
  • In which the Curmudgeons hammer one of the most perplexing "it" bands of the entire 21st Century. Arcade Fire stormed out of Montreal in 2004 with Funeral, a debut album that captured the imagination of throngs of unimaginative indie hipster d-bags. Whereas their fans and a whole bunch of fawning rock critics heard glorious art in all the band's maximal grandiosity, we just heard...noise. Lots of it. A pulverizing wave of annoyance after annoyance. And the annoyance has yet to stop. Let us tell you all the ways we think this band is a giant turd burger.

    Listen to the abomination and judge for yourself by accessing our Arcade Fire-focused Spotify playlist:


    Here's a handy navigation companion for this episode.

    (0:52 - 04:50) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our Arcade Fire beatdown

    (05:06 - 16:21) - The Paralell Universe, featuring reviews of albums by The baby Seals and Kurt Vile

    (17:06 - 36:25) - We goof on maximal grandiosity and discuss Arcade Fire's albums Funeral and Neon Bible

    (37:57 - 01:03:09) - We discuss Arcade Fire's albums The Suburbs, Reflektor, Everything Now and We

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade and Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

  • In which the Curmudgeons continue their romp through rock's second golden age by revisiting perhaps the age's most underrated year. There were a ton of great albums released in 1970, as we discuss at least half-a-ton of those albums during this episode. It was a year when the rock 'n' roll generation started to mature and grow more varied in its tastes and its demands. The Beatles split up that year, and its core members all released solo albums in 1970. There also was the "soft-rock" movement, which made stars out of James Taylor, Joni Mitchell and a guy named Neil Young. We soak it all up and pay tribute to that calendar trip around the sun 54 years ago.

    Listen to our special Spotify playlist dedicated to the sounds of 1970:


    Check out a great book about the music of 1970 we discuss - David Browne's "Fire & Rain":


    Revisit our discussion of the Grateful Dead's early catalog of albums:


    Here's a handy navigation companion for this episode.

    (0:52 - 03:48) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion of the music of 1970

    (03:49 - 30:42) - Our Current Universe, featuring discussion of new music by St. Vincent, Drake and Kendrick Lamar

    (31:27 - 01:17:43) - We discuss the explosion of "soft-rock," the first solo albums by The Beatles, James Brown, Black Sabbath and The Stooges

    (01:45:18 - 02:24:08) - We discuss 12 more great albums releases in 1970, including releases by The Grateful Dead, Santana, The Velvet Underground and Creedence Clearwater Revival

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade and Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

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  • In which The Curmudgeons straight cold rock a party and revisit hip-hop's greatest, most electrifying, most unendingly thrilling period, which stretched from 1986 to 1991. We tear through 12 brilliant albums and dozens of awesome singles that taught all the MCs and producers that followed how it should it be done--and how it would be done from here on out. We cover Run-D.M.C., Public Enemy, Schooly D, Ice Cube, 2 Live Crew, Big Daddy Kane, EPMD, Gang Starr, A Tribe Called Quest, The Beastie Boys, Queen Latifah and scores of other great and hugely influential artists.

    Listen to our special Spotify playlist dedicated to this episode:


    Listen to an old episode of our podcast, in which we argue for A Tribe Called Quest's The Low End Theory as the greatest hip-hop album ever made:


    Here's a handy navigation companion for this new episode.

    (0:52 - 4:43) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion of hip-hop's golden age

    (5:02 - 18:25) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of new albums from Bodega and Mdou Moctar

    (19:10 - 01:16:54) - The Curmudgeons analyze 12 amazing albums that sprung from the golden age of hip-hop

    (01:18:15 - 02:14:40) - We celebrate a whole ton of great, mad-fun hip-hop singles from the golden age of hip-hop

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade and Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

  • In which The Curmudgeons marvel at the trainwreck that the career of a pretty fabulous rock 'n' roll singer became. Rod Stewart's gravelly, soulful voice was the engine for a series of great ramped-up yet mostly acoustic albums in the late 1960s and early 1970s, all of which cemented a solid legacy for the singer. And then Stewart became beholden to a rock-star, sexy-man persona that craved relevance more than integrity. Starting in 1975, his career descended into a series of schlocky, cheesy singles that, while they proved to be his biggest hits, must be heard to truly appreciate their awfulness. We recount both the good ol' days and the bad ol' days of Rod Stewart during this episode.

