Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase. Professional triathlete Taylor Knibb is a 3x Ironman 70.3 World Champion and Olympic silver medalist. We talk about the mindset, training, and recovery tools that keep her performing at the highest level. From working with movement specialist Lawrence Van Lingen to embracing a more intuitive approach with her new coach Dan Lorang, Taylor shares great insights for athletes at every level looking to grow stronger, healthier, and more in tune with their bodies.
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YeKjFDLrjRY
0:00 – Taylor's #1 Athlete Advice 1:06 – Triple World Champion: Meet Taylor Knibb 2:04 – The Elite Athlete's Hydration Secret 2:58 – "I Was a Mess" — Meeting Movement Guru Lawrence 5:34 – The Pavlov Effect: Trained for Calm 6:15 – Flow Rope & Tire Pull: Taylor's "Weird" Training Methods 7:21 – "The Tire Lady" — Taylor's Apartment Complex Fame 9:32 – Is Backwards Walking Daily? Taylor Explains 10:57 – From "Falling Apart" to Perfect Running Form 13:06 – The Only Run Cue Taylor's Coach Gives 16:12 – Less Stress, More Results: Taylor's Training Revolution 19:04 – Trusting Feel vs. Following Data 23:38 – "Medals Are Byproducts" — Taylor's Champion Mindset 27:37 – Finding Liberation in Training 28:44 – Mental Strategies for Breaking Through Pain 37:39 – Trust: The Foundation of Taylor's Training Philosophy 46:00 – How Champions Analyze Race Performance 52:46 – Where to Follow Taylor's Journey 54:25 – Become Stronger, Healthier & Happier: Taylor's GuideFIND TAYLOR KNIBB:
► Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/taylorknibb
► YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Taylor-Knibb
► Lawrence van Lingen - https://www.instagram.com/lawrencevanlingen
► 4 Drills to Improve Your Running Form, with Lawrence - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2MMqAvtcqI
► Flow rope - https://innerunnerstore.myshopify.com/
► Running Improvements with Lawrence Van Lingen - https://youtu.be/zDJrNa-tO8c
► 6 Habits Every Runner Needs with Dr Rangan - https://youtu.be/mF0CCpy3Dzo
► Courtney Dauwalter Advice to Improve Running: https://youtu.be/OTgwIEAN3B4
► Training and Racing with Mark Allen - https://youtu.be/YlBUJTIggyA
► Function - https://functionhealth.com/FLORIS
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Running Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: https://extramilest.com/
► Website: https://pathprojects.com/flo
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to Function Health for sponsoring this video! Try Function and skip the waitlist using my link https://www.functionhealth.com/FLORIS Eric Floberg shares how he improved by 86 minutes in his marathon time. He is a dedicated marathoner, content creator, and father of four. We dive into race pacing and fueling strategies to incorporating strength training and balancing high-mileage training with family life.
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TBCA51syFmk
0:00 - Marathon journey, race strategies, and training evolution 0:58 - Who is Eric Floberg? 1:23 - Function Sponsor 2:49 - Chicago Marathon experience 6:24 - Coping with the final miles of a marathon 11:51 - Structuring training and balancing family life 15:40 - Running on a treadmill: mental approach and strategies 19:12 - Long runs with friends 21:16 - Advice to Eric’s younger self 25:50 - Working with coach Jeff Cunningham 30:33 - Strength training and integrating a new routine 39:41 - Low intensity run and different approaches to mileage and recovery 48:10 - Getting into coaching: What inspired Eric? 52:40 - The role of failure 1:03:15 - Where can you find Eric? 1:04:38 - Tips to become a stronger, healthier, and happier athleteFunction Health is an all-in-one health platform that starts with over 100 advanced lab tests covering your entire body—heart, hormones, liver, kidneys, thyroid, autoimmunity, cancer signals, toxins, nutrients, and more. Function currently has a waitlist, but they are offering my audience the chance to skip it. Go to https://functionhealth.com/FLORIS to skip the waitlist!
