
  • In episode 16 we are hearing how tongue tie affects babies and adults with Sarah Hornsby. Sarah graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Dental Hygiene from Eastern Washington University. With an interest in natural health and wellness, and getting to the root cause of health problems, she subsequently became interested in how the health of the mouth directly relates to the overall health of the body. This led her to train to become a myofunctional therapist.

    She opened up her myofunctional therapy practice, Faceology, in Seattle in 2010. She took the entire practice online in 2014, becoming the world’s first fully-online myofunctional therapy practice. One of her passions is to spread and create awareness about myofunctional therapy. So in addition to working with patients, she also runs MyoMentor, an educational institute that trains dentists, hygienists, and other health professionals to become myofunctional therapists. Sarah is from the Pacific Northwest and currently lives in Hawaii where she consults with patients, doctors, and other healthcare providers from all over the world.

    Connect With Sarah- Website YouTube Instagram Training Institute Topics: What is Myofunctional Therapy? How did you get into this profession? What was your golden hour that inspired you to take action in your own health? How does someone know if they need myofunctional therapy? What symptoms do you commonly address with patients? What is tongue tie? How do you determine if you have a tongue tie? What steps can you take to confirm a tongue tie before going to specialist? What is the procedure for having a tongue tie removed? What kind of results have you seen in both babies and adults post tongue tie removal? Health habits that have made the biggest impact on your life? How can people connect with you? Links Mentioned In The Podcast- Close Your Mouthby Patrick McKeown The Evolution of the Human Headby Daniel E. Lieberman The Dental Dietby Steven Lin Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemicby Sandra Kahn and Paul R. Ehrlich Pre-register for the new Myo for Moms and Dadsonline program by Sarah here

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • In this episode, we are learning how to have a positive mindset, and change your habits with hosts Suzi and Rose. After hearing from 13 amazing experts in all areas of life concerning natural and organic living, we wanted to dive a little deeper into a positive mindset. It's often not talked about when it comes to living your best life, especially when it comes to natural health. But it's crucial we've found to changing habits and really putting into practice health changes in our lives. It's easy to consume a lot of information but not actually have it stick. In this episode we are sharing what has helped us to tangibly live out good habits, plus sharing what personality tests have helped us learn more about ourselves.

    Connect with Suzi and Rose-

    Suzi- Instagram, Facebook, Blog

    Rose- Instagram

    Topics: The Four Tendencies Book, what tendency we are, how to take quiz How personality plays a big role in work life, health and relationships Forming Habits Daily check in's- writing in journal Words have power and energy Mind has a way of attracting whatever it thinks about Self destructive thinking Brooke Castillo- Life Coach School Podcast- Thoughts, Feelings, Habits, Actions Honoring yourself and commitments Setting goals and intentions Links Mentioned in The Podcast- The Four Tendencies,By Gretchen Rubin The Four Tendencies Quiz Brooke Castillo, Life Coach School Podcast Girl, Wash Your Face, By Rachel Hollis

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

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  • Today is going to be a little review of The Golden Hour Podcasts with hosts Suzi and Rose. There have been 13 different health experts in various fields that have been on the podcast. From naturopathic doctors, dermatologists, natural bloggers and medical doctors. There have been so many golden nuggets we've gleaned from all the episodes. However, we thought it would be great to recap and review the episodes and share the biggest takeaways from each. Sometimes it's easy to forget what was shared. It might be a good idea to even go back and listen if you need to.