    Listen to all things Rod Stewart - good, bad and ugly - by accessing our special Spotify playlist:


    Here's a handy navigation companion to this episode

    (0:52 - 03:31) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion of Rod Stewart

    (03:50 - 15:25) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of new albums by Sahra Halgan and Khruangbin

    (16:09 - 37:33) - Good Rod - a discussion of Stewart's beginnings and analyses of his first five albums, including his masterpiece, 1971's Every Picture Tells a Story

    (38:32 - 58:27) - Bad Rod - a discussion of Stewart's nosedive into mediocrity, following him from 1975 through the New Wave days of the early 1980s

    (59:25 - 01:21:17) - More Bad Rod - a discussion of the nadir that was Rod Stewart's 1980s and then something of a brief comeback in the early 1990s. We end by contemplating the ultimate legacy of Rod Stewart.

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade and Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

  • In which The Curmudgeons meditate on one of rock's most important years. The music of 1969 was as inspiring as the times it was released were tumultuous. The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Who all released celebrated masterworks. Southern rock was born, and the newfangled form of funk continued to evolve. And two gigantic festivals hit the United States--one glorious, the other notorious. There would be blood, serving as arguably a perfect prelude to the 1970s.

    Read a gripping book we discuss during the episode, Joel Selvin's "Altamont: The Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, and the Inside Story of Rock's Darkest Day":


    Listen to lots of wonderful music from 1969 by accessing our special Spotify playlist:


    Here's a handy navigation companion for this episode

    (0:52 to 2:44) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion of 1969

    (03:06 to 15:21) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of new albums by The Black Crowes and Waxahatchee

    (16:06 to 01:14:54) - Discussion of the 1969 output of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Led Zeppelin and The Stooges

    (01:16:05 to 01:42:49) - Discussion of the 1969 output of Isaac Hayes, Sly & The Family Stone, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Band and The Allman Brothers

    (01:43:48 to 02:30:06) - Discussion of a bunch of great albums from 1969, plus a contemplation of the divergent stories that were Woodstock and Altamont

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade and Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

  • In which The Curmudgeons make the case for what we think is one of the most underrated bands of all time: The Doors. Wait. The Doors?! Yup. Once revered and now reviled, The Doors, we believe, are viewed by younger generations as a Baby Boomer fossil that is as pretentious as it is insufferable. But that misses the mark badly. Listen as we discuss the influences and artistic ambition that made Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek and bandmates so compelling, so engaging and so original.

    Enjoy each of The Door's six marvelous--or at least marvelously strange--records they made with Jim Morrison via our Spotify playlist:


    Here's a handy navigation companion for this episode.

    (0:52 - 04:05) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion of The Doors

    (04:22 - 19:48) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of albums by Yard Act and Liquid Mike

    (20:33 - 42:02) - We dispel five myths commonly associated with The Doors

    (43:32 - 01:08:54) - We discuss the band's origin story. We also analyze the first three Doors albums: the self-titled debut, Strange Days and Waiting For The Sun.

    (01:09:53 - 01:46:55) - We analyze the last three records The Doors made with Jim Morrison: The Soft Parade, Morrison Hotel and L.A. Woman. We also discuss the band's considerable influence and undeniable legacy.

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade and Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

  • In which The Curmudgeons introduce you--again--to your new favorite band. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club spliced the neo-psychedelic swagger of bands like The Brian Jonestown Massacre with the rawkin' menace of the Stone Roses, Oasis and other British bands to offer a maximal yet poignant vision of what rock 'n' roll should be. Their five-album output during the first decade of the 21st century is one of the best streaks of releases in recent memory. We analyze each album as a means of explaining why B.R.M.C. was so powerful--and so ultimately meaningful.

    Enjoy the masterworks of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club using our special Spotify playlist:


    Here's a handy navigation companion for this episode.

    (0:52 - 03:40) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion of Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

    (03:58 - 16:03) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of albums by Lime Garden and Little Simz

    (16:48 - 37:55) - We cover BRMC's origin story and discuss the albums B.R.M.C. and Take Them On, On Your Own

    (39:35 - 01:02:17) - WE cover the albums Howl, Baby 81 and Beat the Devil's Tattoo and contemplate BRMC's ultimate legacy

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade and Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

  • In which The Curmudgeons explore the dichotomous year that followed 1967's Summer of Love trippiness. The previous year's highs represent a peak creative burst. Well, where to go next? That's where the era's most storied artists diverged. On the one hand, you had bands that went bigger and bolder--The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and The Grateful Dead fall into this category. On the other hand, you had a yearning to return to the simpler roots of rock 'n' roll, and a rush toward softer, warmer hues by The Byrds, The Band, The Kinks and others ensued. We explore both paths in depth and with panache.