► Strava - https://www.strava.com/athletes/47020978
► Youtube (Floberg Runs) - https://www.youtube.com/@flobergruns
► Youtube (Eric Floberg) - https://www.youtube.com/@ericfloberg
► IG (Floberg Runs) - https://www.instagram.com/floberg.runs/
► IG (Eric Floberg) - https://www.instagram.com/eric.floberg/
► Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/FlobergCoaches
► Website - https://www.ericfloberg.co/
► Function - https://functionhealth.com/FLORIS
► Path Projects - https://pathprojects.com
► Jeff Cunningham: https://www.instagram.com/cunninghamrunning
► Ryan Hall - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EugD_uoBzw
► Pfitzinger's "Advanced Marathoning": https://amzn.to/4178Y36
► Nick Bare & BPN Nutrition: https://www.bareperformancenutrition.com
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program that Daniel is part of: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Running Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: https://extramilest.com/
► Website: https://pathprojects.com/flo
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
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Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase. Dr. Vrzal, a holistic chiropractor and author of The Headache Advantage, shares how pain—whether it’s headaches, knee pain, or running injuries—can be your body’s way of pointing to deeper imbalances. We explore the connections between nutrition, blood type, and performance, along with insights to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
Learn more about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program at https://www.pbprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/VFpxi0UiksA
0:00 - Nutrition, blood type, and performance 3:48 - “The Headache Advantage” 6:26 - The connection between nutrition, blood type, and running performance 9:46 - Understanding of blood types 12:41 - How to determine your blood type 13:50 - Impact of food on digestion and health by blood types 17:39 - A deeper exploration of the blood type diet 19:17 - Understanding blood type and nutrition for peak performance 22:51 - Metabolic flexibility, training intensity, and diet 25:02 - Mastering body awareness in training 30:28 - What excites Dr. Vrzal about his work? 36:58 - Managing training loads effectively 41:56 - Balancing training and personal life 44:07 - Post-long-run headaches: The role of electrolytes 46:45 - Key headache areas and their causes 49:53 - Where to find “The Headache Advantage” book 54:06 - Journaling to identify health patterns 55:05 - Tips to become a stronger, healthier, and happier athleteFIND DR. VRZAL HERE:
► Website - https://headacheadvantage.com/
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.vrzal
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DrVrzal
► “The Headache Advantage" book on Amazon - https://a.co/d/7mzM11K
► Blood Type Diet Home Test Kit - https://amzn.to/40ysa9G
► Blood Type Diet App - Apple - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blood-type-diet
► Blood Type Diet App - Google - https://play.google.com/store/apps
► Download the Free Low Heart Rate Training Guide: https://extramilest.com/subscribe/
► Heart Rate Running, Nutrition, & Mindset with Zach Bitter: https://youtu.be/ESj7Is8u0Pw
► Massive Running Improvements, with Lawrence van Lingen - https://youtu.be/zDJrNa-tO8c
► Eat Right 4 Your type book on Amazon - https://amzn.to/40YTTl6
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Running Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: https://extramilest.com/
► Website: https://pathprojects.com/flo
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase. Daniel Edwards is a 51 year old recreational runner who has achieved massive running improvements through low heart rate training and consistent habits. Daniel shares his lessons learned, tips on balancing life and running, and strategies for staying healthy, strong, and motivated as an athlete.
Daniel is a member of our Personal Best Running Coaching Program. Learn more at https://www.pbprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/n-Sr9whnctc
0:00 - Transformation through low heart rate training 1:00 - Introduction to Daniel Edwards 1:32 - LMNT sponsor 2:49 - Advice for his younger self 5:22 - Changes in running and training habits 8:15 - Nutrition: tracking, dietitian support, and meal planning 12:12 - Marathon fueling strategies and race experience 14:01 - Progression in races 19:51 - Overcoming pre-race doubts and building training consistency 24:40 - Advice for runners on consistency and strength training 26:51 - First experience with low heart rate training 30:44 - Finding the right heart rate zones for training 39:28 - Balancing training, work, and family 46:22 - Staying motivated during tough seasons 51:37 - Managing diabetes as a runner 55:30 - Becoming a stronger, healthier, and happier athleteFIND DANIEL EDWARDS HERE:
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/109297583
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080488824062
► Download the Free Low Heart Rate Training Guide: https://extramilest.com/subscribe/
► Low Heart Rate Training Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taO8kKsx448
► MAF Low HR Success with Maria: https://youtu.be/i5TmvBfJp-Y?si=7ZhSWR8c6XrqlEdj
► Yuka App: https://yuka.io/en/
► Heart rate monitor watch: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/
► Precision Fuel & Hydration: https://visit.pfandh.com/FLO15
► Path Projects: https://pathprojects.com/flo
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program that Daniel is part of: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Running Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: https://extramilest.com/
► Website: https://pathprojects.com/flo
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Heidi Moreno, a newby endurance runner and talented illustrator, shares her transformation from beginner to finishing half marathons, and her first marathon and 50K. Through low heart rate training, journaling, and community support, she discovered not just faster times and longer distances, but deeper personal growth and renewed creativity along the way.
Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos: http://bit.ly/Flo-YT
If you'd like to learn more about the Personal Best Running coaching program, check https://www.PBprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/f5DBINpRv78
0:00 - Zone 2 Breakthrough 0:44 - Heidi’s running journey 2:46 - How Heidi started running 8:33 - Discovering low heart rate training 19:57 - How Heidi journals to improve her running 24:34 - Overcoming tough spots with mantras and mental strength 30:00 - Heidi’s advice for beginners and support networks 36:16 - How Heidi fuels for her runs 39:53 - How Heidi overcame frustrations with low heart rate training 44:59 - Mental aspects of low heart rate training 48:09 - Advice for athletes starting out low heart rate training 51:05 - How running helps Heidi in her personal and work life 54:30 - Where to find Heidi 55:10 - Preparing for the LA marathon and future goals 55:58 - How to become a stronger, healthier, and happier athlete?FIND HEDI MORENO HERE:
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heidiroo_art/
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/120156418
► Website: https://heidiroo.com/
► Book - Working From Home with a Cat by Heidi Moreno: https://amzn.to/4iPMwn5
► Book - Luna Oscura by Heidi Moreno: https://amzn.to/3P6qpLw
► Download the Free Low Heart Rate Training Guide: https://extramilest.com/subscribe/
► Low Heart Rate Training video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taO8kKsx448
► Precision Fuel & Hydration: https://visit.pfandh.com/FLO15
► Path Projects: https://pathprojects.com/flo
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program that Heidi is part of: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Running Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: https://extramilest.com/
► Website: https://pathprojects.com/flo
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase.
William Bart, a passionate recreational runner, Boston Marathon qualifier, and advocate for mindful training, shares his transformation from frequent injuries to embracing low heart rate running, and finding joy in consistency and intentional living.
In this conversation, we discuss:
Lessons learned from MAF low heart rate training. Mistakes William made in training and racing. Advice to non-elite athletes looking to improve.If you'd like to learn more about the Personal Best Running coaching program, check https://www.PBprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/SrI6GmzAAy4
0:00 - Introduction 0:38 - Free PDF Low HR Training Guide 2:32 - LMNT Sponsor 3:45 - William's Running Journey and Lessons from Arthur Lydiard 12:08 - Balancing Base Building, Speed Work, and Avoiding Burnout 20:07 - William’s Advice for His Younger Years 22:47 - Intuitive Training and Learning to Adjust Based on Body Feedback 30:31 - Transitioning to Low Heart Rate Training 37:15 - Chicago Marathon: Challenges, Learnings, and Fueling Strategy 41:09 - Pacing and Nutrition Plan 48:06 - Root Causes of Injuries and Incorporating Strength Training 52:35 - Daily Routines for Injury Prevention and Performance 57:14 - Speed Work: Balancing Intervals, Tempo Runs, and Injury Prevention 58:53 - Tips for Stronger, Healthier, and Happier RunningLINKS & TOOLS MENTIONED
► Download the Free PDF Low Heart Rate Training Guide: https://extramilest.com/subscribe/
► Precision Fuel Gels 15% Off Code FLO15: https://visit.pfandh.com/FLO15
► Andy Wheatcroft's advice: https://youtu.be/IIGKMA3b8dc?si=p69Nrvu7OWIZiXqg
► Low Heart Rate Training Guide: https://youtu.be/taO8kKsx448?si=yEqeXp4XkvqvSSbl
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/47813247
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program that William is part of: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Running Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: https://extramilest.com/
► Website: https://pathprojects.com/flo
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Brent Cunningham, an inspiring runner, Boston Marathon finisher, and advocate for intentional living, shares his journey of overcoming challenges, embracing low heart rate training, and the power of kindness and consistency. Brent is a member of our PB Program.
Want to level up your running and health? Learn more about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program at: https://www.pbprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/L3vsBmqelq4?si=Qt9-akWldHX687gM
0:00 - Intro 0:30 - Brent’s Running Journey and Progress 2:12 - Path Projects Shoutout 3:10 - Brent’s Boston Marathon Experience and the 2013 Bombing 17:16 - The Story Behind Giving Away His Boston Marathon Medal 26:31 - Lessons from Boston: The Power of Names and Noticing Others 35:22 - Discovering MAF Training and Embracing Low Heart Rate Running 53:00 - Reflections on Purpose, Mission, and Intentional Living 1:00:29 - Strategies for Overcoming Challenges in Running and Life 1:06:36 - Tips for Becoming a Stronger, Healthier, and Happier Athlete 1:08:52 - Favorite Takeaways and LessonsFIND BRENT CUNNINGHAM:
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brent.cunningham.79
► Courtney Dauwalter's Advice to Improve Your Running: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTgwIEAN3B4&t=262s
► Phil Maffetone and Low Heart Rate Training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TPrenWWK9U
► 6 Habits Every Runner Needs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF0CCpy3Dzo
► Lomond Hoodie: https://pathprojects.com/products/lomond-hoodie
► Graves PX Shell Jacket: https://pathprojects.com/products/graves-px-shell-jacket
► Killam PX: https://pathprojects.com/products/killam-px
► Get 10% off Path Projects running apparel: https://www.pathprojects.com/flo
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
► Personal Best Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman/
► Website: https://extramilest.com
► Website: https://pathprojects.com
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our running coaching program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to http://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any drink mix purchase. Dr. Rangan Chatterjee is a runner, renowned doctor, author, and podcast host of "Feel Better, Live More." We explore practical strategies for improving running performance, building healthy habits, and achieving long-term consistency in training.
