How to actually love yourself?
If you’re on the body image healing road, you’ve probably been told multiple times, by multiple people that you simply need to love yourself.
That your desire for thinness is a marker of not feeling good enough and that you’re seeking scraps of worthiness through conforming towards the ‘body ideal’.
When I was in the dreary depths of bulimia, wise people would often dispense this advice to me with noble intentions.
I would placatingly nod my head, whilst secretly rolling my eyes and having zero understanding of how to do this.
It felt like some ephemeral, nice-to-have fluffy concept.
Self-love is sadly not a quick fix pill, rather a life-long journey that needs regular cultivation and attention.
And it’s an important journey to take. Otherwise, the miserable alternative is neurotic self-preoccupation and judgement.
It can’t be firmly rooted with a luxury bubble bath or spa visit, although these delights might be sprinkles on the top, of a cup filled fully.
A truly self-loving relationship offers an internal fortitude of peace and contentment. It vastly improves your relationships, romantic and otherwise. It allows the possible fulfilment and deep appreciation of work and hobbies. It allows you to form a haven inside of yourself.
In this episode, I explore how to navigate this self-love process with some practical steps for change. If you’re stuck in the dreary depths of self-loathing and compare-and-despair, then this podcast might be just what you need.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Compulsive exercise is not joyful.
It has become a weary, punishing ‘should’ to endure despite injury and bone-weary exhaustion.
You cannot stop. Your sanity depends on completing the next workout and achieving your step count.
It’s rigid and time robbing of precious life moments.
You rely on exercise to earn your meals and to give you permission to eat.
It is a distraction from difficult emotions.
It’s intricately linked to weight control and body image.
It’s more than psychological.
When you are restricting your food intake, the brain chemical, leptin is significantly reduced. This drives the urge to be active and move.
It’s a survival mechanism in human beings which would have kept us alive in scarce times gone by.
Activity can be happening in different forms.
You may be openly and deliberately engaging in activities such as gym sessions or swimming.
Or you may have become secretive in increasing your exercise through additional pacing around the house, when no-one is there.
Or standing for long periods rather than comfortably sitting down.
Or you may have joined more than one gym so you can do extra sessions without prompting concern from staff.
You may feel confused about the healthiness of your exercise.
In a world that praises constant movement and screams forcefully about the fear of eating too much, you may well be validated for your extreme regime, viewed as ‘the fit person’, as others do not understand your internal torture and compulsion.
In this episode, I explore signs that your relationship with movement may be unhealthy with practical steps for change. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
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An episode all about learning to self-soothe and developing self-compassion. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
An eating disorder can become an integral part of your identity and this can leave you feeling stuck and powerless. In this episode, I share my own experiences of recovery and detachment from the ed identity. I explore how identity can be challenging to shift but how there are practical ways to do this. I hope that you enjoy the episode.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Today, many of my clients enter the therapy room with a diagnosis or self-diagnosis of ADHD. They have often only recently realised the humungous impact on their lifetime relationship with food.
If you have ADHD, you have increased vulnerability to suffering from an eating disorder, particularly bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder.
This is backed up by research finding that people with ADHD are four times more likely to have an eating disorder than those without.
ADHD adds a layer of complexity in navigating your food relationship, when this is already hugely challenging in a diet obsessed world.
If you have ADHD and an eating disorder, please show yourself deep understanding and compassion for your food struggles.
In this episode, I share 11 insights around ADHD and eating disorders from the therapy room. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
In this episode, I dispense five pearls of wisdom to my younger self. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Compulsive exercise is not joyful.
It has become a weary, punishing ‘should’ to endure despite injury and bone-weary exhaustion.
You cannot stop. Your sanity depends on completing the next workout and achieving your step count.
It’s rigid and time robbing of precious life moments.
You rely on exercise to earn your meals and to give you permission to eat.
It is a distraction from difficult emotions.
It’s intricately linked to weight control and body image.
It’s more than psychological.
When you are restricting your food intake, the brain chemical, leptin is significantly reduced. This drives the urge to be active and move.
It’s a survival mechanism in human beings which would have kept us alive in scarce times gone by. Activity can be happening in different forms.
You may be openly and deliberately engaging in activities such as gym sessions or swimming.
Or you may have become secretive in increasing your exercise through additional pacing around the house, when no-one is there.
Or standing for long periods rather than comfortably sitting down.
Or you may have joined more than one gym so you can do extra sessions without prompting concern from staff.
You may feel confused about the healthiness of your exercise.
In a world that praises constant movement and screams forcefully about the fear of eating too much, you may well be validated for your extreme regime, viewed as ‘the fit person’, as others do not understand your internal torture and compulsion.
In this episode, I explore how to recognise that you are struggling and with practical tips to break free and improve your relationship with activity. I hope that you find it helpful.
