This week i am joined by the man of the moment, and AOC's best friend 99 Alex Stein, who is on the grind all the damn well time!
In this interview Alex talks about why he created his alter ego '99 Alex Stein' and how he is using the character to hold a mirror up to the woke liberals in the US. We also discuss where Alex the man and the alter ego of 99 end and begin and why comedy and satire are such a powerful tool for combating this woke agenda.
Broadcasting from the Conspiracy Castle, 99 Alex Stein is taking on the Woke World Order and our podcast WTAF and many others show how we can use satire and comedy as the antidote to woke.
Follow Alex an support his work here:
https://www.youtube.com/c/AlexStein99Check out our podcast WTAF with myself and Gareth Icke, for more biting satire and common sense comedy.
https://open.spotify.com/show/0Wa3pXS... -
This week researcher Micah Dank continues his seminar exploring and explaining how Astrotheology is hidden with the Biblical Cannon and how these understandings were the original survival guide for the human being. Micah also explains how these hidden teachings are still being used to control your everyday life and why the global cult are themselves ruled by these principles.
Connect with Micah below:
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This week Richard is joined by researcher and author Micah Dank who decodes one of the Seven Sacred Science's believed to be encoded within the biblical text. Micah's research shows that the biblical stories are constructed to encode Astrotheological truths that made it one of the very first survival guides, mapping out the seasons and the stars. This is a fascinating podcast where Micah goes through part 1 of his presentation, with part 2 coming soon.
This week Rich was joined by Cathy O'Brien who is a survivor of MK Ultra mind control programming who then went on author 'Transformation of America' and 'Access Denied' detailing her experience an abuse in government funded mind control programs. In this show Cathy not only discusses her experience but also relates it to the mind control techniques used globally by the mainstream media during the Covid19 'Pandemic'. Cathy also talks about her book 'PTSD Time To Heal' which gives you the tools that she has used herself to recover from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a disorder that is running rampant after the Covid Era.
You can get a copy of 'PTSD:Time To Heal' from her website https://trance-formation.com/
This week I had on one of the best independent journalists Johnny Vedmore to talk about his research into the Wellcome Trust and what he calls 'The Wellcome 6' who had such a huge hand in the tyranny around the 'Pandemic'.
Check out Johnnys fantastic research here
https://unlimitedhangout.com -
This week we sit down with Artists, Researcher and Author Neil Hague who's work has frequently appeared in the books of David Icke expanding a now 30year collaboration. Neil is also an incredibly well studied researcher of the Gnostics, Mythology, Astrotheology and the Pagan beliefs that many of the mainstream Religions and believe systems are based on.
In this fascinating conversation Neil covers the nature of reality, working with David Icke, Gnostism, mythology, the importance of Orion in humanities development and how Art is has been used to pass on occult and esoteric knowledge throughout the ages, as with todays music and movies.
Check out Neil's fantastic book 'Orion's Door' which covers the History of Orion's influence over humanity.
Watch the Video Version Here:
https://www.ickonic.com/ -
This week I sit down with activist and podcaster Fanos Panayides to discuss his experience during the pushback against the Covid tyranny as well as the conflict in Russia and Ukraine. We then dive into the strange reason why we have conflicts all over the world but have a solid unbreakable agreement in Antarctic, and why this might be?
A fascinating look into world wide conflict and why the Antarctic is untouchable even though it is full of natural resources.
Stay up to date with Fanos via the links below
https://t.me/fanosthevoice -
This week i am joined by the excellent researcher and author Sandi Adams as we map out the origins of Agenda 21 from the 90's Earth Summit to todays rebranding of The Great Reset that sits in front of the Rockefellers Great Transition.
We also discuss the weaponisation of "Human Caused Climate Change" and why it was decided that Humanity would be branded as the greatest threat to humanity itself. We are on the verge a economic shift towards a Carbon Based economy and the RONA and the current war in Ukraine with Russia all serve a purpose in this Global Agenda.
Find out more about Agenda 21 and where it is all heading at Sandi's website.
https://sandiadams.net/ -
This week I am joined by researcher and author Wayne Mcroy to discuss how the greek archetype of "Pan" has been used as an idea to push humanity through the age of Aquarius to Capricorn as a signifier of Pan.