Dr. Chatterjee's new book Make Change That Lasts launches December 31, 2024. Available for pre-order at all major book stores, including Amazon:► Paper back: https://amzn.to/4fVJPOs
► Audio: https://amzn.to/4fI17Py
► Kindle: https://amzn.to/4fwGB4l
Want to level up your running and health? Learn more about our Monthly Accountability Challenges in our Personal Best Running Coaching Program at: https://www.pbprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/mF0CCpy3Dzo
0:00 - Introduction to Dr. Rangan 3:15 - LMNT Sponsor 4:12 - Rule #1: Make It Easy 8:50 - Rule #2: Attach New Behaviors to Existing Habits 13:36 - Rule #3: Create an Environment That Supports Habits 16:33 - Taking Small Steps to Improve Running Habits 24:05 - Age Divisions and Long-Term Running Goals 33:51 - The Role of Habit Trackers and Wearable Devices 39:56 - Marathon Lessons: Dr. Rangan’s Experience Running London 52:51 - Strength Training and Gradual Build-Up in Running 58:41 - Beginner Advice: Consistency and Joy 1:04:56 - Holistic Approach to Running Niggles and Joint Pain 1:13:03 - Injury Prevention, and Work-Life Balance Insights from Gabor Maté 1:25:49 - Benefits of Low Heart Rate Training for Reflection and Growth 1:26:30 - Dr. Rangan’s New Book 1:27:21 - How to Become a Stronger, Healthier and Happier Runner.FIND DR. RANGAN HERE:
► Website: https://drchatterjee.com/
► IG: https://www.instagram.com/drchatterjee/
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DrChatterjeeRangan
► Feel Better, Live More Podcast: https://drchatterjee.com/blog/category/podcast/
► Make Change That Lasts (Book) by Dr Rangan Chatterjee: https://amzn.to/4fVJPOs
► Parkrun: https://www.parkrun.us/
► Bronnie Ware's Book: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: https://amzn.to/3CGZ6oc
► Oura Ring: https://ouraring.com/
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
► Personal Best Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman/
► Website: https://extramilest.com
► Website: https://pathprojects.com
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our running coaching program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to http://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any drink mix purchase. Andy Wheatcroft’s path to the Boston Marathon was a decade-long journey from self-described “unfit tub of blubber” to Boston Qualifier. Through low heart rate training, patience, and a relentless focus—especially after the 2013 bombing—Andy’s story offers lessons for runners everywhere.
Andy (57 years old) is a member of our Personal Best Running Coaching Program. If you'd like to learn more, check https://www.PBprogram.com
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIGKMA3b8dc
0:00 - The Emotional Side of Running 1:11 - How Andy Started Running 2:01 - LMNT Sponsor 2:58 - 28-Day Challenge That Changed Everything 10:24 - Andy’s First Marathon: Lessons Learned 18:30 - Boston Qualifier Journey: Key Takeaways 20:39 - How Andy Trains 25:45 - Overcoming Injury with MAF Training 35:38 - Heart Rate Training & Energy Hacks 50:58 - Life Lessons from Running 55:12 - Finding Joy in Every Mile 1:00:50 - Setting & Crushing Running Goals 1:04:50 - Making Running Fun & Sustainable 1:07:45 - Connect with Andy 1:08:24 - Final Takeaways for RunnersFIND ANDY HERE:
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/48162722
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrew.wheatcroft.77
► Free Low Heart Rate Training Guide: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► Personal Best Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman/
► Website: https://pathprojects.com
A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete. More info about our running coaching program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
LMNT are offering a free sample of 8 serving packs to listeners of the Extramilest Show, with any order. Get yours at http://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase. In this episode I chat with one of the greatest ultra runners of all time, Courtney Dauwalter. Known for her unmatched endurance, grit, and pure joy for the sport, Courtney shares insights from her incredible journey, including winning the Western States 100, Hardrock 100, and UTMB—all within nine weeks. We dive deep into her approach to training, balancing ambition with rest, and how to embrace discomfort while keeping it fun.
If you'd like to learn more about my Personal Best Running coaching program, check https://www.PBprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/OTgwIEAN3B4
0:00 - Courtney’s Winning Formula for Training and Racing 4:58 - Her First Marathon: What Really Happened 7:48 - Early Ultrarunning Lessons That Shaped Her 12:41 - How to Start and Improve with Trail Running 18:50 - How Courtney Adjusts Her Training Day to Day 26:02 - Training Experiments: Successes and Challenges 31:17 - Sleep, Strength, and Self-Care for Peak Performance 36:55 - Embracing the Pain Cave: Courtney’s Mindset Shift 45:36 - Advice Courtney Would Give Her Younger Self 46:43 - How Failure Drives Success in Ultrarunning 49:55 - Behind the Scenes: Sponsors and What Fuels Her 53:45 - How to Follow and Connect with Courtney 55:00 - How to Become a Stronger, Happier and Healthier AthleteFIND COURTNEY HERE:
► Website: https://www.courtneydauwalter.com/
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courtneydauwalter/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
► Solomon: salomon.com
► The Feed: thefeed.com
► Tailwind Nutrition: tailwindnutrition.com
► Kodiak Cakes: kodiakcakes.com
► SunGod Sunglasses: sungod.co
► Injinji Toe Socks: injinji.com
► Suunto Watches: suunto.com
► Leki Poles: leki.com
► Petzl Headlamps: petzl.com
► Squirrel's Nut Butter: squirrelsnutbutter.com
► Podcast: https://extramilest.com/podcast/
► Personal Best Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/florisgierman/
► Website: https://extramilest.com
► Website: https://pathprojects.com
A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete. More info about our running coaching program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
Subscribe and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
LMNT are offering a free sample of 8 serving packs to listeners of the Extramilest Show, with any order. Get yours at http://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase.
