
  • Joe Apfelbaum is the CEO of one of the fastest growing digital marketing agencies in the US, wrote five books in five years, and lost 100 pounds. There is nothing he can’t do. Today Joe joins us to tell us about his newest venture, evyAI,

    evyAI is an AI assistant that drafts LinkedIn post responses, DMs, and more to help you save time making important networking connections. What used to take you 100 minutes, can now just take you 10. And most importantly, evyAI is personalized to reflect your voice.

    As the author of High Energy Networking, Joe knows how vital it is to make meaningful connections. Take a listen to this episode and learn how you can utilize an AI strategy to build those connections today.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    The right strategy will save you a decade. Remember that energy without strategy is a waste of time. So if you want to grow your business, if you want to grow your life, if you want to be able to help other people and take your life to the next level, remember there's a strategy. Success leaves clues. There's a way to get to your goal by looking at somebody that's already done it, like Dr. Richard. And so follow their footsteps, listen to their podcasts, buy their books, get into their courses, join their communities, get more involved with people that have what you want and you're going to get their strategies, and you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can literally do R&D– it's rip off and duplicate. You can literally just copy somebody else's strategy. Find the coach that has done what you wanna get to do and go out and just copy their strategy. When I tell somebody, hey, you know, I can help you with LinkedIn, just copy my strategy. Join my community and just copy my strategy. Do what I do.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    To join Joe’s community, text “community” to Joe’s AI at 973-841-8868 To watch a demo video of evyAI, text “demo” to Joe’s AI at 973-841-8868 Watch a free video on funnel strategy at AjaxUnion.comRead High Energy Networking

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  • Meet Dr. Gladys McGarey, a trailblazer who has dedicated over a century to transforming healthcare through holistic medicine. Known as the mother of holistic medicine, her approach emphasizes love, understanding, and a profound connection with the patient's inner physician. Dr. McGarey's pioneering work focuses on understanding the deeper lessons behind diseases rather than merely treating symptoms.

    Born in India to medical missionary parents, Dr. McGarey knew from a young age that she was destined to be a physician, despite challenges like dyslexia. Her resilience led her to co-found the American Holistic Medical Association in 1978. She believes in the body's ability to heal itself by paying attention to its signals and working in harmony with our inner selves.

    Dr. McGarey's wisdom offers invaluable insights for enhancing well-being through holistic practices. By connecting with our inner physician and embracing the five L's, we can lead healthier, happier lives.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    “Live your life with life and love. If you can do that, other things are attracted to you. They become fun. They become joy. But if you don't love the trees and the birds and the people around you, you learn to lose love. And the beat goes on.”


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at gladysmcgarey.comRead The Well-Lived Life by Dr. Gladys McGareyFollow Dr. Gladys on Instagram: @begladmd

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  • There are a ton of resources out there about how to intentionally build your business culture, structure, and capacity, but almost none when it comes to doing the same for your family. Our guest on the show today, Tiffany Sauder, is here to fill that gap.

    Tiffany is a successful CEO, married to another professionally driven person, and is mother to four kids. A few years ago, her marriage and her family were at a breaking point. Everyone was stressed and frustrated. That’s when it hit Tiffany: She needed to run her family like she did her business.

    Today she teaches other families to do the same: Establish a mission and vision; do an honest, detailed evaluation where everyone in your family is at; and make concrete plans on how to function and be accountable.

    If you’ve been looking for concrete, realistic ways for your marriage and family to be better for everyone, be sure to tune in.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Choose your hard. Being a grownup is hard, life is hard, every path is hard. Getting up at 5 a.m. to work out is hard, not feeling comfortable in your skin is hard. Being on a budget is hard, being broke is hard. Staying married is hard, getting divorced is hard. Owning your own business is hard, working for somebody else is hard. The point is not for this to be frustrating. The point is to accept life is hard. And I think as soon as that's our expectation, we can say, I'm gonna choose the hard that aligns with the life I want, with where I want to go, with the relationships I want to have, with the impact I want to have on the world. And when you choose that hard, then it's not hard because it's in service to who you're becoming and the impact you're gonna have on the world.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Check out Tiffany’s Life of And AcademyListen to Tiffany’s podcast Scared ConfidentFollow Tiffany Sauder on Instagram: @TiffanySauder

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  • Paul Cheek was MIT’s first Hacker in Residence. No, he didn’t sit in a basement and try to steal nuclear codes or anything like that. He used his software developer skills to help entrepreneurs create what they needed for their businesses. Over the years, Paul worked with more and more entrepreneurs, not only helping them hack their technical problems, but overcome their business ones as well.

