
  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page.

    August Friday and Saturday 16th 17th End times conference at HillSpring Church sponsored by The David Alliance,

    A dentist with missing teeth

    A personal trainer who is grossly overweight

    A business professor who has never owned a business

    A politician who is worth millions but tells the average blue collar American to quit whining…

    I have problems with these people.

    What really matters as a follower of Christ?

    Recent conversations with pastors, church members and local congregants… some churches getting smaller, going back to one service… budgets shrinking…

    We have been getting some transfer growth… some due to people running to the next big thing - and some leaving dead churches… but thats not what matters. I can honestly say… I want non christians to come to my church and experience Jesus and give their hearts to Christ… thats all I care about. Our budget is primarily for the non christian. Our sermons are biblical and applicable but always have the non christian in mind.

    What does this have to do with me…

    What really matters in your life as a follower of Jesus. Do you think when you get to heaven God is going to say you were such a great follower of Christ… you read, you prayed, sought my will, you love me and you loved others… you were sacrificial… OH AND YOU LEAD NO ONE TO CHRIST… YOU NEVER SHARED THE GOSPEL…IM NOT SURE YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS.

    Where do we get the idea that we can be a person who stands before God and he says “well done thy good and faithful servant”…. But we never took his number one command to heart, and didn’t just do it, but lived it, breathed it - made it our mission, our life. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE CALLED TO DO. That is what the original disciples stood for, preached and died for.

    If Jesus is really that good then why are you not tell others about him…. Or maybe he is just an insurance policy for you. Maybe its easiest, you get blessings, and peace and love and forgiveness…

    Shame on you…

    Jesus cannot be who he said he was, do what he did, prove what he is ….AND YOU CLAIM HIM AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR AND YOU DON’T FEEL THE NEED TO SHARE HIM?

    My wife is smoking hot, she is beautiful, she has got a body that knocks me off my feet, she is a beautiful blonde, with curves that a Ferrari can’t handle, she has the best smile… she smells like sex, she is sweet, innocent, tender, loving and more… but Im to embarrassed of her to introduce you to her… you may not think she is that pretty, it might offend you…. That says more about me than my wife.

    Matthew 10:33

    NIV But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.

    NLT But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.

    Deny: To contradict by your behavior… to not confess him to others.

    i.e. you can say you are a Christian all you want… but if you are not in such belief of that - that you are not sharing Christ on a regular basis then you are not a follower of Christ.

    Social media influencers… by far the majority post sweet, nice, motivating and biblical posts… that are void of the gospel…

    Again, that is like me posting things on marriage because I am a marriage expert, but I never share anything about my wife or my marriage… and in fact I am embarrassed of her… I might lose followers on my social media channel if I talk about my wife…

    2 questions… chew on these.

    Are you a follower of Jesus?

    How would Jesus rate your success at following him?



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  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page.

    Who said?

    Who cares? And why would you?

    Life can grind you down thru well meaning know it alls.

    Who are these people… they are the experts, the pros, the intelligent people.

    Most of these people are smart or successful by accident or luck. There are lots of smart people who never worked for it, as well as successful, and rich.

    Ignore these people. What if The disciples listened to the experts, the crowds, the teachers of the law, the pharisees and sadducees…. Even Jesus own family… the disciples would have turned and run.

    But practically speaking when you do a deep dive into success be it in chess, business, entrepreneurship, relationships, exercise… whatever it is. These people were all told not to do it. I heard Robert Kyisoki once say that 99% of all inventions would have never come to be if people had listened to the experts… the pro’s, the intelligent. I have to agree.

    I want to hear Gods voice more.

    I want to heal more people.

    I want to make a billion dollars.

    I want to win 1 million people to Christ.

    I want to start a media company.

    I want to employ my sons.

    I want to build my wife’s dream house.

    I want to raise people from the dead.

    I want to start a revival….

    I want to write a book for men that changes our country and is a best seller.

    These are truly things I am believing for… but guess what the experts are saying?

    Dude, you don’t have enough time, you are not smart enough, it will never happen…

    I love what Louie Simmons said “if you train with the lame you will end up walking with a limp”.

    If you allow the experts to plan your future… it will be hell on earth. If you are willing to just trust God and go for it… you will be surprised at what grows in your life.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    BAM - watch them every Tuesday night on our Facebook page.

