How come some days or times feel like you are in flow and at other times, life feels like hard work, or you feel 'out of sorts'? In this episode, we look at the different levels of our sense of self and what it means to be in alignment, which brings clarity, inspiration and impactful action.
There is always more we can do in life. At the same time, we know being more present is good for our well-being. In this episode, we explore why slowing down doesn't mean you loose your edge, it means you can be more effective, productive and happier. So what stops us doing it?
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Are you an overthinker? I can be addicted to my thinking. We know it doesn't serve us, but we can find it hard to break the cycle. In this episode, we explore what is behind overthinking and how we can begin to break free from an addiction to thinking to have more ease, peace and presence in life.
There are times I feel frustrated with life. Experiencing infertility felt unfair and I was angry with life. In this episode, we explore why we are creating our own frustration and what we can do to let it go as it holds us back in creating the things we want in life.
I think many people can relate to a fear of failure. However, often, what we are scared of is not failure but success. This may sound strange, but in this episode, we explore why the fear of success may be holding you back from creating what you want in your life.
I help clients create the family they crave, the work-life balance they want, and the success they want. Whether it is a CEO, Olympian, or wanna-be mum, one of the most common attributes of my clients is Imposter Syndrome to one degree or another. A lack of self-confidence and self-worth. In this episode, I help you explore whether you may have Imposter Syndrome and how you can let it go!
Are you all in? This may seem like a silly question when often personal development can become all-consuming. Whether it's the career, baby or learning to have less stress. But at the same time, we often are not all-in, we are not playing full out in committing to honouring our heart's desires, despite any fear. Can you be all in and for it not to be all-consuming? I believe you can. In this episode, we explore what being 'all in' really means.
Do you worry about not never being happy? Or not having enough money? Or always in a rush. We are in one of two mindsets: lack or abundance. A lack mindset can keep us from creating what we want in life, whether the baby or promotion. This episode explores the difference between lack and abundance and how you can be more in abundance to help you achieve your goals more easily.
Do you ever wish you could change some aspects about your partner? What if I told you, could you change your partner and make them more of the person you want them to be?! In this episode, we explore how to do just that!
Surely goals are useful? What if not having goals mean you drift through life without purpose? What if the goals you have are holding you back? In this episode, we explore how to make goals work for you and to ensure they don't hold you back, and whether even having goals serves you at all.
Many of my clients have limiting beliefs about themselves that they have had for many years, even decades. How do we let go of these old patterns that seem so ingrained? Surely, it takes a long time to do that? In this episode, we explore why that is not the case and how true, organic, life-long change happens. It may be easier than you think!
When we peel away the layers of thoughts and beliefs, one of the core beliefs that most of my clients have, and I had and still have from time to time, is not being enough. Not worthy enough, or good enough, or having enough. This manifests in many ways, whether in self-confidence, fear of not having enough money or time, or thinking you have to prove yourself. In this episode, we peek beyond the veil of this story to explore what it means to KNOW you are enough.
There is so much about life we can learn from improv comedy. There may be no script, but there are a set of principles improv comedy actors need to follow to make it work. In my experience, these principles can help us have more contentment and freedom in life. In this episode, we explore these principles to bring more freedom and possibility to life.
Many people don't do what they want to do or be who they want to be because they don't feel confident enough. They think confidence is a prerequisite to doing something when, in fact, confidence is a feeling you get after having done something. In this episode, we explore why confidence follows choice and the importance of making choices that honour your soul.
This week is something different, and I think something special! I share one of my favourite meditations. In this mediation, you get to meet your future self, who has perspective and clarity on what's important in life. You receive guidance and advice from your future self to help you create a life of no regrets. Enjoy!
Do you consider yourself an addict? We are all addicted to something. You may or may not be addicted to sugar, your phones, vaping, or ther substances or behaviours but in my experience, most people are addicted to thinking! Over-thinking. Worry. In this episode, I share what I've seen as 3 keys to dealing with my own addictions and my clients, whether it's a substance, behaviour or worry.
Orr's law states: What the thinker thinks, the prover proves. When we understand this and see it playing out in our and other people's lives it can be incredibly empowering. It can free is from habitual thought patterns that don't serve us. So this week, we do exactly that!
We are often brought up not to be big-headed. I often get clients to 'boast' about how great they are. They can't do it! They list facts, but it feels like boasting. One thing I have had to learn is that claiming our gifts isn't about being better than someone else.
"The more space we take up in the world, the more we give others permission to do the same." Jacob Collier.
My coach shared this poem with me. It really spoke to me. I want to share it with you so you can know you have gifts for the world. The more you share them, the more flow comes to you and the more you feel alive to life.
Cargoby Greg Kimura
You enter life a ship laden with meaning, purpose and giftssent to be delivered to a hungry world.And as much as the world needs your cargo,you need to give it away.Everything depends on this.
But the world forgets its needs,and you forget your mission,and the ancestral maps used to guide youhave become faded scrawls on the parchment of dead Pharaohs.
The cargo weighs you heavy the longer it is heldand spoilage becomes a risk.The ship sputters from port to port and at each you ask:"Is this the way?"
But the way cannot be found without knowing the cargo,and the cargo cannot be known without recognizing there is a way,and it is simply this:You have gifts.The world needs your gifts.You must deliver them.
The world may not know it is starving,but the hungry know,and they will find youwhen you discover your cargoand start to give it away.
This week we are diving into the archives from Oct '23. It's one of my favourite topics as it's had such a big impact on me personally. We have parts of us that we often resent and wish we didn't have them. Perhaps it's the worrier in us that worries unnecessarily. In this episode, we explore how we can utilise these parts of us so they become the key to our success.
Connection is a wonderful feeling. Whether feeling connected to our partner, friends, or even ourselves. Connection is key to contentment, communication and feeling loved and understood. In this episode we explore how to create connection with others and our true selves, and what typically gets in the way.
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