
  • If you want financial freedom, you may have heard several options like selling solar panels, trucking, selling amazon items, starting a pottery company.

    Mike shares his experience and insights on starting a wholesaling business in real estate. He discusses his motivation for getting into wholesaling, the challenges he faced as a young entrepreneur, and the benefits of the real estate industry. Mike emphasizes the importance of staying focused, building a team, and balancing investments with enjoying life. He also highlights the advantages of real estate as an appreciating asset and a source of passive income. Mike concludes by sharing his social media handle and expressing his appreciation for the value provided by Deal Machine.


    • Wholesaling in real estate is an attractive business model with low overhead and the potential for high profits.

    • Staying focused and building a team are key to success in wholesaling.

    • Real estate is a conservative and appreciating asset that offers multiple benefits, including cash flow, appreciation, leverage, and tax advantages.

    • Balancing investments with enjoying life is important for long-term happiness and fulfillment.

    • Deal Machine is a valuable software for real estate investors, providing efficient lead generation and skip tracing.


    00:00 Starting a Wholesaling Business in Real Estate

    03:19 Challenges and Motivation as a Young Entrepreneur

    08:36 The Benefits of the Real Estate Industry

    13:45 Balancing Investments and Enjoying Life

    15:18 The Advantages of Real Estate as an Appreciating Asset

    David's Social: @dlecko


    Ryan's Social: @heritage_home_investments


  • Statton Paris shares his journey from working in sales at a car dealership to becoming a high-earning real estate wholesaler. He started wholesaling two years ago and made almost $10,000 on his first deal. He was motivated to start wholesaling because he wanted more control over his time and didn't enjoy the work and long hours in the car dealership industry. Statton primarily uses driving for dollars to find deals and has had success with door knocking and leaving letters on doors. He emphasizes the importance of making low offers and negotiating with both sellers and buyers to increase assignment fees. His future goal is to reach six figures a month and provide a better life for his family.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:30 Why did Statton decide to get into wholesaling real estate?

    02:47 How is wholesaling real estate different from working in the mortgage space?

    03:55 What does Statton like most about wholesaling real estate?

    04:49 How did Statton find his first wholesale deal?

    05:41 How did Statton approach leads after door knocking?

    06:39 How many doors did Statton knock on to find his first wholesale deal?

    07:47 Where did Statton find a buyer for his first wholesale deal?

    08:23 How did Statton identify how much to offer on the property?

    10:06 What is Statton’s second wholesale deal like?

    11:49 What was Statton’s experience like with flipping properties?

    14:22 What does the future like for Statton’s real estate business?

    15:39 What should you focus on improving when dealing with buyers?

    17:55 How do you get better in dealing with sellers?

    20:11 What are Statton’s goals for the future?

    24:02 What is Statton’s advice for new investors?

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • If you want to 10x your income and replace your w2, our guest today explains how he went from making $500 per week working at a restaurant to making $15,000 per week marketing for solar panel leads. This did not happen overnight, but he did a very similar style of marketing to wholesaling real estate, which is why we thought you'd enjoy this episode a lot.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:11 What is Kyle’s background?

    03:15 How does Kyle market to homeowners?

    04:30 How does Kyle manage his team?

    05:14 Why did Kyle decide to get involved in the solar business?

    07:07 How long did it take for Kyle to replace his $500 salary?

    08:16 How does Kyle help solar installers with marketing?

    09:45 What are the benefits of working this business model?

    11:08 How does Kyle manage the leads they generate for the solar industry?

    12:38 How can you get involved in lead generation for the solar industry?

    14:45 What type of properties does Kyle target for their solar deals?

    16:42 How many projects would it take to make $15K with Kyle’s deal model?

    18:12 What does the future look like for Kyle and his team?


    Instagram: Kyle Grant


    Instagram: David Lecko


  • If you want more income and time freedom, our guest demonstrates the potential of wholesaling real estate with a total of 500 deals in 8 years, while moving to a new city every year to support his wife's military career.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:06 How did Derek find his first wholesale deal?

    02:55 What made Derek decide to get involved in real estate?

    04:07 Why is Derek only focused on wholesaling in one market?

    05:13 How has Derek wholesaled properties through the years?

    06:00 What was Derek’s smallest assignment fee ever?

    08:32 How has wholesaling changed over the last 8 years?

    09:28 Why shouldn’t you build a business around free leads?

    10:13 What are the best ways to find off market deals?

    11:34 What are the lists that Derek sends marketing to?

    12:11 How does Deal Machine help cut costs in skip tracing?

    15:04 How can you get in touch with Derek?