    Enjoy the music we discuss in this episode using our Spotify playlist:


    Here's a handy navigation companion to this episode.

    (0:52 - 02:20) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion of 1968

    (04:55 - 20:18) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of albums by Sleater-Kinney and Amyl & The Sniffers

    (21:03 - 54:15) - WE analyze The Beatles' White Album and The Rolling Stones' Beggars Banquet

    (55:28 - 01:19:24) - Christopher O'Connor analyzes 1968 albums by The Band, The Byrds and The Kinks

    (01:20:22 - 02:05:22) - We cover a slew of albums, ranging from Van Morrison's Astral Weeks to The Pretty Things' S.F. Sorrow, with Jimi Hendrix and The Grateful Dead and others sandwiched in between

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade and Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

  • In which the Curmudgeons marvel at how quickly, and how well, hip-hop evolved after the Sugar Hill Gang's massive 1979 hit "Rapper's Delight" changed the game completely for everyone. We tell the story of how entrepreneurs, hustlers and visionaries seized the moment to bridge gaps between the streets, the art galleries and the record-label boardrooms. We celebrate a string of amazing singles that grew in sophistication and in pure fun with each volley. And we mark the beginning of the album as a hip-hop artform by discussing two classics, Run-D.M.C.'s self-titled debut and LL Cool J's Radio.

    Listen to all of this great music by accessing our Spotify playlist:


    Check out these books, which we discuss during the episode:

    Jeff Chang's "Can't Stop, Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation":


    Jonathan Abrams' "The Come Up: An Oral History of the Rise of Hip-Hop":


    Here is handy navigation companion to this episode.

    (0:52 - 03:50) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion

    (03:55 - 18:36) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of albums by Otoboke Beaver and Slift

    (19:21 - 44:10) - WE discuss the success of "Rapper's Delight" and its explosive aftermath. We feature Kurits Blow, Fab 5 Freddy, the movie "Wild Style" and other accomplishers and accomplishments.

    (45:03 - 01:37:00) - We cover a litany of fantastic singles, plus the albums Run-D.M.C. and Radio.

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    Hosted on Podbean! curmudgeonrock.podbean.com

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    Co-written and co-produced by Arturo Andrade & Christopher O'Connor - The Curmudgeons

  • In which the Curmudgeons count down our selections for the 50 best B-side songs in rock history. The B-side is something of a lost art as digital music dominates and physical media becomes less prevalent. But there was a time when the other side of the 45 or tracks 2 and 3 of the CD maxi-single mattered. There, you could find songs the artist intentionally withheld from an album to give them their own grand stage. In some instances, those songs were among the greatest ever recorded. Beatles, anyone?

    Listen to most of these songs on our Spotify playlist:


    Here is a handy navigation companion for this episode:

    (0:52 - 03:06) - Arturo sets the parameters for our discussion

    (03:11 - 14:18) - The Parallel Universe, featuring revies of recent albums by Sufjan Stevens and Lil Yachty

    (15:03 - 51:09) - We count the down the greatest B-sides from numbers 50 to 26. There's a Kinks song on here Chris particularly likes.

    (52:20 - 01:37:14) - We count down the greatest B-sides from number 25 to the top spot at #1. You've probably heard our entire Top Ten more than a few times.

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  • In which The Curmudgeons revisit an unbelievably fertile year for popular music during the 20th century. The Beatles dropped Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. James Bown dropped "Cold Sweat." And a staggering number of artists announced their arrival in stunning fashion--Aretha Franklin, Jimi Hendrix, the Velvet Underground and others. And, yes, there was a whole lot of flower power emanating from the streets of San Francisco. We pack mounds of '67 goodness into our discussion.

    Here's a handy navigation companion for this episode.

    (00:52 - 03:10) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our 1967 discussion

    (05:56 - 18:13) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of new albums by Joanna Sternberg and Danny Brown

    (19:11 - 01:16:59) - We discuss Sgt. Peppers, the Rolling Stones, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors and The Velvet Underground

    (01:18:38 - 02:22:35) - We discuss the sounds of San Francisco, Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding and James Brown's "Cold Sweat." We also run through a slew of great Motown and Stax singles, and end with a roll call of other great albums from 1967.

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  • In which The Curmudgeons each reveal their favorite records of the year. Frankly, it was a mediocre past 12 months for popular music, and there aren't a whole lot of records people will remember a decade from now. Yet there were some gems, and during this moment in time, we're excited to share our picks. Call it a public service.

