
  • The BioGeometry Physics of Quality is modern days applicator of ancient technology. An environmental science that restores Lifeforce. Exploration of the evolving story of subtle energies and how they can be applied in daily life.

    Topics being discussed:

    Hidden Reality, The BioGeometry Physics of Quality (2022) Magnum opus on the 50th anniversary of BioGeometry. (01:26) BioGeometry vs Feng Shui, Vaastu and Sacred Geometry. (03:57) Architecture is frozen music that resonates with creation. What does frozen music mean? (07:58) Holistic Science of Harmonics. Hans Kayser (09:52) Sacred Geometry. (10:30) Resonance = qualitative information exchange. (13:26) BioGeometry is extra-sensory right brain science. Based on the intellect of the heart. (14:24) Sacred Geometry is a way of creating beauty. (18:17) With Lifeforce, you can do wonders. (21:45) Depletion of Lifeforce. (23:30) Looking at climate change from a BioGeometry perspective. (23:51) Interventions through resonance. Using a ‘tuning fork’ to harmonise with the Lifeforce in Nature. (31:40) Chronic diseases. (37:02) The energy of shape is seamless. From the smallest to the largest. (41:11) The language of the interaction of shapes. (47:19) Shapes and thoughts act as a tuning fork. (48:36) Sharing the science behind BioGeometry. (56:51) Ten new levels of Biogeometry courses. (57:55) Using Earth energy lines (01:00:04) Mitigate harmful effects. (01:02:21) Reactivating power spots. (01:04:24) Power spots will affect you whether you are aware or not. (01:11:51) Tourists visiting famous power spots. (01:13:00) Empower the power spots with certain shapes. (01:15:00) Alien contact in power spots? (01:16:21) Story of Atlantis. (01:19:10) Who built the pyramids? (01:22:03) The ancients were aware of something. (01:25:08) How to integrate BioGeometry into mainstream science? (01:26:47) One person thinking differently can change the world. (01:29:59) Reactivating sacred power spots to create more balance. (01:31:13) Artificial Intelligence can be a possibility to make less stupid decisions. (01:34:23) Divine spark inspiring humans to develop Artificial Intelligence? (01:38:39) Summary of how to get to Excellence of Action. (01:41:52) Rituals are not the religion but a way to connect to power spots. (01:43:54) The “E” of real estate, Accommodation for your left or right brain. (01:49:49)

    In architecture we have the adage: “Form follows Function.” (Walter Gropius, Bauhaus) Dr Ibrahim Karim, professor, architect, scientist, author, and creator of BioGeometry has a more holistic viewpoint.


    The shaping of energy produces information (function). The inner (body, heart, mind, spirit) and outer (physical, digital, social) environment is a dynamic ecosystem of a two-way ‘in-formation’ exchange.

    The built environment, if designed holistically, can be a form of preventative ‘medicine’ to support human health & well-being.

    For further information about BioGeometry see the books: • Back to a Future for Mankind (2010). Translated and published in Chinese and Italian. And 5 more language versions are underway. ISBN 978-1449963958 • BioGeometry Signatures, Harmonizing the Body’s Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment (2016). ISBN 9781537783888 • Hidden Reality, The BioGeometry Physics of Quality (2022) Magnum opus on the 50th anniversary of BioGeometry. ISBN: 9798370712425The first two books are an introduction to BioGeometry in an uncomplicated way. The latest book (2022) is about the deeper level of BioGeometry. Condensing 50 years of research and discoveries into about 600 pages. This book gives the reader a journey into the inner wisdom and science of BioGeometry. Or the websites: ⁠www.biogeometry.com⁠ (⁠www.biogeometry.ca⁠) ⁠www.biogeometryeurope.com

  • This podcast explores what it means to be a human being and how the Outer Environment affects us. A journey of self-knowledge with David Verdesi. Come to meet yourself and discover who you are and much more than you think you are.

    Love is the answer - cliché. Love is unlimited the more you use it the more it grows. Love is the only infinitely renewable energy. All other energies, physical or metaphysical tend to be exhausted.

    Although the interrelated connectedness between our Inner and Outer Environment is empirically known, observed, and reflected upon, many people are not spending enough time thinking of the profound implications of this.

    There is a reciprocity between the Outer and the Inner Environment. Any awe-inspiring space influences your mental state.

    Topics being discussed:

    1. What does it mean to be a human being – how does the outer environment affect us? (02:02)

    2. Who is David Verdesi? What do you have discovered after a search of 3 decades? (03:20)

    3. ‘Love is the answer’ cliché. (05:00)

    4. How do you bring love about that is the real question. (07-10)

    5. How to love is determining everything in our life. (08:27)

    6. Maslow’s pyramid 6th step of Self-transcendence. (09:11)

    7. Love is unlimited the more you use it the more it grows. (11:53)

    8. Love is not a complicated discussion but an emotion that you feel. (12:44)

    9. Fifteen-minute solution how to practice and be in love. (13:35)

    10. Follow your dream vs awaken from the dream. (17:37)

    11. An awakened state is very far from anyone who is living a normal life. (20:40)

    12. How does the Outer Environment affect us as humans? (22:12)

    13. The interconnectedness between Inner and Outer Environment is a reality. (39:35)

    14. You do not need some special superpowers to see what is around you. (33:38)

    15. Do sacred structures have an effect on the consciousness of humans? (34:46)

    16. The built environment used as a tuning fork. (39:14)

    17. Pure luxury is not material, happiness is the real luxury. Thoughts about our present turbulent timeframe. (43:02)

    18. Practical advice how to use these topics in daily life. (50:59)

    19. The “E” of real estate, Accommodation for your left or right brain. (55:57)BIO:

    David Verdesi has dedicated his life to seeking to achieve his full potential, the peak of Maslow’s hierarchy. He applied mind training, compared wisdomtraditions from around the globe, methods of rigorous training discipline and altered states of consciousness during his adventurous Hero’s Journey.

    As a wandering anthropologist, he went on a journey across and around the world for some 30-plus years to find life’s purpose and researched the minds of people with extraordinary abilities.