    Youtube: Real Estate Dad


  • In this conversation, David Lecko and Ryan discuss advice from Eric Stark, a full-time real estate investor with over 600 deals under his belt. They cover topics such as working a specific strategy, specializing in one thing before adding to it, finding a mentor, making written offers, developing off-market lead generation systems, using profits to keep good deals, and being clear on goals and enjoying life. They emphasize the importance of focusing on one strategy, building relationships with city officials, and being mindful of personal and business finances.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:10 How did John find his first wholesale deal?

    02:23 What strategy did John use to market to sellers?

    03:13 How did John analyze the value of the property virtually?

    04:03 How did John come up with the offer price for this property?

    05:41 What response did John get from his offer?

    06:26 How does John plan to find a buyer for his first wholesale deal?

    07:32 What is John stuck on with this wholesale deal?

    08:23 What makes finding a buyer challenging?

    10:23 How can real estate agents help you re-negotiate the price with the seller?

    11:41 How did John come up with the ARV for the property?

    13:48 What would the numbers be if we ran them in Deal Machine?

    16:15 How can John make the deal work?

  • Real estate agents and real estate wholesalers do not always see eye to eye, but it is possible to actually work well together. Today we speak with our co-host and wholesaler, Ryan Haywood, along with his real estate agent, Chuck Davis, to find out how they are able to better serve clients by working together.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:11 How can wholesalers and realtors work well together?

    03:41 How could realtors benefit from working with wholesalers?

    05:17 What should realtors know about working with wholesalers?

    07:37 How can realtors help wholesalers find good off-market deals?

    10:29 How did Chuck and Ryan start working together?

    12:49 What are the benefits of working with realtors?

    16:16 Why does it make sense for realtors to work with wholesalers today?

    18:16 When should wholesalers start working with realtors?

    20:42 How can you get in touch with Chuck?


    Facebook: Chuck Davis


  • You're here because you want to break the shackles of your nine to five and start a business that gives you more time freedom in your life. The proven business model we're covering on this podcast is wholesaling real estate, which is a strategy where you find a rundown house, you pass it to an investor to make $10,000 like our guest Andrew did exactly a year ago. And he's now done about eight deals so far. And he's finding out that wholesaling is a great strategy, but there's something new he learned that he's actually doing even more of called Novations. So he's gonna talk about what this real estate tool is and how you can use this in your tool belt as a real estate wholesaler so that you can help more people and make more money. My name's David Lecko. This is the podcast for 10Xing your income and replacing your W-2 through wholesaling real estate. I created a process called Deal Machine that's helped people close 10,000 deals on all 50 states in the last seven years.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:15 How did Andrew find his first wholesale deal?

    02:00 Why did Andrew decide to build a buyers list first?

    03:23 How did Andrew meet with cash buyers he added to his list?

    04:20 What was the first list that Andrew marketed to?

    05:34 What is Andrew’s background?

    06:32 What was it like when Andrew first started wholesaling?

    07:46 How many deals has Andrew done since he started wholesaling?

    08:42 What was the biggest surprise Andrew had in wholesaling?

    10:40 How is a novation different from wholesaling?

    12:30 When would a novation work best for a deal?

    14:10 Why should you do 3 novations every 1 wholesale deal?

    15:05 Why would novations work better than listing with a realtor?

    16:07 What is Andrew looking forward to?

    17:28 How has Deal Machine helped Andrew in his real estate business?

  • In this conversation, David Lecko and Zach Booth discuss the driving for dollars strategy in real estate wholesaling. They cover the four categories of properties to look for: rundown properties, absentee owner properties, owner-occupied properties, and corporate-owned properties. They emphasize the importance of adding any properties with signs of distress to your marketing list, regardless of ownership type. They also discuss the effectiveness of different marketing strategies for each category and the importance of prioritizing your time and resources. Overall, the driving for dollars strategy can be highly profitable and allows for scalability and freedom.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:15 What are the 4 kinds of properties to look for when driving for dollars?

    03:05 Why is it worth marketing to owner-occupied properties?

    04:49 What is the best way to market to corporate-owned properties?

    07:07 How can you find contact information for corporate-owned properties?

    10:45 Why is it important to still drive for dollars in person?

    12:30 What are the best ways to make the most of your driving for dollars list?

    13:40 How can you make driving for dollars more convenient with Deal Machine?

    15:08 What are the most important kind of properties to market to?

    17:01 Why are owner occupied properties more profitable than the rest?

    18:36 How can the Driving for Dollars Mastery podcast help you get started?