    Enjoy a sampler platter of our selections via our Spotify playlist:


    Here is a handy navigation companion for this episode:

    (0:52 - 02:20) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for the episode

    (02:20 - 10:17) - The Curmudgeons briefly discuss their pick for the worst album of 2023

    (11:21 - 54:53) - Christopher O'Connor reveals his Top 10 albums of the year, including releases by Boygenius, Killer Mike and Zach Bryan

    (56:26 - 01:29:02) - Arturo reveals his Top 10 albums of the year, including releases by Laurel Canyon, Mitski and Paul Simon. Yes, that Paul Simon...

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  • In which The Curmudgeons celebrate an underrated classic album that was Chris's favorite for a stretch when he was 18 years old. Yes, the episode title is a direct assertion about Blind Melon's debut record Chris made once upon a time to Arturo. But was it a warranted statement from a tortured 18-year-old kid? Of course not, but don't we all have an album like that from our youth we adore? Regardless, the album actually is truly great and deserves serious, thoughtful treatment here 30 years later.

    Here's a handy navigation companion for this episode.

    (0:52 - 4:55) - Atruo sets the parameters for our discussion of Blind Melon

    (6:54 - 20:21) - The Parallel Universe, featuring albums by Squirrel Flower and Blondeshell

    (21:20 - 37:18) - Arturo offers the origin story of Blind Melon. Chris discusses why the album came to mean so much to him all those years ago.

    (38:13 - 01:05:27) - The Curmudgeons offer a track-by-track analysis of the album Blind Melon

    (1:05:28 - 01:16:35) - We tell the rest of the story: The disappointing follow-up 1995 album Soup, the death of singer Shannon Hoon and a;; the what-could-have-beens.

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  • In which The Curmudgeons plumb the vast archival releases of one of our favorite artists, Neil Young. Chris, in fact, considers himself a Neil Young-ologist, and he takes the lead in touring ten of the most essential releases in what has seemed, since 2009, like a never-ending torrent of live recordings and unreleased studio material dating all the way back to the 1960s. Also, Arturo shows how much he doesn't know about Young's 1974 classic record On the Beach.

    Here's a nifty Wikipedia page to help you start exploring the Neil Young Archives yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Young_Archives

    Also check out Neil Young's YouTube channel, in which nearly everything he has ever released is available for free: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8gbK8uoqKhlACSeenUPkFQ

    Here's a handy navigation companion for this episode.

    (0:54 - 3:44) - Arturo sets the parameters for the episode

    (06:38 - 17:26) - The Parallel Universe, featuring new releases from Jamila Woods and Robert Finley

    (18:25 - 59:44) - A run through five Neil Young Archival releases, including Live at Fillmore East 1970 and Odeon Budokan

    (01:01:22 - 01:46:26) - A run through five more Neil Young archival releases, including Chrome Dreams and Way Down in the Rust Bucket

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  • In which the Curmudgeons revisit the year when rock 'n' roll exploded into psychedelic glory. The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds, Bob Dylan's Blonde on Blonde and The Beatles' Revolver greatly expanded rock's vocabulary--with a little help from their friends. All three albums are considered timeless greats, and we discuss the myriad reasons why. We also parade through 1966 albums and singles that followed gloriously in those masterworks' wake. Plus, we give love to both Motown and Stax.

    Here is handy navigation companion for the episode.

    (0:52 - 5:14) - Arturo sets the parameters for our discussion

    (07:39 - 21:00) - The Parallel Universe, in which discuss new albums by Say She She and King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard

    (21:59 - 56:34) - We analyze Pet Sounds, Blonde on Blonde and Revolver

    (58:34 - 01:49:45) - We rumble through an assortment of other great 1966 albums and humungous psychedelic singles, plus we discuss the great runs that year of Motown and Stax/Volt.

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  • In which The Curmudgeons espouse the virtues of Bston's glorious, pioneering arena rock masterpiece. Boston's self-titled debut was the product of the creative mind and engineering talents of a guy who worked by day as an engineer for Polaroid. His use of multiple tracks to layer lead guitar parts and vocals effectively created what became a cliche--to the detriment of this band's legacy. We discuss the Boston story and each song on the album in detail.

    Here is a handy navigation companion for this episode.

    (0:52 - 3:07) - Arturo sets the parameters for our discussion

    (07:32 - 20:37) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of albums by Mitski and Jaimie Branch

    (21:36 - 44:10) - Chris runs through the harsh criticism and faint praise for Boston among critics and listeners; Arturo tells Boston's fun, wild origin story

    (45:20 - 01:23:34) - The Curmudgeons offer a song-by-song analysis of Boston's "Boston" and consider the Boston legacy

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  • In which the Curmudgeons remember and pay fond tribute to one of our favorite bands of all time, which now unfortunately is masquerading as an emblem for Las Vegas tourism. We give close attention to the hope, grace and sense of wonder that made the band's anthemic brand of rock 'n' roll so magnificent. We focus especially on the period between 1983 and 1993, when U2 ruled the world via six studio albums and some legendary tours.