    He is the main character in the documentary “Superhuman Experience”. You can watch it on Gaia (Season 1 with 6 episodes). https://www.gaia.com/series/superhuman-experience-0

    See also https://superhumanexperience.io/

    From his ongoing quest to discover and understand the full potential of what it means to be human, David Verdesi has distilled practices and adapted them to modern life. He developed a blueprint with a new algorithm of practices which he teaches as a life coach.

    In the free documentary ‘Book of Knowledge, Journeys of the Wayfarer’ (2022) he mapped the superhuman journey inward for us all. Watch season 1 consisting of 3 episodes on https://core.live/shows/book-of-knowledge

    A spiritual Indiana Jones who, by his Hero’s Journey through known and unknown territories of matter and mind, became an ‘extra-ordinary’ human himself.

    More information on his websites: https://online.davidverdesi.ru/eng; (some of his trainings can be found here) https://core.live/luminaries/david-verdesi (about David Verdesi) and https://www.davidverdesi.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidverdesi

    Telegram: https://t.me/iamdavidverdesi

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/d.verdesi

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

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  • A candid interview with Paul Syrett about his remarkable journey from analytical IT Consultant to holistic Environmental Healer. A tale of connection, synchronicity and healing. This talk is about a journey of healing and self-discovery and offers insights into how our world is changing every day, especially if we open our eyes and our minds to appreciate it.

    Paul: “Much of my working life was spent in IT and Business Transformation. I thought I was very analytical and evidence-based but with the benefit of hindsight, there were regular reminders that there was another world out there waiting to be revealed.”

    Don’t trust the boundaries or the knowledge you have been given as the limit or the final truth.

    Topics being discussed:

    1. Three categories of the Learn/work environment. (02:46)

    2. What is energy? (03:37)

    3. Is energy the electro-smog? (04:57)

    4. Energies have an influence on us. (06:00)

    5. What is consciousness in this context of energy? (06:26)

    6. Consciousness cloud (08:26)

    7. Balance and harmony in an environment. (09:39)

    8. Stresses in the environment (11:36)

    9. Memory recording as footprint (15:00)

    10. What is an elemental? (18:34)

    11. Measuring nature's forces around us (20:42)

    12. Today’s science was yesterday’s magic (21:55)

    13. Awareness, Intuition and Inquisitiveness (22:40)

    14. Social impact of energies (27:19)

    15. Seeing is believing vs. believing is seeing (30:36)

    16. Struggles during the paradigm shift (34:24)

    17. What would you advise your younger self? (47:33)

    18. Aha moments during the journey (55:35)

    19. What is a Shaman? (01:04:05)

    20. What are your goals and aspirations for the coming 5 years? (01:07:07)

    21. The “E” of real estate, Accommodation for your left or right brain. (01:14:32)


    Paul calls himself an intuitive Energy Healer and dowser. After a long career in IT he changed direction in 2009 due to health issues. In 2012 a rapid spiritual awakening led him to understand the world very differently.

    More information you can find on the website: https://spiritman.me/

    21st Century Radionics: New Horizons in Vibrational Medicine 2nd edition. (September 2022: ) ISBN 978-0-9573111-2-1

    The first edition was published in July 2012 after nearly four years of work. The second edition has many expansions of the text, rewrites of some chapters, general clarifications, and developments of themes. The general purport and ideas of the first edition remain intact, however, and the underlying concepts originally proposed have not changed in any significant aspect.

    Nick Franks made an attempt to answer the central question 'but how could it possibly work?'

    Radionics is a controversial therapeutic modality that combines Radiesthesia (pendulum dowsing and related sensory skills) with the use of psycho-activated codes, symbols and instruments.

    Radionics has developed such that it may be used to treat not only humans but also animals, crops and soils, and, potentially, the ecosphere itself. The basis, therefore, is the contention that human consciousness can be projected in a manner that can influence the action of Nature to a positive effect.

    Nick Franks made an attempt to answer the central question 'but how could it possibly work?'

    The attempt to answer this question forces a rethink of fundamental ideas about man, Nature, and the origins of what we perceive to be reality. In response to critiques of Radionics which claim it is some form of magic, Nick suggests that Radionic techniques arise from the inner structure of Nature itself.

    “We live in this world and think we know what is going on and what it is. But the reality is very different and very little understood to where we are now.” (Nick Franks)

    Or to freely paraphrase Aubrey Westlake (1893-1985) “The truth about reality can only be revealed in so far as our finite minds can comprehend it.”

    Topics being discussed:

    1. What is the Field of Information? (06:09)

    2. How to balance or instruct the Field? (08:15)

    3. Difference between dowsing and radionics. (10:28)

    4. Distinction between extra and extended sensory perception. (12:46)

    5. Radionic instruments (14:33)

    6. How to develop Radionic codes (15:53)

    7. What brought you to do Radionic research? (21:14)

    8. What can you do with Radionics? (22:25)

    9. Radionics concerning quantum mechanics. (23:40)

    10. Radionics and the environment. (25:58)

    11. What were your greatest challenges? (35:02)

    12. The supra-natural does exit. (37:59)

    13. Lessons learned. (43:36)

    14. What happened with the UFO sighting in the Netherlands? (46:20)

    15. Alternative viewpoint. (50:10)

    16. Scientific boundary limitations. (52:16)

    17. The “E” of real estate, Accommodation for your left or right brain. (1:01:54)

    Radionics – Radiesthesia – the pendulum – vibrational medicine.
    For further information about Radionics/Radiesthesia see his book:

    21st CENTURY RADIONICS revised and updated second edition (2022) New frontiers in vibrational healing - ISBN 978-0-9573111-2-1

    Or the website: www.radionics.co.uk

  • In this podcast, we explore how our body through the law of resonance, interacts with its surroundings, being the Outer environment (physical, digital and social) and our Inner (mind, heart and soul).

    Rasmus transformed from a scientific non-believer approach of H2O into a more open mind approach of water (the whole is more than the sum of its parts). A more holistic balance of the left and right brain. It was the work of Dr Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) and working closely together with him for several years that sparked this transformation even further.