    Podcast: Driving for Dollars Mastery


  • Dillano shares the story of a recent real estate deal where he made a $90,000 assignment fee in just six days. The deal came from a past relationship and involved a property that was about to be foreclosed on. Dillano negotiated with the seller and offered assistance in finding a new place to live. He also implemented a seller holdback, where the seller would receive half of the net proceeds upfront and the rest after moving out. Dillano celebrated the success by paying off debt and reinvesting the money into marketing for more deals.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:01 How did Dillano find his most recent wholesale deal?

    03:40 What strategy did Dillano use to get the deal under contract?

    06:10 What is the best way to approach sellers?

    08:22 Why is it important to offer help beyond the transaction?

    09:53 What is a seller hold-back?

    11:40 What were the numbers on this deal?

    13:40 Why is it important to celebrate your wins as a wholesaler?

    15:02 What is the best way to manage your profits?

    18:24 What is next for Dillano?

    20:00 How can you get in touch with Dillano?

    21:45 What is the value of doing JV deals with other investors?


    Instagram: Dillano Medina


    Podcast: 094: 3 Cold Calling Tips Learned from 60 Wholesale Real Estate Deals Dillano Medina


  • Yash Sampat shares his experience in wholesaling real estate, including his strategies for finding deals and buyers. He discusses how he uses text blasting and cold calling to generate leads, with an average conversion rate of 1%. Yash also explains his process for evaluating properties and making offers, which includes using software like PropStream and Deal Machine. He emphasizes the importance of communication with sellers and adjusting pricing when necessary. Yash plans to transition full-time into wholesaling and sees it as a lower-stress alternative to his agency business.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:01 How did Yash find his first 3 wholesale deals?

    02:15 How many text messages did Yash need to send to get leads?

    03:01 How much does Yash make in assignment fees?

    04:16 What does Yash’s process look like after speaking to a seller?

    05:03 What formula does Yash use to make an offer on a property?

    06:52 How does Yash handle seller conversations?

    10:02 How does Yash present his offer a seller?

    11:07 How much time does it take for Yash to close on his deals?

    12:48 Where does Yash find buyers for his wholesale deals?

    14:27 How did Yash learn about wholesaling?

    16:24 What does Yash’s agency do?

    17:48 What does the future look like for Yash?

    20:57 What is Yash’s advice for people getting into wholesaling today?

  • Diego Cavazos shares his journey in real estate investing, starting with his first deal and the challenges he faced. He discusses his marketing strategies, including cold calling, PPC, and ringless voicemails. Diego also talks about his goals for the future and his plans to build a successful business. He shares insights into finding buyers and the process of pitching deals to them.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:01 How did Diego find his first wholesale deal?

    02:01 What is Diego doing full-time?

    03:11 How many deals has Diego done since the first one?

    04:05 What marketing channels does Diego use to find deals?

    05:02 How do PPC ads and ringless voicemails work?

    06:05 What kind of lists does Diego market to?

    07:09 How many ringless voicemails does it take to get leads?

    08:44 What is Diego doing with his profits from wholesaling?

    09:37 What are Diego’s goals?

    11:03 How is Diego’s team structured?

    12:02 How did Diego find his first buyer?

    13:33 How does Diego pitch deals to his buyers?

    15:00 How quickly does Diego sell his deals to his buyers?

    16:00 What does the future look like for Diego?

    17:07 What is Diego’s advice for new wholesalers?

  • David breaks down the top 5 ways to find undervalued real estate in 2024.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    00:50 Driving for dollars

    01:48 Tax delinquent properties

    02:39 Liens

    03:17 Code violations

    03:45 Pre-foreclosures

    04:38 Probate

    05:16 Deal Machine FREE trial


    Website: Deal Machine


  • Curious which is the best self-employed option for you in real estate?

    Our guest Tony Roberts breaks down the pros and cons of his work as a real estate agent and also a wholesaler.

    This is the podcast for 10xing your income and replacing your w2 with the power of real estate investing!

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    00:49 How much did Tony make on his first wholesale deal?

    01:35 What is Tony’s background?

    03:31 When did Tony realize that wholesaling is a real business?

    04:23 Why did Tony decide to try wholesaling real estate?

    05:27 How did Tony find his first JV partner?

    06:39 How did Tony approach investors when he first started?

    09:28 What challenges did Tony have with his first wholesale deal?

    10:37 How does Tony handle seller conversations?

    12:21 How can we start changing the stereotype of wholesaling?

    13:52 How did Tony figure out the value of the property?

    15:27 Where did Tony learn to calculate the ARV of a property?