    Check out a book we reference during the episode, Neil McCormick's "U2 by U2": https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/u2-by-u2_u2_neil-mccormick/287778/?resultid=b31d846a-b396-4558-9fdd-27e446d6859c#edition=5780193&idiq=5601732

    Here is a handy navigation companion for the episode.

    (0:00 - 13:30) - Arturo sets the parameters for this episode with some deeply personal history

    (16:24 - 27:33) - The Parallel Universe, featuring reviews of new albums by Margo Cilker and Wilco.

    (28:13 - 58:14) - We cover U2's early history and the albums War, The Unforgettable Fire and the Joshua Tree

    (59:13 - 01:19:06) - We cover U2's albums Rattle and Hum and Achtung Baby

    (01:20:51 - 01:41:59) - We cover U2's albums Zooropa and Pop and briefly cover a rather forgettable 25 years since then

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  • In which the Curmudgeons focus their gaze on music that exploded into our cultural consciousness 58 years ago--and is still exploding now. For the second consecutive year, The Beatles and Bob Dylan changed and everything and then some. The Rolling Stones started writing songs and kicking ass. James Brown, The Byrds, The Who and The Beach Boys also startled with innovation. Was 1965 rock's greatest year? Listen and decide for yourself.

    Check out Johnny Rogan's two-volume biography of the Byrds, "Requiem for the Timeless," which we give love to during this episode: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/byrds-requiem-for-the-timeless---volume-1_johnny-rogan/13877111/?resultid=2de171fb-b3d1-406f-9a88-41c0eef7f2f0#isbn=0952954087&edition=13770321

    Here's a handy navigation companion for the episode

    (0:53 - 6:37) - Arturo Andrade sets the parameters for our discussion

    (08:10 - 17:05) - The Parallel Universe, featuring new albums by Pale Blue Eyes and Courtney Barnett

    (18:04 - 50:02) - We discuss the 1965 genius of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan

    (51:24 - 01:36:45) - We serve up more 1965 genius from The Byrds, James Brown, The Who and The Beach Boys

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  • In which the Curmudgeons wake up in the city that never sleeps once more and offer a countdown of what we think is the definitive list of the greatest 40 rock 'n' roll songs about the Big Apple. We touch on the city's love-hate dichotomies and make the argument that these songs paint the city as an experience more than as a residence. And Arturo recounts all the places he bought weed from once upon a time.

    Check out a great book we mention in the episode, Anthony DeCurtis's "Lou Reed: A Life."


    Here's a handy navigation guide for the episode.

    (0:52 - 3:30) - Arturo sets the parameters for the discussion

    (5:52 - 17:58) - The Parallel Universe: Reviews on new music by Goat and Osees

    (18:58 - 59:37) - New York songs 40-21

    (01:01:01 - 01:47:28) - New York songs 20-1

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  • In which The Curmudgeons give the origins of hip-hop a serious treatment and contemplate the magical melding of time, place and resources that makes its early history so compelling. The pioneers of the genre stared down the destruction and impoverishment of the South Bronx with the swagger of kings, organically spinning celebration, and positivity, out of their circumstances. They also channeled the competitiveness of the streets into hip-hop's four "elements" -- DJing, MCing, breakdancing and graffiti -- ensuring there was as much sport as there was funk. Hip-hop became the ultimate DIY creation as a result.

    Check out a book we reference during this episode, Jeff Chang's wonderful "Can;t Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation":


    Here's a handy navigation for the episode.

    (0:54 - 6:20) - Arturo sets the parameters for our discussion

    (7:40 - 20:18) - The Parallel Universe, in which we review new music from PJ Harvey and Yard Act

    (21:17 - 1:04:59) - Chris, with Arturo's considerable input, discusses four aspects of the hip-hop origin story that make it so unique; plus, we discuss hip-hop "elements" in detail

    (1:06:24 - 1:45:48) - We discuss the influence four hip-hop pioneers -- Kool Herc, Afrika Bambaataa, Grandmaster Flash, Grandmaster Caz -- and marvel at the story of "Rapper's Delight," hip-hop's first hit single.

    Join our Curmudgeonly Community today! facebook.com/groups/curmudgeonrock

    Hosted on Podbean! curmudgeonrock.podbean.com

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