    Topics being discussed:

    1. The transformation from a scientific non-believer into a holistic approach.

    2. Quality/feelings versus Quantity/costs.

    3. Influences of the digital environment.

    4. The architect is a human tuning fork for his creation.

    5. Sound of Soul explanation. Translating Heart Frequencies into Sound and Coloured Light.

    6. Water crystals.

    7. Amniotic Liquid.

    8. Resonance.

    9. Law of Resonance.

    10. Algorithm of Law of Resonance.

    11. Musical Notes Colour correspondence in the visible spectrum of light.

    12. Chakras.

    13. Heart Rate Variability.

    14. Principle of Sound of Soul.

    15. Soundtracks of Sound of Soul.

    16. Heart Harmonic.

    17. Entrainment, spontaneous synchronization.

    18. Schuman frequency is 7.83 Hz, the heartbeat of the Earth.

    19. Philosophical thoughts and applications of Sound of Soul.

    20. Creation is Intention plus Attention.

    21. Live demonstration of Sound of Soul application. Amelie Gaupp-Berghausen.


    Ramus Gaupp-Berghausen is the founder of Aqua Quinta and the Sound of Soul.

    Rasmus studied Landscape Architecture and Planning, Agricultural Science and studies on water. In 2004 in cooperation with Dr Masaru Emoto (The author of the book Message from water), he founded Hado Life Europe, for the evaluation of water.

    His latest work is about Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and health & well-being. Through algorithms, the HRV -vibrations are in real-time translated into audible sound and visible coloured light. It is called the Sound of Soul.

    More information you can find on the website: https://www.aquaquinta.com and http://hado-life.com/

  • From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Research

    In this podcast, we explore the relationship between people and the environment.

    “If you change the environment, you change the people.” (Architect R. Buckminster Fuller)

    “Show me your learn/work environment and I’ll tell you who you are.” (Architect René Stevens)

    Esoteric and ancient traditions and the scientific aspects are in a way the golden ratio to bridge them together. Doing so is the closest we can get to reality. Balancing the left and right sides of our brain to understand better the reality we live in.

    Adding two pieces of scientific research to the quote of Buckminster Fuller.

    1. Application of epigenetics in architecture. The groundbreaking research of Dr Bruc Lipton. The cells get sick depending on the information that the cell membrane receives from its environment.

    2. Blue zones about living better and longer. Research of the world’s longest-lived cultures. The number one parameter for transforming well-being at every level is the environment.

    Topics being discussed:

    · Relationship between environment and people.

    · Effect of geophysical anomalies on people.

    · Balancing the left and right sides of our brain to understand better the reality we live in.

    · Epigenetics applied in Architecture. Epigenetics is the groundbreaking research of Dr Bruce Lipton.

    · Blue zones research about living better and longer. Research of the world's longest-lived cultures.

    · No. 1 parameter for longevity and happiness is the environment.

    · Life-changing experience.

    · Why are temples placed in so specific locations? Geophysical anomalies are the common denominator.

    · PhD research. Bridge the gap between Geophysics, Architecture and Medicine.

    · Condensed conclusion: Geophysical anomalies can weaken the immune system and create illness.

    · Over the LONG-TERM people will develop some sort of health issues from geophysical anomalies.

    · What happens in the SHORT-TERM due to geophysical anomalies? (Hormesis: a low dose of an agent may trigger the opposite response to a very high dose.

    · Radiation hormesis.

    · Temples and radiation hormesis. Caused by geophysical anomalies.

    · Why put a temple on an area that is distorted? (Amplifying electromagnetic fields)

    · How to apply the findings in contemporary existing buildings?

    · Applying the findings in office buildings.

    · Applying findings in hospitals and school buildings.

    · Cocktail of electromagnetic frequencies in a built environment.

    · Do governments and companies have our health as a focus?

    · Integrating Wellness Coaching & Architecture.

    · Integration of wellness at work.

    · The HR department should be involved.

    · Biggest struggles with discoveries and implementation.

    · Universities and medical establishments have been turned into a scientism religion.

    · New interdisciplinary research on ancient Greek temples.

    · FREE: 7 Secrets to Create a Sleep Sanctuary – https://www.geophilia.org/


    Lydia is a Greek Architect and Wellness Coach, with a focus on the relationship that buildings have on health and well-being. She also studied Sustainable Environmental Design and did a PhD on the effect of geophysical anomalies on living organisms/biological systems.

    More information you can find on the website: https://www.geophilia.org/ and https://www.healing-architecture.com/index.html

  • How to facilitate teachers to make the learning environment work in the 21st century?

    “If you are a fish the last thing you would discover is the water. In higher education, we have not given sufficient thought to our surroundings of teaching & learning, and yet they are fundamental for the process of learning. We have to wake up and realise that we are no longer fish where we ever haven't thought about the water or in our case the places where we teach and learn.” (Prof Dr Colin Beard).

    The environment (physical, digital, social) is a catalyst for people’s performance and therefore has a strategic impact. How to get the (latent) question about optimizing/improving the physical, digital and social learn/work environment on the agenda of the management board?

    Definition of Experiential Learning:

    When the experience takes centre stage. The design of the experience takes centre stage in the learning (experience centred). Focused around the learner (learner-centred). Experiential learning is acquaintance with rather than knowledge of.

    Let the learners do the learning. Don’t go too fast and don’t try to do too much.

    Using gesture-based technologies (spatial recognition) have the potential to liberate the human mind to the next layer.

    Having a greater awareness of space is the first step. Teachers should their voice have heard in the tribes of real estate, facilities management, IT and Human Resources. But that begs the question do they know what their ideal classroom feels and looks like?

    Topics being discussed:

    Learning Experience Designs (LED) What is Experiential Learning? Giraffe effect (engagement with the subject). Improving learn/work environment for 21st-century teaching & learning. The environment of teaching & learning plays an important part. If you are a fish the last thing you would discover is the water. Spatial dynamics. Space is the new frontier. Involvement of caretakers and users of space & place. All the rooms? All teachers embracing the new space dynamics? The HR department in charge of the required cultural change? Space generates behaviour and behaviour drives space design. How to start getting people involved in different use of space? Digital learn/work environment. Technology has the potential now to go large. Spatial dynamic of big space can have a major impact. Big space and working in teams (social environment). Need to make thinking and learning visible. How to involve senior management in using space differently? Where and how to start for some quick wins? Is a conductor to orchestrate desired change required?


