
  • Is your company pet holding your agency’s sales back?

    Is your leadership giving out leader-ick vibes?

    Agencies often think they know what makes a winning creds or pitch deck, web site or even presenter, but if that were the case, you’d win more pitches, right?

    Steve Fair of Sponge NB is an expert in agency credentials targeting,
    preparation and presentation and in this show, he gives us a simple list of do’s
    and don’ts for advertising, marketing and PR businesses.

    He outlines what creds and pitch decks are supposed to say, what to leave in and what to leave out, where to meet, meeting length, meeting chemistry, web site hierarchy, personalisation and the art of cold outreach.

    Show notes
    Steve’s LinkedIn page
    Sponge NB’s web site
    Sponge’s LinkedIn new business shorts:
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  • If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what does your LinkedIn profile say about you?

    Your LinkedIn profile copy, posts and pictures should all be carefully crafted to convey the message you want to give. And so are your prospects’.

    This gives you a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the person or company that you’re looking to sell into.

    But how do you decode the hidden cues and clues that could mean the difference between you being an also-ran to pole-position contender?

    If your LinkedIn profile and web site simply and effectively displayed what you do and how you do it, then you’ll automatically have a 60% greater chance of converting the client.

    Nancy Zare is the LinkedIn Whisperer. By day, she helps companies and sales professionals achieve high-quality results by using her psychology background to analyze their prospect targets’ LinkedIn profiles and web presence.

    By night she rescues dogs!

    Nancy’s in-demand talents for helping sales teams are legendary in the USA but not so well known in the UK, but now she’s been on the show, that’s all about to change!

    Even the most talented, service-minded people stumble on sales calls, either because they are unsure of how to sell effectively or by accepting "no" too quickly. Her company Rapport Builderz teaches business people to overcome these obstacles to make more money with confidence and ease with her AlikeAbility(TM) System. Helping them understand and communicate like their buyers.

    She’s like a forensic detective who uncovers subtle insights that elevate any sales pitch and give every sales call the best possible chance of success.

    This show is a masterclass in salescraft techniques that can give your new business effort a boost.

    And Nancy is also offering a free exclusive LinkedIn profile audit, to help you see how your LinkedIn profile measures up and give you tips to help you optimize it.

    This show perfectly aligns with our mission for 2024 of uncovering the intangible elements of the sales process and is a must-listen for anyone interested in the clever techniques that some might call ‘special sauce’ in new business.

    Show notes

    Nancy’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancyzare/
    And don’t forget she is offering a FREE LinkedIn profile audit
    Nancy’s web site: https://rapportbuilderz.com
    The Farm Dog Rescue Project: https://thefarmdogrescue.com/farm/
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  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Female British Entrepreneurs need to behave like American male founders.
    With a change in government in the UK, what initiatives should they focus on to help grow the economy through innovation and entrepreneurship?
    We can either tax our way to prosperity or grow our way to success on the world stage.
    Or both.
    Julie Thompson-Dredge, founder of Frame PR is at the cutting edge of the start-up world and among other duties is responsible for comms for the Made in Britain campaign and she’s passionate about helping founders to develop their start-up’s narrative so they can effectively communicate their marketing messages.
    In this show, we discuss the basics of promoting a start-up business, using effective low-budget marketing tools and tricks, and also how to develop a captivating story designed to attract funding.
    Key to this discussion is the urgent need to create the right environment for female entrepreneurs to flourish, and how Julie helps British women founders behave like American male entrepreneurs.
    A fascinating discussion for anyone interested in the world of start-ups, funding and new economic drivers.
    Show notes:
    Julie’s LinkedIn Profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-thompson-dredge-336ab33/
    Grace Beverley
    Anne Boden - Starling
    Mary Portas
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  • Marketing budgets are increasing, and yet creative spend is decreasing. Clients want more creative for less.This podcast teaches you how to find those efficiencies, using working examples in the retail and B2B sector.My guest is Michael Veitch, ex-Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand and a seasoned digital master, whose new company OutcomePath helps companies across all sectors find their online MOJO.He explains why copying the competition can be one of the easiest mistakes to make; ignoring your organisation’s DNA can become costly and is sometimes fatal. We examine what happened at The Body Shop and how disaster could have been avoided.Mike also has some wonderful advice for anyone looking to acquire and relaunch the retailer, as well as providing handy tips for measuring your company’s online performance and making sure it matches the offline experience.-------------Mike's LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mcveitch/OutcomePath web site here: https://outcomepath.co.uk/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • https://www.linkedin.com/in/natasha-ellard-shoefield-the-hand/