    Based on this experience, Paul has written a new book called “Disciplined Entrepreneurship: Startup Tactics.” In it, he gives 15 tactics across four foundations: goal setting, marketing testing, product development, and resource acquisition. The mission of the book is to help entrepreneurs take action to turn their business plans into businesses.

    Paul joins us in today’s episode to share highlights from his book and encouragement for anyone considering the path entrepreneurship. Listening to this episode might just be your first step.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Entrepreneurship is for everybody. It doesn't matter whether you're going to start a company. We need more entrepreneurs in this world and we need more entrepreneurial leaders in this world, regardless of whether you're gonna be a startup founder, you're gonna go join a company, you work in a larger organization today, you lead a team within a larger organization today. There are things about the entrepreneurial process that you will find useful, that you will be able to deploy with your team, with your business. And I would encourage you to do the hardest part. The hardest part of entrepreneurship is just getting started. Take the opportunity right here, right now today to go and take that first step.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Read “Disciplined Entrepreneurship: Startup TacticsLearn more at PaulCheek.comCheck out Oceanworks.coConnect with Paul on LinkedIn

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  • After 15 years as a social worker, Catherine Nikkel knew it was time to make a career change. She thought she was going to become an insurance agent, but suddenly the ground fell out from under her: She became paralyzed from the waist down. What got her through her time in the hospital was people telling her stories.

    Today, not only has Catherine learned to walk again, but she has helped fifteen people tell their stories by ghostwriting bestselling books with them. She has also helped dozens more tell their story through her book coaching.

    Catherine joins the show to explain what it means to be a ghostwriter and book coach. She also has tips for people who are thinking about writing a book. Her bottom line: “Get your voice out there because it deserves to be heard.”

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Please use your voice to make an impact, whether it be in your life, someone else's life, your communities. And the biggest thing for me is get your voice out there because it deserves to be heard.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at CatherineNikkel.com

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  • As a professor, Dr. Craig Detweiler saw that his arts and media students were becoming anxious about AI replacing them in the job market. That’s why he decided to write a book about what he hopes will be the future of human creativity and AI.

    Dr. Detweiler’s book, “Honest Creativity: The Foundation of Boundless, Good, and Inspired Innovation,” lays out the case that AI will help humans in their creative efforts, not replace them. Humans are good at analogies, embodiment, and empathy, while generative AI is good at lowering the traditional barriers to creative undertakings like legal work, studio tools, and more.

    He lays out the three step process that students, and all of us, should take in order to succeed, hand-in-hand with AI. He draws on his experience as president and CEO of Wedgewood Circle, a philanthropic investment collective that funds creative projects of meaning.

    It’s not everyday that you get to hear directly from Variety’s Mentor of the Year, so be sure to tune in and give a listen.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Fear not. The machines aren't coming to get you. The machines, hopefully, are coming to help and to serve you. And so have confidence in your HI: In your human intelligence, your human imagination, and your human ingenuity to create inspired innovation.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Read “Honest Creativity: The Foundation of Boundless, Good, and Inspired Innovation.”Follow Craig Detweiler on Instagram: @CraigDet

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  • Sue Van Raes would like for us all to befriend our biochemistry. Today she joins the show to teach us how. Sue is a functional nutritionist and food psychology specialist. She is also the author of a new book, “Food and Freedom: Discover your Personal Recipe to Eat, Think and Live Well.”

    Our willpower is tied to our blood sugar levels. The health of our relationships is tied to understanding our rates of cellular oxidation. Expressing the full range of our emotions changes what we put in our bodies. Sue Van Raes explains the intersection of our inner biochemistry and our lived experiences.