    Professor Colin Beard BSc., M.Ed., PhD is a National Teaching Fellow, and a Professor of Experiential Learning at Sheffield Business School, part of Sheffield Hallam University. His research interests are the multi-disciplinary theories and practices of human learning.

    He is recognised as a leading global thinker, writer and skilled practitioner in Experiential Learning. Colin has worked with many organisations advising on learning and development.

    He is a member of the editorial panel of several leading journals. And the co-author and author of some best-selling books including Experiential Learning and The Experiential Learning Toolkit.

    He is also the owner of the consultancy firm Experience – the Difference.

    More information you can find on the website: https://colinbeardblog.wordpress.com/

  • Cymatics is the process of making sound visible (also sound outside the range we as humans can hear) by vibrating a medium. Cymatics proofs, by visualizing audio frequencies, that vibrations have an impact on matter. Cymatics makes a direct translation of sounds into geometrical shapes. The science of visible sound.

    Theme: Does a building has its own unique acoustic signature? Can it be enhanced to support human health and well-being?

    Geometry is the visible form of sound vibration. Therefore buildings and their components like materials, colours, shapes, angles etc., are in a way ‘frozen’ music. Architecture is a Symphony of Form.

    Scientific research in the related fields of Sound Therapy, Music Therapy and Music Medicine are revealing that audible sound and music have the power to boost our immune system, restore balance by activating bodily systems that are in a quiescent sleep state, oxygenate our blood, (a key component in the body’s healing mechanisms), and much more.

    Topics being discussed:

    1. Making the invisible visible and lifting some veils that conceal many mysteries of the universe.

    2. Explore some building blocks of John’s research and findings of the effects of sound and frequency.

    3. The CymaScope, like the invention of the microscope and telescope, opens a realm not previously suspected to exist. A whole new world of visible sound.

    4. Cymatics, the field of sound made visible.

    5. Cymatics research in Kings Chamber Great Pyramid Egypt.

    6. Hypothesis: development of hieroglyphic writing. This could be influenced during crafting of sarcophagus.

    7. Does a building has its own unique acoustic signature?

    8. All sound is quasi holographic and contains data.

    9. Core frequency + add-ons make a room a resonating device.

    10. Every cell in a human body is receiving a symatic pattern from the sounds or frequencies in a room.

    11. Outer environment consists of a physical, digital and social part.

    12. Moving through a building can shape our thoughts and feelings, just as music does.

    13. Introduce a vibration in a room or building that acts like a tuning fork.

    14. Tuning fork centres cacophony of frequencies of the environment.

    15. Thoughts about sonic scaffolding.

    16. Geometric shape/form informs the sounds that will be imprinted on cells.

    17. Improving sound frequencies in existing rooms. In the context of health and wellbeing.

    18. How does the cell at the molecular level respond to sound?

    19. An architect should work more like a composer. "Architecture is a Symphony of Form."

    20. Cymatic science used in University environments.

    21. Sound frequency as a source of life energy and healing.

    22. Human waves get entangled and resonate with the outer environment, the physical and digital environment and the people in it.

    23. Human thoughts and emotions are frequencies.

    24. Live sound experiment on human blood. (www.The1Field.com)

    25. Will music affect the ratio of old versus living red blood cells?

    26. Old red blood cells being repaired/rejuvenated by music.

    27. The frequencies in the cells that generate the healing process.

    28. Red blood receiving virtual choir music AND healing intentions.

    29. Can the power of intention pass through an electromagnetic screened cage?

    30. Power of intention is not an electromagnetic phenomenon!

    31. Healing intention alone is almost as powerful as healing music.

    32. About The E of real estate.

    John Stuart Reid is an independent English sound and acoustics engineer, scientist and co-inventor of the CymaScope, an instrument that makes the inherent geometries of sound visible. More information you can find on the website: www.CymaScope.com

  • Topics being discussed:

    · Music affects mood, buildings do too.

    · Source of all creation: SOUND & FREQUENCY.

    · Geometry is the visible form of sound vibration.

    · Healing properties of ancient stone circles in southern Africa.

    · Outer environment (Physical, Digital, Social) as Tuning Fork.

    · Mind control is used in a positive and constructive way.

    · UBUNTU Liberation Movement

    · Sound frequency as source of Energy and Healing.

    · Cymatics: process of making sound visible (also the inaudible sound).

    · Negative Ions kill viruses instantly.

    · Dr Sam Osmanagich PhD – Discovered Bosnian Pyramids (www.semirosmanagic.com/en)

    · Energy Signatures – ‘Cosmic Apartheid’. Levels of consciousness.

    · Growing into the next level of consciousness.

    · UBUNTU Contributionism. Unity & higher consciousness for a new better world for all.

    · Current educational structures.

    · Funding of the education system.

    · One Small Town can Change the World-strategy. How to change.

    · Change starts with ‘Free’ Electricity. Initial funding mechanism to start all the projects.

    · Turning a town into a cooperative business. Create a social structure.

    · Biggest struggle/challenge with UBUNTU movement. Funding and level of people’s consciousness.

    In this podcast, I explore some building blocks of Michael Tellinger’s research and findings of the effects of sound and frequency and then connect them into practical application in a Ubuntu university campus and schools.

    Albert Einstein pointed already in the direction that the material realm is all energy (sound frequency) with his quote: “The field (energy) is the sole governing agency of the particle (matter).”

    The invisible is shaping the visible. Quantum physics define the energy field as invisible moving forces that influence the physical world.

    All invisible fields are measured by their effects. The same definition applies to spirituality and consciousness. So thoughts and feelings have the power to manifest into reality.

    Not only according to Einstein but also to Nikola Tesla, everything is energy and frequency.

    It should therefore be possible to introduce a vibration that acts like a tuning fork. That centres the cacophony of frequencies of the built environment, electromagnetic smog of modern technology and the etheric fields of humans. Balancing them all into harmony again. Just like a music symphony. Because all these frequencies are resonating and amplifying each other they should therefore be treated in a holistic way.

    According to new science, we humans are not a physical entity but energy waves of interacting frequencies that can affect the condition of our body. Our waves get entangled and resonate with those of the physical and digital environment and the people in it.

    One could say that it creates a cocktail of environment frequencies mixed with vibrating human thoughts and emotions.

