
  • Episode 122 - The poignant finale to this story brings our entire podcast to its conclusion - But our Epic animals leave on a brand new mission for the Maker - and even Announcer Lad - eh, I mean Denny - gets to tag along!

    And now that you've heard the entire podcast - why not get your very own copy of the audiobook!? Written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee, you'll get hours of delight from having your own copy of "The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key." Just go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d still love to hear from you, too! Let us know how you liked this season's podcast! Email: [email protected]

    1:01 - Announcer Lad introduces our hosts one last time: Max, Liz, & Nigel

    1:54 - Gillamon brings in another special surprise - via the IAMISPHERE. Thus, everyone can now open their mysterious packages. But what do they mean?

    3:30 - Gillamon instructs Announcer Fellow - uh, Denny to “tell them what they’ve won!” And in game show style - he does!

    7:28 - Chapter 68 “On Eagle’s Wings” - the final installment of “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key.”

    20:16 - Miss Jenny (Jenny L. Cote) shares her tearful comments of how she almost didn’t include the key character in this final chapter - but was influenced by the Maker to reconsider!

    23:21 - Mr. Denny reveals how to continue to enjoy this series of audiobooks - even without a podcast!

    24:08 - Denny realizes he’s going to miss all his friends - until Gillamon steps in with yet another surprise.

    26:14 - Denny and Jenny leave you with their parting comments - and appreciation for YOU!

  • Episode 121 - Patrick Henry delivers his most famous speech - seven little words - and so much more! Plus, Miss Jenny's divinely appointed writing session, and special in-studio guests for our Next-to-the-last Episode!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:03 - There’s a new Jenny L. Cote audiobook available!

    1:50 - Announcer Lad has a surprise guest coming to the studio - but someone already knew that - but reading his email!

    4:57 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 67 entitled, “Liberty or Death.”

    37:10 - In Jenny’s Corner we hear her incredible story of writing this chapter and of our special eagle, Cato.

    43:15 - At long last - not one, but two special guests arrive in the studio - bearing special packages for each of our hosts… but what’s in them??? Hmmm…


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  • Episode 120 - As American colonists inch closer to all out rebellion against England - the battle of good versus evil ramps up as well - both openly - and secretly!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    0:00 - Max finds himself alone in the studio - as Announcer Lad is off getting…therapy!

    1:18 - Liz and Nigel join Max - all agree Announcer Lad needs therapy!

    4:24 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 66 entitled, “Cloak and Dagger.”

    42:30 - In light of Announcer Lad's uh, issues, the animal hosts turn to Miss Jenny - as she deals with history versus fiction versus …uh, fantasy!

    46:30 - Announcer Lad returns from therapy - and Max, Liz and Nigel get an all new perspective on his uh, condition!

  • Episode 119 - Liz and Kate are there to console Patrick Henry as his wife gains liberty from her affliction through the only way possible. Meanwhile, Nigel's sister Agatha visits the studio with her own trials!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:13 - With only four episodes to go - we find Nigel on the phone with his distraught sister Agatha from England.

    2:48 - Nigel’s presumptive sister visits - right now - as she is lamenting her dozens of children all leaving home at once.

    7:00 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 65 entitled, “Farewell, My Love.”

    24:30 - after a heart-wrenching chapter, we find Agatha still needs consoling, so

    25:10 - Max takes us to Jenny’s Corner - where she shares a very special honor she received in writing this chapter.

    28:36 - Our hosts team up with a way for Agatha to not miss her children so much.

    30:13 - Agatha’s husband Clive calls from the UK with an even more effective, uh, “remedy!”

  • Episode 118 -The battle of Point Pleasant, Va - is it the first of the American Revolution? Miss Jenny shares her very personal connection to it, while Nigel joins a battle reenactment group - for rodents!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

     For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:16 - Max and Liz help Nigel make a grand entrance - as he is dressed as a tiny little frontiersman.

    3:42 - While Nigel leaves to make final preparation for his battle reenactment debut - Liz reads the fine print of the disclaimer Nigel must sign to participate… uht-oh.

    5:05 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 64 entitled, “Winds of War.”

    30:08 - A somber ending to our chapter has Liz quoting the Makers Word - and Max seeing the importance of putting things in writing.

    31:40 - In Jenny’s Corner, Miss Jenny tells of her very special connection to the battle portrayed in today’s chapter - and why she is so passionately patriotic!

    34:29 - Max leads us to a reminder: the follow-up to this book is also available in audiobook form!