    In the news: Parkrun and phone boxes that power cars.
    Interview with Jayne Noblet of The Collaborators - What does it mean to be a B Corp?
    How to obtain B Corp status
    B Corp and the Food and Drink industry
    How B Corp helps you win new clients
    Should B Corp be adopted by the Government?
    Missed climate goals and targets
    Unilever's change of purpose strategy

    Show notes:
    Parkrun: https://www.parkrun.com/about/our-story/20-years-of-parkrun/
    Jayne Noblet's LinkedIn profile:https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaynelilly/
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  • The road to hell is paved with good intentions, says the proverb. Never has that been truer than in the case of corporate purpose, the movement that took over the business and advertising world following the financial crisis of 2008.
    Nick Asbury, creative writer, corporate purpose critic, poet, songsmith, humorist and author of the new blockbuster book The Road to Hell, discusses his perspective on how the advertising and marketing business became consumed with the idea of doing good to the detriment of everything else.
    We cover the wide and varied reactions to the book from the industry, the rights and wrongs of BCorp, Edelman's Trust Barometer, the link between tobacco & purpose marketing, Paul Feldwick's superb definition of "creativity", Nick Cave and AI and how ChatGPT's creator OpenAI has switched its purpose-driven goals.
    Show notes:

    Nick’s LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-asbury-2573322/
    Asbury & Asbury web site: https://www.nickasbury.com/
    Buy the book: https://www.nickasbury.com/writing/roadtohell
    Paul Feldwick’s definition of Creativity: https://adassoc.org.uk/credos/what-does-creativity-mean-in-advertising/
    Stephen Fry reads Nick Cave’s letter about ChatGPT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGJcF4bLKd4
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  • Discussing the findings of a massive survey of creative agencies and their clients, actor, coach and business presentation guru Catherine Allison gives advice on how to make business presentations, talks, seminars and online meetings fun, engaging, entertaining and most of all, memorable.
    Catherine uses her extensive career in the spotlight to help remove the ‘resent’ from presentations, put the ‘power’ in Powerpoint, and the ‘we’ in webinar.
    Catherine gives simple tips on how to win pitches through the unspoken and spoken power of communication. She teaches us how to stand tall, how to imagine our own dragon tail, overcome nerves and deliver powerful messages in person, online and on the phone.
    Included totally free-of-charge in this podcast is a simple method of structuring a sales pitch that delivers all the right feels, based on classic acting know-how.

    Show notes:
    Catherine’s LinkedIn profile, here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherinea/
    Catherine’s company web site here: https://mastertheart.co.uk/
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  • The undeniable link between advertising and entertainment explained by Paul Feldwick, the author of ‘Why Does the Pedlar Sing?’
    Paul’s investigation into this subject began a few years ago when he worked in senior planning roles in some of the world’s biggest advertising agencies.
    As our focus on metrics and data increases, it seems our understanding of the basic principles of marketing is similarly decreasing.
    Since the first time a person sold another person something, we’ve always tried to make it an enjoyable experience and the industry-wide pearl-clutching over the apparent lack of creativity in our profession can be easily explained by an expert of Paul’s calibre.
    This is as enjoyable a podcast as I’ve ever done and Paul is a wonderful storyteller. The show was a revelation to me, as it triggered memories of my own childhood and a series of artworks called ‘The Cries of London’.
    Join me as I ask Paul – Why does the Pedlar Sing?