    How long does it take for you to get to know someone…

    Most of us love telling others who we are and what we are about and love. And if you are slow to do this… it will still happen when you get comfortable around a person…

    What if you practiced this in your walk with Christ. You get so comfortable with his word, his ways, his spirit, his commands, his wisdom, his advice, his grace, his stories of the miraculous… that you tell yourself that is who you are… its who you are in Christ. You don’t just tell it, you believe it, you feel it. You begin to experience it.

    You are at a job interview or with a girl you met on a dating app…. Or speaking for the first time to your girlfriends dad….…. so uh Garth tell me about yourself…

    Well I am a son of the King, I have unlimited favor. When things seem impossible I brace myself for an incredible miracle. When I don’t understand things I just laugh knowing God is working behind the scenes. I can’t help but be a blessing because I am blessed. I am an overcomer… I have Gods truth flowing through my veins and I have unlimited grace at my disposal. I am so powerful in the spiritual world it shakes hell… yeah thats about it.

    Everyone thought Muhammad Ali was arrogant until he started knocking everyone out.

    You may think I am that crazy hyper faith person… but what else is faith - other than hyper. I live by faith, I live by Gods word… it should seem over the top!

    2 Kings 7 Elisha is being chastised by the King about how the country is starving and God isn’t keeping his word… he is hitting up Elisha with death threats…

    Elisha knows who he is, he knows his God and in fact… we don’t see Elisha getting a WORD from God, we just simply see him speaking something into existence.

    He knows who he is

    He knows his God

    He knows his place in God

    He knows what his God is capable of

    He knows what God has done, can do and will do

    He looks at the king and says simply… again he speaks this into existence…

    By this time tomorrow Israel will have all it needs and more… but your assistant will see it but not Eaton it!

    So Elisha is so secure in who he is… he calls on a miracle by God and he calls it curtains on the doubting assistant.

    Do you know your God?

    Then call it out.

    If you don’t have that confidence… then seek him, know him and know who you are and then call it.

    Like I have said before to doubters who say I don’t believe it… I smile and say thats ok, Its already happened… carry on.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    I put a new binary trigger in my AR a few years back… whoa that think is smoking. I can go through 30 rounds in about 3 seconds…

    But its all because of the trigger… So whats your trigger?

    Whats your trigger?

    What is a trigger? Triggers, also known as emotional or mental health triggers, are stimuli like memories, objects, things, places or people that spark intense negative emotions. These triggers can lead to a sudden and often disproportionate emotional response compared to the stimulus.

    You don’t get to put all your feelings away like you do your Christmas ornaments… and then go through them whenever you want to. They will pop up like a change in the weather or an unseen pothole or even like a shooting star… out of nowhere you get hit and it can unbuckle an avalanche of reactions.

    One of my favorite quotes is to have a mind like water. It basically means to have a mind that responds to things like water. Water always responds appropriately. You never drop a pebble into a pond and produce a tidal wave. And when a boulder topples down a hill crashing into a lake it doesn’t just ripple…it looks like a bomb going off. Water always responds appropriately.

    How do you find out your triggers? Well anything that causes an unplanned emotional wash… you feel your mental makeup just become flooded with uncontrollable feelings…. Sometimes causing outburst.. .but not always. This is when you look back on your life and figure out what was that trigger from?

    Psalm 139:23 Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

    V. 24 see if there is any offensive way in me…

    David is asking God - look for my anxious thoughts, my triggers and see if they might cause me to become offensive in anyway.

    Look Social media is a hotbed of triggers. And its easy to post your trigger happy reaction when no one is in front of you! But as followers of Christ, we need to make sure we don’t just DO what Jesus did, but we RESPOND the way Jesus did.

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    What is my life about

    How to get a job

    What does it mean to be a man

    How to prove to my woman I am a man of God

    How to get a woman

    How to deal with a woman who won’t give to the relationship

    How to deal with a woman who pouts and wants her way

    How to handle money

    How to heal from the past

    How to stay fresh spiritually, emotionally, mentally,

    Whats more dangerous porn or alcohol

    Ego: My worst enemy

    Mindsets are the Key

    Mentorship is the secret

    The invisible word

    Depression from lack of vision

    Do you date your best friends X?

    You need to be here! You need to invite your man friend!

  • Video: He is risen

    Where are you looking?

    Luke 24

    Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. 2 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. 3 Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 And it happened, as they were greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. 5 Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but is risen!

    Christianity is not a religion, but if it was, it could be called the resurrection religion.

    Where do you look for life?