    35:16 - Liz reads the “fine print” to Nigel’s reenactment contract; 1. no problem… 2. no problem… 3. uht-oh!

  • Episode 117 - Our founding fathers are treated to a scrumptious meal at the home of “Mr. Gillamon,” but Max is wary of a suspicious kitchen worker. And our hosts are wary of an Announcer Lad who has made desserts for them… Can he even bake? 

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:00 - Announcer lad leaves the show to its hosts - as he must check on something he’s baking for them. Max, Liz and Nigel find he’s taken baking lessons - and are nervous.

    4:04 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 63 entitled, “Unjust Desserts and Passing the Mantle.”  

    25:54 - Desserts are ready - but their recipients are certainly not! So - isn’t it time for…

    26:55 - …time for Jenny’s Corner - as our author gives us insights as to how she combines factual history with fictional fun!

    30:53 - unable to put it off any longer - our hosts must receive their just desserts! Will they survive Announcer Lad’s baking?

  • Episode 116 - It seems there is a great need for unity in both the First Continental Congress - and in our hosts planning their vacations! Miss Jenny tells us the key that works in both situations. See if you can guess what it is! 

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:24 - Announcer Lad poses a riddle to Liz, Nigel, and Max - but none has the answer. 

    2:17 - Announcer Lad then gives each of them a proper introduction - in rhyme. They are not impressed.

    5:26 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 62 entitled, “God Bless America.” The new Continental Congress representatives quickly become bickering politicians - but there is a solution.

    21:25 - Our hosts have solved their vacation conflicts, but have totally missed being “united.”

    22:56 - In Jenny’s Corner, Miss Jenny points out the obvious unifying factor that changed the entire outlook in the Continental Congressional sessions. Hint: it was foundational to the birth of America!

    26:14 - Our hosts take their cues from those sessions to solve their vacation dilemmas - leaving Announcer Lad to fly home solo!  

  • Episode 115 - As Patrick Henry and George Washington head for Philly, Miss Jenny reveals how she created their dialogue; and Announcer Lad reveals his heritage - which Epic Animal and he share the most in common?  

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:17 - Announcer Lad intros his hosts with really lame jokes; he then reveals why Philadelphia is so important to his family’s history, causing Nigel to put his tiny foot into his big mouth!

    5:02 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 61 entitled, “A Voice Unified.” Delegates to the first Continental Congress converge on Philly, where Patrick Henry declares his American citizenship!

    28:54 - In Jenny’s Corner she reveal how she decides what her historical characters say - and how they say it… and did they really say it?

    32:07 - Max is troubled by Announcer Lad’s personal history - which side did his ancestors fight for? After getting the answer - Max is even more troubled! 

  • Episode 114 - It's all things IAMISPHERE - as it takes Max to Philadelphia, and it brings Gillamon to our studio! Plus Jenny explains how she came up with this ingenious expression of our heavenly Maker!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:21 - Announcer Lad is excited to talk about the IAMISPHERE - while we find Nigel is more excited about his noble efforts in the pantry… involving maple syrup!

    4:19 - The IAMISPHERE - makes its first special appearance - with a special delivery for Liz.

    6:05 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 60 entitled, “To Philadelphia.”

    18:45 - Liz finally arrives to find she missed Gillamon - but that he left her a mysterious package!

    19:42 - While Liz ponders her package - we head to Jenny’s Corner - where Miss Jenny tells the whole story of the IAMISPHERE!

    23:37 - As Liz unwraps an ancient artifact -Gillamon returns to guide her through an amazing re-enactment - with a timeless message!

  • Episode 113 - Liz and Kate attempt to decipher Gillamon's riddle; the patriots of Virginia take the lead in standing up for all the colonies - while Miss Jenny and our hosts deal with the growing of Virginia tobacco!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:11 - Once again, Announcer Lad finds an awkward way to introduce our hosts.

    3:21 - Liz puts her paw in her mouth with some real zingers about a voice that is always hungry.

    4:23 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” Chapter 59 entitled, “A Voice That Is Hungry.”

    27:46 - Max and Liz discuss the virtues of those great colonial statesmen, but….

    28:10 - What about all that tobacco the Virginia colonists grew?? In Jenny’s Corner - Jenny explains the growing of tobacco.

    30:29 - Nigel’s News Nuggets - Nigel finishes the report on tobacco - how times have changed.

    32:30 - Max and Liz focus on the strengths of our Founding Fathers - virtues that are good for all of us to follow.