    Everyone has their own individual ratio of how much of the three macronutrients they need: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Through both blood tests and developing better internal sensation observation, we can learn to eat to feel how we want to feel. And that is freedom.

    Join us on today’s episode to learn more!

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    If we could, and can, tend to our relationship to food and self the same way we would tend to another important primary relationship in our life– by showing up, by listening, by prioritizing, by tending to– there is incredible healing that is possible. And this relationship with food and self is the most primary and profound relationship we can start with because from there, everything else, every other relationship in our lives improves. The ripple effect is incredible. And I think it's also the relationship that we forget about the most. So it's my reminder to turn to ourselves and take care of ourselves because we need to be our number ones.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Read: Food and Freedom: Discover your Personal Recipe to Eat, Think and Live WellLearn more: BoulderNutrition.comFollow Sue on Instagram: @BoulderNutrition

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  • Loretta Napoleoni’s career as a journalist and author began when she discovered her childhood best friend had joined a terrorist organization. Since then she has dedicated herself to analyzing the intersection of economics, politics, and violence. We’re excited to have Loretta on the show today.

    Loretta’s newest book is called “Technocapitalism: The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the Fight for the Common Good.” In it, she identifies the dangers of only a handful of people controlling the most powerful, newest technology. She advocates for more government oversight.

    Don’t let the title fool you. Loretta doesn’t mind capitalism and she likes technology. She just believes that the common good, as determined by a democratically elected government, should be the guiding light in how we regulate them.

    Loetta’s perspective has been shaped through her Fulbright Scholarship to Johns Hopkins, her Rotary Scholarship to London School of Economics degree, and her work at the National Bank of Hungary in the early 1980s. She’ll give you a lot to think about in this episode!

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    We have the power to understand technology. Do not be afraid. I mean, all we need is to study, understand, investigate, and then take control of it, because it's a very, very positive thing for humanity.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Read Technocapitalism: The Rise of the New Robber Barons and the Fight for the Common GoodLearn more at LorettaNapoleoni.com

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  • When she was about 12 years old, Meredith Heller left her troubled home and survived in the woods along the Potomac river. What saved her life was writing poetry and noticing how nature took care of her. Meredith has now spent over 30 years helping students and incarcerated women tap into that same power of noticing and writing. Her newest book, “Writing by Heart,” invites all of us into the practice.

    In this episode, we dive into Meredith’s book. “Writing by Heart'' walks you through gathering information from your body, experience, psyche, and imagination. That way you can write about what you’re deeply experiencing, not just what you are thinking. The book also helps you notice things around you that spark something within you– joy, curiosity, learning. Through this practice, you teach yourself that the world is a place that feeds what moves you deeply.

    Meredith describes writing as a way to make room within yourself to notice and fully experience the good and bad of life. This, she says, is the true path to healing.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Writing is a path home to self, to love, to life. It helps us fall in love with ourselves. It helps us come into deep friendship with ourselves. And from here, everything is possible. Pick up your pen, grab your journal, write a gratitude list, write a sparkle list, dive into the invitations in my book, come to workshops, such a warm, beautiful community, and start writing. Open up your inner world to yourself.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at MeredithHeller.comFollow Meredith on Instagram: @MeredithHellerPoetry

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  • Growing up in West Detroit, Chloe Panta knew there had to be a better life for her. She just didn’t know how to get it. Through relentless curiosity and pursuit of knowledge, Chloe learned about manifesting a better life and achieved it herself. Now she shares what she has learned in her new book, “Untapped Magic: Manifestation Methods for Living a Limitless Life.”

    In today’s episode, we dive into her book. First, Chloe gives concrete, actionable steps to unblocking whatever thought patterns are holding you back. Then she walks us through creating new neural pathways through positive affirmations, calling in ease and flow, and using her “creative imaginings” audio recordings. The final part of the book, she explains, has aligned, actionable steps to help you actually take actions to manifest what you want in life.

    In this interview, it becomes clear why Chloe is a highly sought after mindset expert and transformational coach: She uses an evidence-based, proven system with scientific data to help people overcome obstacles that are keeping them stuck in life.

    We’re lucky to have Chloe on the show today. Be sure to tune in!

