
  • At Live in Flow, we value helping people activate their highest potential to succeed, shine, and live more joyfully. With our support, they are able to take powerful, high-road shortcuts to developing their authentic selves and discovering new levels of confidence and impact. And in this episode, Matt Omo and I will be diving into emotional triggers and how to deal with them.

    As humans, we are wired with emotional hot buttons or emotional triggers. One moment we are fine, then someone says something or something happens to push that hot button, bringing an intense emotional reaction. We become upset. We’re thrown off balance. We are unable to think or act irrationally. Not surprisingly, these reactions may be way out of proportion in relation to the actual event. The result? Once we calm down, we usually have regrets about what we did or said. We can cause damage to ourselves and to others.

    The good news is, Matt and I will be sharing 9 ways you can learn to understand and manage your emotional triggers in healthy ways. And we’ll be sharing how we’ve applied them in our own lives to achieve more harmony and freedom. Don’t let your triggers haunt and control your life forever. Listen in to this episode and if you can, take advantage of one of our Live in Flow retreats so you can get the amazing support system you need.

    About Matt: Matt Omo is a leader of the sound healing movement in Australia with over 15 years of experience working with a variety of sound healing techniques bridging cultures and traditions from around the world. The work and awareness around sound healing and its benefits are growing every day. Matt is developing new programs and products to meet this need and continue to support people in discovering the benefits of the healing power of sound.

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  • #311 Exploring the realms of energy, past lives, and generational trauma, this episode delves into releasing blocks and beliefs that hinder living one's true purpose. Guy talked with Art Giser, who shared over 40 years of experience helping people connect with their authentic selves, merging mystical and practical approaches. The discussion emphasized the connection between energy and circumstances, inviting listeners to reflect on their own journeys. Join the conversation and share your thoughts on this enlightening episode!

    About Art: Art Giser is the creator of Energetic NLP, a powerful synthesis of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), spiritual principles, and transformative energy work. He is an internationally renowned NLP trainer, executive coach, intuitive, and healer.

    Art is known for his humour, caring, miraculous remote energy work, and his ability to help people release energetic and unconscious blocks and limitations and open up their miraculous abilities. Art's unique and diverse background includes working with Fortune 100 companies to develop exceptional leaders and teams, 11 years as a medical researcher, and 40 years of NLP, spirituality, coaching, transformative and healing energy work, and intuition development. Art has studied with a diverse group of healers, psychics, and spiritual teachers. He has had two empowerments from the Dalai Lama.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - How To Identify & Remove Energetic Barriers for True Healing (07:13) - Neuro-linguistic programming. (10:50) - Teaching psychic abilities safely. (15:29) - NLP and Visualization. (17:33) - Energy healing and blockages. (21:52) - Spiritual contracts and past lives. (24:45) - Past lives and knights. (30:59) - Soul's desire for independence. (34:31) - Healing without knowing traumas. (39:23) - Chakras and energy healing. (42:05) - Chakras beyond the main seven. (48:35) - Blind spots and healers. (52:36) - Clearing energy with sacred fire. (58:32) - Energy cleansing and filling. (01:00:29) - Grounding and energy healing. (01:04:33) - Guest appearance on the show.

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  • About Paul: Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert at developing practical and effective methods for addressing all aspects of well-being, both physical and mental. For over 20 years, Paul Chek's unique, holistic health approach to treatment and education has transformed the lives of countless men and women through programs like the P-P-S Success Mastery Program.

    In 1995, he founded the C.H.E.K Institute to accommodate an ever-growing clientele and to train and certify future CHEK Practitioners. He has also produced more than 50 videos, 6 books, and 16 advanced-level home study courses while regularly contributing to several publications and websites such as, Mercola.com and Personal Training on the Net.

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  • #310 In this episode, Guy interviewed Rebecca Dawson, a channeler, exploring her journey and the wisdom she has gained over the years. While not delving deeply into her channeling, they discussed how her relationship has evolved with herself, others, and Source Consciousness. The conversation offers powerful insights and tools for listeners to apply in their own lives. Tune in for a beautiful and enlightening podcast experience.

    About Rebecca: Rebecca Dawson is an international speaker, consultant and author who has been channeling since a spontaneous event at the age of 18. With almost 30 years of delivering wisdom and teachings from multiple aspects of Source including Masters Serapis Bey, St Germain & Kuthumi, she delivers current, leading-edge information about humanity's paradigm shift to multidimensional experience, the mechanics of reality, and the human blueprint.