Matteo Franceschetti, is the co-founder and CEO of Eight Sleep. In this episode discover how to sleep like a pro. Matteo shares tips and protocols to help you sleep deeper and wake up refreshed. These insights that can transform your nights and boost your training, racing and daily life!
If you'd like to learn more about my Personal Best Running coaching program, check https://www.PBprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xHA6vcxqchM?si=zF38YCsyuY5i6a_x
0:00 - The three pillars of health: nutrition, workout, and sleep 0:46 - Intro to Matteo Franceschetti and sleep optimization 1:24 - LMNT sponsor 2:32 - Sleep fitness: practical tips 10:47: Optimal sleep protocols for high performance 13:51 - Caffeine, alcohol, and nutrition’s impact on sleep 16:10 - Tools to improve sleep 21:58 - Eight sleep technology 27:52 - Common sleep mistakes 36:03 - Impact of sleep, sleep needs, and tips for athletes 40:57 - Gender differences in sleep needs 42:48 - The growing awareness of sleep optimization 45:53 - Advice to matteo’s younger self 50:00 - How endurance athletes can nail sleepFIND MATTEO FRANCESCHETTI HERE:
► Twitter: https://x.com/m_franceschetti
► Eight Sleep website. Get $350 off at https://refer.eight.sl/pw3e46cg
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Affiliate I earn a commission from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
► Eight Sleep website. Get $350 off at https://refer.eight.sl/pw3e46cg
► Philips Hue Dim Lights: https://a.co/d/6eKuAY3
► Plunge Cold Tub, recently I upgraded to this ice bath. Get $500 off: https://plunge.pxf.io/Nkg9EV
► Blue Light Blocking Glasses: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=blue+light+blocking+glasses
► Blackout Curtains: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=blackout+curtains
► Sauna: https://www.sunlighten.com/
► CBT-I (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia): https://tinyurl.com/4u457hxy
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: extramilest.com
► Website: pathprojects.com
► Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to http://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase. Host Floris Gierman gives a personal update on his training, racing, and life over the past 12 months, with a reset after completing the 6 World Major Marathons. He shares his insights, experiences, lessons learned and next steps from here.
If you'd like to learn more about my Personal Best Running coaching program, check https://www.PBprogram.com/Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/z4gTLScpR48
00:00 - Why flexibility in training is key
01:20 - Update and recap on personal training, racing, and life
06:19 - Thanks for the sponsor LMNT
07:44- Strength training, finding joy in different activities
19:45 - Mental and physical benefits of cross-training and intuitive running
26:10 - The 5 Regrets of the Dying
27:21 - Importance of self-kindness and living a true life
28:56 - Flexibility and adaptability in training
32:00 - Your ability to focus and recover well
38:14 - Book update and writing process
41:45 - Final thoughts and encouragement
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: extramilest.com
► Website: pathprojects.com
► Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase. John Birtchet-Sharpe is a 55 year old runner and member of our Personal Best Running Coaching Program. Over the past 5 years he has improved from being overweight and out of shape, to running personal best times of 20 minutes and even qualifying for the Boston Marathon.
If you'd like to learn more about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program, check https://www.PBprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_8f40TAjoxI
00:00 The most important mindset to improve 02:58 John's transition from cycling to running 07:18 Discussion on the psychological benefits and struggles of running 13:04 Psychological aspects of running 14:49 Joy and challenges in running 16:44 Introduction to low heart rate training and the MAF method 26:43 Importance of community and support 32:51 Improvements and achievements in marathons using the MAF method 36:16 Managing heart rate zones and different training approaches 38:52 Advice for new runners 41:23 Balancing training with life and work 47:30 Boston Marathon preparation 52:41 Humility and community 56:51 Importance of sleep and recovery 59:03 Value of consistency in training and setting realistic goals 1:02:02 Adjusting volume and intensity 1:03:42 Importance of recovery weeks 1:05:27 Closing thoughts on running and enjoying the journeyFIND JOHN BIRtCHET-SHARPE HERE:
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/76038942
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnbirtchet/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: extramilest.com
► Website: pathprojects.com
► Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase.