The clues are in the name - SEE OVID as in C-OVID the Poet who wrote of Pan and a pandemic. Wayne's new book "The Demic of Pan" will be out on the 22/2/2022 as numerology plays a huge part in this global Cults agenda for transhumanism and humanities technocractic enslavement under Agenda 21, Earth Summit and the lie of Sustainable Development.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SZ2QYMQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_8EWGYG0016H3SE8FHXC4Find out more about Wayne's excellent work here:
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alchemical-Tech-Revolution-Fulfilling-Technology/dp/1979221669 -
This week I speak with a leading voice in behavioural psychology, the Spartan Life Coach Richard Grannon as we discuss his life and childhood and how that has impacted his adulthood and work.
We also discuss the weaponisation of social media and technology and debate wether it has been used to transform younger generations psychology as part of a trans-humanist agenda, and what part we are all playing in our own digital enslavement.
You can watch the video of this interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvSOD3fNh4I&t=21s
This week Rich is joined by Medical Doctor Mark McDonald who is the author of 'United States of Fear' and one of the inspirations for Dr Robert Malone using the phrase 'Mass Formation Psychosis' on the Joe Rogan podcast. Mark speaks in depth and the cloud of fear that has been draped over the world since the Covid 19 'Pandemic' and how institutions such as psychology and the mainstream media have weaponised fear to push a preset agenda.
Watch the video version here on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2veBZMEdyFI&t=17s
This week we take a fascinating look into the world of Ufology and Alien abduction with author 'Alien Shades of Greys' Raymond Szymanski who spent four decades as an engineer at the infamous Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
This is the base believed to be the location where the remains of the crashed UFO at Roswell New Mexico were taken. Raymond discusses his incredible first hand experiences on the base, his encounters with possible Men In Black and many other fascinating adventures, all with a wonderful sense of humour and adventure.
You can find Rays fantastic books here:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0933Q1C51Ray can also be contact via his website:
https://itsaufo.wixsite.com/rayszymanski -
This week's show Rich is flying solo as he brings to light the rarely discussed backdrop to The Great Rest by The World Economic Forum, which is a plan by the Rockefeller Foundation called 'The Great Transition'. We take a look how this plan by the 'elite' Rockefeller Foundation may sit as a backdrop to The Great Reset and how it ties into a plan for a one world religion.
https://earthcharter.org/read-faith-for-earth-a-call-for-action/ -
This week Dr Joye Jeffries Pugh returns to the show to continue our discussion about the Black Nobility bloodlines of today that can be traced back thousands of years to Mesopotamia and perhaps to the biblical character of Cain. We also discuss the esoteric and occult backgrounds towards the push of humanity towards Transhumanism and how a Technocratic dictatorship is all part of what she beliefs to be the playing out of the biblical 'End Times' and how the microchip is the mark of the beast.
This weeks episode is explosive, as we welcome Dr Peter McCullough who is hot off the Joe Rogan Podcast. Dr McCullough deep dives into the pandemic, covering early intervention medicines, the experimental jabs and how it has been for him personally as he stood front and centre with other highly experienced medical practitioners such as Dr Robert Malone for the past two years.
You don't want to miss this one!
This week I am joined by two of the best researchers and content creators in the alternative media, Ricky Varandas of 'The Ripple Effect' and Charlie Robinson of 'Macroaggressions'. We unpack the current Covid era and what it is like to see many of the things we have spoken about for years come to pass, and how others are either accepting the obvious truth of diving into cognitive dissonance.
Check out Macroaggressions
http://theoctopusofglobalcontrol.com/Check out The Ripple Effect
https://rickyvarandas.com/ -
Whilst the mainstream media remains almost totally silent about the Ghislaine Maxwell Trial the alternative and independent media continue to try to expose the child trafficking rings that sit inside the belly of the global corporate beast. Host Rich Willett is joined by journalist Kristan T Harris from The Rundown Live as he reports on the trial having attended the court room itself. Kristan was also called as a witness at the recent Rittenhouse Trial where the Mainstream Media bombarded the public with information to serve its agenda.
https://gofund.me/258e93b3 -
This week we connect with Ron Lane of The Wicked Planet Podcast to discuss why he started his show and how he came to find out about the global cult and the conspiracies that we see playing out before us during the Covid era. Ron and Rich also discuss the 13 bloodlines, Covid in the US, Eugenics and how this all ties together to push humanity towards a One World Transhumanist technocracy.
Check out the Wicked Planet Podcast via the links below:
https://www.instagram.com/thewickedplanetpodcast/?hl=en-gb -
This week I catch up with researcher and journalist Ryan Cristian better known as The Last American Vagabond to discuss the current Covid madness in Tennessee as well as the weaponisation and infiltration of the alternative media to push the same agenda.
Check out and support Ryan's incredible work here
https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/ - Daha fazla göster