    Rebecca works internationally and collaboratively in many fields including natural medicine, business, education and new technologies, and is becoming recognized as a “teacher of teachers", assisting those already working in the field of New Energy to amplify their capacity. Rebecca has facilitated thousands of channeled messages and has conducted dozens of workshops, seminars and retreats all over the world. She is the author of 4 books, The New Human Experience, The Game of Purpose, The Agreement and Fu – the Return of the Magnetic Human.

    Born and raised in Australia, Rebecca travels the world sharing her perspectives and her profound love for humanity.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - CHANNELER Shares Accessing Higher Consciousness Is Key To Growth. (04:31) - Different methods of channeling. (11:38) - Channeling and self-discovery. (14:42) - Channeling experience beginnings. (18:50) - Thought forms and sensory overload. (21:36) - Experiencing oneness with the universe. (26:18) - Exploring new Earth reality. (30:51) - Spiritual exploration and teachings. (38:02) - Channeling and reality mechanics. (39:49) - Changing perspectives on worldviews. (44:17) - The blueprint for reality. (49:18) - Stepping into the unknown. (54:25) - Acceleration of consciousness and time. (56:38) - Choosing spontaneity in decisions.

    How to Contact Rebecca Dawson:
    [email protected]

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  • Paul Aurand got struck by lightning just after putting his three-year-old son in the back of the car. He awoke 45 minutes later and was rushed to the hospital. He thought he was going to die. After months of recovery, Paul decided to go under hypnotherapy and dive into his subconscious mind.

    What was revealed with his NDE (near death experience) is even more mind-blowing, and an experience that changed the direction of his life forever. Enjoy!

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  • #309 In this episode, Guy talked with Dr. Margot McKinnon. She shared her near-death experience and the framework for spirituality she developed from it, called the Dominance Theory. The episode delves into the five dimensions of self - body, mind, spirit, soul, and oneness. Join the practical discussion on living in the spiritual and earthly plane. The episode also mentioned upcoming retreats in Australia and Croatia. Don't miss out on the transformative insights shared in this captivating episode!

    About Dr. Margot: Margot McKinnon, PhD, is author of The Exquisiteness of Being Human and The Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Oneness Dominance Theory: A guide to elevating your 5 dimensions of self. Being a Spirit Dominant person, Margot needed decades to learn how to be fully human in this Body/Mind Dominant world. For many years, she wanted to ‘go home’, back into the unconditional love of the spiritual dimension from where we all have come. She found her Soul purpose as a high school English teacher, helping Spirit Dominant teens create the life their Spirit wanted to live. Margot earned a doctorate from the University of Oxford with a thesis on how to bring spirituality into Canadian schools. She appears on several podcasts such as Next Level Soul, Wisdom from North, and NDE Live.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Dr EXPLAINS The Journey Through Five Dimensions of Self After Her NDE (00:41) - Near-Death Experience and Spiritual Framework (02:17) - Discovering Dr. Margot's Work (03:00) - Explaining Her Profession (03:58) - Connection to Spirit and Early Experiences (06:00) - First Near-Death Experience (09:02) - Impact of Near-Death Experience (12:09) - Fasting Ceremony and Vision Quest (15:09) - Download of the Five Dimensions of Self (19:02) - Explanation of the Five Dimensions (23:12) - Practical Applications of the Five Dimensions (24:42) - Challenges in Spiritual Practices (29:10) - Finding Joy and Self-Discovery (31:09) - Parenting with the Five Dimensions Framework (38:24) - Grounding Children and Spirit (46:32) - Creating the Garden of Eden (52:16) - Spirit-Dominant Leadership Movement

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  • We discuss the positive effects of living a more heart-centred life, the importance of challenging ourselves daily, practicing gratefulness, surrounding ourselves with a support system that will constantly push us to be better, and the power of saying no. I sincerely hope that these commandments resonate with you and that you are able to incorporate some of them into your daily lives.

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  • #308 In this episode, Guy talked with Mark Patterson. Explore the power of love, forgiveness, and self-discovery in this thought-provoking episode. Delve into a profound conversation with Mark as he shared insights on expressing love, forgiveness, and the true essence of giving. Join Guy and Mark as they navigate through deep topics and meaningful discussions, offering a unique perspective on life's opportunities to spread love. Tune in for an enlightening and passionate conversation that will inspire reflection and self-awareness.

