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فنکست پادکستی است که در آن با بازیسازان ایرانی از سراسر دنیا گفتگو میکنیم -
Every aspect of your eCommerce business impacts customer experience: from advertising and packaging to product functionality, website usability, and even reliability.
Your long-term growth and profitability will hinge on your ability to deliver the best experience for your buyers… and this podcast will show you how. Tune in monthly for actionable and insightful discussions with the brightest minds at the intersection of eCommerce and customer experience. -
What can history’s unique experiences teach us about modern customer experience? On this podcast, we examine moments from the past – from Woodstock in 1969 to Edison’s first light bulb to the Pringles can – that have been often imitated but never duplicated.
Welcome to The Fuel Podcast, your ultimate guide to understanding the captivating world of creative marketing and how agencies manage to drive growth. Hosted by Keith Smith, a seasoned creative agency new business leader, this podcast aims to unravel the mysteries behind the success of creative agencies worldwide. From crafting memorable brands to forming efficient teams and attracting clients, we dive deep into the art of creative marketing.
We explore the essence of creativity in the realm of marketing. How do creative agencies spark innovative ideas that captivate audiences? We delve into the environment that allows wild and imaginative creative directors to summon their muses and generate ideas that stand the test of time. Keywords: creativity, innovation, marketing ideas, imaginative, creative directors.
What makes a brand unforgettable? We examine the power of a single great idea and its potential to leave a lasting impact. We dissect the elements that contribute to the memorability of brands, exploring taglines, jingles, and social media campaigns that become cultural phenomena. Keywords: memorable brands, impactful ideas, taglines, jingles, cultural phenomena.
Behind every successful creative agency lies a cohesive team. We delve into the dynamics of how diverse talents and skills come together to form an efficient unit. We uncover the secrets of team collaboration, communication, and synergy that drive creative agencies forward. Keywords: team dynamics, efficient collaboration, diverse talents, communication.
Clients are the lifeblood of any agency. What attracts clients to creative agencies and how can agencies can foster lasting relationships? We explore the art of effective client acquisition, networking, and showcasing a unique value proposition that resonates with clients. Keywords: attracting clients, client acquisition, relationship building, value proposition.
The creative marketing landscape has evolved over the decades. We draw parallels between the golden era of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s and today's digital age. How has the process of creativity, client engagement, and marketing changed? We reflect on the past and glimpse into the future. Keywords: evolving landscape, creative marketing, digital age, past vs. present.
Join us as we interview legendary figures from the advertising world on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. These industry pioneers share their insights, experiences, and perspectives on the evolution of creative marketing. We tap into their wisdom to uncover the timeless principles of successful agencies. Keywords: industry pioneers, advertising legends, insights, experiences, creative marketing.
Our journey takes a deeper dive into pressing industry topics. From Diversity & Equality and Inclusion to Greenwashing, Corporate and Social Responsibility, Remote and Flexible Working, and the impact of Artificial Intelligence, we explore the critical issues that shape the future of creative marketing. Keywords: Diversity & Equality, Greenwashing, Corporate Responsibility, Remote Working, Artificial Intelligence.
The Fuel Podcast is your passport to a world of creativity, growth, and innovation in the realm of creative marketing. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind the success of creative agencies, one episode at a time. Whether you're an industry professional, marketer, or simply curious about the world of advertising, this podcast promises insights, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of the art of creative marketing. Tune in, learn, and fuel your passion for creativity.
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In customer-centric organizations, there is often a visionary leader who drives the customer experience -- regardless of their title. Whether you're an executive in marketing, IT, sales, service or HR -- you need to build smarter customer experiences. It is your job to drive innovation, foster trust, inspire loyalty and demonstrate value to your customers. This podcast will help you do it. Each episode shares the vision and story of a leader who created innovative -- and unexpected -- ways to empower their employees and delight their customers.
Learn LinkedIn Ads strategies and best practices battle-tested from over $100M in online advertising across 300+ companies.
Get a masterclass on the best practices.
Stay up to date on the LinkedIn Ads platform. LI Ads is constantly releasing new features. Marketing is constantly evolving. Keep your finger on the pulse so that you can get the best results from your marketing campaigns.
Hear from experts who will provide insights into all things advertising.
Learn ad creative best practices, copywriting tactics, funnel structures, reporting and analytics, and more. -
Ready to learn about personalization in marketing?
Where first season was based on the book ’Hello $FirstName - Profiting from Personalization’ - Season 2 takes it further to explore the Content Crisis of Personalization - and the roles that the Content Layer (hint: a parallel to the Data Layer but with... well Content) and GenAI play in truly making personalization scale.