    Mary and Martha went looking for Jesus in a hole/grave.

    The stone to the tomb was rolled away not so Christ could get out… but so that we could see that there is no life there!

    Is there a chance today you have been spending your time looking for meaning in things that don’t bring life?

    Job, relationships, money, health, popularity, privilege, education - without Jesus THE RISEN KING life can feel “LIFELESS”.


    The Disciples looked to Jesus for a revolution, to be a part of some major political coup.

    The women looked to Jesus as a prophet and man of God, dearly loved.

    The politicians looked at him as a nuisance and a problem to deal with.

    The crowd looked at him as a lunatic.

    The religious leaders looked at him as a threat


    John gets there first… but does not go in.

    Peter gets there second and runs into the tomb

    Peter was with Jesus for almost 3 1/2 years. He followed him, listened to him, watched him.

    He saw how he lived his life…

    Storms, sadducees, pharisees, women, prostitutes, nature, demons, money issues, death threats….

    False accusations, greed, lies, gossip, mocked,


    And just a few days before the resurrection Peter was sitting at a fire…

    A 12 year old girl identifies him…



    SCENARIO: you are playing ball in the house… mom and Dad are not home. The vase breaks….

    You all go back up to your rooms….

    You all hear the garage door open…

    You all race to give your story first…


    Last time he saw Jesus he had denied him 3 times.

    ARE WE OK?

    ARE WE OK?

    ARE WE OK?

    PETER up to that point had looked at Jesus as a means to reaching his goals… it was in his best interest to follow Jesus… until it might cost him his life.


    Peter still goes fishing… I know the truth, but am I on good terms?

    Jesus asks do you love me?

    Jesus uses the word Agape twice…

    Do you love me with Gods love?

    *Then Jesus uses the word Phileo…

    Do you love me intimately like a brother?

    Then feed my sheep… serve me Peter.

    Perspective - we have a whole different perspective than the pre -cross generation.


  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    Your past knows where you are, it will come and get you at some time. Dan Little

    Admit your past to those who you have offended.

    Don’t make excuses, don’t make up reasons for your behavior… don’t tell them you have changed. Just admit your behavior, apologize if you need to and let your life speak for itself from that point on.

    You don’t need to know why you did it…

    You were young, you didn’t think, you were insecure… it don’t matter. Just admit it and move on.

    If others want you to relive it, or continue to carry it… don’t.

    The Monk and his protege… they were traveling for a day and could not talk from sun up till sundown. They came upon a young maiden who was standing in in front of a river… she was crying. The monk asked her what was wrong… she said I need to get to my best friends wedding, but I have no way to cross the river without ruining my dress. The monk picked her up and carried her across. The protege was very disturbed. Hours went by and finally the sun went down… the protoge could barely contain himself… pointing out that the monk had talked and not only that had touched a women… the monk smiled and said, yes I talked and picked her up and put her down… but you have still been carrying her all day and are still carrying her now.

    Accept it, receive Gods forgiveness and move on. Jesus asks Peter, do you love me?

    Yes, feed my sheep. Move forward.

    What does Jesus do here? You may miss it. He does not let Peter push it to the side, he makes him deal with it. He forces him to face it and let it go. You must make yourself deal with it once and move on.

    From here, now you can move forward and work on yourself and your mission. Jesus calls Peter to work on himself… the true nature of a disciple is to continue to grow in Christ…and go build the kingdom.

    And in doing so you are now working with others who are working on themselves and working on the kingdom. The best thing you can do with your past is hang in a circle with people who have a past and have decided to move on - build themselves and build the kingdom. I find great comfort in knowing people who have a past - have dealt with it, EVEN not tried to hide from it… but now focus on growth and kingdom mindset.

    Finally… help others move on by sharing your story. Your mistakes, your growth and your acceptance of them in their time of change.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    Tactic #2 Accuser - From his voices and minions and He will use other people

    Principalities - a term for the highest rank and position

    Powers - a Group of delegated demons with given authority from satan.

    Rulers of darkness - raw power that has been put into rank and file

    Authorities/ Spiritual hosts of wickedness - those who bring only bad. Evil, vile, wicked, twisted, sick, perverted…horrendous things.

    Satan is the prince over these powers… he wants to rule, he is good at it. He is patient, he is tactical, he is brutal and he is never ending.


    1 Peter 5:8 8 Be sober, be vigilant; (these terms point to being against the flesh) because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

    Adversary - antidikos insanely against anything righteous.