    Connect with Suzi and Rose-

    Suzi- Instagram, Facebook, Blog

    Rose- Instagram

    Topics: Episode #2-Dr. Keira Barra dermatologist shares to do monthly skin checks on yourself on your birthday. Also to get yearly skin checks at a dermatologist. Episode #3- Dr. Christine Shaffnershares all about getting to the root cause of any illness. Different tests to get done. Parasites and all about infections. Episode #4- Dr. Catesshares her secrets to achieve glowing skin, and the importance of finding the root cause when it comes to skin ailments. Episode #5- Dr. Emily Hecker shares her journey with losing weight and how it's all related to blood sugar. She also discusses histamine. Episode #6- Dr. Deanna Mutzelshares the importance of getting back on the health wagon when we fall off, eating for the seasons, and the value of self care. Episode #7- Dr. Doni Wilsonshares how to manage stress, cortisol and adaptogens. Episode #8- Daniel Debaunshares practical tips on how to reduce radiation exposure, and how we just need to implement baby steps. Episode #9- Sara Morgan- Shares how to prep body for baby, all about probiotics, and vagina swabbing for c-sections Episode #10- Dr. Kendra Becker- Shares how to reduce inflammation in the 4 A's- Asthma, Allergies, Atopic Dermatitis, and Autism. Epsiode #11- Darren VigilShares how to build a healthy home and the importance of detoxing your home. Episode #12- Kristen MarrShares the importance of a real food diet, slowing down and cooking meals at home and meal planning and prep. Episode #13- Dr. MattShares the importance of fitness and staying active, why strength training is good for so many bodily functions and the benefit of accountability partners. Links Mentioned In The Podcast- Kelly Leveque Book, Body Love Dr. Trevor Cates Book, Clean Skin from Within Dunwoody Lab Tests Buddies In My Belly Book and Products by Sara Morgan

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • In episode #13 we are learning how to optimize fitness in all stages of life with Dr. Matt Angove. Dr. Matt is a board certified Naturopathic Physician. He received his medical training at Bastyr University. He is also a certified personal trainer. Today he practices in Washington State where he's seen over 10,000 patients. His wife Amadea is also a board certified naturopathic physician and acupuncturist- basically he has an accountability partner for life. One of Dr. Matt's passions in life is seeing others reach their health potential! He's a dad of 5 little girls, and loves staying active with them. If he's not seeing patients or hanging with his family, he's probably working out- one of his favorite things to do. He loves fitness in all it's forms. Today we are picking his brain about exercise and fitness and answering the common questions.

    Connect With Dr. Matt- Instagram Facebook Website Topics- Dr. Matt's own health story His golden hour moment What exercise is best for women to start out with How we should balance cardio and weightlifting Ways we can support our bodies nutritionally before and after workouts Is it better to workout in the morning or at night What kind of excretes is beneficial for the adrenals or thyroid Tools and apps for fitness Links Mentioned in This Episode- Ask Dr. Matt your health question here Dr. Matt's HIIT workouts

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • In Episode #12 we are learning how to meal prep and plan real food meals with Kristin Marr, from the Live Simply Blog. Kristin is all about returning to a time before processed food. A time when families worked together in the kitchen to enjoy real food that was grown and raised by trusted farms or backyard gardens. She is constantly in search of ways to nourish her family: finding local farms, sourcing real food from every day stores, and getting back into the kitchen and around the table. She's always exploring practical ways to provide for her family with nourishing food within her budget.

    She loves to share her real food tips and ideas for feeding the entire family nourishing real food. Email subscribers receive exclusive information featuring her best tips and tricks for nourishing a family, a free month-long printable meal plan example, and two real food and natural crash courses. Joining the Live Simply email family is always free! Along with simplifying real food, She loves to share her recipes and tips for creating a simplified, natural home. She regularly shares simple natural-living recipes, such as: homemade facial cleanser, makeup remover balm, 5-Minute laundry soap, all-purpose cleaner, and much more. She also share tips for prioritizing what to make versus buy, along with her favorite store-bought products for cleaning and body care. Because living a more natural lifestyle isn’t about “doing it all” or “making it all.” Natural living is just as much about simplifying as it is about using more natural products.

    Connect with Kristin- Instagram Pinterest Website YouTube Topics- Who is Kristen Marr and how did Live Simply come to be? Were you always the meal prep and planning queen? What are some tips you can share. What was the inspiration to create DIY's? Do you have a mantra you live by when eating real food? What's your goal when you sit down with your family at the table? Tips and hacks for preparing meals if you're not used to it. Resources available on the Live Simply website. The 3 health habits that have made the biggest impact on your life. Contact info. Links Mentioned in the Podcast- Nourishing Traditions- Cookbook Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat-Cookbook Live Simply Meal Planner Food Inc.- Video Live Simply DIY Dish Soap Recipe