This week's sponsor: -
Fueling for Recovery: https://fuelingforrecovery.com/
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Making sense of your eating disorder through psychological formulation
If you’re lost in the jungle of your eating disorder, without a map to guide you safely, you probably feel intense confusion and overwhelm.
Why can’t I just eat normally?
Why the constant obsessions with food?
What is wrong with me?
You likely feel terribly alone.
To begin to unravel the tangled ed vines that have wrapped themselves tortuously around you, and to shed some awareness and understanding of the complexity of the issue, therapists sometimes use the tool of psychological formulation.
Psychological formulation aims to piece together the different parts of the jigsaw, to bring light and clarity. It provides a zoom-out perspective of the eating disorder, as a coping strategy.
It peels back the different layers of the psychological onion offering insights and hope around change.
In this episode, I explore a psychological formulation and how you can use this as a tool in therapy. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Your thoughts play an important role in your relationship with food.
This episode dives into raising awareness of negative automatic thoughts and how to challenge them.
This is particularly relevant if you are struggling with binge eating, emotional eating, out-of-control eating and/or chewing/spitting.
I hope that you find it helpful.
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Marcelle Rose
Book: https://amzn.eu/d/c8rjpeP
Appointments: [email protected].uk
Website: www.marcellerosenutrition.co.uk
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Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
In this episode, I explore unhealthy competitiveness and how it can be destructive. Particularly, when it leaves you constantly comparing and not feeling good enough. I hope that you enjoy it.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
CBT-E is one of the most favoured and researched therapies for eating disorders.
It means enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy.
If you access support via the NHS (assuming that you are based in the UK), you may well be offered this treatment, particularly if you meet diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder.
The approach is described as transdiagnostic, as it’s relevant for several different eating disorder diagnoses.
CBT-E was developed by Professor Christopher Fairburn and his team in Oxford over two decades ago, initially as a treatment for bulimia nervosa but then it expanded out to treat other eating disorders too.
In this episode, I explore CBT-E, my experience of delivering it and considerations for clients. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Being the eldest daughter can bring unique challenges to well-being. Eldest children tend to be super-carers, overly responsible and 'good children'. In this episode, I explore my personal experience as an eldest child and the impact on relationship with food and mental health. I hope that you enjoy the episode.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Here I share 7 healthy hacks, which I love. These are centred around mental wellbeing, connection and self-care. I hope that you enjoy the episode.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
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Today, I’m talking with Alexandra Lederman, an art therapist working in Melbourne, Australia. After working as a fine artist and discovering the benefits and value of the creative process, Alex knew that she wanted to help others learn how to express and communicate through art.
Alex’s experience lies in therapeutic support for diverse population groups, including young children and their families, adolescents and the elderly. Her approach is person centred, strengths-based and aims to work with the individual and their wider network. Her personal strength is the ability to incorporate the visual arts into therapeutic healing and growth.
Alex works using a lens from Polyvalgal Theory, which helps her to understand her own emotional state, as well as being able to meet her clients where they are at and help them to find a sense of safety, regulation, play and connection.
In the episode today, Alex talks about her own eating disorder recovery journey and how art was an integral part of this. She talks about the role of art in eating disorder recovery, how it can help, support and heal. Alex explains about the use of Polyvagal Theory and Internal Family Systems in her work. She also talks about her upcoming ‘All Your Colours Programme’, starting in May 2025, for people with eating disorders. This is an integrative specialist online therapy group for people with eating disorders (at any stage in their recovery).
This is such an interesting episode and opens the mind to many creative possibilities available in recovery, outside conventional treatments. I hope that you enjoy it.
To find out more about Alex: -
Instagram: @alexledermantherapy
Website: https://www.alexandralederman.com/
This week's sponsor: -
Fueling for Recovery: https://fuelingforrecovery.com/
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Eating disorder recovery is often a murky, dark and difficult road with sporadic glimmers of hope along the way. It’s digging around in the depths of your psyche to work through traumas and abandonment wounds. It’s about interrupting disordered cycles with food, which have long protected and kept you safe. It’s profoundly challenging work. You might feel distinctly worse before you feel better. The road feels long and winding. You reach one summit to only realise that there are many more on the horizon. So perhaps it feels ‘toxically positive’ to romanticise aspects of recovery and eek out some goodness amongst the gloom and doom? Yes and no!
In this episode, I explore 11 ways to romanticise recovery, to instill hope and encouragement on the healing road. I hope that you enjoy it.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Restrictive eating, under the guise of wellness is very normalised. As we live in a society that continues to validate thinness on the pedestal of achievement. The impact of undereating on the body can be profound. It’s not something that just skinny people do. If you’re a serial dieter or you struggle with eating disorders or disordered eating, then you probably relate to hunger and food preoccupation as a predictable part of the fabric of daily life. You might think that this is just your personality, whereas in fact it’s about restriction. And remember that 85% of people with eating disorders are not underweight. You can still be hungry and depriving yourself, whilst looking healthy.