  • Episode 112 - The brewing cat's paw trouble is not only in Boston or London. Seems Liz has some trouble with her own cat paws! How can Max and Nigel help? Plus, Miss Jenny shows us what the tea in Boston Harbor really meant!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:22 - Liz is late once again - as she stopped by her furdresser’s to get rid of last week’s “Egyptian Porky-pine” look. But what did she do to her paws? And why?

    4:46 -  “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” - Chapter 58 entitled, “Brewing Trouble with the Cat's-Paw.”

    40:18 - Max and Nigel devise a plan to pull Liz out of the doldrums by getting Al on the phone

    42:30 - Liz goes to Jenny’s Corner to find out what was really behind dumping all that tea in Boston Harbor - and what it means to us - all these years later!

    47:00 - Max and Nigel use the one method that never fails to brighten Liz’s day! It’s the paws… that refreshes!

  • Episode 111 - Al and Nigel watch over Ben Franklin's shoulder to make sure he reads the letters they delivered - but have they stirred up too much trouble? Back at the studio - why is everyone getting extreme makeovers?

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

     And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:21 - Announcer Lad starts the show alone, as Max, Liz and Nigel are off getting makeovers to look good for a photo shoot, but… their makeovers need a do over!

    6:56 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” - Chapter 57 entitled, “Troubling Letters.”

    30:36 - After much ridicule, have our hosts learned anything from their “beauty treatments?”

    32:17 - Jenny’s Corner - Jenny tells us if there is a method to her (brilliant, creative) madness!

    35:17 - While Nigel and Liz recover from their “beauty treatments,” it’s going to be a dirty job for Max and Announcer Lad!

  • Episode 110 - British tyranny, colonial slavery, a very sick wife; the overwhelming weight of the world is on Patrick Henry's shoulders. Back at the studio, our hosts seem pretty overwhelmed themselves!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

     And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    0:57 - Announcer Lad introduces our hosts - and they introduce him to their overloaded schedules - but only Announcer Lad has a driver’s license!

    4:15 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” - Chapter 56 entitled, “Gasping for Liberty.”

    31:08 - The gang discusses the difficulties Patrick Henry faced - including his personal dilemma with slavery

    32:16 - In Jenny’s Corner - Miss Jenny tells why she includes the good, the bad and the ugly in her stories.

    34:22 - Have our busy hosts figured out their scheduling debacle? Will everyone get where they need to be on time? 

  • Episode 109 - Using the IAMISPHERE, Gillamon and Clarie find dire situations throughout the colonies. Meanwhile a simple country mouse down the street has taken a shine to our sophisticated Nigel! Can opposites really attract? Liz invites her to dinner to find out!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

     And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:06 - Nigel’s in hiding - trying to avoid Rodeen - a country-fied neighbor mouse who’s got a crush on him. 

    3:20 - Liz decides to force the issue - and invite Rodeen to dinner.

    4:42 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” - Chapter 55 entitled, “A Darkness Begins.”

    19:17 - Announcer Lad tells how kids of ALL AGES can become published authors this summer at the Epic Patriot Camp!

    20:47 - Rodeen shows up at the door - ready to dig into Liz’s French cuisine and uh, “charm” Nigel and his friends. The term “awkward” only begins to describe this meal!

    25:03 - Max decides to ease the awkwardness by taking us to Jenny’s Corner - where our author reveals her favorite passages from the Bible.

    29:03 - Miss Jenny nudges Announcer Lad into revealing their next audiobook project!

    29:27 - Our country mouse and our British mouse suddenly find common ground in an unlikely place.

  • Episode 108 - The tension in colonial Boston between its citizens and British soldiers has escalated to a battle in the streets - meanwhile back at the studio Max experiences taxation without representation - sort of.

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

     And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:10 - As our hosts begin our show - Max gets a notice in the mail - from the government!  Is he being taxed - without representation?

    4:40 - “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” - Chapter 54  entitled, “Bloody Boston.”

    32:53 - Our hosts discuss whether or not it was actually necessary for Americans to declare independence from Great Britain - which leads to…

    34:13 - Jenny’s Corner:  Her perspective - did we have to declare independence. She ends with tongue- in-cheek comment that Nigel finds cheeky!

    35:48 - Each of our hosts riffs on Jenny’s comment - concluding that they all sound alike… yeah, right.

    37:15 - Nigel compares the uniqueness of Americans - to our unique identities from the Maker.

  • Episode 107 - While fighting is ramping up to a fever pitch in colonial Boston - A heated dispute is taking place in our studio as well! Does Nigel have an answer for bringing a truce?