    19:15 How was Tony’s first JV deal structured?

    20:42 How did Tony move forward after starting with JV deals?

    23:50 What is Tony’s advice for everyone listening?

    25:28 How can you connect with Tony?


    Document: JV Agreement


    Instagram: Backstreet Property Investment


    Youtube: Backstreet Property Investment


  • In this conversation, David Lecko discusses the concept of driving for dollars in real estate investing. He explains that driving for dollars involves finding rundown properties and reaching out to the owners to offer them a deal. He introduces the concept of virtual driving for dollars, which allows investors to scout for properties online using Google Street View. David highlights the benefits of virtual driving, such as cost savings, efficiency, and a broader reach. He also emphasizes the importance of taking action and building a niche list of properties.


    • Driving for dollars involves finding rundown properties and reaching out to the owners to offer them a deal.

    • Virtual driving for dollars allows investors to scout for properties online using Google Street View.

    • Virtual driving offers benefits such as cost savings, efficiency, and a broader reach.

    • Taking action and building a niche list of properties is crucial for success in real estate investing.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:15 What should you know about finding off-market deals?

    02:33 Why is driving for dollars the best way to find off-market deals?

    04:23 What is virtual driving for dollars?

    05:31 How can you identify the best market to virtually drive for dollars in?

    06:45 How can you virtually drive for dollars in Deal Machine?

    08:39 What should you be looking for when virtually driving for dollars?

    09:45 How many properties should you be adding to your list?

    10:42 What are the tags in the Deal Machine app for?

    11:13 How is traditional driving for dollars different from doing it virtually?

    12:49 Why should you virtually drive for dollars?

    14:00 What is the best way to find deals right away?


    Instagram: David Lecko


  • Brian shares his framework called Clarity, Volume, and Consistency (CVC) for success in wholesaling and real estate investing. The framework starts with clarity, which involves knowing your end goal and creating a business plan. The next step is volume, where you take massive action and do the necessary volume of activities to achieve your goals. Finally, consistency is key, as it takes time and consistent effort to see results. Brian emphasizes the importance of environment and surrounding yourself with successful people. He also provides advice on networking and building relationships with experienced investors.


    wholesaling, real estate investing, framework, clarity, volume, consistency, success, business plan, massive action, environment, networking


    • The CVC framework (Clarity, Volume, and Consistency) can help wholesalers and real estate investors achieve success.

    • Clarity involves knowing your end goal and creating a business plan.

    • Volume requires taking massive action and doing the necessary volume of activities to achieve your goals.

    • Consistency is key, as it takes time and consistent effort to see results.

    • Surrounding yourself with successful people and building relationships with experienced investors can greatly impact your success.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:20 How does Brian’s framework help wholesalers?

    02:33 What is Brian’s background?

    03:54 How did Brian come up with this framework for success?

    05:11 What is the importance of clarity to your success?

    08:37 What is the best way to connect with people you want to learn from?

    14:05 How can you identify the volume of action that will give you success?

    18:41 Why is consistency the most difficult part of the framework?

    22:51 How can you use your corporate background to succeed in real estate?

    23:46 What will you learn from Brian’s book and podcast?

    25:13 How can being around the right people set you up for success?

    26:25 What are the 3-5 steps that can help you close a wholesale deal?


    Book: From Passive to Passionate


    Podcast: The Action Academy


  • In this conversation, David Lecko and Ryan discuss advice from Eric Stark, a full-time real estate investor with over 600 deals under his belt. They cover topics such as working a specific strategy, specializing in one thing before adding to it, finding a mentor, making written offers, developing off-market lead generation systems, using profits to keep good deals, and being clear on goals and enjoying life. They emphasize the importance of focusing on one strategy, building relationships with city officials, and being mindful of personal and business finances.


    real estate investing, strategy, specialization, mentorship, written offers, off-market leads, profits, goals, enjoying life

    Sound Bites

    "Stick to that specific strategy instead of chasing an opportunity."

    "Specialize, become excellent at one thing, then add to it."

    "Find a mentor who has current deals being closed monthly."

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:41 Why is it important to have a strategy in wholesaling?

    04:14 How can focusing on one thing at a time help you scale your business?

    07:43 What is the value of finding the right mentor when you’re a new investor?

    09:36 How can you get in touch with Ryan for mentorship?

    10:20 What is the importance of writing offers for the deals you’re finding?

    12:10 How can writing offers help you make sellers understand your numbers?

    14:05 Why is it important to learn to find off-market deals?

    17:29 What is the best way to follow up on your leads?