    About Mark: Mark Patterson is an internationally recognized Expert on sound healing. He has received praise from numerous best-selling authors for his uncanny abilities with sound healing and vocal toning. Mark was given the ability to heal others through sound in a Near Death Experience. He has been a keynote speaker at expos and conferences all over the world. He has been featured on countless podcasts on his NDE. Over 1M people have viewed his NDE story. He currently resides in the Asheville, NC area.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - SHATTERING the Matrix & Understanding Universal Forces (08:23) - Expressing love in daily life. (09:27) - Near-death experience and walk-ins. (16:11) - Interactions with spiritual beings. (19:44) - Life's pre-planned evolution. (23:23) - The power of forgiveness. (30:40) - Evolution beyond materialistic world. (35:20) - Parallel universes and timelines. (37:12) - Parallel lives and soul family. (41:52) - Embracing Earthly Experience. (46:01) - Manifestation and soul alignment. (52:06) - Long white ponytail gentleman. (53:43) - Embracing love and self-acceptance.

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  • I recently appeared on the 'Midlife Mavericks' podcast with Andrew Rayner...

    I thoroughly enjoyed Andrew's approach to intervieing me and wanted to share it with you all here. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to head on over to Andrew's podcast to subscribe and support him. Links are below :)

    Midlife Mavericks Spotify

    Midlife Mavericks iTunes

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  • #307 In this episode, Guy introduced Jim Self, a spiritual teacher, for a deep conversation exploring the shift from third-dimensional reality to fifth-dimensional reality. They discussed the significance of a recent eclipse in the context of this shift and delved into what it means to be a spiritual being navigating life in the current paradigm. Listeners are encouraged to engage with the profound insights shared by Jim as they explore the transformative changes happening in our world.

    About Jim: Jim Self is an individual who walks with a foot in two worlds. He holds technology patents, is the founder of Biomed Diagnostics Corporation, has served as a two-term, elected official and Vice Mayor of San Jose, California and was appointed by the President of the United States to be the Director of Intergovernmental Operations for the United States Department of Energy.

    Jim is an intuitive clairvoyant teacher, and an international speaker and author. He is the Co-founder of Mastering Alchemy with Roxane Burnett. Mastering Alchemy offers tools, enhanced energetics skills and the ability to remember how to step out the third-dimensional game board and into the fifth-dimensional experience of wellbeing.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Why OUR REALITY Will Never Be the Same Again. (06:22) - The game of life. (12:25) - The nature of dimensions. (16:51) - The shift in human consciousness. (21:15) - Global shifts and awakening. (24:23) - The power of awakening. (28:55) - Choice over surrender for growth. (32:13) - Time as a tool, not truth. (35:43) - Present time and dimensions. (41:38) - A new dynamic of light. (46:55) - Law of attraction. (51:50) - Living without routines. (55:25) - The world evolving beautifully.

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  • Richard Rudd is a teacher, mystic, and award-winning poet. Richard’s inner journey began early in life as he experienced strange energies rushing throughout his body, culminating in a major spiritual experience at the age of 29. Emerging from what he calls ‘a field of limitless light’ that lasted 3 days and 3 nights, Richard was entrusted with a sacred teaching – the wisdom of the Gene Keys.

    A born explorer, Richard has studied with great teachers in the East, travelled through the Himalayas, the Pacific, the Americas, and the Arctic. Earning a master’s degree in metaphysics and literature from Edinburgh University, he went on to work in the film industry in Australia, trained as a teacher of Chi Kung in Thailand and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean on a small yacht.

    All Richard’s travels and studies coalesced into a synthesis in 2002 when he began to write and conceive the Gene Keys. It took seven years to write the book and understand its teachings and applications.

    In 2019, Richard was named on the Watkins list of The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People.

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  • #306 In this episode, Guy introduced Bill Letson, known for his widely viewed YouTube video on his near-death experience. While his story is truly mind-blowing, the podcast delved into much more than just that. Discussions range from the pineal gland and DMT to spiritual practices and plant-based medicine journeys. Bill's grounded and heartfelt nature shines through as he shares his experiences and teachings on consciousness. Tune in for a deep and enlightening conversation with Bill Letson.