    BIO: Michael Tellinger is a Researcher - Scientist - Explorer - Activist – Humanitarian, Public Speaker and Author of 6 books. He has a bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.

    Besides his research and exploration of the Stone Circle ruins:

    · Michael founded and runs a Stone Circle Museum and Lodge in Waterval Boven, South Africa.

    · He organizes tours to special places off the beaten track - Seminars and Educational workshops. www.stonecircletours.co.za

    Michael is founder of the global UBUNTU Liberation Movement of higher consciousness with members in over 200 countries. www.onesmalltown.org and https://michaeltellinger.com 

  • In this episode of the “E” of real estate podcast, we will explore the concept of health and well-being in a learn/work environment (physical/digital/social). We will talk about the subtle unseen energies that can be detrimental to our health. Part of it is earth and building-related, part is electro-smog related and a big part is related to human thoughts and emotions.

    The story of a real estate agent who made the transition from a left-brain materialistic life view towards a holistic (left + right brain balanced) to become a successful building healer and geomancer.

    Disharmony and unbalances in the inner and/or outer environment creates stress for humans. Stress is an organism’s total response to environmental demands or pressures. There are several forms of environmental stress.

    Geopathic Stress: is a generic term used to cover all the seen and unseen energy patterns around, that in most cases are detrimental.

    Archipathic stress: forms, shapes and proportions. Fabric and treatment including the finish of building materials.

    Technopathic stress: electromagnetic smog.

    Sociopathic stress: detrimental energies generated by us humans through thoughts and emotions.

    Spiritpathic stress: attachments, ghosts and lost souls, psychic attacks and cords.

    These stressors do not make you sick perse but put your biosystem and especially the immune system out of balance. It drains life energy. Being for a longer time in an environment with one or more stressors does not give the body an opportunity to restore balance.

    Buildings can become energy generators not only in the literal sense but also to charge their users instead of depleting their vital life energy.

    Adrian comes from a practical background, having owned a busy real estate agency in South West Surrey for about 25 years.

    Walking into houses that had a distinct, and in some cases, very dark, atmosphere led him to wonder why and what, if anything, could be done to change the feel of the property. The repeating patterns of several 'Divorce Houses' that he dealt with gave him the final nudge that he needed to leave the commercial world behind, to start researching, then connecting to the natural energies of the Universe.

    He explored the esoteric world working with healers, palmists and mediums, travelling to India, Nepal and Tibet to further his knowledge.

    About 15 years ago he founded his present company Dowsing Spirits, which works in the healing sector with a successful track record.

    He has written and published three books: the first called Heal Your Home The key to unlocking your home’s positive energies (2013, ISBN 9781490917382), described by many as the bible of geopathic stress' has sold well worldwide. It is a self-help book and contains a detailed healing section, this allows the reader to carry out much of the remedial work needed on their family and home themselves.

    The book is based on his experiences over the years working with hundreds of clients all over the world.

    The last book is just about to be published and is a follow up to his first, its working title is Heal Your Home 2 - The Next Level. It contains many new problems that can affect a family and their home, again with a detailed healing section at the rear.

    He is a former Vice President of The British Society of Dowsers and past Chair of both their Earth Energies and Dowsing for Health Groups.

    He runs a number of dowsing courses from an Introduction Weekend to advanced Earth Healing.

    More on his website: https://www.dowsingspirits.co.uk/

  • Intelligent Buildings should move away from a focus on technology and building efficiency, to a focus on the needs of owners, their businesses, and most importantly their people. The key players should work in a holistic ecosystem to offer one common purpose: creating better experiences for people. 

    Intelligent Buildings have existed for thousands of years but different centuries and cultures express them in different ways so what is an intelligent building? Is it one that serves the needs of people in functional ways but is also beautiful not just visually but in the simplicity and sensory ways it achieves these needs?

    In the 21st century, intelligent buildings tend to be ones that are very technology-driven but already we can see the impact of changes in society in that they need to be responsible for the health and well-being of the occupants so bring in a caring and humane approach that offsets the hard faces of construction and technology. Too often an intelligent building is reduced down to the choice of a building management system but there is much more to it than that.

    Intelligent buildings can become energy generators not only in the literal sense but also to charge their users instead of depleting their vital life energy.

    The key criteria for achieving good quality intelligent buildings are:

    • Satisfying client and supply stakeholder objectives and needs;

    • Meeting social and environmental needs

    • Recognition of available resources.

    An intelligent building starts with a good client brief and should comprise of:

    • A clearly articulated project vision and mission;

    • A recognition of the planning, design and procurement realities

    • Clarity about the use of a whole-life value approach.

    An intelligent building is one that is responsive to the requirements of occupants, organisations and society. It is sustainable in terms of energy and water consumption besides being lowly polluting in terms of emissions and waste: healthy in terms of well-being for the people living and working within it; and functional according to the user needs.

    The built environment affects our physical, mental and social well-being. Many elements in the built environment contribute to establishing a milieu that helps people to be healthier and have the energy to concentrate while being free to be creative. We spend much of our lives in buildings, so they have an important role to play within this total picture. This demands us to embrace change and think beyond conventional wisdom while retaining our respect for it.

    Derek Clements-Croome worked in the building design and contracting industry before entering university life. He has founded and directed courses including a BSc in building environmental engineering at Loughborough University and an interdisciplinary MSc in Intelligent Buildings at Reading University covering design and management of intelligent buildings. He has also worked in architecture and building engineering at the University of Bath.

    He now offers strategic advice to clients, designers and facilities managers on attaining and managing healthy and sustainable environments in buildings of all types. He researches, writes and lectures on these issues for companies and wider audiences nationally and internationally.

    Derek is the editor and founder of Intelligent Buildings International Journal. He was involved in several international research projects and publications on Intelligent Buildings, sustainable design, health and well-being. 

    He wrote several books of which Creating the Productive Workplace: Places to work creatively is the latest (2018). Right now he is working on a new book. Designing intelligent buildings and cities for people to enjoy and work creatively and effectively is the leading theme through his career. 

    More on https://www.derekcroome.com


    Feng Shui, the Psychology of Place = Energy + Intention + Ritual. A big part of feng shui is based on common sense and good design.

    In this podcast, we will explore the application of evidence-based Feng Shui in the learn/work environment. To boost user experience and maybe even study outcome?