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    I want people to tap into their untapped magic. We all have that. That's our mind. Simply tap into your mind and that's how you can actually cultivate a limitless life.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at ChloePanta.co Follow Chloe on Instagram: @ChloePanta Read: Untapped Magic: Manifestation Methods for Living a Limitless Life

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  • Multiverses, remote viewing, and the movie “The Men Who Stare at Goats.” We cover it all in today’s episode with Kim Chestney.

    Kim is the founder of the Intuition Lab and the Create Festival. Her work raises awareness about the importance of insight into the evolution of individual and world consciousness. Working for nearly 20 years in the tech sector, Kim has led initiatives with some of the top thought leaders, technology companies, and universities in the world. She’s here today to tell us about her most recent book, “The Illumination Code.”

    Diving into quantum physics, Kim explains that we’re living in the eternal here and now– that part of you already knows everything. Her book has seven “labs” with which you can experiment with this perception. A quick example: Remote sensing. The CIA spent a lot of resources on this kind of intuition, and according to Kim, it worked.

    We cover Einstein along with the Akashic Records in this unique and thought-provoking interview. Enjoy!

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    For me, I think that's really understanding that your intuition is really this master key to your life that can unlock this world of magic and wonder that we've all forgotten about. We walk around every day like we understand this world, but we really live in this world of mystery where anything's possible. And we have this huge potential that's within us that's still untapped. So I just wanna encourage everybody to trust themselves and listen to that guiding inner voice and learn to live by it every day because magic is out there. And the more you use it, the more you're going to find it.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at KimChestney.comCheck out IntuitionLab.comRead “Illumination Code: 7 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Intelligence”Listen: Episode 194: Tapping into Intuition & Trusting Your Inner Guidance | with Kim Chestney

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  • Dr. Johnny Parker is an executive coach and consultant to pro and college sports teams athletes and C-suite leaders. He's got a 25 year track record of helping organizations to know, align, and master their story so they win at work and thrive in life. He's been everywhere in the national media– places like CNN, NBC News, Viewpoint, BET, Washington Post, among others. On top of everything, Dr. Johnny has just released a new book, “Turn the Page: Unlocking the Story within You.”

    Today, Dr. Johnny shares his book’s five main themes: Clarify Your Quest; Demand Bold Truth; Champion Generosity; Engage Community; Pursue Continual Renewal. Of course we make sure to throw in some Star Wars references, along with some references to top psycho-social research studies.

    This episode is a feast of information and anecdotes of lessons learned. Tune in to learn how to tap into your story and lead the life you desire.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Consider taking your name– your first name or your last name and create an acrostic and craft your core values. So we've done that as a family our last name Parker we added S for Parkers and ours is P the acrostic of P stands for pleasing God; A stands for accepting one another. The R stands for respect. The K, keeping short accounts. The E, encourage 1 another. The R, renewal. And the S is service.

    So the reason that that's important, Ritz-Carlton does a stand-up meeting every day. They have 24 core values and every day they talk about 1 of their core values and it's their way of saying this is our story. They affirm the core value with a story. What happened last night in Tucson, Ritz-Carlton. What you're doing when you do that as a leader, as a family, you are actually staying more tethered to your authenticity, tethered to what really matters most.

    And research shows that when leaders lead from their core values, their effectiveness is about 110% greater when they're not leading from that place of core center and authenticity.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at JohnnyParker.com Read “Turn the Page: Unlocking the Story Within You”Connect with Dr. Johnny Parker on LinkedIn

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  • Steve Nudelberg is a bestselling author, expert sales trainer, business development guru, keynote speaker, and serial entrepreneur. His core philosophy is to ignite individuals and teams by enhancing their awareness about small yet powerful changes they can make to instantly sharpen individual performance centered around process, the art of building relationships, and pipeline development. We are lucky to have him on the show today.

    Steve is the grandson and son of shoe business owners. His own sons have taken over his company, a training and development company called “On the Ball.” You could say entrepreneurship is in his blood. But Steve would be the first to tell you it is about discipline, controlling the little things you can: How much you sleep, how much you eat, how much water you drink, you know, all of the things that you can control in mind, body, spirits, energy, and daily behaviors.