    About Bill: Bill Letson is a retired fire captain who in 1994 had a profound NDE from a duty related exposure. He tells the story of leaving his sick body and flying through a sea of exhilarating euphoria filled with colorful welcoming stars/orbs. He then found himself in a type of facility with some very joyful and playful Beings that told him he had to return to his life for some "important" things. After several years of keeping quiet, and blending in with normal, Bill found answers after retirement in the ways of native Americans, Shamanic cultures, and ancient, highly advanced civilizations. His story is rooted in the notion that The NDE is an Invitation for Transformation! An opportunity to look beyond the physical world SELF and begin the journey home. Bill's YouTube videos are Top Ten in views, worldwide.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - Firefighter DIES & Experiences STUNNING REALITIES In The Afterlife. (04:22) - Pineal gland and spiritual exploration. (09:24) - Kundalini and spiritual exploration. (15:41) - Ayahuasca experience and transformation. (19:25) - Surrendering to the softer you. (26:18) - Awakening experiences and exploration. (28:19) - The power of light. (35:25) - Reconnecting with nature and ancestors. (38:57) - The rising frequency of the planet. (42:48) - Near-death experience details. (49:35) - Uncontrollable crying from love. (54:11) - Earthly journey reflections. (56:34) - Essence of human experience.

    How to Contact Bill Letson:
    [email protected]

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  • #305 On this episode, Guy welcomed back Suzanne Giesemann and delved deep into spiritual awakenings, emotions, resistance, and reconnecting with loved ones on the other side. Join the heartfelt conversation with Suzanne, a former Navy commander, as we explore the fabric of the universe and the beauty of life beyond the surface. Tune in for an enriching discussion that touches the essence of spirituality and the eternal nature of love.

    About Suzanne: Spiritual teacher, author, and messenger of hope Suzanne Giesemann knew how to live in a left-brained world. As a Navy Commander and aide to the head of the US military, she was unaware of anything beyond this earthly realm. The death of her pregnant stepdaughter catapulted Suzanne on a journey leading to the unexpected gift of evidence-based communication with non-physical Consciousness. Known for her joyful, down-to-earth style and making deep spiritual concepts easy to understand, Suzanne laces her teaching with evidence-filled stories of the greater reality and practical tools providing proof of our multidimensional nature. She has been recognized on the Watkins’ list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. Suzanne has authored numerous books and six best-selling Hemi-Sync recordings; she produces the Awakened Way app with daily inspirational messages, and hosts the top-ranking Messages of Hope podcast. Her YouTube channel has garnered over 10 million views. She leads classes, workshops, and retreats in person and online to help people make the shift to a divinely guided life.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - The Truth Behind SPIRIT GUIDES and How They Influence Our Lives! (08:16) - The fear of feeling emotions. (09:22) - Navigating not so pleasant emotions. (15:56) - Asking for help and guidance. (18:49) - Spiritual guidance through signs. (22:49) - Connecting with departed loved ones. (29:32) - The soul's perspective. (32:46) - The soul's purpose and contribution. (37:34) - Connecting with spirit guides. (40:37) - Building an Awakened Way community. (45:22) - Morning meditation routine rituals. (49:51) - The awakened way. (50:43) - Book release details.

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  • About Lori: Lori Leyden, PhD, MBA is an internationally known humanitarian, trauma healing expert, author, visionary, and spiritual guide. In her private work, Dr. Leyden mentors successful transformational leaders, business people and influencers committed to aligning more fully with their destinies and becoming conscious heart-centered leaders in service to global healing.

    As a humanitarian, Lori and has brought comfort, peace and healing to thousands of trauma survivors around the world from Rwandan to Australian Indigenous and Refugee communities and post school shooting communities in Newtown, CT, and Parkland, FL where the Sandy Hook Elementary School and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School tragedies occurred.

    Dr. Leyden is the Founder of the non-profit, Create Global Healing, member of the Global Evolutionary Leaders Council, Association for Transformational Leaders, and Evidence-Based Clinical EFT Master Trainer. Her award-winning documentary, When I Was Young I Said I Would Be Happy, chronicles the transformation of 12 Rwandan orphan genocide survivors and how they paid their healing forward to hundreds from Rwanda to Sandy Hook, CT.