    ROARS - THE old lions who have no power to hunt on their own must rely on their voice to cause people to freeze up in fear.

    - The adversary has a voice… and thats all he has.


    Not everyone will get devoured, only those who freeze up and have fear.

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    What is my life about

    How to get a job

    What does it mean to be a man

    How to prove to my woman I am a man of God

    How to get a woman

    How to deal with a woman who won’t give to the relationship

    How to deal with a woman who pouts and wants her way

    How to handle money

    How to heal from the past

    How to stay fresh spiritually, emotionally, mentally,

    Whats more dangerous porn or alcohol

    Ego: My worst enemy

    Mindsets are the Key

    Mentorship is the secret

    The invisible word

    Depression from lack of vision

    Do you date your best friends X?

    You need to be here! You need to invite your man friend!

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    Ephesians 6:12 For we do not Fight, Struggle battle wrestle (my words… grind, onslaught, clash, combat, rumble or harass) against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

    V. 12 we wrestle… the term for this was to the death,

    no breaks, no rounds, no timeouts… you either gave up or died in the ring.

    **As teenage boys: Fighting to the next song that came on…. Greg “Free Bird”

    We wrestle not against flesh and blood…

    but wait.

    Flesh - our flesh is at war - but the instigator is the spiritual forces behind it. Paul tells us to sacrifice the flesh… to kill the old man. Rom. 6:6-23 tells us to kill the old man and live by the spirit.

    Tactic #1 The lust of the flesh - we must kill the old man.

    When I was a kid we had an evangelist say all my flesh wants is sleep, food, to be tickled and sex… I was shocked… that he knew exactly what I wanted ;-)




    Put away lying Ephesians 4:25.

    Speak the truth with your neighbor Ephesians 4:25. Be angry and send not Ephesians 4:26.

    Give no place to the devil Ephesians 4:27.

    Let him who stole Steal No more Ephesians 4:28

    Let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth Ephesians 4:29

    Grieve not the Holy Spirit Ephesians 4:30

    Put all bitterness wrath anger clamor, evil, speaking and malice. Be put away from you Ephesians 4:31

    Galatians 5:16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law- the flesh.

    Stay in tune to the spirit…

    **My wife grew up around men who were manipulative, deceptive, untrustworthy…. She can sniff them out in a heartbeat…. She was around it enough to know.


  • Eph. 6

    10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    Whole armor GK panoplia - A soldier completely dressed in his armor head to toe

    7 pieces of armor - both offensive and defensive



    11 Put on the whole armor of God,

    Put on GK enduro - Luke 24:49 stay in Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high.

    new man new clothesLose weight new clothesLose the old man and get a new man-new clothes

    V.11 Of God - GK = tou Theo - directly from God… from a personal connection. (FROM ON HIGH)

    You lay your armor down when you lose your intimacy with God.

    A fan plugged in vs. unplugged

    Put on the whole armor of God. Don’t specialize… faith faith faith…

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil… and so forth and so on.. with the levels of heavenly warfare and armor.



    And now that this is done… Henceforth…

    “You will be deficient if you don’t do what I said, and you will be deficient if you don’t NOW do this.

    in the Greek that means now for the rest of time take heed listen be prepared.

    Therefore: There for what? Looking at Ephesus.

    Blessing in Christ

    Experience of Salvation

    Growing in the knowledge and strength of Christ

    Christian conduct… Chapter 6 into 6:10

    THEN - Spiritual warfare.

    **much like the ten commandments>

    The first four are between God and Man

    The last six are between man and man.


    If your relationships aren’t in order, then your spiritual warfare tactics and fighting will be greatly hindered.

    Verse 10 starts out with therefore, be strong in the Lord. Meaning, you can’t be strong in the Lord if you have unhealthy relationships and

    Wives - scripture says submit, respect and make him feel desirable… by this act you are clearly under his authority. If you do not do this you step out of Gods design for your marriage and are no longer under Gods designed protection.

    Eph. 5:22-24

    The wife is to be under her husbands authority, ruler the head!

    Gk. = kefalay the loss of the head destroys the life

    Ladies when you axe the head of your marriage you choose invite the enemy to bring death in every area of your life.

    LADIES: You have problems physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally… have you placed yourself under your husbands authority, and by doing so his protection which comes from God.