Brendan Leonard is the creative force behind Semi Rad, a website dedicated to the joy of adventure for runners of all levels. Brendan loves to explore, to laugh and occasionally to get tired, cold and scared through his ultra adventures. Brendan is an author of many books, including Ultra-Something, which we discuss during this conversation.
If you'd like to learn more about my Personal Best Running coaching program, check https://www.PBprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn3uq0yHRzQ
00:00 The Raw Truth of Running 02:44 First marathon, expectations vs reality 05:50 More than a marathon? 09:00 Signing up to first ultra 24 days before the event 11:40 Ultra-Something.. how aspects of life apply to ultra-running 13:38 If you see it, you can be it! 17:46 I Hate Running and You Can Too 19:59 The Seven Summits of My Neighborhood 24:32 Advice for people going after ultra adventures 25:46 Create eventing that you'll remember forever 33:06 Getting older and looking for new challenges 38:09 I didn’t have the strength to quit 44:10 If you’re feeling bad, do this 46:53 Brandon’s writing ethos 52:18 Next ultra plans, couples adventure. 56:46 Find out more about Brendan 58:20 Ultra Something closing thoughtsFIND BRENDAN HERE:
► Website: https://semi-rad.com/
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/semi_rad/
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@semi_rad
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
► Ultra-Something (book) by Brendan Leonard: https://pathprojects.com/ultra-something
► Ultra-Something x PATH projects cap: https://pathprojects.com/ultra-something
► The Seven Summits of My Neighborhood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SLadjqxhhc
► The K’s of Convenience (Ultra): https://gotrail.run/en/race/the-ks-of-convenience
► The Rut (Ultra): https://runtherut.com/
► The Creative Act (book) by Rick Rubin: https://amzn.to/3WWeSDF
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program: https://www.pbprogram.com/
► Free Weekly Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: extramilest.com
► Website: pathprojects.com
► Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
There is no greater runner and ambassador for the sport of running than Eliud Kipchoge. We discuss Kipchoge's routines, top running tips and advice for athletes of all levels to improve. This episode is not available in podcast format, and can only be found on my YouTube channel in video format. The reason is that this episode is subtitled for clarity and also includes lots of visuals, photos, videos, screenshots.
CLICK HERE TO WATCH THIS FULL CONVERSATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fktx7qLbXDc
This conversation was recorded in Tokyo, after we both ran the Tokyo Marathon. We dive deeper into Kipchoge’s philosophies, routines and advice for non-elite athletes to improve.
I am really excited about this conversation and we covered several topics I haven’t heard him talk about in other interviews.
This was my 3rd time meeting with Eliud. I’ve put together a 30 page PDF with a summary from both conversations, lessons, takeaways, favorite quotes and a full transcript. This E-book can be downloaded for free at Extramilest.com/kipchoge.
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts about this conversation in the comments HERE on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fktx7qLbXDc
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase.
Scott Frye is a Board Certified Athletic Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist. He is also a coach and community manager in our Personal Best Running Coaching Program.
In this conversation, we discuss:
Lessons learned from MAF low heart rate training Common mistakes athletes make in training and racing Advice to non-elite athletes looking to improve.If you'd like to learn more about the Personal Best Running coaching program, check https://www.PBprogram.com/
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/T96Ch2wgUao
00:00 Mindset to succeed with MAF low heart rate training 2:29 Scott’s running background and first marathon: “never again!” 5:03 Running journey, injury and finding MAF. 9:21 Frustrations starting out with low heart rate training. 12:28 Improvements, with cold therapy, nutrition, sleep and meditation. 16:11 Coaching experience; pace mentality, base-building, finding joy in running. 21:52 Breakthroughs with low heart rate training. 27:06 Misconceptions about adapting to aerobic fitness. 29:25 Balancing speedwork and Zone 2 training. 32:12 Boston Marathon 2024 experience and the training cycle. 45:25 Recovery tools and techniques. 48:07 Key considerations to ageing and longevity. 51:27 Further thoughts on nutrition. 54:31 Training and racing goals for Scott. 56:01 Find out more about Scott. 56:56 Closing thoughts.LINKS & TOOLS MENTIONED
► Personal Best Program: https://www.pbprogram.com
► Health Span (book) by David Sinclair: https://amzn.to/49V9W4S
► Normatec compression boots: https://amzn.to/3QhWr8w
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/run4fryes
► Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/89685446
► Our Personal Best Coaching Program: www.pbprogram.com
► Free Weekly Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe
► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman
► Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785
► Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman
► Website: extramilest.com
► Website: pathprojects.com
► Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/
Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Strength coach Kyle Long discuss a many strength topics, such as: When and how to perform the right strength training for runners, Strategies for consistency with strength training, Common mistakes with strength training that runners make, and much more...
Want additional help in your strength training or ultra endurance training and racing? Hit up Kyle on IG @100milekyle or email [email protected]
Watch this full video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPu3kecBih0
Get 10% off your first order of Precision Fuel and Hydration. I’ve been using their PF30 energy gels for about 18 months, with and without caffeine. I use them for all of my races and longer training runs, including for Tokyo and London. The PF 30 gel is the most efficient way to get 30g of carbohydrate / 120 calories into your system fast. Their gels have a very mild, neutral taste, something I like to reduce flavour fatigue during longer efforts.