    Steve has failed many times, but he has always had the confidence to get back up and try again. He has something called “tolerance for ambiguity” - a willingness to take risks. Tune in to learn how he has developed this confidence in himself and how you can too.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    The world has changed. Many, many years ago when my company was involved in sports and sports marketing, I had the opportunity to work with Pat Riley and he said something to me then which stayed with me: The only thing in life you can count on is change so you better learn to embrace it. And the biggest shift in the business world, although there's many, is that you are the product, you are the brand. And we now have tools to allow you to market you. One of the questions I ask people is, when was the last time you bought or entertained an opportunity with somebody you didn't like? If you and I met and we didn't like each other, there's no shot I'm on this show. So the challenge in this new economy is to market yourself. You're responsible for creating your own awareness. And if you learn how to do that, your life will change and everybody around you will know.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Tune into the Nudelberg Daily HuddleLearn more at On the Ball.coConnect with Steve on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram

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  • When Lisa Manyon was a child, she didn’t just watch cartoons, she’d critique the commercials that ran between them. She was always thoughtful, curious, and analytical. Today, Lisa brings the same thoughtfulness and curiosity to her new book, Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love.

    When Lisa was coming up in the marketing world, she quickly identified how much the industry relied on pressing people’s pain points. She was not going to follow that path. She blazed a trail in marketing with integrity, focusing on people’s passion points instead of pain points. She founded Write On Creative and now has a podcast, “Your Message Matters.”

    In 2017, when Lisa was diagnosed with cancer she approached it with the same curiosity and thoughtfulness as she approached everything. She learned about all the ways you can heal yourself with love. Then she wrote a book about it: Spiritual Sugar. Her book covers meditation, connecting with nature, and other healing modalities. Her message, above all: “You can heal with love.”

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    I want all of our listeners to know that they matter, that they can heal with love, and it is time to commit to you.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more about Lisa’s marketing strategy company at writeoncreative.comRead Spiritual Sugar: The Divine Ingredients to Heal Yourself With Love

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  • Dr. Steve Taylor has authored numerous bestselling books and is now releasing his newest book, “The Adventure: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Awakening.” He’s a senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University and the chair of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. Steve’s articles and essays have been published in over 100 academic journals, magazines, and newspapers. You may have seen his work in Scientific American or Psychology Today.

    Steve’s field of study, transpersonal psychology, examines spiritual experiences in which we transcend our normal limited ego identity. It studies spiritual transformation, spiritual development. In fact, it could simply be called spiritual psychology. To be clear, when Steve discusses spirituality, he doesn’t mean religion. He’s talking about exploring your inner being, expanding your identity, connecting more deeply with other human beings and with the universe itself.

    In his newest book, “The Adventure: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Awakening,” Steve lays out a very practical, doable path for anyone seeking to grow in their spiritual development. It covers steps like disidentification from the ego, gratitude, awareness, stillness, and altruism. According to Steve, spiritual awakening isn’t something extraordinary and unattainable, it’s accessible to everyone.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    “Just in the same way that the surface of the ocean can sometimes be turbulent but there's always still a deep stillness beneath it. A diver knows– a diver moves from the surface of the ocean into a deep stillness beneath the waves and in the same way within our being our minds can sometimes be turbulent and restless even full of discord but there's always a deep stillness in our deep being. So I like to remind people that deep stillness is always accessible. It's always there just below the surface of your mind and you're always free to dive into it.”


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at StevenMTaylor.com Read “The Adventure: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Awakening

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  • We’re thrilled to have Mike Abramowitz on the show with us today. Mike has 20 years of direct sales experience, training 5,000 plus sales reps with $17 million in sales. He has nine books in the self-help space, a podcast called “The Better than Rich Show,” and a community named “Automate, Delegate, and Systematize.” Plus, he’s founded a nonprofit, “PB&J for Tampa Bay.” Mike has scaled numerous six-figure businesses and a nonprofit to be run without him so he can experience the time freedom that he desires. Now he focuses on helping other busy entrepreneurs implement systems in their businesses by leveraging automation and delegation.