    Wives respect your husband… not love. Why because women are the weaker sex… meaning they assume and associate Love with feelings. Men understand it to mean action. But Respect is an action to a women… you don’t have to like him, you don’t have to feel like it, you don’t have to want to but out of respect you will serve that person.




    1 Peter 3:7 women are the weaker sex…

    Weaker Gk = morally feeble… go by feelings more than whats right. Dad says the kid needs to be spanked… mom knows its right but can’t do it.

    Moved by your emotions easily… is good and bad. Spank your kids… Dad~! Give them another chance - Mom


    - when you choose to submit to your husbands,

    - when you choose to respect them,

    - when you choose to make him feel desirable… those are all things God asks of us in worship to him - It crucifies your flesh and it keeps you directly under Gods perfectly provided protection for you.

    Men are to: Eph. 5: 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

    25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.

    We understand 3 things about Christ and the role he exemplifies for husbands:

    - He came only to the will of the father

    - He gave his life

    - He is over the church


    Husbands you are to do only the will of the father

    You are to give your life for your wife

    You are over your wife.

    **Husbands if you are not walking in these your spiritual warfare is greatly hindered.

    Love your wife in such a way that she is more like Christ, without spot or wrinkle or blemish like Jesus presents the church to the father.

    Is your wife more like Jesus?


    Eph. 6:1 Children obey your parents

    Children - a descendant of… not by age, but by blood.

    OBEY - to be willing to listen (like answering the door) and willing to obey.

    *The caveat here is that the Father and Mother are also living under the right roles. The Wife/Mom is submitted to the husband and the husband/Dad is Submitted to Christ.

    **Children it has a promise… that it will go well with you and you will live long.

    “Well with you” GK is basically an exclamation point.

    How is your marriage? Answer: !!!!!

    How is your business? Answer: !!!!!

    How are your finances? Answer: !!!!


    Parents submit to your kids…

    ** In the same way - its crazy for a Wife to not submit to her husband.

    ** In the same way it is crazy for a husband not to submit to God.

    ** In the same way it is crazy for a child not to obey their parents.

    The ten greatest warrior clans in history:

    Top 10 Deadliest Warriors in History

    Mongols - Gingas Kahn Maori British SASSpartansNinjasGurkhasKamikaze PilotsKnightsSamuraiThe ImmortalsMaori - Not only defeated their enemies they ate them. Cannibalism - they would sing this song:

    You wanted to run away, didn’t you?

    But my greenstone club overtook you!

    And after you were cooked you were made food for me!

    And where is your father? He is cooked.

    And where is your brother? He is eaten.

    And where is your wife? There she sits; a wife for me.

    And where are your children? There they are, loads on their backs carrying food as my slaves.

    But there is even one more brutally fierce ferocious war machine that is relentless and merciless and destroys everything in its sight!

    It is the family that has a Godly father submitted To Christ

    A Godly wife that is submitted to her husband

    And Godly children submitted to their parents…


  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil… and so forth and so on.. with the levels of heavenly warfare and armor.



    And now that this is done… Henceforth…

    “You will be deficient if you don’t do what I said, and you will be deficient if you don’t NOW do this.

    in the Greek that means now for the rest of time take heed listen be prepared.

    Therefore: There for what? Looking at Ephesus.

    Blessing in Christ

    Experience of Salvation

    Growing in the knowledge and strength of Christ

    Christian conduct… Chapter 6 into 6:10

    THEN - Spiritual warfare.

    **much like the ten commandments>

    The first four are between God and Man

    The last six are between man and man.


    If your relationships aren’t in order, then your spiritual warfare tactics and fighting will be greatly hindered.

    Verse 10 starts out with therefore, be strong in the Lord. Meaning, you can’t be strong in the Lord if you have unhealthy relationships and

    Wives - scripture says submit, respect and make him feel desirable… by this act you are clearly under his authority. If you do not do this you step out of Gods design for your marriage and are no longer under Gods designed protection.

    Eph. 5:22-24

    The wife is to be under her husbands authority, ruler the head!

    Gk. = kefalay the loss of the head destroys the life

    Ladies when you axe the head of your marriage you choose invite the enemy to bring death in every area of your life.

    LADIES: You have problems physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally… have you placed yourself under your husbands authority, and by doing so his protection which comes from God.

    Wives respect your husband… not love. Why because women are the weaker sex… meaning they assume and associate Love with feelings. Men understand it to mean action. But Respect is an action to a women… you don’t have to like him, you don’t have to feel like it, you don’t have to want to but out of respect you will serve that person.