    Show notes:
    Paul Feldwick’s LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/feldwick/
    Buy the book ‘Why Does The Pedlar Sing?’ here: https://a.co/d/129x0ms
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  • Retail stores need to do everything they can to entertain and retain their walk-in customers, and on a wider basis, brands are fighting for an increasingly tougher share of their customers' attention.
    Sound is the new frontier of marketing and AVC Music specializes in matching brands to audio content. Managing Director Euan McMorrow is ex-radio industry DJ and producer who knows a thing or two when it comes to audio marketing.
    In this show, I sit down with Euan to discuss the history and potential of branding in the audio landscape. We discuss in-store audio, news, podcasts and the music industry and Euan gives listeners 3 fascinating tips for launching a podcast.
    Show notes:
    Euan's LinkedIn profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/euan-mcmorrow/
    AVC Music web site here: https://avcmusic.com
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  • When times get tough, companies always look to the sales team to help them out. The new business role in agencies is one of the most underfunded and yet entirely necessary responsibilities in creativeland.
    Adam Graham is one of the people who agencies turn to when they need help with their company's growth. He's got years of experience helping creative agencies straighten out their sales and new business process. He runs Gray Matters, one of the marketing industry’s most well-known new business and growth agencies which offers the whole new business consultancy. He also looks after BD Matters, an exclusive community and marketplace of agencies and founders to workshop various issues, bring in special guests and generally help lift the awareness of new business as part of the agency growth model.
    All the tips and tricks you need to know about growing your agency, in less than an hour.
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  • Some incredible agency management advice from David Meikle - former Director of Ogilvy London and Head of Ogilvy Russia.
    Alongside his role of advising some of the world’s biggest brands and agencies on their strategic marketing advice, he’s the author of two pivotal books –“ How to Buy a Gorilla" and “Tuning Up” which have been helping brands and agencies create greater value together, many of which he has then supported with marketing transformation, pitch management, training and workshops”
    This show is an in-depth look at the key highlights of both books and offer sound advice and data to help your agency become pitcher perfect!
     Subjects include:

    Agency investment models

    Product development strategies

    The triangle of doom

    Monkey House logic

    What areas CMOs need to ask for help with

    New business prospecting tips

    The awfulness of learned hopelessness

    Selling petrol

    Companies wasting effort and time with wildcard pitches

    The self-propelling business model

    All delivered in a light-hearted, but informative conversation.
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  • What's in a name? Does your agency's name influence its destiny? How important is getting your business's name right? It could mean all the difference between winning and losing.
    Keith and Natasha pour a coffee and muse this proposition with the help of Laura Bent, a co-Director at creative agency CITE, who relates her own personal experience of trying to transition from one agency into another, after an acquisition.
    Our two intrepid heroes discuss this theme and contrast it against amusing evidence and illustrations, as well as supply their own personal important news headlines, updates and bon mots. - All in less that 20 minutes!
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  • Howard Gossage - often dubbed the "Socrates of San Francisco," revolutionised advertising in the 1950s and 60s with his unconventional and humanistic approach. So it took two equally unconventional and humanistic creatives - Steve Harrsion and Dave Dye, to write - no, craft - a book documenting some of the most captivating and exemplary pieces of Gossage's short but prolific career, producing a form of advertising so ahead of its time that we're only now catching up with it.
    The problem is, that, like the man in the river surrounded by crocodiles, we’ve forgotten that the original objective was to get to the other side.
    We’ve forgotten the point of advertising - and that is to entertain.
    Gossage was a born showman and it lived and breathed in his work, which is what makes it sadly unique.
    If you’ve never been Gossaged before, I suggest you start here. If you have, then I hope you’ll appreciate this podcast and an opportunity to reminisce on a lost period of advertising that we still have a chance to reclaim and make advertising great again.
    Thank you to Steve Harrison and Dave Dye for a memorable podcast. If it sounds a bit jumpy, I apologise and hope that it doesn’t spoil your listening enjoyment. We had to record it in two goes and splice the best bits together because of a technical SNAFU.
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  • How much your agency charges for its work is critical to success.
    Or is it?
    What is creativity worth? How long does it take?
    Keith & Natasha - two new business experts sit down over a coffee to discuss the issue and how it impacts agency life.
    We also interview David Meikle, author of 'Tuning Up' and 'How to Buy a Gorilla' on the value of creative ideas to clients.
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  • We need a hero. We need someone Pleasingly Reserved and Artfully Modest.
    Mark Denton is a creative veteran of some 40 years. He’s directed over 500 commercials. He’s one of the most awarded creatives in the world
    Yet he still regards himself as the new boy.
    An hour of entertainment, delivered in Mark's inimitable style:
    Ageism, the best old TV adverts, Stingo, a tribute to Brian Griffin, AI Photography, Magic Markers, how creative used to be done, making your own clothes, making the creative genesis, the SKIP button, the advertising industry's biggest star, the ultimate umbrella campaign and Cobra Kai & Eagle Fang.
    Living at St Luke's, Mark is available for your next campaign.
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  • Influencer marketing is a form of marketing as old as commerce itself, but in recent times, where there's so many messages being blasted at us and lies dressed up as facts, the medium has taken on a new level of credence.
    We trust influencers more and more these days, and it's fast becoming THE weapon of choice for so many CMOs.