    Growing up, Mike watched his father grind hard every day as a plumber in order to provide for his family but miss out on a lot of family time because of it. Mike also fell into this pattern– as a top salesman at Cutco for over 20 years, he worked long hours. As he started his author and speaker career on top of everything, his personal relationships and health started to break down. So Mike decided to shift his mindset and his work: He decided to buy back his time. He put infrastructure in place so his company and nonprofit could run without depending on him too much. He pivoted to using offshore virtual assistants, artificial intelligence, and creating FAQ libraries and other tools to “replace” him.

    This structure was tested when his son was born prematurely and had to spend 8 months in the NICU. It worked. Mike could spend time with his family without his business suffering. His son is now healthy and thriving, and Mike has the time freedom he always wanted. When he does log hours, it is to help other business operators become business owners and truly experience the financial and time freedom that drew them to entrepreneurship in the first place.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    Get clear on exactly the type of things that you want in your life or don't want and pursue the things that you want and let go of the things that you don't want with intentionality. And if there's any way that we could support with our team with Better Than Rich to support that, I would love to do, I would do a free delegation plan with any of your listeners if they wanna reach out. I would do a 90 day delegation plan of how to let go of anything it is that they wanna let go of and get off their plate. It's something that we love doing for anybody that would enjoy having that conversation.


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at VA.BetterThanRich.comListen to the Better Than Rich Show Read Dan Martell’s book Buy Back Your Time

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  • Our guest today is Steve Cockram. He's the co-founder of Giant, a world leader in relational intelligence, trusted by Google, Microsoft, Delta, Pfizer, the US military, and leaders across the world. Steve is here today to talk about his latest book, "The Communication Code," which was the number one new release on Amazon in all categories when released, and currently the number one book in business and management on Amazon.

    The impetus for the book was Steve’s observation that maintaining healthy long term relationships is the exception, not the norm today. When he looked at root causes, he saw that communication failures were at the heart of the breakdowns. He noticed that many times people don’t receive and respond to information in the manner which it was intended.

    That’s why he came up with the 5 Communication Codes. Communication Codes help the receiver/respondent understand the intent and desired response of the messenger. The 5 codes are: Critique, collaboration, clarify, care, and celebrate. He gives the example that his wife might tell him something she is struggling with, letting him know that she is communicating in the code “care.” That lets him know she isn’t looking for him to solve a problem, but to just be emotionally present with her.

    Steve tells us of marriages and business relationships saved by this Communication Codes concept. He encourages everyone to give it a try, even if they’re feeling like their relationship is on the brink of failure. A simple communication code could change everything.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    “Communication can be made to work in any relationship. And actually, with the tools, you have a real chance, but without you don't. Intent is not enough for communication in a relationship. You actually need some tools if you are wired differently. If you're the same as someone else, we just get on and we're fine. But I think for me is where people have given up hope or where people have almost reached a point where they're not sure this relationship is gonna last, I would say give it one last spin because the communication code has the ability to begin creating hope in people's lives, in the relationships they were most loved to see life happening.”


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Read the book: “The Communication Code: Unlock Every Relationship, One Conversation at a Time”Visit: GiantWorldwide.comTake Giant’s free communication assessment: GiantUniversity.com/5-voices-overviewConnect with Steve on LinkedIn

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  • Dr. Greg Pursley, affectionately known as Dr. G, is an expert in personal growth and transformation who has dedicated his career to helping individuals navigate through life's challenges by changing their core beliefs. His journey, marked by personal challenges including his son's health issues, has inspired him to develop methodologies that encourage individuals to live beyond their fears and anxieties.

    Dr. G's approach revolves around the concept of the five A's: Aware, Acknowledge, Accept, Action Plan, and Attack. These steps, coupled with his focus on the five pillars of life - Relationships, Finances, Health, Career/Business, and Belief/Faith - provide a comprehensive framework for personal development. Through his Fix Your BS Academy and the bestselling book "Fix Your BS," Dr. G offers practical tools and strategies for individuals to confront and reshape their limiting beliefs.

    One of the most impactful takeaways from the episode is the emphasis on emotional intelligence and resilience. Dr. G highlights how developing a positive mindset, cultivating emotional intelligence, and practicing gratitude can significantly influence our happiness and success. He shares inspiring success stories of individuals who have transformed their lives by applying these principles, demonstrating the transformative power of adopting a gratitude-driven approach to life.