The texture is pretty thin, so you can take them without fluids, away from aid stations. Get 10% off your first order of any precision fuel and hydration products with code EXTRAMILEST24 at https://www.precisionhydration.com/LINKS & TOOLS MENTIONED
Tokyo Marathon Shakeout Run on Saturday March 2, 2024, RSVP and more info: https://www.strava.com/clubs/511402/group_events/1580859 London Marathon Shakeout Run on Saturday April 20, 2024, RSVP and more info: https://www.strava.com/clubs/511402/group_events/1589624 Strength Video 1: https://pathprojects.com/blogs/news/10-minute-strength-workout-for-runners-with-strength-coach-kyle-long Strength Video 2: https://pathprojects.com/blogs/news/strength-follow-along-workout-for-runners-activation-and-prehab Strength Video 3: https://pathprojects.com/blogs/news/push-pull-strength-training-for-runners-upper-body Strength Video 4: https://pathprojects.com/blogs/news/bodyweight-only-leg-and-core-workout-for-runners Precision Fuel and Hydration Gels PF30: https://www.precisionhydration.com/us/en/products/pf-30-gel/YOU CAN FIND ME, COACH FLORIS GIERMAN HERE:
Our Personal Best Coaching Program: www.pbprogram.com Free Weekly Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785 Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman Website: extramilest.com Website: pathprojects.com Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
This is my favorite podcast episode I recorded this year, if not ever... Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://DrinkLMNT.com/FLO to get your free sample pack with any purchase. Lawrence Van Lingen is a running specialist from South Africa, who is gaining a lot of attention in the endurance space. He has worked with elite athletes such as Jan Frodeno and Taylor Knibb. Lawrence is a close friend and he has helped improve my running and health in a variety of different ways.
If you would like to learn more about Lawrence’s movement programs, check out https://www.innerunner.com
Watch the full video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/zDJrNa-tO8c
00:00 Massive breakthrough in running 02:50 Welcome Lawrence and thank you! 04:01 Core values, moving from the centre out. 06:17 Going from child to adult, are you the master of your movement? 13:34 Floris’ early encounters with Lawrence and implementing some teachings. 16:59 Being the creator and author of your movement and your life. 22:16 Working with the flow rope 27:23 The softer breath and options opening up, as a result. 28:11 Flow rope and movement, anatomical chains. Extend from the hip! 33:28 Pushing your feet into the ground. 36:22 The “one-and” drill for cadence. 37:53 Improving form, being present, psycho-emotional factors in running. 45:25 Running form indicators. 49:16 When the going gets tough, “oh my word” moments. 53:08 Helping Taylor Knibb (US Triathlete), neural tension. 59:14 Innerunner resources 1:02:10 Reframing and changing mindset, to change the way you run. 1:04:39 Further triathlete training experiences. What’s the long game? 1:07:37 Backwards walking; guidance, injury rehab and avoidance. 1:13:38 Marianne Williamson’s poem, believing and accepting talent. 1:18:56 How to master the Awesomiser 1:21:49 Find out more about Lawrence 1:21:27 Closing thoughts; feeling, creative expression, online presence.LINKS & TOOLS MENTIONED
Website: http://www.innerunner.com/ (How to Master) The Awesomiser: http://tinyurl.com/Awesomiser Dan Lierberman: http://heb.fas.harvard.edu/people/daniel-e-lieberman Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being (book) ~ http://amzn.to/3S2kIAM Thomas Myers and anatomy trains: http://www.anatomytrains.com/about-us/ Poem by Marianne Williamson: https://bit.ly/47i2rDCAffiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
Website: https://www.innerunner.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lawrencevanlingen/YOU CAN FIND ME, COACH FLORIS GIERMAN HERE:
Our Personal Best Coaching Program: www.pbprogram.com Free Weekly Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785 Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman Website: extramilest.com Website: pathprojects.com Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell to see new videos: https://bit.ly/Flo-YT
Thanks to LMNT for sponsoring this video! Head to https://drinklmnt.com/flo to get your free sample pack with any purchase. Today a follow up conversation about 80/20 running, low heart rate training, high intensity running and pain management. Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports author, coach, and nutritionist. His many books include 80/20 Running, The Comeback Quotient, and On Pace. Ryan Whited is a personal trainer, an elite climber, and the founder of Paragon Athletics Gym.
Matt and Ryan co-authored a new book titled - Pain and Performance, with several eye opening learnings and takeaways.