    How can a learning environment (physical/digital/social) be used as a tool to enhance not only organisational goals but also user experience, health, well-being and consciousness?

    Effects of electro-smog and radiation (Wi-Fi, mobile masts, 5G, etc.) on wellness as well as productivity, creativity, job satisfaction and job retention and reducing stress in workplaces.

    There are over 3300 papers on the health benefits of spirituality, and some of them are environmental, feng shui related. Over the last ten years, the values of people have shifted from having stuff (human values) to being and health (spiritual/transpersonal values) and people are seeking environmental solutions to reflect and align their homes with these new values.


    Jan Cisek MSc Environmental Psychology and Feng Shui Society Accredited is working on his PhD in feng shui, which will relate to key feng shui principles that can be used in workplaces to boost productivity, innovation and general wellness. The spiritual and transpersonal dimension is an integral part of this approach.

    He has 35+ years of experience in feng shui and a background in interior design, design and branding, electromagnetics and geopathic as well as a master degree in environmental psychology which taught him the science behind feng shui, how it works, what it does and the intrinsic nature of feng shui principles.

    He specialised in Holistic and Integral Feng Shui which works in many domains: environmental or physical, emotional, intellectual or psychological, social, cultural, virtual and spiritual.

    Jan is one of the very few feng shui consultants in the world with a master’s degree in Environmental Psychology, thereby combining the scientific rigour of the West with the ancient Eastern art of feng shui. Most of his advice is evidence-based so you can trust and have confidence that it will work because it’s based on the latest research. Jan has a UK government Ofqual accredited Diploma in Practical Spirituality and Wellness, which is an evidence-based discipline and also works as a Spiritual Health Mentor.

    Jan’s feng shui approach is integral, holistic, transpersonal and encompassing classical feng shui and modern feng shui with a host of related disciplines such as geopathic, electromagnetics, environmental psychology, cognitive ergonomics, transpersonal psychology, wellness and so on.

    More on his website: http://www.fengshuilondon.net/about-jan-cisek-feng-shui-consultant

    Apart from feng shui and environmental psychology expertise, Jan is also an accelerated learning expert and speed-reading coach. Optimising learning, and work environments are his passion.


    Nick Franks made an attempt to answer the central question 'but how could it possibly work?'

    Radionics is a controversial therapeutic modality that combines Radiesthesia (pendulum dowsing and related sensory skills) with the use of psycho-activated codes, symbols and instruments.

    Radionics has developed such that it may be used to treat not only humans but also animals, crops and soils, and, potentially, the ecosphere itself. The basis, therefore, is the contention that human consciousness can be projected in a manner that can influence the action of Nature to a positive effect.

    Nick Franks made an attempt to answer the central question 'but how could it possibly work?'

    The attempt to answer this question forces a rethink of fundamental ideas about man, Nature, and the origins of what we perceive to be reality. In response to critiques of Radionics which claim it is some form of magic, Nick suggests that Radionic techniques arise from the inner structure of Nature itself.

    “Radionics is certainly the strangest of all vibrational-medicine approaches, but is one that may ultimately teach us the most about the vibrational nature of healing and human consciousness itself.”- Richard Gerber M.D.

    Nick Franks was born in Manchester (UK) and educated at Manchester University where he received an Honours degree in Economics. In 1973 he co-founded AMEK SYSTEMS & CONTROLS LTD (later AMEK TECHNOLOGY GROUP Plc. AMEK manufactured professional audio mixing consoles and its large customer base included many of the world's leading broadcast, recording, and sound reinforcement companies and also numerous multi-platinum recording artists.

    In 1997 Nick departed the professional audio industry and began to develop an existing interest in Radionics and Homoeopathy. Almost entirely self-taught in both Radionics and Homeopathy, his current main line of work is the development of Radionic instruments and codes.

    Radionics – Radiesthesia – the pendulum – vibrational medicine

    For further information about Radionics/Radiesthesia see his book: 21st CENTURY RADIONICS (2012) ISBN 978-0-9573111-0-7

    Or the website: www.radionics.co.uk

    The "E" of real estate podcast is about the user experience on university campuses and will help you to create a positive impact by raising awareness and providing best practice examples about rethinking the learning environment to maximize human potential.

    A kind of GPS, to tell you where you are on the way to your desired targets. A GPS with objective measurable coordinates of Effectiveness, Efficiency, Evidence and Engagement.

    That is the meaning of the "E" in the name of this podcast. An exploration odyssey about REAL ESTATE and the (real) STATE of Humans. The interface and interaction between the state of the built environment (physical, digital, social) and of the health (body, mind, heart, spirit) of people using the built environment.

  • An interview about architecture, myths & management that will give you plenty of food for your own thought and reflection. Thomas Saunders has devoted much of his professional life exploring the bonds linking architecture, nature’s geometry and the authentic Tarot’s archetypes with the human experience, our health and the world about us. He is a chartered architect and Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects (FRIBA).

    He was a visiting lecturer on Professional Practice and Business Management at the school of architecture now known as The University of East London.

    His presentations and seminars express the perennial esoteric wisdom of the arts and sciences that have been taught throughout the ages.

    Goethe’s quote Architecture is frozen music—inspired him to research the fundamental principles of design, geometry and the structure of a building based on harmonic ratios, musical intervals and proportional volumes. These will resonate with the same harmonic ratios in our bodies. Such vibrational sounds and colours create a life-enhancing environment.

    BIO: He was the founder and CEO of the architectural firm The Thomas Saunders Partnership (TTSP) with about 130 staff.

    After 21 years as the senior partner, he was prompted by Joseph Campbell’s remark, “The real killer in life is when you are at the top of the ladder and realise it is leaning against the wrong wall.” At that point, he knew he had to move on to explore wider horizons. TTSP continues to be a well-regarded international practice.

    Since his retirement from TTSP in 1984, he has acted as an independent consultant architect (Thomas Saunders Consultants Ltd.) and wrote and presented seminars.

    The authentic Tarot’s profound symbolic language and encoded arcane teachings can give us insights to enhance our daily lives and understand our own human psyche and the full spectrum of human nature. Perennial, mystery school teachings as a modern management tool and ethical guide in business activities and politics

    He is a practising dowser, was a long-term member of the National Federation of Healers and an Associate Lecturer at the University of the Arts London.