    19:00 What is a “Leave Behind” program?

    20:45 What is the best way to use your profits from wholesaling to grow a portfolio?

    23:03 Why do you need to set clear goals for yourself?

    24:46 How can you make the most of your real estate investing success?

    26:32 Why should everyone learn Profit First?


    Instagram: Heritage Home Investments


  • If you're wondering how to get into real estate investing, this episode breaks down how to get your first wholesale deal in 7 days.

    Wholesaling is a popular way to start because you get paid for finding a run down house, without needing the money for a down payment.

    We're bringing this back from our 2023 catalog since you liked last week's episode so much which was also a great episode from last year on handling seller objections and overcoming fear.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:51 What is the importance of your first deal?

    04:07 Why is real estate a better investment for retirement?

    07:04 What are the 2 most important things you need to do to start wholesaling?

    09:14 What should you look for in distressed properties?

    10:25 Why is it important to find as many properties as you can?

    12:14 How can you find more deals by including owner-occupied properties to your list?

    13:38 Where should you start looking for distressed properties?

    14:07 What should you say when you get in touch with the property owner?

    15:08 What are the benefits of getting started with wholesaling today?

    16:04 How can you move forward once you find a deal?


    Instagram: David Lecko


  • A lot of time we're scared to take the next step because we fear the unknown down the road.

    When it comes to real estate, often times that fear is not knowing if the seller is going to object to our offer.

    So we're bringing this episode back from our 2023 podcast episode on handling 10 objections for you.

    We felt this was the perfect time as interest rates come down and more buyers come into the market.

    Plus, this episode was just featured on the Bigger Pockets podcast recently as well!

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    04:22 How can you approach sellers with more than one decision-maker?

    07:19 How can you tell when the seller is giving you a smokescreen objection?

    08:52 Why is it important to set expectations with sellers?

    10:36 What questions can you ask when a seller says they will think about it?

    13:13 How can you uncover more information from the seller?

    16:07 Why would sellers typically say they’re not ready to sell?

    18:18 What questions can help you get through sellers who say they can’t talk when you call?

    21:52 How can you approach sellers who say they have to do things before they talk to you?

    24:02 How can set expectations on price with sellers early in the conversation?

    27:20 What is the best way to approach sellers who say they’re not interested to sell?

    28:41 How should you approach sellers who are entertaining other offers?

    31:31 How can you get in touch with Jennie?


    Website: REI Sales Tools


    Email: Jennie Hudspeth

    [email protected]

  • A lot of people want to get into real estate, and they spend their time researching whether wholesaling, or becoming a real estate agent, or doing creative financing where they can take over people's loans or do seller finance payments to the seller is the best way to build a rental portfolio.

    So there's three options for each deal: seller finance, wholesale, or retail, and there's a major secret of how to know how to structure each of the deals. And that's what we're going to break down in this episode is how to know when to use one of those three strategies.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:37 How did Zack come across the 3 ways to help sellers?

    03:47 What did Zack learn from reading Multi-family Millions?

    06:21 What should you be focused on when you’re investing in real estate?

    08:03 How can you identify the best way to help sellers?

    12:06 When should you wholesale or offer cash on a property?

    15:26 How would you know if the situation calls for seller financing?

    19:56 What factors can help you identify what strategy to use for a deal?

    21:14 What do you need to be able to offer retail to sellers?

    24:56 How can you tell if a seller would be better off with a retail offer?

    26:14 Which of the 3 offers should you use more?


    Book: Multi-family Millions


    Instagram: Zack Boothe


    Website: Driving for Dollars Mastery


  • This is for anyone who wants to start a business!

    Matt Kamp found a 3 acre lot that wasn't for sale, but the seller wanted to unload it.

    Matt got it under contract and before closing, sold the rights to buy that property to someone else for a big fee of $47,808!

    Matt split that 3 ways with his friends who helped him get the deal done.

    We break down this deal so you can do the same.

    Key Talking Points of the Episode

    00:00 Introduction

    01:31 How much did Matt make on his wholesale deal in Chesterfield?

    02:09 How did Matt find this deal?

    05:07 How did Matt and his partner evaluate the deal?

    06:30 What did Matt do to get accurate comps for the deal?

    09:09 How can your network help you through challenging deals?

    10:00 What is a double-close transaction?

    11:45 What is the best way to learn more about different types of deals?

    13:04 How can telling people what you do help you grow in real estate?

    14:40 What is Matt’s advice for people looking for their first wholesale deal?


    Document: JV Agreement


    David's Social: @dlecko


    Ryan's Social: @heritage_home_investments