    Dr. G encourages us to reflect on their belief systems and consider how a shift in perspective could lead to profound personal and professional growth. His message is clear: by confronting and changing our deepest beliefs, we unlock the potential to lead more fulfilled and impactful lives.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    “Know yourself, look inside, figure out who you really are and what you really want in life and then you can start working toward developing it, but you have to know it first.”


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at fixyourbs.netRead the Book: Fix Your BSFollow Dr. G on Instagram: @drgregpursley

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  • Heather Pearce Campbell, a warrior mom, nature enthusiast, and an accomplished attorney and legal coach, is revolutionizing the way entrepreneurs approach legal matters. Based in Seattle, Heather has fused her passions and expertise into two dynamic ventures: Pierce Law, PLLC, and the Legal Website Warrior. Her journey, inspired by personal challenges and an entrepreneurial spirit instilled from childhood, has led her to become a guiding force for information entrepreneurs globally.

    Heather's story is not just about professional success; it’s deeply rooted in personal experiences. The passing of her mother to glioblastoma significantly shifted her perspective on life and career, driving her to start her own legal practice immediately after law school. This journey was further shaped by the 9/11 aftermath, challenging Heather to innovate and adapt. Her transition to supporting entrepreneurs stemmed from a keen awareness of the legal void in this sector, prompting her to create accessible, efficient legal solutions.

    Heather's primary message to entrepreneurs is clear: Legal support is not a luxury but a cornerstone of business success. She warns against common entrepreneurial pitfalls, such as neglecting legal protections and inadequate contract practices. Heather advocates for a proactive legal stance, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding online businesses and intellectual properties. Her practical advice encompasses establishing legal entities, customizing contracts, and nurturing a legally sound business environment. Heather's voice resonates with clarity and authority, urging entrepreneurs to embrace legal challenges as integral to their growth and success.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    “Don't be afraid of legal support. Don't imagine what's in the box. Just understand that when it comes to legal support done right, there's a major toolbox available to you if you're looking in the right places. It’s just about picking up one tool at a time”


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at legalwebsitewarrior.comListen to the Guts, Grit & Great Business podcastConnect with Heather on LinkedIn

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  • Shelby Stanger has carved a unique niche through her explorations and storytelling. Her journey is a testament to the power of embracing the wild, both in nature and within oneself. As a journalist-turned-podcaster, Shelby created "Wild Ideas Worth Living," where she interviews various adventurers, sharing her own extensive surfing and outdoor experiences.

    Shelby's path was shaped by early life challenges, including the loss of her father. This personal tragedy highlighted the brevity of life and steered her towards surfing and nature, which she found to be healing and meditative. These experiences underscore her philosophy: that adventure is not just an activity, but a crucial element for mental well-being and personal growth.

    Her book "Will to Wild" delves into the mindset necessary for adventures, the challenges faced, and the transformative effects of such experiences. It's a blend of personal anecdotes and interviews, providing practical guidance for those looking to embark on their own adventures. A key theme in Shelby's narrative is the role of fear. She discusses how facing fears in the wilderness can empower individuals to confront life's broader challenges, offering tactics like focusing on the present to manage fear.

    Shelby's message resonates beyond the realm of adventurers. She advocates for the importance of starting - in adventures and life - emphasizing action over extensive planning. In a world that often feels overwhelming, Shelby Stanger's philosophy offers a refreshing perspective on the interplay between nature, fear, kindness, and self-discovery.

    The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

    “There's two things. One, go outside in nature as often as you can and breathe. And the second is be kind. Kindness is a game-changer. It'll get you out of a jam. It'll help you on your way. It'll bring you trail magic. And that's not just being kind to other people and kind to animals and trees but being kind to yourself. We can all be really hard on ourselves and you have to laugh at yourself on the way. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. Get outside and have fun.”


    Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


    Learn more at ShelbyStanger.comListen: Wild Ideas Worth LivingRead: Will to WildFollow Shelby on Instagram: @shelbystangerWatch: TEDx | Will to Wild

    Produced by NOVA Media