    Not the average architect you can say. A free-thinking person with a rigorous brain exploring the spiritual world, and being open to experiences.

    For further information see his books/publications:

    · The Boiled Frog Syndrome – Your Health and the Built Environment (2001) ISBN-10: 0470845538 ISBN-13: 978-0470845530.

    · Health Hazards and Electromagnetic Fields in hospital design and equipment (2003): a commission paper published by Elsevier Science Limited.

    · The Authentic Tarot – Discovering Your Inner Self (2007) ISBN-10: 1905857152 ISBN-13: 978-1905857159

    · Getting A Life, (2014) Autobiography. ASIN: B01K0S1E0G

    · Thoughts on Architecture, Myths & Management (To be released in 2020)

    Or the website: www.authentictarot.com

    The "E" of real estate podcast is about the user experience on university campuses and will help you to create a positive impact by raising awareness and providing best practice examples about rethinking the learning environment to maximize human potential.

    A kind of GPS, to tell you where you are on the way to your desired targets. A GPS with objective measurable coordinates of Effectiveness, Efficiency, Evidence and Engagement.

    That is the meaning of the "E" in the name of this podcast. An exploration odyssey about REAL ESTATE and the (real) STATE of Humans. The interface and interaction between the state of the built environment (physical, digital, social) and of the health (body, mind, heart, spirit) of people using the built environment.

  • In architecture we have the adage: “Form follows Function.” (Walter Gropius, Bauhaus). Dr Ibrahim Karim, professor, architect, scientist, author and creator of BioGeometry has a more holistic viewpoint. “Energy and Shape create Function.”

    Dr Karim is a truly Renaissance Man, who combines science and spirituality in a practical and applicable way for daily life situations. His unified harmonious worldview is based on a new multidimensional ‘PHYSICS OF QUALITY'. The practicality of his worldview has been demonstrated in the environmental solutions that BioGeometry provides in many areas of life.

    Dr Karim helps us understand how we can live richer, more 'connected' lives by learning the 'language' of Nature -- the essence of BioGeometry. It's a language that was known in the ancient traditions, including the Egyptian temple sciences but got lost. If we could relearn it... if we could again communicate with Nature in its own language... we would then be able to examine our homes, learn/work environment, our health, our food, and our devices (such as cell phones), and determine whether they are supportive of life or not for ourselves, our pets, our environment. If they are not, the science of BioGeometry gives us, as verified by numerous studies, a way to directly adjust them so they become beneficial.

    ENERGY is ‘the ability of something to produce an effect.’

    Energy is defined through its qualities, its effect on other things.

    Angels are qualities in a prism.

    Angels are components of FORM. Angles and shapes are ‘frozen’ Qualities. They affect the environment (Physical, Digital, Social).

    With the science of QUALITYwe can bring harmony into the environment.

    Every SHAPE has QUALITIESwhich affect everything in the environment.

    BioGeometry focuses on reproducing the harmonizing quality (found in sacred power spots) that supports life. ANY SHAPE COULD BE CALLED SACRED/SPIRITUAL. This design principle exists in all-natural shapes. It is the way that nature designs.

    Spirituality means living in full harmony with the forces in nature. A certain order that brings order in the universe. Spirituality is actually acknowledging that nature has certain energy on a certain level that can balance all the visible and invisible energies.

    For further information about BioGeometry see his books:

    · Back to a Future for Mankind (2010) Translated and published in Chinese and Italian. And 5 language versions are underway. (ISBN 978-1449963958

    · BioGeometry Signatures, Harmonizing the Body’s Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment. (2016) ISBN 9781537783888

    • Hidden Reality, The BioGeometry Physics of Quality (2022) Magnum opus on the 50th anniversary of BioGeometry. ISBN: 9798370712425The first two books are an introduction to BioGeometry in an uncomplicated way. The latest book (2022) is about the deeper level of BioGeometry. Condensing 50 years of research and discoveries into about 600 pages. This book gives the reader a journey into the inner wisdom and science of BioGeometry. Or the websites: www.biogeometry.com (www.biogeometry.ca) www.biogeometryeurope.com

  • “If you think that the world is only material then you are missing a huge part of human experience.” Dr Peter Fenwick

    An interview with Tony Scofield about the symbiosis of intellectual rigour with open-mindedness to empower people’s health, well-being and potential. A trans modern shift into a new paradigm and state of mind that enhances mainstream science to include consciousness and spirituality. Reconciling science with man’s spiritual essence for a better quality of life and problem solving, both for the individual and organisations.

    An open mind and a clear intent give the opportunity to incorporate the intangible spiritual subtle energies in reshaping and enhancing a university campus environment (physical, digital, social). Such an intervention can be used to cure and also as prevention by balancing and harmonising the subtle energies.

    Radionics: is a healing technique in which our natural extrasensory perception (ESP) faculties are used both to discover the energetic disturbance underlying illness and to encourage the return of a normal energetic field that supports health. It is independent of the distance between practitioner and patient.

    Dowsing: The ability to use a natural sensitivity that enables us to KNOW (by some means that we do not understand) things that we cannot know by the use of the day to day brain, by learning, by experience or by the five senses. (J. Scott-Elliot, 1975)

    If a place is treated we act as healers of the environment and that will include those within it, as people are part of the place. Healing places is similar to what a healer does for a human patient. Correcting the energy and harmonising the situation in a holistic approach. Seeing the environment as an eco-system consisting of 3 interconnected areas: The physical environment, the Digital environment and the Social Environment. The environment is a catalyst for human performance and therefore has a strategic impact on the core business of any organisation. But also on the health, well-being and consciousness of people, on a body, mind, heart and spirit level.

    Learn from every case and modify your ‘model’ accordingly.

    There is not only one right way.

    BIO: Tony Scofield MSc has a PhD in Animal Psychology from the University of Nottingham and worked for many years as a lecturer at the University of London. He has conducted research and published in a number of areas including physiology, homoeopathy and healing. He developed an interest in dowsing for, and re-balancing of, land energies for which he designed ‘The Harmonizer’, now commercially available. Tony was chairman of the council of the Radionic Association (Established in 1943) and is editor of its journal.