In this episode, I explore the impact of restrictive eating on body, mind and soul. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Today I’m talking to Michelle Rosko, who is a holistic health & fitness coach, certified personal trainer, & nutrition coach.
Michelle has been on her own eating disorder recovery journey and now comes to the health and fitness space with a compassionate, sustainable, & holistic approach.
She is host of the podcast Fitness Freedom. Michelle has an online programme, the 4H method, which brings together Hope, Habits, Happiness and Health.
Michelle helps her clients build healthy routines for their lifestyle, look in the mirror & love what they see, go from hating the gym to loving exercise, stop the extreme yo-yo dieting & exercise, & make peace with all foods. Michelle supports people to trust their bodies rather than giving quick fixes that don’t last. She wants all her clients to experience true joy, peace and freedom.
Michelle describes herself as queer, multi-racial, international cat mum, lover of nature, movement, all the flavours of ice cream, travel, & genuine connection.
In the episode today, Michelle talks about her own recovery journey and the challenges she faced along the way. She also dives into her 4H method and the valuable work she does with her clients in healing relationship with food and body. I hope that you enjoy the conversation.
To find out more about Michelle: -
Website: https://go.mlrosko.com/the4hmethod
Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/4sLEvrTzkYxl81U0fWBM7F
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
This week's sponsor: -
Fueling for Recovery: https://fuelingforrecovery.com/
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
I worked as a therapist in an NHS adult eating disorder service on and off between house moves, babies and life between 2004 and 2023. Working in the NHS had never been my strategic career plan.
At 23 years old, I knew that I wanted to work in eating disorders, but the chaos of my early twenties meant that I was running on ideas and dreams, rather than having any concrete plan. Initially, my decision to train as a therapist came from my own wounded healer abandonment issues and wanting to save others.
This wounded place was a helpful starting point and initiation for change. It gave me purpose and hope as I floundered in the choppy waters of life, but feeling reassured by the distant lighthouse shining its beacon out to sea.
I began my therapist training aged 25, with vigorous youthful enthusiasm and joy. 4 years later and working in Student Support at my local university, I fell upon a job advert for an eating disorder therapist.
It was a new service coming to my city and embedded deeply in a psychological approach to treatment. I decided to apply, even though officially, I was an unsuitable candidate for the role. Miraculously, I was offered the job and the incredible mentors who interviewed me back in 2004, continue to be in my life today.
And it opened me up to a whole wealth of experience and learning for the next 19 years.
This episode explores 9 things I learned on this journey.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Eating disorders are on the rise.
The onset of the pandemic accelerated this already increasing trend.
In 2022, the Royal College of Psychiatrists reported that hospital admissions for eating disorders increased by 84% in the last five years.
During the pandemic, BEAT (National Eating Disorders Association, UK) saw an 81% increase in contact across all Helpline channels. This included a 162% rise in social media contact and a 139% surge in online group attendance.
Although the incidence of eating disorders has been ever increasing over the past few decades, why the explosion of diagnoses now?
In this episode, I explore four reasons why. I hope that you find it helpful.
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
Today, I’m talking to Becky Grace Irwing, a BABCP Accredited CBT & EMDR qualified Therapist and qualified Mental Health Nurse. Becky spent 8 years as a Mental Health Nurse and 3 years as a CBT Therapist. She has worked across many mental health services for 14 years including acute, forensic and CAMHS services as well as University Mental Health and Disability Services and a London talking therapies service. She has a background history as a Fitness and Yoga Instructor of 10 years, and has worked in the fitness industry from the age of 17 to 35.
Becky specialises in Eating Disorders, Neurodiversity and complex trauma issues and the link between these. She has a lived experience of binge eating for nearly 30 years, and has been recovered for 7 years. Becky has ADHD and is self-diagnosed with Autism.
Becky describes herself as a dog Mum of two sausage dogs, a human first, and she likes to knit and is sustainability conscious.
In the episode today, Becky talks about her own recovery journey focusing particularly around eating difficulties and the interplay with neurodivergence. She then goes on to talk about why neurodivergent humans can be particularly vulnerable to developing eating disorders. She talks about eating disorders as coping strategies and explores in more depth the issues that often present in therapy when someone has ADHD or autism.
It's a really interesting episode. Becky has a wealth of information to share. I hope that you enjoy it.
To find out more about Becky: -
Instagram: @beckygracetherapy
Website: - www.beckygracetherapy.co.uk
FB and LinkedIn: Becky Grace Irwing
Harriet's Substack: https://substack.com/@theeatingdisordertherapist
Harriet Frew's current offers: -
Online 10 Steps to Intuitive Eating Course https://www.theeatingdisordertherapist.co.uk/online-courses.html
Online Breaking Free from Bulimia
Eating Disorders Training for Professionals
Body Image Training for Professionals
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