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • In episode #11 we are learning how to build an environmentally healthy home with Darren Vigil of Healthy Exposure Construction. Capt. Darren J. Vigil CIEC, ATP is the Founder of HealthyExposure, Inc. and Co-Founder of HealthyExposure Construction, Inc. Using Building Science Capt. Vigil identifies and resolves issues with the Built and Living Environment of Homes. He has learned firsthand the importance of Sustainability and Health of Our Planet, Our Homes and Our Lifestyles. Capt. Vigil has been a Leader and Visionary in this Field for over 20 years. Today, he approaches a Sustainable Living as the balance between the Environment you Live in, the Air you Breathe, the Food you Eat, and the Water you Drink. Capt. Vigil was honored as a Nominee for the "2015 Hearthstone Builder Humanitarian Award.”

    Healthy Exposure Construction was the 2017 Builder of The Olivia Irvine Dodge Library and History Center and named Dream Home Builder 2015 by the Builder’s Association of the Twin Cities. Capt. Vigil is Married for over 25 years and is a father of 5. He enjoys the outdoors, loves boating and watching football. He is active with his Church and Community. Experienced Chief Executive Officer with a demonstrated history of working in the Green Construction Industry. Skilled in Complex Problem Solving, Environmental Health Construction and Operations Management. Strong Entrepreneurship Professional with a BS in Aerospace Management, Minor in Industrial Psychology from Middle Tennessee University. Follow Capt. Vigil and HealthyExposure at:

    Connect with Darren Vigil -

    Facebook - Healthy Exposure Construction

    Facebook - Healthy Exposure Living



    Topics - How Darren’s physical symptoms were a result of his environment Unmasking with Dr. William Rea The Building Science of home construction Tips for building a healthy foundation Dangers of cooking with gas Ways to prevent mold exposure Radon and soil gas mitigation systems Best types of water and air filtration systems A health transformation story Links mentioned in this podcast: HealthyExposure.com Environmental Health Center - Dallas epa.gov/radon drbenlynch.com

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • In episode #10 we are learning how to manage autism, asthma, eczema, and allergies holistically with Dr. Kendra Becker. Dr. Kendra Becker is an integrated physician practicing in for over 10 years; She is Connecticut’s “4A Specialist” (asthma, autism, allergies, atopy/eczema). She holds an ND degree and MS, APRN . She is board certified in both areas. Her specialties include MTHFR, fertility and treatment of “the 4As” (asthma, autism, allergies, atopy/eczema). Dr. Becker focuses on primarily treating the pediatric population and their parents. Dr. Becker is adjunct Faculty at 2 prominent universities, where she teaches physicians and precepts student Doctors and Nurse Practitioners. Dr Becker lectures all over the country on topics such as autism, the immune system, MTHFR & genetic mutations that have health implications and “Keeping Healing in the Home” Dr Becker is the author of “A Delicious Way to Heal the Gut” and her recently published second book "All You CAN Eat". Dr Becker has been selected as one of Connecticut’s “Top Naturopathic Doctors”.

    Join Dr Becker and learn how to heal your body from the inside, and begin your journey of healing and resilience, starting with your cells. Learn how food can be your medicine or your poison and that your genes do not define you, but certainly help guide the way of your healing.

    Connect with Dr. Becker- Website Instagram Facebook Topics- How to treat the 4 A's- autism, asthma, atopic dermatitis(eczema) and allergies What the connection is between the 4 A's Risk factors that cause one or all of the A's to manifest How to support our body Where to start with autism Recommendations for asthma How to tackle eczema in a holistic way How to wean people off their allergy medications Advice for prepping for pregnancy Links Mentioned In The Podcast- Book, A Delicious Way to Heal the Gut Book, All You CAN Eat