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  • #304 In this episode, Guy talked with Denise Bening, who shared her journey of trusting in divine communication with Archangel Michael and the Ascended Masters. The conversation delved into exploring metaphysical concepts beyond the five senses, questioning what lies in the 99% of reality we can't perceive directly. The discussion touches on connecting with divine intelligence, developing awareness, and experiencing energy crystallisation. Tune in for a deep dive into metaphysical experiences and expanding beyond analytical thinking.

    About Denise: Denise Benning is a Canadian energy healer, divine channel, and intuitive dedicated to guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery and soul connection. At the core of her practice lies a belief in the transformative power of our multidimensionality, serving as a potent pathway to healing. Specializing in Light Language and with a deep connection to the Archangels and Divine Masters, Denise facilitates transformative experiences aimed at unlocking inner wisdom and fostering spiritual growth.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - PSYCHIC EXPLAINS How to Listen to Your Divine Inner Voice! (06:03) - Awakening spiritual experiences (08:11) - Spiritual awakening journey. (13:10) - Trusting intuition and psychic gifts. (17:04) - Spiritual journey in figure skating. (23:26) - Channeling divine energy through movement. (27:14) - Divine beings and communication. (30:52) - Archangels in different forms. (35:26) - Soul expressions. (37:30) - Light language. (43:14) - Awakening and rapid transformation. (47:03) - Practical divinity concept. (51:36) - Connecting with Archangel Michael. (53:59) - Building community and connections.

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  • Natalie is an artist and an author who worked as an archaeologist for 16 years. In 2006, she went to Iraq, serving as a project manager for the U.S Army Corp of engineers. When in Iraq, her vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb which left her in a critical situation and caused her to have a Near-Death Experience.

    About Natalie: Natalie Sudman earned an MFA from the University of Oregon in 1989. To support her art habit, she worked as an archaeologist for sixteen years, and as a project manager in Iraq for a year and a half.

    An Enthusiastic traveller, Natalie has lived and worked in Iraq, Florida, Antarctica, Wyoming, Spain, etc. Her Travels include New Zealand, Europe, Mexico, the Middle East, and very briefly, China. She currently resides in southern Arizona.

    Natalie’s poetry and essays have been published in various literary journals. Her non-fiction book, “Application of impossible things: My Near-Death Experience in Iraq,” is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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  • #303 In this captivating episode, Katie Jameson joined Guy to delve into topics like galactic consciousness, personal transformation through esoteric practices, and the collective awakening amidst COVID-19. The conversation also explored the power of sound healing, integration of sound in spiritual journeys, and insights on higher dimensional beings and channeling. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that takes you on a deep exploration of spiritual awakening and cosmic energies.

    About Katherine: Katherine Jameson is a multidimensional energy channel, Sound Therapist & composer & teacher of all things galactic consciousness, advanced energy healing techniques and sound therapy. She is the founder of Australia's first VibroAcoustic Sound Therapy company - VibroSound. She runs 1:1 sessions to support people on their spiritual awakening journey and teaches sound therapy across Australia. Her main mission in life is to provide people a certain light, energy and sound frequency for them to 'attune' to, to support their health and remembrance of their true nature.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - RECLAIM Your Power Decoding the Messages of the Universe (04:53) - Collective awakening amidst COVID. (09:23) - Galactic Awakening (12:15) - Cellular communication through telomeres. (18:30) - Exploring astral realms consciously. (22:00) - Sound and its healing power. (26:52) - Sound as a healing tool. (29:36) - Sound as Healing Tool (33:21) - Healing traumas from past lives. (36:29) - Galactic consciousness and human origins. (42:54) - Frequency healing with sound vibrations. (44:22) - Healing through full-spectrum sound. (49:55) - Seeing spiritual beings clearly. (52:32) - Connecting with spirit guides. (55:00) - Encoded Frequencies and Soul Blueprint.

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  • About Jill: Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard-trained and published neuroscientist. In 1996 she experienced a severe hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of her brain causing her to lose the ability to walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life. Her memoir, My Stroke of Insight, documenting her experience with stroke and eight-year recovery, spent 63 weeks on the New York Times nonfiction bestseller list and is still routinely the #1 book about stroke on Amazon.

    Dr. Jill is a dynamic teacher and public speaker who loves educating all age groups, academic levels, as well as corporations about the beauty of our human brain and its ability to recover from trauma. In 2008 she gave the first TED talk that ever went viral on the Internet, which now has well over 26 million views. Also in 2008, Dr. Jill was chosen as one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” and was the premiere guest on Oprah Winfrey’s “Soul Series” webcast.

