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LA is larger than life. A cinematic sprawling mash of chic and down and out, a rolling hilled gem, a jam packed pocket of 4 million dreamers who moved here for an LA that was promised to change their lives. And maybe it did. In this Cerca Guide, J.J Duncan takes us out for many dinners, we head out on an epic road trip, and she tells us some dark tales that make this sunny city a little knowable but also a little more mysterious. This is the Los Angeles you don’t see on the screen.
And there's even more in the Cerca app - bonus content, maps, and info on the points of interest mentioned in our episodes. Listen, become inspired and plan all without worrying about having to hit pause and take notes - because the info you need is waiting for you in the Cerca App.
Whether you're planning a trip to LA in the near future, are already there, or just want to learn about a place we love, you're in the right place. This is what we do.
Let's go to Los Angeles!
~This Cerca Guide was written by Stacey Book and Dominique Ferrari and voiced by J.J. Duncan.
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