The book is available in print and kindle and can be bought here: (or your local .com,, .se amazon...)
A written abstract of the book can be downloaded here:
All models and illustrations from the book can be downloaded here: -
I denne podcast vil dine værter Brian Stræde og Jesper Toft diskutere salgs og marketing taktikker set ud fra kundens perspektiv. Podcasten er for de mennesker der er involveret i kommercielle handlinger i virksomheder, der sælger komplekse produkter til komplekse købscentre - altså hvor mange mennesker er inde over beslutningen om at investere i et produkt eller service.
Vækstveje kan blive din genvej at få succes med en kombineret marketing og salgsstrategi for B2B-virksomheder. Martin og Rehmi har +250 projekter på bagen, og deler glædeligt ud af alt deres viden. Hvad virker og hvad virker ikke? Hvad kendetegner en god marketing- og salgsstrategi, og hvad sker der når de fejler? Find ud af det og meget mere i Podcasten.
Der findes utallige bøger og artikler om strategi og ledelse. Ofte svære at forstå og meget indviklede. I denne podcast gør vi det modsatte. Vi gør det enkelt. Niels Lunde taler med topcheferne om strategi og ledelse og stiller spørgsmål, der giver håndgribelige svar.
Design Thinking 101 is part of how Fluid Hive helps people think and solve like a designer.
You'll hear designers' stories, lessons, ideas, resources, and tips. Our guests share insights into delivering change and results with design thinking, service design, behavioral design, user experience design and more, in business, social innovation, education, design, government, healthcare and other fields. -
Marketing Brief Extended er 1 time lange podcasts, der går i dybden med emner inden for online marketing som fx e-mail automation, leadgenerering og PPC. Dine værter er Emil Kristensen (CMO i Sleeknote) og Halfdan Timm (Partner i Obsidian Digital).
Marketing Brief er en skarp podcast med konkrete tips, tricks og hacks til din online marketing. Halfdan og Emil er passionerede online marketing-nørder, og de deler ud af oversete, brugbare råd og egne erfaringer til gavn for den digitale marketer, der altid vil blive bedre.
På 10 intense minutter pr. episode går Marketing Brief i dybden med mange forskellige, spændende aspekter af online marketing, som du helt sikkert vil blive inspireret af, så du kan forbedre din egen online marketing. -
Hvorfor mislykkes så mange mænd med deres parforhold? Hvad er det vi gør galt?
Er nutidens mand overhovedet i stand til at være ærlig overfor sig selv? Og hvad vil det egenligt sige at være mand i dag?
Podcasten Hankøn er en mands forsøg på at finde svar igennem en serie personlige samtaler mellem mænd. Om parforhold, dyrt købte erfaringer og om at tage ansvar. Og så er Hankøn mest af alt en undersøgelse af nye veje for moderne mænd. Både i deres parforhold – og i deres forhold til sig selv. -
Troels Bech i samtaler med sportens største eksperter og profiler. Vi afdækker fodboldens hemmeligheder fra hverdagen i high performance miljøer i Danmark og internationalt. Målet er at bringe "Insight Out" med viden om topfodbold, du kan tage med i din egen hverdag. Der vil være særligt fokus på ledelse og selvledelse i high performance kulturer.
Biz Buds is value-packed weekly discussion from successful creative entrepreneurs Mike Janda and Tom Ross. They share their journeys from struggling freelancers to both running multi 7-figure businesses, and the lessons picked up along the way.
A funky podcast looking into the challenges the communication industry is facing. Both big transformative and small personal problems are discussed by a panel of the very best industry people.
Med højt humør og god energi dækker podcasten teknologier, tendenser og udfordringer i startup-miljøet igennem øjnene af iværksættere, investorer og teknologiske eksperter. Vi velkommer altid dine input med kyshånd. Vi lover god stemning, grin og genialt indhold!
Thomas Moen og Thomas Skavhellen deler våre tanker rundt netthandelens dynamiske verden. Vi tror en ukentlig oppdatering er nødvendig for deg som driver netthandel. Denne podcasten vil ha en mer uformell tilnærming enn tidligere podcast-prosjekter, og sikter mot en enklere og mer direkte dialog om aktuelle temaer innen netthandelssektoren. Vi prater også om annonsering på Meta (Facebook/Instagram), Google, Snapchat, TikTok med mer. Det kommer ut en ny episode hver onsdag.
Privy presents Ecommerce Marketing School with Val Geisler, part of the Triple Whale Network. A podcast to help you scale your Shopify store and learn from the best in the biz. Every Tuesday and Thursday you'll hear from an ecommerce expert and get the tactical advice you need to grow your brand.