activity, meditate and ruminate on the feeling. Consider journaling, meditating, and receiving neurofeedback.

    On this episode of Buff & Paid, learn the difference between rejecting things that make you feel bad and accepting the less-than-fun aspects of building your business, and different ideas for sparking joy.


    • “All that matters is loving yourself and feeling peace, love, joy and excitement inside of you.” (4:58-5:10 | Bri)

    • “The thing that separates those that are just average coaches from those that really thrive and are elevated in this world, and have influence and leadership and impact people, are those who are connected.”(6:48-6:59 | Bri)

    • “There is no such thing as balance in nature; there is only harmony.” (8:18-8:22 | Bri)

    • “We don’t need to learn a bunch of new things, we need to unlearn. We don’t need to do all this stuff, we need to do less.” (19:47-19:52 | Bri)


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  • “If you are doing all these other things outside of what I’m telling you right now, that is exactly the problem and you need to stop doing that, okay?” Bri explains that so many entrepreneurs who are just starting to build their businesses worry about too many secondary things in advance. What they really need to be focusing on, at least until they get to $10K a month, is nailing their niche down, finding clients, and developing a calendar that they strictly adhere to.

    The in-between moments are less tangible, but still crucial aspects to success. As always, Bri emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset. Picturing yourself as successful and showing up as that successful person every step of the way is key to achieving your dreams.

    On this episode of Buff and Paid, learn the importance of client testimonials, the crucial difference between recruiting clients over the phone versus through DMs, and why everyone should hire a mentor (even if it means maxing out your credit card).


    • “This is the hard pill to swallow and why a lot of people are not business people or entrepreneurs or successful or last very long.” (9:31-9:39 | Bri)

    • “Small activities, every single day, repeated over time, is the only way to get results.”(9:56-10:02 | Bri)

    • “I always talk about mindset, the way you think and the way you feel is everything.” (10:31-10:34 | Bri)

    • “You’re putting effort into areas that are not moving the needle forward, that are not income producing activities.”(10:53-10:58 | Bri)

    • “Are you ready and willing to overcome yourself? You’re going to hit upper limits. There’s so much shit that comes up when you start this business or any business.”(12:43-12:52 |Bri)


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  • “Whether you’re a Toyota or whether you’re a Bentley, you’ve got to put gasoline in that tank,” says Bri Morrison. It sounds simple, but so many of us, she says, forget to rest and refuel ourselves physically and emotionally. Some of this constant grind is the natural temperament of the entrepreneur. Other times, it’s because we are running from feelings we’re afraid to confront.

    She can relate. Five years ago, Bri was burnt out and feeling low. Today, as a multi-millionaire, if and when she does feel negative feelings, Bri knows it’s a sign to slow down. To prevent burnout, Bri refuels herself with proper nutrition, mindfulness, and breath work.

    In this episode of Buff and Paid, Bri discusses the natural traits of an entrepreneur, the importance of balancing the masculine and feminine, and why it's always important to remember to look up while you’re moving forward.


    • “The truth is, everything we do in our life is for a feeling. We’re chasing a feeling,” (3:32-3:36 | Bri)

    • “If you’re like me, you actually get a little bit anxious when you rest and when you’re doing nothing.”(3:45-3:50 | Bri)

    • “So many of us focus on what we need to get done, but we do not prioritize rest, recovery, and flow.” (5:55-6:06 | Bri)

    • “If you’re someone that needs to grind 12-14 hours a day, every single day and can never take a break, you’re probably avoiding some deep wounds. You’re probably avoiding some deep pain and some deep feelings that you’re not feeling.” (9:31-9:46 | Bri)

    • “Something that will actually give a superpower in the marketplace ladies, is being feminine.”(14:31-14:37 | Bri)


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    Podcast production and show notes provided by FIRESIDE Marketing

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    Bri was all ready to do an episode about how making money is easy, but she’s had to pivot.  Looking over her podcast metrics, Bri noticed she received a 1-star review. Instantly she got fired up and defensive.  She let her emotions take over for a minute before she realized she didn’t need to be upset.

    Bri realized if you’re ever going to put yourself out there, you’re going to get criticism.  It can be constructive criticism that we learn from.  Or it could just be hateful, which actually says more about them that it does about you.  Either way, it means you’re doing big things.

    What You’ll Learn:

    How criticism affects us physically. How to grow from constructive criticism. Why negativity has more to do with them than you. What the 4 agreements are.

    Favorite Quote:

    “The more you fear what people think, the more you’ll attract that experience.” -Bri Morrison

    Are you living a life you hate and wondering when things are going to change? Buff & Paid host Bri Morrison was in that same place not too long ago. She finally decided she was tired of being in debt and working a dead end 9-5. She took action, changed her mindset, and began to manifest her desires. She’s now living the life of her dreams, and she knows you can too. Join Bri each week as she brings all the tips and tricks that helped her to build a multiple 7-figure online business.