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • In episode #9 we are learning how to increase your chances of conception with Sarah Morgan. She is also known as The Gene Queen and for her innovative ideas that connect science to everyday life in a way that impacts thousands. Albert Einstein’s quote “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” has inspired Sarah to write and communicate in such a way that a 4-year old or a 40-year old will understand. Sarah has a clinical practice in Denver, Colorado, that focuses on using food and nutrients to optimize gene expression and help individuals with complex health issues. Sarah is married to her best friend and champion, Matt, and finds her inspiration from her daughter, Madison. Sarah earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. She holds a Masters of Science in Functional Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport. Sarah has worked in the health and nutrition field for the past 12 years helping individuals, communities and corporations achieve their health and wellness goals. Connect With Sarah- Instagram Facebook Gene Queen Website Buddies In My Belly Website Topics- What is functional nutrition. How to increase chances of becoming pregnant. Eating the rainbow. How to prepare for a health pregnancy. How to care for yourself post pregnancy. How give your baby the best gut bacteria at birth. All about her book Buddies In My Belly. Links Mentioned in The Podcast- Book, Buddies In My Belly by Sarah Morgan Buddies Cookbook, For a copy of the Buddies Cookbook please email info@buddiesinmybelly.com Free Resources(Snack Sheet, Food Plate, Guide to Probiotics)

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • Daniel is an internationally recognized and influential expert in shielding electronic emissions and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) protection, with a particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones. Daniel’s concern regarding the health impact of electronic radiation emissions grew from over 30 years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of leadership and executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T and Bell Labs.

    Connect with Daniel Debaun -





    Topics - Inspiration behind DefenderShield How EMF’s can harm the body Symptoms of EMF exposure Why airplane mode isn’t completely safe Effects of EMF exposure on children Neurological symptoms of EMF exposure Ways to minimize exposure Turning off WiFi at night Smart Meters Radiation Nation Blue Light exposure Links mentioned in this podcast: DefenderShield.com AntennaSearch.com EMF Blog Post on GurlGoneGreen

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • This week we are chatting about Help for Stress and Burnout with Dr. Doni Wilson. Dr. Donielle (Doni) Wilson, is a naturopathic doctor, professional midwife, clinical nutritionist, bestselling author, researcher, natural products formulator, and mother practicing in the New York tri-state area, and (Manhattan, Long Island and Connecticut) and “virtually” in regions throughout the world. She holds a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University and is a certified professional midwife (CPM) and doula (though she does not attend births at this time) and a certified nutrition specialist (CNS). She completed a residency in naturopathic medicine at Bastyr University.

    Connect with Dr. Doni -






    Topics - Why midwifery set Dr. Doni on a quest to better understand stress Dr. Doni’s path to healing her body How stress affects the body on a physiological level Baby steps to stress reduction Supporting the body’s stress response systems Symptoms of gluten intolerance Testing cortisol levels How to effectively use adaptogens Stress exposure and genetic predispositions Stress recovery with C.A.R.E. Dr. Doni’s personal health habits Links mentioned in this podcast: AdrenalStressQuiz.com DrDoni.com StressWarriorBook.com

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • This week in Episode #6 we are chatting about Whole Foods, Holistic Chiropractic Care and Raw Veggie Bread with my friend Deanna Mutzel. Deanna has been a chiropractor for 20 years specializing in athletes, children, women’s wellness health and weight loss, and helps people as a functional nutritionist. She is the owner of Real Food Lab, where she creates recipes and educates people on real food. She's also a content creator for nutrition and fitness coarses for High Intensity Health- http://www.highintensityhealth.comand has a YouTube channel where she specializes in real food, low carb recipes made with local, seasonal ingredients when possible.

    Connect With Dr. Mutzel- Instagram Facebook YouTube Website Topics- How Dr. Mutzel lives out a holistic lifestyle, from having a child, a real food business and being a chiropractor. How she started the raw veggie bread craze, why she loves it and hot it actually is easier to digest than regular veggies. How she manages doing it all in today's society. Why she stays clear of "healthy processed" food and eats whole foods. Tips on finding a holistic chiropractor Her secret to looking amazing in her 40's, maintaining muscle and staying fit. Links Mentioned in This Podcast- Dr. Mutzel's Raw Veggie Bread Course- Small Ebook Dr. Mutzel's Raw Veggie Bread Course- Large Ebook Vitacost Giveaway Winners-

    The winners of the Vitacost Giveaway are:

    Ashley Woods Carrie Pulis

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Non-Denatured Goat Whey

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here! DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