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  • #302 In this episode, Guy welcomed back Niraj Naik. Niraj discussed the importance of taking action when manifesting results through the Law of Attraction. He emphasized that success comes from those who take the right actions, not just those who visualize without taking any steps. Niraj reflected on the growth of Soma Breath over the past four and a half years, from the early days of instructor training to now having over two and a half thousand instructors. He highlighted the need to integrate work and lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of enjoying and loving what you do to avoid it feeling like work.

    About Niraj: Niraj Naik is a professional musician and pharmacist turned holistic health and breathwork expert. He started his path in healing others, as a community pharmacist, yet after several years he found himself a patient with stress-related depression and ulcerative colitis. This was a wake-up call that made him embark on a journey of profound self-healing and education. He created a global community of heart-centred changemakers by founding SOMA Breath - the global breathwork and wellness movement with over 2000 certified instructors, and hundreds of thousands of students around the globe.

    Known internationally as the Renegade Pharmacist, Niraj is dedicated to educating others on topics of holistic health, breathwork, meditation, and more. Niraj’s breathwork is advocated by some top names in wellness such as Ben Greenfield, Marisa Peer, Vishen Lakhiani, and Josh Trent of Wellness Force Radio and his techniques are currently being studied by leading neuroscientists at Cambridge University.

    In addition to the global breathwork and wellness movement, Niraj has created many other brands related to health and healing and was featured in articles from multiple news outlets across the world as well as hundreds of podcasts.

    Key Points Discussed:

    (00:00) - The SECRET Ingredient to Manifesting That No One Talks About. (04:47) - The importance of breath work. (09:33) - The Power of Placebo Effects. (14:21) - Practicing for Success. (19:30) - Power of rhythmic breathing. (24:39) - Amplifying feelings with color. (25:23) - Healing childhood traumas through reframing. (31:46) - Crazy transformative healing results. (33:21) - Transformative Mindvalley quest journey. (39:18) - Slow exercises with reduced breathing. (43:14) - Fitness and Psoas Muscle Discovery. (47:34) - Epic transformational live events. (50:08) - Building broadcast list tips.

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  • About Robbie: Robbie Holz is an internationally respected healer and medium, frequent media guest and an author of the award-winning books read in 43 countries: "Secrets of Aboriginal Healing" and "Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening." Robbie's life was drastically altered in 1985. After a difficult 36-hour delivery, while giving birth to her child, Robbie was given a blood transfusion to "perk her up faster". Unfortunately the transfusion was tainted with Hepatitis C, a disease often referred to as the silent killer.

    Like a Trojan horse, the virus hid in her body--until it confidently and openly declared war seven years later. Robbie was in for the fight, and spiritual awakening, of her life. Due to her reaction to the experimental Hepatitis treatment, Robbie developed fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, temporary brain damage, and became bedridden for 7 months. Since Western medicine was no longer able to help her, Robbie set out to find alternative ways to survive and recover.

    She ultimately healed herself of Hepatitis C, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and treatment-induced temporary brain damage, described in her award-winning memoir Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening. Her latest book is "Angels in Waiting: How to Reach Out to Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides." The companion guidebook is "Vibrant Living: Braving the Pandemic with Help from Your Guardian Angel." Her website is www.holzwellness.com

    While on her quest for wellness, Robbie met Dr. Gary Holz, an award-winning physicist, Psycho-Neuro-Immunologist and alternative healer. Gary taught her the Aboriginal healing techniques he learned from his encounter with remote Outback Australian Aboriginal tribespeople, chronicled in the award-winning memoir Secrets of Aboriginal Healing. The two eventually married. Like her husband, Robbie has had first-hand experiences with Outback Aboriginal Australians. She participated in Aboriginal healing ceremonies in the Outback.

    She joined Gary in teaching the over 60,000-year-old Aboriginal healing system, revealed at the tribe's request.

    Started in 1995, their healing practice centered on Aboriginal healing principles, quantum physics and Psycho-Neuro-Immunology -- using the mind to heal the body. Working as a husband and wife team until his passing in 2007, Robbie helped many people successfully restore their health from such challenges as juvenile arthritis, cancer and sports injuries.

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