Watch the full video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/mZNVcdV6u2g
00:00 80/20 Training Fundamentals 04:17 Welcome Matt and Ryan! 08:21 The challenge of slowing down training pace (Matt) 13:04 Zero-high-intensity vs. 80/20 Training (Matt) 15:39 Active strategies for managing pain in training (Ryan) 22:06 Floris’ Berlin Marathon calf issue: rest vs. active preparation (Ryan) 28:51 Pain and damage are not necessarily equal (Ryan) 29:06 Floris’ “Back story” how pain can surprise you and bias confirmed (Ryan) 31:51 Discomfort on raceday and mindset (Ryan and Matt) 35:10 High-intesity training: 100% vs. 90% (Floris) 43:28 The expectation of pain (Matt) 45:55 Contributory lifestyle and belief factors to pain (Floris and Ryan) 50:54 Smiling in the pain cave, mantras (Ryan and Matt) 53:08 Find out about Ryan and Matt’s book, and them! 54:55 Recommendations for athletes to improveLINKS & TOOLS MENTIONED
Pain & Performance (book) - by Ryan Whited and Matt Fitzgerald ~ https://amzn.to/474hTmK 80/20 Running: Run Stronger and Race Faster By Training Slower (book) ~ https://amzn.to/3GHvO7s The Comeback Quotient (book) by Matt Fitzgerald ~ https://amzn.to/3v5iJCy On Pace: Discover How to Run Every Race at Your Real Limit (book) ~ https://amzn.to/3RR7Mh1 Arthur Lydiard ~ https://www.lydiardfoundation.org/ourhistory Dr. Phil Maffetone ~ https://philmaffetone.com/ Everything Is Figureoutable (book) by Marie Forleo ~ https://amzn.to/3GSjth0Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
Website ~ https://mattfitzgerald.org/ 80/20 Endurance ~ https://www.8020endurance.com/ Dream Run Camp ~ https://dreamruncamp.com/FIND OUT MORE ABOUT RYAN HERE:
Paragon Athletics gym ~ https://paragonathletics.com/ Bio ~ https://paragonathletics.com/personaltrainingYOU CAN FIND ME, COACH FLORIS GIERMAN HERE:
Our Personal Best Coaching Program: www.pbprogram.com Free Weekly Newsletter: https://extramilest.com/subscribe YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785 Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman Website: extramilest.com Website: pathprojects.com Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
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Liam Lonsdale is a professional photographer, trail runner and father of 2 young kids. He is sponsored athlete by brands like Speedland footwear and PATH projects and he is one of the main guys behind The Bandits, a running crew in Oakland, California.
We talk about advise for runners looking to connect more with others, how to find a running crew near you, or how to start one. We cover running equipment, and overcoming challenges in training, racing and life.
Watch the full video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/pSo7Uq2SSfo
00:00 Intro 02:41 Welcome Liam! 03:35 Bay Bandits run crew, spreading the trail love! 05:14 Finding the right running group for you. 14:44 Running and mental well-being. 16:47 Developing a running shoe (and shirt!), spirit of collaboration. 19:44 More on trail shoes and other running gear. 33:49 Little wins vs big crazy goals, coping with injury. 39:43 Advice for runners to improve, including your ups & downs (hills) 47:22 Transitioning from road to trail, slowing down or stopping. 50:04 Meditation, breathwork and mindfulness of the body. 58:13 Where to find out more about Liam. 59:03 Closing thoughts. 1:00:11 OutroFIND LIAM LONSDALE HERE:
Website ~ https://www.liamlonsdale.com Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/liamlonsdale Strava ~ https://www.strava.com/athletes/7262053LINKS & TOOLS MENTIONED:
Harvard Longevity Studies ~ https://bit.ly/3sXo3al Bluezones ~ https://www.bluezones.com/ SPEEDLAND ~ https://www.runspeedland.com/ SPEEDLAND x PATH projects Shoe ~ https://www.runspeedland.com/products/gs-oak PATH Projects ~ https://pathprojects.com/ Stance socks ~ https://amzn.to/47SQYeG Othership app ~ https://www.othership.us/app Dr. Phil Maffetone – 5-Minute Power Break ~ https://bit.ly/3XxGLjy Andrew Huberman (breathwork) ~ https://bit.ly/47VmOHG Wim Hof (breathwork) ~ https://bit.ly/41gAzyFYOU CAN FIND ME, COACH FLORIS GIERMAN HERE:
Our Personal Best Coaching Program: www.pbprogram.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/florisgierman Strava: strava.com/athletes/1329785 Instagram: instagram.com/florisgierman Website: extramilest.com Website: pathprojects.com Podcast: extramilest.com/podcast/Affiliate Disclosure: I may earn commissions if you purchase items via my affiliate links. "As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.” Affiliate links do not increase cost to you. Also, you do not need to use these links. You can also search for these same items in Amazon or on any search engine/shopping site of your choice and buy/research them that way.
ABOUT THE EXTRAMILEST SHOW: A podcast and YouTube channel where host Floris Gierman interviews world class athletes, coaches and health experts on the topic of how to become a stronger, healthier and happier athlete.
More info about our Personal Best Running Coaching Program can be found at https://www.pbprogram.com.
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