  • In episode #5 of The Golden Hour Podcast, we are talking about Histamine, Pregnancy, and Strategies for Healthy Digestion with Dr. Emily Hecker. Dr. Emily Hecker is a board certified chiropractic physician who specializes in functional medicine supporting those with autoimmune diseases, MTHFR polymorphisms, food sensitivities and inflammation. She has had extensive training in understanding the methylation pathways trained by Dr. Ben Lynch, world leader and expert in MTHFR. She has post doctorate training in Functional Endocrinology, Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, Neuroimmunology, Thyroid Disorders, Chiropractic Craniopathy, and the Webster Technique. She is an active provider for the Shape ReClaimed anti-inflammatory program and uses a supervised ketogenic approach for weight loss in her practice.

    Connect with Dr. Hecker -






    Topics - A lightbulb moment - the MTHFR SNP and tongue ties The importance of a healthy digestive system Why magnesium is helpful for anxiety Four strategies for a healthy digestive system The effects of too much histamine How the DAO enzyme supports a healthy pregnancy Foods to temporarily remove to support healthy digestion Links mentioned in this podcast: Body Love by Kelly Leveque Ancient Minerals Topical Magnesium My Fitness Pal App Dunwoody Labs Test Vitacost Giveaway Details-

    Up for grabs are two $100 gift cards to Vitacost! That's two winners! Vitacost is our go to online health store. Not only do they carry all our favorite natural brands but they offer amazing deals as well, coupled with great customer service.

    Here's how to enter:

    Listen to The Golden Hour Podcast Leave us a review on Itunes Screenshot your review E-mail your screenshot to suzi@gurlgonegreen.com

    *That's it! Winner will be announced on the next episode of The Golden Hour Podcast and emailed as well.

  • Today on The Golden Hour Podcast we are learning how to improve your complexion with skincare tips from Dr. Trevor Cates, founder and owner of The Spa Dr. and author of the bestselling book Clean Skin From Within. She was the first woman licensed as a naturopathic doctor in California and currently lives in Park City, Utah where she helps patients from around the world achieve graceful aging and glowing skin. Dr. Cates is host of The Spa Dr.weekly podcast and has her own PBS special, Younger Skin From Within. She believes the key to healthy skin is inner and outer nourishment with non-toxic ingredients. Dr. Cates’ The Spa Dr.skin care and supplement lines are formulated with natural and organic ingredients designed to help you achieve the clean and natural path to confidence and beautiful skin.

    Connect with Dr. Cates- Twitter Pinterest Instagram Website Topics- Main takeaway from Dr. Cate's Book "Clean Skin From Within" Why skin issues are on the rise Why Dr. Cate's is called the Spa Doctor Why quick fixes are not the way to go for skin in the long run One thing we can do to achieve glowing skin Dr. Cate's explains her 5 skincare types Her skincare line Her top 3 health habits that have changed her life Links Mentioned In This Podcast: Book, Clean Skin From Within by Dr. Trevor Cates. Dr. Trevor has been so generous to offer all listeners a free copy of her book, all you need to do is pay the $9.99 for shipping and handling. DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Goat Whey Protein

    Why We Love It? Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here!
  • Today on The Golden Hour Podcast we have the privilege of chatting with Naturopath Doctor Christine Shaffner. Dr. Christine Schaffner is a board certified Naturopathic physician who graduated from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. Prior to Bastyr, she completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.

    Topics- Dr. Christine gives us a brief overview on where to start if someone wants to get to the root of chronic illness. We hear how infections can be the underlying cause of many chronic illnesses and what some are. Lab tests that would be good for identifying an infection. All about parasites How environmental toxins play a big role in overall health. Information on testing that can be done for chronic illnesses. 3 health habits that have made the biggest impact on Dr. Christine’s life Connect with Dr. Christine-

    We loved getting an inside look at how Dr. Christine treats chronic illness in her clinic. With chronic illnesses popping up everywhere we thought what better way to learn about it and how to treat it, then from someone who devotes their time to it. Dr. Christine is so knowledgeable and really helps to give us practical tools for health that can make a big difference.