    1 Peter 3:7 women are the weaker sex…

    Weaker Gk = morally feeble… go by feelings more than whats right. Dad says the kid needs to be spanked… mom knows its right but can’t do it.

    Moved by your emotions easily… is good and bad. Spank your kids… Dad~! Give them another chance - Mom


    - when you choose to submit to your husbands,

    - when you choose to respect them,

    - when you choose to make him feel desirable… those are all things God asks of us in worship to him - It crucifies your flesh and it keeps you directly under Gods perfectly provided protection for you.

    Men are to: Eph. 5: 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

    25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.

    We understand 3 things about Christ and the role he exemplifies for husbands:

    - He came only to the will of the father

    - He gave his life

    - He is over the church


    Husbands you are to do only the will of the father

    You are to give your life for your wife

    You are over your wife.

    **Husbands if you are not walking in these your spiritual warfare is greatly hindered.

    Love your wife in such a way that she is more like Christ, without spot or wrinkle or blemish like Jesus presents the church to the father.

    Is your wife more like Jesus?


  • If your relationships aren’t in order, then your spiritual warfare tactics and fighting will be greatly hindered.

    Verse 10 starts out with therefore, be strong in the Lord. Meaning, you can’t be strong in the Lord if you have unhealthy relationships and

    Wives - scripture says submit, respect and make him feel desirable… by this act you are clearly under his authority. If you do not do this you step out of Gods design for your marriage and are no longer under Gods designed protection.

    Eph. 5:22-24

    The wife is to be under her husbands authority, ruler the head!

    Gk. = kefalay the loss of the head destroys the life

    Ladies when you axe the head of your marriage you choose invite the enemy to bring death in every area of your life.

    LADIES: You have problems physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally… have you placed yourself under your husbands authority, and by doing so his protection which comes from God.

    Wives respect your husband… not love. Why because women are the weaker sex… meaning they assume and associate Love with feelings. Men understand it to mean action. But Respect is an action to a women… you don’t have to like him, you don’t have to feel like it, you don’t have to want to but out of respect you will serve that person.




    1 Peter 3:7 women are the weaker sex…

    Weaker Gk = morally feeble… go by feelings more than whats right. Dad says the kid needs to be spanked… mom knows its right but can’t do it.

    Moved by your emotions easily… is good and bad. Spank your kids… Dad~! Give them another chance - Mom


    - when you choose to submit to your husbands,

    - when you choose to respect them,

    - when you choose to make him feel desirable… those are all things God asks of us in worship to him - It crucifies your flesh and it keeps you directly under Gods perfectly provided protection for you.

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil… and so forth and so on.. with the levels of heavenly warfare and armor.



    And now that this is done… Henceforth…

    “You will be deficient if you don’t do what I said, and you will be deficient if you don’t NOW do this.

    in the Greek that means now for the rest of time take heed listen be prepared.

    Therefore: There for what? Looking at Ephesus.

    Blessing in Christ

    Experience of Salvation

    Growing in the knowledge and strength of Christ

    Christian conduct… Chapter 6 into 6:10

    THEN - Spiritual warfare.

    **much like the ten commandments>

    The first four are between God and Man

    The last six are between man and man.


    If your relationships aren’t in order, then your spiritual warfare tactics and fighting will be greatly hindered.

    Verse 10 starts out with therefore, be strong in the Lord. Meaning, you can’t be strong in the Lord if you have unhealthy relationships and

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?

    Back when the telegraph was the fastest means of long-distance

    communication, there was a story, perhaps just a legend, about a young man

    who applied for a job as a Morse code operator. Answering an ad in the

    newspaper, he went to the address that was listed. When he arrived, he

    entered a large, noisy office. In the background a telegraph clacked away. A

    sign on the receptionist's counter instructed job applicants to fill out a

    form and wait until they were summoned to enter the inner office. The young

    man completed his form and sat down with seven other waiting applicants.

    After a few minutes, the young man stood up, crossed the room to the door of

    the inner office, and walked right in. Naturally the other applicants perked

    up, wondering what was going on. Why had this man been so bold? They

    muttered among themselves that they hadn't heard any summons yet. They took

    more than a little satisfaction in assuming the young man who went into the

    office would be reprimanded for his presumption and summarily disqualified

    for the job.

    Within a few minutes the young man emerged from the inner office escorted by

    the interviewer, who announced to the other applicants, "Gentlemen, thank

    you very much for coming, but the job has been filled by this young man."