    He edited the book Horizons in Radionics, energy medicine for the 21st century,.2003. (ISBN 0 9545786 0 0).

  • Our environment (physical, digital, social) is an integrated system. Approaching it in a holistic way creates (more) value. Prof. Dr Per Anker Jensen MSc/MBA shares his viewpoints and learning how to manage and measure adding value with and through Facilities Management (FM) and Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM).

    FM and CREM have had a strong focus on controlling and reducing costs. In recent years there has been a shift towards putting more focus on how they can direct and indirect impact on value parameters of an organisation.

    Per Anker Jensen is a professor in Facilities Management at Denmark Technical University (DTU) and head of the externally funded Centre for Facilities Management – Realdania Research. He is currently the project manager on a joint EuroFM research project on The Added Value of FM, which started in January 2009. He is the author of many books and scientific publications.

    One of the latest books is ‘Facilities Management and Corporate Real Estate Management as Value Drivers’ (2017), co-edited with Theo van der Voordt. (ISBN 978-1-138-90718-8)

  • Reini Beverdam-Knaven is the guest of this episode of 'The “E” of real estate'. 

    She was for many years a schoolteacher; she became a businesswoman and a medical astrologer. Together with her husband Rob Knaven she owns the Training centre and Wellness hotel Felsengrund Alcyone in BAD SUDERODE, Germany.

    In this podcast, we focus more on the holistic human aspect, the social environment.

    Is spirituality in business a must or a hype? Spirituality in general is the physics we haven’t understood yet. Self-actualization and workplace spirituality leads to a holistic work-life balance. “Business spirituality is a model in which realism and idealism have a business interaction. Successful companies have both corporate expertise and corporate spirituality”. –Prof. Dr Paul de Blot SJ How can humans function optimally in their outer environment and how their own inner environment is a key factor in that. A balanced and tuned learning environment (physical/digital/social) is empowering learning and working space. It sparks curiosity in students. As above so below. As without so within. The macro cosmos mirrors the microcosmos. Not Newtonian law based on cause and effect, but the new insights in Quantum Physics and Epigenetics. Our experiences of the Inner and Outer environments are more based upon reflection and synchronicity. The outside mirrors the inside in us humans (subconscious unconscious self). A Multi-disciplinary approach. “Architects are trained to take all kinds of different needs and requirements and design structures that will accommodate them all (lift human spirit, sensible efficient plan and economically feasible).” John Portman, Architect/ developer/ investor.
  • Guest of this episode of 'The “E” of real estate' is Wietske Eveleens MSc Industrial Design, CEO of Eveleens Workstyles & Eveleens DeWerkOntwerper. She shares her vision and insights about:

    The value of the difficult-to-measure human factor. The environment (physical, digital and social) is influencing how you think and feel. The human mind and body are not separate and distinct from their environment. How to assist individuals and organisations to adapt to 21e century working & learning competencies and skills. How can the environment support this? Techno Optimism versus Technostress. Merging of physical, digital and social environment, an interconnected and integrated system, to facilitate flexible working (place, time and device-independent). The growing importance of (lifelong) learning. Approaching learning as part of the daily work task. Upgrading work/study by developing ideal work systems (structure) and workstyles (behaviour). Becoming the architect of your own work and learning environment, to create an empowering environment to thrive in. Places and systems that work instead of workplaces and work systems. To contribute to the core business of education and research plus to the health and well-being of students and staff.

    Websites of Wietske Eveleens:

    Workstyles https://workstyles.nl/

    DeWerkOntwerper (in Dutch) https://dewerkontwerper.nl/ (in Dutch)

    The "E" of real estate podcast is about the user experience on university campuses that will help you to create a positive impact by raising awareness and providing best practice examples about rethinking the learning environment to maximize human potential.

    A kind of GPS, to tell you where you are on the way to your desired targets. A GPS with objective measurable coordinates of:

    Effectiveness, Efficiency, Ease of use, Engagement, and Experience of users. All in an Evidence-based way.

    That is the deeper meaning of the "E" in the name of this podcast: The "E" of Real Estate. REAL ESTATE and the (real) STATE of Humans. The interaction between the state of the building and of the people using the building.

    Subscribe for a 15 minutes exchange and intake at no cost and no obligation, to get new perspectives on how to create (more) added value with the learning environment. The "E" of real estate

  • Exploring the big picture of a learning environment as an integrated system of physical, digital and social environments. Breaking it down into small low-risk actionable steps for improvement.

    An interview with James Boekbinder, an expert in User Behaviour & Interaction Design.  He is an advocate that the shape of a successful product is hiding inside human behaviour. James advises organisations preparing for innovation of their product and service systems. Besides being a self-employed consultant, he teaches about these subjects at a couple of universities for about 12 years now. Experiencing himself how it feels to work in a (sub)optimal learning environment. He shares with us his professional insights.

    As could be expected the main area of improvement is in the social domain of human behaviour. About ambitions, politics, willingness to change, leadership in balancing quality of education and financial constraints. James gives us an insider view behind the curtains of the daily reality at a university. He translates this into guiding design principles that can strengthen the learning environment.

    Some of the takeaways:

    - Find the initiatives/programs that work and enhance them.

    - Find the hacks that people created to make the system work for them, and adjust the bugs in the system.

    -Start low-risk prototyping projects to improve the system and test if they add value. This creates evidence to go to the next level.

    - Less is more. Focus on removing not optimal working components of the learning environment, rather than adding more. Monitor the effects on education, research and health and well-being of students and staff.

    The "E" of real estate podcast is about the user experience on university campuses that will help you to create a positive impact by raising awareness and providing best practice examples about rethinking the learning environment to maximize human potential.

    A kind of GPS, to tell you where you are on the way to your desired targets. A GPS with objective measurable coordinates of:

    Effectiveness, Efficiency, Ease of use, Engagement, and Experience of users. All in an Evidence-based way.

    That is the deeper meaning of the "E" in the name of this podcast: The "E" of Real Estate. REAL ESTATE and the (real) STATE of Humans. The interaction between the state of the building and of the people using the building.

    Subscribe for a 15 minutes exchange and intake at no cost and no obligation, to get new perspectives on how to create (more) added value with the learning environment. The "E" of real estate