    Resource Links Mentioned in Podcast- Book, Plague– By Judy Mikovits Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt– Dr. Christine’s Mentor Zach Bush MD DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Goat Whey Protein

    Why We Love It? Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here!
  • As a #1 international best selling author, leader, speaker and educator in her field, Dr. Barr is a cutting edge Dermatologist, who is known as an innovative thinker. A dual-board certified dermatologist, Dr. Barr has shared her life-changing ideas in business, educational, health and professional seminars on how to rejuvenate and amplify skin health naturally; reverse sun damage, prevent and manage skin cancer and how to build confidence, self-awareness, self-esteem and resilience. Dr. Barr shares her expertise as a domain subject matter expert, advisor to numerous start-ups, an editor of leading medical journals and a researcher in ongoing clinical trials. As the Chief Wellness Officer of Resilient Health Institute (RHI), by embracing what is on the surface as well as what’s below it, she is redefining the delivery of skincare.

    Connect with Dr. Keira-

    Resilient Health Institute


    @resiliencyblueprint & @drkeirabarr -Instagram

    We felt so empowered after this episode to protect our skin naturally from the sun, yet still enjoy it’s many benefits. Dr. Keira does a great job of breaking down the many components to great skin and how we all can achieve glowing skin. Plus, so many nuggets of wisdom on common skin issues.

    Topics- Dr. Keira explains how her approach to skincare is different than other dermatologists. The connection between stress hormones and glowing skin. How to protect ourselves from skin cancer. Amount of time we can be outside without sunscreen. How often you should check your skin and what you should look for. When someone should see a dermatologist? Answers to some of the burning skincare questions: aging skin, acne- hormonal, brown spots/hyperpigmentation, rosacea, blackheads, melasma and large pores. Sources- Chilly Pad- Mattress pad Dr. Keira talked about that keeps you cool when sleeping at night. Book, The Skin Whisperer- by Dr. Keira Barr


    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Goat Whey Protein

    Why We Love It? Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here!
  • In this episode Real Life Health Talk with Podcast Host Suzi and Rose, we’re sharing our own golden hour moments and health journeys. We’re also discussing sisterhood, thyroid conditions, healthy habits, and what you can expect going forward on the podcast.

    Topics- A glimpse into the sisterhood Why the name “The Golden Hour” Our own “golden moments” in health Hypothyroidism – All in the family Going gluten-free Insights from the book, Body Love by Kelly Leveque The myth of snacking to maintain metabolism Tips for daily water intake How we can incorporate exercise into our daily routine The sweet spot of balance and seasons Links Mentioned In This Podcast: Book, Body Love by Kelly Leveque U.S. Enzymes- digestive enzymes SodaStream Crystal Sparkling Water Maker – Makes the best sparkling water in glass bottles, not plastic and you can use you’re own filtered water. DID YOU LOVE IT?!

    If you did, don’t forget to subscribe on Itunes! And while you’re there, could you please leave us a “golden” review? It would really make our day and help spread the word about healthy living.

    We love hearing from you! If you enjoyed this podcast, take a screenshot of you listening to it on your phone and tag us! @gurlgonegreen and @roseangove and hashtag #thegoldenhourpodcast

    *Sponsorship- This episode is brought to you by:

    Goat Whey Protein

    Why We Love It?

    Goat whey has demonstrated positive anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive system. Cow whey has shown increased inflammatory effects. Cow whey is considered allergenic whereas goat whey is considered hypoallergenic. Whey protein is the “gold standard” for serious athletes. Goat whey is the “gold standard” of that “gold standard.” Goat whey is amazing for our immune systems, supporting lean muscle growth and repair, as well as optimal body composition. Goat whey has the full range of essential amino acids in ratios that best support the athlete in all of us It is really light and doesn’t ever makes us feel bloated. That’s because there is nothing added to fill up space, just the purest goat whey and flavoring. Activ Whey is a goat whey protein that comes from goats that are grassfed all the way through their lifecycle. There are zero antibiotics or hormones used on the goats or the vegetation they eat from. I personally know the creator and can vouch for the legitimacy of the protein and where it is sourced from. If you want to try out this tasty protein check it out here!