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

     And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:16 - Only Max and Nigel open the show - which is fine by Max - he’s not happy with Liz at all!

    2:27 - Liz finally shows up - and immediately gets into an argument - she’s not happy with Max at all!

    4:22 - Nigel separates his cohosts - and begins Chapter 53 of “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key” entitled, “Innocent Blood.”

    13:40 - With his cohosts still at odds - Nigel lightens the mood by taking us to Jenny’s Corner - who explains how long she plans to keep on writing - her answer is… epic!

    17:53 - Nigel has Max and Liz read about what real love is - and Max and Liz proceed to throw the book at each other!

    21:30 - Max and Liz discover the real reason they have been in each other’s face - and what to do about it.

  • Episode 106 - While Patrick Henry’s family celebrates the Christmas season, so do our hosts - with presents and caroling - and even a surprise studio guest - even if it isn't even close to Christmas! 

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    0:53 - Max enters the studio singing Jingle Bells… but we’re not even close to Christmas! But it suddenly begins to feel like one of those sappy Christmas movies when a “beefy lad” comes to call.

    5:03 - The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key - Chapter 52: “Comfort and Joy.”

    17:45 - How you can get your own copy of our books and audiobooks!

    19:27 - Jenny’s Corner - Why are there seven Epic Animals in the Epic Order? 

    21:15 - Our special “Christmas” guest gets an explanation from “Captain Reality” - but it falls on deaf pointy ears when that guest has Christmas presents for all!

    24:51 - A fitting end to this “holiday” gathering - caroling? 

  • Episode 105 - Patrick Henry, George Washington and others take on the British governor of Virginia - ending in a boycott of British products. Meanwhile, our hosts take offense to a comment by Announcer Lad - and Max delivers a spirited speech of his own!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:09 - Announcer Lad makes the mistake of calling his cohosts “almost impressive,” while Max proves it with his “impressive” speech about dog catchers!

    5:16 - The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key - Chapter 51: “Coach and Six or Ten-Shilling Jackets”

    29:42 - Jenny’s Corner - would Miss Jenny ever consider running for office?

    32:12 - Max gets answers to his “stray dog injustice” dilem ma - and finds we humans can relate!

  • Episode 104 - This episode is electrified - with tempers flaring from King George's palace all the way to the streets of Boston - plus back at the studio we find out if Max made the dog-frisbee team!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:53 - Our hosts debate the athletic ability of the wrestlers on TV, and Max gets his results from the dog-frisbee tryouts. He storms off to his room - though he doesn’t actually have a room.

    4:16 - The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key - Chapter 50: “Threatening Skies and Seizing Liberty.”

    26:33- We need a break from all the storms - so we head to Jenny’s Corner to find out how she “recharges her batteries.”

    29:34 - Nigel’s News Nuggets give us a powerfully delicious lesson on Lightning!

    31:45 - Liz takes Max to task on his attitude - and a little tidbit of information he missed on his dog-frisbee tryout letter - and we learn a little about the wrong kind of “jumping.”

  • Episode 103: While Patrick Henry’s life is going well for the moment, Gillamon informs the Epic animals that King George has rotten plans for the colonies. Meanwhile Max is invited to join a dog-frisbee team!

    The Epic Order of the Seven animal team helps birth one nation under God by entering the lives of a unique generation of children chosen to become the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.

    Each episode is hosted by Max, Liz and Nigel – and includes a selection from the audiobook, “The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key!”

    For your very own copy of the audiobook, written by Jenny L. Cote, read by our own “Announcer Lad” Denny Brownlee – go to Audible.com. Just click here: http://bit.ly/4dTYV76

    And we’d love to hear from you, too! Email: [email protected]

    This episode features:

    1:02 - Max retrieves the mail - and finds he’s been invited to try out for a canine disc team but does he have what it takes? 

    5:13 - After a rather destructive first try at dog frisbee - it’s time for  Chapter 49 of The Voice, the Revolution, & the Key: “Hard Acts to Follow.”

    19:10 - Max is improving in his disc fetching skills - but he’s afraid he won’t make the team.

    20:31 - In a trip to Jenny’s Corner, author Jenny L. Cote tells us how she deals with distractions and writer’s block - and admits - some distractions can be blessings in disguise.

    24:53 - Max decides to try out for the team - whether he’s good enough… or not. There may be a bigger purpose to it all. 

    25:43 - Nigel and Liz, experts that they are, give Announcer Lad tips on tossing a disc.