    It's not just the high-profile consumer icons we all know - it's happening at b2b and micro levels too.
    We're all under the influence! But why? How can they reach the parts that other forms of marketing cannot reach?
    In this 15-minute podlet I sit down with my go-to fact man Victor Houghton to uncover the intelligence of influencer marketing.
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  • "Stand and Deliver!" is not a recommended sales technique we've ever heard of, so why are behemoths like Apple, Google, Twitter and Facebook all doing it?
    Keith & Natasha dissect the right and wrong way to generate new business and create loyalty.
    In less than 20 minutes!
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  • Who are you?
    Director, Relater, Socialiser or Thinker?
    Who you are – how you communicate and who you’re communicating to, depends on knowing this.
    Grant Thornton says that within this decade, every leader of every dynamic organisation will need to have a clear strategic vision and be able to articulate that to the business.
    This is important stuff, and as part of The Fuel Podcast’s quest for answers to how we communicate better as humans, our sponsor The Advertist has teamed up with author and business coach Trenton Moss to give you a FREE workshop, so you can begin your journey of greater communication discovery!
    On Tuesday 5th March at 1pm, Trenton is offering friends of The Advertist a free workshop to hear how the contents of his best-selling book ‘Human Powered’ can be implemented in your agency.
    He’s doing this exclusively for The Advertist, so don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity.
    Take part in this fun hour of a workshop.
    It’s so good, we’ve all done it.
    Book your place now and we look forward to seeing you.
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  • Discussing morality in the creative agency world.
    What role do agencies play in changing the public mindset when it comes to big oil or tobacco?
    And what other sins do creative agencies regularly commit?
    Also - your chance to choose our theme music!
    1. Acid
    2. Dance
    3. Starsky
    4. Chill
    5. Cheezy
    6. Bebop

    All in a highly caffeinated 15 minutes.
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  • What effect does faith have in the sales and marketing

    Whether you’re a religious person or not, belief in things
    yet to happen is part and parcel of sales and marketing.
    We’re all doing things now that will hopefully benefit us in
    the future.

    But does believing in the future make it happen?
    There’s more to the sales process than technique, there’s
    also attitude and that’s what this show is all about.
    Brad Smith is the CEO of Succeed Digital and his belief
    system helps him every day – and it can help you too.
    Digging the ditches, having faith that it’s going to rain
    will make it rain.

    In this truly enlightening show, Brad outlines his
    philosophy for winning business and creating memorable and meaningful client

    We discuss:
    When it’s OK to compete on price
    Retention v Acquisition
    The 30-second summary for your business
    Making growth a team sport
    How to choose your prospects
    Being nice as a business skill
    Using referrals
    Treating people as you’d like to be treated
    Credibility, memorability and visibility

    Brad’s LinkedIn profile:
    Succeed Digital’s web site: https://www.succeed.digital
    Sir Anthony Hopkins’ ‘Digging Ditches’ speech: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=714018422472470
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