    The other applicants began grumbling to each other, and then one spoke up,

    "Wait a minute--I don't understand. He was the last one to come in, and we

    never even got a chance to be interviewed. Yet he got the job. That's not


    The employer responded, "All the time you've been sitting here, the

    telegraph has been ticking out the following message in Morse code: `If you

    understand this message, then come right in. The job is yours.' None of you

    heard it or understood it. This young man did. So the job is his."

    Our livelihood, indeed our life, depends upon our ability to discern the

    meaning of these words: "You are my child, whom I love; with you I am well


    The Three BattleQrounds

    AUTHOR: Francis FrangipanePAGE: 55

    The Spirit will speak in dreams, visions and prophetic words, but much of what will be revealed will actually come through our capacity to perceive correctly. The Scripture tells us that Jesus perceived the thoughts of men "in His Spirit." So also with us, if we will move in divine discernment, our view of life must be purged of human thoughts and reactions. The beginning of true discernment will not come until we crucify our instincts to judge.

    Eps. 4:23

    Renew the spirit of your mind…

    We covered this a few episodes back, but knowing is different than understanding. I can memorize a book on brain surgery… but do you want me to crack open your skull and take a shot at it?

    I had a woman in my church who helps with our deliverance ministry… she had a dream about me this past week - it was powerful in the sense that it proved to me that God knew exactly where im at and what im going through. It breathed fresh wind and fire into my body soul and Spirit.

    She did not know what it meant… but I knew, She did not know who it was about… but I knew, She did know how badly I needed to hear it, but I did. I HAD NO IDEA THE DREAM WAS COMING… BUT GOD KNEW I NEEDED IT…

    But what if did not have the spiritual senses to know and understand it.

    What if there are things all around us that we cant pick up on… well there is because we don’t live as physical bodies with a spirit… we live as spirits in physical bodies… in a spiritual world.

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    What is my life about

    How to get a job

    What does it mean to be a man

    How to prove to my woman I am a man of God

    How to get a woman

    How to deal with a woman who won’t give to the relationship

    How to deal with a woman who pouts and wants her way

    How to handle money

    How to heal from the past

    How to stay fresh spiritually, emotionally, mentally,

    Whats more dangerous porn or alcohol

    Ego: My worst enemy

    Mindsets are the Key

    Mentorship is the secret

    The invisible word

    Depression from lack of vision

    Do you date your best friends X?

    You need to be here! You need to invite your man friend!

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    In no particular order: BTW I try to read these books every year or every other year.

    Mans search for meaning, by Victor Frankil

    You have to have a why

    Power vs Force, by David R. Hawkins-

    The power behind what you cant see.

    The 10 natural laws of time and life management, By Hyrum Smyth

    Motives, systems and output

    Smith- 7 Habits of highly effective people, by Stephen R. Covey-

    Who you are and how to get the most out of each role you play

    The Fourth Turning, by Neil Howe (a very heavy read, but worth digesting it)

    History repeats itself…. Mind blowing

    48 Laws of Power, by Robert Greene (actually all his books are great)

    The side bars are worth the whole book

    Blue Ocean Strategy, by W. Chan Kim

    Thinking different in the realm of thinking the same….or standing out in a cookie cutter world

    Mysteries of the anointing, by Benny Hinn- The Fourth Dimension, by David Yonggi Cho

    Tapping the deepest realms of faith

    The Three Battle Grounds, by Francis Frangipine (again all of his books are desperate reads for spiritual growth)

    Uncovering who you really are… and what you don’t see

    2 Bonus Titles: The Bait of Satan by Bevere,


    A Tale of three Kings, by Gene Edwards

    Standing above those who cast stones

    The Book everyone has to read is John G Lake - his life his sermons his boldness of faith. Kenneth Copeland publications

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    What is my life about

    How to get a job

    What does it mean to be a man

    How to prove to my woman I am a man of God

    How to get a woman

    How to deal with a woman who won’t give to the relationship

    How to deal with a woman who pouts and wants her way

    How to handle money

    How to heal from the past

    How to stay fresh spiritually, emotionally, mentally,

    Whats more dangerous porn or alcohol

    Ego: My worst enemy

    Mindsets are the Key

    Mentorship is the secret

    The invisible word

    Depression from lack of vision

    Do you date your best friends X?

    You need to be here! You need to invite your man friend!

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    Steve Simon, once said, imagine how hard physics would be if molecules had feelings. I think this is relative to a lot of CHRISTIANS. They make their Christian walk hard because they base it on feelings.

    Beyond that of being a Xn and living off feelings… most live there whole LIVES

    Motive is defined as the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior. Motive” is something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing, etc.; incentive. The goal or object of a person’s actions (Webster’s College Dictionary).

    What line have you drawn in the sand over what you will allow to motivate you. Most people live by feelings and wants. Others live and are motivated by what is easiest. I remember reading a great book - one of my all time top 5. Its called the 10 natural laws of successful time life management. By Hyrum Smith

    They asked a man if he would walk on a 2x4 from one twin tower to the other for a million… 5 million. 100 million… people in the crowd mocked him, but he explained he chose early on to never be motivated by money. Hyrum said do you have kids? The guy said yes. He said if your youngest was hanging on for dear life would you go out there… he said in a second.

    He chose ahead of time what he would allow to motivate him.



    peer pressure/threats

    Feelings or ease

    Here is the simple key to correct motives…

    Do I benefit from it or does God?

    If I benefit from it then I need to ask some hard questions to make sure its still the right motive that ultimately helps me serve God.

    Quick example… I work out daily. I benefit from it physically, mentally emotionally, I like looking big and strong (ive never cared about being pretty…I uh mean ripped) I love that it still turns my wife on, and it does help how others see me - But I can ultimately and honestly say I want to live as long as possible because I feel responsible to lead as many people to Christ as I can…because you are not pulling your weight.

    So yes it benefits me and ultimately God.

    However if there are things that I know really only benefit me, I need to ask God if I should keep doing this.

    If what you are doing is actually for God

  • Garth Heckman

    The David Alliance

    [email protected]

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    Gal. 6:6Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word must share in all good things with his instructor. 7Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. 8The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.…

    What you want does not mean it is what you will get…

    But guaranteed, what you do get is what you attracted by choices you’ve made in your life.

    What kind of body do you want? What are you sewing?

    What kind of wife? What are you sewing?

    What kind of relationships?

    What kind of finances?

    I truly feel sorry for the girls who sleep around and are being the Bad girl, the hot chick the girl who is not afraid to “be herself”… but she will reap disaster in relationships and self esteem… the same is true for boys to men.

    Why is divorce so high… lots of reasons… but the major reason is in the late 50’s men started sleeping around outside of marriage and sowing that into our nation.

    When you sow the right things, when you make the right choices, the tough choices… you are investing into a beautiful future… if you sow by your feelings… you are creating bills for your emotions, body, mind and relationships that you will never be able to pay. They will bankrupt you.

    I stood in front a group of hardened 12-17 year olds in a boys maximum jail/prison/boys home. I asked them one by one why they were in here… some with smirks, some with disdain gave me answers like “I raped a woman, I killed someone, I stole a car and hit someone…

    The answers were graphic, they were hard to hear with the attitudes they shared them with… no remorse, almost proud of their actions…

    When they were done sharing… I heard the Holy Spirit whisper something into my ear… I spoke these words.

    You are not here because you are a bad ass, and you did some crazy rebellious stunt, you are not here because you aint afraid of doing time.. you are not here because you got caught and the system is unfair… You are here for one reason.

    You all wussed out and took the easy way. You made the easy decision. You chickened out from doing what is really gutsy, really tough, really proves a man… When it came to read, study, go to School, when it came to treat people with respect you all chickened out… you did the easy thing. You chose to live by your feelings, by what was easiest.

    Some of you are sowing the easy seeds…

    Some are sowing the hard seeds…

    And some of us are now reaping the fruit of those in full.

    How to be a man March 26th GRUB@ 6:45, MTG @7:15 HillSpring Church. Looking for your thoughts ideas and topics.

    200 E 280th New Prague MN

    [email protected]

    What is my life about

    How to get a job

    What does it mean to be a man

    How to prove to my woman I am a man of God

    How to get a woman

    How to deal with a woman who won’t give to the relationship

    How to deal with a woman who pouts and wants her way

    How to handle money

    How to heal from the past

    How to stay fresh spiritually, emotionally, mentally,

    Whats more dangerous porn or alcohol

    Ego: My worst enemy

    Mindsets are the Key

    Mentorship is the secret

    The invisible word

    Depression from lack of vision

    Do you date your best friends X?

    You need to be here! You need to invite your man friend!